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  • Semantically Readable Distributed Representation Learning and Its Expandability Using a Word Semantic Vector Dictionary

    Ikuo KESHI  Yu SUZUKI  Koichiro YOSHINO  Satoshi NAKAMURA  


    E101-D No:4

    The problem with distributed representations generated by neural networks is that the meaning of the features is difficult to understand. We propose a new method that gives a specific meaning to each node of a hidden layer by introducing a manually created word semantic vector dictionary into the initial weights and by using paragraph vector models. We conducted experiments to test the hypotheses using a single domain benchmark for Japanese Twitter sentiment analysis and then evaluated the expandability of the method using a diverse and large-scale benchmark. Moreover, we tested the domain-independence of the method using a Wikipedia corpus. Our experimental results demonstrated that the learned vector is better than the performance of the existing paragraph vector in the evaluation of the Twitter sentiment analysis task using the single domain benchmark. Also, we determined the readability of document embeddings, which means distributed representations of documents, in a user test. The definition of readability in this paper is that people can understand the meaning of large weighted features of distributed representations. A total of 52.4% of the top five weighted hidden nodes were related to tweets where one of the paragraph vector models learned the document embeddings. For the expandability evaluation of the method, we improved the dictionary based on the results of the hypothesis test and examined the relationship of the readability of learned word vectors and the task accuracy of Twitter sentiment analysis using the diverse and large-scale benchmark. We also conducted a word similarity task using the Wikipedia corpus to test the domain-independence of the method. We found the expandability results of the method are better than or comparable to the performance of the paragraph vector. Also, the objective and subjective evaluation support each hidden node maintaining a specific meaning. Thus, the proposed method succeeded in improving readability.

  • New Construction Methods for Binary Sequence Pairs of Period pq with Ideal Two-Level Correlation

    Xiumin SHEN  Yanguo JIA  Xiaofei SONG  Yubo LI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, a new generalized cyclotomy over Zpq is presented based on cyclotomy and Chinese remainder theorem, where p and q are different odd primes. Several new construction methods for binary sequence pairs of period pq with ideal two-level correlation are given by utilizing these generalized cyclotomic classes. All the binary sequence pairs from our constructions have both ideal out-of-phase correlation values -1 and optimum balance property.

  • Broadband Sleeve Dipole Antenna with Consistent Gain in the Horizontal Direction

    Takatsugu FUKUSHIMA  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Hisashi MORISHITA  Naoya FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:4

    This paper improves radiation patterns and impedance matching of a broadband sleeve dipole antenna. A broadband sleeve dipole antenna is designed and the effect of the structure parameters on the |S11| characteristics is calculated. Current distributions of the resonance frequencies are calculated. A broadband sleeve dipole antenna with plate element is proposed. Better impedance matching is obtained by adjusting the size of the plate element. The nulls of the radiation patterns are reduced at high frequencies and the gain in the horizontal direction is improved.

  • Grid-Based Parallel Algorithms of Join Queries for Analyzing Multi-Dimensional Data on MapReduce

    Miyoung JANG  Jae-Woo CHANG  

    PAPER-Technologies for Knowledge Support Platform

    E101-D No:4

    Recently, the join processing of large-scale datasets in MapReduce environments has become an important issue. However, the existing MapReduce-based join algorithms suffer from too much overhead for constructing and updating the data index. Moreover, the similarity computation cost is high because the existing algorithms partition data without considering the data distribution. In this paper, we propose two grid-based join algorithms for MapReduce. First, we propose a similarity join algorithm that evenly distributes join candidates using a dynamic grid index, which partitions data considering data density and similarity threshold. We use a bottom-up approach by merging initial grid cells into partitions and assigning them to MapReduce jobs. Second, we propose a k-NN join query processing algorithm for MapReduce. To reduce the data transmission cost, we determine an optimal grid cell size by considering the data distribution of randomly selected samples. Then, we perform kNN join by assigning the only related join data to a reducer. From performance analysis, we show that our similarity join query processing algorithm and our k-NN join algorithm outperform existing algorithms by up to 10 times, in terms of query processing time.

