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  • A General Perfect Cyclic Interference Alignment by Propagation Delay for Arbitrary X Channels with Two Receivers Open Access

    Conggai LI  Feng LIU  Shuchao JIANG  Yanli XU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:11

    Interference alignment (IA) in temporal domain is important in the case of single-antenna vehicle communications. In this paper, perfect cyclic IA based on propagation delay is extended to the K×2 X channels with two receivers and arbitrary transmitters K≥2, which achieves the maximal multiplexing gain by obtaining the theoretical degree of freedom of 2K/(K+1). We deduce the alignment and separability conditions, and propose a general scheme which is flexible in setting the index of time-slot for IA at the receiver side. Furthermore, the feasibility of the proposed scheme in the two-/three- Euclidean space is analyzed and demonstrated.

  • Structural Compressed Network Coding for Data Collection in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

    Yimin ZHAO  Song XIAO  Hongping GAN  Lizhao LI  Lina XIAO  


    E102-B No:11

    To efficiently collect sensor readings in cluster-based wireless sensor networks, we propose a structural compressed network coding (SCNC) scheme that jointly considers structural compressed sensing (SCS) and network coding (NC). The proposed scheme exploits the structural compressibility of sensor readings for data compression and reconstruction. Random linear network coding (RLNC) is used to re-project the measurements and thus enhance network reliability. Furthermore, we calculate the energy consumption of intra- and inter-cluster transmission and analyze the effect of the cluster size on the total transmission energy consumption. To that end, we introduce an iterative reweighed sparsity recovery algorithm to address the all-or-nothing effect of RLNC and decrease the recovery error. Experiments show that the SCNC scheme can decrease the number of measurements required for decoding and improve the network's robustness, particularly when the loss rate is high. Moreover, the proposed recovery algorithm has better reconstruction performance than several other state-of-the-art recovery algorithms.

  • Accelerating Stochastic Simulations on GPUs Using OpenCL

    Pilsung KANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    Since first introduced in 2008 with the 1.0 specification, OpenCL has steadily evolved over the decade to increase its support for heterogeneous parallel systems. In this paper, we accelerate stochastic simulation of biochemical reaction networks on modern GPUs (graphics processing units) by means of the OpenCL programming language. In implementing the OpenCL version of the stochastic simulation algorithm, we carefully apply its data-parallel execution model to optimize the performance provided by the underlying hardware parallelism of the modern GPUs. To evaluate our OpenCL implementation of the stochastic simulation algorithm, we perform a comparative analysis in terms of the performance using the CPU-based cluster implementation and the NVidia CUDA implementation. In addition to the initial report on the performance of OpenCL on GPUs, we also discuss applicability and programmability of OpenCL in the context of GPU-based scientific computing.

  • Correlation of Column Sequences from the Arrays of Sidelnikov Sequences of Different Periods Open Access

    Min Kyu SONG  Hong-Yeop SONG  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:10

    We show that the non-trivial correlation of two properly chosen column sequences of length q-1 from the array structure of two Sidelnikov sequences of periods qe-1 and qd-1, respectively, is upper-bounded by $(2d-1)sqrt{q} + 1$, if $2leq e < d < rac{1}{2}(sqrt{q}- rac{2}{sqrt{q}}+1)$. Based on this, we propose a construction by combining properly chosen columns from arrays of size $(q-1) imes rac{q^e-1}{q-1}$ with e=2,3,...,d. The combining process enlarge the family size while maintaining the upper-bound of maximum non-trivial correlation. We also propose an algorithm for generating the sequence family based on Chinese remainder theorem. The proposed algorithm is more efficient than brute force approach.

