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[Keyword] SI(16314hit)


  • Minimization of Output Errors of FIR Digital Filters by Multiple Decompositions of Signal Word

    Mitsuhiko YAGYU  Akinori NISHIHARA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E81-A No:3

    FIR digital filters composed of parallel multiple subfilters are proposed. A binary expression of an input signal is decomposed into multiple shorter words, which drive the subfilters having different length. The output error is evaluated by mean squared and maximum spectra. A fast algorithm is also proposed to determine optimal filter lengths and coefficients of subfilters. Many examples confirm that the proposed filters generate smaller output errors than conventional filters under the condition of specified number of multiplications and additions in filter operations. Further, multiplier and adder structures (MAS) to perform the operations of the proposed filters are also presented. The number of gates used in the proposed MAS and its critical path are estimated. The effectiveness of the proposed MAS is confirmed.

  • Analytical Formulas of Output Waveform and Short-Circuit Power Dissipation for Static CMOS Gates Driving a CRC π Load

    Akio HIRATA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Keikichi TAMARU  


    E81-A No:3

    As MOSFET sizes and wire widths become very small in recent years, influence of resistive component of interconnects on the estimation of propagation delay and power dissipation can no longer be neglected. In this paper we present formulas of output waveform at driving point and short-circuit power dissipation for static CMOS logic gates driving a CRC π load. By representing the short-circuit current and the current flowing in the resistance of a CRC π load by piece-wise linear functions, a closed-form formula is derived. On the gate delay the error of our formula is less than 8% from SPICE in our experiments. These formulas will contribute to faster estimation of circuit speed and power dissipation of VLSI chips on timing level simulators.

  • A Tunable Femtosecond Modelocked Semiconductor Laser for Applications in OTDM-Systems

    Reinhold LUDWIG  Stefan DIEZ  Armin EHRHARDT  Lothar KULLER  Wilhelm PIEPER  Hans G. WEBER  


    E81-C No:2

    In this paper, we describe the properties of an external cavity modelocked semiconductor laser with a tunability of wavelength, pulse width and repetition rate. This modelocked laser generates optical pulses with pulse widths down to 180 fs and with repetition rates up to 14 GHz in a 120 nm wavelength range near 1. 55 µm or 1. 3 µm. The generated pulses are close to the transform limit and are therefore suitable for very high speed communication systems. In addition to the tunability, this pulse source is a compact and mechanically stable device. We report on two applications of this pulse source in optical time division multiplexing experiments. In the first example the modelocked laser is used as an all-optical clock recovery. In the second example the modelocked laser was used to characterize an interferometric switch by pump-probe experiments.

  • A Simulation Scheme for Estimating Deadline of Real-Time Task Modeled in Timed Petri Net

    Won-Ho CHUNG  Hyunsoo YOON  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:2

    Estimating the deadline of a real-time task is a necessary prerequisite to the applications that have strict timing constraints, such as real-time systems design. This paper shows how Monte-Carlo simulation can be used as a space-efficient way of analyzing Timed Petri nets to predict whether the system specified can satisfy its real-time deadlines. For the purpose, Extended Timed Petri Net (XTPN), an extension of conventional Timed Petri net, and its execution rule, using Monte-Carlo technique, are newly defined. A simple simulation scheme with less memory space is presented as a way of estimating the deadline of a real-time task modeled in XTPN. And the comparison between the analytical and simulation results is given. The problem addressed here is to find the probabilities of meeting given deadlines.

  • Electroabsorption Modulators for High Speed Ultrashort Pulse Generation and Processing

    Martin GUY  Stanislav CHERNIKOV  Roy TAYLOR  


    E81-C No:2

    Electroabsorption modulators are high speed devices that are rapidly being commercialised and finding applications in a number of areas, particularly in telecommunications. A CW laser diode modulated by an electroabsorption modulator constitutes an extremely stable, robust and simple source of high quality, high repetition rate ultrashort optical pulses. In this paper we describe the capabilities and limitations of such pulse sources, and present nonlinear pulse compression and manipulation techniques that allow one to overcome these limitations. We also present the design of a new class of comb-like dispersion-profiled fibre compressor. Such a compressor is easily fabricated from commercially available fibres and represents a simple yet powerful way of extending the range of pulse durations available. As the electroabsorption modulator is essentially a high speed switch it is also applicable to optical processing problems, and we report the application of such a device to demultiplexing.

  • Computationally Efficient Bicomplex Multipliers for Digital Signal Processing

    Hisamichi TOYOSHIMA  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E81-D No:2

    This correspondence reports novel computationally efficient algorithms for multiplication of bicomplex numbers, which belong to hypercomplex numbers. The proposed algorithms require less number of real multiplications than existing methods. Furthermore, they give more effective implementation when applied to constant coefficient digital filters.