  • Low-PAPR Approximate Message Passing Precoding Algorithm in Massive MIMO Systems

    Meimei MENG  Xiaohui LI  Yulong LIU  Yongqiang HEI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    Massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) is a key technology to meet the increasing capacity demands that must be satisfied by next generation wireless systems. However, it is expensive to use linear power amplifiers when implementing a massive MIMO system as it will have hundreds of antennas. In this paper, considering that low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of transmit signals can facilitate hardware-friendly equipment with nonlinear but power-efficient amplifiers, we first formulate the precoding scheme as a PAPR minimization problem. Then, in order to obtain the optimal solution with low complexity, the precoding problem is recast into a Bayesian estimation problem by leveraging belief propagation algorithm. Eventually, we propose a low-PAPR approximate message passing (LP-AMP) algorithm based on belief propagation to ensure the good transmission performance and minimize the PAPR to realize practical deployments. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method can get PAPR reduction and adequate transmission performance, simultaneously, with low computational complexity. Moreover, the results further indicate that the proposed method is suitable for practical implementation, which is appealing for massive multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) systems.

  • Investigative Report Writing Support System for Effective Knowledge Construction from the Web

    Hiroyuki MITSUHARA  Masami SHISHIBORI  Akihiro KASHIHARA  

    PAPER-Creativity Support Systems and Decision Support Systems

    E101-D No:4

    Investigative reports plagiarized from the web should be eliminated because such reports result in ineffective knowledge construction. In this study, we developed an investigative report writing support system for effective knowledge construction from the web. The proposed system attempts to prevent plagiarism by restricting copying and pasting information from web pages. With this system, students can verify information through web browsing, externalize their constructed knowledge as notes for report materials, write reports using these notes, and remove inadequacies in the report by reflection. A comparative experiment showed that the proposed system can potentially prevent web page plagiarism and make knowledge construction from the web more effective compared to a conventional report writing environment.

  • Passive Element Approximation of Equivalent Circuits by the Impedance Expansion Method

    Nozomi HAGA  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:4

    The impedance expansion method (IEM), which was previously proposed by the authors, is a circuit-modeling technique for electrically-very-small devices. The equivalent circuits derived by the IEM include dependent voltage sources proportional to the powers of the frequency. However, the previous report did not describe how circuit simulators could realize such dependent voltage sources. This paper shows how this can be achieved by approximating the equivalent circuit using only passive elements.

  • Capacity of Two-Way In-Band Full-Duplex Relaying with Imperfect Channel State Information

    Siye WANG  Mingyao WANG  Boyu JIA  Yonghua LI  Wenbo XU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    In this paper, we investigate the capacity performance of an in-band full-duplex (IBFD) amplify-and-forward two-way relay system under the effect of residual loop-back-interference (LBI). In a two-way IBFD relay system, two IBFD nodes exchange data with each other via an IBFD relay. Both two-way relaying and IBFD one-way relaying could double the spectrum efficiency theoretically. However, due to imperfect channel estimation, the performance of two-way relaying is degraded by self-interference at the receiver. Moreover, the performance of the IBFD relaying is deteriorated by LBI between the transmit antenna and the receive antenna of the node. Different from the IBFD one-way relay scenario, the IBFD two-way relay system will suffer from an extra level of LBI at the destination receiver. We derive accurate approximations of the average end-to-end capacities for both the IBFD and half-duplex modes. We evaluate the impact of the LBI and channel estimation errors on system performance. Monte Carlo simulations verify the validity of analytical results. It can be shown that with certain signal-to-noise ratio values and effective interference cancellation techniques, the IBFD transmission is preferable in terms of capacity. The IBFD two-way relaying is an attractive technique for practical applications.

