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  • BEM-: An Arithmetic Boolean Expression Manipulator Using BDDs

    Shin-ichi MINATO  


    E76-A No:10

    Recently, there has been a lot of research on solving combinatorial problems using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), which are very efficient representations of Boolean functions. We have already developed a Boolean Expression Manipulator, which calculates and reduces Boolean expressions quickly based on BDD techniques. This greatly aids our works on developing VLSI CAD systems and solving combinatorial problems. Any combinatorial problem can be described in Boolean expressions; however, arithmetic operations, such as addition, subraction, multiplication, equality and inequality, are also used for describing many practical problems. Arithmetic operations provide simple descriptions of problems in many cases. In this paper, we present an arithmetic Boolean expression manipulator (BEM-), based on BDD techniques. BEM- calculates Boolean expressions containing arithmetic operations and then displays the results in various formats. It can solve problems represented by a set of equalities and inequalities, which are dealt with using 0-1 linear programming. We show the efficient data structure based on BDD representation, algorihms for manipulating Boolean expressions with arithmetic operations, and good formats for displaying the results. Finally we present the specification of BEM- and an example of application to the 8-Queens problem. BEM- is customizable to various applicationa. It has good computation performance in terms of the total time for programming and execution. We expect BEM- to be a helpful tool in research and development on digital systems.

  • Satellite Image Processing System Utilizing an Extended Cellular Array Processor

    Masataka AJIRO  Hiroyuki MIYATA  Takashi KAN  Masakazu SOGA  Makoto ONO  


    E76-D No:10

    Since its successful launch in February of 1992, the Japan Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) has been sending back high resolution images of the earth for various studies, including the investigation of earth resources, the preservation of environments and the observation of coastal lines. Currently, received images are processed using the Earth Resources Satellite Data Information System (ERSDIS). The ERSDIS is a high speed image processing system utilizing an extended cellular array processor as its main processing module. The extended cellular array processor (CAP), consisting of 4096 processing elements configured into a two-dimensional array, is designed to have many parallel processing optimizing capabilities targetting large-scale image processing at a high speed. This paper desctribes a typical image processing flow, the structure of the ERSDIS, and the details of the CAP design.

  • Un-Biased Linear Algorithm for Recovering Three-Dimensional Motion from optical Flow

    Norio TAGAWA  Takashi TORIU  Toshio ENDOH  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:10

    This paper describes a noise resistant algorithm for recovering the three-dimensional motion of a rigid object from optical flow. First, it is shown that in the absence of noise three-demensional motion can be obtained exactly by a linear algorithm except in the special case in which the surface of the object is on a general quadratic surface passing through the viewpoint, and the normal vector of the surface at the viewpoint is perpendicular to the translation velocity vector. In the presence of noise, an evaluation function is introduced based on the least squares method. It is shown, however, that the solution which minimizes the evaluation function is not always optimal due to statistical bias. To deal with this problem, a method to eliminate the statistical bias in the evaluation function is proposed for zero mean white noise. Once the statistical bias is eliminated, the solution of the linear algorithm coincides with the correct solution by means of expectation. In this linear algorithm, only the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue of a 33 matrix is necessary to find the translational velocity. Once the translational velocity is obtained, the rotational velocity can be computed directly. This method is also shown to be noise resistant by computer simulation.

  • Test Sequence Generation for Sequential Circuits with Distinguishing Sequences

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Seiji KAJIHARA  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E76-A No:10

    In this paper we present a method to generate test sequences for stuck-at faults in sequential circuits which have distinguishing sequences. Since the circuit may have no distinguishing sequence, we use two design techniques for circuits which have distinguishing sequences. One is at state transition level and the other is at gate level. In our proposed method complete test sequence can be generated. The sequence consists of test vectors for the combinational part of the circuit, distinguishing sequences and transition sequences. The test vectors, which are generated by a combinational test generator, cause faulty staes or faulty output responses for a fault, and disinguishing sequences identify the differences between faulty states and fault free states. Transition sequences are necessary to make the state in the combinational vectors. And the distinguishing sequence and the transition sequence are used in the initializing sequence. Some techniques for shortening the test sequence is also proposed. The basic ideas of the techniques are to use a short initializing sequence and to find the order in concatenating sequences. But fault simulation is conducted so as not to miss any faults. The initializing sequence is obtained by using a distinguishing sequence. The efficiency of our method is shown in the experimental results for benchmark circuits.

