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  • Source Coding of Sentences with Truth Values on a [0,1]-Valued Logic System

    Hisashi SUZUKI  Suguru ARIMOTO  


    E77-A No:8

    This article shows construction of an asymptotically optimal source code for transmitting sentences together with truth values on a [0,1]-valued logic system.

  • Interfacial Study of Nb Josephson Junctions with Overlayer Structure

    Shin'ichi MOROHASHI  


    E77-C No:8

    We compare interfaces of Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb and Nb/ZrOx-Zr/Nb junctions using secondary ion mass spectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. We have clarified that an interface of the Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junction is drastically different from that of the Nb/ZrOxZr/Nb junction. An adsorbed water vapor layer plays an important role in suppressing grain boundary diffusion between Nb and Al at the interface of the Nb/AlOxAl/Nb junction. In depositing Nb and Al at low power and cooling the substrate, it is important to control the formation of the adsorbed water vapor layer for fabricating Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junctions exhibiting excellent current-voltage characteristics.

  • Multi-Channel High Tc SQUID

    Hideo ITOZAKI  Saburo TANAKA  Tatsuoki NAGAISHI  Hisashi KADO  


    E77-C No:8

    A multi-channel high temperature superconducting interference device (high Tc SQUID) system with high magnetic field resolution has been developed. Step edge junctions were employed as weakly coupled Josephson junctions for the SQUID. These junctions worked well and their I-V curves fit the resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model. The SQUID design was investigated to improve magnetic field resolution. The size of the SQUID's center hole was investigated, and we found the optimized size of the hole to be about 25 µm. Meissner effect of superconductor was used in order to concentrate magnetic fluxes. A large washer SQUID and a flux concentrating plate was developed to concentrate magnetic flux to the SQUID center hole. The magnetic field resolution became 370 fT/Hz at 10 Hz and 220 fT/Hz at 10 kHz. This field resolution was enough to detect biomagnetic signals such as magnetocardiac signals. The SQUID was mounted on a special chip carrier and was sealed with epoxy resin for protection from humidity. We have designed and developed a 4-channel and a 16-channel high Tc SQUID system. We used them in a magnetically shielded room to measure magnetic signals of the human heart. We obtained clear multi-channel magnetocardiac signals, which showed clear so called QRS and T wave peaks. A clear isofield contour map of magnetocardiac signals was also obtained. These data indicated that high Tc SQUID is feasible for these biomagnetic applications.

  • A Note on Inadequacy of the Model for Learning from Queries

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:8

    Learning correctly from queries" is a formal learning model proposed by Angluin. In this model, for a class Γ of language representations, a learner asks queries to a teacher of an unknown language Lq which can be represented by some GqΓ, and eventually outputs a language representation GΓ which represents Lq and halts. An algorithm (leaner) A is said to learn a class of languages represented by Γ in the weak definition if the time complexity of A is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the minimum size of the lagunage representations in Γ which represent Lq, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned in an execution. On the other band, A is said to learn represented by Γ in the strong definition if at any point τ of the execution, the time consumed up to τ is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the same as above, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned up to τ. In this paper, adequacy of the model is examined, and it is shown that both in the weak and strong definitions, there exist learners which extract a long counterexample, and identify Lq by using equivalence queries exhaustively. For example, there exists a learner which learns the class CFL of context-free languages represented by the class CFG of context-free grammars in the weak definition using only equivalence queries. Next, two restrictions concerning with learnability criteria are introduced. Proper termination condition is that when a teacher replies with yes" to an equivalence query, then the learner must halt immediately. The other condition, called LBC-condition, is that in the weak/strong definition, the time complexity must be some polynomial of n and log m. In this paper, it is shown that under these conditions, there still exist learners which execute exhaustive search. For instance, there exists a learner which learns CFL represented by CFG in the weak definition using membership queries and equivalence queries under the proper termination condition, and there also exists a learner that learns CFL represented by CFG in the strong definition using subset queries and superset queries under LBC-condition. These results suggest that the weak definition is not an adequate learning model even if the proper termination condition is assumed. Also, the model becomes inadequate in the strong definition if some combination of queries, such as subset queries and superset queries, is used instead of equivalence queries. Many classes of languages become learnable by our extracting long counterexample" technique. However, it is still open whether or not CFL represented by CFG is learnable in the strong definition from membership queries and equivalence queries, although the answer is known to be negative if at least one of (1) quadratic residues modulo a composite, (2) inverting RSA encryption, or (3) factoring Blum integers, is intractable.

