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[Keyword] Al(20498hit)


  • High Tc Superconductor Joint with Low Loss and High Strength

    Naobumi SUZUKI  Osamu ISHII  Osamu MICHIKAMi  


    E77-C No:8

    This paper describes a new method for joining BiSrCaCuO superconductors (BSCCO) which realizes low microwave loss and high mechanical strength. This method consists of two processes. In the first the BSCCO surface is metallized with Ag and in the second a joint is formed by using thermally curable Ag paste. With this method, we obtained a joint with a loss of 0.3 dB around 1.1 GHz with the co-axial cavity techniques. Furthermore, the mechanical strength of the joint was greater than that of the BSCCO sample. From the results of DC resistance measurements and SEM observations, we attribute this good performance to the adhesion and continuity of the metallized Ag with the BSCCO surface.

  • Growth and Tunneling Properties of (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy Single Crystals

    Akinobu IRIE  Masayuki SAKAKIBARA  Gin-ichiro OYA  


    E77-C No:8

    We have systematically grown and characterized (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy (BPSCCO) single crystals, and investigated the tunneling properties and the intrinsic Josephson effects of the single crystals as a function of the nominal composition of Pb, x. It was observed that Pb atoms (ions) were monotonically substituted for Bi atoms (ions) in the (Bi, Pb)-O layers of the crystals with increasing x in a region of 0x0.5, while the modulation structure was maintained in a range of 0x0.3, but disappeared in x0.3, accompanying the decrease of c-lattice parameter and Tc. Moreover, it was found that the energy gaps Δ of BPSCCO depend hardly on x for x0.5, which are about 24 meV, so that the Pb-induced electronic change in the (Bi, Pb)-O layer do not perturb the electronic states in this superconducting system. And it was confirmed that the currentvoltage characteristics of the BPSCCO single crystals had multiple resistive branches corresponding to a series array of several hundreds Josephson junctions, and showed Shapiro steps and zero-crossing steps with the voltage separation of the order of mV resulting from the phase locking of about a hundred Josephson junctions among them under microwave irradiation. The estimated number of junctions gave the concept that the intrinsic Josephson junctions consist of the superconducting block layers and the insulating layers in the BPSCCO single crystals.

  • On Pisarenko and Constrained Yule-Walker Estimators of Tone Frequency

    Yegui XIAO  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:8

    In this paper, the Pisarenko and the Constrained Yule-Walker (CYW) estimators of a tone frequency are first newly derived from the viewpoint of using directly the autocorrelation coefficients. Then, simulation of these two estimators is carried out in some detail. The simulation results show that compared with the Pisarenko estimator the CYW estimator, which has not been adequately studied, works poorly for low and moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) values. However, in case of high SNR value, it yields very small bias and comparable estimation variance, and thus produces more accurate tone frequency estimates.

  • Fabrication of All-Epitaxial High-Tc SIS Tunnel Structures

    Yasuo TAZOH  Junya KOBAYASHI  Masashi MUKAIDA  Shintaro MIYAZAWA  


    E77-C No:8

    Fabrication of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions requires an atomically flat superconducting thin film to be grown and a proper insulating material to be selected. First, we study the initial growth mode of YBCO thin films and show that reducing the growth rate results in a very smooth surface. Second, perovskite-related compound oxides, PrGaO3 and NdGaO3, which have a small lattice mismatch with YBCO and good wetability, are shown to be promising insulating materials for all-epitaxial SIS tunnel junctions. We believe that these concepts will be useful in the development of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions with good electrical properties.

  • Interfacial Study of Nb Josephson Junctions with Overlayer Structure

    Shin'ichi MOROHASHI  


    E77-C No:8

    We compare interfaces of Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb and Nb/ZrOx-Zr/Nb junctions using secondary ion mass spectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. We have clarified that an interface of the Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junction is drastically different from that of the Nb/ZrOxZr/Nb junction. An adsorbed water vapor layer plays an important role in suppressing grain boundary diffusion between Nb and Al at the interface of the Nb/AlOxAl/Nb junction. In depositing Nb and Al at low power and cooling the substrate, it is important to control the formation of the adsorbed water vapor layer for fabricating Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junctions exhibiting excellent current-voltage characteristics.

  • Low-Voltage and Low-Power ULSI Circuit Techniques

    Masakazu AOKI  Kiyoo ITOH  

    INVITED PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    Recent achievements in low-voltage and low-power circuit techniques are reported in this paper. DC current in low-voltage CMOS circuits stemming from the subthreshold current in MOS transistors, is effectively reduced by applying switched-power-line schemes. The AC current charging the capacitance in DRAM memory arrays is reduced by a partial activation of array blocks during the active mode and by a charge recycle during the refresh mode. A very-low-power reference-voltage generator is also reported to control the internal chip voltage precisely. These techniques will open the way to using giga-scale LSIs in battery-operated portable equipment.

