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[Keyword] SiON(4624hit)


  • On Performance of Clustering-Based Limited Feedback Beamforming in Multiple-Antenna OFDM Systems

    Erlin ZENG  Shihua ZHU  Xuewen LIAO  Zhimeng ZHONG  Zhenjie FENG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E91-A No:7

    Prior studies on limited feedback (LFB) beamforming in multiple-antenna orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) have resorted to Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate the system performance. This letter proposes a novel analytical framework, based on which the averaged signal-to-noise ratio and the ergodic capacity performance of clustering-based LFB beamforming in multiple-antenna OFDM systems are studied. Simulations are also provided to verify the analysis.

  • Novel SLM Scheme with Low-Complexity for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System

    Chua-Yun HSU  Hsin-Chieh CHAO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:7

    Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is an attractive transmission technique for high-bit-rate communication systems. One major drawback of OFDM is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted signal. This study introduces a low-complexity selected mapping (SLM) OFDM scheme based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) constellation-shaping. The DFT-based constellation-shaping algorithm applied with conventional SLM scheme usually requires a bank of DFT-shaping matrices to generate low-correlation constellation sequences and a bank of inverse fast Fourier transforms (IFFTs) to generate a set of candidate transmission signals, and this process usually results in high computational complexity. Therefore, a sparse matrix algorithm with low-complexity is proposed to replace the IFFT blocks and the DFT-shaping blocks in the proposed DFT constellation-shaping SLM scheme. By using the proposed sparse matrix, the candidate transmission signal with the lowest PAPR can be achieved with lower complexity than that of the conventional SLM scheme. The complexity analysis of the proposed algorithm shows great an improvement in the reduction of the number of multiplications. Moreover, this new low-complexity technique offers a PAPR that is significantly lower than that of the conventional SLM without any loss in terms of energy and spectral efficiency.

  • Study of Facial Features Combination Using a Novel Adaptive Fuzzy Integral Fusion Model



    E91-D No:7

    A new adaptive model based on fuzzy integrals has been presented and used for combining three well-known methods, Eigenface, Fisherface and SOMface, for face classification. After training the competence estimation functions, the adaptive mechanism enables our system the filtering of unsure judgments of classifiers for a specific input. Comparison with classical and non-adaptive approaches proves the superiority of this model. Also we examined how these features contribute to the combined result and whether they can together establish a more robust feature.

  • Energy-Aware Error Correction for QoS-Provisioning Real-Time Communications in Wireless Networks

    Kyong Hoon KIM  Wan Yeon LEE  Jong KIM  


    E91-A No:7

    A key issue in QoS-provisioning real-time wireless communications is to provide the QoS requirement with low energy consumption. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient error correction scheme for real-time communications with QoS requirements in wireless networks. The QoS requirement of a message stream is modeled with (m, k) constraint, implying that at least m messages should be sent to a receiver during any window of k periods. The proposed scheme adaptively selects an error correcting code in an energy-efficient manner so that it maximizes the number of QoS provisionings per unit energy consumption.

  • Fast Searching Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Subvector Technique

    ShanXue CHEN  FangWei LI  WeiLe ZHU  TianQi ZHANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E91-D No:7

    A fast algorithm to speed up the search process of vector quantization encoding is presented. Using the sum and the partial norms of a vector, some eliminating inequalities are constructeded. First the inequality based on the sum is used for determining the bounds of searching candidate codeword. Then, using an inequality based on subvector norm and another inequality combining the partial distance with subvector norm, more unnecessary codewords are eliminated without the full distance calculation. The proposed algorithm can reject a lot of codewords, while introducing no extra distortion compared to the conventional full search algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing state-of-the-art search algorithms in reducing the computational complexity and the number of distortion calculation.

  • Neural Prediction of Multidimensional Decisions in Monkey Superior Colliculus Open Access

    Ryohei P. HASEGAWA  Yukako T. HASEGAWA  Mark A. SEGRAVES  


    E91-B No:7

    To examine the function of the superior colliculus (SC) in decision-making processes and the application of its single trial activity for "neural mind reading," we recorded from SC deep layers while two monkeys performed oculomotor go/no-go tasks. We have recently focused on monitoring single trial activities in single SC neurons, and designed a virtual decision function (VDF) to provide a good estimation of single-dimensional decisions (go/no-go decisions for a cue presented at a specific visual field, a response field of each neuron). In this study, we used two VDFs for multidimensional decisions (go/no-go decisions at two cue locations) with the ensemble activity which was simultaneously recorded from a small group (4 to 6) of neurons at both sides of the SC. VDFs predicted cue locations as well as go/no-go decisions. These results suggest that monitoring of ensemble SC activity had sufficient capacity to predict multidimensional decisions on a trial-by-trial basis, which is an ideal candidate to serve for cognitive brain-machine interfaces (BMI) such as two-dimensional word spellers.

