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  • Texture-Based Satellite Visibility Detection for Efficient 3D-Model-Aided GNSS



    E100-A No:2

    Limited satellite visibility, multipath and non-line-of-sight signals reduce the performance of the stand-alone Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver in urban environments. Embedding 3D model of urban structures in the condition of restricted visibility of the GNSS satellites due to urban canyons may improve position measurement accuracy significantly. State-of-the-art methods use raytracing or rasterization techniques applied on a 3D map to detect satellite visibility. But these techniques are computationally expensive and limit their widespread benefits for mobile and automotive applications. In this paper, a texture-based satellite visibility detection (TBSVD) methodology suitable for mobile and automotive grade Graphical Processing Units is presented. This methodology applies ray marching algorithm on a 2D height map texture of urban structures, and it is proposed as a more efficient alternative to 3D raytracing or rasterization methodology. Real road test in the business district of the metropolitan city is conducted in order to evaluate its performance. TBSVD is implemented in conventional ranging-based GNSS solution and the results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • On the Interference Alignment Designs for Secure Multiuser MIMO Systems

    Kha HOANG HA  Thanh TUNG VU  Trung QUANG DUONG  Nguyen-Son VO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose two secure multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission approaches based on interference alignment (IA) in the presence of an eavesdropper. To deal with the information leakage to the eavesdropper as well as the interference signals from undesired transmitters (Txs) at desired receivers (Rxs), our approaches aim to design the transmit precoding and receive subspace matrices to minimize both the total inter-main-link interference and the wiretapped signals (WSs). The first proposed IA scheme focuses on aligning the WSs into proper subspaces while the second one imposes a new structure on the precoding matrices to force the WSs to zero. In each proposed IA scheme, the precoding matrices and the receive subspaces at the legitimate users are alternatively selected to minimize the cost function of a convex optimization problem for every iteration. We provide the feasible conditions and the proofs of convergence for both IA approaches. The simulation results indicate that our two IA approaches outperform the conventional IA algorithm in terms of the average secrecy sum rate.

  • Direction Finding of Noncircular Coherently Distributed Sources for Centrosymmetric Array

    Zheng DAI  Weimin SU  Hong GU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:2

    In this letter, we propose an algorithm for the 2-dimensional (2D) direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of noncircular coherently distributed (CD) sources using the centrosymmetric array. For a centrosymmetric array, we prove that the angular signal distributed weight (ASDW) vector of the CD source has a symmetric structure. To estimate azimuth and elevation angle, we perform a 2D searching based on generalized ESPRIT algorithm. The significant superiority of the proposed algorithm is that, the 2D central directions of CD sources can be found independently of deterministic angular distributed function (DADF). Simulations results verify the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.

  • GDOP and the CRB for Positioning Systems

    Wanchun LI  Ting YUAN  Bin WANG  Qiu TANG  Yingxiang LI  Hongshu LIAO  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, we explore the relationship between Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) and Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) by tracing back to the original motivations for deriving these two indexes. In addition, the GDOP is served as a sensor-target geometric uncertainty analysis tool whilst the CRB is served as a statistical performance evaluation tool based on the sensor observations originated from target. And CRB is the inverse matrix of Fisher information matrix (FIM). Based on the original derivations for a same positioning application, we interpret their difference in a mathematical view to show that.

  • Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets with Inter-Subset Uncorrelated Sequences via Interleaved Technique

    Longye WANG  Xiaoli ZENG  Hong WEN  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E100-A No:2

    An uncorrelated asymmetric ZCZ (UA-ZCZ) sequence set is a special version of an asymmetric ZCZ (A-ZCZ) sequence set, which contains multiple subsets and each subset is a typical ZCZ sequence set. One of the most important properties of UA-ZCZ sequnence set is that two arbitrary sequences from different sequence subsets are uncorrelated sequences, whose cross-correlation function (CCF) is zeros at all shifts. Based on interleaved technique and an uncorrelated sequence set, a new UA-ZCZ sequence set is obtained via interleaving a perfect sequence. The uncorrelated property of the UA-ZCZ sequence sets is expected to be useful for avoiding inter-cell interference of QS-CDMA systems.