  • On Specifying Protocols Based on LOTOS and Temporal Logic

    Toshihiko ANDO  Yasushi KATO  Kaoru TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E77-B No:8

    We propose a method which can construct LOTOS specifications of communication systems from temporal properties described in Extended branching time temporal logic (EBTL) in this paper. Description of LOTOS, one of Formal Description Techniques, is based on behaviors of systems so that LOTOS permits strict expression. However, it is difficult to express temporal properties explicitly. On the other hand, Temporal logic is based on properties of systems. Thus temporal logic permits direct expression of temporal properties which can be understood intuitively. Accordingly, temporal logic is more useful than FDTs on the first step of systems specification. This method is effective in this point of view. Specifications obtained using this method can have a structured style. When temporal properties are regarded as constraints about temporal order among actions of systems, those specification can have a constraint oriented style. This method is based on sequential composition of Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs) which are semantics of LOTOS. EBTL is also defined on LTSs. In general, many LTSs satisfy the same temporal property. To obtain such the minimal LTS, the standard form of LTSs corresponding to EBTL operators are defined. Those standard LTSs are mainly tailored to the field of communication protocol. We also show conditions that original temporal properties are preserved in case of sequential composition of standard LTSs. In addition, applying this method to the Abracadabra Protocol, we show that this method can construct specifications of concrete protocols effectively.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Unidirectional Byte Error Locating Codes

    Shuxin JIANG  Eiji FUJIWARA  


    E77-A No:8

    The byte error locating codes specify the byte location in which errors are occurred without indicating the precise location of erroneous bit positions. This type of codes is considered to be useful for fault isolation and reconfiguration in the fault-tolerant computer systems. In this paper, difference between the code function of error-location and that of error-correction/error-detection is clarified. With using the concepts of unidirectional byte distance, unordered byte number and ordered byte number, the necessary and sufficient conditions of the unidirectional byte error locating codes are demonstrated.

  • Performance Analysis of Multi-Pulse Pulse Position Modulation (MPPM) in Noisy Photon Counting Channel

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E77-A No:8

    We analyze the error probability performance of multi-pulse pulse position modulation (MPPM) in noisy photon counting channel. Moreover we investigate the error perofrmance of convolutional coded MPPM and RS coded MPPM in noisy photon counting channel. We define a distance between symbols as the number of nonoverlapping pulses in one symbol, and by using the distance we analyze the error performance of MPPM in noisy photon counting channel. It is shown that MPPM has better performance than PPM in the error probability performance in noisy photon counting channel. For PPM in noisy photon counting channel, convolutional codes are more effective than RS codes to reduce the average transmitting power. For MPPM in noisy photon counting channel, however, RS codes are shown to be more effective than convolutional codes.

  • LiNbO3 Optical Modulator Using a Superconducting Resonant Electrode

    Keiji YOSHIDA  Akihiko NOMURA  Yutaka KANDA  


    E77-C No:8

    Microwave characteristics of a LiNbO3 optical modulator using a superconductor (Pb-In-Au) as a resonant electrode has been studied experimentally at low temperatures down to 4.2 K. It is shown that at the resonance frequency of 14.8 GHz the obtained modulation depth takes a maximum value as expected from theory when the electrode becomes superconducting. The present results demonstrate the possible applications of superconducting electrodes to high performance LiNbO3 optical modulators.

  • Design of Repairable Cellular Arrays on Multiple-Valued Logic

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E77-D No:8

    This paper proposes a repairable and diagnosable k-valued cellular array. We assume a single fault, i.e., either stuck-at-O fault or stuck-at-(k1) fault of switches occurs in the array. By building in a duplicate column iteratively, when a stuck-at-(k1) fault occurs in the array, the fault never influences the output of the array. That is, we can construct a fault-tolerant array for the stuck-at-(k1) fault. While, for the stuck-at-O fault, the diagnosing method is simple and easy because we don't have to diagnose the stuck-at-(k1) fault. Moreover, our array can be repaired easily for the fault. The comparison with other rectangular arrays shows that our array has advantages for the number of cells and the cost of the fault diagnosis.

