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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • An Algorithm to Position Fictitious Terminals on Borders of Divided Routing Areas

    Atsushi KAMOSHIDA  Shuji TSUKIYAMA  


    E82-A No:11

    A parallel detailed router based on the area division is one of important tools to overcome the increase of CPU time required for routing of a very large multilayer SOG. In order to conduct routing in each divided area independently, fictitious terminals are introduced on the border of each divided area, and routes connected to the fictitious terminals are concatenated to complete the final detailed routes. In this paper, we consider a problem how to position such fictitious terminals on borders, so as to make each detailed routing in a divided area easy. We formulate this problem as a minimum cost assignment problem, and propose an iterative improvement algorithm. We also give some experimental results which indicate the effectiveness of the algorithm.

  • A High-Speed, Low-Power Phase Frequency Detector and Charge-Pump Circuits for High Frequency Phase-Locked Loops

    Won-Hyo LEE  Sung-Dae LEE  Jun-Dong CHO  


    E82-A No:11

    In this paper, we introduce a high-speed and low-power Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD) that is designed using a modified TSPC (True Single-Phase Clock) positive edge triggered D flip-flop . The proposed PFD has a simple structure with using only 19 transistors. The operation range of this PFD is over 1.4 GHz without using additional prescaler circuits. Furthermore, the PFD has a dead zone less than 0.01ns in the phase characteristics and has low phase sensitivity errors. The phase and frequency error detection range is not limited as in the case of the pt-type and nc-type PFDs. Also, the PFD is independent of the duty cycle of input signals. Also, a new charge-pump circuit is presented that is based on a charge-amplifier. A stand-by current of the proposed charge-pump circuit enhances the speed of charge-pump and removes the charge sharing which causes a phase noise in the charge pump PLL. Furthermore, the effect of clock feedthrough is reduced by separating the output stage from up and down signal. The simulation results base on a third order PLL are presented to verify the lock in process with the proposed PFD and charge pump circuits. The proposed PFD and charge-pump circuits are designed using 0.8 µm CMOS technology with 5 V supply voltage.

  • A Method of Service Interference Detection with Rule-Based System and Extended Adjacency Matrix

    Yoshio HARADA  


    E82-A No:11

    In general, when many functions and services are added to a system, verification and validation become difficult. In design and development in telecommunication services, conflicts that arise from combined telecommunication services have been discussed from various viewpoints. However, correctly and efficiently detecting all conflicts is still not possible and the resolution of conflicts primarily depends on expert designers, who are finding that these problems are beyond their ability. Thus, the burden on the designer must also be alleviated at the design stage. Service interference, which is discussed in this paper, is a kind of conflict. A problem of service interference is that during service, other services interfere with the ongoing service behavior. That is to say, a strange state arises, or an input event doesn't work, or a strange transition occurs, etc. The detection of service interference by only comparing states among services is not enough since the state transition must be considered in the service interference. This paper proposes how to automatically detect the service interference with a rule-based system and an extended adjacency matrix. The proposed method uses and combines features of both the adjacency matrix and rule-based system. The method first generates the extended adjacency matrix by the rule application, then extracts sequences of the state, the event, and the rule applications, and then detects the service interference with the extracted sequences.

  • Each Carrier Transmission Power Control for the Reverse Link of OFDM-DS-CDMA System

    Sigit Puspito Wigati JAROT  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E82-B No:11

    In this paper, a method of Transmission Power Control (TPC) for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (OFDM-DS-CDMA), in order to compensate for power attenuation at each subcarrier, is proposed. Instead of assigning same power levels for all-subcarriers, different transmission power levels are assigned to different subcarriers, according to the attenuation of the subcarriers. System performance, in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER), has been evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation results presented significant improvement, the proposed system performed much better than the system without TPC. It is shown that the Each Carrier TPC performs better than All Carriers TPC, which all carriers are controlled uniformly, hence Each Carrier TPC is more suitable for OFDM-DS-CDMA system.

