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  • Edge Field Analysis

    Mitsuharu MATSUMOTO  Shuji HASHIMOTO  


    E90-D No:1

    In vector analysis, it is important to classify three flow primitives as translation, rotation and divergence. These three primitives can be detected utilizing line integral and surface integral according to the knowledge of vector analysis. In this paper, we introduce a method for extracting these three primitives utilizing edges in an image based on vector analysis, namely edge field analysis. The edge has the information of inclination. However, the edge has no information of the direction unlike vector. Hence, line integral and surface integral can not be directly applied to detect these three primitives utilizing edges. We firstly formulate the problem and describe the algorithm for detecting the three primitives in vector analysis. We then propose an algorithm for estimating three primitives regarding edge image as pseudo-vector field. For illustration, we apply edge field analysis to quasi-motion extraction and feature extraction. We also show the experimental results in terms of estimating the center of the flowers, the cell body of neuron, the eye of the storm, the center of the explosion and so on.

  • Annealing Induced Diffusion Dynamics in As Ion-Implanted GaAs

    Hiroyuki SHINOJIMA  Ryuzi YANO  

    PAPER-Micro/Nano Fabrication

    E90-C No:1

    We determine the annealing dynamics of AsGa antisite defects in As ion-implanted GaAs. An Arrhenius plot of the carrier decay rate or the defect density vs. the annealing temperature in the high temperature regime gives an energy EPA, which is different from true activation energy. The annealing time dependence of EPA obtained by the two diffusion models (self diffusion of AsGa antisite defects and VGa vacancy assisted diffusion of AsGa antisite defects) are compared with EPA's obtained from already published works. The results prove that the diffusion of AsGa antisite defects is assisted by the VGa vacancy defects that exist in a high density.

  • Blue/Violet Light Generation by Ultrashort Pulse Injection into Photonic Crystal Fibers

    Masashi NAKAO  Kenta MATSUI  Ikutaro KOBAYASHI  Mitsuru NAGANUMA  Masayuki IZUTSU  


    E90-C No:1

    In this paper, we describe detailed experimental demonstrations of blue/violet light generation by the injection of ultrashort optical pulses into photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). Two lightwaves appear one on each side of the injected pulses in the spectral domain. They simultaneously evolve in the PCFs, changing their center wavelengths so as to spectrally stand apart from each other. Such behaviors are explained on the basis of the theory of nonlinear optics. The final center-wavelength difference between the two lightwaves at the end of the PCFs, depending on the power density of the injected pulse, is increased up to a limit imposed by the PCFs. Owing to this increase, the shorter wavelength limit reaches approximately 400 nm, which shows that short-pulse injection in PCFs is a promising method of realizing simple blue/violet light sources.

  • Electrostatic Energy, Potential Energy and Energy Dissipation for a Width-Variable Capacitor Coupled with Mechatronical Potential Energy during Adiabatic Charging

    Shunji NAKATA  Yoshitada KATAGIRI  

    PAPER-Advanced Nano Technologies

    E90-C No:1

    This paper considers a more generalized capacitor that can decrease its width using its own electrical force. We consider a model in which the capacitor with plate distance d is coupled with repulsive mechatronical potential energy, which is proportional to 1/dn. In the conventional case, n is considered to be approximately very large. In our capacitor model, there is a stable point between attractive electrical force and repulsive mechatronical force. In this system, electrostatic energy is equal to the sum of mechatronical potential energy and energy dissipation. Moreover, the mechatronical potential energy is 1/n times smaller than the electrostatic energy. All energies, including the electrostatic energy, potential energy, and energy dissipation, are proportional not to ordinary value V2, but to V2/(n-1)+2, where V is the power supply voltage. This means the voltage dependence of energy is unusual. It is strongly dependent on the capacitor matter, i.e., on the characteristics of the mechatronical system. In addition, the energy dissipation of the system can be reduced to zero using the adiabatic charging process.

