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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • REDUCT: A Redundant Fault Identification Algorithm Using Circuit Reduction Techniques

    Miyako TANDAI  Takao SHINSHA  Takao NISHIDA  Kaoru MORIWAKI  


    E76-D No:7

    This paper presents a new redundant fault identification algorithm, REDUCT. This algorithm handles the redundant fault identification problem by transforming a given circuit into another circuit. It also reduces the complexity of the transformed circuit, which is caused by a large number of reconvergences and head lines, using five circuit reduction techniques. Further, it proves redundancies and generates test patterns for hard faults more efficiently than conventional test pattern generation algorithms. We obtained 100% fault coverage for all ISCAS85 benchmark circuits using REDUCT following the execution of the test pattern generation algorithm N2-V.

  • Invariant Object Recognition by Artificial Neural Network Using Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm

    Kazuki ITO  Masanori HAMAMOTO  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:7

    A new neural network system for object recognition is proposed which is invariant to translation, scaling and rotation. The system consists of two parts. The first is a preprocessor which obtains projection from the input image plane such that the projection features are translation and scale invariant, and then adopts the Rapid Transform which makes the transformed outputs rotation invariant. The second part is a neural net classifier which receives the outputs of preprocessing part as the input signals. The most attractive feature of this system is that, by using only a simple shift invariant transformation (Rapid transformation) in conjunction with the projection of the input image plane, invariancy is achieved and the system is of reasonably small size. Experiments with six geometrical objects with different degrees of scaling and rotation shows that the proposed system performs excellent when the neural net classifier is trained by the Cascade-correlation learning algorithm proposed by Fahlman and Lebiere.

  • A Bit-Parallel Block-Parallel Functional Memory Type Parallel Processor Architecture

    Kazutoshi KOBAYASHI  Keikichi TAMARU  Hiroto YASUURA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  

    PAPER-Memory-Based Parallel Processor Architectures

    E76-C No:7

    We propose a new architecture of Functional Memory type Parallel Processor (FMPP) architectures called bit-parallel block-parallel (BPBP) FMPP. Design details of a prototype BPBP FMPP chip are also shown. FMPP is a massively parallel processor architecture that has a memory-based simple two-dimensional regular array structure suitable for memory VLSI technology. Computation space increases as integration density of memory increases. Computation time does not depend on the number of processors. So far, a bit-serial word-parallel (BSWP) implementation based on a content addressable memory (CAM) is mainly investigated as one of promising architectures of FMPP. In a BSWP FMPP, each word of a CAM works as a processor, and the amount of hardware is minimized by abopting a bit-serial operation, thus maximizing integration scale. The BSWP FMPP, however, does not allow operations between two words, which restriction limits the applicability of the BSWP FMPP. On the other hand, the proposed BPBP FMPP is designed to execute logical and arithmetic operations on two words. These operations are performed simultaneously on every group of words called a block. BPBP FMPP hereby achieves a high performance while maintaining high integration density of the BSWP, and is suitable for various applications.

  • A Discussion on the Feedback Strategies in Computerized Testing

    Takako AKAKURA  Keizo NAGAOKA  


    E76-A No:7

    The authors examined the effect of feedbacking information on learners of their test results obtained through computerized tests. The learner's acceptability of computerized tests was revealed to be improved by distribution and explanation of newly devised feedback charts including data on one's response history and response latency during computerized testing that was carried out in formative evaluation. The feedback chart composed of graphic representation of relationship between degree of difficulty of each question and its response latency got a particularly high evaluation among learners. It was revealed that types of feedback chart that stood highest in learner's estimate varied with the learner traits. This observation will serve to develop educational systems that incorporate computerized tests into school lessons.

  • A Shift Down Test of Resonance Frequency for the Cascading Bifurcations to Chaos

    Mitsuo KONO  Akio KONORI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E76-A No:7

    A shift down of the resonance frequency is claimed to be used as a simple practical test for the onset of chaos based on a common feature of forced damped nonlinear oscillation systems which exhibit cascading bifurcations to chaos.

  • Improved Forward Test Generation of Sequential Circuits Using Variable-Length Time Frames

    Yuzo TAKAMATSU  Taijiro OGAWA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  


    E76-D No:7

    In our recent work, a forward test generation method for sequential circuits by using a single time frame was proposed. In order to improve the effectiveness of the method, we introduced an extended mode which can handle the two time frames for a hard-to-test fault and a state escaping phase which can detect a sequence of unsuitable states for test generation. The experimental results show that the improved method is effective in generating higher coverage tests with a small number of tests.