  • A Real-Time Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Large Scale Networks and Its Evaluations

    Nei KATO  Hiroaki NITOU  Kohei OHTA  Glenn MANSFIELD  Yoshiaki NEMOTO  


    E82-B No:11

    Internet communication is increasingly becoming an important element in daily life. Keeping this network safe from malicious elements is an urgent task for network management. To maintain the security level networks are generally, monitored for indications of usage with ill-intentions. Such indications are events which need to be collated, correlated and analyzed in real-time to be effective. However, on an average medium to large size network the number of such events are very large. This makes it practically impossible to analyze the information in real-time and provide the necessary security measures. In this paper, we propose a mechanism that keeps the number of events, to be analyzed, low thereby making it possible to provide ample security measures. We discuss a real-time Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for detecting network attacks. The system looks out for TCP ACK/RST packets, which are generally caused by network scans. The system can extract the tendency of network flows in real-time, based on the newly developed time-based clustering and Dynamic Access Tree creation techniques. The algorithm, implemented and deployed on a medium size backbone network using RMON (Remote MONitoring) technology, successfully detected 195 intrusion attempts during a one month period. The results of the pilot deployment are discussed. In this paper, the proposal, implementation and evaluation will be described.

  • Very-Thin, Light-Weight Opto and Microwave Receiver Module for Satellite Communications

    Kazuhiko NAKAHARA  Shinichi KANEKO  Yasushi ITOH  

    PAPER-RF Assembly Technology

    E82-C No:11

    Miniaturized opto and microwave receiver module using DCCPWs (Double Conductor Coplanar Waveguides) have been developed for active phased array antennas. The module comprised by a microstrip-to-slot transition, two chips of low-noise MMIC amplifiers, and a laser diode module is fabricated on an ultra-thin package with 10301.5 mm3 in size and 2 g in weight to achieve an ultra-thin structure of active phased array antenna panels. The ultra-thin structure is attributed to the design of low-noise MMIC amplifiers using DCCPWs and laser diode modules using silicon V-groove technology and fiber alignment method.

  • Reflection of Light Caused by Sharp Bends in Optical Fiber



    E82-C No:11

    We investigated the reflection of light caused by sharp bends in optical fiber experimentally. The position distribution of reflection power was measured using an OTDR and an OLCR. We found that the reflection power increased linearly as the logarithm of the bending loss increased, which agrees with expectation from a simple theoretical model. We believe that the light we observed was part of the leaked light, which was reflected between the primary and secondary coatings.

  • Innovative Packaging and Fabrication Concept for a 28 GHz Communication Front-End

    Wolfgang MENZEL  Jurgen KASSNER  Uhland GOEBEL  

    INVITED PAPER-RF Assembly Technology

    E82-C No:11

    Millimeter-wave systems increasingly are entering into commercial systems, both for communication and sensors for traffic or industrial applications. In many cases, circuit technology of the involved front-ends includes monolithic and hybrid integrated circuits and even waveguide components like filters or antenna feeds. In addition to the standard technical and environmental requirements, these front-ends have to be fabricated in large quantities at very low cost. After a short review of the problems and some general interconnect and packaging techniques for mm-wave front-ends, achievements of a research program will be presented at the example of components for a 28 GHz communication front-end. Emphasis is put on a novel feed-through structure using multilayer carrier substrates for mm-wave circuits, some advances in electromagnetic field coupling for interconnects to mm-wave MMICs, and the realization of packages including waveguide components by plastic injection molding and electroplating. Results of filters and a diplexer produced in this way are shown, including pretuning of the filters to compensate the shrinking of the plastic parts during cooling.

  • Algorithms for Extracting Minimal Siphons Containing Specified Places in a General Petri Net

    Masahiro YAMAUCHI  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E82-A No:11

    Given a Petri net PN=(P, T, E), a siphon is a set S of places such that the set of input transitions to S is included in the set of output transitions from S. Concerning extraction of minimal siphons containing a given specified set Q of places, the paper proposes three algorithms based on branch-and-bound method for enumerating, if any, all minimal siphons containing Q, as well as for extracting such one minimal siphon.

