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  • Power-Efficient Forward Link Design for Introducing Data Communications Services in Wireless CDMA Networks

    Dongwoo KIM  


    E80-A No:12

    This paper presents a method to examine the effect of introducing data application services on existing wireless CDMA networks where conventional voice communications service is being provided. Since the total number of channels used in a cell is limited in the interfering cellular environments, some voice-traffic channels should be sacrificed when an additional channel is introduced for data services. We investigate this trade-off by analyzing the interference the forward link channels generate. It is also an objective of this paper to examine the forward link capacity in terms of the numbers of paging and voice-/data-traffic channels so as to determine the impact of introducing data services via paging and traffic channels. Different capacity regions are plotted for various cellular environments.

  • CDMA for Personal Communications Based on Low Earth-Orbital Satellite Systems

    Akira OGAWA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Abbas JAMALIPOUR  


    E80-A No:12

    This paper is concerned with CDMA applied to personal and mobile communications on a global basis using multiple low earth orbital satellites (LEOS). We focus our attention on some unique aspects of LEOS systems and discuss their influences on the CDMA system performance as well as the techniques for coping with these aspects. We deal with three kinds of important items that are unique to LEOS systems; Doppler frequency shift due to satellite movement, propagation delay affecting packetized data transmission and geographical nonunifomity in traffic.

  • Recent Standardization Activities on IMT-2000 Radio Transmission Technology in Japan

    Akio SASAKI  


    E80-A No:12

    ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has issued request for submission of candidate technologies for IMT (International Mobile Telecommunication)-2000/FPLMTS radio interface in April 1997. In order to propose a candidate technology and to contribute to the production of a world wide standard of IMT-2000, ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) has studied radio transmission technologies for IMT-2000. This paper shows the recent study results on IMT-2000 radio transmission technologies in ARIB. Now in ARIB detailed study to produce necessary specifications and prepare of a proposal on candidate radio transmission technology to ITU are being conduced based on wide band DS-CDMA technologies.

  • Some Observations Concerning Alternating Pushdown Automata with Sublogarithmic Space

    Jianliang XU  Katsushi INOUE  Yue WANG  Akira ITO  

    LETTER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E80-D No:12

    This paper first investigates a relationship between inkdot-depth and inkdot-size of inkdot two-way alternating Turing machines and pushdown automata with sublogarithmic space, and shows that there exists a language accepted by a strongly loglog n space-bounded alternating pushdown automaton with inkdot-depth 1, but not accepted by any weakly o (log n) space-bounded and d (n) inkdot-size bounded alternating Turing machine, for any function d (n) such that limn [d (n)log n/n1/2] = 0. In this paper, we also show that there exists an infinite space hierarchy among two-way alternating pushdown automata with sublogarithmic space.

  • Integral Kernel Expansion Method on Scattering of Magnetostatic Forward Volume Waves by Metal Strip Array

    Ning GUAN  Ken'ichiro YASHIRO  Sumio OHKAWA  


    E80-C No:11

    The integral kernel expansion method is applied to an analysis of scattering of magnetostatic forward volume waves (MSFVWs) by an array with any number of metal strips. In this method, first the integral kernel of the Fourier integral is expanded in terms of orthogonal polynomials to obtain moment equations. Then a system of algebraic equations is derived by applying the Galerkin's method. In the process, interaction between strips is naturally taken into account and real current distributions on the strips are determined such that boundary conditions are satisfied. Calculus confirmation through the energy conservation principle shows that numerical results are quite satisfactory. A comparison shows that theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental ones except the vicinity of lower and upper limits of the MSFVW band. It is shown that an infinite number of propagation modes is excited even if a wave of single mode is incident. Dependence of the scattering on dimension of arrays and on frequency and mode of an incident wave is obtained.

