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  • A High-Level Energy-Optimizing Algorithm for System VLSIs Based on Area/Time/Power Estimation

    Shinichi NODA  Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-High Level Synthesis

    E85-A No:12

    This paper proposes a high-level energy-optimizing algorithm which can synthesize low energy system VLSIs. Given an initial system hardware obtained from an abstract behavioral description, the proposed algorithm applies to it the three energy reduction techniques, 1) reducing supply voltage, 2) selecting lower energy modules, and 3) applying gated clocks. By incorporating our area/delay/power estimation, the proposed algorithm can obtain low energy system VLSIs meeting the constraints of area, delay, and execution time. The proposed algorithm has been incorporated into a high-level synthesis system and experimental results demonstrate effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm.

  • Fundamental Protocols to Gather Information in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Raghuvel Subramaniam BHUVANESWARAN  Jacir L. BORDIM  Jiangtao CUI  Koji NAKANO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E85-A No:11

    The main contribution of this work is to propose energy-efficient protocols that compute the sum of n numbers over any commutative and associative binary operator stored in n wireless sensor nodes arranged in a two-dimensional grid of size nn. We first present a protocol that computes the sum on a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in O(r2+(n/r2)1/3) time slots with no sensor node being awake for more than O(1) time slots, where r is the transmission range of the sensor nodes. We then go on to present a fault-tolerant protocol which computes the sum in the same number of time slots with no sensor node being awake for more than O(log r) time slots. Finally, we show that in a WSN where the sensor nodes are empowered with the ability to dynamically adjust their transmission range r during the execution of the protocol, the sum can be computed in O(log n) time slots and no sensor node needs to awake for more than O(log n) time slots.

  • Control Strategies of the Multiple-Input DC-DC Converter

    Wenzhong LIN  Hirofumi MATSUO  Fujio KUROKAWA  Yoichi ISHIZUKA  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E85-B No:9

    Recently, the clean electric power generation systems have been developed aggressively to exploit the clean energy resources such as solar array, fuel cell and so forth. In this case, the multiple-input dc-dc converter is useful to combine the multiple input power sources and to take the appropriate amount of power from these multiple input power sources, in which their voltage levels and/or their power capacities are different. We have proposed a novel multiple-input dc-dc converter, in which the distinctive feature is its simpler circuit configuration in comparison with that in parallel with the multiple converters. This paper presents two control methods for the two-input dc-dc converter. In the first control method, the on-time of one switch is determined only by the input current and that of another one is controlled by both of the input current and the output voltage. On the other hand, in the second control method, though the on-time of one switch is determined only by the input current as well as in the first control method, the on-time of the another switch is controlled only by the output voltage. The comparative analysis of the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of the two-input dc-dc converter using two control methods are performed theoretically and experimentally. As a result, it is revealed that the first control method is superior to the second one in the steady-state and dynamic performances.

  • Memory Organization for Low-Energy Processor-Based Application-Specific Systems

    Yun CAO  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E85-C No:8

    This paper presents a novel low-energy memory design technique based on variable analysis for on-chip data memory (RAM) in application-specific systems, which called VAbM technique. It targets the exploitation of both data locality and effective data width of variables to reduce energy consumed by data transfer and storage. Variables with higher access frequency and smaller effective data width are assigned into a smaller low-energy memory with fewer bit lines and word lines, placed closer the processor. Under constraints of the number of memory banks, VAbM technique use variable analysis results to perform allocating and assigning on-chip RAM into multiple banks, which have different size with different number of word lines and different number of bit lines tailored to each application requirements. Experimental results with several real embedded applications demonstrate significant energy reduction up to 64.8% over monolithic memory, and 27.7% compared to memory designed by memory banking technique.

