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  • Auditory Artifacts due to Switching Head-Related Transfer Functions of a Dynamic Virtual Auditory Display

    Makoto OTANI  Tatsuya HIRAHARA  


    E91-A No:6

    Auditory artifacts due to switching head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) are investigated, using a software-implemented dynamic virtual auditory display (DVAD) developed by the authors. The DVAD responds to a listener's head rotation using a head-tracking device and switching HRTFs to present a highly realistic 3D virtual auditory space to the listener. The DVAD operates on Windows XP and does not require high-performance computers. A total system latency (TSL), which is the delay between head motion and the corresponding change of the ear input signal, is a significant factor of DVADs. The measured TSL of our DVAD is about 50 ms, which is sufficient for practical applications and localization experiments. Another matter of concern is the auditory artifact in DVADs caused by switching HRTFs. Switching HRTFs gives rise to wave discontinuity of synthesized binaural signals, which can be perceived as click noises that degrade the quality of presented sound image. A subjective test and excitation patterns (EPNs) analysis using an auditory filter are performed with various source signals and HRTF spatial resolutions. The results of the subjective test reveal that click noise perception depends on the source signal and the HRTF spatial resolution. Furthermore, EPN analysis reveals that switching HRTFs significantly distorts the EPNs at the off signal frequencies. Such distortions, however, are masked perceptually by broad-bandwidth source signals, whereas they are not masked by narrow-bandwidth source signals, thereby making the click noise more detectable. A higher HRTF spatial resolution leads to smaller distortions. But, depending on the source signal, perceivable click noises still remain even with 0.5-degree spatial resolution, which is less than minimum audible angle (1 degree in front).

  • A High-Q Active Inductor Circuit for Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Frequency Range

    Toru MASUDA  Yukio HATTORI  Hiroki SHIKAMA  Akira HYOGO  


    E91-C No:6

    This paper describes a novel high-Q active inductor circuit configuration composed of an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) and an input RC network. Due to the phase rotation made by the input RC network, the active inductor circuit provides high-Q inductive impedance at higher frequencies. According to circuit simulation with design-kit of a 90-GHz-fT SiGe HBT technology, an inductance of more than 0.53 nH and Q of more than 80 can be obtained at quasi-millimeter-wave frequency, 24 GHz. The Q value is tunable by controlling the transconductance of the OTA. These features are also ensured by means of measurements of fabricated active inductor circuit. Since the active inductor circuit needs small chip area, which is 25% of a conventional passive inductor, the proposed active inductor contributes to implement a cost-effective high-Q notch filter for frequencies up to quasi-millimeter-wave frequencies.

  • Quantitative Characterization of Surface Amino Groups of Plasma-Polymerized Films Prepared from Nitrogen-Containing Monomers for Bioelectronic Applications

    Hitoshi MUGURUMA  

    PAPER-Organic Molecular Electronics

    E91-C No:6

    The surface amino groups of plasma-polymerized films prepared from various nitrogen-containing monomers were quantitatively characterized for bioelectronic and biomedical applications. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were conducted on two kinds of surfaces: pristine surfaces of plasma-polymerized film prepared using various nitrogen-containing monomers, and theirs surfaces whose amino groups had been derivatized by a primary-amine-selective reagent carrying an XPS label. The XPS data showed that the maximum surface density of amino groups for this film was 8.41013 cm-2. Amino groups constituted 14-64% of all surface nitrogen atoms (NH/N), depending on the monomer used.

  • Analysis of CMOS Transconductance Amplifiers for Sampling Mixers

    Ning LI  Win CHAIVIPAS  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E91-C No:6

    In this paper the transfer function of a system with windowed current integration is discussed. This kind of integration is usually used in a sampling mixer and the current is generated by a transconductance amplifier (TA). The parasitic capacitance (Cp) and the output resistance of the TA (Ro,TA) before the sampling mixer heavily affect the performance. Calculations based on a model including the parasitic capacitance and the output resistance of the TA is carried out. Calculation results show that due to the parasitic capacitance, a notch at the sampling frequency appears, which is very harmful because it causes the gain near the sampling frequency to decrease greatly. The output resistance of the TA makes the depth of the notches shallow and decreases the gain near the sampling frequency. To suppress the effect of Cp and Ro,TA, an operational amplifier is introduced in parallel with the sampling capacitance (Cs). Simulation results show that there is a 17 dB gain increase while Cs is 1,pF, gm is 9,mS, N is 8 with a clock rate of 800,MHz.