  • High-Density Full-CMOS SRAM Cell Technology with a Deep Sub-Micron Spacing between nMOS and pMOSFET

    Fumitomo MATSUOKA  Kazunari ISHIMARU  Hiroshi GOJOHBORI  Hidetoshi KOIKE  Yukari UNNO  Manabu SAI  Toshiyuki KONDO  Ryuji ICHIKAWA  Masakazu KAKUMU  

    PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    A full CMOS cell technology for high density SRAMs has been developed. A 0.4 µm n+/p+ spacing has been achieved by a shallow trench isolation with a retrograde and a shallow well design. Dual gate 0.35 µm n- and p-channel MOSFETs were used for the high density full CMOS SRAM cell. The side-wall inversion problem to which MOSFETs are subject due to the trench isolation structure has been controlled by combining taper angled trench etching and a rounded trench edge shape. A dual gate 0.4 µm nMOS/pMOS spacing has also been accomplished with no lateral gate dopant diffusion by an enlarged grain size tungsten polycide gate structure. These techniques can resolve the bottleneck problem of full CMOS SRAM cell size reduction, and realize a competitive cell size against conventional polysilicon resistor load SRAM cell (E/R type cell) or thin-film-transistor load SRAM cell (TFT type cell) structures. A test chip of a 256 k bit full CMOS SRAM was fabricated to verify the process integration of the shallow trench isolation with the retrograde shallow well design and the dual gate CMOS structure. It has been recognized that the above techniques are possible solutions for deep sub-micron high density full CMOS SRAM cell structure.

  • Growth and Tunneling Properties of (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy Single Crystals

    Akinobu IRIE  Masayuki SAKAKIBARA  Gin-ichiro OYA  


    E77-C No:8

    We have systematically grown and characterized (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy (BPSCCO) single crystals, and investigated the tunneling properties and the intrinsic Josephson effects of the single crystals as a function of the nominal composition of Pb, x. It was observed that Pb atoms (ions) were monotonically substituted for Bi atoms (ions) in the (Bi, Pb)-O layers of the crystals with increasing x in a region of 0x0.5, while the modulation structure was maintained in a range of 0x0.3, but disappeared in x0.3, accompanying the decrease of c-lattice parameter and Tc. Moreover, it was found that the energy gaps Δ of BPSCCO depend hardly on x for x0.5, which are about 24 meV, so that the Pb-induced electronic change in the (Bi, Pb)-O layer do not perturb the electronic states in this superconducting system. And it was confirmed that the currentvoltage characteristics of the BPSCCO single crystals had multiple resistive branches corresponding to a series array of several hundreds Josephson junctions, and showed Shapiro steps and zero-crossing steps with the voltage separation of the order of mV resulting from the phase locking of about a hundred Josephson junctions among them under microwave irradiation. The estimated number of junctions gave the concept that the intrinsic Josephson junctions consist of the superconducting block layers and the insulating layers in the BPSCCO single crystals.

  • Fabrication of All-Epitaxial High-Tc SIS Tunnel Structures

    Yasuo TAZOH  Junya KOBAYASHI  Masashi MUKAIDA  Shintaro MIYAZAWA  


    E77-C No:8

    Fabrication of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions requires an atomically flat superconducting thin film to be grown and a proper insulating material to be selected. First, we study the initial growth mode of YBCO thin films and show that reducing the growth rate results in a very smooth surface. Second, perovskite-related compound oxides, PrGaO3 and NdGaO3, which have a small lattice mismatch with YBCO and good wetability, are shown to be promising insulating materials for all-epitaxial SIS tunnel junctions. We believe that these concepts will be useful in the development of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions with good electrical properties.

  • On Pisarenko and Constrained Yule-Walker Estimators of Tone Frequency

    Yegui XIAO  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:8

    In this paper, the Pisarenko and the Constrained Yule-Walker (CYW) estimators of a tone frequency are first newly derived from the viewpoint of using directly the autocorrelation coefficients. Then, simulation of these two estimators is carried out in some detail. The simulation results show that compared with the Pisarenko estimator the CYW estimator, which has not been adequately studied, works poorly for low and moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) values. However, in case of high SNR value, it yields very small bias and comparable estimation variance, and thus produces more accurate tone frequency estimates.

  • High Tc Superconductor Joint with Low Loss and High Strength

    Naobumi SUZUKI  Osamu ISHII  Osamu MICHIKAMi  


    E77-C No:8

    This paper describes a new method for joining BiSrCaCuO superconductors (BSCCO) which realizes low microwave loss and high mechanical strength. This method consists of two processes. In the first the BSCCO surface is metallized with Ag and in the second a joint is formed by using thermally curable Ag paste. With this method, we obtained a joint with a loss of 0.3 dB around 1.1 GHz with the co-axial cavity techniques. Furthermore, the mechanical strength of the joint was greater than that of the BSCCO sample. From the results of DC resistance measurements and SEM observations, we attribute this good performance to the adhesion and continuity of the metallized Ag with the BSCCO surface.

