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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Some Properties of Partial Autocorrelation of Binary M-Sequences

    Satoshi UEHARA  Kyoki IMAMURA  


    E76-A No:9

    The value distribution of the partial autocorrelation of periodic sequences is important for the evaluation of the sequence performances when sequences of long period are used. But it is difficult to find the exact value distribution of the autocorrelation in general. Therefore we derived some properties of the partial autocorrelation for binary m-sequences which may be used to find the exact value distribution.

  • Sampling Theorem: A Unified Outlook on Information Theory, Block and Convolutional Codes

    Farokh MARVASTI  Mohammed NAFIE  


    E76-A No:9

    Redundancy is introduced by sampling a bandlimited signal at a higher rate than the Nyquist rate. In the cases of erasures due to fading or jamming, the samples are discarded. Therefore, what we get at the output of the receiver is a set if nonuniform samples obtained from a uniform sampling process with missing samples. As long as the rate of nonuniform samples is higher than the Nyquist rate, the original signal can be recovered with no errors. The sampling theorem can be shown to be equivalent to the fundamental theorem of information theory. This oversampling technique is also equivalent to a convolutional code of infinite constraint length is the Field of real numbers. A DSP implementation of this technique is through the use of a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which happens to be equivalent to block codes in the field of real numbers. An iterative decoder has been proposed for erasure and impulsive noise, which also works with moderate amount of additive random noise. The iterative method is very simple and efficient consisting of modules of Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and Inverse FFT's. We also suggest a non-linear iterative method which converges faster than the successive approximation. This iterative decoder can be implemented in a feedback configuration. Besides FFT, other discrete transforms such as Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Sine Transform, Discrete Hartley Transform, and Discrete Wavelet Transform are used. The results are comparable to FFT with the advantage of working in the field of real numbers.

  • A Signal Processing for Generalized Regression Analysis with Less Information Loss Based on the Observed Data with an Amplitude Limitation

    Mitsuo OHTA  Akira IKUTA  


    E76-A No:9

    In this study, an expression of the regression relationship with less information loss is concretely derived in the form suitable to the existence of amplitude constraint of the observed data and the prediction of response probability distribution. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed experimentally by applying it to the actual acoustic data.

  • Application of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's to Power Devices for Digital Mobile Radio Communications

    Norio GOTO  Nobuyuki HAYAMA  Hideki TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E76-C No:9

    This paper describes the performance of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's developed for power applications. Their applicability to power amplifiers used in digital mobile radio communications is examined through measurement and numerical simulation, considering both power capability and linearity. Power HBT's with carbon-doped base layers showed DC current gains over 90. A linear gain of 19.2 dB, a maximum output RF power of 32.5 dBm, and a power added efficiency of 56 percent were obtained at 950 MHz. Numerical simulations showed that the power efficiency of HBT amplifiers could be improved by using harmonic trap circuits. Intermodulation measurements showed that third-order distortions were at most 21 dBc level at the 1-dB gain compression point. RF spectrum simulations using π/4 shift QPSK modulation showed that side-band spectrum generation was less than 45 dBc level at points 50 kHz off of the carrier frequency. These properties indicate that the power handling capabilities and linearity of HBT amplifiers offer promising potentials for digital mobile radio communications.

  • An Integrated Voice and Data Transmission System with Idle Signal Multiple Access--Static Analysis--

    Gang WU  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E76-B No:9

    Corresponding to the development of B-ISDN, integrated services for data, voice, etc. are imperatively required for the so called third generation wireless communication networks. In this paper, I-ISMA (Idle Signal Multiple Access for Integrated services) is proposed to transmit integrated voice and data traffic from dispersed terminals to a base station. In the system, data packets and the first packets of talkspurts of conversational speeches are transmitted using ISMA protocol over a shared channel while subsequent packets of talkspurts are sent with time reservation technique. The channel capacity of I-ISMA is evaluated and compared with that of PRMA. The region in which I-ISMA has larger capacity than PRMA is figured out. Generally speaking, I-ISMA has larger capacity than PRMA when the duration for transmitting and detecting an idle signal is not too long and the channel is not too congested by the reserved voice transmissions. When we concern real time voice transmission, delay is one of the most important performance measures. Only is a qualitative discussion on delay performance given here. The quantitative evaluation is obtained by the dynamic analysis in our succeeding paper.

