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  • Stop-Probability-Based Network Topology Discovery Method Open Access

    Yuguang ZHANG  Zhiyong ZHANG  Wei ZHANG  Deming MAO  Zhihong RAO  


    E107-B No:9

    Using a limited number of probes has always been a focus in interface-level network topology probing to discover complete network topologies. Stop-set-based network topology probing methods significantly reduce the number of probes sent but suffer from the side effect of incomplete topology information discovery. This study proposes an optimized probing method based on stop probabilities (SPs) that builds on existing stop-set-based network topology discovery methods to address the issue of incomplete topology information owing to multipath routing. The statistics of repeat nodes (RNs) and multipath routing on the Internet are analyzed and combined with the principles of stop-set-based probing methods, highlighting that stopping probing at the first RN compromises the completeness of topology discovery. To address this issue, SPs are introduced to adjust the stopping strategy upon encountering RNs during probing. A method is designed for generating SPs that achieves high completeness and low cost based on the distribution of the number of RNs. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed stop-probability-based probing method almost completely discovers network nodes and links across different regions and times over a two-year period, while significantly reducing probing redundancy. In addition, the proposed approach balances and optimizes the trade-off between complete topology discovery and reduced probing costs compared with existing topology probing methods. Building on this, the factors influencing the probing cost of the proposed method and methods to further reduce the number of probes while ensuring completeness are analyzed. The proposed method yields universally applicable SPs in the current Internet environment.

  • Cloud-Edge-Device Collaborative High Concurrency Access Management for Massive IoT Devices in Distribution Grid Open Access

    Shuai LI  Xinhong YOU  Shidong ZHANG  Mu FANG  Pengping ZHANG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E107-A No:7

    Emerging data-intensive services in distribution grid impose requirements of high-concurrency access for massive internet of things (IoT) devices. However, the lack of effective high-concurrency access management results in severe performance degradation. To address this challenge, we propose a cloud-edge-device collaborative high-concurrency access management algorithm based on multi-timescale joint optimization of channel pre-allocation and load balancing degree. We formulate an optimization problem to minimize the weighted sum of edge-cloud load balancing degree and queuing delay under the constraint of access success rate. The problem is decomposed into a large-timescale channel pre-allocation subproblem solved by the device-edge collaborative access priority scoring mechanism, and a small-timescale data access control subproblem solved by the discounted empirical matching mechanism (DEM) with the perception of high-concurrency number and queue backlog. Particularly, information uncertainty caused by externalities is tackled by exploiting discounted empirical performance which accurately captures the performance influence of historical time points on present preference value. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in reducing edge-cloud load balancing degree and queuing delay.

  • Rotation-Invariant Convolution Networks with Hexagon-Based Kernels

    Yiping TANG  Kohei HATANO  Eiji TAKIMOTO  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E107-D No:2

    We introduce the Hexagonal Convolutional Neural Network (HCNN), a modified version of CNN that is robust against rotation. HCNN utilizes a hexagonal kernel and a multi-block structure that enjoys more degrees of rotation information sharing than standard convolution layers. Our structure is easy to use and does not affect the original tissue structure of the network. We achieve the complete rotational invariance on the recognition task of simple pattern images and demonstrate better performance on the recognition task of the rotated MNIST images, synthetic biomarker images and microscopic cell images than past methods, where the robustness to rotation matters.

  • Re-Evaluating Syntax-Based Negation Scope Resolution

    Asahi YOSHIDA  Yoshihide KATO  Shigeki MATSUBARA  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E107-D No:1

    Negation scope resolution is the process of detecting the negated part of a sentence. Unlike the syntax-based approach employed in previous researches, state-of-the-art methods performed better without the explicit use of syntactic structure. This work revisits the syntax-based approach and re-evaluates the effectiveness of syntactic structure in negation scope resolution. We replace the parser utilized in the prior works with state-of-the-art parsers and modify the syntax-based heuristic rules. The experimental results demonstrate that the simple modifications enhance the performance of the prior syntax-based method to the same level as state-of-the-art end-to-end neural-based methods.

  • No Reference Quality Assessment of Contrast-Distorted SEM Images Based on Global Features

    Fengchuan XU  Qiaoyue LI  Guilu ZHANG  Yasheng CHANG  Zixuan ZHENG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:11

    This letter presents a global feature-based method for evaluating the no reference quality of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) contrast-distorted images. Based on the characteristics of SEM images and the human visual system, the global features of SEM images are extracted as the score for evaluating image quality. In this letter, the texture information of SEM images is first extracted using a low-pass filter with orientation, and the amount of information in the texture part is calculated based on the entropy reflecting the complexity of the texture. The singular values with four scales of the original image are then calculated, and the amount of structural change between different scales is calculated and averaged. Finally, the amounts of texture information and structural change are pooled to generate the final quality score of the SEM image. Experimental results show that the method can effectively evaluate the quality of SEM contrast-distorted images.