  • Regularized Kernel Representation for Visual Tracking

    Jun WANG  Yuanyun WANG  Chengzhi DENG  Shengqian WANG  Yong QIN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:4

    Developing a robust appearance model is a challenging task due to appearance variations of objects such as partial occlusion, illumination variation, rotation and background clutter. Existing tracking algorithms employ linear combinations of target templates to represent target appearances, which are not accurate enough to deal with appearance variations. The underlying relationship between target candidates and the target templates is highly nonlinear because of complicated appearance variations. To address this, this paper presents a regularized kernel representation for visual tracking. Namely, the feature vectors of target appearances are mapped into higher dimensional features, in which a target candidate is approximately represented by a nonlinear combination of target templates in a dimensional space. The kernel based appearance model takes advantage of considering the non-linear relationship and capturing the nonlinear similarity between target candidates and target templates. l2-regularization on coding coefficients makes the approximate solution of target representations more stable. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superior performances in comparison with state-of-the-art trackers.

  • Simple Feature Quantities for Analysis of Periodic Orbits in Dynamic Binary Neural Networks

    Seitaro KOYAMA  Shunsuke AOKI  Toshimichi SAITO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E101-A No:4

    A dynamic neural network has ternary connection parameters and can generate various binary periodic orbits. In order to analyze the dynamics, we present two feature quantities which characterize stability and transient phenomenon of a periodic orbit. Calculating the feature quantities, we investigate influence of connection sparsity on stability of a target periodic orbit corresponding to a circuit control signal. As the sparsity increases, at first, stability of a target periodic orbit tends to be stronger. In the next, the stability tends to be weakened and various transient phenomena exist. In the most sparse case, the network has many periodic orbits without transient phenomenon.

  • Sentiment Classification for Hotel Booking Review Based on Sentence Dependency Structure and Sub-Opinion Analysis


    PAPER-Datamining Technologies

    E101-D No:4

    This paper presents a supervised method to classify a document at the sub-sentence level. Traditionally, sentiment analysis often classifies sentence polarity based on word features, syllable features, or N-gram features. A sentence, as a whole, may contain several phrases and words which carry their own specific sentiment. However, classifying a sentence based on phrases and words can sometimes be incoherent because they are ungrammatically formed. In order to overcome this problem, we need to arrange words and phrase in a dependency form to capture their semantic scope of sentiment. Thus, we transform a sentence into a dependency tree structure. A dependency tree is composed of subtrees, and each subtree allocates words and syllables in a grammatical order. Moreover, a sentence dependency tree structure can mitigate word sense ambiguity or solve the inherent polysemy of words by determining their word sense. In our experiment, we provide the details of the proposed subtree polarity classification for sub-opinion analysis. To conclude our discussion, we also elaborate on the effectiveness of the analysis result.

  • Static Representation Exposing Spatial Changes in Spatio-Temporal Dependent Data

    Hiroki CHIBA  Yuki HYOGO  Kazuo MISUE  

    PAPER-Elemental Technologies for human behavior analysis

    E101-D No:4

    Spatio-temporal dependent data, such as weather observation data, are data of which the attribute values depend on both time and space. Typical methods for the visualization of such data include plotting the attribute values at each point in time on a map and displaying series of the maps in chronological order with animation, or displaying them by juxtaposing horizontally or vertically. However, these methods are problematic in that they compel readers interested in grasping the spatial changes of the attribute values to memorize the representations on the maps. The problem is exacerbated by considering that the longer the time-period covered by the data, the higher the cognitive load. In order to solve these problems, the authors propose a visualization method capable of overlaying the representations of multiple instantaneous values on a single static map. This paper explains the design of the proposed method and reports two experiments conducted by the authors to investigate the usefulness of the method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is useful in terms of the speed and accuracy with which it reads the spatial changes and its ability to present data with long time series efficiently.

  • G-HBase: A High Performance Geographical Database Based on HBase

    Hong Van LE  Atsuhiro TAKASU  


    E101-D No:4

    With the recent explosion of geographic data generated by smartphones, sensors, and satellites, a data storage that can handle the massive volume of data and support high-computational spatial queries is becoming essential. Although key-value stores efficiently handle large-scale data, they are not equipped with effective functions for supporting geographic data. To solve this problem, in this paper, we present G-HBase, a high-performance geographical database based on HBase, a standard key-value store. To index geographic data, we first use Geohash as the rowkey in HBase. Then, we present a novel partitioning method, namely binary Geohash rectangle partitioning, to support spatial queries. Our extensive experiments on real datasets have demonstrated an improved performance with k nearest neighbors and range query in G-HBase when compared with SpatialHadoop, a state-of-the-art framework with native support for spatial data. We also observed that performance of spatial join in G-HBase is on par with SpatialHadoop and outperforms SJMR algorithm in HBase.

