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[Keyword] CHAIN(220hit)


  • mPoW: How to Make Proof of Work Meaningful

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E106-A No:3

    Proof of Work (PoW), which is a consensus algorithm for blockchain, entails a large number of meaningless hash calculations and wastage of electric power and computational resources. In 2021, it is estimated that the PoW of Bitcoin consumes as much electricity as Pakistan's annual power consumption (91TWh). This is a serious problem against sustainable development goals. To solve this problem, this study proposes Meaningful-PoW (mPoW), which involves a meaningful calculation, namely the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to PoW. Specifically, by using the intermediate values that are periodically generated through GA calculations as an input to the Hashcash used in Bitcoin, it is possible to make this scheme a meaningful calculation (GA optimization problem) while maintaining the properties required for PoW. Furthermore, by applying a device-binding technology, mPoW can be ASIC resistant without the requirement of a large memory. Thus, we show that mPoW can reduce the excessive consumption of both power and computational resources.

  • DAG-Pathwidth: Graph Algorithmic Analyses of DAG-Type Blockchain Networks

    Shoji KASAHARA  Jun KAWAHARA  Shin-ichi MINATO  Jumpei MORI  


    E106-D No:3

    This paper analyzes a blockchain network forming a directed acyclic graph (DAG), called a DAG-type blockchain, from the viewpoint of graph algorithm theory. To use a DAG-type blockchain, NP-hard graph optimization problems on the DAG are required to be solved. Although various problems for undirected and directed graphs can be efficiently solved by using the notions of graph parameters, these currently known parameters are meaningless for DAGs, which implies that it is hopeless to design efficient algorithms based on the parameters for such problems. In this work, we propose a novel graph parameter for directed graphs called a DAG-pathwidth, which represents the closeness to a directed path. This is an extension of the pathwidth, a well-known graph parameter for undirected graphs. We analyze the features of the DAG-pathwidth and prove that computing the DAG-pathwidth of a DAG (directed graph in general) is NP-complete. Finally, we propose an efficient algorithm for a variant of the maximum k-independent set problem for the DAG-type blockchain when the DAG-pathwidth of the input graph is small.

  • Incentive-Stable Matching Protocol for Service Chain Placement in Multi-Operator Edge System

    Jen-Yu WANG  Li-Hsing YEN  Juliana LIMAN  


    E105-B No:11

    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) enables the embedding of Virtualized Network Function (VNF) into commodity servers. A sequence of VNFs can be chained in a particular order to form a service chain (SC). This paper considers placing multiple SCs in a geo-distributed edge system owned by multiple service providers (SPs). For a pair of SC and SP, minimizing the placement cost while meeting a latency constraint is formulated as an integer programming problem. As SC clients and SPs are self-interested, we study the matching between SCs and SPs that respects individual's interests yet maximizes social welfare. The proposed matching approach excludes any blocking individual and block pair which may jeopardize the stability of the result. Simulation results show that the proposed approach performs well in terms of social welfare but is suboptimal concerning the number of placed SCs.

  • Operations Smart Contract to Realize Decentralized System Operations Workflow for Consortium Blockchain

    Tatsuya SATO  Taku SHIMOSAWA  Yosuke HIMURA  


    E105-B No:11

    Enterprises have paid attention to consortium blockchains like Hyperledger Fabric, which is one of the most promising platforms, for efficient decentralized transactions without depending on any particular organization. A consortium blockchain-based system will be typically built across multiple organizations. In such blockchain-based systems, system operations across multiple organizations in a decentralized manner are essential to maintain the value of introducing consortium blockchains. Decentralized system operations have recently been becoming realistic with the evolution of consortium blockchains. For instance, the release of Hyperledger Fabric v2.x, in which individual operational tasks for a blockchain network, such as command execution of configuration change of channels (Fabric's sub-networks) and upgrade of chaincodes (Fabric's smart contracts), can be partially executed in a decentralized manner. However, the operations workflows also include the preceding procedure of pre-sharing, coordinating, and pre-agreeing the operational information (e.g., configuration parameters) among organizations, after which operation executions can be conducted, and this preceding procedure relies on costly manual tasks. To realize efficient decentralized operations workflows for consortium blockchain-based systems in general, we propose a decentralized inter-organizational operations method that we call Operations Smart Contract (OpsSC), which defines an operations workflow as a smart contract. Furthermore, we design and implement OpsSC for blockchain network operations with Hyperledger Fabric v2.x. This paper presents OpsSC for operating channels and chaincodes, which are essential for managing the blockchain networks, through clarifying detailed workflows of those operations. A cost evaluation based on an estimation model shows that the total operational cost for executing a typical operational scenario to add an organization to a blockchain network having ten organizations could be reduced by 54 percent compared with a conventional script-based method. The implementation of OpsSC has been open-sourced and registered as one of Hyperledger Labs projects, which hosts experimental projects approved by Hyperledger.

