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  • A Robust Detection Scheme of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes over Very Fast Fading Channels

    Donghun YU  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:1

    This letter proposes a robust detection scheme of orthogonal space-time block codes that face very fast fading channels. The proposed detection scheme employs a QR decomposition on the channel matrix and minimizes noise enhancement and impact of channel estimation errors which occur in a conventional detection scheme. It is shown by simulations that the proposed detection scheme outperforms the conventional detection scheme when the channel fading is very fast.

  • A Study of Blind Message Authentication Codes

    Chanathip NAMPREMPRE  Gregory NEVEN  Michel ABDALLA  


    E90-A No:1

    Blind signatures allow a signer to digitally sign a document without being able to glean any information about the document. In this paper, we investigate the symmetric analog of blind signatures, namely blind message authentication codes (blind MACs). One may hope to get the same efficiency gain from blind MAC constructions as is usually obtained when moving from asymmetric to symmetric cryptosystems. Our main result is a negative one however: we show that the natural symmetric analogs of the unforgeability and blindness requirements cannot be simultaneously satisfied. Faced with this impossibility, we show that blind MACs do exist (under the one-more RSA assumption in the random oracle model) in a more restrictive setting where users can share common state information. Our construction, however, is only meant to demonstrate the existence; it uses an underlying blind signature scheme, and hence does not achieve the desired performance benefits. The construction of an efficient blind MAC scheme in this restrictive setting is left as an open problem*.

  • Details of the Nitech HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for the Blizzard Challenge 2005

    Heiga ZEN  Tomoki TODA  Masaru NAKAMURA  Keiichi TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:1

    In January 2005, an open evaluation of corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis systems using common speech datasets, named Blizzard Challenge 2005, was conducted. Nitech group participated in this challenge, entering an HMM-based speech synthesis system called Nitech-HTS 2005. This paper describes the technical details, building processes, and performance of our system. We first give an overview of the basic HMM-based speech synthesis system, and then describe new features integrated into Nitech-HTS 2005 such as STRAIGHT-based vocoding, HSMM-based acoustic modeling, and a speech parameter generation algorithm considering GV. Constructed Nitech-HTS 2005 voices can generate speech waveforms at 0.3RT (real-time ratio) on a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 machine, and footprints of these voices are less than 2 Mbytes. Subjective listening tests showed that the naturalness and intelligibility of the Nitech-HTS 2005 voices were much better than expected.

  • Semi-Supervised Classification with Spectral Subspace Projection of Data

    Weiwei DU  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E90-D No:1

    A semi-supervised classification method is presented. A robust unsupervised spectral mapping method is extended to a semi-supervised situation. Our proposed algorithm is derived by linearization of this nonlinear semi-supervised mapping method. Experiments using the proposed method for some public benchmark data reveal that our method outperforms a supervised algorithm using the linear discriminant analysis for the iris and wine data and is also more accurate than a semi-supervised algorithm of the logistic GRF for the ionosphere dataset.

  • Further Analysis of ID-Based Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol from Bilinear Maps

    Kyung-Ah SHIM  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E90-A No:1

    Recently, Choi et al. proposed an ID-based authenticated group key agreement with bilinear maps. Subsequently, Zhang and Chen showed that the protocol does not provide authenticity as claimed by replaying transcripts of the past session. To prevent those replay attacks, they suggest adding a time parameter to the message being signed. However, despite of such a modification, we show that the protocol is still insecure against insider colluding attacks without replaying transcripts of the past session.

  • Chroma Key Using a Checker Pattern Background

    Hiroki AGATA  Atsushi YAMASHITA  Toru KANEKO  


    E90-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new region extraction method using chroma key with a two-tone checker pattern background. The method solves the problem in conventional chroma key techniques that foreground objects become transparent if their colors are the same as the background color. The method utilizes the adjacency condition between two-tone regions of the background and the geometrical information of the background grid line. The procedure of the proposed method consists of four steps: 1) background color extraction, 2) background grid line extraction, 3) foreground extraction, and 4) image composition. As to background color extraction, a color space approach is used. As to background grid line extraction, it is difficult to extract background grid line by a color space approach because the color of this region may be a composite of two background colors and different from them. Therefore, the background grid line is extracted from adjacency conditions between two background colors. As to foreground extraction, the boundary between the foreground and the background is detected to recheck the foreground region whose color is same as the background, and the background region whose color is same as the foreground. To detect regions whose colors are same as the background, the adjacency conditions with the background grid line are utilized. As to image composition, the process that smoothes the color of the foreground's boundary against the new background is carried out to create natural images. Experimental results show that the foreground objects can be segmented exactly from the background regardless of the colors of the foreground objects.

