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  • Blind Recover Conditions for Images with Side Information

    Yoshinobu TAKEUCHI  Akira OOYAGI  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E90-D No:9

    We consider the blind recovery problem such that images embedded with side information are given, and we want to obtain the side information under some prescribed constraints. In this case, the system equation becomes y=Ax+b where in addition to the unknown A and x, b also is an unknown quantity and but clearly not a noise component. We assume that several images with the same embedding side information are given, and the image processing to b is described as the perturbation of A. We formulate the optimization function to obtain A, b and x, under the constraint of some finite brightness levels i.e. finite alphabets.

  • Reliability-Based Hybrid ARQ Scheme with Encoded Parity Bit Retransmissions and Message Passing Decoding

    Daiki KOIZUMI  Naoto KOBAYASHI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  


    E90-A No:9

    Reliability-based hybrid ARQ (RB-HARQ) is a kind of incremental-redundancy ARQ recently introduced. In the RB-HARQ, the receiver returns both NAK signal and set of unreliable bit indices if the received sequence is not accepted. Since each unreliable bit index is determined by the bitwise posterior probability, better approximation of that probability becomes crucial as the number of retransmissions increases. Assuming the systematic code for the initial transmission, the proposed RB-HARQ scheme has the following two features: (a) the sender retransmits newly encoded and interleaved parity bits corresponding to the unreliable information bits; (b) the retransmitted parity bits as well as the initial received sequence are put all together to perform the message passing decoding i.e. the suboptimal MAP decoding. Finally, simulation results are shown to evaluate the above two features.

  • Bandwidth Extension with Hybrid Signal Extrapolation for Audio Coding

    Chatree BUDSABATHON  Akinori NISHIHARA  


    E90-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a blind method using hybrid signal extrapolation at the decoder to regenerate lost high-frequency components which are removed by encoders. At first, a decoded signal spectral resolution is enhanced by time domain linear predictive extrapolation and then the cut off frequency of each frame is estimated to avoid the spectrum gap between the end of original low frequency spectrum and the beginning of reconstructed high frequency spectrum. By utilizing a correlation between the high frequency spectrum and low frequency spectrum, the low frequency spectrum component is employed to reconstruct the high frequency spectrum component by frequency domain linear predictive extrapolation. Experimental results show an effective improvement of the proposed method in terms of SNR and human listening test results. The proposed method can be used to reconstruct the lost high frequency component to improve the perceptual quality of audio independent of the compression method.

  • A Novel Defected Elliptical Pore Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Losses

    Nguyen Hoang HAI  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Feroza BEGUM  Shubi KAIJAGE  S.M. Abdur RAZZAK  Tatsuya KINJO  Nianyu ZOU  


    E90-C No:8

    This paper reports a novel design in Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs) with nearly zero ultra-flattened dispersion characteristics. We describe the chromatic dispersion controllability taking non-uniform air hole structures into consideration. Through optimizing non-uniform air hole structures, the ultra-flattened zero dispersion PCFs can be efficiently designed. We show numerically that the proposed non-uniform air cladding structures successfully archive flat dispersion characteristics as well as extremely low confinement losses. As an example, the proposed PCF with flattened dispersion of 0.27 ps/(nmkm) from 1.5 µm to 1.8 µm wavelength with confinement losses of less than 10-11 dB/m. Finally, we point out that full controllability of the chromatic dispersion and confinement losses, along with the fabrication technique, are the main advantages of the proposed PCF structure.

  • Low Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm by Multiple Attribute Weighing and User Ranking for OFDMA Systems

    Maduranga LIYANAGE  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E90-B No:8

    We propose an effective subcarrier allocation scheme for multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system in the downlink transmission with low computational complexity. In the proposed scheme, by taking multiple attributes of a user's channel, such as carrier gain decrease rate and variation from the mean channel gain of the system, to determine a rank for the user, subcarriers are then allocated depending on the individual user's rank. Different channel characteristics are used to better understand a user's need for subcarriers and hence determine a priority for the user. We also adopt an attribute weighing scheme to enhance the performance of the proposed scheme. The scheme is computationally efficient, since it avoids using iterations for the algorithm convergence and also common water-filling calculations that become more complex with increasing system parameters. Low complexity is achieved by allocating subcarriers to users depending on their determined rank. Our proposed scheme is simulated in comparison with other mathematically efficient subcarrier allocation schemes as well as with a conventional greedy allocation scheme. It is shown that the proposed method demonstrates competitive results with the simulated schemes.