  • Effect of Nonlinear Amplifiers of Transmitters in the CDMA System Using Offset-QPSK

    Manabu SAWADA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  


    E76-B No:7

    This paper deals with study results on the effect of nonlinear amplification in the CDMA system using offset-QPSK signals bandlimited with a square-root cosine roll-off filter. As a result of the study, it is shown that the nonlinear amplification does not affect bit error rate performance with reasonable out-of-band emission characteristics when the roll-off factor of the transmit filter is one.

  • Controlling Chaos in the Maxwell-Bloch Equations with Time Delay

    Keiji KONISHI  Yoshiaki SHIRAO  Hiroaki KAWABATA  Toshikuni NAGAHARA  Yoshio INAGAKI  


    E76-A No:7

    A laser system which has a mirror outside of it to feedback a delayed output has been described by the Maxwell-Bloch equations with time delay. It is shown that a chaotic behavior in the equations can be controlled by using a OPF control algorithm. Our numerical simulation indicates that the chaotic behavior is stabilized on 1, 2 periodic unstable orbits.

  • Natural Laws and Information Processing

    Yasuji SAWADA  


    E76-C No:7

    We discuss possible new principles of information processing by utilizing microscopic, semi-microscopic and macroscopic phenomena occuring in nature. We first discuss quantum mechanical universal information processing in microscopic world governed by quantum mechanics, and then we discuss superconducting phenomena in a mesoscopic system, especially an information processing system using flux quantum. Finally, we discuss macroscopic self-organizing phenomena in biology and suggest possibility of self-organizing devices.

  • Hardware Architecture for Kohonen Network

    Hidetoshi ONODERA  Kiyoshi TAKESHITA  Keikichi TAMARU  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Chips

    E76-C No:7

    We propose a fully digital architecture for Kohonen network suitable for VLSI implementation. The proposed architecture adopts a functional memory type parallel processor (FMPP) architecture which has a structure similar to a content addressable memory (CAM). One word of CAM is regarded as a processing element and a group of elements forms a neuron. All processing elements execute the same operation in bit-serial but in processor-parallel. Thus the number of instructions for realizing the network algorithm is independent of the number of neurons in the network. With reference to a previously reported CAM, we estimate a network with 96 neurons for speech recognition could be integrated on three chips using a 1.2 µm process, and it operates 50 times faster than a sequential hardware. Owing to its highly regular structure of memories, the proposed hardware architecture is well compatible with current VLSI technology.

  • Pitch Synchronous Innovation CELP (PSI-CELP)

    Takehiro MORIYA  Satoshi MIKI  Kazunori MANO  Hitoshi OHMURO  


    E76-A No:7

    A speech coding scheme at 3.6 kbit/s has been proposed. The scheme is based on CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction) with pitch synchronous innovation, which means even random codevectors as well as adaptive codevectors have pitch periodicity. The quality is comparable to 6.7 kbit/s VSELP coder for the Japanese cellular radio standard.

  • An Implementation of a Dialogue Processing System COKIS Using a Corpus Extracted Knowledge

    Kotaro MATSUSAKA  Akira KUMAMOTO  


    E76-A No:7

    This system called COKIS automatically extracts knowledge about C functions from the UNIX on-line manual by using its description paragraph and the user can interactively inquire to the system in order to know about UNIX C functions. The idea is motivated on the one side to free users from being involved in an exhaustive knowledge acquisition in the past, and to examine problems in understanding knowledge itself on the other. We propose Memory Processor which is implemented to realize extracting knowledges from corpus and processing dialogues in the inquiry system at the same modules.

  • SIFLAP-G: A Method of Diagnosing Gate-Level Faults in Combinational Circuits

    Koji YAMAZAKI  Teruhiko YAMADA  


    E76-D No:7

    We propose a method of diagnosing any logical fault in combinational circuits through a repetition of the single fault-net location procedure with the aid of probing, called SIFLAP-G. The basic idea of the method has been obtained through an observation that a single error generated on a fault-net often propagates to primary outputs under an individual test even though multiple fault-nets exist in the circuit under test. Therefore, candidates for each fault-net are first deduced by the erroneous path tracing under the single fault-net assumption and then the fault-net is found out of those candidates by probing. Probing internal nets is done only for some of the candidates, so that it is possible to greatly decrease the number of nets to be probed. Experimental results show that the number seems nearly proportional to the number of fault-nets (about 35 internal nets per fault-net), but almost independent of the type of faults and the circuit size.

  • A Switched-Capacitor Capacitance Measurement Circuit with the Vernier Scale

    Kazuyuki KONDO  Kenzo WATANABE  


    E76-A No:7

    To improve measurement accuracy and speed, a switched-capacitor capacitance measurement circuit with the vernier scale is developed. Its process consists of a coarse measurement by charge-balancing A-D conversion and a fine measurement by single-slope A-D conversion. a prototype using discrete components confirms the principles of operation.

