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  • Budget Allocation for Incentivizing Mobile Users for Crowdsensing Platform

    Cheng ZHANG  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  


    E105-B No:11

    With the popularity of smart devices, mobile crowdsensing, in which the crowdsensing platform gathers useful data from users of smart devices, e.g., smartphones, has become a prevalent paradigm. Various incentive mechanisms have been extensively adopted for the crowdsensing platform to incentivize users of smart devices to offer sensing data. Existing works have concentrated on rewarding smart-device users for their short term effort to provide data without considering the long-term factors of smart-device users and the quality of data. Our previous work has considered the quality of data of smart-device users by incorporating the long-term reputation of smart-device users. However, our previous work only considered a quality maximization problem with budget constraints on one location. In this paper, multiple locations are considered. Stackelberg game is utilized to solve a two-stage optimization problem. In the first stage, the crowdsensing platform allocates the budget to different locations and sets price as incentives for users to maximize the total data quality. In the second stage, the users make efforts to provide data to maximize its utility. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to evaluate proposed algorithm.

  • Study on Selection of Test Space for CW Illuminator

    Qi ZHOU  Zhongyuan ZHOU  Yixing GU  Mingjie SHENG  Peng HU  Yang XIAO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E105-B No:11

    This paper introduces the working principle of continuous wave (CW) illuminator and selects the test space by developing the wave impedance selection algorithm for the CW illuminator. For the vertical polarization and the horizontal polarization of CW illuminator, the law of wave impedance distribution after loading is analyzed and the influence of loading distribution on test space selection is studied. The selection principle of wave impedance based on incident field or total field at the monitoring point is analyzed.

  • Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) Design towards 5G Evolution and 6G

    Xiaolin HOU  Wenjia LIU  Juan LIU  Xin WANG  Lan CHEN  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Takahiro ASAI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:11

    5G has achieved large-scale commercialization across the world and the global 6G research and development is accelerating. To support more new use cases, 6G mobile communication systems should satisfy extreme performance requirements far beyond 5G. The physical layer key technologies are the basis of the evolution of mobile communication systems of each generation, among which three key technologies, i.e., duplex, waveform and multiple access, are the iconic characteristics of mobile communication systems of each generation. In this paper, we systematically review the development history and trend of the three key technologies and define the Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) concept for 6G, including Non-Orthogonal Duplex (NOD), Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) and Non-Orthogonal Waveform (NOW). Firstly, we analyze the necessity and feasibility of NOPHY from the perspective of capacity gain and implementation complexity. Then we discuss the recent progress of NOD, NOMA and NOW, and highlight several candidate technologies and their potential performance gain. Finally, combined with the new trend of 6G, we put forward a unified physical layer design based on NOPHY that well balances performance against flexibility, and point out the possible direction for the research and development of 6G physical layer key technologies.

  • Experimental Study on Synchronization of Van der Pol Oscillator Circuit by Noise Sounds

    Taiki HAYASHI  Kazuyoshi ISHIMURA  Isao T. TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E105-A No:11

    Towards realization of a noise-induced synchronization in a natural environment, an experimental study is carried out using the Van der Pol oscillator circuit. We focus on acoustic sounds as a potential source of noise that may exist in nature. To mimic such a natural environment, white noise sounds were generated from a loud speaker and recorded into microphone signals. These signals were then injected into the oscillator circuits. We show that the oscillator circuits spontaneously give rise to synchronized dynamics when the microphone signals are highly correlated with each other. As the correlation among the input microphone signals is decreased, the level of synchrony is lowered monotonously, implying that the input correlation is the key determinant for the noise-induced synchronization. Our study provides an experimental basis for synchronizing clocks in distributed sensor networks as well as other engineering devices in natural environment.