  • Estimating the Two-Dimensional Blood Flow Velocity Map from Cineangiograms: Algorithm Using an Initial Guess and Its Application to an Abdominal Aneurysm

    Naozo SUGIMOTO  Chikao UYAMA  Tetsuo SUGAHARA  Yoshio YANAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E76-D No:10

    To derive blood flow dynamics from cineangiograms (CAG), we have developed an image processing algorithm to estimate a two-dimensional blood fiow velocity map projected on CAG. Each image area of CAG is diveded into blocks, and it is assumed that the movement of the contrast medium between two serial frames is restricted only to adjacent blocks. By this assumption, a fundamental equation" and the maximum flow constraints" are derived. The equation and constraints state the relationship between the volume of contrast medium in each block and the flow components" that are the volumes of contrast medium flowing from/to its adjacent blocks. The initial guess" that is a set of approximately obtained flow components is corrected using these relationships. The corrected flow components are then transformed into blood flow velocities, which are illustrated in the form of a needle diagram. In numerical experiments, the estimation error between the real flow velocity generated artificially and the flow velocity estimated with our algorithm was evaluated under one of the worst conditions. Although the maximum error was fairly large, the estimated flow velocity map was still acceptable for visual inspection of flow velocity pattern. We then applied our algorithm to an abdominal CAG (clinical data). The results showed flow stagnation and reverse flow in the abdominal aneurysm, which are consistent with the presence of a thrombus in the aneurysm. This algorithm may be a useful diagnostic tool in the assessment of vascular disease.

  • Restrictive Channel Routing with Evolution Programs

    Xingzhao LIU  Akio SAKAMOTO  Takashi SHIMAMOTO  


    E76-A No:10

    Evolution programs have been shown to be very useful in a variety of search and optimization problems, however, until now, there has been little attempt to apply evolution programs to channel routing problem. In this paper, we present an exolution program and identify the key points which are essential to successfully applying evolution programs to channel routing problem. We also indicate how integrating heuristic information related to the problem under consideration helps in convergence on final solutions and illustrate the validity of out approach by providing experimental results obtained for the benchmark tests. compared with the optimal solutions.

  • Prciseness of Discrete Time Verification

    Shinji KIMURA  Shunsuke TSUBOTA  Hiromasa HANEDA  


    E76-A No:10

    The discrete time analysis of logic circuits is usually more efficient than the continuous time analysis, but the preciseness of the discrete time analysis is not guaranteed. The paper shows a method to decide a unit time for a logic circuit under which the analysis result is the same as the result based on the continuous time. The delay time of an element is specified with an interval between the minimum and maximum delay times, and we assume an analysis method which enumerates all possible delay cases under the deisrete time. Our main theorem is as follows: refine the unit time by a factor of 1/2, and if the analysis result with a unit time u and that with a unit time u/2 are the same, then u is the expected unit time.

  • A Compostite Signal Detection Scheme in Additive and Signal-Dependent Noise

    Sangyoub KIM  Iickho SONG  Sun Yong KIM  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:10

    When orignal signals are contaminated by both additive and signal-dependent noise components, the test statistics of locally optimum detector are obtained for detection of weak composite signals based on the generalized Neyman-Pearson lemma. In order to consider the non-additive noise as well as purely-additive noise, a generalized observation model is used in this paper. The locally optimum detector test statisics are derived for all different cases according to the relative strengths of the known signal, random signal, and signal-dependent noise components. Schematic diagrams of the structures of the locally optimum detector are also included. The finite sample-size performance characteristics of the locally optimum detector are compared with those of other common detectors.

  • Exploiting Parallelism in Neural Networks on a Dynamic Data-Driven System

    Ali M. ALHAJ  Hiroaki TERADA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:10

    High speed simulation of neural networks can be achieved through parallel implementations capable of exploiting their massive inherent parallelism. In this paper, we show how this inherent parallelism can be effectively exploited on parallel data-driven systems. By using these systems, the asynchronous parallelism of neural networks can be naturally specified by the functional data-driven programs, and maximally exploited by pipelined and scalable data-driven processors. We shall demonstrate the suitability of data-driven systems for the parallel simulation of neural networks through a parallel implementation of the widely used back propagation networks. The implementation is based on the exploitation of the network and training set parallelisms inherent in these networks, and is evaluated using an image data compression network.

