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  • Patterned Versus Conventional Object-Oriented Analysis Methods: A Group Project Experiment

    Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  Hiroaki KUROKI  


    E81-D No:12

    Object-oriented analysis methods can be grouped into data-driven and behavior-driven approaches. With data-driven approaches, object models are developed based on a list of objects and their inter-relationships, which describe a static view of the real world. With behavior-oriented approaches, a system usage scenario is analyzed before developing the object models. Although qualitative comparisons of these two types of methods have been made, there was no statistical study has evaluated them based on controlled experiments. This paper proposes the patterned object-oriented method, POOM, which is a behavior-oriented approach, and compares it to OMT, a data-driven approach, using small team experiments. The effectiveness of POOM is shown in terms of productivity and homogeneity.

  • A Metric for Class Structural Complexity Focusing on Relationships among Class Members

    Hirohisa AMAN  Torao YANARU  Masahiro NAGAMATSU  Kazunori MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Theory and Methodology

    E81-D No:12

    In this paper, we represent a class structure using directed graph in which each node corresponds to each member of the class. To quantify the dependence relationship among members, we define weighted closure. Using this quantified relationship and effort equation proposed by M. H. Halstead, we propose a metric for class structural complexity.

  • VP's Priority Based Restoring Function Enhanced Self-healing Algorithm

    Komwut WIPUSITWARAKUN  Hideki TODE  Hiromasa IKEDA  

    PAPER-ATM Networks

    E81-B No:11

    Network survivability against various unexpected failures is one of indispensable technologies for the B-ISDN infrastructure. Self-healing algorithm is the technique to automatically restore the failed VP's (virtual paths) in the backbone ATM network. Since the B-ISDN transports various kinds of traffic with various levels of priority (Grade of Service: GoS), the effective self-healing algorithm should orderly restore the failed VP's based on the priority of their traversing traffic. This paper proposes the priority based restoring self-healing algorithm, which realizes the priority based restoring function by the two-timer mechanisms and a simple capacity reserving protocol. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can schedule the restoration process so that the failed VP's with higher priority are restored before the others with lower priority. In addition, the significant improvement in restoration speed for the highest priority traffic class has been achieved.

  • A Novel Wireless Multimedia CDMA System Based on Adaptive Chip/Bit Rate Control

    Meizhong WANG  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E81-A No:11

    When wireless multi-media information such as voice, video, data and so on are transmitted, the difference required quality of Service (QoS) including required Bit Error Rate (BER), required information bit rate, message's delay constraints as well as traffic performance should be taken into account. A wireless multi-media system should achieve a flexible balance of these differences. In this letter, an Adaptive Chip/Bit Control Method is proposed for Wireless Multi-media CDMA System. The proposed method controls both chip and bit rate of each medium according to the offered traffic condition and the quality measurement of each medium. In the proposed method, measurement are carried out in the base station. Simulation results show that the proposed method not only maintain the required BER of each medium, but achieve a higher total throughput even in high traffic condition. Thus we see that the proposed method possesses higher flexible ability than conventional methods.

  • Performance Comparison of Two Retransmission Control Schemes for Slow-Frequency-Hopped Communication Systems

    Katsumi SAKAKIBARA  Kazushi MOTONAGA  Yoshiharu YUBA  


    E81-A No:11

    This letter proposes a new retransmission control scheme for slow-frequency-hopped communication systems, in which the number of (re)transmitted packets is adaptively decreased in a certain period. Performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with that of the conventional scheme in terms of the normalized throughput and the 98% packet transmission delay. The numerical results show the superiority of the proposed scheme.

  • Some Notes on Reconstructing Regularly Sampled Signal by Scaling Function with Oversampling Property

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:11

    The fact that bounded interval band orthonormal scaling function shows oversampling property is demonstrated. The truncation error is estimated when scaling function with oversampling property is used to recover signals from their discrete samples.