  • A Load Distribution Scheme for a New Transaction Service Considering the Pre-Loaded Services

    Yoshinori AOKI  Sukanya SURANAUWARAT  Hideo TANIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E82-D No:11

    In this paper, we describe the PS3 load distribution scheme. A target service is a transaction service consisting of multiple processes that communicate with each other. A target system consists of workstations connected by a LAN. PS3 determines the process allocation by estimating response times and throughputs. It allows us to set an upper limit of a response time, and to set lower and upper limits for the throughput of each service. PS3 tries to find a process allocation that provides the minimum response time under conditions set by the user in advance. We measured the response times and throughputs and compared the values with the estimated ones. The results show that PS3 provides an appropriate process allocation, and that calculated results agree well with the measured ones.

  • DC and AC Performances in Selectively Grown SiGe-Base HBTs

    Katsuya ODA  Eiji OHUE  Masamichi TANABE  Hiromi SHIMAMOTO  Katsuyoshi WASHIO  

    PAPER-Low Power-Consumption RF ICs

    E82-C No:11

    A selectively grown Si1-xGex base heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) was fabricated, and effects of Ge and B profiles on the device performance were investigated. Since no obvious leakage current was observed, it is shown that good crystallinity of Si1-xGex was achieved by using a UHV/CVD system with high-pressure H2 pre-cleaning of the substrate. Very high current gain of 29,000 was obtained in an HBT with a uniform Ge profile by both increasing electron injection from the emitter to the base and reducing band gap energy in the base. Since the Early voltage is affected by the grading of Ge content in the base, the HBT with the graded Ge profile provides very high Early voltage. However, the breakdown voltage is degraded by increasing Ge content because of reducing bandgap energy and changing dopant profile. To increase the cutoff frequency, dopant diffusion must be suppressed, and carrier acceleration by the internal drift field with the graded Ge profile has an additional effect. By doing them, an extremely high cutoff frequency of 130 GHz was obtained in HBT with graded Ge profiles.

  • Exact Minimization of Free BDDs and Its Application to Pass-Transistor Logic Optimization

    Kazuyoshi TAKAGI  Hiroshi HATAKEDA  Shinji KIMURA  Katsumasa WATANABE  


    E82-A No:11

    In several design methods for Pass-transistor Logic (PTL) circuits, Boolean functions are expressed as OBDDs in decomposed form and then the component OBDDs are directly mapped to PTL cells. The total size of OBDDs (number of nodes) corresponds to the circuit size. In this paper, we investigate a method for PTL synthesis based on exact minimization of Free BDDs (FBDDs). FBDDs are well-studied extension of OBDDs with free variable ordering on each path. We present statistics showing that more than 56% of 616126 NPN-equivalence classes of 5-variable Boolean functions have minimum FBDDs with less size than their OBDDs. This result can be used for PTL synthesis as libraries. We also applied the exact minimization algorithm of FBDDs to the minimization of subcircuits in the synthesis for MCNC benchmarks and found up to 5% size reduction.

  • Local Attack Detection and Intrusion Route Tracing

    Midori ASAKA  Masahiko TSUCHIYA  Takefumi ONABUTA  Shunji OKAZAWA  Shigeki GOTO  


    E82-B No:11

    At the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), we have been developing a network intrusion detection system called IDA (Intrusion Detection Agent system). IDA system has two distinctive features that most conventional intrusion detection systems lack. First, it has a mechanism for tracing the origin of a break-in by means of mobile agents. Second, it has a new and efficient method of detecting intrusions: rather than continuously monitoring the user's activities, it watches for an event that meets the criteria of an MLSI (Mark Left by Suspected Intruders) and may relate to an intrusion. By this method, IDA described herein can reduce the processing overhead of systems and networks. At present, IDA can detect local attacks that are initiated against a machine to which the attacker already has access and he or she attempts to exceed his or her authority. This paper mainly describes how IDA detects local attacks and traces intrusions.

  • A Technique for Extracting Small-Signal Equivalent-Circuit Elements of HEMTs

    Man-Young JEON  Byung-Gyu KIM  Young-Jin JEON  Yoon-Ha JEONG  

    PAPER-Low Power-Consumption RF ICs

    E82-C No:11

    We propose a new technique that is able to extract the small-signal equivalent-circuit elements of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) without causing any gate degradation. For the determination of extrinsic resistance values, unlike other conventional techniques, the proposed technique does not require an additional relationship for the resistances. For the extraction of extrinsic inductance values, the technique uses the R-estimate, which is known to be more robust relative to the measurement errors than the commonly used least-squares regression. Additionally, we suggest an improved cold HEMT model that seems to be more general than conventional cold HEMT models. With the use of the improved cold HEMT model, the proposed technique extracts the extrinsic resistance and inductance values.

