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  • Intermodulation and Noise Power Ratio Analysis of Multiple-Carrier Amplifiers Using Discrete Fourier Transform

    Tadashi TAKAGI  Satoshi OGURA  Yukio IKEDA  Noriharu SUEMATSU  


    E77-C No:6

    A novel analysis method of the intermodulation (IM) and the noise power ratio (NPR) of multiple-carrier amplifiers is descrided. This method, based on Discrete Fourier Transform, allows an accurate calculation of IM and NPR of the amplifier having multiple carriers by directly using measured single-carrier amplitude and phase characteristics. This method has an outstanding feature in that it can be applied to the general case of n carriers having an arbitrary power level as long as frequency-dependence of amplitude and phase characteristics is negligibly small. Applying this method to the linearized amplifier, a good agreement between measured and calculated results for IM3, IM5, and NPR has been obtained for operation from linear up to saturation, which shows this method would be a good candidate for calculating IM and NPR of multiple-carrier amplifiers.

  • Accurate Q-Factor Evaluation by Resonance Curve Area Method and Its Application to the Cavity Perturbation

    Taro MIURA  Takeshi TAKAHASHI  Makoto KOBAYASHI  


    E77-C No:6

    An improvement of Q evaluation is discussed. The Resonance Curve Area method was confirmed to give a deviation in the order of 6104. The result was three times more accurate than the widely known Q evaluating method which utilizes the cursor function installed in a network analyzer. A discussion is also made on the physical validity of the RCA method. It is shown that the application of the RCA method improves the accuracy of the cavity perturbation method. Actual measurements have shown that the deviation of dielectric constant is less than 1% and that of the loss tangent is less than 3%, in the order of 104. The accuracy of the RCA method was estimated to be three times that of the conventional cavity perturbation technique. The consistency of the perturbation with other methods has also confirmed. The accuracy comparison to more accurate formulae derived from a rigorous solution have shown that the difference is sufficiently small.

  • Researches on Biological and Electromagnetic Environments in RF and Microwave Regions in Japan

    Yoshifumi AMEMIYA  


    E77-B No:6

    This paper surveys the researches on biological and electeromagnetic environments in RF (radio frequency) and microwave regions in Japan. Publicized research reports on biological objectives, evaluation of exposure rate, electromagnetic environments and guideline for the protection from radio wave nuisances are briefly introduced. Some researches on the evaluation of the exposure rate caused by the near field effect of portable radio transceiver are reviewed. Radio frequency exposer protection guidelines in Japan are also described.

  • Computation of SAR Inside Eyeball for 1.5-GHz Microwave Exposure Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Technique

    Osamu FUJIWARA  Akira KATO  


    E77-B No:6

    From the standpoint of studying the biological effects of microwaves on human eyes, this paper numerically examines the specific absorption rate (SAR) inside the eyeball, using the finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method, which does not require very much computer storage. Two kinds of highly heterogeneous models constructed by us and Taflove's group are used to compute the SARs inside the eyeball for 1.5-GHz microwave exposure under the 1991 ANSI protection guideline. The SAR contour lines and the spatial distribution are shown inside the eyeball. Comparison is also made between the SARs for the two computation models.

  • A Noninvasive Method for Dielectric Property Measurement of Biological Tissues

    Jianqing WANG  Tasuku TAKAGI  


    E77-B No:6

    A noninvasive method for measuring complex permittivity of biological tissues is proposed. The noninvasive method is based on an inverse scattering technique which employs an iterative procedure. The iterative procedure consists of solving an electric field integral equation using the method of moments and minimizing the square difference between calculated and measured scattered fields. Implementation of the noninvasive method requires the knowledge of the target shape, the incident and measured scattered fields. Based on the noninvasive method, a measuring system of complex permittivity is developed and its reliability is verified.

  • A Measurement Method of Complex Permittivity at Pseudo Microwave Frequencies Using a Cavity Resonator Filled with Dielectric Material

    Akira NAKAYAMA  


    E77-C No:6

    This paper describes a nondestructive measurement method for complex permittivity of dielectric material at pseudo microwave frequencies. The resonator used in this study has a cylindrical cavity filled with a sapphire material of a well known complex permittivity. The resonator is divided into two parts at the center. A dielectric substrate specimen is clamped with these halves. Relative permittivity εand loss tangent tan δ of the specimen are obtained at 3 GHz using the TE011 resonance mode. The accuracy of the present method is evaluated through the comparison of the measured values by the new method with those at around 10 GHz by the conventional empty cavity resonator method. The errors of measurements are smaller than 1% and 1105 for εand tan δ, respectively.

