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[Keyword] Radar(388hit)


  • On the Bragg Scattering Observed in L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Images of Flooded Rice Fields

    Kazuo OUCHI  Haipeng WANG  Naoki ISHITSUKA  Genya SAITO  Kentaro MOHRI  


    E89-B No:8

    This article presents the analysis of the Bragg scattering phenomenon which has been observed in the images of machine-planted rice paddies acquired by the JERS-1 L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The simultaneous measurements of rice plants were made at the SAR data acquisition times. Large differences of 20-25 dB in image intensity between the transplanting and ripening stages are found to be dependent on the planting direction and bunch separation. This selective image enhancement is a result of the Bragg resonance backscatter due to the double-bounce of incident L-band microwave between the flooded water surface and periodically planted bunches of rice plants. Support for the idea of double-bounce scattering is provided by the decomposition analysis of L-band and X-band polarimetric Pi-SAR data; and a simple numerical simulation based on the physical optics model shows fairly good agreement with the JERS-1 SAR data. The results presented in this paper is mainly of academic interest, but a suggestion can be made on the selection of suitable microwave band for monitoring rice fields.

  • Approximations for Detection Probability and Measurement Accuracy Taking into Account Antenna Beam-Pointing Losses

    Sun-Mog HONG  Young K. KWAG  


    E89-B No:7

    Expressions are presented for the probability of target detection and the measurement accuracy of the detection, taking into account the effects of antenna beam-pointing error. Evaluation of these expressions requires numerical integration, which is computationally expensive. Approximate but analytic and efficient expressions are also presented. Numerical examples are given to present the relative accuracy of our analytic approximations.

  • Preceding Vehicle Detection Using Stereo Images and Non-scanning Millimeter-Wave Radar

    Eigo SEGAWA  Morito SHIOHARA  Shigeru SASAKI  Norio HASHIGUCHI  Tomonobu TAKASHIMA  Masatoshi TOHNO  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport Systems

    E89-D No:7

    We developed a system that detects the vehicle driving immediately ahead of one's own car in the same lane and measures the distance to and relative speed of that vehicle to prevent accidents such as rear-end collisions. The system is the first in the industry to use non-scanning millimeter-wave radar combined with a sturdy stereo image sensor, which keeps cost low. It can operate stably in adverse weather conditions such as rain, which could not easily be done with previous sensors. The system's vehicle detection performance was tested, and the system can correctly detect vehicles driving 3 to 50 m ahead in the same lane with higher than 99% accuracy in clear weather. Detection performance in rainy weather, where water drops and splashes notably degraded visibility, was higher than 90%.

  • New Formula of the Polarization Entropy

    Jian YANG  Yilun CHEN  Yingning PENG  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  


    E89-B No:3

    In this letter, a new formula is proposed for calculating the polarization entropy, based on the least square method. There is no need to calculate the eigenvalues of a covariance matrix as well as to use logarithms of values. So the time for computing the polarization entropy is reduced. Using polarimetric SAR data, the authors validate the effectiveness of the new formula.

  • Polarimetric Scattering Analysis for a Finite Dihedral Corner Reflector

    Kei HAYASHI  Ryoichi SATO  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  


    E89-B No:1

    This paper examines polarimetric scattering characteristics caused by a dihedral corner reflector of finite size. The dihedral corner reflector is a basic model of double-bounce structure in urban area. The detailed scattering information serves the interpretation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (POLSAR) data analysis. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is utilized for the scattering calculation because of its simplicity and flexibility in the target shape modeling. This paper points out that there exists a stable double-bounce squint angle region both for perfect electric conductor (PEC) and dielectric corner reflectors. Beyond this stable squint angular region, the scattering characteristics become completely different from the assumed response. A criterion on the double-bounce scattering is proposed based on the physical optics (PO) approximation. The detailed analyses on the polarimetric index (co-polarization ratio) with respect to squint angle and an experimental result measured in an anechoic chamber are shown.

  • Adaptive Plastic-Landmine Visualizing Radar System: Effects of Aperture Synthesis and Feature-Vector Dimension Reduction

    Takahiro HARA  Akira HIROSE  


    E88-C No:12

    We propose an adaptive plastic-landmine visualizing radar system employing a complex-valued self-organizing map (CSOM) dealing with a feature vector that focuses on variance of spatial- and frequency-domain inner products (V-CSOM) in combination with aperture synthesis. The dimension of the new feature vector is greatly reduced in comparison with that of our previous texture feature-vector CSOM (T-CSOM). In experiments, we first examine the effect of aperture synthesis on the complex-amplitude texture in space and frequency domains. We also compare the calculation cost and the visualization performance of V- and T-CSOMs. Then we discuss merits and drawbacks of the two types of CSOMs with/without the aperture synthesis in the adaptive plastic-landmine visualization task. The V-CSOM with aperture synthesis is found promising to realize a useful plastic-landmine detection system.