  • Limiting the Holding Time in Mobile Cellular Systems during Heavy Call Demand Periods in the Aftermath of Disasters

    Kazunori OKADA  


    E85-A No:7

    Call demand suddenly and greatly increases in the aftermath of a major disaster, because people want to check on their families and friends in the stricken area. Many call attempts in mobile cellular systems are blocked due to the limited radio frequency resources. In this paper, as a solution to this problem, limiting the holding time of calls is investigated and a dynamic holding time limit (DHTL) method, which varies the holding time limit dynamically based on the number of call attempts, is proposed. The effect of limiting the holding time is investigated first using a computer simulation with a constant and heavy traffic load model. This simulation shows that the average holding time of calls is decreased as the holding time limit is reduced. But it also shows limiting the holding time decreases the number of calls blocked and forced call terminations at handover considerably. Next, a simple estimation method for the holding time limit, which reduces the blocking rate to the normal rate for increasing call demand, is described. Finally, results are given of a simulation, which show that the DHTL method keeps good performance for a sudden and great traffic load fluctuation condition.

  • Analysis of the Convergence Condition of LMS Adaptive Digital Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic

    Kyo TAKAHASHI  Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA  Norio TAYAMA  Kyoushirou SEKI  


    E85-A No:6

    An LMS adaptive digital filter using distributed arithmetic (DA-ADF) has been proposed. Cowan and others proposed the DA adaptive algorithm with offset binary coding for the simple derivation of an algorithm and the use of an odd-symmetry property of adaptive function space (AFS). However, we indicated that a convergence speed of this DA adaptive algorithm degraded extremely by our computer simulations. To overcome these problems, we have proposed the DA adaptive algorithm generalized with two's complement representation and effective architectures. Our DA-ADF has performances of a high speed, small output latency, a good convergence speed, small-scale hardware and lower power dissipation for higher order, simultaneously. In this paper, we analyze a convergence condition of DA adaptive algorithm that has never been considered theoretically. From this analysis, we indicate that the convergence speed is depended on a distribution of eigenvalues of an auto-correlation matrix of an extended input signal vector . Furthermore, we obtain the eigenvalues theoretically. As a result, we clearly show that our DA-ADF has an advantage of the conventional DA-ADF in the convergence speed.

  • Analysis of Buffer Requirement for ATM-LSRs with Partial VC-Merging Capability

    Po-Chou LIN  Chung-Ju CHANG  


    E85-B No:6

    In an Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) network domain, Asynchronous Transfer Mode--Label Switch Routers (ATM-LSRs) are considered the best candidate for providing the highest forwarding capability. ATM-LSRs implement a VC-merging scheme that allows many IP routes to be mapped into the same VPI/VCI label, hence supporting scalability. The VC-merging requires reassembly buffers to reconstruct an original packet from its segmented but interleaved AAL-5 cells. In this paper, we analyze the performance of an ATM-LSR with partial VC-merging capability and investigate the impact of VC-merging on the requirement of the reassembly and output buffer. The numerical computation complexity of the mathematical analysis can be reduced from O(M4) to O(M2), where M is the total number of ON-OFF sources. We also propose a closed-form equation, which approximates the distribution of the output buffer with satisfactory accuracy. Numerical results show that when incoming cells are severely interleaved, the VC-merging needs the reassembly buffer size to be of the same order as the output buffer size, which cannot be ignored.

  • Doubly-Logarithmic Energy-Efficient Initialization Protocols for Single-Hop Radio Networks

    Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Jiangtao CUI  Naohiro ISHII  Koji NAKANO  


    E85-A No:5

    A radio network is a distributed system with no central shared resource, consisting of n stations each equipped with a radio transceiver. One of the most important parameters to evaluate protocols in the radio networks is the number of awake time slots in which each individual station sends/receives a data packet. We are interested in devising energy-efficient initialization protocols in the single-hop radio network (RN, for short) that assign unique IDs in the range [1,n] to the n stations using few awake time slots. It is known that the RN can be initialized in O(log log n) awake time slots, with high probability, if every station knows the number n of stations in the RN. Also, it has been shown that the RN can be initialized in O(log n) awake time slots even if no station knows n. However, it has been open whether the initialization can be performed in O(log log n) awake time slots when no station knows n. Our main contribution is to provide the breakthrough: we show that even if no station knows n, the RN can be initialized by our protocol that terminates, with high probability, in O(n) time slots with no station being awake for more than O(log log n) time slots. We then go on to design an initialization protocol for the k-channel RN that terminates, with high probability, in O(n/k + (log n)2) time slots with no station being awake for more than O(log log n) time slots.