  • Application of Beam Propagation Method to Discontinuities of Weakly Guiding Structures

    Masashi HOTTA  Masahiro GESHIRO  Shinnosuke SAWA  


    E76-C No:8

    The beam propagation method (BPM) is a powerful and manageable method for the analysis of wave propagation along weakly guiding optical waveguides. However, the effects of reflected waves are not considered in the original BPM. In this paper, we propose two simple modifications of the BPM to make it relevant in characterizing waveguide discontinuities at which a significant amount of reflection is expected to be observed. Validity of the present modifications is confirmed by the numerical results for the slab waveguide discontinuities and the butt-joints between different slab waveguides which either support the dominant mode or higher order modes.

  • An Adaptive Sensing System with Tracking and Zooming a Moving Object

    Junghyun HWANG  Yoshiteru OOI  Shinji OZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:8

    This paper describes an adaptive sensing system with tracking and zooming a moving object in the stable environment. Both the close contour matching technique and the effective determination of zoom ratio by fuzzy control are proposed for achieving the sensing system. First, the estimation of object feature parameters, 2-dimensional velocity and size, is based on close contour matching. The correspondence problem is solved with cross-correlation in projections extracted from object contours in the specialized difference images. In the stable environment, these contours matching, capable of eliminating occluded contours or random noises as well as background, works well without heavy-cost optical flow calculation. Next, in order to zoom the tracked object in accordance with the state of its shape or movement practically, fuzzy control is approached first. Three sets of input membership function--the confidence of object shape, the variance of object velocity, and the object size--are evaluated with the simplified implementation. The optimal focal length is achieved of not only desired size but safe tracking in combination with fuzzy rule matrix constituted of membership functions. Experimental results show that the proposed system is robust and valid for numerous kind of moving object in real scene with system period 1.85 sec.

  • An Architecture for Parallelism of OPS5 Production Systems

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Etsuro HONDA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E76-D No:8

    In this paper we propose an architecture and an algorithm for the parallel execution of OPS5 production systems. It is known that current OPS5 production system interpreters spend almost 90% of their execution time in the match step. Thus, in this paper we focus on the speedup of the match step. The match algorithm used in OPS5 is called Rete and the algorithm uses a special kind of a date-flow network compiled from the left hand sides of rules. To achieve the maximum degree of parallelism of a given OPS5 program by as few processors as possible, the proposed parallel machine uses loosely coupled multiprocessors. Parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism, such as DADO, also use loosely coupled multiprocessors. However, the proposed machine differs from such machines at the following points: use of powerful processors which have large amounts of memories and small cycle times; use of a shared Rete network (parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism use an unshared Rete network); high hardware utilization. Basic ideas of the proposed parallel machine are as follows. (1) Use of a modified Rete network in which node sharing is used only for constant-test nodes and each memory node is lumped with the child two-input node. (2) Static allocation of the nodes of the modified Rete network onto processors. (3) Partition of the set of processors into three subsets: constant-test node processors, two-input node processors and conflict-set processors. (4) Use of a ring network for the interconnection network among two-input node processors. In addition to an architecture for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems, we propose a scheme for mapping the modified Rete network into the proposed architecture. The results of simulation experiments showed that the proposed architecture is promising for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems.

  • Neural Network Approach to Characterization of Cirrhotic Parenchymal Echo Patterns

    Shin-ya YOSHINO  Akira KOBAYASHI  Takashi YAHAGI  Hiroyuki FUKUDA  Masaaki EBARA  Masao OHTO  

    PAPER-Biomedical Signal Processing

    E76-A No:8

    We have calssified parenchymal echo patterns of cirrhotic liver into four types, according to the size of hypoechoic nodular lesions. Neural network technique has been applied to the characterization of hepatic parenchymal diseases in ultrasonic B-scan texture. We employed a multi-layer feedforward neural network utilizing the back-propagation algorithm. We carried out four kinds of pre-processings for liver parenchymal pattern in the images. We describe the examination of each performance by these pre-processing techniques. We show four results using (1) only magnitudes of FFT pre-processing, (2) both magnitudes and phase angles, (3) data normalized by the maximum value in the dataset, and (4) data normalized by variance of the dataset. Among the 4 pre-processing data treatments studied, the process combining FFT phase angles and magnitudes of FFT is found to be the most efficient.