  • Cross-Domain Deep Feature Combination for Bird Species Classification with Audio-Visual Data

    Naranchimeg BOLD  Chao ZHANG  Takuya AKASHI  

    PAPER-Multimedia Pattern Processing

    E102-D No:10

    In recent decade, many state-of-the-art algorithms on image classification as well as audio classification have achieved noticeable successes with the development of deep convolutional neural network (CNN). However, most of the works only exploit single type of training data. In this paper, we present a study on classifying bird species by exploiting the combination of both visual (images) and audio (sounds) data using CNN, which has been sparsely treated so far. Specifically, we propose CNN-based multimodal learning models in three types of fusion strategies (early, middle, late) to settle the issues of combining training data cross domains. The advantage of our proposed method lies on the fact that we can utilize CNN not only to extract features from image and audio data (spectrogram) but also to combine the features across modalities. In the experiment, we train and evaluate the network structure on a comprehensive CUB-200-2011 standard data set combing our originally collected audio data set with respect to the data species. We observe that a model which utilizes the combination of both data outperforms models trained with only an either type of data. We also show that transfer learning can significantly increase the classification performance.

  • ORRIS: Throughput Optimization for Backscatter Link on Physical and MAC Layers

    Jumin ZHAO  Yanxia LI  Dengao LI  Hao WU  Biaokai ZHU  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E102-B No:10

    Unlike Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), emerging Computational RFID (CRFID) integrates the RF front-end and MCU with multiple sensors. CRFIDs need to transmit data within the interrogator range, so when the tags moved rapidly or the contact duration with interrogator is limited, the sensor data collected by CRFID must be transferred to interrogator quickly. In this paper, we focus on throughput optimization for backscatter link, take physical and medium access control (MAC) layers both into consideration, put forward our scheme called ORRIS. On physical layer, we propose Cluster Gather Degree (CGD) indicator, which is the clustering degree of signal in IQ domain. Then CGD is regarded as the criterion to adaptively adjust the rate encoding mode and link frequency, accordingly achieve adaptive rate transmission. On MAC layer, based on the idea of asynchronous transfer, we utilize the the number of clusters in IQ domain to select the optimal Q value as much as possible. So that achieve burst transmission or bulk data transmission. Experiments and analyses on the static and mobile scenarios show that our proposal has significantly better mean throughput than BLINK or CARA, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our scheme.

  • New Asymptotically Optimal Optical Orthogonal Signature Pattern Codes from Cyclic Codes

    Lin-Zhi SHEN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:10

    Optical orthogonal signature pattern codes (OOSPCs) have attracted great attention due to their important application in the spatial code-division multiple-access network for image transmission. In this paper, we give a construction for OOSPCs based on cyclic codes over Fp. Applying this construction with the Reed-Solomon codes and the generalized Berlekamp-Justesen codes, we obtain two classes of asymptotically optimal OOSPCs.

  • A Micro-Code-Based IME Engine for HEVC and Its Hardware Implementation

    Leilei HUANG  Yibo FAN  Chenhao GU  Xiaoyang ZENG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E102-C No:10

    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard is now becoming one of the most widespread video coding standards in the world. As a successor of H.264 standard, it aims to provide a much superior encoding performance. To fulfill this goal, several new notations along with the corresponding computation processes are introduced by this standard. Among those computation processes, the integer motion estimation (IME) is one of bottlenecks due to the complex partitions of the inter prediction units (PU) and the large search window commonly adopted. Many algorithms have been proposed to address this issue and usually put emphasis on a large search window and great computation amount. However, the coding efforts should be related to the scenes. To be more specific, for relatively static videos, a small search window along with a simple search scheme should be adopted to reduce the time cost and power consumption. In view of this, a micro-code-based IME engine is proposed in this paper, which could be applied with search schemes of different complexity. To test the performance, three different search schemes based on this engine are designed and evaluated under HEVC test model (HM) 16.9, achieving a B-D rate increase of 0.55/-0.07/-0.14%. Compared with our previous work, the hardware implementation is optimized to reduce 64.2% of the SRAMs bits and 32.8% of the logic gate count. The final design could support 4K×2K @139/85/37fps videos @500MHz.