  • Multi-Beam Massive MIMO Using Constant Modulus Algorithm for QAM Signals Employing Amplitude and Phase Offset Compensation

    Ryotaro TANIGUCHI  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Hideo MAKINO  


    E100-B No:2

    Massive MIMO transmission, whose number of antennas is much larger than the number of user terminals, has been attracted much attention as one of key technologies in next-generation mobile communication system because it enables improvement in service area and interference mitigation by simple signal processing. Multi-beam massive MIMO has proposed that utilizes the beam selection with high power in analog part and blind algorithm such as constant modulus algorithm (CMA) which does not need channel state information (CSI) is applied in digital part. Proposed configuration obtains high transmission efficiency. We have evaluated QPSK signals because the CMA basically focuses on the constant amplitude modulation. In this paper, in order to achieve the further higher transmission rate, the amplitude and phase compensation scheme is proposed when using the CMA with amplitude and phase modulation scheme such as QAM. The effectiveness of proposed method is verified by the computer simulation.

  • Bufferbloat Avoidance with Frame-Dropping Threshold Notification in Ring Aggregation Networks



    E100-B No:2

    In recent years, the reduced cost and increased capacity of memory have resulted in a growing number of buffers in switches and routers. Consequently, today's networks suffer from bufferbloat, a term that refers to excess frame buffering resulting in high latency, high jitter, and low throughput. Although ring aggregation is an efficient topology for forwarding traffic from multiple, widely deployed user nodes to a core network, a fairness scheme is needed to achieve throughput fairness and avoid bufferbloat, because frames are forwarded along ring nodes. N Rate N+1 Color Marking (NRN+1CM) was proposed to achieve per-flow fairness in ring aggregation networks. The key idea of NRN+1CM is to assign a color that indicates the dropping priority of a frame according to the flow-input rate. When congestion occurs, frames are selectively discarded based on their color and the frame-dropping threshold. Through the notification process for the frame-dropping threshold, frames are discarded at upstream nodes in advance, avoiding the accumulation of a queuing delay. The performance of NRN+1CM was analyzed theoretically and evaluated with computer simulations. However, its ability to avoid bufferbloat has not yet been proven mathematically. This paper uses an M(n)/M/1/K queue model to demonstrate how bufferbloat is avoided with NRN+1CM's frame-dropping threshold-notification process. The M(n)/M/1/K queue is an M/M/1/K queuing system with balking. The state probabilities and average queue size of each ring node were calculated with the model, proving that the average queue size is suppressed in several frames, but not in the most congested queue. Computer simulation results confirm the validity of the queue model. Consequently, it was logically deducted from the proposed M(n)/M/1/K model that bufferbloat is successfully avoided with NRN+1CM independent of the network conditions including the number of nodes, buffer sizes, and the number and types of flows.

  • CLCMiner: Detecting Cross-Language Clones without Intermediates

    Xiao CHENG  Zhiming PENG  Lingxiao JIANG  Hao ZHONG  Haibo YU  Jianjun ZHAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E100-D No:2

    The proliferation of diverse kinds of programming languages and platforms makes it a common need to have the same functionality implemented in different languages for different platforms, such as Java for Android applications and C# for Windows phone applications. Although versions of code written in different languages appear syntactically quite different from each other, they are intended to implement the same software and typically contain many code snippets that implement similar functionalities, which we call cross-language clones. When the version of code in one language evolves according to changing functionality requirements and/or bug fixes, its cross-language clones may also need be changed to maintain consistent implementations for the same functionality. Thus, it is needed to have automated ways to locate and track cross-language clones within the evolving software. In the literature, approaches for detecting cross-language clones are only for languages that share a common intermediate language (such as the .NET language family) because they are built on techniques for detecting single-language clones. To extend the capability of cross-language clone detection to more diverse kinds of languages, we propose a novel automated approach, CLCMiner, without the need of an intermediate language. It mines such clones from revision histories, based on our assumption that revisions to different versions of code implemented in different languages may naturally reflect how programmers change cross-language clones in practice, and that similarities among the revisions (referred to as clones in diffs or diff clones) may indicate actual similar code. We have implemented a prototype and applied it to ten open source projects implementations in both Java and C#. The reported clones that occur in revision histories are of high precisions (89% on average) and recalls (95% on average). Compared with token-based code clone detection tools that can treat code as plain texts, our tool can detect significantly more cross-language clones. All the evaluation results demonstrate the feasibility of revision-history based techniques for detecting cross-language clones without intermediates and point to promising future work.