  • Optical Nonlinearity in CdSSe Microcrystallites Embedded in Glasses

    Hiroyuki SHINOJIMA  

    PAPER-Advanced Nano Technologies

    E90-C No:1

    We investigate the enhancement of the optical nonlinearity and the limit of the improvement of the response speed in CdSxSe1-x microcrystallites by measuring the effective optical nonlinear cross section (σeff), the energy decay time (T1) and the dephasing time in two kinds of semiconductor microcrystallites of CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallites embedded in alkaline multi-component glasses (CdSSeMs) and CdSe microcrystallites embedded in SiO2 thin film (CdSeMs). As the average radius of CdSSeMs decreases from 10 to 1 nm, the values of σeff and T1 gradually change from 2.610-16 to 1.110-16 cm2 and from dozens picoseconds to 4 psec, respectively. The size dependence of CdSSEMs shows that the energy level structure in the microcrystallite with a radius of less than a few nanometers is a two-level system, in which σeff is proportional to T2. The carrier recombination time (τ) of CdSSeMs with the average radius of 1 nm is estimated to 2 psec. As the average radius of a CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallite decreases from 9 to 3 nm, the values of T2 gradually change from 640 to 230 fsec at 18 K, respectively. The size and temperature dependences of T2 for the CdSSeMs show that there is the discrepancy between the theory and the measured T2. The discrepancy showes the presence of the acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes other than the pure-dephasing processes. It is indicated that T2 becomes long by reducing the excessive acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes, and that the longer T2 might enhance σeff. We investigate the enhancement of σeff in CdSeMs by making T2 longer. The τ, σeff, and T2 of CdSeM an average radius of 3 nm are 40 psec, 4.510-15 cm2, and 150 fsec at room temperature. The σeff is ten times as large as that of CdSSeM sample at the same average radius and the enhancement of σeff can be considered to be caused by the longer T2.

  • Return Address Protection on Cache Memories

    Koji INOUE  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E89-C No:12

    The present paper proposes a novel cache architecture, called SCache, to detect buffer overflow attacks at run time. In addition, we evaluate the energy-security efficiency of the proposed architecture. On a return-address store, SCache generates one or more copies of the return address value and saves them as read only in the cache area. The number of copies generated strongly affects both energy consumption and vulnerability. When the return address is loaded (or popped), the cache compares the value loaded from the memory stack with the corresponding copy existing in the cache. If they are not the same, then return-address corruption has occurred. In the present study, the proposed approach is shown to protect more than 99.5% of return-address loads from the threat of buffer overflow attacks, while increasing the total cache-energy consumption by, at worst, approximately 23%, compared to a well-known low-power cache. Furthermore, we explore the tradeoff between energy consumption and security, and our experimental results show that an energy-aware SCache model provides relatively higher security with only a 10% increase in energy consumption.

  • Hybrid Analysis of Human Exposure from Base-Station Antennas in Underground Environment

    Jianqing WANG  Masayuki KOMATSU  Osamu FUJIWARA  Shinji UEBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E89-B No:12

    In this study we have employed an effective technique for dosimetric analyses of base station antennas in an underground environment. The technique combines a ray-tracing method and the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to calculate the specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body. The ray-tracing method was applied to evaluate the incident fields in relation to the exposed subject in a three-dimensional space, while the FDTD method was used to calculate the detailed SAR distributions in the human body. A scenario under an underground passage with the installation of a top-loaded monopole antenna was analyzed to investigate the relationship between the actual antenna exposure and a plane-wave exposure. The results show that the plane-wave exposure overestimated the whole-body average SAR in most cases, although this was not always true for peak SAR. The finding implies not only the usefulness of the present uniform-exposure-based reference level for the whole-body average SAR evaluation but also the necessity of modeling actual underground environment for high-precision local peak SAR evaluation.

  • Signal Reconstruction with Boundary-Matching via Iterative Algorithm

    Chau-Yun HSU  Tsung-Ming LO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:11

    In various applications of signals transmission and processing, there is always a possibility of loss of samples. The iterative algorithm of Papoulis-Gerchberg (PG) is famous for solving the band-limited lost samples recovery problem. Two problems are known in this domain: (1) a band-limited signal practically is difficult to be obtained and (2) the convergence rate is too slow. By inserting a subtraction by a polynomial in the PG algorithm, using boundary-matched concept, a significant increase in performance and speed of its convergence has been achieved. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to restore lost samples by adding a preprocess which meets the periodic boundary conditions of Fast Fourier transform in the iteration method. The accuracy of lost samples reconstruction by using the PG algorithm can be greatly improved with the aid of mapping the input data sequence of satisfying the boundary conditions. Further, we also developed another approach that force the signal to meet a new critical boundary conditions in Fourier domain that make the parameters of the preprocessing can be easily obtained. The simulation indicates that the mean square error (MSE) of the recovery and the convergence rate with the preprocess concept is better and faster than the one without preprocess concept. Our both proposed approaches can also be applied to other cases of signal restoration, which allow Cadzow's iterative processing method, with more convenience and flexibility.