  • Automatic Seal Imprint Verification System with Imprint Quality Assessment Function and Its Performance Evaluation

    Katsuhiko UEDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:8

    An annoying problem encountered in automatic seal imprint verification is that for seal imprints may have a lot of variations, even if they are all produced from a single seal. This paper proposes a new automatic seal imprint verification system which adds an imprint quality assessment function to our previous system in order to solve this problem, and also examines the verification performance of this system experimentally. This system consists of an imprint quality assessment process and a verification process. In the imprint quality assessment process, an examined imprint is first divided into partial regions. Each partial region is classified into one of three quality classes (good quality region, poor quality region, and background) on the basis of characteristics of its gray level histogram. In the verification process, only good quality partial regions of an examined imprint are verified with registered one. Finally, the examined imprint is classified as one of two types: a genuine and a forgery. However, as a result of quality assessment, if the partial regions classified as poor quality are too many, the examined imprint is classified as ambiguous" without verification processing. A major advantage of this verification system is that this system can verify seal imprints of various qualities efficiently and accurately. Computer experiments with real seal imprints were performed by using this system, previous system (without image quality assessment function) and document examiners of a bank. The results of these experiments show that this system is superior in the verification performance to our previous system, and has a similar verification performance to that of document examiners (i.e., the experimental results show the effectiveness of adding the image quality assessment function to a seal imprint verification system).

  • A New Recursive Method for the Mean Waiting Time in a Polling Network with Gated General Order Service

    Chung-Ju CHANG  Lain-Chyr HWANG  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:8

    A new recursive method for obtaining the mean waiting time in a polling system with general service order and gated service discipline is proposed. The analytical approach used to obtain the mean waiting time is via an imbedded Markov chain and a new recursive method is used to obtain the moments of pseudocycle time which are parameters in the formula for the mean waiting time. This method is computationally tractable, so the analytical results can cover a wide range of applications. Simulations are also conducted to verify the validity of the analysis.

  • On Trellis Structure of LUEP Block Codes and a Class of UEP QPSK Block Modulation Codes



    E77-A No:8

    Recently there has been considerable interest in coded modulation schemes that offer multiple levels of error protection. That is, constructions of (block or convolutional) modulation codes in which signal sequences associated with some message symbols are separated by a squared Euclidean distance that is larger than the minimum squared Euclidean distance (MSED) of the code. In this paper, the trellis structure of linear unequal-error-protection (LUEP) codes is analyzed. First, it is shown that LUEP codes have trellises that can be expressed as a direct product of trellises of subcodes or clouds. This particular trellis structure is a result of the cloud structure of LUEP codes in general. A direct consequence of this property of LUEP codes is that searching for trellises with parallel structure for a block modulation code may be useful not only in analyzing its structure and in simplifying its decoding, but also in determining its UEP capabilities. A basic 3-level 8-PSK block modulation code is analyzed under this new perspective, and shown to offer two levels of error protection. To illustrate the trellis structure of an LUEP code, we analyze a trellis diagram for an extended (64,24) BCH code, which is a two-level LUEP code. Furthermore, we introduce a family of LUEP codes based on the |||-construction, using Reed-Muller (RM) codes as component codes. LUEP codes in this family have the advantage of having a well known trellis structure. Their application in constructing LUEP-QPSK modulation codes is presented, and their error performance over an AWGN channel examined.

  • Unidirectional Byte Error Locating Codes

    Shuxin JIANG  Eiji FUJIWARA  


    E77-A No:8

    This papter proposes a new type of unidirectional error control codes which indicates the location of unidirectional errors clustered in b-bit length, i.e., unidirectional byte error in b (b2) bits. Single unidirectional b-bit byte error locating codes, called SUbEL codes, are first clarified using necessary and sufficient conditions, and then code construction algorithm is demonstrated. The lower bound on check bit length of the SUbEL codes is derived. Based on this, the proposed codes are shown to be very efficient. Using the code design concept presented for the SUbEL codes, it is demonstrated that generalized unidirectional byte error locating codes are easily constructed.