  • Learning State Recognition in Self-Paced E-Learning

    Siyang YU  Kazuaki KONDO  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Takayuki NAKAJIMA  Masatake DANTSUJI  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E100-D No:2

    Self-paced e-learning provides much more freedom in time and locale than traditional education as well as diversity of learning contents and learning media and tools. However, its limitations must not be ignored. Lack of information on learners' states is a serious issue that can lead to severe problems, such as low learning efficiency, motivation loss, and even dropping out of e-learning. We have designed a novel e-learning support system that can visually observe learners' non-verbal behaviors and estimate their learning states and that can be easily integrated into practical e-learning environments. Three pairs of internal states closely related to learning performance, concentration-distraction, difficulty-ease, and interest-boredom, were selected as targets of recognition. In addition, we investigated the practical problem of estimating the learning states of a new learner whose characteristics are not known in advance. Experimental results show the potential of our system.

  • Effect of Optical Intensity Distribution on Conversion Efficiency of Inverted Organic Photovoltaic Cell

    Toshifumi KOBORI  Norihiko KAMATA  Takeshi FUKUDA  


    E100-C No:2

    An optical intensity distribution under light irradiation in the organic photovoltaic cell affects the absorbance of the active layer, which determines the photovoltaic performance. In this research, we evaluated the optimum thickness of the organic active layer with poly[4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-ethylhexyl)-3-fluorothieno[3,4-b]thiophene-)-2-carboxylate-2-6-diyl)] and [6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester. The spectral response of external quantum efficiency was good agreement with the simulated optical intensity distribution within a device stack as a function of the position and the wavelength. As a result, the highest photoconversion efficiency of 10.1% was achieved for the inverted device structure.

  • Throughput Enhancement for SATCOM Systems Using Dynamic Spectrum Controlled Channel Allocation under Variable Propagation Conditions

    Katsuya NAKAHIRA  Jun MASHINO  Jun-ichi ABE  Daisuke MURAYAMA  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E100-B No:2

    This paper proposes a dynamic spectrum controlled (DSTC) channel allocation algorithm to increase the total throughput of satellite communication (SATCOM) systems. To effectively use satellite resources such as the satellite's maximum transponder bandwidth and maximum transmission power and to handle the propagation gain variation at all earth stations, the DSTC algorithm uses two new transmission techniques: spectrum compression and spectrum division. The algorithm controls various transmission parameters, such as the spectrum compression ratio, number of spectrum divisions, combination of modulation method and FEC coding rate (MODCOD), transmission power, and spectrum bandwidth to ensure a constant transmission bit rate under variable propagation conditions. Simulation results show that the DSTC algorithm achieves up to 1.6 times higher throughput than a simple MODCOD-based algorithm.

  • Improved Block Truncation Coding Using Multimode Color Conversion to Reduce Frame Memory in LCD Overdrive

    Moonki CHO  Yungsup YOON  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:1

    The overdrive technique is widely used to eliminate motion blur in liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). However, this technique requires a large frame memory to store the previous frame. A reduction in the frame memory requires an image compression algorithm suitable for real-time data processing. In this paper, we present an algorithm based on multimode-color-conversion block truncation coding (MCC-BTC) to obtain a constant output bit rate and high overdrive performance. The MCC-BTC algorithm uses four compression methods, one of which is selected. The four compression modes either use the single-bitmap-generation method or the subsampling method for chrominance. As shown in the simulation results, the proposed algorithm improves the performance of both coding (up to 2.73dB) and overdrive (up to 2.61dB), and the visual quality is improved in comparison to other competing algorithms in literature.