  • An Architecture for High Speed Array Multiplier

    Farhad Fuad ISLAM  Keikichi TAMARU  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E76-A No:8

    High speed multiplication of two n-bit numbers plays an important role in many digital signal processing applications. Traditional array and Wallace multipliers are the most widely used multipliers implemented in VLSI. The area and time (=latency) of these two multipliers depend on operand bit-size, n. For a particular bit-size, they occupy fixed positions in some graph which has area and time along the x and y-axes respectively. However, many applications require a multiplier which has an 'intermediate' area-time characteristics with the above two traditional multipliers occupying two extreme ends of above mentioned area-time curve. In this paper, we propose such an intermediate multiplier which trades off area for time. It has higher speed (i.e., less latendy) but more area than a traditional array multiplier. Whereas when compared with a traditional Wallace multiplier, it has lower speed and area. The attractive point of our multiplier is that, it resembles an array multiplier in terms of regularity in placement and inter-connection of unit computation cells. And its interesting feature is that, in contrast to a traditional array multiplier, it computes by introducing multiple computation wave fronts among its computation cells. In this paper, we investigate on the area-time complexity of our proposed multiplier and discuss on its characteristics while comparing with some contemporary multiplers in terms of latency, area and wiring complexity.

  • Concatenated Coding Alternatives for Frequency-Hop Packet Radio

    Colin D. FRANK  Michael B. PURSLEY  


    E76-B No:8

    Concatenated coding techniques are applied to slow frequency-hop packet radio communications for channels with partial-band interference. Binary orthogonal signaling (e.g., binary FSK) is employed with noncoherent demodulation. The outer codes are Reed-Solomon codes and the inner codes are convolutional codes. Two concatenated coding schemes are compared. The first employs an interleaver between the outer Reed-Solomon code and the inner convolutional code. The second scheme employs an additional interleaver following the convolutional code. Comparisons are made between the performance of these concatenated coding schemes and the performance of Reed-Solomon codes alone.

  • The Derivation and Use of Side Information in Frequency-Hop Spread Spectrum Communications

    Michael B. PURSLEY  


    E76-B No:8

    The effectiveness of error-control coding in a frequency-hop radio system can be increased greatly by the use of side information that is developed in the radio receiver. The transmission of test symbols provides a simple method for the derivation of side information in a slow-frequency-hop receiver. Requirements on the reliability of the side information are presented, and their implications in determining the necessary number of test symbols are described. Other methods for developing side information are reviewed briefly, and applications of side information to routing protocols for frequency-hop packet radio networks are discussed.

  • Optimized Wideband System for Unbiased Mobile Radio Channel Sounding with Periodic Spread Spectrum Signals

    Tobias FELHAUER  Paul W. BAIER  Winfried KÖNIG  Werner MOHR  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper, an optimized wideband channel sounder designed for measuring the time variant impulse response of outdoor radio channels in the frequency range 1800-2000 MHz is presented. Prior to hardware implementation the system was first modelled on a high performance supercomputer to enable the system designer to optimize the digital signal processing algorithms and the parameters of the hardware components by simulation. It is shown that the proposed measuring system offers a significantly larger amplitude resolution, i.e. dynamic range, than conventional systems applying matched filtering. This is achieved by transmitting digitally generated periodic spread spectrum test signals adjusted to amplifier non-linearities and by applying optimum unbiased estimation instead of matched filtering in the receiver. A further advantage of the hardware implementation of the proposed system compared to conventional systems [5]-[7] is its high flexibility with respect to measuring bandwidth, period of the test signal and sounding rate. The main features of the optimized system are described and first measurement results are presented.

  • Field Tests of a Spread Spectrum Land Mobile Satellite Communication System

    Tetsushi IKEGAMI  Shinichi TAIRA  Yoshiya ARAKAKI  


    E76-B No:8

    The bit error performance of a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication system in actual land mobile satellite channel is evaluated with experiments. Field test results with the ETS-V satellite in urban and suburban environments at L-band frequency show that this land mobile satellite channel of 3MHz bandwidth can be seen as a non-frequency selective Rician fading channel as well as shadowing channel. The bit error performance can be estimated from signal power measurement as in the case of narrow band modulation signals.

