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  • Imaging Lightning Progression Using VHF Broadband Radio Interferometry

    Redy MARDIANA  Takeshi MORIMOTO  Zen-Ichiro KAWASAKI  


    E84-C No:12

    The VHF broadband radio interferometry operated from 25 MHz to 250 MHz has been developed for observing lightning discharge progression. The lightning images are derived by sensing the electromagnetic-waves which are radiated during the discharges. The perpendicular baseline geometry provides the angular locations (azimuth and elevation) of lightning radiation sources. The lightning observations have been conducted in the Hokuriku District in 1999. The station consisted of three broadband antennas and an electric field antenna as well as a GPS receiver. The system was able to reconstruct lightning discharge channels in two-spatial dimensions and in time sequence. As one of the observation results, an upward negative cloud-to-ground lightning flash will be presented.

  • Image Reconstruction of a Buried Conductor by the Genetic Algorithm

    Chien-Ching CHIU  Ching-Lieh LI  Wei CHAN  


    E84-C No:12

    In this paper, genetic algorithms is employed to determine the shape of a conducting cylinder buried in a half-space. Assume that a conducting cylinder of unknown shape is buried in one half-space and scatters the field incident from another half-space where the scattered filed is measured. Based on the boundary condition and the measured scattered field, a set of nonlinear integral equations is derived and the imaging problem is reformulated into an optimization problem. The genetic algorithm is then employed to find out the nearly global extreme solution of the object function such that the shape of the conducting scatterer can be suitably reconstructed. In our study, even when the initial guess is far away from the exact one, the genetic algorithm can avoid the local extremes and converge to a reasonably good solution. In such cases, the gradient-based methods often get stuck in local extremes. Numerical results are presented and good reconstruction is obtained both with and without the additive Gaussian noise.

  • Correlation-Based Continuous-Wave Technique for Optical Fiber Distributed Strain Measurement Using Brillouin Scattering with cm-Order Spatial Resolution--Applications to Smart Materials--

    Kazuo HOTATE  Masato TANAKA  


    E84-C No:12

    We summarize recent studies on performance improvement in the correlation-based continuous-wave technique for optical fiber distributed strain measurement using Brillouin scattering, that had been proposed previously. The correlation-based technique enables the spatial resolution of 1 cm, which is difficult for conventional sensing techniques using Brillouin scattering to achieve. Though the correlation-based technique left a problem with measurement range, we have proposed methods to overcome it with keeping high spatial resolution. In addition, we verified usefulness of the technique for smart materials by measuring strain distribution along surface of a ring structure.

  • Interconnection of Stacked Layers by Bumpless Wiring in Wafer-Level Three-Dimensional Device

    Akinobu SATOH  


    E84-C No:12

    This paper describes the wafer-level, three-dimensional packaging for MEMS in which sensors, actuators, electronic circuits and other functions are combined together in one integrated block. Si wafers with built-in MEMS functions were integrated with no change in thickness to ensure mechanical strength and improve heat dissipation. In the entire process of three-dimensional integration, Si wafers were processed at temperatures below 400C to prevent degradation of their built-in functions. A description is made of the low-temperature oxidation technology developed by us, which makes through-holes of high density and high aspect ratio in Si wafers with built-in functions by the Optical Excitation Electropolishing Method (OEEM) and forms an oxide film on the hole walls simply by replacing electrolyte. Next, a description is presented of the bumpless interconnection method which fills through-holes of stacked layers with metal by the molten metal suction method and of the electrocapillary effect as a countermeasure to prevent the filler metal from dropping out of holes under its own weight.

  • Ka-Band LMS Channel Model with Rain Attenuation and Other Atmospheric Impairments in Equatorial Zone

    Wenzhen LI  Choi Look LAW  Jin Teong ONG  Vimal Kishore DUBEY  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E84-B No:12

    In this paper, the statistical characteristics of rain attenuation in the equatorial zone are investigated. A more reasonable LMS channel model incorporating weather impairments is proposed and compared to the weather-affected Ka-band land mobile satellite (LMS) channel model suggested by Loo. The proposed LMS model uses Lutz's LMS channel model as its basis. The PDF of the received signal and BER performance derived from Loo's model and the proposed channel model are quantified and compared to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. Finally, the influence of weather impairments on the BER performance is evaluated under various weather conditions, which clearly shows the superiority of the proposed model.