  • Hardware Implementation of Euclidean Projection Module Based on Simplified LSA for ADMM Decoding

    Yujin ZHENG  Junwei ZHANG  Yan LIN  Qinglin ZHANG  Qiaoqiao XIA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:11

    The Euclidean projection operation is the most complex and time-consuming of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) decoding algorithms, resulting in a large number of resources when deployed on hardware platforms. We propose a simplified line segment projection algorithm (SLSA) and present the hardware design and the quantization scheme of the SLSA. In simulation results, the proposed SLSA module has a better performance than the original algorithm with the same fixed bitwidths due to the centrosymmetric structure of SLSA. Furthermore, the proposed SLSA module with a simpler structure without hypercube projection can reduce time consuming by up to 72.2% and reduce hardware resource usage by more than 87% compared to other Euclidean projection modules in the experiments.

  • Toward Selective Membership Inference Attack against Deep Learning Model

    Hyun KWON  Yongchul KIM  


    E105-D No:11

    In this paper, we propose a selective membership inference attack method that determines whether certain data corresponding to a specific class are being used as training data for a machine learning model or not. By using the proposed method, membership or non-membership can be inferred by generating a decision model from the prediction of the inference models and training the confidence values for the data corresponding to the selected class. We used MNIST as an experimental dataset and Tensorflow as a machine learning library. Experimental results show that the proposed method has a 92.4% success rate with 5 inference models for data corresponding to a specific class.

  • Intrinsic Representation Mining for Zero-Shot Slot Filling

    Sixia LI  Shogo OKADA  Jianwu DANG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:11

    Zero-shot slot filling is a domain adaptation approach to handle unseen slots in new domains without training instances. Previous studies implemented zero-shot slot filling by predicting both slot entities and slot types. Because of the lack of knowledge about new domains, the existing methods often fail to predict slot entities for new domains as well as cannot effectively predict unseen slot types even when slot entities are correctly identified. Moreover, for some seen slot types, those methods may suffer from the domain shift problem, because the unseen context in new domains may change the explanations of the slots. In this study, we propose intrinsic representations to alleviate the domain shift problems above. Specifically, we propose a multi-relation-based representation to capture both the general and specific characteristics of slot entities, and an ontology-based representation to provide complementary knowledge on the relationships between slots and values across domains, for handling both unseen slot types and unseen contexts. We constructed a two-step pipeline model using the proposed representations to solve the domain shift problem. Experimental results in terms of the F1 score on three large datasets—Snips, SGD, and MultiWOZ 2.3—showed that our model outperformed state-of-the-art baselines by 29.62, 10.38, and 3.89, respectively. The detailed analysis with the average slot F1 score showed that our model improved the prediction by 25.82 for unseen slot types and by 10.51 for seen slot types. The results demonstrated that the proposed intrinsic representations can effectively alleviate the domain shift problem for both unseen slot types and seen slot types with unseen contexts.

  • Communication-Efficient Federated Indoor Localization with Layerwise Swapping Training-FedAvg

    Jinjie LIANG  Zhenyu LIU  Zhiheng ZHOU  Yan XU  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E105-A No:11

    Federated learning is a promising strategy for indoor localization that can reduce the labor cost of constructing a fingerprint dataset in a distributed training manner without privacy disclosure. However, the traffic generated during the whole training process of federated learning is a burden on the up-and-down link, which leads to huge energy consumption for mobile devices. Moreover, the non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) problem impairs the global localization performance during the federated learning. This paper proposes a communication-efficient FedAvg method for federated indoor localization which is improved by the layerwise asynchronous aggregation strategy and layerwise swapping training strategy. Energy efficiency can be improved by performing asynchronous aggregation between the model layers to reduce the traffic cost in the training process. Moreover, the impact of the Non-IID problem on the localization performance can be mitigated by performing swapping training on the deep layers. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed methods reduce communication traffic and improve energy efficiency significantly while mitigating the impact of the Non-IID problem on the precision of localization.