  • Cost-Effective Service Chain Construction with VNF Sharing Model Based on Finite Capacity Queue

    Daisuke AMAYA  Takuji TACHIBANA  


    E105-B No:11

    Service chaining is attracting attention as a promising technology for providing a variety of network services by applying virtual network functions (VNFs) that can be instantiated on commercial off-the-shelf servers. The data transmission for each service chain has to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of the loss probability and transmission delay, and hence the amount of resources for each VNF is expected to be sufficient for satisfying the QoS. However, the increase in the amount of VNF resources results in a high cost for improving the QoS. To reduce the cost of utilizing a VNF, sharing VNF instances through multiple service chains is an effective approach. However, the number of packets arriving at the VNF instance is increased, resulting in a degradation of the QoS. It is therefore important to select VNF instances shared by multiple service chains and to determine the amount of resources for the selected VNFs. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective service chain construction with a VNF sharing model. In the proposed method, each VNF is modeled as an M/M/1/K queueing model to evaluate the relationship between the amount of resources and the loss probability. The proposed method determines the VNF sharing, the VNF placement, the amount of resources for each VNF, and the transmission route of each service chain. For the optimization problem, these are applied according to our proposed heuristic algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through a simulation. From the numerical examples, we show the effectiveness of the proposed method under certain network topologies.

  • Blockchain-Based Optimization of Distributed Energy Management Systems with Real-Time Demand Response


    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E105-A No:11

    Design of distributed energy management systems composed of several agents such as factories and buildings is important for realizing smart cities. In addition, demand response for saving the power consumption is also important. In this paper, we propose a design method of distributed energy management systems with real-time demand response, in which both electrical energy and thermal energy are considered. Here, we use ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers), which is well known as one of the powerful methods in distributed optimization. In the proposed method, demand response is performed in real-time, based on the difference between the planned demand and the actual value. Furthermore, utilizing a blockchain is also discussed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is presented by a numerical example. The importance of introducing a blockchain is pointed out by presenting the adverse effect of tampering the actual value.

  • Identity Access Management via ECC Stateless Derived Key Based Hierarchical Blockchain for the Industrial Internet of Things

    Gyeongjin RA  Su-hyun KIM  Imyeong LEE  


    E105-D No:11

    Recently, the adoption of the industrial Internet of things (IIoT) has optimized many industrial sectors and promoted industry “smartization.” Smart factories and smart industries connect the real and virtual worlds through cyber-physical systems (CPS). However, these linkages will increase the cyber security danger surface to new levels, putting millions of dollars' worth of assets at risk if communications in big network systems like IIoT settings are left unsecured. To solve these problems, the fundamental method is security, such as authentication and confidentiality, and it should require the encryption key. However, it is challenging the security performance with the limited performance of the sensor. Blockchain-based identity management is emerging for lightweight, integrity and persistence. However, the key generation and management issues of blockchain face the same security performance issues. First, through blockchain smart contracts and hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets, hierarchical key derivation efficiently distributes and manages keys by line and group in the IIoT environment. Second, the pairing verification value based on an elliptic curve single point called Root Signature performs efficient public key certificate registration and verification and improves the key storage space. Third, the identity log recorded through the blockchain is the global transparency of the key lifecycle, providing system reliability from various security attacks. Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) is adopted to perform efficiently via hash-based scheme (hash calendar, hash tree etc.). We analyze our framework compared to hash-based state commitment methods. Accordingly, our method achieves a calculation efficiency of O(nlog N) and a storage space saving of 60% compared to the existing schemes.