  • Adaptive RAKE Receiver for Mobile Communications

    Yukitoshi SANADA  Akihiro KAJIWARA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper, we propose an adaptive RAKE receiver, which does not need to send the sounding signals and can track the fluctuations caused by fading. The channel estimation can be done by using a least squares method of the first and second equations suppressing additive noise and tracking the channel fluctuations. It is confirmed by computer simulations that the result has good agreement with theory and the performance is almost same as that of the conventional RAKE with the sounding signals.

  • A SAW-Based Spread Spectrum Wireless LAN System

    Kazuyuki TAKEHARA  


    E76-B No:8

    The spread spectrum system (abbreviated as SS system) is known to be an excellent communication system which resists jamming. Recently, its application to a simplified wireless communication system has been considered to be suited for consumer communication. In Japan, SS wireless LAN system has got the approval on 2.4GHz ISM band already. A compact SS transceiver for the SS wireless LAN is realized, whose data ratio is 230kbps. The SS transceiver is based on a direct sequence for the modulation, and the demodulation is carried out by a specially developed SAW device. In the first part of this paper, the technical conditions of the SS wireless LAN are mentioned. Then the SAW device and the principle of the demodulation are discussed. Finally, the configuration of the SS transceiver and the protocol of the SS wireless LAN are presented.

  • Crystallization of Amorphous YBCO and BSCCO Thin Films by Zone-Melt Technique

    Katsuro OKUYAMA  Shigetoshi OHSHIMA  Hiroaki UENISHI  Shiro KAMBE  


    E76-C No:8

    Amorphous films of YBCO and BSCCO (2212) sputtered on MgO substrate were crystallized using zonemelt technique. For YBCO films, thin Ag intermediate layer was found to be effective in enhancing crystal growth and preferred orientation. Zone-melted BSCCO films included both (2201) phase and Cu(Sr, Ca)O2 in a form of dendritic crystallites. Tc's obtained for YBCO and BSCCO films were 70 and 75 K, respectively.

  • Approximate Odd Periodic Correlation Distributions of Binary Sequences

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Kyoki IMAMURA  


    E76-B No:8

    An approximate equation of the odd periodic correlation distribution for the family of binary sequences is derived from the exact even periodic correlation distribution. The distribution means the probabilities of correlation values which appear among all the phase-shifted sequences in the family. It is shown that the approximate distribution is almost the same as the computational result of some family such as the Gold sequences with low even periodic correlation magnitudes, or the Kasami sequences, the bent sequences with optimal even periodic correlation properties in the sense of the Welch's lower bound. It is also shown that the odd periodic correlation distribution of the family with optimal periodic correlation properties is not the Gaussian distribution, but that of the family of the Gold sequences with short period seems to be similar to the Gaussian distribution.

  • Calibration of Linear CCD Cameras Used in the Detection of the Position of the Light Spot

    Toyohiko HAYASHI  Rika KUSUMI  Michio MIYAKAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:8

    This paper presents a technique by which any linear CCD camera, be it one with lens distortions, or even one with misaligned lens and CCD, may be calibrated to obtain optimum performance characteristics. The camera-image formation model is described as a polynomial expression, which provides the line-of-sight flat-beam, including the target light-spot. The coefficients of the expression, which are referred to as camera parameters, can be estimated using the linear least-squares technique, in order to minimize the discrepancy between the reference points and the model-driven flat-beam. This technique requires, however, that a rough estimate of camera orientation, as well as a number of reference points, are provided. Experiments employing both computer simulations and actual CCD equipment certified that the model proposed can accurately describe the system, and that the parameter estimation is robust against noise.

  • A Real-Time Scheduler Using Neural Networks for Scheduling Independent and Nonpreemptable Tasks with Deadlines and Resource Requirements



    E76-D No:8

    This paper describes a neural network scheduler for scheduling independent and nonpreemptable tasks with deadlines and resource requirements in critical real-time applications, in which a schedule is to be obtained within a short time span. The proposed neural network scheduler is an integrate model of two Hopfield-Tank neural network medels. To cope with deadlines, a heuristic policy which is modified from the earliest deadling policy is embodied into the proposed model. Computer simulations show that the proposed neural network scheduler has a promising performance, with regard to the probability of generating a feasible schedule, compared with a scheduler that executes a conventional algorithm performing the earliest deadline policy.