  • Asymptotical Optimality of Two Variations of Lempel-Ziv Codes for Sources with Countably Infinite Alphabet

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Fumio KANAYA  

    PAPER-Source Coding

    E89-A No:10

    This paper considers the universal coding problem for stationary ergodic sources with countably infinite alphabets. We propose modified versions of LZ77 and LZ78 codes for sources with countably infinite alphabets. Then, we show that for any source µ with Eµ[log X1]<∞, both codes are asymptotically optimum, i.e. the code length per input symbol approaches its entropy rate with probability one. Further, we show that we can modify LZ77 and LZ78 codes so that both are asymptotically optimal for a family of ergodic sources satisfying Kieffer's condition.

  • A Localized Route Discovery for On-Demand Routing Protocols in Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks

    Dong-Hyun CHAE  Kyu-Ho HAN  Kyung-Soo LIM  Sae-Young AHN  Sun-Shin AN  


    E89-B No:10

    In this paper, the problem of Redundant Duplicated RREQ Network-wide Flooding (RDRNF), induced by multiple sensor nodes during route discovery in event-driven wireless sensor networks, is described. In order to reduce the number of signaling messages during the route discovery phase, a novel extension, named the Localized Route Discovery Extension (LRDE), to the on-demand ad hoc routing protocol, is proposed. The LRDE reduces energy consumption during route discovery. The heuristically and temporarily selected Path Set-up Coordinator (PSC) plays the role of a route request broker that alleviates redundant route request flooding. The LRDE also sets a route path be aggregation-compatible. The PSC can effectively perform data aggregation through the routing path constructed by the LRDE. The simulation results reveal that significant energy is conserved by reducing signaling overhead and performing data aggregation when LRDE is applied to on-demand routing protocols.

  • An Adaptive Penalty-Based Learning Extension for the Backpropagation Family

    Boris JANSEN  Kenji NAKAYAMA  


    E89-A No:8

    Over the years, many improvements and refinements to the backpropagation learning algorithm have been reported. In this paper, a new adaptive penalty-based learning extension for the backpropagation learning algorithm and its variants is proposed. The new method initially puts pressure on artificial neural networks in order to get all outputs for all training patterns into the correct half of the output range, instead of mainly focusing on minimizing the difference between the target and actual output values. The upper bound of the penalty values is also controlled. The technique is easy to implement and computationally inexpensive. In this study, the new approach is applied to the backpropagation learning algorithm as well as the RPROP learning algorithm. The superiority of the new proposed method is demonstrated though many simulations. By applying the extension, the percentage of successful runs can be greatly increased and the average number of epochs to convergence can be well reduced on various problem instances. The behavior of the penalty values during training is also analyzed and their active role within the learning process is confirmed.

  • Dynamic Characteristic Analysis and Optimization for the Energy-Saving and Bounce-Reducing Double-Coil Contactor

    Degui CHEN  Yingyi LIU  Weixiong TONG  

    PAPER-Contactors & Circuit Breakers

    E89-C No:8

    In the optimum design of contactors, it is important to analyze the dynamic behaviors. In this paper, it proposes a new computational approach for analyzing dynamic characteristic of the energy-saving and bouncing-reducing double-coil contactor. According to the contactor's unique characteristic that it has two transferable coils, the paper builds two different sets of equations. One describes the period before the transfer position, and the other describes the period after the transfer position. The equations deal with the electrical circuit, electromagnetic field that can be calculated by using 3-D finite element method and mechanical system considering the influence of friction. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by experiment. Finally, the paper gives an optimum design for the transfer position of the two coils. The result of the optimum design reduces both of the first and the second bounces of the movable contact.

  • Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Extraction of Clusters from Hypergraphs

    Weiwei DU  Kohei INOUE  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E89-D No:7

    We extend a graph spectral method for extracting clusters from graphs representing pairwise similarity between data to hypergraph data with hyperedges denoting higher order similarity between data. Our method is robust to noisy outlier data and the number of clusters can be easily determined. The unsupervised method extracts clusters sequentially in the order of the majority of clusters. We derive from the unsupervised algorithm a semi-supervised one which can extract any cluster irrespective of its majority. The performance of those methods is exemplified with synthetic toy data and real image data.

  • A Novel Ranging Method using Energy Window Bank in Non-coherent UWB Systems

    Woon-Yong PARK  Won-Cheol LEE  Sungsoo CHOI  Kwan-Ho KIM  


    E89-A No:6

    This paper proposes a novel UWB ranging scheme employing 1-bit ADCs and analog window bank for energy collection. For an appropriate 1-bit ADC process DC offset is exploited and removed via performing analog low pass filter. To improve ranging accuracy in presence of ambiguity, dual overlapped window banks designated as primary and auxiliary windows are utilized. Corresponding to the proposed ranging scheme, its performance is verified by conducting simulations in two types of channel conditions. The simulation results show that the proposed ranging scheme performs well even in condensed multipath environment and low SNR situation.

  • Branch Aggregation Multicast (BAM): An Energy Efficient and Highly Compatible Multicast Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Akihito OKURA  Takeshi IHARA  Akira MIURA  


    E89-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a multicast protocol, called BAM (Branch Aggregation Multicast), for wireless sensor networks. The main contribution of BAM is a reduction in the radio communication load, which is a key determinant of sensor energy consumption. BAM does not use any control packets such as join/leave messages and does not manage multicast groups. BAM is highly compatible with existing wireless sensor protocols, such as routing protocols, MAC protocols, and other kinds of energy efficient protocols. BAM implementation is quite simple and BAM works on various networks even if some sensors are not BAM-capable. BAM is composed of two aggregation techniques. One is single hop aggregation (S-BAM) and the other is multiple paths aggregation (M-BAM). S-BAM aggregates radio transmission within a single hop and enables single transmission to multiple intended receivers. M-BAM aggregates multiple paths into fewer ones and limits the range of radio transmission. S-BAM is designed to reduce redundant communication at every branch while M-BAM is designed to reduce the number of branches. SM-BAM, the combination of S-BAM and M-BAM, can reduce the radio communication load thus enabling energy efficient multicast communication. We evaluate BAM in three ways, qualitative evaluation by theoretical analysis, quantitative evaluation through computer simulations, and experiments using CrossBow's MICA2. Our results show that BAM is a very energy efficient multicast protocol that well supports wireless sensor networks.

  • An Energy*Delay Efficient Multi-Hop Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Trong Thua HUYNH  Choong Seon HONG  


    E89-D No:5

    Sensors have very scarce resources in terms of memory, energy and computational capacities. Wireless sensor network is composed of a large number of such sensor nodes densely deployed in inhospitable physical environments. Energy efficient information dissemination throughout such a network is still a challenge. Though dissemination of information with minimum energy consumption is a key concern in wireless sensor networks, it often introduces additional delay. In this work, we first propose an energy and delay efficient multi-hop routing scheme called C2E2S (Cluster and Chain based Energy*Delay Efficient Routing Scheme) for wireless sensor networks. This scheme is a combination of cluster-based and chain-based approaches and the way to form clusters and chains in this work is center-based approach. To reduce a large number of communication overheads due to this approach, we propose a modified-center-based approach called passive-BS-based approach. Next, we propose (1) an energy and delay aware routing algorithm for sensors within each k-hop cluster, and (2) an Energy-efficient chain construction algorithm for cluster heads. To evaluate the appropriateness of our approach, we analyze the evaluated performance against existing protocols in terms of communication overhead, the number of communication rounds (network lifetime), total amount of energy dissipated in the system over time, network delay and Energy*Delay metric using SENSE simulator. The simulation results show that C2E2S consumes less energy, balances the energy and delay metrics, and extends the network lifetime as compared to other approaches.

