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  • Validation of UDL/I Test Suites and UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment

    Hiroyuki KANBARA  Satoshi YOKOTA  


    E78-A No:12

    UDL/I test suites and UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment had been developed separately in parallel. Both were designed from syntax and semantics definition of UDL/I Language Reference Manual. Through test of the UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment using the UDL/I test suites, quality of the test suites and the environment had been improved. Finally all the testing result matched with expected one. It was validated that both the test suites and the environment followed UDL/I language specification.

  • Data Reduction Method for the Laser Long-Path Absorption Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Species Using the Retroreflector in Space

    Nobuo SUGIMOTO  Atsushi MINATO  


    E78-B No:12

    Data reduction method for the earth-satellite-earth laser long-path absorption measurements of atmospheric trace species using the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is described. In the RIS experiment, atmospheric absorption will be measured with single-longitudinal-mode pulsed CO2 lasers and their second and third harmonics. High-resolution absorption spectra are measured by using the Doppler shift of the return beam which is caused by the satellite movement. Vertical profiles of O3 and CH4 are retrieved from the measured absorption line shapes with the inversion method. Also, column contents of CFC12, HNO3, CO2, CO, N2O are derived by the least squares method with assumptions on the relative vertical profiles. Errors in the measurement were evaluated by computer simulation.

  • A 600 mW Single Chip MPEG2 Video Decoder

    Kiyoshi MIURA  Hideki KOYANAGI  Hiroshi SUMIHIRO  Seiichi EMOTO  Nozomu OZAKI  Toshiro ISHIKAWA  


    E78-C No:12

    This paper describes a 600 mV single-chip MPEG2 video decoder, implemented in a 0.5 µm triple metal CMOS technology, which operates with a 3.3-volt power supply. To achieve low power consumption, a low power dual-port RAM has been developed utilizing a selective bit line precharge scheme to reduce bit line current which is suitable for use in the bit-slice array commonly found in parametric ASIC RAM macro modules. This architecture and a non-DC current sense amp make the RAM's read power consumption one-third of that of a conventional dual-port RAM. Various techniques such as multiple-clock architecture and a system clock independent from a display clock make a system clock frequency as low as possible. The video decoder has a syntax parser, so that it can handle the higher syntactic elements of MPEG2 bit streams without any host processor and decode the Main profile at Main level of MPEG2 bit streams.

  • Low-power LSI Circuit Technologies for Portable Terminal Equipment

    Shoji HORIGUCHI  Tsuneo TSUKAHARA  Hideki FUKUDA  


    E78-C No:12

    This paper surveys trends in and prospects for low power LSI circuits technologies for portable terminal equipment, in which low-voltage operation of LSIs will be emphasized because this equipment will be battery-powered. Since this brings about serious operation speed degradation of LSIs, however, it will become more and more important how to operate them faster under low-supply voltage. We propose two new circuit techniques that make it possible to operate LSIs at high speed even when the supply voltage is very low (1-2 V corresponding to one or two battery cells). The new low-voltage RF LSI circuit technique, developed using silicon bipolar technology and using a novel current-folded mixer architecture for the modulator, result in a highly linear modulator that operates at 2 V. Its power consumption is less than 2/3 that of previously reported ICs. And for a low voltage baseband LSI we propose the multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) technique, which uses two sets of threshold-voltage levels so that the LSI can operate at high speed when driven by a 1-V power supply. The multi-threshold CMOS architecture enabled us to create LSIs that operate faster than conventional CMOS circuits using high-threshold-voltage MOSFETs. When operating with a 1-V power supply, our LSIs are three times faster than the conventional ones.