  • Analysis of Relevant Quality Metrics and Physical Parameters in Softness Perception and Assessment System

    Zhiyu SHAO  Juan WU  Qiangqiang OUYANG  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E102-D No:10

    Many quality metrics have been proposed for the compliance perception to assess haptic device performance and perceived results. Perceived compliance may be influenced by factors such as object properties, experimental conditions and human perceptual habits. In this paper, analysis of softness perception was conducted to find out relevant quality metrics dominating in the compliance perception system and their correlation with perception results, by expressing these metrics by basic physical parameters that characterizing these factors. Based on three psychophysical experiments, just noticeable differences (JNDs) for perceived softness of combination of different stiffness coefficients and damping levels rendered by haptic devices were analyzed. Interaction data during the interaction process were recorded and analyzed. Preliminary experimental results show that the discrimination ability of softness perception changes with the ratio of damping to stiffness when subjects exploring at their habitual speed. Analysis results indicate that quality metrics of Rate-hardness, Extended Rate-hardness and ratio of damping to stiffness have high correlation for perceived results. Further analysis results show that parameters that reflecting object properties (stiffness, damping), experimental conditions (force bandwidth) and human perceptual habits (initial speed, maximum force change rate) lead to the change of these quality metrics, which then bring different perceptual feeling and finally result in the change of discrimination ability. Findings in this paper may provide a better understanding of softness perception and useful guidance in improvement of haptic and teleoperation devices.

  • Fast Edge Preserving 2D Smoothing Filter Using Indicator Function Open Access

    Ryo ABIKO  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E102-D No:10

    Edge-preserving smoothing filter smoothes the textures while preserving the information of sharp edges. In image processing, this kind of filter is used as a fundamental process of many applications. In this paper, we propose a new approach for edge-preserving smoothing filter. Our method uses 2D local filter to smooth images and we apply indicator function to restrict the range of filtered pixels for edge-preserving. To define the indicator function, we recalculate the distance between each pixel by using edge information. The nearby pixels in the new domain are used for smoothing. Since our method constrains the pixels used for filtering, its running time is quite fast. We demonstrate the usefulness of our new edge-preserving smoothing method for some applications.

  • Block Level TLB Coalescing for Buddy Memory Allocator Open Access

    Jae Young HUR  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    Conventional TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) coalescing schemes do not fully exploit the contiguity that a memory allocator provides. The conventional schemes accordingly have certain performance overheads due to page table walks. To address this issue, we propose an efficient scheme, called block contiguity translation (BCT), that accommodates the block size information in a page table considering the Buddy algorithm. By fully exploiting the block-level contiguity, we can reduce the page table walks as certain physical memory is allocated in the contiguous way. Additionally, we present unified per-level page sizes to simplify the design and better utilize the contiguity information. Considering the state-of-the-art schemes as references, the comparative analysis and the performance simulations are conducted. Experiments indicate that the proposed scheme can improve the memory system performance with moderate hardware overheads.

  • Multi Model-Based Distillation for Sound Event Detection Open Access

    Yingwei FU  Kele XU  Haibo MI  Qiuqiang KONG  Dezhi WANG  Huaimin WANG  Tie HONG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:10

    Sound event detection is intended to identify the sound events in audio recordings, which has widespread applications in real life. Recently, convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in this task due to their capabilities in learning the representative features. However, the CRNN models are of high complexities with millions of parameters to be trained, which limits their usage for the mobile and embedded devices with limited computation resource. Model distillation is effective to distill the knowledge of a complex model to a smaller one, which can be deployed on the devices with limited computational power. In this letter, we propose a novel multi model-based distillation approach for sound event detection by making use of the knowledge from models of multiple teachers which are complementary in detecting sound events. Extensive experimental results demonstrated that our approach achieves a compression ratio about 50 times. In addition, better performance is obtained for the sound event detection task.

