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  • A Color Scheme Method by Interactive Evolutionary Computing Considering Contrast of Luminance and Design Property

    Keiko YAMASHITA  Kaoru ARAKAWA  


    E99-A No:11

    A method of color scheme is proposed considering contrast of luminance between adjacent regions and design property. This method aims at setting the contrast of luminance high, in order to make the image understandable to visually handicapped people. This method also realizes preferable color design for visually normal people by assigning color components from color combination samples. Interactive evolutionary computing is adopted to design the luminance and the color, so that the luminance and color components are assigned to each region appropriately on the basis of human subjective criteria. Here, the luminance is designed first, and then color components are assigned, keeping the luminance unchanged. Since samples of fine color combinations are applied, the obtained color design is also fine and harmonic. Computer simulations verify the high performance of this system.

  • Edge-Based Adaptive Sampling for Image Block Compressive Sensing

    Lijing MA  Huihui BAI  Mengmeng ZHANG  Yao ZHAO  


    E99-A No:11

    In this paper, a novel scheme of the adaptive sampling of block compressive sensing is proposed for natural images. In view of the contents of images, the edge proportion in a block can be used to represent its sparsity. Furthermore, according to the edge proportion, the adaptive sampling rate can be adaptively allocated for better compressive sensing recovery. Given that there are too many blocks in an image, it may lead to a overhead cost for recording the ratio of measurement of each block. Therefore, K-means method is applied to classify the blocks into clusters and for each cluster a kind of ratio of measurement can be allocated. In addition, we design an iterative termination condition to reduce time-consuming in the iteration of compressive sensing recovery. The experimental results show that compared with the corresponding methods, the proposed scheme can acquire a better reconstructed image at the same sampling rate.

  • Light Diffusion Angle Dependence on Difference in Polymer Refractive Indices of Alternating Polymer Layer Structures

    Souichiro SEO  Masahiro NISHIZAWA  Yosei SHIBATA  Takahiro ISHINABE  Hideo FUJIKAKE  


    E99-C No:11

    We investigated effects of ultraviolet illuminance and ratio of high- to low-refractive-index monomers on the layer structure and light diffusion properties of light-diffusing films with alternating polymer layer structures. We clarified that an increasing difference in refractive index between alternating polymer layers induced an increase in the diffusion angle.

  • Optimum Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis and Discriminant Kernel Support Vector Machine

    Akinori HIDAKA  Takio KURITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:11

    Kernel discriminant analysis (KDA) is the mainstream approach of nonlinear discriminant analysis (NDA). Since it uses the kernel trick, KDA does not consider its nonlinear discriminant mapping explicitly. In this paper, another NDA approach where the nonlinear discriminant mapping is analytically given is developed. This study is based on the theory of optimal nonlinear discriminant analysis (ONDA) of which the nonlinear mapping is exactly expressed by using the Bayesian posterior probability. This theory indicates that various NDA can be derived by estimating the Bayesian posterior probability in ONDA with various estimation methods. Also, ONDA brings an insight about novel kernel functions, called discriminant kernel (DK), which is defined by also using the posterior probabilities. In this paper, several NDA and DK derived from ONDA with several posterior probability estimators are developed and evaluated. Given fine estimation methods of the Bayesian posterior probability, they give good discriminant spaces for visualization or classification.

  • Quasi-Black Mask for Low-Cost LCDs by Patterned Alignment Films Formed by an Electro-Spray Deposition Method Open Access

    Yukihiro KUDOH  Yuta UCHIDA  Taiju TAKAHASHI  


    E99-C No:11

    A black mask (BM) is a layer used to improve the display quality by suppressing light leakage. In general, the BM is formed by a photolithography process. In this study, a novel technique for the fabrication of a quasi-black mask (q-BM) is proposed; the q-BM was composed of vertical and hybrid orientation areas, patterned by a separation coating technique using an electro-spray deposition method. Using our technique, the q-BM can be formed easily without the additional masks used for the BM.