  • Temperature Dependence of Signal Gain in Er3-Doped Optical Fiber Amplifiers Pumped by 0.8µm Band GsAlAs Laser Diodes

    Makoto YAMADA  Makoto SHIMIZU  Kaoru YOSHINO  Masaharu HORIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:10

    This letter reports in detail on the temperature-dependent signal gain characteristics of Er3+-doped optical fiber amplifiers at signal wavelengths of 1.536µm and 1.552µm. The amplifiers were pumped at 0.825µm in a temperature range of 40 to 200. The signal gain for optimum length at both wavelengths stops increasing and begins to decrease at about 80. In the temperature region below 80, both signal gains increase with fiber temperature for fibers of optimum length or less. A temperature independent length aroud the optimum length is observed from 80 to 200 for both signal wavelengths. Theoretically, the temperature dependence of the signal gain characteristics rerults from the changes in fluorescence, absorption, GSA and ESA cross sections.

  • Transient Backward and Forward Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Conducting Rectangular Cylinder with an Open Side-Wall--The Case of a Half Sine Pulse lncident on the Open Side and the Closed Side--

    Shinichiro OHNUKI  Tsuneki YAMASAKI  Takashi HINATA  

    PAPER-Transient Field

    E76-C No:10

    The transient scattering of a half sine pulse wave by a conducting rectangular cylinder with an open sidewall is rigorously analyzed by using the point matching method (taking into account the edge condition exactly) combined with the fast inversion of Laplace transform. Numerical results are presented for back scattered and forward scattered responses of the far fields when a half sine pulse is incident on the open side and the closed side of the cylinder. The physical meaning of the transient responses is discussed in detail. The comparison of the responses with those by a perfect conducting rectangular cylinder is presented.

  • Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processing Using Nonstandard FFT Algorithm: JERS-1, a Case Study

    Riccardo LANARI  Haruto HIROSAWA  

    PAPER-Radar Signal Processing

    E76-B No:10

    A fully focused Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image can be obtained only if the raw data processing procedure takes into account the space-variance of the SAR system transfer function. This paper presents a nonconventional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm which allows an efficient compensation of the space-variant effect. It is specially designed for the SAR data of the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS-1) but can be extended to different cases.

  • Two-Dimensional Target Profiling by Electromagnetic Backscattering

    Saburo ADACHI  Toru UNO  Tsutomu NAKAKI  

    PAPER-Inverse Problem

    E76-C No:10

    This paper discusses methods and numerical simulations of one and two dimensional profilings for an arbitrary convex conducting target using the electromagnetic backscattering. The inversions for profile reconstructions are based upon the modified extended physical optics method (EPO). The modified EPO method assumes the modified physical optics current properly over the entire surface of conducting scatterers. First, the cross sectional area along a line of sight is reconstructed by performing iteratively the Fourier transform of the backscattering field in the frequency domain. Second, the two dimensional profile is reconstructed by synthesizing the above one dimensional results for several incident angles. Numerical simulation results of the target profiling are shown for spheroids and cone-spheroid.

  • The Optimum Approximation of Muliti-Dimensional Signals Using Parallel Wavelet Filter Banks

    Takuro KIDA  

    PAPER-Parallel/Multidimensional Signal Processing

    E76-A No:10

    A systematic theory of the optimum sub-band interpolation using parallel wavelet filter banks presented with respect to a family of n-dimensional signals which are not necessarily band-limited. It is assumed that the Fourier spectrums of these signals have weighted L2 norms smaller than a given positive number. In this paper, we establish a theory that the presented optimum interpolation functions satisfy the generalized discrete orthogonality and minimize the wide variety of measures of error simultaneously. In the following discussion, we assume initially that the corresponding approximation formula uses the infinite number of interpolation functions having limited supports and functional forms different from each other. However, it should be noted that the resultant optimum interpolation functions can be realized as the parallel shift of the finite number of space-limited functions. Some remarks to the problem of distinction of images is presented relating to the generalized discrete orthogonality and the reciprocal property for the proposed approximation.