  • Bread Recognition Using Color Distribution Analysis

    Davar PISHVA  Atsuo KAWAI  Kouji HIRAKAWA  Kazunori YAMAMORI  Tsutomu SHIINO  


    E84-D No:12

    We propose a new field of application for machine vision, a machine-vision-based cash-register system. We show that the overall system of color analysis for such an application should include the method of color distribution analysis which we propose, and that the analysis of shape and size is important. We present our test results and identify a few technical issues which may have to be considered for its practical utilization.

  • A Hierarchical Classifier for Multispectral Satellite Imagery

    Abdesselam BOUZERDOUM  


    E84-C No:12

    In this article, a hierarchical classifier is proposed for classification of ground-cover types of a satellite image of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The image contains seven ground-cover types, which are categorized into three groups using principal component analysis. The first group contains clouds only, the second consists of sea and cloud shadow over land, and the third contains land and three types of forest. The sea and shadow over land classes are classified with 99% accuracy using a network of threshold logic units. The land and forest classes are classified by multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) using texture features and intensity values. The average performance achieved by six trained MLPs is 91%. In order to improve the classification accuracy even further, the outputs of the six MLPs were combined using several committee machines. All committee machines achieved significant improvement in performance over the multilayer perceptron classifiers, with the best machine achieving over 92% correct classification.

  • Evaluation of the Performance of the Mobile Communications Network Providing Internet Access Service

    Akira MIURA  Toshihiro SUZUKI  Keiko YOSHIHARA  Koji SASADA  Yoko KIKUTA  

    PAPER-Mobile Service and Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    Internet access via mobile communications networks is growing rapidly; NTT DoCoMo's Internet access service using cellular phones, known as i-mode and started in February 1999, is no exception. The i-mode service enables the user to send e-mail and access Web sites for a variety of information through simple operation of a mobile terminal equipped with a browser. As a result, the traffic to be carried by the PDC (Personal Digital Cellular)-- Packet mobile communication network, which is used to provide the i-mode service, is also increasing rapidly. To meet this growing demand, the switching systems in place are being either increased in capacity or replaced by more powerful ones. To plan this effectively, it is necessary to make an accurate evaluation of the i-mode processing capacity. We have developed a new method of evaluating processing capacity, which is based on the conventional method but takes account of the characteristics specific to the PDC-Packet network. This paper discusses the method of evaluating the processing capacity of switching systems used in the PDC-Packet mobile network.

  • A Multi-Resolution Image Understanding System Based on Multi-Agent Architecture for High-Resolution Images

    Keiji YANAI  Koichiro DEGUCHI  


    E84-D No:12

    Recently a high-resolution image that has more than one million pixels is available easily. However, such an image requires much processing time and memory for an image understanding system. In this paper, we propose an integrated image understanding system of multi-resolution analysis and multi-agent-based architecture for high-resolution images. The system we propose in this paper has capability to treat with a high-resolution image effectively without much extra cost. We implemented an experimental system for images of indoor scenes.

  • On the Precision of Textures

    Frank NIELSEN  Nicolas De MAUROY  


    E84-D No:12

    In this paper, we first introduce the notion of texture precision given the 3d geometry of a scene. We then provide an algorithm to acquire a texture/color map of the scene within a given precision. The texture map is obtained using projective devices (like pinhole sensing device) from data acquired either in the real world or computer-synthesized. Finally, we describe a procedure to obtain level of precisions by combining a modified edge-collapse geometry technique with an appropriate remapping texture engine. We report on our experiments and give perspectives for further research.

  • Robust Method for Recovering Sign of Gaussian Curvature from Multiple Shading Images

    Shinji FUKUI  Yuji IWAHORI  Robert J. WOODHAM  Kenji FUNAHASHI  Akira IWATA  


    E84-D No:12

    This paper proposes a new method to recover the sign of local Gaussian curvature from multiple (more than three) shading images. The information required to recover the sign of Gaussian curvature is obtained by applying Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to the normalized irradiance measurements. The sign of the Gaussian curvature is recovered based on the relative orientation of measurements obtained on a local five point test pattern to those in the 2-D subspace called the eigen plane. Using multiple shading images gives a more accurate and robust result and minimizes the effect of shadows by allowing a larger area of the visible surface to be analyzed compared to methods using only three shading images. Furthermore, it allows the method to be applied to specular surfaces. Since PCA removes linear correlation among images, the method can produce results of high quality even when the light source directions are not widely dispersed.