  • Generation of Low Timing Jitter, Sub-Picosecond Optical Pulses Using a Gain-Switched DFB-LD with CW Light Injection and a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror

    Hiroshi OHTA  Seiji NOGIWA  Haruo CHIBA  


    E81-C No:2

    The timing jitter of the optical pulse from a gain-switched laser diode is reduced by CW light injection. The reduction ratio of the timing jitter is 5. 5. The pulse width was compressed by a nonlinear optical loop mirror to a pedestal-free optical pulse with a pulse width of 420 fs.

  • On Analysis of Acceptable Region of a Statistical Multiplexer Based on Fractional Brownian Traffic Models

    Suhono HARSO SUPANGKAT  Shuji KAWASAKI  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:2

    We consider statistical multiplexing for various types of input data with different statistics in an integrated multimedia system such as ATM networks. The system is assumed to have a constant service rate and a finite buffer. The bit-rate of each data input is variable and is modeled by a fractional Brownian motion process. Under a criterion of quality of service, we obtain an acceptable region of statistical multiplexing. We introduce a new method of investigating the acceptable region of a statistical multiplexer. The results show that transmitting multitype input processes will increase the multiplexing gain.

  • Realization of Universal Active Complex Filter Using CCIIs and CFCCIIs

    Xiaoxing ZHANG  Xiayu NI  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Noriyoshi KAMBAYASHI  


    E81-A No:2

    In this paper, two universal building blocks for complex filter using CCIIs, CFCCIIs, grounded resistors and grounded capacitors are presented. These can be used to realize various complex bandpass filters with arbitrary order. The paper shows that the response error of the proposed circuit caused by nonideality of active components is more easily compensated than that of the conventional one employing op-amps, and that the sensitivities for all components are relatively small. Experimental results are used for verifying the validity of the proposed circuits.

  • A 2-GHz 60-dB Dynamic-Range Si Logarithmic/Limiting Amplifier with Low Phase Deviations

    Tsuneo TSUKAHARA  Masayuki ISHIKAWA  


    E81-A No:2

    A 2-GHz monolithic Si-bipolar logarithmic/ limiting amplifier is described. It features a waveform-dependent current phase shifter that compensates for the intrinsic dependence of unit-amplifier phase shifts on input signal amplitudes and layout techniques that minimize crosstalk in Si substrate. The amplifier dissipates 250 mW at a 3-V supply, which is less than 1/4 of that of previously reported ICs. The dynamic range of a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is 60 dB and the limited-output phase deviation is less than 7 deg. at 2 GHz. Therefore, this amplifier is quite suitable for single-conversion transceivers for broadband wireless access systems.

  • Fiber Dispersion and Amplifier Output Power Design for Soliton Transmission Systems

    Kazuhiro SHIMOURA  Shigeyuki SEIKAI  


    E81-C No:2

    If the fiber dispersion of soliton transmission line is optimized, the amplifiers output power becomes almost constant for different amplifier spacing and pulse width. Numerical simulations indicate the optimal dispersion can be determined, as the ratio of amplifier spacing to dispersion length is about 0. 8 for uniform dispersion line.

  • Perceptual Contributions of Static and Dynamic Features of Vocal Tract Characteristics to Talker Individuality

    Weizhong ZHU  Hideki KASUYA  


    E81-A No:2

    Experiments were performed to investigate perceptual contributions of static and dynamic features of vocal tract characteristics to talker individuality. An ARX (Auto-regressive with exogenous input) speech production model was used to extract separately voice source and vocal tract parameters from a Japanese sentence, /aoiueoie/ ("Say blue top" in English) uttered by three males. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) was applied to resolve formant trajectories of the speech signal into static and dynamic components. The perceptual contributions were quantitatively studied by systematically replacing the corresponding formant components of the sentences between the three talkers. Results of the experiments show that the static (average) feature of the vocal tract is a primary cue to talker individuality.

  • ILIN: An Implementation of the Integer Labeling Algorithm for Integer Programming

    Qiang LI  Fred JANSSEN  Zaifu YANG  Tetsuo IDA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E81-A No:2

    In a recent paper, Yang proposes an integer labeling algorithm for determining whether an arbitrary simplex P in Rn contains an integer point or not. The problem under consideration is a very difficult one in the sense that it is NP-complete. The algorithm is based on a specific integer labeling rule and a specific triangulation of Rn. In this paper we discuss a practical implementation of the algorithm and present a computer program (ILIN) for solving integer programming using integer labeling algorithm. We also report on the solution of a number of tested examples with up to 500 integer variables. Numerical results indicate that the algorithm is computationally simple, flexible, efficient and stable.

  • A Current-to-Frequency Converter for Switched-Current Circuits

    Yukihiro KURODA  Akira HYOGO  Keitaro SEKINE  


    E81-A No:2

    A current-to-frequency converter using switched-current (SI) circuits is proposed. The SI integrator with a hold-and-reset switch can control integration by the output signals. In the proposed circuit the oscillation frequency can be controlled by the input current, and the circuit is operated in the current domain. This is verified by HSPICE simulations.