  • A Dual-Mode Bluetooth Transceiver with a Two-Point-Modulated Polar-Loop Transmitter and a Frequency-Offset-Compensated Receiver

    Takashi OSHIMA  Masaru KOKUBO  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E90-A No:8

    An entire dual-mode transceiver capable of both the conventional GFSK-modulated Bluetooth and the Medium-Rate π/4-DQPSK-modulated Bluetooth has been investigated and reported. The transmitter introduces a novel two-point-modulated polar-loop technique without the global feedback to realize reduced power consumption, small chip area and also high modulation accuracy. The receiver shares all the circuits for both operating modes except the demodulators and also features a newly-proposed cancellation technique of the carrier-frequency offset. The transceiver has been confirmed by system or circuit simulations to meet all the dual-mode Bluetooth specifications. The simulation results show that the transmitting power can be larger than 10 dBm while achieving the total power efficiency above 30% and also RMS DEVM of 0.050. It was also confirmed by simulation that the receiver is expected to attain the sensitivity of -85 dBm in both modes while satisfying the image-rejection and the blocker-suppression specifications. The proposed transceiver will provide a low-cost, low-power single-chip RF-IC solution for the next-generation Bluetooth communication.

  • Blind Subspace-Based CFO Estimation via Polynomial Rooting for MC-CDMA Systems

    Chiao-Chan HUANG  Ann-Chen CHANG  Ing-Jiunn SU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:8

    In this letter, we present a blind carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimator by exploiting the subspace-based technique for multicarrier-code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) systems. Relative high accuracy and low-complexity to the CFO estimation can be achieved by rooting a polynomial. Simulation results are provided for illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed blind polynomial rooting estimator.

  • A VLSI Design of a Pipelining and Area-Efficient Reed-Solomon Decoder

    Wei-min WANG  Du-yan BI  Xing-min DU  Lin-hua MA  

    LETTER-VLSI Systems

    E90-D No:8

    A novel high-speed and area-efficient Reed-Solomon decoder is proposed, which employs pipelining architecture of minimized modified Euclid (ME) algorithm. The logic synthesis and simulation results of its VLSI implementation show that it not only can operate at a higher clock frequency, but also consumes fewer hardware resources.

  • Separatrix Conception for Trajectory Analysis of Analog Networks Design in Minimal Time

    Alexander M. ZEMLIAK  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E90-A No:8

    Various trajectories of design, arising from the new methodology of analog network design, are analyzed. Several major criteria suggested for optimal selection of initial approximation to the design process permit the minimization of computer time. The initial approximation point is selected with regard to the previously revealed effect of acceleration of the design process. The concept of separatrix is defined making it possible to determine the optimal position of the initial approximation. The numerical results obtained for passive and active networks prove the possibility of optimal choice of the initial point in design process.

  • Speech Enhancement by Overweighting Gain with Nonlinear Structure in Wavelet Packet Transform

    Sung-il JUNG  Younghun KWON  Sung-il YANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E90-B No:8

    A speech enhancement method is proposed that can be implemented efficiently due to its use of wavelet packet transform. The proposed method uses a modified spectral subtraction with noise estimation by a least-squares line method and with an overweighting gain per subband with nonlinear structure, where the overweighting gain is used for suppressing the residue of musical noise and the subband is used for applying the weighted values according to the change of signals. The enhanced speech by our method has the following properties: 1) the speech intelligibility can be assured reliably; 2) the musical noise can be reduced efficiently. Various assessments confirmed that the performance of the proposed method was better than that of the compared methods in various noise-level conditions. Especially, the proposed method showed good results even at low SNR.

  • QoS Control Mechanism Based on Real-Time Measurement of Elephant Flows

    Rie HAYASHI  Takashi MIYAMURA  Eiji OKI  Kohei SHIOMOTO  


    E90-B No:8

    This proposes a scalable QoS control scheme, called Elephant Flow Control Scheme (EFCS) for high-speed large-capacity networks; it controls congestion and provides appropriate bandwidth to normal users' flows by controlling just the elephant flows. EFCS introduces a sampling packet threshold and drops packets considering flow size. EFCS also adopts a compensation parameter to control elephant flows to an appropriate level. Numerical results show that the sampling threshold increases control accuracy by 20% while reducing the amount of memory needed for packet sampling by 60% amount of memory by packet sampling; the elephant flows are controlled as intended by the compensation parameter. As a result, EFCS provides sufficient bandwidth to normal TCP flows in a scalable manner.

