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  • CDMA Myths and Realities Revisited

    Paul Walter BAIER  Peter JUNG  


    E79-A No:12

    The pros and cons of CDMA as a multiple access scheme for third generation cellular mobile radio systems are considered. Main criteria are spectral efficiency and capacity, but also flexibility and costs.

  • Automatic Synthesis of a Serial Input Multiprocessor Array

    Dongji LI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E79-A No:12

    Memory Sharing Processor Array (MSPA) architecture has been developed as an effective array processing architecture for both reduced data storages and increased processor cell utilization efficiency [1]. In this paper, the MSPA design methodology is extended to the VLSI synthesis of a serial input processor array (Pa). Then, a new bit-serial input multiplier and a new data serial input matrix multiplier are derived from the new PA. These multipliers are superior to the conventional multipliers by their smaller number of logic-gate count.

  • A Systematic Design of Fault Tolerant Systolic Arrays Based on Triple Modular Redundancy in Time-Processor Space

    Mineo KANEKO  Hiroyuki MIYAUCHI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E79-D No:12

    A systematic procedure to configure faulttolerant systolic arrays based on Triplicated Triple Modular Redundancy is proposed. The design procedure consists of the triplication of the dependence graph which is formed from a target regular algorithm and the transformation onto physical time-processor domain. The resultant systolic arrays tolerate failures not only on processing elements but also on communication links. While it needs sophisticated connection scheme between processing elements to guarantee the fault-tolerance on communication links, the link complexity is possibly reduced by optimizing redundant operation scheme. Unconstrained and constrained link minimization problems are introduced, and the possibility and the constraints required for link complexity reduction are investigated.

  • Performance Evaluation of DS/CDMA Scheme with Diversity Coding and MUI Cancellation over Fading Multipath Channel

    Ahmed SAIFUDDIN  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E79-A No:12

    This paper evaluates the performance of DS/CDMA with diversity coding and multiuser interference (MUI) cancellation in fading multipath channel. The diversity technique considered in this paper, is different from the conventional scheme and transmits different information over different channels. It is shown that, this diversity scheme performs better than conventional diversity scheme, and when combined with MUI cancellation provides significant performance improvement. Effects of partial band jamming on the system are also considered.

  • Estimation of Muscle Fatigue of Low Back on a Vehicle Seat

    Hisao OKA  Shiro FUJIWARA  Masakazu OSHIMA  Hiroshi KISHIMOTO  


    E79-A No:11

    The aim of this study is to measure and quantify muscle fatigue of low back, caused by sitting on the vehicle seat for a long period of time. The authors proposed a new objective muscle fatigue index based on Principle Component Analysis utilizing the measured muscle viscoelasticity and EMG. The new index suggests an adequate correlation with the subjective fatigue.

  • Non-Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets: Modeling and Analysis

    Qun JIN  Yoneo YANO  Yoshio SUGASAWA  


    E79-A No:11

    We develop a new class of stochastic Petri net: non-regenerative stochastic Petri net (NRSPN), which allows the firing time of its transitions with arbitrary distributions, and can automatically generate a bounded reachability graph that is equivalent to a generalization of the Markov renewal process in which some of the states may not constitute regeneration points. Thus, it can model and analyze behavior of a system whose states include some non-regeneration points. We show how to model a system by the NRSPN, and how to obtain numerical solutions for the NRSPN model. The probabilistic behavior of the modeled system can be clarified with the reliability measures such as the steady-state probability, the expected numbers of visits to each state per unit time, availability, unavailability and mean time between system failure. Finally, to demonstrate the modeling ability and analysis power of the NRSPN model, we present an example for a fault-tolerant system using the NRSPN and give numerical results for specific distributions.