  • ABR Traffic Control Scheme for Bursty Traffic Considering the Number of Hops


    PAPER-ATM Networks

    E81-B No:11

    One of the objectives of ABR traffic control is a fair allocation of transmission rate to every connection. Algorithms which have been proposed can achieve the fair allocation of transmission rate in persistent traffic, even though the connections have different number of hops. In bursty traffic, however, the transmission rate during the burst period, called average burst throughput, may become degraded when the number of hops increases. In this paper, we evaluate the average burst throughput characteristics of ERICA switch algorithm and investigate the effect of the number of hops. We propose a new bandwidth allocation method which can improve the performance degradation by taking the number of hops into account. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated by computer simulation.

  • Application of a Parasitic Loop on Loosely Wound Short-Arm Spiral Antennas

    Yasuhiro KAZAMA  Nagayoshi MORITA  Shinobu TOKUMARU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:11

    Loosely wound short-arm two-wire Archimedean spiral antennas are investigated. It is shown that good circularly polarized waves with axial ratio less than 2 dB are obtained when the outer circumference C of the spiral antenna is in the range of about 1. 3λ < C < 1. 5λ, where λ is the free-space wavelength. To improve the antenna characteristics further, spiral antennas combined with a parasitic loop are examined. It is clarified that the parasitic loop greatly contributes to the improvement of the axial ratio and power gain.

  • Dual Domainlike, Vertically Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystal Display Driven by In-Plane Field

    Seung Hee LEE  Hyang Yul KIM  In Cheol PARK  Won Gon LEE  


    E81-C No:11

    A homeotropic liquid crystal display utilizing a liquid crystal with positive dielectric anisotropy, 13. 3" XGA TFT-LCD, has been fabricated. The rubbing-free device, appears black in the absence of electric field. When an electric field generated by interdigital electrodes is applied, a bend deformation of molecular director to the direction of the field occurs and thus the cell transmits light, showing brightness uniformity in all directions owing to the dual domainlike director configuration. With an addition of negative-birefringent film, this device shows excellent viewing angle characteristics.

  • Urgency-Based Round Robin: A New Scheduling Discipline for Multiservice Packet Switching Networks

    Onur ALTINTA  Yukio ATSUMI  Teruaki YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-IP Networks

    E81-B No:11

    Packet scheduling is one of the key mechanisms that will be employed in the network nodes (routers and switches) for supporting multiple quality of services. In this paper we propose a new packet scheduling algorithm called Urgency-based Round Robin (URR) which computes an index for flows in order to keep track of instantaneous bursts. Basically the index is employed as a measure of the time-dependent service necessity for each flow thus making it possible to detect those flows which might be in need of momentary service. Also, we propose a novel weight allocation scheme to be used together with the scheduler with the aim of preventing network underutilization. Our algorithm can be considered as a version of Weighted Round Robin (WRR) with improved delay characteristics. We show analytically that URR has the desired capability of upper-bounding unfairness. We also show, by simulation, that URR can improve delay performance even under extremely bursty traffic conditions without bandwidth overprovisioning. We also give simulation results for network traffic which exhibits long range dependency (self-similarity) and show that URR is again more effective than a plain round robin multiplexer.

  • Analysis of a Partial Buffer Sharing Scheme for a Finite Buffer with Batch Poisson Inputs

    Shuichi SUMITA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:11

    A partial buffer sharing scheme is proposed as loss-priority control for a finite buffer with batch inputs. A partial batch acceptance strategy is used for a batch arriving at a finite buffer. Customer loss probabilities for high- and low-priority customers are derived under this batch acceptance strategy, using a supplementary variable method that is a standard tool for queueing analysis. A comparison of the partial buffer sharing scheme and a system without loss-priority control is made in terms of admissible offered load.

  • Efficient Implementation of Multi-Dimensional Array Redistribution

    Minyi GUO  Yoshiyuki YAMASHITA  Ikuo NAKATA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:11

    Array redistribution is required very often in programs on distributed memory parallel computers. It is essential to use efficient algorithms for redistribution, otherwise the performance of programs may degrade considerably. In this paper, we focus on automatic generation of communication routines for multi-dimensional redistribution. The principal advantage of this work is to gain the ability to handle redistribution between arbitrary source and destination processor sets and between arbitrary source and destination distribution schemes. We have implemented these algorithms using Parallelware communication library. Some experimental results show the efficiency and flexibility of our techniques compared to the other redistribution works.