  • Dynamic Multiple-Threshold Call Admission Control Based on Optimized Genetic Algorithm in Wireless/Mobile Networks

    Shengling WANG  Yong CUI  Rajeev KOODLI  Yibin HOU  Zhangqin HUANG  


    E91-A No:7

    Due to the dynamics of topology and resources, Call Admission Control (CAC) plays a significant role for increasing resource utilization ratio and guaranteeing users' QoS requirements in wireless/mobile networks. In this paper, a dynamic multi-threshold CAC scheme is proposed to serve multi-class service in a wireless/mobile network. The thresholds are renewed at the beginning of each time interval to react to the changing mobility rate and network load. To find suitable thresholds, a reward-penalty model is designed, which provides different priorities between different service classes and call types through different reward/penalty policies according to network load and average call arrival rate. To speed up the running time of CAC, an Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA) is presented, whose components such as encoding, population initialization, fitness function and mutation etc., are all optimized in terms of the traits of the CAC problem. The simulation demonstrates that the proposed CAC scheme outperforms the similar schemes, which means the optimization is realized. Finally, the simulation shows the efficiency of OGA.

  • Guaranteeing QoE in Audio-Video Transmission by IEEE 802.11e HCCA

    Zul Azri BIN MUHAMAD NOH  Takahiro SUZUKI  Shuji TASAKA  


    E91-A No:7

    This paper studies packet scheduling schemes with QoE (user-level QoS) guarantee for audio-video transmission in a wireless LAN with HCF controlled channel access (HCCA) of the IEEE 802.11e MAC protocol. We first propose the static scheduling (SS) scheme, which grants adjustable transmission opportunity (TXOP) duration for constant bit rate (CBR) traffic. The SS scheme can determine the minimum TXOP duration capable of guaranteeing high QoE; it can maximize the number of admitted flows. As the burstiness of variable bit rate (VBR) traffic cannot be absorbed by the SS scheme, we also propose the multimedia priority dynamic scheduling (MPDS) scheme, which can absorb the burstiness through allocating additional TXOP duration. We then compare the SS scheme, the MPDS scheme, and the reference scheduler (TGe scheme) in terms of application-level QoS and user-level QoS (QoE). Numerical results show that in the SS scheme, the QoE can be kept relatively higher even when the TXOP duration is reduced in the case of video with the I picture pattern; this implies that more flows can be admitted. In the case of video with the IPPPPP picture pattern, which has the VBR characteristic more remarkably, reducing the TXOP duration according to the SS scheme will deteriorate the QoS level. In this case, the MPDS scheme performs better when the number of multimedia stations is small. However, the performance of the MPDS scheme deteriorates with the increase of the number of multimedia stations, though the results are comparable to or even better than those of the SS and TGe schemes.

  • Dispersion and Splice Characteristics of Bend-Insensitive Fibers with Trench-Index Profile Compliant with G.652

    Shoichiro MATSUO  Tomohiro NUNOME  Kuniharu HIMENO  Haruhiko TSUCHIYA  


    E91-C No:7

    The dispersion and the splice characteristics of optical fibers with trench-index profile are investigated. The normalized distance between core and trench is preferably larger than 3.0 to realize complete compatibility with the standard G.652 fiber in terms of chromatic dispersion. The optical fiber realizes compatibility with ITU-T Recommendation G.652 fiber and bend-insensitivity simultaneously. Fabricated fibers with the trench-index profiles can be spliced to standard single-mode fiber with low losses, which have similar values with simulation results.

  • 3D Precise Inspection of Terminal Lead for Electronic Devices by Single Camera Stereo Vision

    Takashi WATANABE  Akira KUSANO  Takayuki FUJIWARA  Hiroyasu KOSHIMIZU  


    E91-D No:7

    It is very important to guarantee the quality of the industrial products by means of visual inspection. In order to reduce the soldering defect with terminal deformation and terminal burr in the manufacturing process, this paper proposes a 3D visual inspection system based on a stereo vision with single camera. It is technically noted that the base line of this single camera stereo was precisely calibrated by the image processing procedure. Also to extract the measuring point coordinates for computing disparity; the error is reduced with original algorithm. Comparing its performance with that of human inspection using industrial microscope, the proposed 3D inspection could be an alternative in precision and in processing cost. Since the practical specification in 3D precision is less than 1 pixel and the experimental performance was around the same, it was demonstrated by the proposed system that the soldering defect with terminal deformation and terminal burr in inspection, especially in 3D inspection, was decreased. In order to realize the inline inspection, this paper will suggest how the human inspection of the products could be modeled and be implemented by the computer system especially in manufacturing process.