  • Development of a Blockchain-Based Online Secret Electronic Voting System

    Young-Sung IHM  Seung-Hee KIM  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:8

    This paper presents the design, implementation, and verification of a blockchain-based online electronic voting system that ensures accuracy and reliability in electronic voting and its application to various types of voting using blockchain technologies, such as distributed ledgers and smart contracts. Specifically, in this study, the connection between the electronic voting system and blockchain nodes is simplified using the REST API design, and the voting opening and counting information is designed to store the latest values in the distributed ledger in JSON format, using a smart contract that cannot be falsified. The developed electronic voting system can provide blockchain authentication, secret voting, forgery prevention, ballot verification, and push notification functions, all of which are currently not supported in existing services. Furthermore, the developed system demonstrates excellence on all evaluation items, including 101 transactions per second (TPS) of blockchain online authentication, 57.6 TPS of secret voting services, 250 TPS of forgery prevention cases, 547 TPS of read transaction processing, and 149 TPS of write transaction processing, along with 100% ballot verification service, secret ballot authentication, and encryption accuracy. Functional and performance verifications were obtained through an external test certification agency in South Korea. Our design allows for blockchain authentication, non-forgery of ballot counting data, and secret voting through blockchain-based distributed ledger technology. In addition, we demonstrate how existing electronic voting systems can be easily converted to blockchain-based electronic voting systems by applying a blockchain-linked REST API. This study greatly contributes to enabling electronic voting using blockchain technology through cost reductions, information restoration, prevention of misrepresentation, and transparency enhancement for a variety of different forms of voting.

  • Event-Triggered Global Regulation of an Uncertain Chain of Integrators under Unknown Time-Varying Input Delay

    Sang-Young OH  Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E105-A No:7

    We consider a regulation problem for an uncertain chain of integrators with an unknown time-varying delay in the input. To deal with uncertain parameters and unknown delay, we propose an adaptive event-triggered controller with a dynamic gain. We show that the system is globally regulated and interexecution times are lower bounded. Moreover, we show that these lower bounds can be enlarged by adjusting a control parameter. An example is given for clear illustration.

  • Saliency Detection via Absorbing Markov Chain with Multi-Level Cues

    Pengfei LV  Xiaosheng YU  Jianning CHI  Chengdong WU  


    E105-A No:6

    A robust saliency detection approach for images with a complex background is proposed. The absorbing Markov chain integrating low-level, mid-level and high-level cues dynamically evolves by using the similarity between pixels to detect saliency objects. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has advantages in saliency detection, especially for images with a chaotic background or low contrast.

  • Markov-Chain Analysis Model based Active Period Adaptation Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 Network

    Ryota HORIUCHI  Kohei TOMITA  Nobuyoshi KOMURO  


    E105-A No:5

    Energy efficiency is one of the critical issues for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled MAC protocol achieves low energy consumption by having periodical inactive portions, where nodes run in low power. However, IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled protocol cannot respond to dynamic changes in the number of sensor nodes and data rates in WSN because its duty cycle is fixed and immutable. In this paper, we propose a dynamic superframe duration adaptation scheme based on the Markov chain-based analysis methods for IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled protocol. The proposed methods are flexible enough to accommodate changes in the number of sensor nodes and differences in data rates in WSNs while maintaining low latency and low energy consumption despite slight degradation in packet delivery ratio.

  • Dynamic Service Chain Construction Based on Model Predictive Control in NFV Environments

    Masaya KUMAZAKI  Masaki OGURA  Takuji TACHIBANA  

    PAPER-Network Virtualization

    E105-B No:4

    For beyond 5G era, in network function virtualization (NFV) environments, service chaining can be utilized to provide the flexible network infrastructures needed to support the creation of various application services. In this paper, we propose a dynamic service chain construction based on model predictive control (MPC) to utilize network resources. In the proposed method, the number of data packets in the buffer at each node is modeled as a dynamical system for MPC. Then, we formulate an optimization problem with the predicted amount of traffic injecting into each service chain from users for the dynamical system. In the optimization problem, the transmission route of each service chain, the node where each VNF is placed, and the amount of resources for each VNF are determined simultaneously by using MPC so that the amount of resources allocated to VNFs and the number of VNF migrations are minimized. In addition, the performance of data transmission is also controlled by considering the maximum amount of data packets stored in buffers. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation, and the effectiveness of the proposed method with different parameter values is investigated.