  • A Flexible Search Managing Circuitry for High-Density Dynamic CAMs

    Takeshi HAMAMOTO  Tadato YAMAGATA  Masaaki MIHARA  Yasumitsu MURAI  Toshifumi KOBAYASHI  Hideyuki OZAKI  

    PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    New circuit techniques were proposed to realize a high-density and high-performance content addressable memory (CAM). A dynamic register which functions as a status flag, and some logic circuits are organically combined and flexibly perform complex search operations, despite the compact layout area. Any kind of logic operations for the search results, that are AND, OR, INVERT, and the combinations of them, can be implemented in every word simultaneously. These circuits are implemented in an experimental 288 kbit dynamic CAM using 0.8 µm CMOS process technology. We consider these techniques to be indispensable for high-density and high-performance dynamic CAM.

  • Weak Link Array Junctions in EuBa2Cu3O7-x Films for Microwave Detection

    Koji TSURU  Osamu MICHIKAMI  


    E77-C No:8

    High temperature superconductors are eminently suitable for use in high frequency devices because of their large energy gap. We fabricated weak link Josephson junctions connected in series. The junctions were constructed of EuBa2Cu3O7-x (EBCO) superconducting thin films on bicrystal MgO substrates. We measured their microwave broadband detection (video detection) characteristics. The responsivity (Sr) of the junctions depended on the bias current and their normal state resistance. The array junctions were effective in increasing normal state resistance. We obtained a maximum Sr of 22.6 [V/W].

  • Piecewise Parametric Cubic Interpolation

    Caiming ZHANG  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:8

    A method is described for constructing an interpolant to a set of arbitrary data points (xi, yi), i1, 2, , n. The constructed interpolant is a piecewise parametric cubic polynomial and satisfies C1 continuity, and it reproduces all parametric polynomials of degree two or less exactly. The experiments to compare the new method with Bessel method and spline method are also shown.

  • A Motion Compensation Technique for Down-Scaled Pictures in Layered Coding

    Masahiro IWAHASHI  Wataru KAMEYAMA  Koichi OHYAMA  Noriyoshi KAMBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E77-B No:8

    This paper propeses a new motion compensation (MC) technique which reduces blurring called drift in moving pictures down-scaled with layered coding system. Encoder of the system compresses large amounts of digital video data in the same way of MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) algorithm. Decoder, on the other hand, expands a part of the compressed data and reconstructs down scaled pictures. The purpose of this paper is to reduce blurring which is observed in the reconstructed pictures. In this paper, cause of the blurring is analyzed and the method is introduced as a solution to the problem. The new method is implemented by a little modification of motion compensation (MC) of the decoder, namely increasing the number of tap of interpolation fillters of the MC. Compressing moving pictures, its effectiveness is also confirmed by means of not only subjective test but also signal to noise ratio.

  • Process and Device Technologies for Subhalf-Micron LSI Memory

    Katsuhiro TSUKAMOTO  Hiroaki MORIMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    The progress of LSI technologies makes it possible to fabricate 256 MDRAM. However, it depends on the cost effectiveness of device fabrication that LSI memory can continue to be the technology driver or not. It is indispensable to make the device, process, and equipment as simple as possible for next generation LSI. For example, wavefront technologies in lithography, high energy ion implantation, and simple DRAM cell with SOI structure or high dielectric constant capacitor, are under development to satisfy both device performance improvement and process simplicity.

  • Highly Reliable Flash Memories Fabricated by in-situ Multiple Rapid Thermal Processing

    Takahisa HAYASHI  Yoshiyuki KAWAZU  Akira UCHIYAMA  Hisashi FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E77-C No:8

