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  • Concurrent Transmission Scheduling for Perceptual Data Sharing in mmWave Vehicular Networks

    Akihito TAYA  Takayuki NISHIO  Masahiro MORIKURA  Koji YAMAMOTO  


    E102-D No:5

    Sharing perceptual data (e.g., camera and LiDAR data) with other vehicles enhances the traffic safety of autonomous vehicles because it helps vehicles locate other vehicles and pedestrians in their blind spots. Such safety applications require high throughput and short delay, which cannot be achieved by conventional microwave vehicular communication systems. Therefore, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications are considered to be a key technology for sharing perceptual data because of their wide bandwidth. One of the challenges of data sharing in mmWave communications is broadcasting because narrow-beam directional antennas are used to obtain high gain. Because many vehicles should share their perceptual data to others within a short time frame in order to enlarge the areas that can be perceived based on shared perceptual data, an efficient scheduling for concurrent transmission that improves spatial reuse is required for perceptual data sharing. This paper proposes a data sharing algorithm that employs a graph-based concurrent transmission scheduling. The proposed algorithm realizes concurrent transmission to improve spatial reuse by designing a rule that is utilized to determine if the two pairs of transmitters and receivers interfere with each other by considering the radio propagation characteristics of narrow-beam antennas. A prioritization method that considers the geographical information in perceptual data is also designed to enlarge perceivable areas in situations where data sharing time is limited and not all data can be shared. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm doubles the area of the cooperatively perceivable region compared with a conventional algorithm that does not consider mmWave communications because the proposed algorithm achieves high-throughput transmission by improving spatial reuse. The prioritization also enlarges the perceivable region by a maximum of 20%.

  • Secure Transmission in Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Full-Duplex Receivers

    Qun LI  Ding XU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:5

    This letter studies secure communication in a wireless powered communication network with a full-duplex destination node, who applies either power splitting (PS) or time switching (TS) to coordinate energy harvesting and information decoding of received signals and transmits jamming signals to the eavesdropper using the harvested energy. The secrecy rate is maximized by optimizing PS or TS ratio and power allocation. We propose iterative algorithms with power allocation optimized by the successive convex approximation method. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are superior to other benchmark algorithms.

  • Assessing Lightweight Virtualization for Security-as-a-Service at the Network Edge Open Access

    Abderrahmane BOUDI  Ivan FARRIS  Miloud BAGAA  Tarik TALEB  


    E102-B No:5

    Accounting for the exponential increase in security threats, the development of new defense strategies for pervasive environments is acquiring an ever-growing importance. The expected avalanche of heterogeneous IoT devices which will populate our industrial factories and smart houses will increase the complexity of managing security requirements in a comprehensive way. To this aim, cloud-based security services are gaining notable impetus to provide security mechanisms according to Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) model. However, the deployment of security applications in remote cloud data-centers can introduce several drawbacks in terms of traffic overhead and latency increase. To cope with this, Edge Computing can provide remarkable advantages avoiding long routing detours. On the other hand, the limited capabilities of edge node introduce potential constraints in the overall management. This paper focuses on the provisioning of virtualized security services in resource-constrained edge nodes by leveraging lightweight virtualization technologies. Our analysis aims at shedding light on the feasibility of container-based security solutions, thus providing useful guidelines towards the orchestration of security at the edge. Our experiments show that the overhead introduced by the containerization is very light.

  • Analyzing Impacts of SRAM, FF and Combinational Circuit on Chip-Level Neutron-Induced Soft Error Rate

    Wang LIAO  Masanori HASHIMOTO  


    E102-C No:4

    Soft error jeopardizes the reliability of semiconductor devices, especially those working at low voltage. In recent years, silicon-on-thin-box (SOTB), which is a FD-SOI device, is drawing attention since it is suitable for ultra-low-voltage operation. This work evaluates the contributions of SRAM, FF and combinational circuit to chip-level soft error rate (SER) based on irradiation test results. For this evaluation, this work performed neutron irradiation test for characterizing single event transient (SET) rate of SOTB and bulk circuits at 0.5 V. Using the SBU and MCU data in SRAMs from previous work, we calculated the MBU rate with/without error correcting code (ECC) and with 1/2/4-col MUX interleaving. Combining FF error rates reported in literature, we estimated chip-level SER and each contribution to chip-level SER for embedded and high-performance processors. For both the processors, without ECC, 95% errors occur at SRAM in both SOTB and bulk chips at 0.5 V and 1.0 V, and the overall chip-level SERs of the assumed SOTB chip at 0.5 V is at least 10 x lower than that of bulk chip. On the other hand, when ECC is applied to SRAM in the SOTB chip, SEUs occurring at FFs are dominant in the high-performance processor while MBUs at SRAMs are not negligible in the bulk embedded chips.