  • Prediction of Far-Field EMI Spectrum of Differential Mode Emission from a Digital PCB by Near-Field Measurement

    Makoto TORIGOE  Takuya MIYASHITA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  Tetsushi WATANABE  


    E80-B No:11

    The purpose of this report is to predict far-field EMI spectrum emitted from a signal line on a digital PCB based on near-field EMI measurement. The relation between near magnetic field and far electric field is shown. A method of predicting far electric field from near magnetic field is proposed. Current flowing along a signal line is calculated from measured near magnetic field. Far electric field is estimated from the current. Measurement and prediction of EM emission are carried out using a simple PCB. The result of prediction and measurement of far-field EMI spectrum coincide within the error of 3 dB.

  • A Sparse-Matrix/Canonical Grid Method for Analyzing Microstrip Structures

    Chi H.CHAN  Chien Min LIN  Leung TSANG  Yiu Fung LEUNG  


    E80-C No:11

    In this paper, we illustrate the analysis of microstrip structures with a large number of unknowns using the sparse-matrix/canonical grid method. This fast Fourier thansform (FFT) based iterative method reduces both CPU time and computer storage memory requirements. We employ the Mixed-Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation in conjunction with the RWG triangular discretization. The required spatial-domain Green's functions are obtained efficiently and accurately using the Complex Image Method (CIM). The impedance matrix is decomposed into a sparse matrix which corresponds to near interactions and its complementary matrix which corresponds to far interactions among the subsectional current elements on the microstrip structures. During the iterative process, the near-interaction portion of the matrix -vector multiplication is computed directly as the conventional MPIE formulation. The far-interaction portion of the matrix-vector multiplication is computed indirectly using fast Fourier transforms (FFTs). This is achieved by a Taylor series expansion of the Green's function about the grid points of a uniformly-spaced canonical grid overlaying the triangular discretization.

  • Polarization Transformation Characteristics of a Stratified Uniaxial Chiral Slab

    Atsushi KUSUNOKI  Mitsuru TANAKA  


    E80-C No:11

    Polarization transformation characteristics of a statified slab consisting of uniaxial chiral layers are investigated. It is assumed that a plane electromagnetic wave with arbitrary polarization is normally incident from free space on the stratified slab, which is located on a dielectric substrate. Note that the electric field inside a uniaxial chiral layer is expressed as a sum of four plane waves with different wavenumbers. The wavenumbers are found by seeking non-trivial solutions of the constitutive relations with Maxwell's equations. The electric field components of the transmitted and reflected waves can be obtained from a chainmatrix formalism. The powers and the Stokes parameters of the two waves are represented in terms of their electric field components. As is well known, the Stokes parameters uniquely describe every possible state of polarization of a plane wave. Numerical results are presented for two types of uniaxial chiral structure. The cross- and co-polarized powers and the Stokes parameters of the transmitted and reflected waves are computed for the incident plane wave of linear polarization. The results demonstrate a significant polarization transformation of the transmitted wave. Then it is shown that the stratified slab can be used as efficient polarization-transformation transmission filters active at some frequency band.

  • H-Polarized Diffraction by a Wedge Consisting of Perfect Conductor and Lossless Dielectric

    Se-Yun KIM  


    E80-C No:11

    The H-polarized diffraction by a wedge consisting of perfect conductor and lossless dielectric is investigated by employing the dual integral equations. Its physical optics diffraction coefficients are expressed in a finite series of cotangent functions weighted by the Fresnel reflection coefficients. A correction rule is extracted from the difference between the diffraction coefficients of the physical optics field and those of the exact solution to a perfectly conducting wedge. The angular period of the cotangent functions is changed to satisfy the edge condition at the tip of the wedge, and the poles of the cotangent functions are relocated to cancel out the incident field in the artificially complementary region. Numerical results assure that the presented correction is highly effective for reducing the error posed in the physical optics solution.

  • Circuit Oriented Electromagnetic Solutions in the Time and Frequency Domain

    Albert E. RUEHLI  


    E80-B No:11

    Recently, progress has been made in the area of electrical modeling of conductors embedded in arbitrary dielectrics using circuit oriented techniques. These models usually occur in conjunction with VLSI type circuits. Many different applications exist today for such models in the EMI, EIP (Electrical Interconnect and Package) analysis as well as for the microwave circuit area. Practical problems involve a multitude of hardware components and they demand a wide spectrum of both time as well as frequency domain solution techniques. In this paper we consider circuit oriented techniques for the solution of these problems. Specifically, we give an outline of the three dimensional Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) full wave modeling approach and review the recent progress in this area.