  • Improved Global Soft Decision Using Smoothed Global Likelihood Ratio for Speech Enhancement

    Joon-Hyuk CHANG  Dong Seok JEONG  Nam Soo KIM  Sangki KANG  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E90-B No:8

    In this letter, we propose an improved global soft decision for noisy speech enhancement. From an investigation of statistical model-based speech enhancement, it is discovered that a global soft decision has a fundamental drawback at the speech tail regions of speech signals. For that reason, we propose a new solution based on a smoothed likelihood ratio for the global soft decision. Performances of the proposed method are evaluated by subjective tests under various environments and show better results compared with the our previous work.

  • Multiple-Length Variable-Weight Optical Orthogonal Codes for Supporting Multirate Multimedia Services in Optical CDMA Networks

    Nasaruddin  Tetsuo TSUJIOKA  

    SURVEY PAPER-Systems and Technologies

    E90-B No:8

    Future optical code division multiple access (CDMA) networks should be designed for multirate and fully integrated multimedia services. In the conventional schemes, multilength optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) are designed to support multirate systems, while variable-weight OOCs are designed to support differentiated quality of service (QoS) for multimedia applications. In this paper, a novel class of optical signature codes; multiple-length variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (MLVW-OOC) is proposed for supporting multirate and integrated multimedia services in optical CDMA networks. The proposed MLVW-OOC has features that are easy to construct variable-weight codes and expanded to multiple-length codes. A construction method for designing MLVW-OOCs up to three levels of codes is discussed. The designed MLVW-OOCs can support differentiated requirements on data rates and QoS for several types of services in the networks. A code analysis for obtaining the value of cross-correlation constraints or multiple access interference (MAI) computation for several levels of codes is also suggested. The cross-correlation constraints of the proposed codes are better than the conventional codes such as multilength OOCs. Finally, the bit error probability performance of the two-level MLVW-OOC is evaluated analytically. The results show that the proposed MLVW-OOC can provide differentiated bit error probability performances for several combinations of data rates and QoS.

  • Latest Trends in Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching Standardization

    Tomonori TAKEDA  Adrian FARREL  

    SURVEY PAPER-Standard and Interoperability

    E90-B No:8

    This paper presents the latest trends in Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) standardization within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). GMPLS, a suite of control and management plane protocols, represents an extension of MPLS to cover any connection-oriented technology, such as packet (or MPLS), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), lambda and fiber. GMPLS allows automated network operations, distributed at the network equipment level, with multi-vendor and multi-layer interoperability. As such, it is expected that GMPLS will enable control and management of the transport network by standardized mechanisms, rather than proprietary management systems and interfaces. In addition, GMPLS offers opportunities to integrate control and management of multiple network layers. The basic suite of GMPLS protocols, namely signaling, routing and link management, has been already standardized, and has been shown to be stable and functional through several years of testing and early deployments. Now carriers are looking at how they can leverage the protocols to realize revenue and activate advanced services. Accordingly, discussion in the IETF has shifted to how to apply GMPLS protocols to support various scenarios and use cases. After briefly reviewing GMPLS basics, this paper presents the latest trends in GMPLS standardization, with a focus on deployment strategies, service aspects, and operation and management.

  • Robust F0 Estimation Based on Complex LPC Analysis for IRS Filtered Noisy Speech

    Keiichi FUNAKI  Tatsuhiko KINJO  


    E90-A No:8

    This paper proposes a novel robust fundamental frequency (F0) estimation algorithm based on complex-valued speech analysis for an analytic speech signal. Since analytic signal provides spectra only over positive frequencies, spectra can be accurately estimated in low frequencies. Consequently, it is considered that F0 estimation using the residual signal extracted by complex-valued speech analysis can perform better for F0 estimation than that for the residual signal extracted by conventional real-valued LPC analysis. In this paper, the autocorrelation function weighted by AMDF is adopted for the F0 estimation criterion and four signals; speech signal, analytic speech signal, LPC residual and complex LPC residual, are evaluated for the F0 estimation. Speech signals used in the experiments were an IRS filtered speech corrupted by adding white Gaussian noise or Pink noise whose noise levels are 10, 5, 0, -5 [dB]. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm based on complex LPC residual can perform better than other methods in noisy environment.