  • UDP Large-Payload Capability Detection for DNSSEC

    Kenji RIKITAKE  Koji NAKAO  Shinji SHIMOJO  Hiroki NOGAWA  

    PAPER-Network Security

    E91-D No:5

    Domain Name System (DNS) is a major target for the network security attacks due to the weak authentication. A security extension DNSSEC has been proposed to introduce the public-key authentication, but it is still on the deployment phase. DNSSEC assumes IP fragmentation allowance for exchange of its messages over UDP large payloads. IP fragments are often blocked on network packet filters for administrative reasons, and the blockage may prevent fast exchange of DNSSEC messages. In this paper, we propose a scheme to detect the UDP large-payload transfer capability between two DNSSEC hosts. The proposed detection scheme does not require new protocol elements of DNS and DNSSEC, so it is applicable by solely modifying the application software and configuration. The scheme allows faster capability detection to probe the end-to-end communication capability between two DNS hosts by transferring a large UDP DNS message. The DNS software can choose the maximum transmission unit (MTU) on the application level using the probed detection results. Implementation test results show that the proposed scheme shortens the detection and transition time on fragment-blocked transports.

  • A Proposal of TLS Implementation for Cross Certification Model

    Tadashi KAJI  Takahiro FUJISHIRO  Satoru TEZUKA  


    E91-D No:5

    Today, TLS is widely used for achieving a secure communication system. And TLS is used PKI for server authentication and/or client authentication. However, its PKI environment, which is called as "multiple trust anchors environment," causes the problem that the verifier has to maintain huge number of CA certificates in the ubiquitous network because the increase of terminals connected to the network brings the increase of CAs. However, most of terminals in the ubiquitous network will not have enough memory to hold such huge number of CA certificates. Therefore, another PKI environment, "cross certification environment", is useful for the ubiquitous network. But, because current TLS is designed for the multiple trust anchors model, TLS cannot work efficiently on the cross-certification model. This paper proposes a TLS implementation method to support the cross certification model efficiently. Our proposal reduces the size of exchanged messages between the TLS client and the TLS server during the handshake process. Therefore, our proposal is suitable for implementing TLS in the terminals that do not have enough computing power and memory in ubiquitous network.

  • Automatic Language Identification with Discriminative Language Characterization Based on SVM

    Hongbin SUO  Ming LI  Ping LU  Yonghong YAN  

    PAPER-Language Identification

    E91-D No:3

    Robust automatic language identification (LID) is the task of identifying the language from a short utterance spoken by an unknown speaker. The mainstream approaches include parallel phone recognition language modeling (PPRLM), support vector machine (SVM) and the general Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). These systems map the cepstral features of spoken utterances into high level scores by classifiers. In this paper, in order to increase the dimension of the score vector and alleviate the inter-speaker variability within the same language, multiple data groups based on supervised speaker clustering are employed to generate the discriminative language characterization score vectors (DLCSV). The back-end SVM classifiers are used to model the probability distribution of each target language in the DLCSV space. Finally, the output scores of back-end classifiers are calibrated by a pair-wise posterior probability estimation (PPPE) algorithm. The proposed language identification frameworks are evaluated on 2003 NIST Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE) databases and the experiments show that the system described in this paper produces comparable results to the existing systems. Especially, the SVM framework achieves an equal error rate (EER) of 4.0% in the 30-second task and outperforms the state-of-art systems by more than 30% relative error reduction. Besides, the performances of proposed PPRLM and GMMs algorithms achieve an EER of 5.1% and 5.0% respectively.

  • A Randomness Based Analysis on the Data Size Needed for Removing Deceptive Patterns

    Kazuya HARAGUCHI  Mutsunori YAGIURA  Endre BOROS  Toshihide IBARAKI  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E91-D No:3

    We consider a data set in which each example is an n-dimensional Boolean vector labeled as true or false. A pattern is a co-occurrence of a particular value combination of a given subset of the variables. If a pattern appears frequently in the true examples and infrequently in the false examples, we consider it a good pattern. In this paper, we discuss the problem of determining the data size needed for removing "deceptive" good patterns; in a data set of a small size, many good patterns may appear superficially, simply by chance, independently of the underlying structure. Our hypothesis is that, in order to remove such deceptive good patterns, the data set should contain a greater number of examples than that at which a random data set contains few good patterns. We justify this hypothesis by computational studies. We also derive a theoretical upper bound on the needed data size in view of our hypothesis.