  • Alumina Passivation Films Prepared by Wet Process for Silicon Solar Cells Using Aluminum Isopropoxide as a Sol-Gel Precursor

    Ryosuke WATANABE  Mizuho KAWASHIMA  Yoji SAITO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E100-C No:1

    We prepared alumina passivation films for p-type silicon substrates by sol-gel wet process mainly using aluminum isopropoxide (Al(O-i-Pr)3) as a precursor material. The precursor solution was spin-coated onto p-type silicon substrates and then calcined for 1 hour in air. Minority carrier lifetime of the passivated wafers was evaluated for different calcination temperature conditions. We also compared the passivation quality of the alumina passivation films using different alumina precursor, aluminum acetylacetonate (Al(acac)3). Obtained effective minority carrier lifetime indicated that the lifetime is strongly depends on the calcination temperature. The substrate calcined below 400°C shows relatively short lifetime below 100 µsec. On the other hand, the substrate calcined around 500°C to 600°C indicates lifetime from 250 to 300 µsec. Calcination temperature dependence of the lifetime for the samples using Al(O-i-Pr)3 precursors shows almost the same as that using Al(acac)3.

  • An Encryption-then-Compression System for Lossless Image Compression Standards

    Kenta KURIHARA  Shoko IMAIZUMI  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E100-D No:1

    In many multimedia applications, image encryption has to be conducted prior to image compression. This letter proposes an Encryption-then-Compression system using JPEG XR/JPEG-LS friendly perceptual encryption method, which enables to be conducted prior to the JPEG XR/JPEG-LS standard used as an international standard lossless compression method. The proposed encryption scheme can provides approximately the same compression performance as that of the lossless compression without any encryption. It is also shown that the proposed system consists of four block-based encryption steps, and provides a reasonably high level of security. Existing conventional encryption methods have not been designed for international lossless compression standards, but for the first time this letter focuses on applying the standards.

  • Joint Maximum Likelihood Detection in Far User of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access

    Kenji ANDO  Yukitoshi SANADA  Takahiko SABA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:1

    Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) enables multiple mobile devices to share the same frequency band. In a conventional NOMA scheme, the receiver of a far user detects its desired signal without canceling the signal for a near user. However, the signal for the near user acts as interference and degrades the accuracy of likelihood values for the far user. In this paper, a joint maximum likelihood detection scheme for the far user of the NOMA downlink is proposed. The proposed scheme takes the interference signal into account in calculating the likelihood values. Numerical results obtained through computer simulation show that the proposed scheme improves the performance by from 0.2dB to 3.1dB for power allocation coefficients of 0.2 to 0.4 at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-2 relative to the conventional scheme.

  • PRIOR: Prioritized Forwarding for Opportunistic Routing

    Taku YAMAZAKI  Ryo YAMAMOTO  Takumi MIYOSHI  Takuya ASAKA  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E100-B No:1

    In ad hoc networks, broadcast forwarding protocols called OR (opportunistic routing) have been proposed to gain path diversity for higher packet delivery rates and shorter end-to-end delays. In general backoff-based OR protocols, each receiver autonomously makes a forwarding decision by using certain metrics to determine if a random backoff time is to be applied. However, each forwarder candidate must wait for the expiration of the backoff timer before forwarding a packet. Moreover, they cannot gain path diversity if the forwarding path includes local sparse areas, and this degrades performance as it strongly depends on the terminal density. In this paper, we propose a novel OR protocol called PRIOR (prioritized forwarding for opportunistic routing). In PRIOR, a terminal, called a prioritized forwarder and which forwards packets without using a backoff time, is selected from among the neighbours. In addition, PRIOR uses lightweight hop-by-hop retransmission control to mitigate the effect of terminal density. Moreover, we introduce an enhancement to PRIOR to reduce unnecessary forwarding by using an explicit acknowledgement. We evaluate PRIOR in comparison with conventional protocols in computer simulations.

  • Variations of Even-Goldreich-Micali Framework for Signature Schemes

    Masayuki ABE  


    E100-A No:1

    The Even-Goldreich-Micali framework is a generic method for constructing secure digital signature schemes from weaker signature schemes and one-time signature schemes. Several variations are known due to properties demanded on the underlying building blocks. It is in particular interesting when the underlying signature scheme is a so-called F-signature scheme that admits different message spaces for signing and verification. In this paper we overview these variations in the literature and add a new one to the bucket.