    We propose, for the first time, highly reliable flash-type EEPROM cell fabrication using in-situ multiple rapid thermal processing (RTP) technology. In this study, rapid thermal oxynitridation tunnel oxide (RTONO) film formations followed by in-situ arsenic (As)-doped floating-gate polysilicon growth by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RTCVD) technologies are fully utilized. The results show that after 5104 program/erase (P/E) endurance cycles, the conventional cell shows 65% narrowing of the threshold voltage (Vt) window, whereas the RTONO cell indicates narrowing of less than 20%. A large number of nitrogen atoms (1020 atoms/cm3) are confirmed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), pile up at the SiO2/Si interface and distribute into bulk SiO2. It is considered that in the RTONO film stable Si-N bonds are formed which minimize electron trap generation as well as the neutral defect density, resulting in lower Vt shifts in P/E stress. In addition, the RTONO film reduces the number of hydrogen atoms because of final N2O oxynitridation. The SIMS data shows that by the in-situ RTCVD process As atoms (91020 atoms/cm3) are incorporated uniformly into 1000--thick film. Moreover, the RTCVD polysilicon film indicates an extremely flat surface. The time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of interpoly oxide-nitride-oxide (ONO) film exhibited no defect-related breakdown and 5 times longer breakdown time as compared to phosphorus-doped polysilicon film. Therefore, the flash-EEPROM cell fabricated has good charge storing capability.

  • Innovation Models in a Stochastic System Represented by an Input-Output Model

    Kuniharu KISHIDA  


    E77-A No:8

    A stochastic system represented by an input-output model can be described by mainly two different types of state space representation. Corresponding to state space representations innovation models are examined. The relationship between both representations is made clear systematically. An easy transformation between them is presented. Zeros of innovation models are the same as those of an ARMA model which is stochastically equivalent to innovation models, and related to stable eigenvalues of generalized eigenvalue problem of matrix Riccati equation.

  • Improved Array Architectures of DINOR for 0.5 µm 32 M and 64 Mbit Flash Memories

    Hiroshi ONODA  Yuichi KUNORI  Kojiro YUZURIHA  Shin-ichi KOBAYASHI  Kiyohiko SAKAKIBARA  Makoto OHI  Atsushi FUKUMOTO  Natsuo AJIKA  Masahiro HATANAKA  Hirokazu MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E77-C No:8

    A novel operation of a flash memory cell, named DINOR (DIvided bit line NOR) operation, is proposed. This operation is based on gate-biased FN programming/FN erasing, and we found that it satisfies all basic cell characteristics such as program/erase, disturb immunity and a cycling endurance. Making a good use of this cell operation, we also proposed a new array structure applied to DINOR type cell whose bit line is divided into the main and sub bit line, having 1.82 µm2 cell size, suitable for 32 Mbit flash memory based on 0.5 µm CMOS process. In the last part of this paper, the useful and practical application of the DINOR operation to a virtual ground array architecture, realizing 1.0 µm2 cell size for a 0.5 µm 64 Mbit flash memory, is described.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Unidirectional Byte Error Locating Codes

    Shuxin JIANG  Eiji FUJIWARA  


    E77-A No:8

    The byte error locating codes specify the byte location in which errors are occurred without indicating the precise location of erroneous bit positions. This type of codes is considered to be useful for fault isolation and reconfiguration in the fault-tolerant computer systems. In this paper, difference between the code function of error-location and that of error-correction/error-detection is clarified. With using the concepts of unidirectional byte distance, unordered byte number and ordered byte number, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the unidirectional byte error locating codes are demonstrated.

  • The Scheduling of the Parameters in Hopfield Neural Networks with Fuzzy Control

    Tomoyuki UEDA  Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI  Chun-Ying HO  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E77-D No:8

    In this paper, we proposes a novel fuzzy control for parameter scheduling of the Hopfield neural network. When a combinatorial optimization problem, such as the traveling salesman problem, is solved by Hopfield neural network, it is efficient to adaptively change the parameters of the energy function and sigmoid function. By changing the parameters on purpose, this network can avoid being trapped at a local minima. Since there exists complex relations among these parameters, it is difficult to analytically determine the ideal scheduling. First, we investigate a bad scheduling to change parameters by simple experiments and find several rules that may lead to a good scheduling. The rules extracted from the experimental results are then realized by fuzzy control. By using fuzzy control, we can judge bad scheduling from vague network stages, and then correct the relations among the parameters. Computer simulation results of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is considered as an example to demonstrate its validity.

  • Properties of Thin-Film Thermal Switches for High-Tc Superconductive Filter

    Yasuhiro NAGAI  Naobumi SUZUKI  Osamu MICHIKAMI  


    E77-C No:8

    This paper reports on the properties of thin-film thermal switches that are monolithically fabricated on high-Tc superconductive filter. Operating at a wide temperature range of 50-77 K, it was found that the switch could control the center frequency by -10 MHz with an increased insertion loss of less than 0.7 dB. In an on-off switching operation of filter characteristics using thin-film switches, power consumption was approximately 20 mW at 77 K, and the signal decay time as a switching speed was 30 ms at 76 K with a switch current of 70 mA. The decay time decreased exponentially as the switch current or the temperature setting increased.