  • An Irregular Search Window Reuse Scheme for MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding

    Xiang-Hui WEI  Shen LI  Yang SONG  Satoshi GOTO  

    PAPER-Image Coding and Video Coding

    E91-A No:3

    Motion estimation (ME) is a computation-intensive module in video coding system. In MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding, motion vector (MV) from MPEG-2 reused as search center in H.264 encoder is a simple but effective technique to simplify ME processing. However, directly applying MPEG-2 MV as search center will bring difficulties on application of data reuse method in hardware design, because the irregular overlapping of search windows between successive macro block (MB). In this paper, we propose a search window reuse scheme for transcoding, especially for HDTV application. By utilizing the similarity between neighboring MV, overlapping area of search windows can be regularized. Experiment results show that our method achieves average 93.1% search window reuse-rate in HDTV720p sequence with almost no video quality degradation. Compared to transcoding method without any data reuse scheme, bandwidth of the proposed method can be reduced to 40.6% of that.

  • Low Power and High Efficiency VCO and Quadrature VCO Circuits Constructed with Transconductance-Enhanced Colpitts Oscillator Feature

    Ching-Ian SHIE  Yi-Chyun CHIANG  Jinq-Min LIN  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E91-C No:2

    This work presents a technique to enhance the performance of the conventional PMOS Colpitts VCO circuit. This technique is accomplished by adding an NMOS cross-coupled pair under the traditional differential Colpitts VCO to enhance the oscillator startup condition and its efficiency. The analytics also support this viewpoint and present a device- choosing method to optimize the output power and phase noise. This new VCO can also be applied to realize the QVCO circuit, because the coupling transistors can be placed in parallel, connecting with the transistors in the NMOS cross-coupled pair, to achieve the proper coupling between individual VCOs. To verify the proposed design concept, two prototypes, which are VCO and QVCO operated at 2.4 GHz and fabricated in CMOS 0.25-µm technology, are designed and tested. The measurement results show that the performance of VCO demonstrates a FOM of about 180 dBC/Hz, and the phase noise of QVCO is -116 dBc/Hz at the 1 MHz offset from oscillation frequency.

  • Endoscopic Feature Tracking and Scale-Invariant Estimation of Soft-Tissue Structures

    Chia-Hsiang WU  Yung-Nien SUN  Yi-Chiao CHEN  Chien-Chen CHANG  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E91-D No:2

    In this study, we introduce a software pipeline to track feature points across endoscopic video frames. It deals with the common problems of low contrast and uneven illumination that afflict endoscopic imaging. In particular, irregular feature trajectories are eliminated to improve quality. The structure of soft tissue is determined by an iterative factorization method based on collection of tracked features. A shape updating mechanism is proposed in order to yield scale-invariant structures. Experimental results show that the tracking method produced good tracking performance and increased the number of tracked feature trajectories. The real scale and structure of the target scene was successfully estimated, and the recovered structure is more accuracy than the conventional method.

  • Improvements of HITS Algorithms for Spam Links

    Yasuhito ASANO  Yu TEZUKA  Takao NISHIZEKI  

    PAPER-Scoring Algorithms

    E91-D No:2

    The HITS algorithm proposed by Kleinberg is one of the representative methods of scoring Web pages by using hyperlinks. In the days when the algorithm was proposed, most of the pages given high score by the algorithm were really related to a given topic, and hence the algorithm could be used to find related pages. However, the algorithm and the variants including Bharat's improved HITS, abbreviated to BHITS, proposed by Bharat and Henzinger cannot be used to find related pages any more on today's Web, due to an increase of spam links. In this paper, we first propose three methods to find "linkfarms," that is, sets of spam links forming a densely connected subgraph of a Web graph. We then present an algorithm, called a trust-score algorithm, to give high scores to pages which are not spam pages with a high probability. Combining the three methods and the trust-score algorithm with BHITS, we obtain several variants of the HITS algorithm. We ascertain by experiments that one of them, named TaN+BHITS using the trust-score algorithm and the method of finding linkfarms by employing name servers, is most suitable for finding related pages on today's Web. Our algorithms take time and memory no more than those required by the original HITS algorithm, and can be executed on a PC with a small amount of main memory.