  • Adaptive Control Algorithm of ESPAR Antenna Based on Stochastic Approximation Theory

    Blagovest SHISHKOV  Jun CHENG  Takashi OHIRA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:4

    The electronically steerable passive array radiator (ESPAR) antenna is one kind of the parasitic elements based single-port output antennas with several variable reactances. It performs analog aerial beamforming and none of the signals on its passive elements can be observed. This fact and one that is more important--the nonlinear dependence of the output of the antenna from adjustable reactances--makes the problem substantially new and not resolvable by means of conventional adaptive array beamforming techniques. A novel approach based on stochastic approximation theory is proposed for the adaptive beamforming of the ESPAR antenna as a nonlinear spatial filter by variable parameters, thus forming both beam and nulls. Two learning rate schedule were examined about output SINR, stability, convergence, misadjustment, noise effect, bias term, etc., and the optimal one was proposed. Further development was traced. Our theoretic study, simulation results and performance analysis show that the ESPAR antenna can be controlled effectively, has strong potential for use in mobile terminals and seems to be very perspective.

  • Construction of Optimal Chaotic Spreading Sequence Using Lebesgue Spectrum Filter

    Ken UMENO  Akihiro YAMAGUCHI  


    E85-A No:4

    The digital filter which is constructed by Lebesgue spectrum analysis of ergodic theory, is shown to achieve a 15% gain of the number of simultaneous accessible users of asynchronous CDMA communication systems at the same BER (Bite Error Rate) compared to the Gold sequence and random sequence. According to the simulation of asynchronous CDMA communication systems with spreading sequences at the spreading factor of 127, it is shown that the performance gain caused by the digital filter called Lebesgue spectrum filter (LSF) is independent on the nature of spreading sequences.

  • Josephson and Quasiparticle Tunneling in Anisotropic High-Tc d-Wave Superconductors

    Ienari IGUCHI  Takuya IMAIZUMI  Tomoyuki KAWAI  Yukio TANAKA  Satoshi KASHIWAYA  

    INVITED PAPER-Novel Devices and Device Physics

    E85-C No:3

    We report the measurements on the ramp-edge type Josephson and quasiparticle tunnel junctions with the different interface angle geometry using high-Tc YBa2Cu3O7-y (YBCO) electrodes. The YBCO/I/Ag tunnel junctions with different crystal-interface boundary angles are fabricated for the investigation of zero bias conductance peak. The angle dependent zero bias conductance peak typical to a dx2-y2-wave superconductor is observable. For Josephson junctions, YBCO ramp-edge junctions with different ab-plane electrodes relatively rotated by 45are fabricated using a CeO2 seed-layer technique. The temperature dependence of the maximum Josephson current for YBCO/PBCO/YBCO junctions (PBCO: PrBa2Cu3O7-y) exhibits angle-dependent behavior, qualitatively different from the Ambegaokar-Baratoff prediction. Under microwave irradiation of 9 GHz, the Shapiro steps appear at integer and/or half integer multiples of the voltage satisfying Josephson voltage-frequency relation, whose behavior depends on the sample angle geometry. The results are reasonably interpreted by the dx2-y2-wave theory by taking the zero energy state into account.

  • Adaptive Beamforming of ESPAR Antenna--Unconventional Approach

    Blagovest SHISHKOV  Jun CHENG  Takashi OHIRA  

    PAPER-Digital Transmission

    E85-C No:3

    The electronically steerable passive array radiator (ESPAR) antenna performs analog aerial beamforming that has only a single-port output and none of the signals on its passive elements can be observed. This fact and one that is more important--the highly nonlinear dependence of the output of the antenna from adjustable reactances--makes the problem substantially new and not resolvable by means of conventional adaptive array beamforming techniques. A novel approach based on stochastic approximation theory is proposed for the adaptive beamforming of the ESPAR antenna as a nonlinear spatial filter by variable parameters, thus forming both beam and nulls. Our theoretic study, simulation results and performance analysis show that the ESPAR antenna can be controlled effectively, has strong potential for use in mobile terminals and seems to be very perspective.