  • SLA-Aware and Energy-Efficient VM Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers Using Host State Binary Decision Tree Prediction Model Open Access

    Lianpeng LI  Jian DONG  Decheng ZUO  Yao ZHAO  Tianyang LI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    For cloud data center, Virtual Machine (VM) consolidation is an effective way to save energy and improve efficiency. However, inappropriate consolidation of VMs, especially aggressive consolidation, can lead to performance problems, and even more serious Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations. Therefore, it is very important to solve the tradeoff between reduction in energy use and reduction of SLA violation level. In this paper, we propose two Host State Detection algorithms and an improved VM placement algorithm based on our proposed Host State Binary Decision Tree Prediction model for SLA-aware and energy-efficient consolidation of VMs in cloud data centers. We propose two formulas of conditions for host state estimate, and our model uses them to build a Binary Decision Tree manually for host state detection. We extend Cloudsim simulator to evaluate our algorithms by using PlanetLab workload and random workload. The experimental results show that our proposed model can significantly reduce SLA violation rates while keeping energy cost efficient, it can reduce the metric of SLAV by at most 98.12% and the metric of Energy by at most 33.96% for real world workload.

  • Basic Study of Both-Sides Retrodirective System for Minimizing the Leak Energy in Microwave Power Transmission Open Access



    E102-C No:10

    In the beam-type microwave power transmission system, it is required to minimize the interference with communication and the influence on the human body. Retrodirective system that re-radiates a beam in the direction of arrival of a signal is well known as a beam control technique for accurate microwave power transmission. In this paper, we newly propose to apply the retrodirective system to both transmitting and receiving antennas. The leakage to the outside of the system is expected to minimize self-convergently while following the atmospheric fluctuation and the antenna movement by repeating the retrodirective between the transmitting and receiving antenna in this system. We considered this phenomenon theoretically using an infinite array antenna model. Finally, it has been shown by the equivalent circuit simulation that stable transmission can be realized by oscillating the system.

  • Comprehensive Survey of IPv6 Transition Technologies: A Subjective Classification for Security Analysis


    SURVEY PAPER-Internet

    E102-B No:10

    Due to the depletion of the public IPv4 address pool, the transition to IPv6 became inevitable. However, this ongoing transition is taking a long time, and the two incompatible versions of the Internet Protocol must coexist. Different IPv6 transition technologies were developed, which can be used to enable communication in various scenarios, but they also involve additional security issues. In this paper, first, we introduce our methodology for analyzing the security of IPv6 transition technologies in a nutshell. Then, we develop a priority classification method for the ranking of different IPv6 transition technologies and their most important implementations, so that the vulnerabilities of the most crucial ones may be examined first. Next, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the existing IPv6 transition technologies by describing their application scenarios and the basics of their operation and we also determine the priorities of their security analysis according to our ranking system. Finally, we show that those IPv6 transition technologies that we gave high priorities, cover the most relevant scenarios.

  • Unconventional Jamming Scheme for Multiple Quadrature Amplitude Modulations Open Access

    Shaoshuai ZHUANSUN  Jun-an YANG  Cong TANG  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E102-B No:10

    It is generally believed that jamming signals similar to communication signals tend to demonstrate better jamming effects. We believe that the above conclusion only works in certain situations. To select the correct jamming scheme for a multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) signal in a complex environment, an optimal jamming method based on orthogonal decomposition (OD) is proposed. The method solves the jamming problem from the perspective of the in-phase dimension and quadrature dimension and exhibits a better jamming effect than normal methods. The method can construct various unconventional jamming schemes to cope with a complex environment and verify the existing jamming schemes. The Experimental results demonstrate that when the jammer ideally knows the received power at the receiver, the proposed method will always have the optimal jamming effects, and the constructed unconventional jamming scheme has an excellent jamming effect compared with normal schemes in the case of a constellation distortion.