  • A Time Division Multiple Access-Time Division Duplex combined with an Alternated Frequency Duplexer for Wireless Personal Communications

    Katsuhiko KAWAZOE  Shuji KUBOTA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E79-B No:11

    An increase in the system capacity and maximum user bit rate is required for wireless multimedia communications that offer high speed signal transmission such as simultaneous voice and data transmission. This paper proposes a Time Division Multiple Access-Time Division Duplex method combined with an Alternated Frequency Duplexer (TDMA/TDD-AF) for TDMA based wireless personal communications. The newly proposed duplexing method uses the same frequency band and all time slots within a TDMA frame for both up-stream and down-stream transmission. This enables a two-fold increase in the number of time slots within a TDMA frame and the maximum user bit rate compared with the conventional TDMA/TDD method. Transmitter diversity is also applied to improve the transmission quality under multipath fading environments. The traffic performance of the proposed method is approximated theoretically compared with the conventional TDMA/TDD systems on the assumption that an infinite number of terminals are in a cell. The results indicate that the TDMA/TDD-AF method significantly improves the blocking probability when the system is asynchronized among adjacent cells and the number of usable carriers is high.

  • Room Temperature Operated Single Electron Transistor by STM Nano-Oxidation Process: Fabrication Process and Electrical Properties

    Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO  


    E79-C No:11

    New fabrication process for the nano-meter order structure was developed using the STM. The process named "STM nano-oxidation process" could oxidize the titanium metal to form the few tens of nano-meter oxidized titanium line which works as an energy barrier for the electron. The electrical properties of the TiOx line are examined in detail. The single electron transistors with back gate, or side gate, and also those with multi-islands are fabricated using STM nano-oxidation process. The single electron transistor showed the clear Coulomb gap of -160 mV, and the Coulomb oscillation with 400 mV period even at room temperature.

  • Introduction of Economic-Oriented Fairness to Process Algebras

    Shigetomo KIMURA  Yoshihiko EBIHARA  


    E79-A No:11

    Fairness is one of the important notion for programming language, such as process algebras like CCS, that includes concurrency (or parallelism) and nondeterminism. This ensures that while repeatedly choosing among a set of alternatives, no alternative will be postponed forever. However, the fairness does not mention at what frequency these alternatives are selected. In this paper, we propose a quantitative fairness, which is called economic-oriented fairness, to each alternatives. This fairness ensures that the expected number of selection for each alternatives are same. We give a condition for probability assignment of selection of each alternative to be satisfied for economic-oriented fairness. First we show a simple probability assignment rule. In this assignment, between any two alternatives, if an alternative is selected n times and the other m times then the probability to select the former alternative is (m + 1)/(n + 1) times the probability for the latter. We prove that this assignment satisfies the condition of economic-oriented fairness. For a model of the economic-oriented fairness, we adopt a probabilistic process algebra. Finally, we elaborate with two process models of the economic-oriented fairness. The first one is a server and client model, where each client communicates only with the server, but not among them. In this model, the expected number of communication by each client are equal. The second model considers communication between two processes. In practice, a process has several subprocesses. Each subprocess communicates via a communication port, In the second model, there is economic-oriented fairness where the expected number of communications via each communication port are equal.

  • Independent Spanning Trees of Product Graphs and Their Construction

    Koji OBOKATA  Yukihiro IWASAKI  Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E79-A No:11

    A graph G is called an n-channel graph at vertex r if there are n independent spanning trees rooted at r. A graph G is called an n-channel graph if G is an n-channel graph at every vertex. Independent spanning trees of a graph play an important role in fault-tolerant broadcasting in the graph. In this paper we show that if G1 is an n1-channel graph and G2 is an n2-channel graph, then G1G2 is an (n1 + n2)-channel graph. We prove this fact by a construction of n1+n2 independent spanning trees of G1G2 from n1 independent spanning trees of G1 and n2 independent spanning trees of G2. As an application we describe a fault-tolerant broadcasting scheme along independent spanning trees.