  • Reconstruction of Polygonal Cylindrical Targets with Curved Surfaces from Their Monostatic RCS

    Hiroshi SHIRAI  Yoshinori HIRAMATSU  Masashi SUZUKI  


    E88-C No:12

    Target reconstruction algorithm from its monostatic radar cross section (RCS) has been proposed for polygonal cylinders with curved surfaces. This algorithm is based on our previous finding that the main contribution to the back scattering is due to edge diffracted fields excited at a facet of nearly specular reflection direction. Dimension of this constitutive facet of the target is estimated from the local maxima and its lobe width in the angular RCS variation. Half and quarter circular cylinders are used as canonical scattering objects, and their measured and numerically simulated monostatic RCS values have been studied extensively to find scattering pattern characteristic difference between flat and circularly curved surfaces. Thus estimated constitutive facets are connected in order, and this procedure will be continued until the distance between the first and the final edges would be minimized. Our algorithm has been tested for other targets, and it is found that it works well for predicting metal convex targets with flat and curved facets.

  • Radar Cross Section Analysis Considering Multi-Reflection inside a Radome Based on SBR Method

    Shinji KURODA  Yoshio INASAWA  Shin-ichi MORITA  Hitoshi NISHIKAWA  Yoshihiko KONISHI  Yonehiko SUNAHARA  Shigeru MAKINO  


    E88-C No:12

    The authors propose the simple and efficient method based on the shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) method in order to evaluate multi-reflection effects inside a radome. In this paper, we show the analysis procedure of the proposed method. Next, we compare calculated data with some measured data in order to verify the proposed method. We confirmed that the proposed method is effective for the objects with radome except the areas where strong edge diffraction appears.

  • 77-GHz MMIC Module Design Techniques for Automotive Radar Applications

    Yasushi ITOH  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E88-C No:10

    Recent advances in 77-GHz MMIC module design techniques for automotive radar applications are reviewed in this paper. The target of R&D activities is moving from high performance to low cost, mass production, high-yield manufacturing and testing. To meet the stringent requirements, millimeter-wave module design techniques have made significant progress especially in packaging, bonding, and making interface with other modules. In addition, millimeter-wave semiconductor devices and MMICs have made remarkable improvements for low cost and mass production. In this paper, the topics focusing on millimeter-wave semiconductor devices and 77-GHz MMICs are reviewed first. Then the recent R&D results on 77-GHz MMIC module design techniques are introduced, showing the technical trend of packaging, bonding, and making interface with other modules for millimeter-wave, highly-integrated, low-cost MMIC modules. Finally, the existing and future module design issues for automotive radar applications are discussed.

  • Development of Ultra-Wideband Short-Range Impulse Radar System for Vehicular Applications

    Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI  Hiroyo OGAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E88-C No:10

    This paper introduces a state-of-art on an ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in intelligent transport systems (ITS). To examine the detection performance of a UWB short-range radar for vehicular applications, we developed a 26-GHz band short-range UWB radar system with an embedded compact MMIC-based RF module. In this paper, we briefly comment on the current regulatory environment for UWB radar systems by outlining the structure of an international organization involved in examining the regulatory status of these systems. We then describe the principles of detection and system design for impulse radar, the radar system that we developed, and a MMIC-based RF module as well as the performance of these devices. We measured their performance in a series of laboratory experiments and also measured UWB radar cross sections of an automobile. The results of our experiments suggest that our radar system is capable of detecting targets with a range resolution of around 9 cm.

  • Measurements of Millimeter Pulse Wave Backscattering from a Cylindrical Object near a Flat Boundary

    Daisuke MATSUBARA  Shigeo ITO  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E88-B No:9

    The transient scattering characteristics of millimeter waves from a cylindrical object near a flat boundary were measured by the 50 GHz scatterometer to evaluate the multiple interactions of scattered waves with the objects and the boundary. Both perfectly conducting and dielectric cylinders are considered as a scattering object. The pulse intensities including waves scattered first from the object and then from the flat boundary or vice versa are shown to be significantly influenced by the distance from the object to the boundary, depending on the refractive index of the object. The observed higher order responses including the multiple scattering between the object and the boundary are also discussed. A preliminary comparison of the measured and calculated pulse responses for the perfectly conducting object is presented at slightly oblique incidence on a flat boundary.