  • Skew-Frobenius Maps on Hyperelliptic Curves

    Shunji KOZAKI  Kazuto MATSUO  Yasutomo SHIMBARA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:7

    Scalar multiplication methods using the Frobenius maps are known for efficient methods to speed up (hyper)elliptic curve cryptosystems. However, those methods are not efficient for the cryptosystems constructed on fields of small extension degrees due to costs of the field operations. Iijima et al. showed that one can use certain automorphisms on the quadratic twists of elliptic curves for fast scalar multiplications without the drawback of the Frobenius maps. This paper shows an extension of the automorphisms on the Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of arbitrary genus.

  • An Effective GML Documents Compressor

    Jihong GUAN  Shuigeng ZHOU  Yan CHEN  


    E91-D No:7

    As GML is becoming the de facto standard for geographic data storage, transmission and exchange, more and more geographic data exists in GML format. In applications, GML documents are usually very large in size because they contain a large number of verbose markup tags and a large amount of spatial coordinate data. In order to speedup data transmission and reduce network cost, it is essential to develop effective and efficient GML compression tools. Although GML is a special case of XML, current XML compressors are not effective if directly applied to GML, because these compressors have been designed for general XML data. In this paper, we propose GPress, a compressor for effectively compressing GML documents. To the best of our knowledge, GPress is the first compressor specifically for GML documents compression. GPress exploits the unique characteristics of GML documents to achieve good performance. Extensive experiments over real-world GML documents show that GPress evidently outperforms XMill (one of the best existing XML compressors) in compression ratio, while its compression efficiency is comparable to the existing XML compressors.

  • A Masking Model for Motion Sharpening Phenomenon in Video Sequences

    Akira FUJIBAYASHI  Choong Seng BOON  


    E91-A No:6

    In this paper, we show that motion sharpening phenomenon can be explained as a form of visual masking for a special case where a video sequence is composed of alternate frames with different level of sharpness. A frame of higher sharpness behaves to mask the ambiguity of a subsequent frame of lower sharpness and hence preserves the perceptive quality of the whole sequence. Borrowing the mechanism for visual masking, we formulated a quantitative model for deriving the minimum spatial frequency conditions which preserves the subjective quality of the frames being masked. The quantitative model takes into account three fundamental properties of the video signals, namely the size of motion, average luminance and the power of each frequency components. The psychophysical responses towards the changes of these properties are obtained through subjective assessment tests using video sequences of simple geometrical patterns. Subjective experiments on natural video sequences show that more than 75% of viewers could make no distinction between the original sequence and the one processed using the quantitative model.

  • Divide-by-3 LC Injection Locked Frequency Divider Implemented with 3D Inductors

    Sheng-Lyang JANG  Chia-Wei CHANG  Chien-Feng LEE  Jhin-Fang HUANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E91-C No:6

    This paper proposes a wide-locking range divide-by-3 frequency divider employing 3D helical inductors fabricated in the 0.18-µm 1P6M CMOS technology. The divider consists of an nMOS cross-coupled LC oscillator and two injection MOSFETs in series with the cross-coupled NMOSFETs, and the LC resonator is composed of two 3D helical inductors and varactors. The aim of using 3D inductor is to reduce chip size. At the supply voltage of 1.2 V, the divider free-running frequency is tunable from 2.1 GHz to 2.6 GHz, and at the incident power of 0 dBm the locking range is about 2.11 GHz (29.16%), from the incident frequency 5.99 GHz to 8.1 GHz. The core power consumption is 4.56 mW. The die area is 0.6640.831 mm2.

  • A Triple-Band WCDMA Direct Conversion Receiver IC with Reduced Number of Off-Chip Components and Digital Baseband Control Signals

    Osamu WATANABE  Rui ITO  Toshiya MITOMO  Shigehito SAIGUSA  Tadashi ARAI  Takehiko TOYODA  


    E91-C No:6

    This paper presents a triple-band WCDMA direct conversion receiver (DCR) IC that needs a small number of off-chip components and control signals from digital baseband (DBB) IC. The DCR IC consists of 3 quadrature demodulators (QDEMs) with on-chip impedance matching circuit and an analog baseband block (ABB) that contains a low-pass filter (LPF) with fc automatic tuning circuit using no off-chip components and a linear-in-dB variable-gain amplifier (VGA) with on-chip analog high-pass filter (HPF). In order to make use of DBB control-free DC offset canceler, the DCR is designed to avoid large gain change under large interference that causes long transient response. In order to realize that characteristic without increasing quiescent current, the QDEM is used that employs class AB input stage and low-noise common mode feedback (CMFB) output stage. The DCR IC was fabricated in a SiGe BiCMOS process and occupies about 2.9 mm3.0 mm. The DCR needs SAW filters only for off-chip components and a gain control signal from DBB IC for AGC loop. The IIP3 of over -4.4 dBm for small signal input level and that of over +1.9 dBm for large signal input level are achieved. The gain compression of the desired signal is less than 0.3 dB for ACS Case-II condition.