  • Symmetric Discharge Logic against Differential Power Analysis

    Jong Suk LEE  Jae Woon LEE  Young Hwan KIM  


    E90-A No:1

    Differential power analysis (DPA) is an effective technique that extracts secret keys from cryptographic systems through statistical analysis of the power traces obtained during encryption and decryption operations. This letter proposes symmetric discharge logic (SDL), a circuit-level countermeasure against DPA, which exhibits uniform power traces for every clock period by maintaining a set of discharge paths independent of input values. This feature minimizes differences in power traces and improves resistance to DPA attacks. HSPICE simulations for the test circuits using 0.18 µm TSMC CMOS process parameters indicate that SDL reduces power differences by an order of magnitude, compared to the existing circuit-level technique.

  • Aerosol Deposition on Transparent Electro-Optic Films for Optical Modulators

    Masafumi NAKADA  Hiroki TSUDA  Keishi OHASHI  Jun AKEDO  


    E90-C No:1

    Complex thin oxide films with electro-optic (EO) properties are promising for use in advanced optical devices because of their large EO effect. We developed a method of aerosol deposition (AD) for fabricating EO films. The mechanism for AD is based on the solidification by impact of submicron particles onto a substrate. Since particles in AD films preserve their crystalline structure during the formation of film, epitaxial growth is not necessary for exhibiting the EO effect. Highly transparent Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 films, which have acceptable transmittance loss for use as optical devices, were directly deposited on glass substrates by AD. We found the Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 film by AD produced a fairly high EO coefficient (>150 pm/V), approximately 10 times larger than that of LiNbO3. A Fabry-Perot (FP) optical modulator was developed with EO films fabricated by AD. We demonstrated the modulation of optical intensity with an electrical field applied to an EO film made of ferroelectric Pb (Zr, Ti)O3.

  • Constitutive Synthesis of Physiological Networks

    Seiichiro NAKABAYASHI  Nobuko TANIMURA  Toshikazu YAMASHITA  Shinichiro KOKUBUN  


    E90-C No:1

    The relationship between the topology and collective function of a nonlinear oscillator network was investigated using nonlinear electrochemical oscillators. The constitutive experiments showed that the physiological robustness in the living system is due to their topological redundancy and asymmetry in the nonlinear network.

  • Simulation and Design of a Very Small Magnetic Core Loop Antenna for an LF Receiver

    Kazuaki ABE  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E90-B No:1

    In this paper, we evaluated the characteristics of the magnetic core loop antenna that is used to receive long wave radio signals for time standards. To evaluate the receiving sensitivity of the antenna, we calculated the antenna factor of the magnetic core loop antenna by combining a magnetic field simulation and a circuit simulation. The simulation results are in good agreement with the results obtained from the experiments. We then investigated the optimization of the antenna shape, and showed the relation between the shape of the magnetic core and the receiving sensitivity.

  • High-Performance Training of Conditional Random Fields for Large-Scale Applications of Labeling Sequence Data

    Xuan-Hieu PHAN  Le-Minh NGUYEN  Yasushi INOGUCHI  Susumu HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Parallel Processing System

    E90-D No:1

    Conditional random fields (CRFs) have been successfully applied to various applications of predicting and labeling structured data, such as natural language tagging & parsing, image segmentation & object recognition, and protein secondary structure prediction. The key advantages of CRFs are the ability to encode a variety of overlapping, non-independent features from empirical data as well as the capability of reaching the global normalization and optimization. However, estimating parameters for CRFs is very time-consuming due to an intensive forward-backward computation needed to estimate the likelihood function and its gradient during training. This paper presents a high-performance training of CRFs on massively parallel processing systems that allows us to handle huge datasets with hundreds of thousand data sequences and millions of features. We performed the experiments on an important natural language processing task (text chunking) on large-scale corpora and achieved significant results in terms of both the reduction of computational time and the improvement of prediction accuracy.