  • M-Sweeps Exact Performance Analysis of OS Modified Versions in Nonhomogeneous Environments

    Mohamed Bakry EL-MASHADE  

    This paper was deleted on October 26, 2005 because it was found to be a triplicate submission (see details in the pdf file).
    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:7

    Our goal in this paper is to provide a complete detection analysis for the OS processor along with OSGO and OSSO modified versions, for M postdetection integrated pulses when the operating environment is nonideal. Analytical results of performance are presented in both multiple-target situations and in regions of clutter power transitions. The primary and the secondary interfering targets are assumed to be fluctuating in accordance with the Swerling II target fluctuation model. As the number of noncoherently integrated pulses increases, lower threshold values and consequently better detection performances are obtained in both homogeneous and multiple target background models. However, the false alarm rate performance of OSSO-CFAR scheme at clutter edges is worsen with increasing the postdetection integrated pulses. As predicted, the OSGO-CFAR detector accommodates the presence of spurious targets in the reference window, given that their number is within its allowable range in each local window, and controls the rate of false alarm when the contents of the reference cells have clutter boundaries. The OSSO-CFAR scheme is useful in the situation where there is a cluster of radar targets amongst the estimation cells.

  • Estimation of Target Position by the Combination of MUSIC and Adaptive Beamforming in Stepped-FM Array Radar

    Toshihiko FUKUE  Atsushi FUJITA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Communications and Wireless Systems

    E88-D No:7

    In this paper we propose a stepped-FM array radar system that can precisely estimate the target position by combining S- and T-MUSIC and adaptive beamforming. By adopting the adaptive beamformer as a preprocessor of T-MUSIC, the proposed system can uniquely determine the direction and distance of targets. In addition, the distance estimation precision is improved by introducing beamformer.

  • A Method for Detecting Shallowly Buried Landmines Using Sequential GPR Data

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Ken-ichiro SHIMO  


    E88-B No:6

    A method for detecting shallowly buried landmines using sequential ground penetrating radar (GPR) data is presented. After removing a dominant coherent component arising from the ground surface reflection from the GPR data, three kinds of target features related to wave correlation, energy ratio, and signal arrival time are extracted. Since the detection problem treated here is reduced to a binary hypothesis test, an approach based on a likelihood ratio test is employed as a detection algorithm. In order to check the detection performance, a Monte Carlo simulation is carried out for data generated by a two-dimensional finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method. Results given in the form of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves show that good detection performance is obtained even for landmines buried at shallow depths under rough ground surfaces, where the responses from the landmines and that from the ground surface overlap in time.

  • A Study on Polarimetric Correlation Coefficient for Feature Extraction of Polarimetric SAR Data

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Seiho URATSUKA  Toshihiko UMEHARA  Hideo MAENO  Makoto SATAKE  Akitsugu NADAI  Kazuki NAKAMURA  


    E88-B No:6

    This paper attempts to use the polarimetric correlation coefficient for extraction of the polarimetric features of the urban areas and the natural distributed areas from Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (POLSAR) data. There is a possibility that the polarimetric correlation coefficient can reveal various scattering mechanisms of terrains based on the reflection symmetry property. In order to verify the capability of polarimetric correlation coefficient, we examined the behavior of this coefficient of the urban areas and the natural distributed areas with respect to the several polarimetric scattering models in the linear and circular polarization bases, and the difference of the polarimetric scattering characteristics between these two areas was derived. It was confirmed that the polarimetric correlation coefficient is useful to extract the polarimetric features from the actual L-band and X-band POLSAR data.