  • Effectiveness of Speech Mode Adaptation for Improving Dialogue Speech Synthesis

    Kazuki KAYA  Hiroki MORI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-D No:10

    The effectiveness of model adaptation in dialogue speech synthesis is explored. The proposed adaptation method is based on a conversion from a base model learned with a large dataset into a target, dialogue-style speech model. The proposed method is shown to improve the intelligibility of synthesized dialogue speech, while maintaining the speaking style of dialogue.

  • Hardware-Based Principal Component Analysis for Hybrid Neural Network Trained by Particle Swarm Optimization on a Chip

    Tuan Linh DANG  Yukinobu HOSHINO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E102-A No:10

    This paper presents a hybrid architecture for a neural network (NN) trained by a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The NN is implemented on the hardware side while the PSO is executed by a processor on the software side. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) is also applied to reduce correlated information. The PCA module is implemented in hardware by the SystemVerilog programming language to increase operating speed. Experimental results showed that the proposed architecture had been successfully implemented. In addition, the hardware-based NN trained by PSO (NN-PSO) program was faster than the software-based NN trained by the PSO program. The proposed NN-PSO with PCA also obtained better recognition rates than the NN-PSO without-PCA.

  • LEF: An Effective Routing Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Meshes

    Thiem Van CHU  Kenji KISE  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    We design a new oblivious routing algorithm for two-dimensional mesh-based Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) called LEF (Long Edge First) which offers high throughput with low design complexity. LEF's basic idea comes from conventional wisdom in choosing the appropriate dimension-order routing (DOR) algorithm for supercomputers with asymmetric mesh or torus interconnects: routing longest dimensions first provides better performance than other strategies. In LEF, we combine the XY DOR and the YX DOR. When routing a packet, which DOR algorithm is chosen depends on the relative position between the source node and the destination node. Decisions of selecting the appropriate DOR algorithm are not fixed to the network shape but instead made on a per-packet basis. We also propose an efficient deadlock avoidance method for LEF in which the use of virtual channels is more flexible than in the conventional method. We evaluate LEF against O1TURN, another effective oblivious routing algorithm, and a minimal adaptive routing algorithm based on the odd-even turn model. The evaluation results show that LEF is particularly effective when the communication is within an asymmetric mesh. In a 16×8 NoC, LEF even outperforms the adaptive routing algorithm in some cases and delivers from around 4% up to around 64.5% higher throughput than O1TURN. Our results also show that the proposed deadlock avoidance method helps to improve LEF's performance significantly and can be used to improve O1TURN's performance. We also examine LEF in large-scale NoCs with thousands of nodes. Our results show that, as the NoC size increases, the performance of the routing algorithms becomes more strongly influenced by the resource allocation policy in the network and the effect is different for each algorithm. This is evident in that results of middle-scale NoCs with around 100 nodes cannot be applied directly to large-scale NoCs.

  • RF-Drone: Multi-Tag System for RF-ID Enables Drone Tracking in GPS-Denied Environments

    Xiang LU  Ziyang CHEN  Lianpo WANG  Ruidong LI  Chao ZHAI  


    E102-B No:10

    In resent years, providing location services for mobile targets in a closed environment has been a growing interest. In order to provide good localization and tracking performance for drones in GPS-denied scenarios, this paper proposes a multi-tag radio frequency identification (RFID) system that is easy to equip and does not take up the limited resources of the drone which is not susceptible to processor performance and cost constraints compared with computer vision based approaches. The passive RFID tags, no battery equipped, have an ultra-high resolution of millimeter level. We attach multiple tags to the drone and form multiple sets of virtual antenna arrays during motion, avoiding arranging redundant antennas in applications, and calibrating the speed chain to improve tracking performance. After combining the strap-down inertial navigation system (SINS) carried by the drone, we have established a coupled integration model that can suppress the drift error of SINS with time. The experiment was designed in bi-dimensional and three-dimensional scenarios, and the integrated positioning system based on SINS/RFID was evaluated. Finally, we discussed the impact of some parameters, this innovative approach is verified in real scenarios.