  • AFM Characterization of GaAs/AlGaAs Waveguides

    Kazuhiko HOSOMI  Masataka SHIRAI  Kenji HIRUMA  Junji SHIGETA  Toshio KATSUYAMA  


    E79-C No:11

    The direct measurement of sidewall roughness on a ridge-type GaAs waveguide was performed using an atomic force microscope (AFM) combined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The ridge sidewall of a GaAs waveguide formed by wet-etching and the ridge sidewall formed after regrowth of a 2.45-µm GaAs/AlGaAs epitaxial layer on the same waveguide were observed using introducing the technique for sample slanting. The observed power spectral density was used to determine the scattering loss caused by the sidewall roughness. It was found that the ridge-type GaAs waveguide for light wave transmission had a scattering loss of 0.029 dB/cm in the as-etched ridge state and a scattering loss of 0.17 dB/cm after regrowing the cover GaAs/AlGaAs epitaxial layer. A leaky GaAs/AlGaAs waveguide for polariton-quantum-wave trans-mission had a scattering loss of 1.3l0-5 dB/cm, which means that the scattering loss is negligible. Furthermore, it was found that a periodical surface fluctuation (spatial frequency 2.2 µm-1) along the waveguide appeared after the regrowth of the epitaxial layer. Thus, this method is useful for direct observation of sidewall roughness and can be used to quantitatively determine the sidewall scattering loss.

  • Radiation Fields of a Printed-Dipole on a Semi-Infinite Substrate

    Tomotaka WADA  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Hiroji KUSAKA  


    E79-A No:11

    The printed dipole on a semi-infinite substrate is investigated. The solution is based on the moment method in the Fourier transform domain. We analyze far-field and near-field radiation patterns for a printed dipole. Therefore, we make radiation fields clear.

  • Method of Equivalent Currents for Calculation of Surface Diffraction by a Smooth Convex Objects

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  


    E79-C No:10

    A high-frequency approximate method for calculating the diffraction by a smooth convex surface is presented. The advantage of this method is the validity of it in the caustic region of the creeping rays where the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD) becomes invalid. The concept used in this method is based on the Method of Equivalent Edge Currents (EEC), and the equivalent line currents for creeping rays which are derived from the diffraction coefficients of the GTD are used. By evaluating the radiation integral of these equivalent line currents, the creeping ray contribution which is valid within the caustic region is obtained. In order to check the accuracy and the validity of the method, the diffraction problem by a perfectly conducting sphere of radius a is solved by applying the method, and the obtained results are compared with the exact and the GTD solutions. It is confirmed from the comparison that the failure of the GTD near the caustic is removed in this method and accurate solution is obtained in this area for high-frequency (ka8). Furthermore, it is also found that this method is valid in the backward region (0θ90, θ is an observation angle mesuered from an incident direction), whereas not in the forward region (90θ180).

  • Reconstruction of Two Dimensional Rough Surface with Gaussian Beam Illumination

    Kazunori HARADA  Akira NOGUCHI  


    E79-C No:10

    A method is presented for reconstructing the surface profile of a two dimensional rough surface boundary from the scattered far field data. The proposed inversion algorithm is based on the Kirchhoff approximation and in order to determine the surface profile, the numerical results illustrating the method are presented.

  • Linear Predictive Transmission Diversity for TDMA/TDD Personal Communication Systems

    Yasushi KONDO  Keisuke SUWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E79-B No:10

    This paper proposes linear predictive transmission diversity for TDMA/TDD personal communication systems and evaluates the effects of fading correlation and unequal average signal power Rayleigh fading on these system. The average bit error rate (BER) performance is calculated by computer simulation and the BER of zero order prediction is theoretically analyzed. The performance degradation caused by the error from prediction, fading correlation, and unequal average signal power is found to be almost independent of each other.

  • ASYL-SdF: A Synthesis Tool for Dependability in Controllers

    Raphael ROCHET  Regis LEVEUGLE  Gabriele SAUCIER  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis

    E79-D No:10

    Synthesis tools are now extensively used in the VLSI circuit design process. They allow a much higher design productivity, but the designer often does not directly control the circuit structure. Thus, when circuits are dedicated to dependable applications, designers have difficulties in implementing manually the devices needed to obtain fault detection or tolerance capabilities. The ASYL-SdF System has been developed over the last few years in order to avoid this break in the design flow, and to facilitate the designer's work when dependability is targeted. This paper gives an overview of the resulting tool, its synthesis flow for fault detection and fault tolerance in Finite State Machines, its limitations and the current developments. Actual circuit implementation results are given in terms of area overheads, expected reliability and experimental fault detection coverage.