  • Generalization Ability of Extended Cascaded Artificial Neural Network Architecture

    Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:10

    We present an extension of the previously proposed 3-layer feedforward network called a cascaded network. Cascaded networks are trained to realize category classification employing binary input vectors and locally represented binary target output vectors. To realize a nonlinearly separable task the extended cascaded network presented here is consreucted by introducing high order cross producted inputs at the input layer. In the construction of the cascaded network, two 2-layer networks are first trained independently by delta rule and then cascaded. After cascading, the intermediate layer can be understood as a hidden layer which is trained to attain preassigned saturated outputs in response to the training set. In a cascaded network trained to categorize binary image patterns, saturation of hidden outputs reduces the effect of corrupted disturbances presented in the input. We demonstrated that the extended cascaded network was able to realize a nonlinearly separable task and yielded better generalization ability than the Backpropagation network.

  • Suppression of Weibull Radar Clutter

    David FERNANDES  Matsuo SEKINE  


    E76-B No:10

    Weibull-distributed clutter are reviewed. Most of the clutter received by L, S, C, X and Ku band radars obey Weibull distribution. Clutter suppression techniques for Weibull clutter are also reviewed. Especially, the generalized Weibull CFAR detector is emphasized. The approch is to estimate the shape and scale parameters of the Weibull clutter using order statistics and then use them in the detector. The generalized CFAR detector transforms the Weibull clutter distribution into a normalized exponential distribution. When a target is present, the transformation produces a large error that can be used to detect the target. Actual data taken by a Ku band radar are used to compare the proposed method with another method to estimate the Weibull parameters and with the Weibull CFAR detector. Order statistics estimation requires a small number of samples and can be used to find the local value of Weibull clutter parameters and, thus, the proposed method requires less computational time to find the Weibull parameters.

  • State Diagram Matrix for Hierarchical Specification of Reactive System

    Tomohiro MURATA  Kenzou KURIHARA  Ayako ASHIDA  


    E76-A No:10

    Reactive systems respond to internal or external stimuli and act in an event-driven manner. It is generally difficult to specify a complex reactive systems' behavior using conventional state machine formalism. One reason is that actual reactive systems are usually formed by combining plural state-machince that behave concurretly. This paper presents the State Diagram Matrix (SDM) which is a visual and hierarchical formalism of such a reactive system's behavior. SDM has two concepts. The first is matrix plane description on which 3-dimensional state space is projected. The second is state abstraction for hierarchical state-machine definition. Understandability and reliability of control software was improved as a consequence of adopting SDM for specifying disk-subsystem control requirements. The development support functions of SDM using a workstation are also described.

  • Propagation of Nonlinear Waves Guided by Planar Waveguides with Inhomogeneous Refractive-Index Profile

    Yutaka SATOMURA  Yoshinori MUROI  

    LETTER-Optical Device

    E76-C No:10

    The propagation characteristics of nonlinear TE waves guided by planar optical waveguide whose guiding region has arbitrary inhomogeneous refractive-index profile are investigated theoretically by using the WKB method. The effects of inhomogeneous index profile of a guided region on the propagation characteristics such as the propagation constant and the field distribution are estimated numerically.

  • A Proposal of a Recognition System for the Specices of Birds Receiving Birdcalls--An Application of Recognition Systems for Environmental Sound--

    Takehiko ASHIYA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E76-A No:10

    In the future, it will be necessary that robot technology or environmental technology has an auditory function of recognizing sound expect for speech. In this letter, we propose a recognition system for the species of birds receiving birdcalls, based on network technology. We show the first step of a recognition system for the species of birds, as an application of a recognition system for environmental sound.

  • Statistical Property and Signal Processing of Received Wave of Subsurface Radar

    Kihachiro TAKETOMI  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Subsurface Radar

    E76-B No:10

    This paper proposes that the statistical property of the wave form obtained by a pulse type subsurface radar follows the Weibull probability density distribution. The shape parameter of this distribution is related to the underground condition. By using the shape parameter, we calculated the statistical variance. The ratio of the variance of target area to that of non-target area in invisible medium is evaluated for the effect of the radar signal processing. Over 20dB improvement, for example, can be obtained by means of Log/CFAR processing. It made clear that the cell size of processing should be selected the length corresponding to self-correlation.