  • New Quasi-Synchronous Sequences for CDMA Slotted ALOHA Systems

    Masato SAITO  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  


    E81-A No:11

    One of unique features of CDMA slotted ALOHA (CDMA S-ALOHA) is that user must synchronize his transmission to given slot. Thus orthogonal sequence as spreading sequence would achieve ideal throughput if each of packets accomplish perfect synchronization. In the presence of any ambiguity in synchronizations, however, quasi-synchronous (QS) sequences suit well with CDMA S-ALOHA system. In this paper, we introduce new QS-sequences obtained from the orthogonal Gold sequences and discuss their performance when applying to CDMA S-ALOHA systems. As a result, withstanding to access timing error, good performance is ensured with this sequence under the environment of AWGN, MAI (multiple access interference) and frequency non-selective fading, that is, micro or pico cellular systems and indoor wireless LANs.

  • Factorization Method for Structure from Perspective Multi-View Images

    Koichiro DEGUCHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:11

    This paper describes a factorization-based algorithm that reconstructs 3D object structure as well as motion from a set of multiple uncalibrated perspective images. The factorization method introduced by Tomasi-Kanade is believed to be applicable under the assumption of linear approximations of imaging system. In this paper we describe that the method can be extended to the case of truly perspective images if projective depths are recovered. We established this fact by interpreting their purely mathematical theory in terms of the projective geometry of the imaging system and thereby, giving physical meanings to the parameters involved. We also provide a method to recover them using the fundamental matrices and epipoles estimated from pairs of images in the image set. Our method is applicable for general cases where the images are not taken by a single moving camera but by different cameras having individual camera parameters. The experimental results clearly demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed method.

  • A Buffer Occupancy-Based Adaptive Flow Control and Recovery Scheme for Real-Time Stored MPEG Video Transport over Internet

    Yeali S. SUN  Fu-Ming TSOU  Meng Chang CHEN  

    PAPER-Media Management

    E81-B No:11

    As the current Internet becomes popular in information access, demands for real-time display and playback of continuous media are ever increasing. The applications include real-time audio/video clips embedded in WWW, electronic commerce, and video-on-demand. In this paper, we present a new control protocol R3CP for real-time applications that transmit stored MPEG video stream over a lossy and best-effort based network environment like the Internet. Several control mechanisms are used: a) packet framing based on the meta data; b) adaptive queue-length based rate control scheme; c) data preloading; and d) look-ahead pre-retransmission for lost packet recovery. Different from many adaptive rate control schemes proposed in the past, the proposed flow control is to ensure continuous, periodic playback of video frames by keeping the receiver buffer queue length at a target value to minimize the probability that player finds an empty buffer. Contrary to the widespread belief that "Retransmission of lost packets is unnecessary for real-time applications," we show the effective use of combining look-ahead pre-retransmission control with proper data preloading and adaptive rate control scheme to improve the real-time playback performance. The performance of the proposed protocol is studied via simulation using actual video traces and actual delay traces collected from the Internet. The simulation results show that R3CP can significantly improve frame playback performance especially for transmission paths with poor packet delivery condition.

  • Proposal for Incremental Formal Verification

    Toru SHONAI  Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E81-D No:11

    A formal verification approach that combines verification based on binary decision diagrams (BDDs) and theorem-prover-based verification has been developed. This approach is called the incremental formal verification approach. It uses an incremental verifier based on BDDs and a conventional theorem-prover-based verifier. Inputs to the incremental verifier are specifications in higher-level descriptions given in terms of arithmetic expressions, lower-level design descriptions given in terms of Boolean expressions, and constraints. The incremental verifier limits the behavior of the design by using the constraints, and compares the partial behavior limited by the constraints with the specifications by using BDD-based Boolean matching. It also replaces the matched part of the lower design description with equivalent constructs in the higher descriptions. Successive uses of the incremental verifier with different constraints can produce higher design descriptions from the lower design descriptions in a step-by-step manner. These higher descriptions are then input to the theorem-prover-based verification which enables faster treatment of larger circuits. Preliminary experimental results show that the incremental verifier can successfully check the partial equivalence and replace the matched parts by higher constructs.