  • Estimation of Land Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function by Using Airborne POLDER Image Data

    Kazuya TAKEMATA  Yoshiyuki KAWATA  


    E78-B No:12

    The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is an intrinsic measurement of directional properties of the earth's surface. However, the estimation of the BRDF requires many remote sensing measurements of a given surface target from different viewing angles. In addition, a good atmospheric correction scheme is a prerequisite for such an attempt. The airborne POLDER sensor measures successively reflected radiation by terrestrial surfaces in a framed image form at different viewing angles during a single airplane pass, like taking snap-shot pictures. A specially improved atmospheric correction algorithm which is applicable to a framed image data by POLDER sensor is presented. The observed reflectance images taken successively by the airborne POLDER at slightly different viewing angles are converted to a series of surface albedo images by applying our atmospheric correction algorithm. Then, the BRDFs for three surface covers, namely, "River Water," "Forest," and "Rice Field," are estimated by using successive albedo images. It is found that the BRDF for "River Water" follows Lambert law at both 550nm and 850nm. It is also found that the BRDFs for "Forest" and "Rice Field" follow Lambert's law at 550nm, but they follow an anisotropic reflection law at 850nm and fitting parameters for their BRDFs are presented.

  • Trial for Deep Submicron Track Width Recording

    Hiroaki MURAOKA  Yoshihisa NAKAMURA  


    E78-C No:11

    Extremely narrow track width of deep submicron range is examined in perpendicular magnetic recording. Head field distribution of a single-pole head analyzed by 3-dimensional computer simulation results in a sharp gradient, but relatively large cross-sectional area is required to maintain head field strength. Based on this design concept, a lateral single-pole head is described and proved to attain track width of 0.4 µm. In addition, multilevel partial response appropriate to the new multitrack recording system is proposed.

  • Control Problem of a Class of Pushdown Automata Based on Posets and Its Application to Resolution Deductions

    Susumu YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:11

    In this paper, a pushdown automaton, with an infinite set of states as a partially ordered set (poset), is formulated, and its control problem of whether a given configuration can be transferred to another is discussed. For the controllability to be decidable, we take a condition the poset satisfies, that is, a condition that there are only finite number of states under the partial ordering between two given states. The control problem is decidable in polynomial time on condition the length of each pushed stack string is bounded by a constant in a given pushdown automaton. The motivation of considering the control problem comes up from the stack structure in implementing the SLD resolution deductions, in which the leftmost atom in each goal is selected and unified with some procedure name (that is, some head) of a definite clause, with the effect of the procedure name being replaced by the procedure bodies and unifications. Thus, the control problem is applied to describe the SLD resolution deductions of finite steps, by constructing a pushdown automaton model for a set of definite clauses, in which leftmost selection of atom in each goal forms a stack structure and substitutions affecting goals are interpreted as states. When constructing a pushdown automaton model for an SLD resolution deduction, algebraic properties of the idempotent substitution set, which are used in unifications, are examined and utilized. The quotient set of the idempotent substitution set per renamings is adopted to present the automaton model.

  • Simplification of Viterbi Algorithm for (1, 7) RLL Code

    Yoshitake KURIHARA  Hisashi OSAWA  Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  


    E78-C No:11

    Simplification of the Viterbi algorithm and the error rate performance are presented for a partial response maximum-likelihood (PRML) system employing the PR(1, 1) system as a PR system for (1, 7) run-length limited (RLL) code. The minimum run-length of 1's or O's in the output sequence of the precoder for (1, 7) RLL code is limited to 2. Two kinds of simplified Viterbi algorithms using this run-length constraint are proposed. One algorithm requires the path memory length of only two in the Viterbi detector. The Viterbi detector based on the other algorithm is equivalent to the simple PR(1, 1) system followed by a threshold detector. The bit-error rates of PRML systems with Viterbi detectors based on these algorithms are obtained by computer simulation and their performance is compared with that of conventional PRML systems for (1, 7) RLL code. It is shown that the proposed PRML system exhibits better performance than conventional PRML systems at high recording density.