  • Efficient Dynamic Malware Analysis for Collecting HTTP Requests using Deep Learning

    Toshiki SHIBAHARA  Takeshi YAGI  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Daiki CHIBA  Kunio HATO  


    E102-D No:4

    Malware-infected hosts have typically been detected using network-based Intrusion Detection Systems on the basis of characteristic patterns of HTTP requests collected with dynamic malware analysis. Since attackers continuously modify malicious HTTP requests to evade detection, novel HTTP requests sent from new malware samples need to be exhaustively collected in order to maintain a high detection rate. However, analyzing all new malware samples for a long period is infeasible in a limited amount of time. Therefore, we propose a system for efficiently collecting HTTP requests with dynamic malware analysis. Specifically, our system analyzes a malware sample for a short period and then determines whether the analysis should be continued or suspended. Our system identifies malware samples whose analyses should be continued on the basis of the network behavior in their short-period analyses. To make an accurate determination, we focus on the fact that malware communications resemble natural language from the viewpoint of data structure. We apply the recursive neural network, which has recently exhibited high classification performance in the field of natural language processing, to our proposed system. In the evaluation with 42,856 malware samples, our proposed system collected 94% of novel HTTP requests and reduced analysis time by 82% in comparison with the system that continues all analyses.

  • A Top-N-Balanced Sequential Recommendation Based on Recurrent Network

    Zhenyu ZHAO  Ming ZHU  Yiqiang SHENG  Jinlin WANG  


    E102-D No:4

    To solve the low accuracy problem of the recommender system for long term users, in this paper, we propose a top-N-balanced sequential recommendation based on recurrent neural network. We postulated and verified that the interactions between users and items is time-dependent in the long term, but in the short term, it is time-independent. We balance the top-N recommendation and sequential recommendation to generate a better recommender list by improving the loss function and generation method. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Compared with a state-of-the-art recommender algorithm, our method clearly improves the performance of the recommendation on hit rate. Besides the improvement of the basic performance, our method can also handle the cold start problem and supply new users with the same quality of service as the old users.

  • Secure Communication Using Scramble Phase Assisting WFRFT

    Yuan LIANG  Xinyu DA  Ruiyang XU  Lei NI  Dong ZHAI  Yu PAN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:4

    In this paper, a scramble phase assisting weighted-type fractional Fourier transform (SPA-WFRFT) based system is proposed to guarantee the communication's security. The original transmitting signal is divided into two parts. The first part is modulated by WFRFT and subsequently makes up the constellation beguiling. The other part is used to generate the scramble phase and also to assist in the encryption of the WFRFT modulated signal dynamically. The novel constellation optimal model is built and solved through the genetic algorithm (GA) for the constellation beguiling. And the double pseudo scheme is implemented for the scramble phase generation. Theoretical analyses show that excellent security performances and high spectral efficiency can be attained. Final simulations are carried out to evaluate the performances of the SPA-WFRFT based system, and demonstrate that the proposed system can effectively degrade the unauthorized receivers' bit error rate (BER) performance while maintaining its own communication quality.