  • FD-TD Method with PMLs ABC Based on the Principles of Multidimensional Wave Digital Filters for Discrete-Time Modelling of Maxwell's Equations

    Yoshihiro NAKA  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  Masahiko NISHIMOTO  Akira YATA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:2

    We present a finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method with the perfectly matched layers (PMLs) absorbing boundary condition (ABC) based on the multidimensional wave digital filters (MD-WDFs) for discrete-time modelling of Maxwell's equations and show its effectiveness. First we propose modified forms of the Maxwell's equations in the PMLs and its MD-WDFs' representation by using the current-controlled voltage sources. In order to estimate the lower bound of numerical errors which come from the discretization of the Maxwell's equations, we examine the numerical dispersion relation and show the advantage of the FD-TD method based on the MD-WDFs over the Yee algorithm. Simultaneously, we estimate numerical errors in practical problems as a function of grid cell size and show that the MD-WDFs can obtain highly accurate numerical solutions in comparison with the Yee algorithm. Then we analyze several typical dielectric optical waveguide problems such as the tapered waveguide and the grating filter, and confirm that the FD-TD method based on the MD-WDFs can also treat radiation and reflection phenomena, which commonly done using the Yee algorithm.

  • Maximum Throughput Analysis of a Datagram Switch for Broadband Networks

    Paolo GIACOMAZZI  

    PAPER-Control and performance

    E81-B No:2

    This paper evaluates the throughput performance of a switch architecture for broadband networks that is capable of switching variable-length packets. The structure is connectionless, so that no bandwidth reservation takes place before the user packet, or datagram, is transferred. The interconnection network is assumed to be internally non-blocking and provided with input queues. A previous approximated throughput analysis of the proposed system has been carried out under the hypothesis that the length of the offered packets is uniformly distributed. In this work we perform an exact throughput analysis and we show how the actual throughput of the system can be expressed analytically with a simple closed form. Moreover, we consider a more general case of packet length distributed as a truncated exponential. In this way it is possible to account for cases in which short packets are more frequent than long packets or, conversely, long packets are more frequent than short ones. The minimum throughput of the system is obtained when packets are uniformly distributed; a better performance is obtained when short (long) packets are more frequent than long (short) ones.

  • A High-Performance Multicast Switch and Its Feasibility Study

    Shigeo URUSHIDANI  Shigeki HINO  Yusuke OHTOMO  Sadayuki YASUDA  

    PAPER-Multicasting in ATM switch

    E81-B No:2

    This paper describes the design and evaluation of a high-performance multicast ATM switch and its feasibility study, including its 40 Gbit/s LSI packaging. The multicast switch is constructed using a serial combination of rerouting networks and employs an adapted Boolean interval-splitting scheme for a generalized self-routing algorithm. Analysis and computer simulation results show that the cell loss probability is easily controlled by increasing the number of switching stages. It is shown that the switch configuration can be transformed into other patterns to be built from banyan-based subnetworks of arbitrary size for LSI packaging. It is also shown that an LSI chip integrating an 88 banyan-based subnetwork using 0. 25-µm CMOS/SIMOX technology can attain a 40-Gbit/s switching capability.

  • Generalized Edge-Rankings of Trees

    Xiao ZHOU  Md. Abul KASHEM  Takao NISHIZEKI  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E81-A No:2

    In this paper we newly define a generalized edge-ranking of a graph G as follows: for a positive integer c, a c-edge-ranking of G is a labeling (ranking) of the edges of G with integers such that, for any label i, deletion of all edges with labels >i leaves connected components, each having at most c edges with label i. The problem of finding an optimal c-edge-ranking of G, that is, a c-edge-ranking using the minimum number of ranks, has applications in scheduling the manufacture of complex multi-part products; it is equivalent to finding a c-edge-separator tree of G having the minimum height. We present an algorithm to find an optimal c-edge-ranking of a given tree T for any positive integer c in time O(n2log Δ), where n is the number of vertices in T and Δ is the maximum vertex-degree of T. Our algorithm is faster than the best algorithm known for the case c=1.

  • Stretched-Pulse Generation and Propagation

    David J. JONES  Hermann A. HAUS  Lynn E. NELSON  Erich P. IPPEN  

    INVITED PAPER-Mode-locked Fiber Lasers

    E81-C No:2

    In this paper we review the stretched-pulse principle and discuss its inherent advantages for ultrashort pulse generation and transmission. An analytic theory of the stretched-pulse fiber laser is presented and shown to be in good agreement with experimental results. An extension of the stretched-pulse theory is applied to both fiber lasers and dispersion-allocated soliton transmission and then compared to numerical results. We also discuss the design and operation of an environmentally stable stretched-pulse fiber laser.

  • Current-Mode Active RC Filters Using Current Followers

    Mitsuo OKINE  Noriaki KATSUHARA  


    E81-A No:2

    In this letter, a realization of current-mode active filter using current followers as active element is described. We show the constructions of second-order lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters. The high-order filters can be realized by a cascade connection of these second filters. As examples, the second-order lowpass and highpass filters are designed for frequency of 5 MHz. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through SPICE simulation.