  • Multi-Target Recognition Utilizing Micro-Doppler Signatures with Limited Supervision

    Jingyi ZHANG  Kuiyu CHEN  Yue MA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Instrumentation and Control

    E106-C No:8

    Previously, convolutional neural networks have made tremendous progress in target recognition based on micro-Doppler radar. However, these studies only considered the presence of one target at a time in the surveillance area. Simultaneous multi-targets recognition for surveillance radar remains a pretty challenging issue. To alleviate this issue, this letter develops a multi-instance multi-label (MIML) learning strategy, which can automatically locate the crucial input patterns that trigger the labels. Benefitting from its powerful target-label relation discovery ability, the proposed framework can be trained with limited supervision. We emphasize that only echoes from single targets are involved in training data, avoiding the preparation and annotation of multi-targets echo in the training stage. To verify the validity of the proposed method, we model two representative ground moving targets, i.e., person and wheeled vehicles, and carry out numerous comparative experiments. The result demonstrates that the developed framework can simultaneously recognize multiple targets and is also robust to variation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the initial position of targets, and the difference in scattering coefficient.

  • Terahertz Radiations and Switching Phenomena of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High-Temperature Superconductors: Josephson Phase Dynamics in Long- and Short-Ranged Interactions Open Access

    Itsuhiro KAKEYA  


    E106-C No:6

    Studies on intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of cuprate superconductors are reviewed. A system consisting of a few IJJs provides phenomena to test the Josephson phase dynamics and its interaction between adjacent IJJs within a nanometer scale, which is unique to cuprate superconductors. Quasiparticle density of states, which provides direct information on the Cooper-pair formation, is also revealed in the system. In contrast, Josephson plasma emission, which is an electromagnetic wave radiation in the sub-terahertz frequency range from an IJJ stack, arises from the synchronous phase dynamics of hundreds of IJJs coupled globally. This review summarizes a wide range of physical phenomena in IJJ systems having capacitive and inductive couplings with different nanometer and micrometer length scales, respectively.

  • Alternative Ruleset Discovery to Support Black-Box Model Predictions

    Yoichi SASAKI  Yuzuru OKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:6

    The increasing attention to the interpretability of machine learning models has led to the development of methods to explain the behavior of black-box models in a post-hoc manner. However, such post-hoc approaches generate a new explanation for every new input, and these explanations cannot be checked by humans in advance. A method that selects decision rules from a finite ruleset as explanation for neural networks has been proposed, but it cannot be used for other models. In this paper, we propose a model-agnostic explanation method to find a pre-verifiable finite ruleset from which a decision rule is selected to support every prediction made by a given black-box model. First, we define an explanation model that selects the rule, from a ruleset, that gives the closest prediction; this rule works as an alternative explanation or supportive evidence for the prediction of a black-box model. The ruleset should have high coverage to give close predictions for future inputs, but it should also be small enough to be checkable by humans in advance. However, minimizing the ruleset while keeping high coverage leads to a computationally hard combinatorial problem. Hence, we show that this problem can be reduced to a weighted MaxSAT problem composed only of Horn clauses, which can be efficiently solved with modern solvers. Experimental results showed that our method found small rulesets such that the rules selected from them can achieve higher accuracy for structured data as compared to the existing method using rulesets of almost the same size. We also experimentally compared the proposed method with two purely rule-based models, CORELS and defragTrees. Furthermore, we examine rulesets constructed for real datasets and discuss the characteristics of the proposed method from different viewpoints including interpretability, limitation, and possible use cases.

  • Investigations on c-Bent4 Functions via the Unitary Transform and c-Correlation Functions

    Niu JIANG  Zepeng ZHUO  Guolong CHEN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:5

    In this paper, some properties of Boolean functions via the unitary transform and c-correlation functions are presented. Based on the unitary transform, we present two classes of secondary constructions for c-bent4 functions. Also, by using the c-correlation functions, a direct link between c-autocorrelation function and the unitary transform of Boolean functions is provided, and the relationship among c-crosscorrelation functions of arbitrary four Boolean functions can be obtained.

  • Learning Support System That Encourages Self-Directed Knowledge Discovery

    Kosuke MATSUDA  Kazuhisa SETA  Yuki HAYASHI  


    E106-D No:2

    Self-directed learning in an appropriately designed environment can help learners retain knowledge tied to experience and motivate them to learn more. For teachers, however, it is difficult to design an environment to give to learners and to give feedback that reflects respect for their independent efforts, while for learners, it is difficult to set learning objectives on their own and to construct knowledge correctly based on their own efforts. In this research, we developed a learning support system that provides a mechanism for constructing an observational learning environment using virtual space and that encourages self-directed knowledge discovery. We confirmed that this system contributes to a learner's structural understanding and its retention and to a greater desire to learn at a level comparable to that of concept map creation, another active learning method.