  • Key Recovery Attacks on Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems Derived from Quadratic Forms over an Extension Field

    Yasufumi HASHIMOTO  


    E100-A No:1

    One of major ideas to design a multivariate public key cryptosystem (MPKC) is to generate its quadratic forms by a polynomial map over an extension field. In fact, Matsumoto-Imai's scheme (1988), HFE (Patarin, 1996), MFE (Wang et al., 2006) and multi-HFE (Chen et al., 2008) are constructed in this way and Sflash (Akkar et al., 2003), Quartz (Patarin et al., 2001), Gui (Petzoldt et al, 2015) are variants of these schemes. An advantage of such extension field type MPKCs is to reduce the numbers of variables and equations to be solved in the decryption process. In the present paper, we study the security of MPKCs whose quadratic forms are derived from a “quadratic” map over an extension field and propose a new attack on such MPKCs. Our attack recovers partial information of the secret affine maps in polynomial time when the field is of odd characteristic. Once such partial information is recovered, the attacker can find the plain-text for a given cipher-text by solving a system of quadratic equations over the extension field whose numbers of variables and equations are same to those of the system of quadratic equations used in the decryption process.

  • How to Make Traitor Tracing Schemes Secure against a Content Comparison Attack in Actual Services

    Kazuto OGAWA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Hideki IMAI  


    E100-A No:1

    A lot of encryption and watermarking schemes have been developed as countermeasures to protect copyrights of broadcast or multicast content from malicious subscribers (traitors) that make pirate receivers (PRs) to use the content illegally. However, solo use of these schemes does not necessarily work well. Traitor tracing encryption schemes are a type of broadcasting encryption and have been developed for broadcasting and multicast services. There are multiple distinct decryption keys for each encryption key, and each service subscriber is given a unique decryption key. Any subscriber that redistributes his or her decryption key to a third party or who uses it and maybe other keys to make a PR can be identified with using the tracing algorithm of the scheme that is used by the services. However, almost all previous schemes have the same weakness; that is, they are vulnerable to an attack (content comparison attack). This is a concrete example such that solo use of the scheme does not work well. The attack involves multiple distinct decryption keys and a content-data comparison mechanism. We have developed a method, called complementary traitor tracing method (CTT), that makes traitor tracing schemes secure against content comparison attacks. It makes it impossible for PRs to distinguish ordinary content data from test data and makes traitor tracing schemes effective against all PRs, even those with multiple distinct decryption keys. CTT is made with a simple combination of schemes that are absolutely necessary. It makes broadcasting or multicast services secure.

  • On the Security of Schnorr Signatures, DSA, and ElGamal Signatures against Related-Key Attacks

    Hiraku MORITA  Jacob C.N. SCHULDT  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Tetsu IWATA  


    E100-A No:1

    In the ordinary security model for signature schemes, we consider an adversary that tries to forge a signature on a new message using only his knowledge of other valid message and signature pairs. To take into account side channel attacks such as tampering or fault-injection attacks, Bellare and Kohno (Eurocrypt 2003) formalized related-key attacks (RKA), where stronger adversaries are considered. In the RKA security model for signature schemes, we consider an adversary that can also manipulate the signing key and obtain signatures computed under the modified key. RKA security is defined with respect to the related-key deriving functions which are used by an adversary to manipulate the signing key. This paper considers RKA security of three established signature schemes: the Schnorr signature scheme, a variant of DSA, and a variant of ElGamal signature scheme. First, we show that these signature schemes are secure against a weak notion of RKA with respect to polynomial functions. Second, we demonstrate that, on the other hand, none of the Schnorr signature scheme, DSA, nor the ElGamal signature scheme achieves the standard notion of RKA security with respect to linear functions, by showing concrete attacks on these. Lastly, we show that slight modifications of the Schnorr signature scheme, (the considered variant of) DSA, and the variant of ElGamal signature scheme yield fully RKA secure schemes with respect to polynomial functions.