  • Self-Adaptive Mobile Agent Population Control in Dynamic Networks Based on the Single Species Population Model

    Tomoko SUZUKI  Taisuke IZUMI  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E90-D No:1

    Mobile-agent-based distributed computing is one of the most promising paradigms to support autonomic computing in a large-scale of distributed system with dynamics and diversity: mobile agents traverse the distributed system and carry out a sophisticated task at each node adaptively. In mobile-agent-based systems, a larger number of agents generally require shorter time to complete the whole task but consume more resources (e.g., processing power and network bandwidth). Therefore, it is indispensable to keep an appropriate number of agents for the application on the mobile-agent-based system. This paper considers the mobile agent population control problem in dynamic networks: it requires adjusting the number of agents to a constant fraction of the current network size. This paper proposes algorithms inspired by the single species population model, which is a well-known population ecology model. These two algorithms are different in knowledge of networks each node requires. The first algorithm requires global information at each node, while the second algorithm requires only the local information. This paper shows by simulations that the both algorithms realize self-adaptation of mobile agent population in dynamic networks, but the second algorithm attains slightly lower accuracy than the first one.

  • The Design of Square-Root-Raised-Cosine FIR Filters by an Iterative Technique

    Chia-Yu YAO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E90-A No:1

    Using a pair of matched square-root-raised-cosine (SRRC) filters in the transmitter and the receiver in a band-limited digital communication system can theoretically achieve zero inter-symbol interference (ISI). In reality, the ISI cannot be zero when both SRRC filters are approximately implemented because of some numerical precision problems in the design phase as well as in the implementation phase. In this paper, the author proposes an iterative method to design the coefficients of SRRC FIR filters. The required ISI of the system can be specified such that both ISI and frequency domain specifications are monitored in the design phase. Since the ISI can be specified beforehand, the tradeoff between performance and the filter length becomes possible in the proposed design algorithm.

  • Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA

    Wei ZHANG  Jun SUN  Jing LIU  Haibin ZHANG  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E90-B No:1

    This letter presents a clear and more accurate analytical model to evaluate the IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) protocol. The proposed model distinguishes internal collision from external collision. It also differentiates the two cases when the backoff counter decreases, i.e. an arbitration interframe space (AIFS) period after a busy duration and a time slot after the AIFS period. The analytical model is validated through simulation.

  • Normal Mammogram Detection Based on Local Probability Difference Transforms and Support Vector Machines

    Werapon CHIRACHARIT  Yajie SUN  Pinit KUMHOM  Kosin CHAMNONGTHAI  Charles F. BABBS  Edward J. DELP  


    E90-D No:1

    Automatic detection of normal mammograms, as a "first look" for breast cancer, is a new approach to computer-aided diagnosis. This approach may be limited, however, by two main causes. The first problem is the presence of poorly separable "crossed-distributions" in which the correct classification depends upon the value of each feature. The second problem is overlap of the feature distributions that are extracted from digitized mammograms of normal and abnormal patients. Here we introduce a new Support Vector Machine (SVM) based method utilizing with the proposed uncrossing mapping and Local Probability Difference (LPD). Crossed-distribution feature pairs are identified and mapped into a new features that can be separated by a zero-hyperplane of the new axis. The probability density functions of the features of normal and abnormal mammograms are then sampled and the local probability difference functions are estimated to enhance the features. From 1,000 ground-truth-known mammograms, 250 normal and 250 abnormal cases, including spiculated lesions, circumscribed masses or microcalcifications, are used for training a support vector machine. The classification results tested with another 250 normal and 250 abnormal sets show improved testing performances with 90% sensitivity and 89% specificity.