  • A Perceptual Rate Control Technique for Logo Insertion in Compressed Video

    Jungwoo LEE  

    LETTER-Broadcast Systems

    E91-B No:1

    A rate control algorithm for logo insertion which does not require full decoding and encoding in compressed video is proposed. A perceptual approach is adopted in order to reduce the distortion introduced by the rate control. The start position of rate control is randomly varied for each frame so that the perceptual distortion is evenly dispersed across the whole picture. The number of rate-controlled slices is changed instead of the quantization scale in order to maintain original bit rate. Simulations show that the original bit rate can be maintained by the rate control without noticeable distortion. The proposed rate control algorithm can be easily extended to other transcoding applications.

  • On the Interplay of Service Proximity and Ubiquity

    Shafique Ahmad CHAUDHRY  Ali Hammad AKBAR  Ki-Hyung KIM  


    E90-B No:12

    The IEEE 802.15.4 standard for Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (LoWPANs) has emerged as a promising technology to bring the envisioned ubiquitous paradigm, into realization. Considerable efforts are being carried on to integrate LoWPANs with other wired and wireless IP networks, in order to make use of pervasive nature and existing infrastructure associated with IP technologies. Provisioning of service discovery and network selection in such pervasive environments puts heavy communication and processing overhead in networks with highly constrained resources. Localization of communication, through accessing the closest services, increases the total network capacity and increases the network life. We present a hierarchical service discovery architecture based on SSLP, in which we propose directory proxy agents to act as cache service for directory agent, in order to localize the service discovery communication and access the closest services. We also propose algorithms to make sure that service users are connected to the closest proxy agent in order to access the closest service in the vicinity. The results show that our architecture and algorithms help finding the closest services, reduce the traffic overhead for service discovery, decrease the service discovery time, and save nodes' energy considerably in 6LoWPANs.

  • A Method for Reinforcing Noun Countability Prediction

    Ryo NAGATA  Atsuo KAWAI  Koichiro MORIHIRO  Naoki ISU  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E90-D No:12

    This paper proposes a method for reinforcing noun countability prediction, which plays a crucial role in demarcating correct determiners in machine translation and error detection. The proposed method reinforces countability prediction by introducing a novel heuristics called one countability per discourse. It claims that when a noun appears more than once in a discourse, all instances will share identical countability. The basic idea of the proposed method is that mispredictions can be corrected by efficiently using one countability per discourse heuristics. Experiments show that the proposed method successfully reinforces countability prediction and outperforms other methods used for comparison. In addition to its performance, it has two advantages over earlier methods: (i) it is applicable to any countability prediction method, and (ii) it requires no human intervention to reinforce countability prediction.

  • Two-Stage Feedforward Class-AB CMOS OTA for Low-Voltage Filtering Applications

    Phanumas KHUMSAT  Apisak WORAPISHET  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E90-C No:12

    A compact OTA suitable for low-voltage active-RC and MOSFET-C filters is presented. The input stage of the OTA utilises the NMOS pseudo-differential amplifier with PMOS active load. The output stage relies upon the dual-mode feed-forward class-AB technique (based on an inverter-type transconductor) with common-mode rejection capability that incurs no penalty on transconductance/bias-current efficiency. Simulation results of a 0.5-V 100-kHz 5th-order Chebyshev filter based on the proposed OTA in a 0.18 µm CMOS process indicate SNR and SFDR of 68 dB and 63 dB (at 50 kHz+55 kHz) respectively. The filter consumes total power consumption of 60 µW.