  • Opportunistic Relaying Analysis Using Antenna Selection under Adaptive Transmission

    Ramesh KUMAR  Abdul AZIZ  Inwhee JOE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose and analyze the opportunistic amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying scheme using antenna selection in conjunction with different adaptive transmission techniques over Rayleigh fading channels. In this scheme, the best antenna of a source and the best relay are selected for communication between the source and destination. Closed-form expressions for the outage probability and average symbol error rate (SER) are derived to confirm that increasing the number of antennas is the best option as compared with increasing the number of relays. We also obtain closed-form expressions for the average channel capacity under three different adaptive transmission techniques: 1) optimal power and rate adaptation; 2) constant power with optimal rate adaptation; and 3) channel inversion with a fixed rate. The channel capacity performance of the considered adaptive transmission techniques is evaluated and compared with a different number of relays and various antennas configurations for each adaptive technique. Our derived analytical results are verified through extensive Monte Carlo simulations.

  • Improvements of Voice Timbre Control Based on Perceived Age in Singing Voice Conversion

    Kazuhiro KOBAYASHI  Tomoki TODA  Tomoyasu NAKANO  Masataka GOTO  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:11

    As one of the techniques enabling individual singers to produce the varieties of voice timbre beyond their own physical constraints, a statistical voice timbre control technique based on the perceived age has been developed. In this technique, the perceived age of a singing voice, which is the age of the singer as perceived by the listener, is used as one of the intuitively understandable measures to describe voice characteristics of the singing voice. The use of statistical voice conversion (SVC) with a singer-dependent multiple-regression Gaussian mixture model (MR-GMM), which effectively models the voice timbre variations caused by a change of the perceived age, makes it possible for individual singers to manipulate the perceived ages of their own singing voices while retaining their own singer identities. However, there still remain several issues; e.g., 1) a controllable range of the perceived age is limited; 2) quality of the converted singing voice is significantly degraded compared to that of a natural singing voice; and 3) each singer needs to sing the same phrase set as sung by a reference singer to develop the singer-dependent MR-GMM. To address these issues, we propose the following three methods; 1) a method using gender-dependent modeling to expand the controllable range of the perceived age; 2) a method using direct waveform modification based on spectrum differential to improve quality of the converted singing voice; and 3) a rapid unsupervised adaptation method based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation to easily develop the singer-dependent MR-GMM. The experimental results show that the proposed methods achieve a wider controllable range of the perceived age, a significant quality improvement of the converted singing voice, and the development of the singer-dependnet MR-GMM using only a few arbitrary phrases as adaptation data.

  • Adaptive Local Thresholding for Co-Localization Detection in Multi-Channel Fluorescence Microscopic Images

    Eisuke ITO  Yusuke TOMARU  Akira IIZUKA  Hirokazu HIRAI  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    Automatic detection of immunoreactive areas in fluorescence microscopic images is becoming a key technique in the field of biology including neuroscience, although it is still challenging because of several reasons such as low signal-to-noise ratio and contrast variation within an image. In this study, we developed a new algorithm that exhaustively detects co-localized areas in multi-channel fluorescence images, where shapes of target objects may differ among channels. Different adaptive binarization thresholds for different local regions in different channels are introduced and the condition of each segment is assessed to recognize the target objects. The proposed method was applied to detect immunoreactive spots that labeled membrane receptors on dendritic spines of mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells. Our method achieved the best detection performance over five pre-existing methods.

  • RBM-LBP: Joint Distribution of Multiple Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification

    Chao LIANG  Wenming YANG  Fei ZHOU  Qingmin LIAO  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:11

    In this letter, we propose a novel framework to estimate the joint distribution of multiple Local Binary Patterns (LBPs). Multiple LBPs extracted from the same central pixel are first encoded using handcrafted encoding schemes to achieve rotation invariance, and the outputs are further encoded through a pre-trained Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) to reduce the dimension of features. RBM has been successfully used as binary feature detectors and the binary-valued units of RBM seamlessly adapt to LBP. The proposed feature is called RBM-LBP. Experiments on the CUReT and Outex databases show that RBM-LBP is superior to conventional handcrafted encodings and more powerful in estimating the joint distribution of multiple LBPs.