  • 3D Reconstruction Based on Epipolar Geometry

    Makoto KIMURA  Hideo SAITO  


    E84-D No:12

    Recently, it becomes popular to synthesize new viewpoint images based on some sampled viewpoint images of real scene using technique of computer vision. 3D shape reconstruction in Euclidean space is not necessarily required, but information of dense matching points is basically enough to synthesize new viewpoint images. In this paper, we propose a new method for 3D reconstruction from three cameras based on projective geometry. In the proposed method, three input camera images are rectified based on projective geometry, so that the vertical and horizontal directions can be completely aligned with the epipolar planes between the cameras. This rectification provides Projective Voxel Space (PVS), in which the three axes are aligned with the directions of camera projection. Such alignment simplifies the procedure for projection between the 3D space and the image planes in PVS. Taking this advantage of PVS, silhouettes of the objects are projected into PVS, so that the searching area of matching points can be reduced. The consistency of color value between the images is also evaluated for final determination of the matching point. The finally acquired matching points in the proposed method are described as the surface of the objects in PVS. The acquired surface of the objects in PVS also includes knowledge about occlusion. Finally, images from new viewpoints can be synthesized from the matching points and occlusions. Although the proposed method requires only weak calibration, plausible occlusions are also synthesized in the images. In the experiments, images of virtual viewpoints, which were set among three cameras, are synthesized from three real images.

  • Polarimetric Characteristics of Forest at Coherent Decomposition in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry

    Koichi SATO  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  


    E84-C No:12

    In this paper, we examine the polarimetric characteristics and the potential of the coherent decomposition in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry. Coherent scattering decomposition based on the coherence optimization can separate effective phase center of different scattering mechanisms and can be used to generate canopy digital elevation model (DEM). This decomposition is applied to a simplified stochastic scattering model such as forest canopy. However, since the polarimetric characteristics are not well understood when the decomposition is carried out, we investigate its characteristics and potential using polarimetric entropy-alpha and three-component scattering matrix decomposition. The results show that the first and third components correspond to the lower and upper layer, respectively, in ideal case. In this investigation, SIR-C/X-SAR data of the Tien Shan flight-pass are used.

  • Proposal of an Adaptive Vision-Based Interactional Intention Inference System in Human/Robot Coexistence

    Minh Anh Thi HO  Yoji YAMADA  Takayuki SAKAI  Tetsuya MORIZONO  Yoji UMETANI  


    E84-D No:12

    The paper proposes a vision-based system for adaptively inferring the interactional intention of a person coming close to a robot, which plays an important role in the succeeding stage of human/robot cooperative handling of works/tools in production lines. Here, interactional intention is ranged in the meaning of the intention to interact/operate with the robot, which is proposed to be estimated by the human head moving path during an incipient period of time. To implement this intention inference capability, first, human entrance is detected and is modeled by an ellipse to supply information about the head position. Second, B-spline technique is used to approximate the trajectory with reduced control points in order that the system acquires information about the human motion direction and the curvature of the motion trajectory. Finally, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are applied as the adaptive inference engines at the stage of inferring the human interactional intention. The HMM algorithm with a stochastic pattern matching capability is extended to supply whether or not a person has an intention toward the robot at the incipient time. The reestimation process here models the motion behavior of an human worker when he has or doesn't have the intention to operate the robot. Experimental results demonstrate the adaptability of the inference system using the extended HMM algorithm for filtering out motion deviation over the trajectory.

  • A Random Walk through Eigenspace

    Matthew TURK  


    E84-D No:12

    It has been over a decade since the "Eigenfaces" approach to automatic face recognition, and other appearance-based methods, made an impression on the computer vision research community and helped spur interest in vision systems being used to support biometrics and human-computer interface. In this paper I give a personal view of the original motivation for the work, some of the strengths and limitation of the approach, and progress in the years since. Appearance-based approaches to recognition complement feature- or shape-based approaches, and a practical face recognition system should have elements of both. Eigenfaces is not a general approach to recognition, but rather one tool out of many to be applied and evaluated in the appropriate context.