  • 82.5GS/s (8×10.3GHz Multi-Phase Clocks) Blind Over-Sampling Based Burst-Mode Clock and Data Recovery for 10G-EPON 10.3-Gb/s/1.25-Gb/s Dual-Rate Operation

    Naoki SUZUKI  Kenichi NAKURA  Takeshi SUEHIRO  Seiji KOZAKI  Junichi NAKAGAWA  Kuniaki MOTOSHIMA  


    E101-B No:4

    We present an 82.5GS/s over-sampling based burst-mode clock and data recovery (BM-CDR) IC chip-set comprising an 82.5GS/s over-sampling IC using 8×10.3GHz multi-phase clocks and a dual-rate data selector logic IC to realize the 10.3Gb/s and 1.25Gb/s dual-rate burst-mode fast-lock operation required for 10-Gigabit based fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) services supported by 10-Gigabit Ethernet passive optical network (10G-EPON) systems. As the key issue for designing the proposed 82.5GS/s BM-CDR, a fresh study of the optimum number of multi-phase clocks, which is equivalent to the sampling resolution, is undertaken, and details of the 10.3Gb/s cum 1.25/Gb/s dual-rate optimum phase data selection logic based on a blind phase decision algorithm, which can realize a full single-platform dual-rate BM-CDR, ate also presented. By using the power of the proposed 82.5GS/s over-sampling BM-CDR in cooperation with our dual-rate burst-mode optical receiver, we further demonstrated that a short dual-rate and burst-mode preamble of 256ns supporting receiver settling and CDR recovery times was successfully achieved, while obtaining high receiver sensitivities of -31.6dBm at 10.3Gb/s and -34.6dBm at 1.25Gb/s and a high pulse-width distortion tolerance of +/-0.53UI, which are superior to the 10G-EPON standard.

  • Optimal Design of Notch Filter with Principal Basic Vectors in Subspace

    Jinguang HAO  Gang WANG  Lili WANG  Honggang WANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, an optimal method is proposed to design sparse-coefficient notch filters with principal basic vectors in the column space of a matrix constituted with frequency samples. The proposed scheme can perform in two stages. At the first stage, the principal vectors can be determined in the least-squares sense. At the second stage, with some components of the principal vectors, the notch filter design is formulated as a linear optimization problem according to the desired specifications. Optimal results can form sparse coefficients of the notch filter by solving the linear optimization problem. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve better performance in designing a sparse-coefficient notch filter of small order compared with other methods such as the equiripple method, the orthogonal matching pursuit based scheme and the L1-norm based method.

  • A Transmission Control Protocol for Long Distance High-Speed Wireless Communications

    Yohei HASEGAWA  Jiro KATTO  


    E101-B No:4

    This paper proposes a transmission control protocol (TCP) for long distance high-speed wireless communications, including free-space optical communications (FSOC). Extreme high frequency of wireless communications enables high-speed bit rate, but frequent signal error, including burst error, can be a quite severe problem for ordinary high-speed TCPs. To achieve 10Gbps or higher data transfer throughput on FSOC, the proposed TCP (designated “TCP-FSO”) has improved and new features including multi-layer congestion control, retransmission control with packet loss point estimation, delay-based ACK congestion control, and ACK retransmission control. We evaluated data transfer throughput of TCP-FSO and the other TCPs, by throughput model analysis and experiment on real implementation. Obtained results show that TCP-FSO achieves far higher data transfer throughput than other high-speed TCPs. For example, it achieved a thousand times higher throughput than the other high-speed TCPs in a real FSOC environment.

