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  • A 15-GHz Direct Optical Injection-Locked MMIC Oscillator Using Photosensitive HBTs

    Hideki KAMITSUNA  

    PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    This paper presents a 15-GHz MMIC direct optical injection-locked oscillator (MMIC OILO) with very-wide locking range that uses photosensitive HBTs. The MMIC OILO consists of an HBT and a positive feedback circuit including a Q-damping variable resistor. By utilizing the high-fT/fmax photosensitive HBT, we realize both high-frequency oscillation of 15 GHz and increased equivalent electrical injection power. In addition to increasing the RF injection power, the Q-damping variable resistor effectively reduces the quality-factor of the oscillator, thus realizing the very wide locking range (f) of 567 MHz (f/fosc3.8%). The locking bandwidth of 3.8% is over 10 times wider than that of any yet reported microwave direct OILO. Furthermore, it is shown that the MMIC OILO can also work as a high-gain Q-variable filter photoreceiver by increasing a Q-damping variable resistance over the self-oscillation suppression range.

  • BER Performance of Optically Controlled MESFETs as Photodetectors

    Tatsuya SHIMIZU  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  Kojiro ARAKI  

    PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    This paper presents the performance of optically controlled MESFETs as photodetectors. The optical performance characteristics such as optic-to-electric responsivity, and BER for a π/4-QPSK signal are experimentally investigated. Measurements are performed by using MMIC compatible MESFETs. Experimental results are also evaluated in comparison with calculated PIN-PD limit. Optic-to-electric responsivity has high gain at lower received optical powers. It is shown experimentally that MESFET photodetectors improve the permissible optical power by 6 dB compared to the PIN-PD limit. Optically controlled MESFETs will provide a novel receivers for fiber-optic systems.

  • Trends of Fiber-Optic Microcellular Radio Communication Networks

    Shozo KOMAKI  Eiichi OGAWA  

    INVITED PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    Exploitation of air interfaces for mobile communications is rapidly increasing because of diversified service demands, technology trends and radio propagation conditions. This paper summarizes the radio and optic interaction devices and systems that can solve the future problems resulting from spreading demands in mobile multimedia communications. The concept of the Virtual Free Space Network (Radio Highway Network) is proposed for universal mobile access networks that can support any mobile service or radio air-interface. As one example of the proposed network, the optical TDMA network for radio is analyzed and results of some theoretical calculations are shown.

  • Novel Optoelectronic Networks Using Cascaded Optical Intensity Modulation Links for Frequency Multiplexing and Mixing.

    Yoshinori NAKASUGA  Kohji HORIKAWA  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    A new configuration is proposed for an optoelectronic network (OEN) using microwave frequency mixing and multiplexing. The mn OEN consists of m optical sources, m-parallel n-stage cascaded optical intensity modulators, and m-photodetectors. The mn OEN matrix is theoretically discussed, and 12, 22 and 33 OENs are analyzed in detail. The 22 OEN, which mixes and multiplexes microwaves, is further investigated and the theoretical prediction derived from OEN equations is experimentally confirmed.

  • Proposal of Fiber-Optic Radio Highway Networks Using CDMA Method

    Satoshi KAJIMA  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    This paper proposes fiber-optic radio highway network using code division multiple access (CDMA) method which is universally applicable for various type of personal radio services and radio air interfaces. The proposed system can asynchronously open the radio-free space among any microcells. The outage probability and the number of connectable radio base stations are theoretically analyzed and compared with these in using conventional subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) method. Analysis results show that the reduction effect of the optical signal beat noise, due to spread spectrum of optical signal, improves the number of the active RBSs in CDMA radio highway network.

  • A Finite Element Method for Scalar Helmholtz Equation with Field Singularities

    Hajime IGARASHI  Toshihisa HONMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E79-C No:1

    This paper describes a finite element method to obtain an accurate solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation with field singularities. It is known that the spatial derivatives of the eigenfunction of the scalar Helmholtz equation become infinite under certain conditions. These field singularities under mine the accuracy of the numerical solutions obtained by conventional finite element methods based on piecewise polynomials. In this paper, a regularized eigenfunction is introduced by subtracting the field singularities from the original eigenfunction. The finite element method formulated in terms of the regularized eigenfunction is expected to improve the accuracy and convergence of the numerical solutions. The finite element matrices for the present method can be easily evaluated since they do not involve any singular integrands. Moreover, the Dirichlet-type boundary conditions are explicitly imposed on the variables using a transform matrix while the Neumann-type boundary conditions are implicitly imposed in the functional. The numerical results for three test problems show that the present method clearly improves the accuracy of the numerical solutions.