  • Integrated Design and Test Assistance for Pipeline Controllers

    Hiroaki IWASHITA  Tsuneo NAKATA  Fumiyasu HIROSE  


    E76-D No:7

    We Propose an integrated design and test assistance method for pipelined processors. Our approach generates behavioral-level test environments for pipeline control mechanisms from a machine-readable specification. It includes automatic generation of test programs and behavioral descriptions. Verification can be done by applying logic simulation to both the designers' descriptions and the behavioral descriptions, and then comparing the results. We have implemented an experimental system that enumerates all hazard patterns--instruction patterns that cause pipeline hazards--from the specifications, and generates the test programs and the behavioral descriptions for the pipeline controllers. The test programs cover all of the hazard patterns. The behavioral descriptions can manipulate any instruction stream. Experimental results for several RISC processors show that actual hazard patterns are too numerous to be easily enumerated by hand. Using workstations, our system can generate the test programs that cover all of the patterns, taking a few minutes. Results suggest that the system can be used to evaluate pipeline design.

  • Research Topics and Results on Simulation for VLSI

    Isao SHIRAKAWA  Nagisa ISHIURA  


    E76-A No:7

    The design of complex VLSI systems relies more and more heavily on scientific computing for numerical simulation and configuration/performance optimization. Especially, computer simulation is becoming a component of VLSI design methodology, for which a variety of computation evolutions have been accomplished for the past two decades. There are many different forms of simulation which are used for verification of VLSI design at various stages of the whole design process. They may be classified into functional or behavioral simulators, register transfer level (RTL) simulators, gate-level logic, or simply logic, simulators, timing simulator, circuit simulators, device simulator, and process simulators. Among these simulation tasks, a series of logic, timing, and circuit simulation is most strongly related to the design stage which deals with logic/electric waveform performance of VLSI circuits. This article surveys the state of the art of VLSI simulation, putting stress mainly on the domain of logic, timing, and circuit simulation, since the reader of the Transactions may be interested exclusively in this field.

  • Correlation between Spatial Distributions of Surface-SAR and Magnetic Near-Field in Realistic Head Model for Microwave Exposure

    Osamu FUJIWARA  Michihiko NOMURA  


    E76-B No:7

    Correlation between the surface-SAR and external magnetic near-field in a realistic head model for 1.5GHz microwave far-field exposure is described. The regression relation is shown between the one gram averaged SAR and squared external magnetic field on the cross sectional perimeter of the head model.

  • Three Dimensional Optical Interconnection Technology for Massively-Parallel Computing Systems

    Kazuo KYUMA  Shuichi TAI  


    E76-C No:7

    Three dimensional (3-D) optics offers potential advantages to the massively-parallel systems over electronics from the view point of information transfer. The purpose of this paper is to survey some aspects of the 3-D optical interconnection technology for the future massively-parallel computing systems. At first, the state-of-art of the current optoelectronic array devices to build the interconnection networks are described, with emphasis on those based on the semiconductor technology. Next, the principles, basic architectures, several examples of the 3-D optical interconnection systems in neural networks and multiprocessor systems are described. Finally, the issues that are needed to be solved for putting such technology into practical use are summarized.

  • Highly Reliable Jacket Cutter for Optical Fibers

    Hirotoshi NAGATA  Nobuhide MIYAMOTO  Ryosuke KAIZU  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E76-A No:7

    A new type jacket cutter for optical fibers is designed, and it is confirmed experimentally that its performance is superior to those of the conventional cutters. Using this new cutter which is mainly consisted of a rotatable fiber holder and a pair of blades separated by a distance of 0.3-0.4mm, only the tight jacket is cut and removed while the primary coating and the fiber are kept intact. As the result, the probability of damage to the fiber surface during jacket removal is reduced to about 0% compared to 10% found in the case of a conventional cutter. This result is useful to increase the reliability of optical fibers during assembling efforts.

  • Parallel VLSI Architecture for Multi-Layer Self-Organizing Cellular Network

    Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Koji TOCHINAI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Chips

    E76-C No:7

    This paper proposes a multi-layer cellular network in which a self-organizing method is implemented. The network is developed for the purpose of data clustering and recognition. A multi-layer structure is presented to realize the sophisticated combination of several sub-spaces which are spanned by given input characteristic data. A self-organizing method is useful for evaluating the set of clusters for input data without a supervisor. Thus, using these techniques this network can provide good clustering ability as an example for image/pattern data which have complicated and structured characteristics. In addition to the development of this algorithm, this paper also presents a parallel VLSI architecture for realizing the mechanism with high efficiency. Since the locality can be kept among all processing elements on every layer, the system is easily designed without large global data communication.