  • Distributed Optimization in Transportation and Logistics Networks Open Access

    K. Y. Michael WONG  David SAAD  Chi Ho YEUNG  


    E99-B No:11

    Many important problems in communication networks, transportation networks, and logistics networks are solved by the minimization of cost functions. In general, these can be complex optimization problems involving many variables. However, physicists noted that in a network, a node variable (such as the amount of resources of the nodes) is connected to a set of link variables (such as the flow connecting the node), and similarly each link variable is connected to a number of (usually two) node variables. This enables one to break the problem into local components, often arriving at distributive algorithms to solve the problems. Compared with centralized algorithms, distributed algorithms have the advantages of lower computational complexity, and lower communication overhead. Since they have a faster response to local changes of the environment, they are especially useful for networks with evolving conditions. This review will cover message-passing algorithms in applications such as resource allocation, transportation networks, facility location, traffic routing, and stability of power grids.

  • A Built-in Test Circuit for Electrical Interconnect Testing of Open Defects in Assembled PCBs

    Widiant  Masaki HASHIZUME  Shohei SUENAGA  Hiroyuki YOTSUYANAGI  Akira ONO  Shyue-Kung LU  Zvi ROTH  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E99-D No:11

    In this paper, a built-in test circuit for an electrical interconnect test method is proposed to detect an open defect occurring at an interconnect between an IC and a printed circuit board. The test method is based on measuring the supply current of an inverter gate in the test circuit. A time-varying signal is provided to an interconnect as a test signal by the built-in test circuit. In this paper, the test circuit is evaluated by SPICE simulation and by experiments with a prototyping IC. The experimental results reveal that a hard open defect is detectable by the test method in addition to a resistive open defect and a capacitive open one at a test speed of 400 kHz.

  • On-Line Rigid Object Tracking via Discriminative Feature Classification

    Quan MIAO  Chenbo SHI  Long MENG  Guang CHENG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:11

    This paper proposes an on-line rigid object tracking framework via discriminative object appearance modeling and learning. Strong classifiers are combined with 2D scale-rotation invariant local features to treat tracking as a keypoint matching problem. For on-line boosting, we correspond a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to each weak classifier and propose a GMM-based classifying mechanism. Meanwhile, self-organizing theory is applied to perform automatic clustering for sequential updating. Benefiting from the invariance of the SURF feature and the proposed on-line classifying technique, we can easily find reliable matching pairs and thus perform accurate and stable tracking. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves better performance than previously reported trackers.

  • Reseeding-Oriented Test Power Reduction for Linear-Decompression-Based Test Compression Architectures

    Tian CHEN  Dandan SHEN  Xin YI  Huaguo LIANG  Xiaoqing WEN  Wei WANG  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E99-D No:11

    Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) reseeding is an effective method for test data reduction. However, the test patterns generated by LFSR reseeding generally have high toggle rate and thus cause high test power. Therefore, it is feasible to fill X bits in deterministic test cubes with 0 or 1 properly before encoding the seed to reduce toggle rate. However, X-filling will increase the number of specified bits, thus increase the difficulty of seed encoding, what's more, the size of LFSR will increase as well. This paper presents a test frame which takes into consideration both compression ratio and power consumption simultaneously. In the first stage, the proposed reseeding-oriented X-filling proceeds for shift power (shift filling) and capture power (capture filling) reduction. Then, encode the filled test cubes using the proposed Compatible Block Code (CBC). The CBC can X-ize specified bits, namely turning specified bits into X bits, and can resolve the conflict between low-power filling and seed encoding. Experiments performed on ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits show that our scheme attains a compression ratio of 94.1% and reduces capture power by at least 15% and scan-in power by more than 79.5%.

  • An Algorithm of Connecting Broken Objects Based on the Skeletons

    Chao XU  Dongxiang ZHOU  Yunhui LIU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:11

    The segmentation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis images forms the basis for the computer-aided diagnosis of tuberculosis. The segmented objects are often broken due to the low-contrast objects and the limits of segmentation method. This will result in decreasing the accuracy of segmentation and recognition. A simple and effective post-processing method is proposed to connect the broken objects. The broken objects in the segmented binary images are connected based on the information obtained from their skeletons. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

  • Fast Coding Unit Size Decision Based on Probabilistic Graphical Model in High Efficiency Video Coding Inter Prediction

    Xiantao JIANG  Tian SONG  Wen SHI  Takafumi KATAYAMA  Takashi SHIMAMOTO  Lisheng WANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:11

    In this work, a high efficiency coding unit (CU) size decision algorithm is proposed for high efficiency video coding (HEVC) inter coding. The CU splitting or non-splitting is modeled as a binary classification problem based on probability graphical model (PGM). This method incorporates two sub-methods: CU size termination decision and CU size skip decision. This method focuses on the trade-off between encoding efficiency and encoding complexity, and it has a good performance. Particularly in the high resolution application, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reduce encoding time by 53.62%-57.54%, while the increased BD-rate are only 1.27%-1.65%, compared to the HEVC software model.