  • Errors of Physical Optics in Shadow Region--Fictitious Penetrating Rays--

    Masayuki OODO  Tsutomu MURASAKI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E77-C No:6

    Physical optics (PO) is an approximation method for high-frequency scattering and diffraction problems. But PO fields are inaccurate in the shadow region where the source is screened by the scatterer. It has been difficult to extract the mechanism of this error because PO includes numerical integration. In 2-D problems, PO fields are analytically and accurately expressed in terms of PO equivalent edge currents (PO-EECs) which represent the leading contributions of PO original integration. Comparison of PO in this form and geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) which gives accurate fields in the shadow region, clarifies the cause of PO errors. For a scatterer with a corner, PO errors are mainly due to the rays emanating from the invisible edges. For a curved surface scatterer, the contributions penetrating the scatterer are small and main PO errors generally consist in PO-EECs itself.

  • Signaling Systems for Distributed Micro-Switching Networks in HO-ISDN

    Takahiko YAMADA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:6

    This paper discusses a common channel signaling system in which multiple micro-switching systems can converse as though configured like a conventional centralized switching system. A micro-switching system is a switching system whose main functions are integrated on a chip, like a microprocessor. Progress in MOS technology will soon make micro-switching systems possible, and their small scale and economy will allow subscriber switching systems to be distributed closer to subscribers. This will allow shorter subscriber loops, so subscriber networks will be able to reuse existing metallic lines as H1 (1.544/2.048Mb/s)-class subscriber loops. Economical micro-switching systems and reuse of existing network resources will contribute to the establishment H0 (384kb/s)-ISDN, so that every subscriber will be able to enjoy multimedia communications through HO-calls as simply as using present telephones. Four alternative signaling network architectures are examined, classified by arrangement of their signaling transfer junctions and signaling links, and a new signaling system featuring cell-based transfer functions is proposed. This is suitable for a distributed micro-switching-system network in order to minimize the figures of merit, which collectively estimate network cost and signaling delay.

  • Polygon Interval Arithmetic and Interval Evaluation of Value Sets of Transfer Functions

    Yuzo OHTA  Lei GONG  Hiromasa HANEDA  

    PAPER-Algorithms, Data Structures and Computational Complexity

    E77-A No:6

    Data of system parameters of real systems have some uncertainty and they should be given by sets (or intervals) rather than fixed values. To analyze and design systems contaning such uncertain parameters, it is required to represent and treat uncertainty in data of parameters, and to compute value sets of characteristic polynomials and transfer functions. Interval arithmetic is one of the most powerful tools to perform such subjects. In this paper, Polygon Interval Arithmetic (PIA) on the set of polygons in the complex plane is considered, and the data structure and algorithms to execute PIA efficiently is proposed. Moreover, practical examples are shown to demonstrate how PIA is useful to compute the evaluation of value sets.

  • On Branch Labels of Parallel Components of the L-Section Minimal Trellis Diagrams for Binary Linear Block Codes

    Tadao KASAMI  Toru FUJIWARA  Yoshihisa DESAKI  Shu LIN  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E77-A No:6

    In an earlier paper, we have shown that each section of the L-section minimal trellis diagram for a linear block code consists of parallel and structurally identical (except branch labels) subgraphs without cross connections. These parallel subgraphs are called parallel components of the section. In this paper, it is shown that if the sets of path label sequences of two parallel components have a common sequence, then the parallel components have the same branch labels, and the number of parallel components with the same branch labels in each section and the detail structure of each parallel component up to its branch labels are analyzed and expressed in terms of the dimensions of specific linear codes related to the given code. As an example, the 2i-section minimal trellis diagram for a Reed-Muller code is analyzed. Complexity measures of soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding for binary linear block codes are also discussed.

  • Beam Tracing Frame for Beam Propagation Analysis

    Ikuo TAKAKUWA  Akihiro MARUTA  Masanori MATSUHARA  


    E77-C No:6

    We propose a beam tracing frame which shifts together with either the guiding structure or the beam propagation in optical circuits. This frame is adaptive to the beam propagation analysis based on the finite-element method and can reduce the computational window size.