  • Accelerating LiNGAM Causal Discovery with Massive Parallel Execution on Supercomputer Fugaku

    Kazuhito MATSUDA  Kouji KURIHARA  Kentaro KAWAKAMI  Masafumi YAMAZAKI  Fuyuka YAMADA  Tsuguchika TABARU  Ken YOKOYAMA  


    E105-D No:12

    Statical causal discovery is an approach to infer the causal relationship between observed variables whose causalities are not revealed. LiNGAM (Linear Non-Gaussian Acyclic Model), an algorithm for causal discovery, can calculate the causal relationship uniquely if the independent components of variables are assumed to be non-Gaussian. However, use-cases of LiNGAM are limited because of its O(d3x) computational complexity, where dx is the number of variables. This paper shows two approaches to accelerate LiNGAM causal discovery: SIMD utilization for LiNGAM's mathematical matrixes operations and MPI parallelization. We evaluate the implementation with the supercomputer Fugaku. Using 96 nodes of Fugaku, our improved version can achieve 17,531 times faster than the original OSS implementation (completed in 17.7 hours).

  • Admittance Spectroscopy Up to 67 GHz in InGaAs/InAlAs Triple-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes

    Kotaro AIKAWA  Michihiko SUHARA  Takumi KIMURA  Junki WAKAYAMA  Takeshi MAKINO  Katsuhiro USUI  Kiyoto ASAKAWA  Kouichi AKAHANE  Issei WATANABE  


    E105-C No:10

    S-parameters of InGaAs/InAlAs triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes (TBRTDs) were measured up to 67 GHz with various mesa areas and various bias voltages. Admittance data of bare TBRTDs are deembedded and evaluated by getting rid of parasitic components with help of electromagnetic simulations for particular fabricated device structures. Admittance spectroscopy up to 67 GHz is applied for bare TBRTDs for the first time and a Kramers-Kronig relation with Lorentzian function is found to be a consistent model for the admittance especially in cases of low bias conditions. Relaxation time included in the Lorentzian function are tentatively evaluated as the order of several pico second.

  • Non-Destructive Inspection of Twisted Wire in Resin Cover Using Terahertz Wave Open Access

    Masaki NAKAMORI  Yukihiro GOTO  Tomoya SHIMIZU  Nazuki HONDA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E105-B No:10

    We proposed a new method for evaluating the deterioration of messenger wires by using terahertz waves. We use terahertz time-domain spectroscopy to measure several twisted wire samples with different levels of deterioration. We find that each twisted wire sample had a different distribution of reflection intensity which was due to the wires' twist structure. We show that it is possible to assess the degradation from the straight lines present in the reflection intensity distribution image. Furthermore, it was confirmed that our method can be applied to wire covered with resin.

  • Position Estimation for the Capsule Endoscope Using High-Definition Numerical Human Body Model and Measurement Open Access

    Akihiro YOSHITAKE  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E105-B No:7

    Currently, wireless power transmission technology is being developed for capsule endoscopes. By removing the battery, the capsule endoscope is miniaturized, the number of images that can be taken increases, and the risk of harmful substances leaking from the battery when it is damaged inside the body is avoided. Furthermore, diagnostic accuracy is improved by adjusting the directivity of radio waves according to the position of the capsule endoscope to improve efficiency and adjusting the number of images to be taken according to position by real-time position estimation. In this study, we report the result of position estimation in a high-definition numerical human body model and in an experiment on an electromagnetic phantom.

  • Specification and Verification of Multitask Real-Time Systems Using the OTS/CafeOBJ Method

    Masaki NAKAMURA  Shuki HIGASHI  Kazutoshi SAKAKIBARA  Kazuhiro OGATA  


    E105-A No:5

    Because processes run concurrently in multitask systems, the size of the state space grows exponentially. Therefore, it is not straightforward to formally verify that such systems enjoy desired properties. Real-time constrains make the formal verification more challenging. In this paper, we propose the following to address the challenge: (1) a way to model multitask real-time systems as observational transition systems (OTSs), a kind of state transition systems, (2) a way to describe their specifications in CafeOBJ, an algebraic specification language, and (3) a way to verify that such systems enjoy desired properties based on such formal specifications by writing proof scores, proof plans, in CafeOBJ. As a case study, we model Fischer's protocol, a well-known real-time mutual exclusion protocol, as an OTS, describe its specification in CafeOBJ, and verify that the protocol enjoys the mutual exclusion property when an arbitrary number of processes participates in the protocol*.