  • Image Synthesis of Flickering Scenes Including Simulated Flames

    Jun-ya TAKAHASHI  Hiromichi TAKAHASHI  Norishige CHIBA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E80-D No:11

    Producing realistic images and animations of flames is one of the most interesting subjects in the field of computer graphics. In a recent paper, we described a two-dimensional particle-based visual method of simulating flames. In the present paper, we first extend the simulation method, without losing any of its desirable features, in such a way that it functions in three-dimensional space. We then present an efficient method of producing an image of the scene, including flames acting as volume light sources, which normally requires a large amount of computing time in the usual simulation approaches. Finally, we demonstrate the capabilities of our visual simulation method by showing sample images generated by it, which are excerpted from an animation.

  • A New Class of Single Error-Correcting Fixed Block-Length (d, k) Codes

    Hatsukazu TANAKA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper a new class of single error-correcting fixed block-length (d, k) codes has been proposed. The correctable error types are peak-shift error, insertion or deletion error, symmetric error, etc. The basic technique to construct codes is a systematic construction algorithm of multilevel sequences with a constant Lee weight (TALG algorithm). The coding rate and efficiency are considerably good, and hence the proposed new codes will be very useful for improving the reliability of high density magnetic recording.

  • Design of Printed Circuit Boards as a Part of an EMC-Adequate System Development

    Werner JOHN  


    E80-B No:11

    The EMC-adequate design of microelectronic systems includes all actions intended to eliminate electromagnetic interference in electronic systems. Challenges faced in the microelectronic area include a growing system complexity, high integration levels and higher operating speeds at all levels of integration (chip, MCM, printed circuit board and system). The growing complexity, denser design and higher speed all lead to a substantial increase in EMC problems and accordingly the design time. EMC is not commonly accepted as a vital topic in microelectronic design. Microelectronic designers often are of the opinion that EMC is limited to electrical and electronic systems and the mandatory product regulations instead of setting requirements also for the integrated circuit they are designing. In this contribution a concept for an EMC-adequate design of electronic systems will be introduced. This concept is based on a generalized development process to integrate EMC-constraints into the system design. A prototype of an environment to analyse signal integrity effects on PCB based on a workflow oriented integration approach will be presented. Based on this approach the generation of user specific design and analysis environments including various set of EMC-tools is possible.

  • Simple Estimation for the Dimension of Subfield Subcodes of AG Codes

    Tomoharu SHIBUYA  Ryutaroh MATSUMOTO  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper, we present a lower bound for the dimension of subfield subcodes of residue Goppa codes on the curve Cab, which exceeds the lower bound given by Stichtenoth when the number of check symbols is not small. We also give an illustrative example which shows that the proposed bound for the dimension of certain residue Goppa code exceeds the true dimension of a BCH code with the same code length and designed distance.

  • Estimating One- and Two-Dimensional Direction of Arrival in an Incoherent/Coherent Source Environment

    Abdellatif MEDOURI  Antolino GALLEGO  Diego Pablo RUIZ  Maria Carmen CARRION  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E80-B No:11

    We consider the problem of estimating one- and two-dimensional direction of arrivals for arbitrary plane waves in an incoherent/coherent source environment. For the one-dimensional case, we use matrix pencil (MP) method developed by Y. Hua for signal-poles estimation. We then extend this method to estimate the two-dimensional direction of arrivals (2D-DOA), resulting in the "Extended Matrix Pencil" (EMP) method. This method can be applied successfully as much for an incoherent source environment as for a coherent source environment. To study the performance of these methods, in both cases results are compared with the "Total Least Squares-Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques" (TLS-ESPRIT) and the "Spatial Smoothing-TLS-ESPRIT" (SS-TLS-ESPRIT) methods. The results show that the MP method estimates the DOA more accurately and better than the TLS-ESPRIT and the SS-TLS-ESPRIT, even with few snapshots. Simulation results show that the EMP method, presented in this paper, estimates the 2-DOA better than the other two methods used for comparison.