  • Precise Measurement for Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Rod Materials Using an Image-Type Resonator Method

    Yoshinori KOGAMI  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  Masayuki KATOH  


    E77-C No:6

    An image type resonator method is proposed as a method to evaluate precisely the temperature dependence of dielectric material. At first, the temperature coefficients of the resonant frequencies, TCf are measured separately using the shielded dielectric resonators of three types; that is a parallel plate type, and an image type, and a MIC type resonator. Secondly, an intrinsic temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency TCf0, which is defined as the temperature coefficient of a resonant frequency when all the stored energy is confined inside a dielectric, is estimated from these measured TCf. Actually, the TCf0 values of a sapphire and (ZrSn) TiO4 rod are estimated from the TCf values measured for the resonators of three types. As a result, for the parallel plate type, the precision of TCf0 is about 0.1 ppm/. For the image and MIC types, the errors of about 0.5 ppm/ in the TCf0 values arise from the errors in the linear expansion coefficients of the resonators, rather than from the experimental errors in TCf. Then, another image type resonator is designed to estimate TCf0 within error of 0.1 ppm/. In this design, dimensions of the shielding cavity is determined to reduce the influence of the errors in the linear expansion coefficients on precision of the TCf0 estimation. Finally, for a (ZrSn) TiO4 ceramic rod, a TCf0 value estimated from TCf measured for the image type resonator is obtained with accuracy of about0.1 ppm/.

  • Isomorphism between Continuous- and Discrete-Time Systems with Input Signals of Piecewise Polynomials

    Kazuo TORAICHI  Takahiko HORIUCHI  


    E77-A No:5

    In order to realize a continuous-time system model in digital computers, we must construct a discrete-time system model simulating the continuous-time processes in some characteristic aspect. Though many discretization methods have been proposed, they do not necessarily provide a discrete-time system in which input, state and output are identical with the sampled values of the original continuous-time system. The isomorphism discretization that all of the input, state and output of a continuous-time system can be recovered from the corresponding discrete-time system is crucial for our analysis. This paper aims at guaranteeing the isomorphism between a continuous- and a discrete-time system models (fluency system model) which were proposed by the authors. The isomorphism of input space had been already shown in the previous works by one of the authors. In this paper, by showing the isomorphism of the state function and output spaces, the aim will be achieved.

  • Generation of Stationary Random Signals with Arbitrary Probability Distribution and Exponential Correlation

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:5

    The generation and design of a stationary Markov signal are discussed as an inverse problem, in which one looks for a transition probability when a stationary probability distribution is given. This paper presents a new solution to the inverse problem, which makes it possible to design and generate a Markov random signal with arbitrary probability distribution and an exponential correlation function. Several computer results are illustrated in figures.

  • A Design and Implementation of an Ada IPC Interface

    Masahiro NAKAMA  Zensho NAKAO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E77-D No:5

    A design of an Ada IPC (Inter-Program Communication) interface is proposed, through which a designer of distributed systems can (a) specify arbitrary data types needed for inter-program communication and (b) use parallel programming features to build highly parallel systems; a test simulator was built for execution of the IPC interface and a multi-window system was realized as an application of the interface on the simulator; the interface was found to be useful, making description of inter-program communication simpler and easier.

  • Estimation of Noise Variance from Noisy Measurements of AR and ARMA Systems: Application to Blind Identification of Linear Time-Invariant Systems

    Takashi YAHAGI  Md.Kamrul HASAN  


    E77-A No:5

    In many applications involving the processing of noisy signals, it is desired to know the noise variance. This paper proposes a new method for estimating the noise variance from the signals of autoregressive (AR) and autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) systems corrupted by additive white noise. The method proposed here uses the low-order Yule-Walker (LOYW) equations and the lattice filter (LF) algorithm for the estimation of noise variance from the noisy output measurements of AR and ARMA systems, respectively. Two techniques are proposed here: iterative technique and recursive one. The accuracy of the methods depends on SNR levels, more specifically on the inherent accuracy of the Yule-Walker and lattice filter methods for signal plus noise system. The estimated noise variance is used for the blind indentification of AR and ARMA systems. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method proposed here many numerical results are presented.