  • Exploring Hypotactic Structure for Chinese-English Machine Translation with a Structure-Aware Encoder-Decoder Neural Model

    Guoyi MIAO  Yufeng CHEN  Mingtong LIU  Jinan XU  Yujie ZHANG  Wenhe FENG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:4

    Translation of long and complex sentence has always been a challenge for machine translation. In recent years, neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved substantial progress in modeling the semantic connection between words in a sentence, but it is still insufficient in capturing discourse structure information between clauses within complex sentences, which often leads to poor discourse coherence when translating long and complex sentences. On the other hand, the hypotactic structure, a main component of the discourse structure, plays an important role in the coherence of discourse translation, but it is not specifically studied. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Chinese-English NMT approach that incorporates the hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences. Specifically, we first annotate and build a hypotactic structure aligned parallel corpus to provide explicit hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences for NMT. Then we propose three hypotactic structure-aware NMT models with three different fusion strategies, including source-side fusion, target-side fusion, and both-side fusion, to integrate the annotated structure knowledge into NMT. Experimental results on WMT17, WMT18 and WMT19 Chinese-English translation tasks demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the translation performance and enhance the discourse coherence of machine translation.

  • Image Quality Improvement for Capsule Endoscopy Based on Compressed Sensing with K-SVD Dictionary Learning

    Yuuki HARADA  Daisuke KANEMOTO  Takahiro INOUE  Osamu MAIDA  Tetsuya HIROSE  


    E105-A No:4

    Reducing the power consumption of capsule endoscopy is essential for its further development. We introduce K-SVD dictionary learning to design a dictionary for sparse coding, and improve reconstruction accuracy of capsule endoscopic images captured using compressed sensing. At a compression ratio of 20%, the proposed method improves image quality by approximately 4.4 dB for the peak signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Verifiable Credential Proof Generation and Verification Model for Decentralized SSI-Based Credit Scoring Data

    Kang Woo CHO  Byeong-Gyu JEONG  Sang Uk SHIN  


    E104-D No:11

    The continuous development of the mobile computing environment has led to the emergence of fintech to enable convenient financial transactions in this environment. Previously proposed financial identity services mostly adopted centralized servers that are prone to single-point-of-failure problems and performance bottlenecks. Blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (SSI), which emerged to address this problem, is a technology that solves centralized problems and allows decentralized identification. However, the verifiable credential (VC), a unit of SSI data transactions, guarantees unlimited right to erasure for self-sovereignty. This does not suit the specificity of the financial transaction network, which requires the restriction of the right to erasure for credit evaluation. This paper proposes a model for VC generation and revocation verification for credit scoring data. The proposed model includes double zero knowledge - succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARK) proof in the VC generation process between the holder and the issuer. In addition, cross-revocation verification takes place between the holder and the verifier. As a result, the proposed model builds a trust platform among the holder, issuer, and verifier while maintaining the decentralized SSI attributes and focusing on the VC life cycle. The model also improves the way in which credit evaluation data are processed as VCs by granting opt-in and the special right to erasure.

  • Faster SET Operation in Phase Change Memory with Initialization Open Access

    Yuchan WANG  Suzhen YUAN  Wenxia ZHANG  Yuhan WANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:11

    In conclusion, an initialization method has been introduced and studied to improve the SET speed in PCM. Before experiment verification, a two-dimensional finite analysis is used, and the results illustrate the proposed method is feasible to improve SET speed. Next, the R-I performances of the discrete PCM device and the resistance distributions of a 64 M bits PCM test chip with and without the initialization have been studied and analyzed, which confirms that the writing speed has been greatly improved. At the same time, the resistance distribution for the repeated initialization operations suggest that a large number of PCM cells have been successfully changed to be in an intermediate state, which is thought that only a shorter current pulse can make the cells SET successfully in this case. Compared the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images before and after initialization, it is found that there are some small grains appeared after initialization, which indicates that the nucleation process of GST has been carried out, and only needs to provide energy for grain growth later.

  • Desirable ITS Communication for Safety: Evaluation by the TsRm Evaluation Method for Overengineering Prevention, and Discussion About Sensor and Communication Fusion

    Ikkei HASEBE  Takaaki HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E104-A No:10

    In this paper, for the purpose of clarifying the desired ITS information and communication systems considering both safety and social feasibility to prevention overengineering, using a microscopic traffic flow simulator, we discuss the required information acquisition rate of three types of safety driving support systems, that is, the sensor type and the communication type, the sensor and communication fusion type. Performances are evaluated from the viewpoint of preventing overengineering performance using the “TsRm evaluation method” that considers a vehicle approaching within the range of R meters within T seconds as the vehicle with a high possibility of collision, and that evaluates only those vehicles. The results show that regarding the communication radius and the sensing range, overengineering performance may be estimated when all vehicles in the evaluation area are used for evaluations without considering each vehicle's location, velocity and acceleration as in conventional evaluations. In addition, it is clarified that the sensor and communication fusion type system is advantageous by effectively complementing the defects of the sensor type systems and the communication type systems.