  • An Energy-Efficient Initialization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with No Collision Detection

    Raghuvel Subramaniam BHUVANESWARAN  Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Jiangtao CUI  Naohiro ISHII  Koji NAKANO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E85-A No:2

    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN, for short) is a distributed system consisting of n sensor nodes and a base station. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient protocol to initialize the sensor nodes in a WSN, that is, to assign a unique ID to each sensor node. We show that if an upper bound u on the number n of sensor nodes is known beforehand, for any f 1 and any small µ (0<µ<1), a WSN without collision detection capability can be initialized in O((log (1/µ) + log f)u1+µ) time slots, with probability exceeding 1-(1/f), with no sensor node being awake for more than O(log (1/µ)+ log f) time slots.

  • A Note on Approximating the Survivable Network Design Problem in Hypergraphs

    Liang ZHAO  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Toshihide IBARAKI  


    E85-D No:2

    We consider to design approximation algorithms for the survivable network design problem in hypergraphs (SNDPHG) based on algorithms developed for the survivable network design problem in graphs (SNDP) or the element connectivity problem in graphs (ECP). Given an instance of the SNDPHG, by replacing each hyperedge e={v1,,vk} with a new vertex we and k edges {we, v1},, {we, vk}, we define an SNDP or ECP in the resulting graph. We show that by approximately solving the SNDP or ECP defined in this way, several approximation algorithms for the SNDPHG can be obtained. One of our results is a dmax+-approximation algorithm for the SNDPHG with dmax 3, where dmax (resp. dmax+) is the maximum degree of hyperedges (resp. hyperedges with positive cost). Another is a dmax+(rmax)-approximation algorithm for the SNDPHG, where (i)=j=1i(1/j) is the harmonic function and rmax is the maximum connectivity requirement.

  • Discussion of Late Fields of the QRS Complex in Three-Dimensional Magnetocardiogram Based on Wavelet Transform

    Mai LIU  Yoshinori UCHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Measurement Technology

    E85-D No:1

    An algorithm based on the wavelet transform (WT) was developed to analyze the QRS complex in a three-dimensional magnetocardiogram (3-D MCG) recorded from 3 normal subjects and 1 patient with anterior myocardial infarction (MI). By using a wavelet equivalent filter constructed with the WT algorithm, the high frequency components of the QRS complex related to the late fields (LF) were detected for the patient with anterior MI at different scale. We quantified the high frequency components of the QRS complex by calculating root-mean-square (RMS) value at different scale. The LF mainly existed in the frequency band of about 35.5 to 110.5 Hz with the amplitude of about 0.1 to 0.4 pT for Bx, By, and Bz components. In order to discuss the activities of the heart between the normal subject and the patient with anterior MI, we have also evaluated the spatial energy distribution (SED) of the QRS complex by displaying isoenergy contour maps at different scale. Being different from the normal subject, the patient with anterior MI represented different the pattern of the SED in various frequency band for the ST segment of the QRS complex of Bx, By, and Bz components. It is efficient to use the WT algorithm for analyzing the QRS complex in the 3-D MCG.

  • On the Convergence and Parameter Relation of Discrete-Time Continuous-State Hopfield Networks with Self-Interaction Neurons

    Gang FENG  Christos DOULIGERIS  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:12

    In this paper, a discrete-time convergence theorem for continuous-state Hopfield networks with self-interaction neurons is proposed. This theorem differs from the previous work by Wang in that the original updating rule is maintained while the network is still guaranteed to monotonically decrease to a stable state. The relationship between the parameters in a typical class of energy functions is also investigated, and consequently a "guided trial-and-error" technique is proposed to determine the parameter values. The third problem discussed in this paper is the post-processing of outputs, which turns out to be rather important even though it never attracts enough attention. The effectiveness of all the theorems and post-processing methods proposed in this paper is demonstrated by a large number of computer simulations on the assignment problem and the N-queen problem of different sizes.