  • Audio-Based Shot Classification for Audiovisual Indexing Using PCA, MGD and Fuzzy Algorithm

    Naoki NITANDA  Miki HASEYAMA  


    E90-A No:8

    An audio-based shot classification method for audiovisual indexing is proposed in this paper. The proposed method mainly consists of two parts, an audio analysis part and a shot classification part. In the audio analysis part, the proposed method utilizes both principal component analysis (PCA) and Mahalanobis generalized distance (MGD). The effective features for the analysis can be automatically obtained by using PCA, and these features are analyzed based on MGD, which can take into account the correlations of the data set. Thus, accurate analysis results can be obtained by the combined use of PCA and MGD. In the shot classification part, the proposed method utilizes a fuzzy algorithm. By using the fuzzy algorithm, the mixing rate of the multiple audio sources can be roughly measured, and thereby accurate shot classification can be attained. Results of experiments performed by applying the proposed method to actual audiovisual materials are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Generation of Training Data by Degradation Models for Traffic Sign Symbol Recognition

    Hiroyuki ISHIDA  Tomokazu TAKAHASHI  Ichiro IDE  Yoshito MEKADA  Hiroshi MURASE  


    E90-D No:8

    We present a novel training method for recognizing traffic sign symbols. The symbol images captured by a car-mounted camera suffer from various forms of image degradation. To cope with degradations, similarly degraded images should be used as training data. Our method artificially generates such training data from original templates of traffic sign symbols. Degradation models and a GA-based algorithm that simulates actual captured images are established. The proposed method enables us to obtain training data of all categories without exhaustively collecting them. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for traffic sign symbol recognition.

  • Quality Evaluation for Document Relation Discovery Using Citation Information

    Kritsada SRIPHAEW  Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG  

    PAPER-Data Mining

    E90-D No:8

    Assessment of discovered patterns is an important issue in the field of knowledge discovery. This paper presents an evaluation method that utilizes citation (reference) information to assess the quality of discovered document relations. With the concept of transitivity as direct/indirect citations, a series of evaluation criteria is introduced to define the validity of discovered relations. Two kinds of validity, called soft validity and hard validity, are proposed to express the quality of the discovered relations. For the purpose of impartial comparison, the expected validity is statistically estimated based on the generative probability of each relation pattern. The proposed evaluation is investigated using more than 10,000 documents obtained from a research publication database. With frequent itemset mining as a process to discover document relations, the proposed method was shown to be a powerful way to evaluate the relations in four aspects: soft/hard scoring, direct/indirect citation, relative quality over the expected value, and comparison to human judgment.

  • FEM Model Analysis of Single-Pole-Type Heads with Different Coil Structures

    Kiyoshi YAMAKAWA  Shingo TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E90-C No:8

    Pole-tip-driven structure, which is composed of a coil wounded at the main pole tip, is favorable for obtaining a sharp and strong head field as a single-pole-type head. Three kinds of pole-tip-driven-type heads with different yoke and coil structures are investigated in terms of magnetomotive force dependence of head field and effect of coil recession. Field calculation by finite-element method (FEM) showed that the three heads exhibited the same field sensitivity in spite of the difference in distribution of coil exciting field and magnetization of the main pole. In a lower range of magnetomotive force the heads showed different dependence of field sensitivity on the coil recession. However, there was not much difference in degradation of sensitivity in a region near the saturation of field. Thus, the importance of reducing coil recession was confirmed as reported earlier.

  • Explicit Formula for Predictive FIR Filters and Differentiators Using Hahn Orthogonal Polynomials

    Saed SAMADI  Akinori NISHIHARA  


    E90-A No:8

    An explicit expression for the impulse response coefficients of the predictive FIR digital filters is derived. The formula specifies a four-parameter family of smoothing FIR digital filters containing the Savitsky-Goaly filters, the Heinonen-Neuvo polynomial predictors, and the smoothing differentiators of arbitrary integer orders. The Hahn polynomials, which are orthogonal with respect to a discrete variable, are the main tool employed in the derivation of the formula. A recursive formula for the computation of the transfer function of the filters, which is the z-transform of a terminated sequence of polynomial ordinates, is also introduced. The formula can be used to design structures with low computational complexity for filters of any order.