  • Stability Analysis and Control of Decision-Making of Miners in Blockchain

    Kosuke TODA  Naomi KUZE  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E105-A No:4

    To maintain blockchain-based services with ensuring its security, it is an important issue how to decide a mining reward so that the number of miners participating in the mining increases. We propose a dynamical model of decision-making for miners using an evolutionary game approach and analyze the stability of equilibrium points of the proposed model. The proposed model is described by the 1st-order differential equation. So, it is simple but its theoretical analysis gives an insight into the characteristics of the decision-making. Through the analysis of the equilibrium points, we show the transcritical bifurcations and hysteresis phenomena of the equilibrium points. We also design a controller that determines the mining reward based on the number of participating miners to stabilize the state where all miners participate in the mining. Numerical simulation shows that there is a trade-off in the choice of the design parameters.

  • Comparison of a Probabilistic Returning Scheme for Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Schemes in Cognitive Radio Networks with Two Classes of Secondary Users

    Yuan ZHAO  Wuyi YUE  Yutaka TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E105-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider the transmission needs of communication networks for two classes of secondary users (SUs), named SU1 and SU2 (lowest priority) in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In such CRNs, primary users (PUs) have preemptive priority over both SU1's users (SU1s) and SU2's users (SU2s). We propose a preemptive scheme (referred to as the P Scheme) and a non-preemptive scheme (referred to as the Non-P Scheme) when considering the interactions between SU1s and SU2s. Focusing on the transmission interruptions to SU2 packets, we present a probabilistic returning scheme with a returning probability to realize feedback control for SU2 packets. We present a Markov chain model to develop some formulas for SU1 and SU2 packets, and compare the influences of the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme in the proposed probabilistic returning scheme. Numerical analyses compare the impact of the returning probability on the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme. Furthermore, we optimize the returning probability and compare the optimal numerical results yielded by the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme.

  • BlockCSDN: Towards Blockchain-Based Collaborative Intrusion Detection in Software Defined Networking

    Wenjuan LI  Yu WANG  Weizhi MENG  Jin LI  Chunhua SU  


    E105-D No:2

    To safeguard critical services and assets in a distributed environment, collaborative intrusion detection systems (CIDSs) are usually adopted to share necessary data and information among various nodes, and enhance the detection capability. For simplifying the network management, software defined networking (SDN) is an emerging platform that decouples the controller plane from the data plane. Intuitively, SDN can help lighten the management complexity in CIDSs, and a CIDS can protect the security of SDN. In practical implementation, trust management is an important approach to help identify insider attacks (or malicious nodes) in CIDSs, but the challenge is how to ensure the data integrity when evaluating the reputation of a node. Motivated by the recent development of blockchain technology, in this work, we design BlockCSDN — a framework of blockchain-based collaborative intrusion detection in SDN, and take the challenge-based CIDS as a study. The experimental results under both external and internal attacks indicate that using blockchain technology can benefit the robustness and security of CIDSs and SDN.

  • ExamChain: A Privacy-Preserving Onscreen Marking System Based on Consortium Blockchain

    Haoyang AN  Jiageng CHEN  


    E105-D No:2

    The development of educational informatization makes data privacy particularly important in education. With society's development, the education system is complicated, and the result of education evaluation becomes more and more critical to students. The evaluation process of education must be justice and transparent. In recent years, the Onscreen Marking (OSM) system based on traditional cloud platforms has been widely used in various large-scale public examinations. However, due to the excessive concentration of power in the existing scheme, the mainstream marking process is not transparent, and there are hidden dangers of black-box operation, which will damage the fairness of the examination. In addition, issues related to data security and privacy are still considered to be severe challenges. This paper deals with the above problems by providing secure and private transactions in a distributed OSM assuming the semi-trusted examination center. We have implemented a proof-of-concept for a consortium blockchain-based OSM in a privacy-preserving and auditable manner, enabling markers to mark on the distributed ledger anonymously. We have proposed a distributed OSM system in high-level, which provides theoretical support for the fair evaluation process of education informatization. It has particular theoretical and application value for education combined with blockchain.