  • Compaction of Topological Quantum Circuits by Modularization

    Kota ASAI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E102-A No:4

    A topological quantum circuit is a representation model for topological quantum computation, which attracts much attention recently as a promising fault-tolerant quantum computation model by using 3D cluster states. A topological quantum circuit can be considered as a set of “loops,” and we can transform the topology of loops without changing the functionality of the circuit if the transformation satisfies certain conditions. Thus, there have been proposed many researches to optimize topological quantum circuits by transforming the topology. There are two directions of research to optimize topological quantum circuits. The first group of research considers so-called a placement and wiring problem where we consider how to place “parts” in a 3D space which corresponds to already optimized sub-circuits. The second group of research focuses on how to optimize the structure and locations of loops in a relatively small circuit which is treated as one part in the above-mentioned first group of research. This paper proposes a new idea for the second group of research; our idea is to consider topological transformations as a placement and wiring problem for modules which we derive from the information how loops are crossed. By using such a formulation, we can use the techniques for placement and wiring problems, and successfully obtain an optimized solution. We confirm by our experiment that our method indeed can reduce the cost much more than the method by Paetznick and Fowler.

  • High-Sensitivity Optical Receiver Using Differential Photodiodes AC-Coupled with a Transimpedance Amplifier

    Daisuke OKAMOTO  Hirohito YAMADA  


    E102-C No:4

    To address the bandwidth bottleneck that exists between LSI chips, we have proposed a novel, high-sensitivity receiver circuit for differential optical transmission on a silicon optical interposer. Both anodes and cathodes of the differential photodiodes (PDs) were designed to be connected to a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) through coupling capacitors. Reverse bias voltage was applied to each of the differential PDs through load resistance. The proposed receiver circuit achieved double the current signal amplitude of conventional differential receiver circuits. The frequency response of the receiver circuit was analyzed using its equivalent circuit, wherein the temperature dependence of the PD was implemented. The optimal load resistances of the PDs were determined to be 5kΩ by considering the tradeoff between the frequency response and bias voltage drop. A small dark current of the PD was important to reduce the voltage drop, but the bandwidth degradation was negligible if the dark current at room temperature was below 1µA. The proposed circuit achieved 3-dB bandwidths of 18.9 GHz at 25°C and 13.7 GHz at 85°C. Clear eye openings in the TIA output waveforms for 25-Gbps 27-1 pseudorandom binary sequence signals were obtained at both temperatures.

  • Information Dissemination Using MANET for Disaster Evacuation Support Open Access

    Tomoyuki OHTA  Masahiro NISHI  Toshikazu TERAMI  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  


    E102-B No:4

    To minimize the damage caused by landslides resulting from torrential rain, residents must quickly evacuate to a place of refuge. To make the decision to evacuate, residents must be able to collect and share disaster information. Firstly, this paper introduces the Grass-roots Information Distribution System and a fixed type monitoring system which our research group has been developing. The fixed type monitoring system is deployed at the location of apparent danger, whereas the Grass-roots Information Distribution System distributes disaster information acquired from the fixed type monitoring system through a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) to residents. The MANET is configured using mobile terminals of residents. Next, in this paper, an information dissemination scheme utilizing a MANET and cellular networks to communicate among mobile terminals is proposed and simulated in the area where our research group has been deploying the distribution system. The MANET topology and information distribution obtained from the simulation results for further field experiments are then discussed.

  • Secure Directional Modulation Using the Symmetrical Multi-Carrier Frequency Diverse Array with Logarithmical Frequency Increment

    Tao XIE  Jiang ZHU  Qian CHENG  Junshan LUO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:4

    Wireless communication security has become a hot topic in recent years. The directional modulation (DM) is a promising secure communication technique that has attracted attentions of many researchers. Several different frequency diverse arrays (FDAs) are used to obtain the direction-range-dependent DM signals in previous literatures. However, most of them are not ideal enough to obtain a nonperiodic dot-shaped secure area. In this paper, the symmetrical multi-carrier frequency diverse array with logarithmical frequency increment, named the symmetrical-multilog-FDA, is used to obtain the direction-range-dependent DM signals that are normal at the desired locations while disordered at other locations. Based on the symmetrical-multilog-FDA, we derive the closed-form expression of baseband-weighted vector using the artificial-noise-aided zero-forcing approach. Compared with previous schemes, the proposed scheme can obtain a more fine-focusing nonperiodic dot-shaped secure area at the desired location. In addition, it can achieve a point-to-multipoint secure communication for multiple cooperative receivers at different locations.