  • Workload-Driven Analysis on the Performance Characteristics of GPU-Accelerated DBMSes

    Junyoung AN  Young-Kyoon SUH  Byungchul TAK  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E105-D No:11

    This letter conducts an in-depth empirical analysis of the influence of various query characteristics on the performance of modern GPU DBMSes. Our analysis reveals that, although they can efficiently process concurrent queries, the GPU DBMSes we consider still should address various performance concerns including n-way joins, aggregates, and selective scans.

  • Distributed Filter Using ADMM for Optimal Estimation Over Wireless Sensor Network

    Ryosuke ADACHI  Yuji WAKASA  


    E105-A No:11

    This paper addresses a distributed filter over wireless sensor networks for optimal estimation. A distributed filter over the networks allows all local estimators to calculate optimal estimates with a scalable communication cost. Outputs of the distributed filter for the optimal estimation can be denoted as a solution of a consensus optimization problem. Thus, the distributed filter is designed based on distributed alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The remarkable points of the distributed filter based on the ADMM are that: the distributed filter has a faster convergence rate than distributed subgradient projection algorithm; the weight, which is optimized by a semidefinite programming problem, accelerates the convergence rate of the proposed method.

  • Proposals and Evaluations of Robotic Attendance at On-Site Network Maintenance Works Open Access

    Takayuki WARABINO  Yusuke SUZUKI  Tomohiro OTANI  


    E105-B No:11

    While the introduction of softwarelization technologies such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization transfers the main focus of network management from hardware to software, network operators still have to deal with various and numerous network and computing equipment located in network centers. Toward fully automated network management, we believe that a robotic approach will be essential, meaning that physical robots will handle network-facility management works on behalf of humans. This paper focuses on robotic assistance for on-site network maintenance works. Currently, for many network operators, some network maintenance works (e.g., hardware check, hardware installation/replacement, high-impact update of software, etc.) are outsourced to computing and network vendors. Attendance (witness work) at the on-site vendor's works is one of the major tasks of network operators. Network operators confirm the work progress for human error prevention and safety improvement. In order to reduce the burden of this, we propose three essential works of robots, namely delegated attendance at on-site meetings, progress check by periodical patrol, and remote monitoring, which support the various forms of attendance. The paper presents our implementation of enabling these forms of support, and reports the results of experiments conducted in a commercial network center.

  • A KPI Anomaly Detection Method Based on Fast Clustering

    Yun WU  Yu SHI  Jieming YANG  Lishan BAO  Chunzhe LI  


    E105-B No:11

    In the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations scenarios, KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a very important operation and maintenance monitoring indicator, and research on KPI anomaly detection has also become a hot spot in recent years. Aiming at the problems of low detection efficiency and insufficient representation learning of existing methods, this paper proposes a fast clustering-based KPI anomaly detection method HCE-DWL. This paper firstly adopts the combination of hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) and deep assignment based on CNN-Embedding (CE) to perform cluster analysis (that is HCE) on KPI data, so as to improve the clustering efficiency of KPI data, and then separately the centroid of each KPI cluster and its Transformed Outlier Scores (TOS) are given weights, and finally they are put into the LightGBM model for detection (the Double Weight LightGBM model, referred to as DWL). Through comparative experimental analysis, it is proved that the algorithm can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of KPI anomaly detection.

  • Cost-Effective Service Chain Construction with VNF Sharing Model Based on Finite Capacity Queue

    Daisuke AMAYA  Takuji TACHIBANA  


    E105-B No:11

    Service chaining is attracting attention as a promising technology for providing a variety of network services by applying virtual network functions (VNFs) that can be instantiated on commercial off-the-shelf servers. The data transmission for each service chain has to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of the loss probability and transmission delay, and hence the amount of resources for each VNF is expected to be sufficient for satisfying the QoS. However, the increase in the amount of VNF resources results in a high cost for improving the QoS. To reduce the cost of utilizing a VNF, sharing VNF instances through multiple service chains is an effective approach. However, the number of packets arriving at the VNF instance is increased, resulting in a degradation of the QoS. It is therefore important to select VNF instances shared by multiple service chains and to determine the amount of resources for the selected VNFs. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective service chain construction with a VNF sharing model. In the proposed method, each VNF is modeled as an M/M/1/K queueing model to evaluate the relationship between the amount of resources and the loss probability. The proposed method determines the VNF sharing, the VNF placement, the amount of resources for each VNF, and the transmission route of each service chain. For the optimization problem, these are applied according to our proposed heuristic algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through a simulation. From the numerical examples, we show the effectiveness of the proposed method under certain network topologies.