  • Variable Error Controlling Schemes for Intelligent Error Controlling Systems

    Taroh SASAKI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:8

    Recently, a lot of research works have been carried out regarding intelligent communication. If the final information sink is assumed as a human being, a communication channel can be used more effectively when encoders/decoders work "intelligently" or take into account of the semantics of information to be sent. We have been studying error-controlling systems based on different importance of segmental information. The system divides the information input into segments to which individual importance can be assigned. The segments are individually encoded by appropriate error-correcting codes (ECCs) which correspond to their importance among codes with different error-correcting capabilities. For the information that difference of the importance is systematically aligned, conventional UEP (unequal error protection) codes can be applied, but we treat the case that alignment of the importance of the information source is not systematically aligned. Since the system uses multiple ECCs with different (n,k,d) parameters, information regarding what length of the next codeword is required for decoding. We propose error controlling schemes using mulriple ECCs; the first scheme and the second scheme use the obvious codelength identifying information. In the second scheme, information bits are sorted so that segments with the same importance can be encoded by an ECC with the same error-correcting capability. The third scheme is a main proposal in this paper and uses Variable Capability Coding scheme (VCC) which uses some ECCs having different error-correcting capabilities and codelengths. A sequence encoded by the VCC is separable into appropriate segments without obvious codelength identifying information when the channel error probability is low. Subsequently, we evaluate these schemes by coderate when (1) error correcting capability (2) codelength identifying capability are the same. One of the feature of VCC is the capability of resuming from propagative errors because errors beyond the codelength identifying capability occur and the proper beginning of the codeword is lost in the decoder. We also evaluate this capability as (3) resynchronizing capability.

  • Pipelining Gauss Seidel Method for Analysis of Discrete Time Cellular Neural Networks

    Naohiko SHIMIZU  Gui-Xin CHENG  Munemitsu IKEGAMI  Yoshinori NAKAMURA  Mamoru TANAKA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:8

    This paper describes a pipelining universal system of discrete time cellular neural networks (DTCNNs). The new relaxation-based algorithm which is called a Pipelining Gauss Seidel (PGS) method is used to solve the CNN state equations in pipelining. In the systolic system of N processor elements {PEi}, each PEi performs the convolusional computation (CC) of all cells and the preceding PEi-1 performs the CC of all cells taking precedence over it by the precedence interval number p. The expected maximum number of PE's for the speeding up is given by n/p where n means the number of cells. For its application, the encoding and decoding process of moving images is simulated.

  • Parallel Analog Image Coding and Decoding by Using Cellular Neural Networks

    Mamoru TANAKA  Kenneth R. CROUNSE  Tamás ROSKA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:8

    This paper describes highly parallel analog image coding and decoding by cellular neural networks (CNNs). The communication system in which the coder (C-) and decoder (D-) CNNs are embedded consists of a differential transmitter with an internal receiver model in the feedback loop. The C-CNN encodes the image through two cascaded techniques: structural compression and halftoning. The D-CNN decodes the received data through a reconstruction process, which includes a dynamic current distribution, so that the original input to the C-CNN can be recognized. The halftoning serves as a dynamic quantization to convert each pixel to a binary value depending on the neighboring values. We approach halftoning by the minimization of error energy between the original gray image and reconstructed halftone image, and the structural compression from the viewpoints of topological and regularization theories. All dynamics are described by CNN state equations. Both the proposed coding and decoding algorithms use only local image information in a space inveriant manner, therefore errors are distributed evenly and will not introduce the blocking effects found in DCT-based coding methods. In the future, the use of parallel inputs from on-chip photodetectors would allow direct dynamic quantization and compression of image sequences without the use of multiple bit analog-to-digital converters. To validate our theory, a simulation has been performed by using the relaxation method on an 150 frame image sequence. Each input image was 256256 pixels whth 8 bits per pixel. The simulated fixed compression rate, not including the Huffman coding, was about 1/16 with a PSNR of 31[dB]35[dB].

  • Distortion-Complexity and Rate-Distortion Function



    E77-A No:8

    We define the complexity and the distortion-complexity of an individual finite length string from a finite set. Assuming that the string is produced by a stationary ergodic source, we prove that the distortion-complexity per source letter and its expectation approximate arbitrarily close the rate-distortion function of this source as the length of the string grows. Furthermore, we apply this property to construct a universal data compression scheme with distortion.

  • Amplification Characteristics of Waveguide Type Optical Amplifier Using Nd Doped Garnet Thin Film

    Mitsuhiro WADA  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  


    E77-C No:7

    This paper proposes a waveguide type optical amplifier which is constructed in 1.3 at.% Nd doped yttrium gallium garnet thin films deposited on yttrium aluminum garnet substrates by using RF sputtering . The crystalline thin film with a satisfactory stoichiometric composition is obtained by annealing at 1000 after depositing at 600. The spectral properties and the optical amplification characteristics of the thin film waveguide are measured. Optical propagation loss of 2.2 dB/cm is achieved at the wavelength of 1061.5 nm. Absorption peak of the thin film is located at 808 nm, and fluorescence peaks at about 1.06 µm and 1.3 µm suggest the possibility of optical amplification. For the wavelength of 1061.5 nm, a maximum gain of 4.4 dB and a S/N ratio of 12.6 dB are obtained at a signal power of 10 µW and the pump power of about 14 mW. The pump efficiency is more than 0.3 dB/mW.