  • Closed-Form Multiple Invariance ESPRIT for UCA Based on STFT

    Kaibo CUI  Qingping WANG  Quan WANG  Jingjian HUANG  Naichang YUAN  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:4

    A novel algorithm is proposed for estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals for the uniform circular array (UCA). Firstly, the UCA is transformed into an equivalent virtual uniform linear array (ULA) using the mode-space algorithm. Then, the short time Fourier transform (STFT) of each element's output is worked out. We can obtain the spatial time-frequency distribution matrix of the virtual ULA by selecting the single-source time-frequency (t-f) points in the t-f plane and then get the signal subspace of the array. The characteristics nature of the Bessel function allow us to obtain the multiple invariance (MI) of the virtual ULA. So the multiple rotational invariant equation of the array can be obtained and its closed-form solution can be worked out using the multi-least-squares (MLS) criterion. Finally, the two dimensional (2-D) DOA estimation of LFM signals for UCA can be obtained. Numerical simulation results illustrate that the UCA-STFT-MI-ESPRIT algorithm proposed in this paper can improve the estimation precision greatly compared with the traditional ESPRIT-like algorithms and has much lower computational complexity than the MUSIC-like algorithms.

  • Trading Accuracy for Power with a Configurable Approximate Adder

    Toshinori SATO  Tongxin YANG  Tomoaki UKEZONO  


    E102-C No:4

    Approximate computing is a promising paradigm to realize fast, small, and low power characteristics, which are essential for modern applications, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This paper proposes the Carry-Predicting Adder (CPredA), an approximate adder that is scalable relative to accuracy and power consumption. The proposed CPredA improves the accuracy of a previously studied adder by performing carry prediction. Detailed simulations reveal that, compared to the existing approximate adder, accuracy is improved by approximately 50% with comparable energy efficiency. Two application-level evaluations demonstrate that the proposed approximate adder is sufficiently accurate for practical use.

  • Towards Autonomous Security Assurance in 5G Infrastructures Open Access

    Stefan COVACI  Matteo REPETTO  Fulvio RISSO  


    E102-B No:3

    5G infrastructures will heavily rely on novel paradigms such as Network Function Virtualization and Service Function Chaining to build complex business chains involving multiple parties. Although virtualization of security middleboxes looks a common practice today, we argue that this approach is inefficient and does not fit the peculiar characteristics of virtualized environments. In this paper, we outline a new paradigm towards autonomous security assurance in 5G infrastructures, leveraging service orchestration for semi-autonomous management and reaction, yet decoupling security management from service graph design. Our work is expected to improve the design and deployment of complex business chains, as well as the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques over large and intertwined security datasets. We describe the overall concept and architecture, and discuss in details the three architectural layers. We also report preliminary work on implementation of the system, by introducing relevant technologies.

  • Security Performance Analysis for Relay Selection in Cooperative Communication System under Nakagami-m Fading Channel

    Guangna ZHANG  Yuanyuan GAO  Huadong LUO  Nan SHA  Shijie WANG  Kui XU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:3

    In this paper, we investigate a cooperative communication system comprised of a source, a destination, and multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays in the presence of a potential malicious eavesdropper is within or without the coverage area of the source. Based on the more general Nakagami-m fading channels, we analyze the security performance of the single-relay selection and multi-relay selection schemes for protecting the source against eavesdropping. In the single-relay selection scheme, only the best relay is chosen to assist in the source transmission. Differing from the single-relay selection, multi-relay selection scheme allows multiple relays to forward the source to the destination. We also consider the classic direct transmission as a benchmark scheme to compare with the two relay selection schemes. We derive the exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the direct transmission, the single-relay selection as well as the multi-relay selection scheme over Nakagami-m fading channel when the eavesdropper is within and without the coverage area of the source. Moreover, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) of these three schemes are also analyzed. It is verified that the SRT of the multi-relay selection consistently outperforms the single-relay selection, which of both the single-relay and multi-relay selection schemes outperform the direct transmission when the number of relays is large, no matter the eavesdropper is within or without the coverage of the source. In addition, as the number of DF relays increases, the SRT of relay selection schemes improve notably. However, the SRT of both two relay selection approaches become worse when the eavesdropper is within the coverage area of the source.