  • Standing Wave Radar Capable of Measuring Distances down to Zero Meters

    Tetsuji UEBO  Yoshihiro OKUBO  Tadamitsu IRITANI  


    E88-B No:6

    Various types of radars have been developed and used until now--such as Pulse, FM-CW, and Spread Spectrum. Additionally, we have proposed another type of radar which measures distances by using standing wave. We have named it as "Standing Wave Radar." It has a shorter minimum detectable range and higher accuracy compared to other types. However, the radar can not measure distances down to zero meters like other types of radars. Minimum detectable range of the standing wave radar depends on a usable frequency range. A wider frequency range is required if we need to measure shorter distances. Consequently, we propose a new method for measuring distances down to zero meters without expanding the frequency range. We use an analytic signal, which is a complex sinusoidal signal. The signal is obtained by observing the standing wave with multiple detectors. We calculate distances by Fourier transform of the analytic signal. Moreover, we verify the validity of our method by simulations based on numerical calculation. The results show that it is possible to measure distances down to zero meters. In our method, measurement errors are caused by deviations of position and gain of the detectors. They are around 10cm at the largest if the gain deviations are up to 1% and the position deviations are up to 6% of the spacing between the detectors. Prevalent radars still have a common defect that they can not measure distances from zero to several meters. We expect that the defect will be eliminated by putting our method into practical use.

  • DOA Estimation of Moving Target under the Clutter Environment by Applying MUSIC to the QMF Doppler Filter Bank

    Toshihiko FUKUE  Nozomu HAMADA  


    E88-B No:5

    This paper proposes a new angular measurement system to a moving target in the presence of clutter. We apply MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) to the outputs of a Doppler filter bank consisting of quadrature mirror filter (QMF). The comparison between QMF and the short time Fourier transform (STFT) as a preprocessor of MUSIC is also discussed. DOA estimation performance by QMF-MUSIC is nearly equal to that of STFT-MUSIC. On the other hand, QMF-MUSIC overcomes STFT-MUSIC in the aspect of computational cost. In a specific example in this paper, the proposal QMF bank by Daubechies (4th order) wavelet requires 80% fewer the number of multiplications and 25% fewer the number of additions than the FFT-based STFT filter bank.

  • Polarimetric SAR Image Analysis Using Model Fit for Urban Structures

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Seiho URATSUKA  Toshihiko UMEHARA  Hideo MAENO  Makoto SATAKE  Akitsugu NADAI  Kazuki NAKAMURA  


    E88-B No:3

    This paper describes a polarimetric feature extraction method from urban areas using the POLSAR (Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar) data. The scattering characteristic of urban areas is different from that of natural distributed areas. The main point of difference is polarimetric correlation coefficient, because urban areas do not satisfy property of azimuth symmetry, Shh = Shv = 0. The decomposition technique based on azimuth symmetry can not be applied to urban areas. We propose a new model fit suitable for urban areas. The proposed model fit consists of odd-bounce, even-bounce and cross scattering models. These scattering models can represent the polarimetric backscatter from urban areas, and satisfy Shh 0 and Shv 0. In addition, the combination with the proposed model fit and the three component scattering model suited for natural distributed areas is examined. It is possible to apply the combined technique to POLSAR data which includes both urban areas and natural distributed areas. The combined technique is used for feature extraction of actual X-band POLSAR data acquired by Pi-SAR. It is shown that the proposed model fit is useful to extract polarimetric features from urban areas.

  • A New Algorithm to Generate the Reference Images of Ship Targets for ATR Using ISAR

    Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  Masafumi IWAMOTO  Tetsuo KIRIMOTO  


    E88-B No:2

    Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is useful for automatic target recognition (ATR) because it can reconstruct a high resolution image of an observed target. In ISAR imaging, 3-dimensional reflectivity distribution of a target is projected to the plane defined by range axis and cross range axis. In order to recognize the observed target by using pattern matching, reference images of candidate targets must be adequately generated. However, that is difficult because the cross range axis, which depends on the target's unknown rotational motion, can not be determined precisely. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to generate reference ISAR images of ship targets. In this algorithm, tracking data, Doppler width and the slope of the centerline of an ISAR target image are used to specify the cross range axis. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was evaluated by using simulated targets.

  • Suppression of Ground Radar Interference in JERS-1 SAR Data

    Hiroshi KIMURA  Takashi NAKAMURA  Konstantinos P. PAPATHANASSIOU  


    E87-B No:12

    JERS-1 L-band SAR data can be, especially over urban areas affected by ground radar interferences. For most of the applications of the data the interferences should be suppressed. Notch filtering during image correlation process is one of the straightforward ways to do this. However, lower the threshold is, more signals from earth surface is eliminated. In this paper, a probability density function (PDF's) model of the ground radar interference signal is worked out from experimental data, and used for the suppression of interferences and the preservation of backscattered signals. The validity of the model is confirmed against real SAR data, and a general filter threshold--applicable to all JERS-1 SAR data--without any conditions is proposed.