  • A Bootstrapped Switch for nMOS Reversible Energy Recovery Logic for Low-Voltage Applications

    Seokkee KIM  Soo-Ik CHAE  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E89-C No:5

    In this paper, we describe a bootstrapped nMOS switch that is modified to reduce leakage current for nMOS reversible energy recovery logic (nRERL) [1]. Conventional bootstrapped switches are not suitable for nRERL because they have nonadiabatic loss due to leakage current that flows while boosted. Therefore, we lowered the gate voltage of the isolation transistor in each bootstrapped switch to reduce this leakage current. With detailed analysis and simulation, we determined the range of the bias voltage, in which the switches can transfer full-swing input signals. We implemented a simple 8-bit nRERL microprocessor into silicon and measured its energy consumption to confirm our analysis. For the supply voltage of 1.8 V and the operating frequency of 880 kHz, we found that the microprocessor consumed about 8.5 pJ/cycle for 1.3 V < Vbias <1.6 V, which was just about a half of its energy consumption when Vbias = 1.7 V.

  • Mobility-Awareness: An Efficient Approach to Improve Energy Efficiency in Location-Aware Computing

    MoonBae SONG  KwangJin PARK  Ki-Sik KONG  


    E89-D No:5

    There are two principal aspects of "mobility" in location-aware computing: (1) how to support mobility and (2) how to exploit it. This paper considers the latter, while many existing works only concentrate on the former. This work is trying to prove that the performance of location-aware systems will be greatly improved by understanding the user's movement. In this paper, we propose a novel location update protocol called state-based location update protocol (SLUP), which significantly minimizes the energy consumption of mobile client by exploiting a syntactic information of a user's movement. This concept is called mobility-awareness which is a kind of context-awareness. Moreover, there are three variations of the proposed protocol in terms of how to choose the optimal state: SLUP/BS, SLUP/UITR, and SLUP/IUT. Experimental results show that the proposed protocol outperforms the well-known existing protocols such as dead-reckoning and distance-based protocol, and that the SLUP/IUT approach can achieve different performance tradeoffs between energy efficiency and location accuracy by fine-tuning its algorithmic parameter Tiut.

  • An Energy-Efficient Partitioned Instruction Cache Architecture for Embedded Processors

    CheolHong KIM  SungWoo CHUNG  ChuShik JHON  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E89-D No:4

    Energy efficiency of cache memories is crucial in designing embedded processors. Reducing energy consumption in the instruction cache is especially important, since the instruction cache consumes a significant portion of total processor energy. This paper proposes a new instruction cache architecture, named Partitioned Instruction Cache (PI-Cache), for reducing dynamic energy consumption in the instruction cache by partitioning it to smaller (less power-consuming) sub-caches. When the proposed PI-Cache is accessed, only one sub-cache is accessed by utilizing the temporal/spatial locality of applications. In the meantime, other sub-caches are not accessed, leading to dynamic energy reduction. The PI-Cache also reduces dynamic energy consumption by eliminating the energy consumed in tag lookup and comparison. Moreover, the performance gap between the conventional instruction cache and the proposed PI-Cache becomes little when the physical cache access time is considered. We evaluated the energy efficiency by running a cycle accurate simulator, SimpleScalar, with power parameters obtained from CACTI. Simulation results show that the PI-Cache improves the energy-delay product by 20%-54% compared to the conventional direct-mapped instruction cache.

  • An Adaptive Algorithm with Variable Step-Size for Parallel Notch Filter

    Arata KAWAMURA  Youji IIGUNI  Yoshio ITOH  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:2

    A parallel notch filter (PNF) for eliminating a sinusoidal signal whose frequency and phase are unknown, has been proposed previously. The PNF achieves both fast convergence and high estimation accuracy when the step-size for adaptation is appropriately determined. However, there has been no discussion of how to determine the appropriate step-size. In this paper, we derive the convergence condition on the step-size, and propose an adaptive algorithm with variable step-size so that convergence of the PNF is automatically satisfied. Moreover, we present a new filtering structure of the PNF that increases the convergence speed while keeping the estimation accuracy. We also derive a variable step-size scheme for the new PNF to guarantee the convergence. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