  • Design and Fault Masking of Two-Level Cellular Arrays on Multiple-Valued Logic

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E79-D No:10

    In this paper, we discuss problems in design and fault masking of multiple-valued cellular arrays where basic cells having simple switch functions are arranged iteratively. The stuck-at faults of switch cells are assumed to be fault models. First, we introduce a universal single-level array and derive the ratio of the number of single faults whose influence can be masked to the total number of single faults. Next, we propose a universal two-level array that outputs correct values even if single faults occur in it and derive the ratio of the number of double faults whose influence can be masked compared to the total number of double faults. By evaluating the universal single-level array and the universal two-level array from the viewpoints of design and fault masking, we show that the latter is superior to the former. Finally, we compare our universal two-level array with formerly presented arrays in order to demonstrate the advantages of our universal two-level array.

  • Physical Optics Analysis of Dipole-Wave Scattering from a Finite Strip Array on a Grounded Dielectric Slab

    Shuguang CHEN  Yoshio SATO  Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  


    E79-C No:10

    This paper verifies the accuracy of PO as applied to the scattering of dipole waves by a finite size reflector which is composed of strips on a grounded dielectric slab. By using the closed form expressions of reflected waves from the surface, PO calculation can be conducted straightforwardly. The calculated results are compared with the experimental ones for vertical and horizontal dipoles over a circular reflector.

  • Performance Analysis of Modified/Quadrature Partial Response-Trellis Coded Modulation (M/QPR-TCM) Systems

    Osman Nuri UCAN  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E79-B No:10

    In this paper partial response signalling and trellis coded modulation are considered together to improve bandwidth efficiency and error performance for M-QAM and denoted as Modified/Quadrature Partial Response-Trellis Coded Modulation (M/QPR-TCM) and two new non-catastrophic schemes M/6QPR-TCM and M/9QPR-TCM are introduced for 4QAM. In colored noise with correlation coefficient less than zero, the proposed schemes perform better than in AWGN case. Another interesting result is that when the combined system is used on a Rician fading channel, the bit error probability upper bounds of the proposed systems are better than their counterparts the 4QAM-TCM systems with 2 and 4 states, respectively, for SNR values greater than a threshold, which have the best error performance in the literature.

  • Human Performance Analysis and Engineering Guidelines for Designing Graphical Network Management Interfaces

    Kenichi MASE  James P. CUNNINGHAM  Judy CANTOR  Hiromichi KAWANO  Joseph P. ROTELLIA  Tetsuo OKAZAKI  Timothy J. LIPETZ  Yuji HATAKEYAMA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:10

    This study clarifies the effects of network complexity and network map transformation on the ability of network managers to use graphic network displays. Maps of Japan and the United States with outlines of their respective prefectures or states were displayed on a CRT. Each map displayed a fictitious network of nodes and their interconnections. These networks were two-level hierarchical and non-meshed, meaning that each low-level node was connected to a single high-level node, but not all high-level nodes were linked together. The subjects, task was to identify a path between two low-level nodes. In each trial, two low-level nodes were highlighted, and the subject attempted to find the shortest path between these nodes. This was done by using a mouse to select intermediate nodes. Completing a path required a minimum of 4 node traversals. Three variables were manipulated. First, the number of nodes was defined as the total number of low-level nodes in a network (70, 150, or 200). The second variable was the level of transformation. Very densely populated areas of the maps were systematically transformed to reduce congestion. There were three levels of transformation. The final variable was the country map used, that is, the map of Japan and the map of the United States. Several behavioral measures were used. The most informativ. appeared to be the time required to complete a path (the response time), and how often subjects returned to previous portions of a path (back-ups). For both of these measures, the data pattern was essentially the same. Increasing the number of nodes hurts performance. This was particularly pronounced when the map of Japan was tested. However, as the level of transformation increased, this effect was substantially reduced or completely eliminated. The results are discussed in terms of engineering rules and guidelines for designing graphical network representations.