  • Methods for Reinitializing the Population to Improve the Performance of a Diversity-Control-Oriented Genetic Algorithm

    Hisashi SHIMODAIRA  


    E84-D No:12

    In order to maintain the diversity of structures in the population and prevent premature convergence, I have developed a new genetic algorithm called DCGA. In the experiments on many standard benchmark problems, DCGA showed good performances, whereas with harder problems, in some cases, the phenomena were observed that the search was stagnated at a local optimum despite that the diversity of the population is maintained. In this paper, I propose methods for escaping such phenomena and improving the performance by reinitializing the population, that is, a method called each-structure-based reinitializing method with a deterministic structure diverging procedure as a method for producing new structures and an adaptive improvement probability bound as a search termination criterion. The results of experiments demonstrate that DCGA becomes robust in harder problems by employing these proposed methods.

  • Hierarchical Intellectual Property Protection Using Partially-Mergeable Cores

    Vikram IYENGAR  Hiroshi DATE  Makoto SUGIHARA  Krishnendu CHAKRABARTY  

    PAPER-IP Protection

    E84-A No:11

    We present a new technique for hierarchical intellectual property (IP) protection using partially-mergeable cores. The proposed core partitioning technique guarantees 100% protection of critical-IP, while simplifying test generation for the logic that is merged with the system. Since critical-IP is tested using BIST, the controllability and observability of internal lines in the core are enhanced, and test application time is reduced. Case studies using the ISIT-DLX and Picojava processor cores demonstrate the applicability of our technique.

  • Analysis on the Convergence Property of the Sub-RLS Algorithm

    Kensaku FUJII  Mitsuji MUNEYASU  Takao HINAMOTO  Yoshinori TANAKA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:10

    The sub-recursive least squares (sub-RLS) algorithm estimates the coefficients of adaptive filter under the least squares (LS) criterion, however, does not require the calculation of inverse matrix. The sub-RLS algorithm, based on the different principle from the RLS algorithm, still provides a convergence property similar to that of the RLS algorithm. This paper first rewrites the convergence condition of the sub-RLS algorithm, and then proves that the convergence property of the sub-RLS algorithm successively approximates that of the RLS algorithm on the convergence condition.

  • Fast Inversion Method for Electromagnetic Imaging of Cylindrical Dielectric Objects with Optimal Regularization Parameter

    Mitsuru TANAKA  Kuniomi OGATA  

    PAPER-EM Theory

    E84-B No:9

    This paper presents a fast inversion method for electromagnetic imaging of cylindrical dielectric objects with the optimal regularization parameter used in the Levenberg-Marquardt method. A novel procedure for choosing the optimal regularization parameter is proposed. The method of moments with pulse-basis functions and point matching is applied to discretize the equations for the scattered electric field and the total electric field inside the object. Then the inverse scattering problem is reduced to solving the matrix equation for the unknown expansion coefficients of a contrast function, which is represented as a function of the relative permittivity of the object. The matrix equation may be solved in the least-squares sense with the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Thus the contrast function can be reconstructed by the minimization of a functional, which is expressed as the sum of a standard error term on the scattered electric field and an additional regularization term. While a regularization parameter is usually chosen according to the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method, the optimal one is now determined by minimizing the absolute value of the radius of curvature of the GCV function. This scheme is quite different from the GCV method. Numerical results are presented for a circular cylinder and a stratified circular cylinder consisting of two concentric homogeneous layers. The convergence behaviors of the proposed method and the GCV method are compared with each other. It is confirmed from the numerical results that the proposed method provides successful reconstructions with the property of much faster convergence than the conventional GCV method.