  • Resilient Edge: A Scalable, Robust Network Function Backend

    Yutaro HAYAKAWA  Kenichi YASUKATA  Jin NAKAZAWA  Michio HONDA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:3

    Increasing hardware resources, such as multi-core and multi-socket CPUs, memory capacity and high-speed NICs, impose significant challenges on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) backends. They increase the potential numbers of per-server NFs or tenants, which requires a packet switching architecture that is not only scalable to large number of virtual ports, but also robust to attacks on the data plane. This is a real problem; a recent study has reported that Open vSwitch, a widely used software switch, had a buffer-overflow bug in its data plane that results the entire SDN domain to be hijacked by worms propagated in the network. In order to address this problem, we propose REdge. It scales to thousands of virtual ports or NFs (as opposed to hundreds in the current state-of-the art), and protect modular, flexible packet switching logic against various bugs, such as buffer overflow and other unexpected operations using static program checking. When 2048 NFs are active and packets are distributed to them based on the MAC or IP addresses, REdge achieves 3.16 Mpps or higher packet forwarding rates for 60 byte packets and achieves the wire rate for 1500 byte packets in the 25 Gbps link.

  • Towards Comprehensive Support for Business Process Behavior Similarity Measure

    Cong LIU  Qingtian ZENG  Hua DUAN  Shangce GAO  Chanhong ZHOU  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E102-D No:3

    Business process similarity measure is required by many applications, such as business process query, improvement, redesign, and etc. Many process behavior similarity measures have been proposed in the past two decades. However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing work only focuses on the direct causality transition relations and totally neglect the concurrent and transitive transition relations that are proved to be equally important when measuring process behavior similarity. In this paper, we take the weakness of existing process behavior similarity measures as a starting point, and propose a comprehensive approach to measure the business process behavior similarity based on the so-called Extended Transition Relation set, ETR-set for short. Essentially, the ETR-set is an ex-tended transition relation set containing direct causal transition relations, minimum concurrent transition relations and transitive causal transition relations. Based on the ETR-set, a novel process behavior similarity measure is defined. By constructing a concurrent reachability graph, our approach finds an effective technique to obtain the ETR-set. Finally, we evaluate our proposed approach in terms of its property analysis as well as conducting a group of control experiments.

  • Shortcut Creation for MeNW in the Consideration of Topological Structure and Message Exchanged Open Access

    Masahiro JIBIKI  Suyong EUM  


    E102-B No:3

    This article proposes a method to improve the performance of Message Exchange Network (MeNW) which is modern data distribution network incorporating the search and obtain mechanism. We explore an idea of shortcut creation which can be widely adapted to a topological structure of various network applications. We first define a metric called Efficiency Coefficient (EC) that quantifies the performance enhancement by a shortcut creation. In the design of EC, we consider not only diameter of the topology but also the amount of messages exchanged in the network. Then, we theoretically analyze the creation of a single optimal shortcut in the system based on the performance metric. The simulation results show that the shortcut by the proposed method reduces the network resource to further 30% compared with conventional approaches.

  • Superconducting Digital Electronics for Controlling Quantum Computing Systems Open Access

    Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E102-C No:3

    The recent rapid increase in the scale of superconducting quantum computing systems greatly increases the demand for qubit control by digital circuits operating at qubit temperatures. In this paper, superconducting digital circuits, such as single-flux quantum and adiabatic quantum flux parametron circuits are described, that are promising candidates for this purpose. After estimating their energy consumption and speed, a conceptual overview of the superconducting electronics for controlling a multiple-qubit system is provided, as well as some of its component circuits.

  • The Explicit Formula of the Presumed Optimal Recurrence Relation for the Star Tower of Hanoi Open Access

    Akihiro MATSUURA  Yoshiaki SHOJI  


    E102-D No:3

    In this paper, we show the explicit formula of the recurrence relation for the Tower of Hanoi on the star graph with four vertices, where the perfect tower of disks on a leaf vertex is transferred to the central vertex. This gives the solution to the problem posed at the 17th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications[11]. Then, the recurrence relation are generalized to include the ones for the original 4-peg Tower of Hanoi and the Star Tower of Hanoi of transferring the tower from a leaf to another.