  • Voronoi-Based UAV Flight Method for Non-Uniform User Distribution in Delay-Tolerant Aerial Networks

    Hiroyuki ASANO  Hiraku OKADA  Chedlia BEN NAILA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  


    E105-B No:11

    This paper considers an emergency communication system controlling multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the sky over a large-scale disaster-affected area. This system is based on delay-tolerant networking, and information from ground users is relayed by the UAVs through wireless transmission and the movement of UAVs in a store-and-forward manner. Each UAV moves autonomously according to a predetermined flight method, which uses the positions of other UAVs through communication. In this paper, we propose a new method for UAV flight considering the non-uniformity of user distributions. The method is based on the Voronoi cell using the predicted locations of other UAVs. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through computer simulations with a non-uniform user distribution generated by a general cluster point process. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Effectiveness of Digital Twin Computing on Path Tracking Control of Unmanned Vehicle by Cloud Server



    E105-B No:11

    With the rapid deployment of the Internet of Things, where various devices are connected to communication networks, remote driving applications for Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) are attracting attention. In addition to automobiles, autonomous driving technology is expected to be applied to various types of equipment, such as small vehicles equipped with surveillance cameras to monitor building internally and externally, autonomous vehicles that deliver office supplies, and wheelchairs. When a UV is remotely controlled, the control accuracy deteriorates due to transmission delay and jitter. The accuracy must be kept high to realize UV control system by a cloud server. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of Digital Twin Computing (DTC) for path tracking control of a UV. We show the results of simulations that use transmission delay values measured on the Internet with some cloud servers. Through the results, we quantitatively clarify that application of DTC improves control accuracy on path tracking control. We also clarify that application of jitter buffer, which absorbs the transmission delay fluctuation, can further improve the accuracy.

  • A COM Based High Speed Serial Link Optimization Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Yan WANG  Qingsheng HU  


    E105-C No:11

    This paper presents a channel operating margin (COM) based high-speed serial link optimization using machine learning (ML). COM that is proposed for evaluating serial link is calculated at first and during the calculation several important equalization parameters corresponding to the best configuration are extracted which can be used for the ML modeling of serial link. Then a deep neural network containing hidden layers are investigated to model a whole serial link equalization including transmitter feed forward equalizer (FFE), receiver continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) and decision feedback equalizer (DFE). By training, validating and testing a lot of samples that meet the COM specification of 400GAUI-8 C2C, an effective ML model is generated and the maximum relative error is only 0.1 compared with computation results. At last 3 link configurations are discussed from the view of tradeoff between the link performance and cost, illustrating that our COM based ML modeling method can be applied to advanced serial link design for NRZ, PAM4 or even other higher level pulse amplitude modulation signal.

  • Priority Evasion Attack: An Adversarial Example That Considers the Priority of Attack on Each Classifier