  • Low-Noise, Low-Power Wireless Frontend MMICs Using SiGe HBTs

    Hermann SCHUMACHER  Uwe ERBEN  Wolfgang DURR  Kai-Boris SCHAD  

    INVITED PAPER-Low Power-Consumption RF ICs

    E82-C No:11

    Silicon-based monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) present an interesting option for low-cost consumer wireless systems. SiGe/Si heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) are a major driving force behind Si-based MMICs, because they offer excellent microwave performance without aggressive lateral scaling. This article reviews opportunities for receiver frontend components (low-noise amplifiers and mixers) using SiGe HBTs.

  • A GSM900/DCS1800 Dual-Band MMIC Power Amplifier Using Outside-Base/Center-Via-Hole Layout Multifinger HBT

    Kazutomi MORI  Kenichiro CHOUMEI  Teruyuki SHIMURA  Tadashi TAKAGI  Yukio IKEDA  Osami ISHIDA  

    PAPER-RF Power Devices

    E82-C No:11

    A GSM900/DCS1800 dual-band AlGaAs/GaAs HBT (heterojunction bipolar transistor) MMIC (monolithic microwave integrated circuit) power amplifier has been developed. It includes power amplifiers for GSM900 and DCS1800, constant voltage bias circuits and a d. c. switch. In order to achieve high efficiency, the outside-base/center-via-hole layout is applied to the final-stage HBT of the MMIC amplifier. The layout can realize uniform output load impedance and thermal distribution of each HBT finger. The developed MMIC amplifier could provided output power of 34.5 dBm and power-added efficiency of 53.4% for GSM900, and output power of 32.0 dBm and power-added efficiency of 41.8% for DCS1800.

  • Simple Expression of Antenna Coupling by Using a Product of Radiation Patterns

    Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Isamu CHIBA  Shuji URASAKI  Shoichiro FUKAO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E82-B No:11

    Simple approximate formulas are obtained for the mutual impedance and admittance by using a product of radiation patterns of antennas. The formulas come from a stationary expression of the reaction integral between two antennas where far-field approximations are employed. The theory deals with antennas in free space as well as under the presence of a wedge. Two applications are given for microstrip antennas with experimental verifications.

  • Representations of Multiple-Output Functions Using Binary Decision Diagrams for Characteristic Functions

    Hafiz Md. HASAN BABU  Tsutomu SASAO  


    E82-A No:11

    This paper proposes a method to construct smaller binary decision diagrams for characteristic functions (BDDs for CFs). A BDD for CF represents an n-input m-output function, and evaluates all the outputs in O(n+m) time. We derive an upper bound on the number of nodes of the BDD for CF of n-bit adders (adrn). We also compare complexities of BDDs for CFs with those of shared binary decision diagrams (SBDDs) and multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs). Our experimental results show: 1) BDDs for CFs are usually much smaller than MTBDDs; 2) for adrn and for some benchmark circuits, BDDs for CFs are the smallest among the three types of BDDs; and 3) the proposed method often produces smaller BDDs for CFs than an existing method.

  • A Novel Endpoint Detection Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

    Jong Won SEOK  Keun Sung BAE  

    LETTER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E82-D No:11

    A new feature parameter based on a discrete wavelet transform is proposed for word boundary detection of isolated utterances. The sum of standard deviation of wavelet coefficients in the third coarse and weighted first detailed scale is defined as a new feature parameter for endpoint detection. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed feature to the conventional ones in capturing word boundaries even in noisy speech.

  • Comments on Simplification of the BCJR Algorithm Using the Bidirectional Viterbi Algorithm

    Masato TAJIMA  Keiji TAKIDA  Zenshiro KAWASAKI  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E82-A No:10

    In this paper, we state some noteworthy facts in connection with simplification of the BCJR algorithm using the bidirectional Viterbi algorithm (BIVA). That is, we clarify the necessity of metric correction in the case that the BIVA is applied to reliability estimation, where information symbols uj obey non-uniform probability distributions.