  • A Flexible Verifier of Temporal Properties for LOTOS

    Kaoru TAKAHASHI  Yoshiaki TOKITA  Takehisa TANAKA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E79-D No:1

    This paper discusses a software verification support environment Vega which is based on a model-theoretic methodology that enables verification support for the temporal properties of protocol specifications described in the formal description technique LOTOS. In the methodology of Vega, a protocol specification is defined through the LOTOS process reflecting its practical system structure. The temporal properties to be verified are given as the requirement which the protocol needs to satisfy from the viewpoint of events and are formulated by using the branching time temporal logic defined in this paper. Verification is done by determining whether or not the given temporal properties are satisfied by the model, which corresponds to the transition system derived from the LOTOS specification of the protocol. Vega is provided with an effective interface function, as well as the function of simple model checking based on the above methodology, to give some degree of flexibility for the expression of temporal properties to be verified. Specifically, it allows the user to define useful expressions by combining builtin temporal logic formulas and enter them in Vega for use at any time. With the provision of these functions, Vega is expected to serve as a very powerful and flexible verification support tool.

  • Some Results on Decomposability of Weakly Invertible Finite Automata

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Xiaomei YU  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E79-D No:1

    An invertible length preserving transducer is called a weakly invertible finite automaton (WIFA for short). If the first letter of any input string of length τ + 1 is uniquely determined by the corresponding output string by a WIFA and its initial state, it is called a WIFA with delay τ. The composition of two WIFAs is the natural concatenation of them. The composition is also a WIFA whose delay is less than or equal to the sum of the delays of the two WIFAs. In this paper we derive various results on a decomposition of a WIFA into WIFAs with smaller delays. The motivation of this subject is from theoretical interests as well as an application to cryptosystems. In order to capture the essence of the decomposability problem, we concentrate on WIFAs such that their input alphabets and their output alphabets are identical. A WIFA with size n of the input and output alphabet is denoted by an n-WIFA. We prove that for any n > 1, there exists an n-WIFA with delay 2 which cannot be decomposed into two n-WIFAs with delay 1. A one-element logic memory cell is a special WIFA with delay 1, and it is called a delay unit. We show that for any prime number p, every strongly connected p-WIFA with delay 1 can be decomposed into a WIFA with delay 0 and a delay unit, and that any 2-WIFA can be decomposed into a WIFA wiht delay 0 and a sequence of k delay units if and only if every state of the 2-WIFA has delay k.

  • The Performance Prediction on Sentence Recognition Using a Finite State Word Automaton

    Takashi OTSUKI  Akinori ITO  Shozo MAKINO  Teruhiko OHTOMO  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E79-D No:1

    This paper presents the performance prediction method on sentence recognition system which uses a finite state word automaton. When each word is uttered separately, the relationship between word recognition score and sentence recognition score can be approximated using the number of word sequences at a minimum distance from each sentence in the task. But it is not clear that how we get this number when the finite state word automaton is used as linguistic information. Therefore, we propose the algorithm to calculate this number in polynomial time. Then we carry out the prediction using this method and the simulation to compare with the prediction on the task of Japanese text editor commands. And it is shown that our method approximates the lower limit of sentence recognition score.

  • Continuous Speech Recognition Using a Combination of Syntactic Constraints and Dependency Relationships

    Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E79-D No:1

    This paper proposes a Japanese continuous speech recognition mechanism in which a full-sentence-level context-free-grammar (CFG) and one kind of semantic constraint called dependency relationships between two bunsetsu (a kind of phrase) in Japanese" are used during speech recognition in an integrated way. Each dependency relationship is a modification relationship between two bunsetsu; these relationships include the case-frame relationship of a noun bunsetsu to a predicate bunsetsu, or adnominal modification relationships such as a noun bunsetsu to a noun bunsetsu. To suppress the processing overhead caused by using relationships of this type during speech recognition, no rigorous semantic analysis is performed. Instead, a simple matching with examples" approach is adopted. An experiment was carried out and results were compared with a case employing only CFG constraints. They show that the speech recognition accuracy is improved and that the overhead is small enough.