  • Efficient Recognition Algorithms for Parallel Multiple Context-Free Languages and for Multiple Context-Free Languages

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Keita TAKADA  Hideki NII  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E81-D No:11

    Parallel multiple context-free grammar (PMCFG) and multiple context-free grammar (MCFG) were introduced to denote the syntax of natural languages. By the known fastest algorithm, the recognition problem for multiple context-free language (MCFL) and parallel multiple context-free language (PMCFL) can be solved in O(ne) time and O(ne+1) time, respectively, where e is a constant which depends only on a given MCFG or PMCFG. In this paper, we propose the following two algorithms. (1) An algorithm which reduces the recognition problem for MCFL to the boolean matrices multiplication problem. (2) An algorithm which reduces the recognition problem for PMCFL to the recognition problem for MCFL. The time complexity of these algorithms is O(ne-3i+1 M(ni)) where e and i are constants which depend only on a given MCFG or PMCFG, and M(k) is the time needed for multiplying two k k boolean matrices. The proposed algorithms are faster than the known fastest algorithms unless e=e, i=1 for MCFG, and e=e, i=0 for PMCFG.

  • General Theory of a Circular Dual-Mode Resonator and Filter

    Ikuo AWAI  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:11

    A unified theory for the characteristics of dual modes in a circular resonator is elucidated in simple analytical expressions. First, a circular resonator is considered as a ring transmission line which allows two oppositely traveling waves. The essential quantities that characterize a transmission line, i. e. , the propagation constant and characteristic impedance are obtained theoretically and/or experimentally. Secondly, any circular resonator is described by a ring resonator model which can be treated analytically, and the resonant frequencies are obtained when perturbations are added along the periphery of a circular resonator. A two stage BPF is created by adding I/O ports to the perturbed circular resonator. Its center frequency and bandwidth is calculated based on the ring resonator model. The circuit condition for obtaining two attenuation poles at both sides of the passband is given together with the method for their control.

  • A 250 MHz Dual Port Cursor RAM Using Dynamic Data Alignment Architecture

    Yasunobu NAKASE  Hiroyuki KONO  Yoshio MATSUDA  Hisanori HAMANO  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E81-C No:11

    Cursor RAMs have been composed of two memory planes. A cursor pattern is stored in these planes with 2-bit data depth. While the pixel port requires data from both planes at the same time, the MPU port accesses either one of the planes at a time. Since the address space is defined differently between the ports, conventional cursor RAMs could not have dealt with these different access ways at real time. This paper proposes a dual port cursor RAM with a dynamic data alignment architecture. The architecture processes the different access ways at real time, and reduces a large amount of control circuitry. Conventional cursor RAMs have been organized with a single port memory because dual port memory cells have been large. We have applied the port swap architecture which has reduced the cell size. The control block is further simplified because the controller no longer emulate a dual port memory. The cursor RAM with these architectures is fabricated with a double metal 0. 5 µm CMOS process technology. The active area is 1. 51. 6 mm2 including a couple of shift registers and a control block. It operates up to 263 MHz at the supply voltage of 3. 3 V.

  • Grey Neural Network

    Chyun-Shin CHENG  Yen-Tseng HSU  Chwan-Chia WU  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:11

    This paper is to propose a Markov reliability model which includes the effects of permanent fault, intermittent fault, and transient fault for reliability evaluations. We also provide a new neural network and an improved training algorithm to evaluate the reliability of the fault-tolerant systems. The simulation results show that the neuro-based reliability model can converge faster than that of the other methods. The system state equations for the Markov model are a set of first-order linear differential equations. Usually, the system reliability can be evaluated from the combined state solutions. This technique is very complicated and very difficult in the complex fault-tolerant systems. In this paper, we present a Grey Models (GM(1,1), DF-GM(1,1) and ERC-GM(1,1)) to evaluate the reliability of computer system. It can obtain the system reliability more directly and simply than the Markov model. But the data number for grey model that gets minimal error is different in each time step. Therefore, a feedforward neural network is designed on the basis of more accurate prediction for the grey modeling to evaluate the reliability. Finally, the simulation results show that this technique can lead to better accuracy than the Grey Model.