  • A Low-Power Radiation-Hardened Flip-Flop with Stacked Transistors in a 65 nm FDSOI Process

    Haruki MARUOKA  Masashi HIFUMI  Jun FURUTA  Kazutoshi KOBAYASHI  


    E101-C No:4

    We propose a radiation-hardened Flip-Flop (FF) with stacked transistors based on the Adaptive Coupling Flip-Flop (ACFF) with low power consumption in a 65 nm FDSOI process. The slave latch in ACFF is much weaker against soft errors than the master latch. We design several FFs with stacked transistors in the master or slave latches to mitigate soft errors. We investigate radiation hardness of the proposed FFs by α particle and neutron irradiation tests. The proposed FFs have higher radiation hardness than a conventional DFF and ACFF. Neutron irradiation and α particle tests revealed no error in the proposed AC Slave-Stacked FF (AC_SS FF) which has stacked transistors only in the slave latch. We also investigate radiation hardness of the proposed FFs by heavy ion irradiation. The proposed FFs maintain higher radiation hardness up to 40 MeV-cm2/mg than the conventional DFF. Stacked inverters become more sensitive to soft errors by increasing tilt angles. AC_SS FF achieves higher radiation hardness than ACFF with the performance equivalent to that of ACFF.

  • Multiple Speech Source Separation with Non-Sparse Components Recovery by Using Dual Similarity Determination

    Maoshen JIA  Jundai SUN  Feng DENG  Junyue SUN  

    PAPER-Elemental Technologies for human behavior analysis

    E101-D No:4

    In this work, a multiple source separation method with joint sparse and non-sparse components recovery is proposed by using dual similarity determination. Specifically, a dual similarity coefficient is designed based on normalized cross-correlation and Jaccard coefficients, and its reasonability is validated via a statistical analysis on a quantitative effective measure. Thereafter, by regarding the sparse components as a guide, the non-sparse components are recovered using the dual similarity coefficient. Eventually, a separated signal is obtained by a synthesis of the sparse and non-sparse components. Experimental results demonstrate the separation quality of the proposed method outperforms some existing BSS methods including sparse components separation based methods, independent components analysis based methods and soft threshold based methods.

  • Low-Latency Communication in LTE and WiFi Using Spatial Diversity and Encoding Redundancy

    Yu YU  Stepan KUCERA  Yuto LIM  Yasuo TAN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    In mobile and wireless networks, controlling data delivery latency is one of open problems due to the stochastic nature of wireless channels, which are inherently unreliable. This paper explores how the current best-effort throughput-oriented wireless services might evolve into latency-sensitive enablers of new mobile applications such as remote three-dimensional (3D) graphical rendering for interactive virtual/augmented-reality overlay. Assuming that the signal propagation delay and achievable throughput meet the standard latency requirements of the user application, we examine the idea of trading excess/federated bandwidth for the elimination of non-negligible delay of data re-ordering, caused by temporal transmission failures and buffer overflows. The general system design is based on (i) spatially diverse data delivery over multiple paths with uncorrelated outage likelihoods; and (ii) forward packet-loss protection (FPP), creating encoding redundancy for proactive recovery of intolerably delayed data without end-to-end retransmissions. Analysis and evaluation are based on traces of real life traffic, which is measured in live carrier-grade long term evolution (LTE) networks and campus WiFi networks, due to no such system/environment yet to verify the importance of spatial diversity and encoding redundancy. Analysis and evaluation reveal the seriousness of the latency problem and that the proposed FPP with spatial diversity and encoding redundancy can minimize the delay of re-ordering. Moreover, a novel FPP effectiveness coefficient is proposed to explicitly represent the effectiveness of EPP implementation.

  • Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced Round SPARX-128/256

    Muhammad ELSHEIKH  Mohamed TOLBA  Amr M. YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:4

    SPARX-128/256 is one of the two versions of the SPARX-128 block cipher family. It has 128-bit block size and 256-bit key size. SPARX has been developed using ARX-based S-boxes with the aim of achieving provable security against single-trail differential and linear cryptanalysis. In this letter, we propose 20-round impossible differential distinguishers for SPARX-128. Then, we utilize these distinguishers to attack 24 rounds (out of 40 rounds) of SPARX-128/256. Our attack has time complexity of 2232 memory accesses, memory complexity of 2160.81 128-bit blocks, and data complexity of 2104 chosen plaintexts.