  • Image Authentication Scheme for Resisting JPEG, JPEG2000 Compression and Scaling

    Chih-Hung LIN  Wen-Shyong HSIEH  


    E90-D No:1

    This paper presents a secure and simple content-based digital signature method for verifying the image authentication under JPEG, JPEG2000 compression and scaling based on a novel concept named lowest authenticable difference (LAD). The whole method, which is extended from the crypto-based digital signature scheme, mainly consists of statistical analysis and signature generation/verification. The invariant features, which are generated from the relationship among image blocks in the spatial domain, are coded and signed by the sender's private key to create a digital signature for each image, regardless of the image size. The main contributions of the proposed scheme are: (1) only the spatial domain is adopted during feature generation and verification, making domain transformation process unnecessary; (2) more non-malicious manipulated images (JPEG, JPEG2000 compressed and scaled images) than related studies can be authenticated by LAD, achieving a good trade-off of image authentication between fragile and robust under practical image processing; (3) non-malicious manipulation is clearly defined to meet closely the requirements of storing images or sending them over the Internet. The related analysis and discussion are presented. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is feasible and effective.

  • Two-Band Excitation for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

    Sang-Jin KIM  Minsoo HAHN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:1

    This letter describes a two-band excitation model for HMM-based speech synthesis. The HMM-based speech synthesis system generates speech from the HMM training data of the spectral and excitation parameters. Synthesized speech has a typical quality of "vocoded sound" mostly because of the simple excitation model with the voiced/unvoiced selection. In this letter, two-band excitation based on the harmonic plus noise speech model is proposed for generating the mixed excitation source. With this model, we can generate the mixed excitation more accurately and reduce the memory for the trained excitation data as well.

  • Rearrangeability of Tandem Cascade of Banyan-Type Networks

    Xuesong TAN  Shuo-Yen Robert LI  

    PAPER-Rearrangeable Network

    E90-D No:1

    The cascade of two baseline networks in tandem is a rearrangeable network. The cascade of two omega networks appended with a certain interconnection pattern is also rearrangeable. These belong to the general problem: for what banyan-type network (i.e., bit-permuting unique-routing network) is the tandem cascade a rearrangeable network? We relate the problem to the trace and guide of banyan-type networks. Let τ denote the trace permutation of a 2n2n banyan-type network and γ the guide permutation of it. This paper proves that rearrangeability of the tandem cascade of the network is solely determined by the transposition τγ-1. Such a permutation is said to be tandem rearrangeable when the tandem cascade is indeed rearrangeable. We identify a few tandem rearrangeable permutations, each implying the rearrangeability of the tandem cascade of a wide class of banyan-type networks.

  • Parallel Adaptive Estimation of Hip Range of Motion for Total Hip Replacement Surgery

    Yasuhiro KAWASAKI  Fumihiko INO  Yoshinobu SATO  Shinichi TAMURA  Kenichi HAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Parallel Image Processing

    E90-D No:1

    This paper presents the design and implementation of a hip range of motion (ROM) estimation method that is capable of fine-grained estimation during total hip replacement (THR) surgery. Our method is based on two acceleration strategies: (1) adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) for complexity reduction and (2) parallelization for further acceleration. On the assumption that the hip ROM is a single closed region, the AMR strategy reduces the complexity for N N N stance configurations from O(N3) to O(ND), where 2≤D≤3 and D is a data-dependent value that can be approximated by 2 in most cases. The parallelization strategy employs the master-worker paradigm with multiple task queues, reducing synchronization between processors with load balancing. The experimental results indicate that the implementation on a cluster of 64 PCs completes estimation of 360360180 stance configurations in 20 seconds, playing a key role in selecting and aligning the optimal combination of artificial joint components during THR surgery.

  • Modification of Cubic Bezier Spirals for Curvature Linearity

    Koichi HARADA  Hidekazu USUI  Koichiro NISHI  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E90-D No:1

    We propose the extended Bezier spiral in this paper. The spiral is useful for both design purposes and improved aesthetics. This is because the spiral is one of the Bezier curves, which play an important role in interactive curve design, and because the assessment of the curve is based on the human reception of the curve. For the latter purpose we utilize the logarithmic distribution graph that quantifies the designers' preferences. This paper contributes the unification of the two different curve design objectives (the interactive operation and so called "eye pleasing" result generation); which have been independently investigated so far.