    Hyun KWON  Changhyun CHO  Jun LEE  


    E105-D No:11

    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide excellent services in machine learning tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, pattern recognition, and intrusion detection. However, an adversarial example created by adding a little noise to the original data can result in misclassification by the DNN and the human eye cannot tell the difference from the original data. For example, if an attacker creates a modified right-turn traffic sign that is incorrectly categorized by a DNN, an autonomous vehicle with the DNN will incorrectly classify the modified right-turn traffic sign as a U-Turn sign, while a human will correctly classify that changed sign as right turn sign. Such an adversarial example is a serious threat to a DNN. Recently, an adversarial example with multiple targets was introduced that causes misclassification by multiple models within each target class using a single modified image. However, it has the weakness that as the number of target models increases, the overall attack success rate decreases. Therefore, if there are multiple models that the attacker wishes to attack, the attacker must control the attack success rate for each model by considering the attack priority for each model. In this paper, we propose a priority adversarial example that considers the attack priority for each model in cases targeting multiple models. The proposed method controls the attack success rate for each model by adjusting the weight of the attack function in the generation process while maintaining minimal distortion. We used MNIST and CIFAR10 as data sets and Tensorflow as machine learning library. Experimental results show that the proposed method can control the attack success rate for each model by considering each model's attack priority while maintaining minimal distortion (average 3.95 and 2.45 with MNIST for targeted and untargeted attacks, respectively, and average 51.95 and 44.45 with CIFAR10 for targeted and untargeted attacks, respectively).

  • SDOF-Tracker: Fast and Accurate Multiple Human Tracking by Skipped-Detection and Optical-Flow

    Hitoshi NISHIMURA  Satoshi KOMORITA  Yasutomo KAWANISHI  Hiroshi MURASE  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:11

    Multiple human tracking is a fundamental problem in understanding the context of a visual scene. Although both accuracy and speed are required in real-world applications, recent tracking methods based on deep learning focus on accuracy and require a substantial amount of running time. We aim to improve tracking running speeds by performing human detections at certain frame intervals because it accounts for most of the running time. The question is how to maintain accuracy while skipping human detection. In this paper, we propose a method that interpolates the detection results by using an optical flow, which is based on the fact that someone's appearance does not change much between adjacent frames. To maintain the tracking accuracy, we introduce robust interest point detection within the human regions and a tracking termination metric defined by the distribution of the interest points. On the MOT17 and MOT20 datasets in the MOTChallenge, the proposed SDOF-Tracker achieved the best performance in terms of total running time while maintaining the MOTA metric. Our code is available at

  • MP-BERT4REC: Recommending Multiple Positive Citations for Academic Manuscripts via Content-Dependent BERT and Multi-Positive Triplet

    Yang ZHANG  Qiang MA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:11

    Considering the rapidly increasing number of academic papers, searching for and citing appropriate references has become a nontrivial task during manuscript composition. Recommending a handful of candidate papers to a working draft could ease the burden of the authors. Conventional approaches to citation recommendation generally consider recommending one ground-truth citation from an input manuscript for a query context. However, it is common for a given context to be supported by two or more co-citation pairs. Here, we propose a novel scientific paper modelling for citation recommendations, namely Multi-Positive BERT Model for Citation Recommendation (MP-BERT4REC), complied with a series of Multi-Positive Triplet objectives to recommend multiple positive citations for a query context. The proposed approach has the following advantages: First, the proposed multi-positive objectives are effective in recommending multiple positive candidates. Second, we adopt noise distributions on the basis of historical co-citation frequencies; thus, MP-BERT4REC is not only effective in recommending high-frequency co-citation pairs, but it also significantly improves the performance of retrieving low-frequency ones. Third, the proposed dynamic context sampling strategy captures macroscopic citing intents from a manuscript and empowers the citation embeddings to be content-dependent, which allows the algorithm to further improve performance. Single and multiple positive recommendation experiments confirmed that MP-BERT4REC delivers significant improvements over current methods. It also effectively retrieves the full list of co-citations and historically low-frequency pairs better than prior works.

  • A Construction of Codebooks Asymptotically Meeting the Levenshtein Bound

    Zhangti YAN  Zhi GU  Wei GUO  Jianpeng WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:11

    Codebooks with small maximal cross-correlation amplitudes have important applications in code division multiple access (CDMA) communication, coding theory and compressed sensing. In this letter, we design a new codebook based on a construction of Ramanujan graphs over finite abelian groups. We prove that the new codebook with length K=q+1 and size N=q2+2q+2 is asymptotically optimal with nearly achieving the Levenshtein bound when n=3, where q is a prime power. The parameters of the new codebook are new.