  • Selection of the BEM Order in the Estimation of the Doubly-Selective Channel

    Lidong WANG  Dongmin LIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:6

    In this letter, we focus on the selection of the BEM order in the doubly-selective channel estimation. Based on the Jakes' channel model, we take into account the channel spectrum spread caused by observation window effects and the channel estimation error, and propose a method of selecting the optimal BEM order in the sense of minimum mean square error.

  • A Method for Converting Amplitude Probability Distribution of Disturbance from One Measurement Frequency to Another Open Access

    Yasushi MATSUMOTO  Kaoru GOTOH  Takashi SHINOZUKA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E91-B No:6

    To estimate the impact of electromagnetic disturbances on multi-carrier wireless systems, a method for converting an amplitude probability distribution (APD) of disturbance measured at a frequency to be valid for another frequency is presented. The conversion uses two parameters, the receiver noise power of the APD measuring equipment and a scale factor that can be estimated from a measured disturbance spectrum. The method is based on the assumption that the difference in measurement frequency affects only the relative scale of the probability distribution of band-limited disturbance amplitude, and is applicable to disturbances of practically importance such as 1) continuous or pulse-modulated wideband Gaussian noise, 2) disturbance with a much narrower bandwidth than receiver bandwidth B, and 3) repetitive short pulses with similar waveforms with an interval much longer than 1/B. The validity of the proposed method is examined by measurements of actual disturbances.

  • An Efficient Selective Receiver Switching Scheme for STBC with Full Code Rate and Non Orthogonal Design

    Lijun LIU  Myoung-Seob LIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:6

    In the design of Space Time Block Coding (STBC), for an arbitrary complex signal constellation with a size above 2 as well as a real signal matrix with a size above 8, it is difficult to acquire full code rate and full transmit diversity simultaneously. In this letter, an efficient selective receiver switching scheme is proposed for STBC with the full code rate and non-orthogonal design with the example of a 4-by-4 matrix. In the proposed scheme with the aid of beamforming, we divide the received signals into two groups according to the encoded matrix. By this way, we can eliminate the interference from the neighboring signals by more than half.

  • Body Movement Synchrony in Psychotherapeutic Counseling: A Study Using the Video-Based Quantification Method

    Chika NAGAOKA  Masashi KOMORI  

    PAPER-Human Information Processing

    E91-D No:6

    Body movement synchrony (i.e. rhythmic synchronization between the body movements of interacting partners) has been described by subjective impressions of skilled counselors and has been considered to reflect the depth of the client-counselor relationship. This study analyzed temporal changes in body movement synchrony through a video analysis of client-counselor dialogues in counseling sessions. Four 50-minute psychotherapeutic counseling sessions were analyzed, including two negatively evaluated sessions (low evaluation groups) and two positively evaluated sessions (high evaluation groups). In addition, two 50-minute ordinary advice sessions between two high school teachers and the clients in the high rating group were analyzed. All sessions represent role-playing. The intensity of the participants' body movement was measured using a video-based system. Temporal change of body movement synchrony was analyzed using moving correlations of the intensity between the two time series. The results revealed (1) A consistent temporal pattern among the four counseling cases, though the moving correlation coefficients were higher for the high evaluation group than the low evaluation group and (2) Different temporal patterns for the counseling and advice sessions even when the clients were the same. These results were discussed from the perspective of the quality of client-counselor relationship.

  • Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems Using Channel Prediction in Actual Time-Varying Indoor Fading Environments

    Huu Phu BUI  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    PAPER-Smart Antennas & MIMO

    E91-B No:6

    In time-varying fading environments, the performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems applying an eigenbeam-space division multiplexing (E-SDM) technique may be degraded due to a channel change during the time interval between the transmit weight matrix determination and the actual data transmission. To compensate for the channel change, we have proposed some channel prediction methods. Simulation results based on computer-generated channel data showed that better performance can be obtained when using the prediction methods in Rayleigh fading environments assuming the Jakes model with rich scatterers. However, actual MIMO systems may be used in line-of-sight (LOS) environments, and even in a non-LOS case, scatterers may not be uniformly distributed around a receiver and/or a transmitter. In addition, mutual coupling between antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver cannot be ignored as it affects the system performance in actual implementation. We conducted MIMO channel measurement campaigns at a 5.2 GHz frequency band to evaluate the channel prediction techniques. In this paper, we present the experiment and simulation results using the measured channel data. The results show that robust bit-error rate performance is obtained when using the channel prediction methods and that the methods can be used in both Rayleigh and Rician fading environments, and do not need to know the maximum Doppler frequency.