  • An Extraction Method of Dynamic Features in Pulsing Organs of Caenorhabditis Elegans During Feeding

    Yoshio EBINA  Hideki OKADA  Toshikatsu MIKI  Ryuzo SHINGAI  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E79-D No:1

    Caenorhabditis elegans during feeding gives good moving biological images",in which motions of several pulsing organs are superposed on its head swing. A powerful method to extract dynamic features is presented. First step is to use a variance picture VAG4 in order to pick up active pixel coordinates of concerned moving objects. Superiority of VAG4 over usual variance picture VAG2 is shown quantitatively by a model of moving particles. Pulsing areas of C. elegans, are exhibited more clearly in VAG4 than VAG2. Second step is use of a new subtraction method to extract main frequency bands. FFT spectra are averaged in active positions where VAG4 is above threshold THVR in the square with 88 pixels (ONA). The power spectra averaged in the enlarged squares (ELA) are subtracted from those in ONA, in which ELA includes ONA in its centre position. Large peak bands emerge in the subtracted power spectra. The subtraction eliminates the effect of head swing by spatial averagings in ELA. This new emphasizing method is compared to another subtraction method. The characteristic frequency of periodical moving organs coincides well with the values observed by other research groups and our visual estimation of replayed VTR images. Thus the proposed extraction method is verified to work well in double superposed motions.

  • Security Mechanism of Privacy Enhanced Shared File System Suitable for Mobile Access

    Atsushi SHIMBO  Toshinari TAKAHASHI  Masao MUROTA  


    E79-A No:1

    This paper describes a novel shared file system, whose main features are enhanced security and its concurrency control mechanism. The system is especially suitable for access from mobile hosts. Users can edit their shared files concurrently. Shared files are encrypted and decrypted only by clients, and the file server cannot know the contents. The server asynchronously receives the edited parts, which are already encrypted, and merges them into the current version, deciphering neither the stored file nor the encrypted editing data. We call the mechanism 'privacy enhanced merging'. The mechanism and the underlying encryption algorithm, shared file data structure and procedures followed by clients and the server are shown.

  • Proposal of an Automatic Signature Scheme Using a Compiler

    Keisuke USUDA  Masahiro MAMBO  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E79-A No:1

    Computer viruses, hackers, intrusions and ther computer crimes have recently become a serious security problem in information systems. Digital signatures are useful to defend against these threats, especially against computer viruses. This is because a modification of a file can be detected by checking the consistency of the originai file with its accompanying digital signature. But an executable program might have been infected with the viruses before the signature was created. In this case, the infection cannot be detected by signature verification and the origin of the infection cannot be specified either. In this paper, we propose a signature scheme in which one can sign right after the creation of an executable program. That is, when a user compiles a source program, the compiler automatically creates both the executable program and its signature. Thus viruses cannot infect the executable programs without detection. Moreover, we can specify the creator of contaminated executable programs. In our signature scheme, a signature is created from a set of secret integers stored in a compiler, which is calculated from a compiler-maker's secret key. Each compiler is possessed by only one user and it is used only when a secret value is fed into it. In this way a signature of an executable program and the compiler-owner are linked to each other. Despite these measures, an executable program could run abnormally because of an infection in prepro-cessing step, e.g. an infection of library files or included files. An infection of these files is detected by ordinary digital signatures. The proposed signature scheme together with digital signature against infection in the preprocessing step enables us to specify the origin of the infection. The name of the signature creator is not necessary for detecting an infection. So, an owner's public value is not searched in our scheme, and only a public value of a compiler-maker is required for signature verification. Furthermore, no one can use a compiler owned by another to create a proper signature.

  • On the Complexity of the Discrete Logarithm for a General Finite Group

    Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Kouichi SAKURAI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E79-A No:1

    GDL is the language whose membership problerm is polynomial-time Turing equivalent to the discrete logarithm problem for a general finite group G. This paper gives a characterization of GDL from the viewpoint of computational complexity theory. It is shown that GDL NP co-AM, assuming that G is in NP co-NP, and that the group law operation of G can be executed in polynomial time of the element size. Furthermore, as a natural probabilistic extension, the complexity of GDL is investigated under the assumption that the group law operation is executed in an expected polynomial time of the element size. In this case, it is shown that GDL MA co-AM if G MA co-MA. As a consequence, we show that GDL is not NP-complete unless the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to the second level.

  • A New Version of FEAL, Stronger against Differential Cryptanalysis*

    Routo TERADA  Paulo G. PINHEIRO  Kenji KOYAMA  


    E79-A No:1

    We create a new version of the FEAL-N(X) cryptographic function, called FEAL-N(X)S, by introducing a dynamic swapping function. FEAL-N(X)S is stronger against Differential Cryptanalysis in the sense that any characteristic for FEAL-N(X) is less effective when applied to FEAL-N(X)S. Furthermore, the only iterative characteristics. that may attack the same number of rounds for the two versions are the symmetric ones, which have an average probability bounded above by 2-4 per round, i.e., the FEAL-N(X)S is at least as strong as DES with respect to this type of characteristic. We also show that in general the probability of an iterative characteristic for the FEAL-N(X) that is still valid for FEAL-N(X)S is decreased by 1/2 per round. Some of the best characteristics are shown. Experimental results show that the running time required by FEAL-N(X)S is around 10% greater compared to FEAL-N(X), in software; but this price is small compared to the gained strength against Differential Cryptanalysis.