  • Contrast Enhancement of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Images Based on Improved Histogram Equalization

    Chao XU  Dongxiang ZHOU  Keju PENG  Weihong FAN  Yunhui LIU  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    There are often low contrast Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) objects in the MTB images. Based on improved histogram equalization (HE), a framework of contrast enhancement is proposed to increase the contrast of MTB images. Our proposed algorithm was compared with the traditional HE and the weighted thresholded HE. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm has better performance in contrast enhancement, artifacts suppression, and brightness preserving for MTB images.

  • Improving Performance of Heuristic Algorithms by Lebesgue Spectrum Filter Open Access

    Mikio HASEGAWA  


    E99-B No:11

    The previous researches on the chaotic CDMA have theoretically derived the chaotic sequences having the minimum asynchronous cross-correlation. To minimize the asynchronous cross-correlation, autocorrelation of each sequence have to be C(τ)≈C×rτ, r=-2+√3, dumped oscillation with increase of the lag τ. There are several methods to generate such sequences, using a chaotic map, using the Lebesgue spectrum filter (LSF) and so on. In this paper, such lowest cross-correlation found in the chaotic CDMA researches is applied to solution search algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In combinatorial optimization, effectiveness of the chaotic search has already been clarified. First, an importance of chaos and autocorrelation with dumped oscillation for combinatorial optimization is shown. Next, in order to realize ideal solution search, the LSF is applied to the Hopfield-Tank neural network, the 2-opt method and the 2-exchange method. Effectiveness of the LSF is clarified even for the large problems for the traveling salesman problems and the quadratic assignment problems.

  • Automatic Retrieval of Action Video Shots from the Web Using Density-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection

    Nga Hang DO  Keiji YANAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:11

    In this paper, we introduce a fully automatic approach to construct action datasets from noisy Web video search results. The idea is based on combining cluster structure analysis and density-based outlier detection. For a specific action concept, first, we download its Web top search videos and segment them into video shots. We then organize these shots into subsets using density-based hierarchy clustering. For each set, we rank its shots by their outlier degrees which are determined as their isolatedness with respect to their surroundings. Finally, we collect high ranked shots as training data for the action concept. We demonstrate that with action models trained by our data, we can obtain promising precision rates in the task of action classification while offering the advantage of fully automatic, scalable learning. Experiment results on UCF11, a challenging action dataset, show the effectiveness of our method.

  • Distributed Decision Fusion over Nonideal Channels Using Scan Statistics

    Junhai LUO  Renqian ZOU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:11

    Although many approaches about ideal channels have been proposed in previous researches, few authors considered the situation of nonideal communication links. In this paper, we study the problem of distributed decision fusion over nonideal channels by using the scan statistics. In order to obtain the fusion rule under nonideal channels, we set up the nonideal channels model with the modulation error, noise and signal attenuation. Under this model, we update the fusion rule by using the scan statstics. We firstly consider the fusion rule when sensors are distributed in grid, then derive the expressions of the detection probability and false alarm probability when sensors follow an uniform distribution. Extensive simulations are conducted in order to investigate the performance of our fusion rule and the influence of signal-noise ratio (SNR) on the detection and false alarm probability. These simulations show that the theoretical values of the global detection probability and the global false alarm probability are close to the experimental results, and the fusion rule also has high performance at the high SNR region. But there are some further researches need to do for solving the large computational complexity.

  • Control of Morphology and Alignment of Liquid Crystal Droplets in Molecular-Aligned Polymer for Substrate-Free Displays Open Access

    Daisuke SASAKI  Yosei SHIBATA  Takahiro ISHINABE  Hideo FUJIKAKE  


    E99-C No:11

    We have proposed composite films composed of a molecular-aligned polymer and liquid crystal (LC) for substrate-free liquid crystal displays with high-contrast images. We successfully controlled the molecular alignment of the LC and formed molecular-aligned LC droplets in the polymer by controlling the fluidity of the LC/monomer mixture and the curing rate of the monomer.