  • A Proof of Work Based on Key Recovery Problem of Cascade Block Ciphers with ASIC Resistance

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-D No:2

    Hashcash, which is a Proof of Work (PoW) of bitcoin, is based on a preimage problem of hash functions of SHA-2 and RIPEMD. As these hash functions employ the Merkle-Damgard (MD) construction, a preimage can be found with negligible memory. Since such calculations can be accelerated by dedicated ASICs, it has a potential risk of a so-called 51% attack. To address this issue, we propose a new PoW scheme based on the key recovery problem of cascade block ciphers. By choosing the appropriate parameters, e.g., block sizes and key sizes of underlying block ciphers, we can make this problem a memory-hard problem such that it requires a lot of memory to efficiently solve it. Besides, we can independently adjust the required time complexity and memory complexity, according to requirements by target applications and progress of computational power.

  • Multi-Party Electronic Contract Signing Protocol Based on Blockchain

    Tong ZHANG  Yujue WANG  Yong DING  Qianhong WU  Hai LIANG  Huiyong WANG  


    E105-D No:2

    With the development of Internet technology, the demand for signing electronic contracts has been greatly increased. The electronic contract generated by the participants in an online way enjoys the same legal effect as paper contract. The fairness is the key issue in jointly signing electronic contracts by the involved participants, so that all participants can either get the same copy of the contract or nothing. Most existing solutions only focus on the fairness of electronic contract generation between two participants, where the digital signature can effectively guarantee the fairness of the exchange of electronic contracts and becomes the conventional technology in designing the contract signing protocol. In this paper, an efficient blockchain-based multi-party electronic contract signing (MECS) protocol is presented, which not only offers the fairness of electronic contract generation for multiple participants, but also allows each participant to aggregate validate the signed copy of others. Security analysis shows that the proposed MECS protocol enjoys unforgeability, non-repudiation and fairness of electronic contracts, and performance analysis demonstrates the high efficiency of our construction.

  • Toward Blockchain-Based Spoofing Defense for Controlled Optimization of Phases in Traffic Signal System

    Yingxiao XIANG  Chao LI  Tong CHEN  Yike LI  Endong TONG  Wenjia NIU  Qiong LI  Jiqiang LIU  Wei WANG  


    E105-D No:2

    Controlled optimization of phases (COP) is a core implementation in the future intelligent traffic signal system (I-SIG), which has been deployed and tested in countries including the U.S. and China. In such a system design, optimal signal control depends on dynamic traffic situation awareness via connected vehicles. Unfortunately, I-SIG suffers data spoofing from any hacked vehicle; in particular, the spoofing of the last vehicle can break the system and cause severe traffic congestion. Specifically, coordinated attacks on multiple intersections may even bring cascading failure of the road traffic network. To mitigate this security issue, a blockchain-based multi-intersection joint defense mechanism upon COP planning is designed. The major contributions of this paper are the following. 1) A blockchain network constituted by road-side units at multiple intersections, which are originally distributed and decentralized, is proposed to obtain accurate and reliable spoofing detection. 2) COP-oriented smart contract is implemented and utilized to ensure the credibility of spoofing vehicle detection. Thus, an I-SIG can automatically execute a signal planning scheme according to traffic information without spoofing data. Security analysis for the data spoofing attack is carried out to demonstrate the security. Meanwhile, experiments on the simulation platform VISSIM and Hyperledger Fabric show the efficiency and practicality of the blockchain-based defense mechanism.

  • Secure Blockchain Interworking Using Extended Smart Contract



    E105-D No:2

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology used for trading digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, and trail records that need to be audited by third parties. The use cases of blockchain are expanding beyond cryptocurrency management. In particular, the token economy, in which tokenized assets are exchanged across different blockchain ledgers, is gaining popularity. Cross-chain technologies such as atomic swap have emerged as security technologies to realize this new use case of blockchain. However, existing approaches of cross-chain technology have unresolved issues, such as application limitations on different blockchain platforms owing to the incompatibility of the communication interface and crypto algorithm and inability to handle a complex business logic such as the escrow trade. In this study, the ConnectionChain is proposed, which enables the execution of an extended smart contract using abstracted operation on interworking ledgers. Moreover, field experimental results using the system prototype are presented and explained.