  • The Security of an RDES Cryptosystem against Linear Cryptanalysis

    Yasushi NAKAO  Toshinobu KANEKO  Kenji KOYAMA  Routo TERADA  


    E79-A No:1

    RDES cryptosystem is an n-round DES in which an probabilistic swapping is added onto the right half of the input in each round. It is more effective than a simple increase of DES rounds for a countermeasure against differential attack. In this paper, we show that the RDES is also effective against linear cryptanalysis. We applied Matsui's search algorithm to find the best expression for RDES-1 and RDES-2. The results are as follows: (a) The 16-round RDES-1 is approximately as strong as a 22-round DES, and the 16-round RDES-2 is approximately as strong as a 29-round DES. (b) Linear cryptanalysis for a 16-round RDES-1 and a 16-round RDES-2 requires more than 264 known-plaintexts.

  • On the One-Way Algebraic Homomorphism

    Eikoh CHIDA  Takao NISHIZEKI  Motoji OHMORI  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E79-A No:1

    In this paper we discuss the relation between a one-way group homomorphism and a one-way ring homomorphism. Let U,V be finite abelian groups with #U=n. We show that if there exists a one-way group homomorphism f:UV, then there exists a one-way ring homomorphism F:ZnUZnImf. We also give examples of such ring homomorphisms which are one-way under a standard cryptographic assumption. This implies that there is an affirmative solution to an extended version of the open question raised by Feigenbaum and Merrit: Is there an encryption function f such that both f(x+y) and f(xy) can be efficiently computed from f(x) and f(y)? A multiple signature scheme is also given as an application of one-way ring homomorphisms.

  • Authentication Codes Based on Association Schemes

    Youjin SONG  Kaoru KUROSAWA  Shigeo TSUJI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E79-A No:1

    This paper discusses the problem of reducing the number of keys required to authenticate a source state (plaintext), as well as introducing a new way of constructing authentication codes. The construction uses association schemes, which are well-defined schemes in combinatorial design theory. The association scheme on the message (ciphertext) space is established by defining two relations between any two messages: The 1st relation is when the two messages do not share a common key, and the 2nd relation is when they do. Using association schemes of the triangular and group divisible types, we are able to reduce the number of keys.

  • A Single-Layer Power Divider for a Slotted Waveguide Array Using π-Junctions with an Inductive Wall

    Tsukasa TAKAHASHI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:1

    The authors propose a waveguide π-junction with an inductive wall. Galerkin's method of moments is applied to analyze it and small reflection and desired power division ratio is realized. Good agreement between the calculated result and the measured one verifies the design of a unit π-junction. The characteristics of aπ-junction with a wall are almost the same as those of a conventional π-junction with a post. Important advantage of the new π-junction with a wall is that it can be manufactured in the die-cast process of the waveguide while a post in the conventional one must be attached in an additional process. A 16-way power divider consisting of 8 π-junctions is designed at 11.85 GHz and the characteristics are predicted.

  • Hybrid Method of Data Collection for Evaluating Speech Dialogue System

    Shu NAKAZATO  Ikuo KUDO  Katsuhiko SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E79-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new method of dialogue data collection which can be used to evaluate modules of a spoken dialogue system. To evaluate the module, it is necessary to use suitable data. Human-human dialogue data have not been appropriate to module evaluation, because spontaneous data usually include too much specific phenomena such as fillers, restarts, pauses, and hesitations. Human-machine dialogue data have not been appropriate to module evaluation, because the dialogue was unnatural and the available vocabularies were limited. Here, we propose 'Hybrid method' for the collection of spoken dialogue data. The merit is that, the collected data can be used as test data for the evaluation of a spoken dialogue system without any modification. In our method a human takes the role of some modules of the system and the system, also, works as the other part of the system together. For example, humans works as the speech recognition module and the dialogue management and a machine does the other part, response generation module. The collected data are good for the evaluation of the speech recognition and the dialogue management modules. The reasons are as follows. (1) Lexicon: The lexicon was composed of limited words and dependent on the task. (2) Grammar: The intention expressed by the subjects were concise and clear. (3) Topics: There were few utterances outside the task domain. The collected data can be used test data for the evaluation of a spoken dialogue system without any modification.