  • Time-Frequency Analysis of Scattering Data Using the Wavelet Transform

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  


    E80-C No:11

    Scattering data from radar targets are analyzed in the time-frequency domain by using wavelet transform, and the scattering mechanisms are investigated. The wavelet transform used here is a powerful tool for the analysis of scattering data, because it can provide better insights into scattering mechanisms that are not immediately apparent in either the time or frequency domain. First, two types of wavelet transforms that are applied to the time domain data and to the frequency domain data are defined, and the multi-resolution characteristics of them are discussed. Next, the scattering data from a conducting cylinder, two parallel conducting cylinders, a parallel-plate waveguide cavity, and a rectangular cavity in the underground are analyzed by using these wavelet transforms to reveal the scattering mechanisms. In the resulting time-frequency displays, the scattering mechanisms including specular reflection, creeping wave, resonance, and dispersion are clearly observed and identified.

  • A General Expansion Architecture for Large-Scale Multicast ATM Switches

    Sung Hyuk BYUN  Dan Keun SUNG  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:11

    This paper proposes a general expansion architecture for constructing large-scale multicast ATM switches with any type of small multicast switch, called the multicast Universal Multistage Interconnection Network (multicast UniMIN). The proposed architecture consists of a buffered distribution network that can perform cell routing and replication simultaneously, and a column of output switch modules (OSMs). The adoption of channel grouping and virtual first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffers results in high delay/throughput performance, and the distributed lookup table scheme for multicast addressing greatly reduces the size of a single lookup table. Analytical and simulation results show that high delay/throughput performance is obtained for both unicast and multicast traffic, and the proposed architecture yields an even better performance for multicast traffic than for unicast traffic. In addition, the multicast UniMIN switch has such good features as modular expandability, simple hardware, and no internal speed-up operation.

  • A Sufficient Condition for a Generalized Minimum Distance Reed-Solomon Decoder to Ensure Correct Decoding

    Norifumi KAMIYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    Generalized minimum-distance (GMD) decoding is well-known as a soft decision decoding technique for such linear block codes as BCH and RS codes. The GMD decoding algorithm generates a set of candidate codewords and selects as a decoded codeword that candidate with the smallest reliable distance. In this paper, for a GMD decoder of RS and BCH codes, we present a new sufficient condition for the decoded codeword to be optimal, and we show that this sufficient condition is less stringent than the one presented by Taipale and Pursely.

  • Multi-Dimensional Turbo Codes: Performance and Simplified Decoding Structure

    Jifeng LI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    Turbo codes have fascinated many coding researchers because of thier near-Shannon-limit error correction performance. In this paper, we discuss multi-dimensional turbo codes which are parallel concatenation of multiple constituent codes. The average upper bound to bit error probability of multidimensional turbo codes is derived. The bound shows that the interleaver gains of this kind of codes are larger than that of conventional two-dimensional turbo codes. Simplified structures of multi-dimensional turbo encoder and decoder are proposed for easier implementation. Simulation results show that for a given interleaver size, by increasing the dimension, great performance improvement can be obtained.

  • Two-Dimensional Least Squares Lattice Algorithm for Linear Prediction

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Katsumi YAMASHITA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a two-dimensional (2-D) least-squares lattice (LSL) algorithm for the general case of the autoregressive (AR) model with an asymmetric half-plane (AHP) coefficient support. The resulting LSL algorithm gives both order and space recursions for the 2-D deterministic normal equations. The size and shape of the coefficient support region of the proposed lattice filter can be chosen arbitrarily. Furthermore, the ordering of the support signal can be assigned arbitrarily. Finally, computer simulation for modeling a texture image is demonstrated to confirm the proposed model gives rapid convergence.