  • Second Harmonic Generation in 450 nm Region by 2-Furyl Methacrylic Anhydride Crystal

    Takeshi KINOSHITA  Suguru HORINOUCHI  Keisuke SASAKI  Hidenori OKAMOTO  Norihiro TANAKA  


    E77-C No:5

    This paper describes blue second harmonic generation (SHG) by an organic crystal of 2-furyl methacrylic anhydride (FMA). It has short cut-off wavelength of 380 nm and SHG coefficients at 1064 nm. d3324 pm/V and d3116 pm/V. In 900 nm region 90-degree phase-matched blue SHG is observed using a Ti: Sapphire laser as a fundamental source. This crystal is not hygroscopic and does not exhibit sublimation at room temperature. Fine polishing is also possible.

  • Optical Kerr Shutter Utilizing Symmetrical Π-Conjugated Dyes Dispersed in PMMA

    Naoki OOBA  Hirohisa KANBARA  Satoru TOMARU  Takashi KURIHARA  Toshikuni KAINO  


    E77-C No:5

    The possibility of applying nonlinear optical organic materials to a high speed optical Kerr shutter was investigated. As switching materials, we chose doped PMMA, in which 2, 5-dichloroterephthal-bis [(p-diethylamino) aniline] (SBAC, Symmetrically substituted Benzylidene Aniline) dyes with large χ values were dispersed. The solubilities of the SBAC dyes were increased by controlling their polarity and bulkiness. As the dye concentration was increased, the χ of the doped PMMA increased to as large as 2.61013 esu. In addition, the extinction ratio of the doped PMMA, an important factor in Kerr shutter operation, was improved to 45 dB by investigating polymerization conditions and processes. As a result, optical Kerr shutter operation was observed in a doped polymer system for the first time, and the n2 value of doped PMMA with a χ value of 1.51013 esu was found to be 9.11015 cm2W1.

  • A Novel Selection Diversity Method with Decision Feedback Equalizer

    Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Hideo KOBAYASHI  


    E77-B No:5

    The performance of selection diversity combined with decision feedback equalizer for reception of TDMA carriers is investigated in this paper. The second generation digital land mobile communication systems standardized in the U.S., Japan, and Europe employ TDMA carriers at transmission bit rates up to several hundreds kbit/s. In order to provide higher quality of mobile communications services to the user with employing TDMA carriers, the systems would require both diversity and equalization techniques to combat attenuation of received signal power level due to Rayleigh fading and intersymbol interference resulting from time-variant multipath fading, respectively. This paper proposes a novel integration method of selection diversity and decision feedback equalization techniques which provides the better bit error rate performance than that for the conventional selection diversity method with decision feedback equalizer. The feature of proposed method is that selection diversity and decision feedback equalization techniques are integrated so as to interwork each other. We call the proposed method by the Decision Feedback Diversity with Decision Feedback Equalizer. The detailed algorithm of the proposed method is first presented, and then the system parameters for the method are evaluated based on the computer simulation results. Finally the computer simulation results for the performance of the proposed method are presented and compared to those for the conventional Selection Diversity with Decision Feedback Equalizer and the conventional Dual Diversity Combining and Equalization method under the typical mobile radio environments, in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.

  • Blind Equalization and Blind Sequence Estimation

    Yoichi SATO  


    E77-B No:5

    The joint estimation of two unknowns, i.e. system and input sequence, is overviewed in two methodologies of equalization and identification. Statistical approaches such as optimizing the ensamble average of the cost function at the equalizer output have been widely researched. One is based on the principle of distribution matching that total system must be transparent when the equalizer output has the same distribution as the transmitted sequence. Several generalizations for the cost function to measure mis-matching between distributions have been proposed. The other approach applies the higher order statistics like polyspectrum or cumulant, which possesses the entire information of the system. For example, the total response can be evaluated by the polyspectrum measured at equalizer output, and by zero-forcing both side of the response tail the time dependency in the equalizer output can be eliminated. This is based on the second principle that IID simultaneously at input and at output requires a tranparent system. The recent progress of digital mobile communication gives an incentive to a new approach in the Viterbi algorithm. The Viterbi algorithm coupled with the blind channel identification can be established under a finite alphabet of the transmitted symbols. In the blind algorithm, length of the candidate sequence, which decides the number of trellis states, should be defined as long enough to estimate the current channel response. The channel impairments in mobile communication, null spectrum and rapid time-variance, are solved by fast estimation techniques, for example by Kalman filters or by direct solving the short time least squared error equations. The question of what algorithm has the fastest tracking ability is discussed from algebraic view points.