  • Mining Causality from Texts for Question Answering System

    Chaveevan PECHSIRI  Asanee KAWTRAKUL  


    E90-D No:10

    This research aims to develop automatic knowledge mining of causality from texts for supporting an automatic question answering system (QA) in answering 'why' question, which is among the most crucial forms of questions. The out come of this research will assist people in diagnosing problems, such as in plant diseases, health, industrial and etc. While the previous works have extracted causality knowledge within only one or two adjacent EDUs (Elementary Discourse Units), this research focuses to mine causality knowledge existing within multiple EDUs which takes multiple causes and multiple effects in to consideration, where the adjacency between cause and effect is unnecessary. There are two main problems: how to identify the interesting causality events from documents, and how to identify the boundaries of the causative unit and the effective unit in term of the multiple EDUs. In addition, there are at least three main problems involved in boundaries identification: the implicit boundary delimiter, the nonadjacent cause-consequence, and the effect surrounded by causes. This research proposes using verb-pair rules learnt by comparing the Naïve Bayes classifier (NB) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to identify causality EDUs in Thai agricultural and health news domains. The boundary identification problems are solved by utilizing verb-pair rules, Centering Theory and cue phrase set. The reason for emphasizing on using verbs to extract causality is that they explicitly make, in a certain way, the consequent events of cause-effect, e.g. 'Aphids suck the sap from rice leaves. Then leaves will shrink. Later, they will become yellow and dry.'. The outcome of the proposed methodology shown that the verb-pair rules extracted from NB outperform those extracted from SVM when the corpus contains high occurence of each verb, while the results from SVM is better than NB when the corpus contains less occurence of each verb. The verb-pair rules extracted from NB for causality extraction has the highest precision (0.88) with the recall of 0.75 from the plant disease corpus whereas from SVM has the highest precision (0.89) with the recall of 0.76 from bird flu news. For boundary determination, our methodology can handle very well with approximate 96% accuracy. In addition, the extracted causality results from this research can be generalized as laws in the Inductive-Statistical theory of Hempel's explanation theory, which will be useful for QA and reasoning.

  • A Model of Discourse Segmentation and Segment Title Assignment for Lecture Speech Indexing

    Kazuhiro TAKEUCHI  Yukie NAKAO  Hitoshi ISAHARA  


    E90-D No:10

    Dividing a lecture speech into segments and providing those segments as learning objects are quite general and convenient way to construct e-learning resources. However it is difficult to assign an appropriate title to each object that reflects its content. Since there are various aspects of analyzing discourse segments, it is inevitable that researchers will face the diversity when describing the "meanings" of discourse segments. In this paper, we propose the assignment of discourse segment titles from the representation of their "meanings." In this assigning procedure, we focus on the speaker's evaluation for the event or the speech object. To verify the effectiveness of our idea, we examined identification of the segment boundaries from the titles that were described in our procedure. We confirmed that the result of the identification was more accurate than that of intuitive identification.

  • Characteristics of Nano-Grating N-Channel MOSFETs for Improved Current Drivability

    Xiaoli ZHU  Shin-Ichiro KUROKI  Koji KOTANI  Hideharu SHIDO  Masatoshi FUKUDA  Yasuyoshi MISHIMA  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E90-C No:9

    Drivability-improved MOSFETs were successfully fabricated by using nano-grating silicon wafers. There was almost no additional process change in device fabrication when the height of the gratings was less than the conventional macroscopic wafer surface roughness. The MOSFETs with the grating height of 35 nm showed 21% improvement in current drivability compared to the conventional one with the same device occupancy area. And the roll-off characteristic of threshold voltage of nano-grating device held the line of conventional one in despite of the 3-D channel structure. The technology provides great advantages for drivability improvement without paying much tradeoff of process cost. This proposal will be useful to CMOS-LSIs with high performance in general.

  • A Dynamic Mobile Terminal Sleep Mode Operation Scheme Considering Packet Queue Length

    Hongkui SHI  Mengtian RONG  Ping LI  


    E90-B No:9

    Due to the discontinuity of packet based traffic, the user terminals in next generation mobile telecommunications systems will be equipped with sleep mode operation functions for power saving purpose. The sleep mode parameters should be appropriately configured so that power consumption can be sufficiently decreased while packet queue length and packet delay are restricted within a demanded level. This paper proposes an adaptive sleep mode parameter configuration scheme which is able to jointly optimize the inactivity timer and sleep period in response to the variation of user traffic arrival pattern. The optimization target of this scheme is to minimize mobile terminal power consumption while ensuring that the mean downlink packet queue length do not exceed a certain threshold. Results of computer simulations prove that, the presented approach perfectly manages packet queue length restriction, packet delay control and power saving in a wide range of user packet inter-arrival rates both in single- and dual-service scenarios.