  • Radial Distortion Snakes

    Sing Bing KANG  


    E84-D No:12

    In this paper, we address the problem of recovering the camera radial distortion coefficients from one image. The approach that we propose uses a special kind of snakes called radial distortion snakes. Radial distortion snakes behave like conventional deformable contours, except that their behavior are globally connected via a consistent model of image radial distortion. Experiments show that radial distortion snakes are more robust and accurate than conventional snakes and manual point selection.

  • Iterative Demodulation and Decoding for Parallel Combinatorial SS Systems

    Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA  Shigenobu SASAKI  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E84-A No:12

    This paper proposes iterative demodulation/decoding for parallel combinatorial spread spectrum (PC/SS) systems. A PC/SS system conveys information data by a combination of pre-assigned orthogonal spreading sequences with polarity. In this paper, convolutional coding with a uniform random interleaver is implemented in channel coding, just like as a serial concatenated coding. A 'soft-in/soft-out' PC/SS demodulator based on a posteriori probability algorithm is proposed to perform the iterative demodulation and decoding. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed iterative demodulation/decoding scheme bring significant improvement in bit error rate performance. This proposed decoding scheme achieves high-speed transmission by two approaches. One is a puncturing operation, and the other is to increase the number of transmitting sequences. In the latter approach, lower error rate performance is achieved comparing with that the punctured convolutional code is used to increase the information bit rate.

  • A Single-Pass Antialiased Rasterization Processor

    Jin-Aeon LEE  Lee-Sup KIM  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E84-A No:12

    Antialiased is one of challenging problems to be solved for the high fidelity image synthesis in 3D graphics. In this paper a rasterization processor which is capable of single-pass full-screen antialiasing is presented. To implement a H/W accelerated single-pass antialiased rasterization processor at the reasonable H/W cost and minimized processing performance degradation, our work is mainly focused on the efficient H/W implementation of a modified version of the A-buffer algorithm. For the efficient handling of partial-pixel fragments of the rasterization phase, a new partial-pixel-merging scheme and a simple and efficient new dynamic memory management scheme are proposed. For the final blending of partial-pixels without loss of generality, a parallel subpixel blender is introduced. To study the feasibility of the proposed rasterization processor as a practical rasterization processor, a prototype processor has been designed using a 0.35 µm EML technology. It operates 100 MHz @3.3 V and has the rendering performance from 25M to 80M pixel-fragments/sec depending on the scene complexity.

  • Improved Topographic Correction for Satellite Imagery

    Feng CHEN  Ken-ichiro MURAMOTO  Mamoro KUBO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:12

    An improved algorithm is developed for correcting the topographic impact on satellite imagery. First, we analyze the topography induced distortion on satellite image. It is shown that the variation of aspect can cause the obvious different distortions in the remotely sensed image, and also effect the image illumination significantly. Because the illumination is the basis for topographic correction algorithms, we consider its variation in different sun-facing aspects in calculation a correction parameter and take it as a key element in the modified correction algorithm. Then, we apply the modified correction method on the actual Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image. The topographic correction was done in different image data with different season and different solar angle. The corrected results show the effectiveness and accuracy using this approach.

  • A Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for EMI Reduction

    Hung-Wei CHEN  Jiin-Chuan WU  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E84-C No:12

    This paper described a new method to generate a spread spectrum clock for the purpose of EMI reduction. This method uses two phase-locked loops (PLL). The output of the first PLL is locked to its input of 14.318 MHz. The VCO in this PLL is used to produce 32 outputs with the same frequency and each with 11.25 degrees phase variation. A digital spread spectrum generator uses these 32 signals to generate the desired spread spectrum signal by phase hopping technique. These two circuits form a spread spectrum digital PLL (SSDPLL). The second PLL is configured as a conventional frequency synthesizer. It can be programmed to generate the desired frequencies. The second PLL also serves as a low pass filter of the output of the SSDPLL to smooth out frequency variation. This circuit was implemented with a 0.6 µm single poly CMOS process. The active areas of the SSDPLL and the synthesizer are 826396 µm2 and 790298 µm2, respectively. The total power consumption is 99 mW at 3.3 V supply. The peak power of the spread spectrum clock is reduced by 10 dBm at 14.318 MHz output with a 2.34% frequency spreading. The reduction of peak power increases with output frequency.