  • Magnetic Properties of Electroless-Deposited NiFeB and Electrodeposited NiFe Alloy Thin Films

    Madoka TAKAI  Kensuke KAGEYAMA  Sanae TAKEFUSA  Akiyoshi NAKAMURA  Tetsuya OSAKA  


    E78-C No:11

    The magnetic properties and the structure of electroless-deposited NiFeB films were investigated in comparison with those of electrodeposited NiFe films. The electroless-deposited NiFeB film with 27at% Fe content had the lowest coercivity, H, as low as 0.5 Oe with a saturation magnetic flux density, Bs, of 1.0 T. The saturation magnetostriction, λ, and the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, Hk, were 5.010-6 and 10 Oe, respectively, which were larger than those of the conventional, electrodeposited permalloy film. The permeability of as-deposited Ni70Fe27B3 film was 1000 at 1 MHz. In order to improve the permeability, the film was heated at 200 in a magnetic field applied in the hard-axis direction to decrease the Hk value, and the permeability became 2000 at 1 MHz. The crystal structure and grain size of NiFeB and NiFe films were investigated by XRD, THEED and TEM. Both films with low Hc had an fcc structure; the grain size of the NiFeB film was smaller than 10 nm, while that of the NiFe film was larger, approximately 20 nm. The results suggested that the electroless-deposited NiFeB film had a larger magnetic anisotropy than the electrodeposited NiFe film. Moreover, the films with Hc less than 10 Oe ded not show clear difference between their TEM bright images and THEED patterns.

  • Performance Evaluation and Error Propagation Analysis of Decision-Feedback Equalization with Maximum-Likelihood Detector

    Hideki SAWAGUCHI  Wataru SAKURAI  


    E78-C No:11

    The performance of decision-feedback equalization combined with maximum-likelihood detection (DFE/ML) using the fixed-delay-tree-search/decision feedback (FDTS/DF) algorithm was estimated analytically in terms of the length of the feedback-filter and the depth of the ML-detector. Performance degradation due to error propagation in the feedback-loop and in the ML-detector was taken into account by using a Markov process analysis. It was quantitatively shown that signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) performance in high-density magnetic recording channels can be improved by combining an ML-detector with a feedback-filter and that the error propagation in the DFE channel can be reduced by using an ML-detector. Finally, it was found that near-optimum performance with regard to channel SNR and error propagation can be achieved, over the channel density range from 2 to 3, by increasing the sum of the feedback-filter length and the ML-detector depth to six bits.

  • Protocol Verification Tool with Extended Petri Net and Horn Clause

    Takashi WATANABE  Tsuyoshi OHTA  Fumiaki SATO  Tadanori MIZUNO  


    E78-A No:11

    This paper proposes a protocol verification tool where protocols are described in an extended Petri net and Horn clauses. The extended net model contributes to reduce state space in verification with hierarchical description. The model also includes timed and colored net. Horn clause enables protocol designers to grasp a protocol by the declarative semantics. They can describe non critical but mandatory portion of a protocol like error processing or abortion with Horn clauses. Protocols are verified through simulation. Protocol verification includes two methods, all-in-one and hierarchical methods. By the all-in-one method all description is translated into Prolong clause and simulated exhaustively, whereas by the hierarchical verification, simulation begins with the lowest layer and deduces sufficient conditions that give liveness and safeness of the net model. Then the layer is replaced by a simpler net model that is incorporated into the higher layer. The scheme is applied to an illustrative example of the Alternating Bit protocol to discuss its effectiveness.

  • Embeddings of Hyper-Rings in Hypercubes

    Yukihiro HAMADA  Aohan MEI  Yasuaki NISHITANI  Yoshihide IGARASHI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E78-A No:11

    A graph G = (V, E) with N nodes is called an N-hyper-ring if V = {0, ..., N-1} and E = {(u, v)(u-v) modulo N is power of 2}. We study embeddings of the 2n-hyper-ring in the n-dimensional hypercube. We first show a greedy embedding with dilation 2 and congestion n+1. We next modify the greedy embedding, and then we obtain an embedding with dilation 4 and congestion 6.

  • Received Signal Level Characteristics for Wideband Radio Channels in Line-of-Sight Microcells

    Akira YAMAGUCHI  Keisuke SUWA  Ryoji KAWASAKI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E78-B No:11

    Currently, many efforts are underway to design wideband mobile communication system. The system is one of alternative of Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTS). In this paper, we clarify received signal level characteristics for wideband mobile radio channels in line-of-sight (LOS) microcells. The results from urban-area field experiments, where received signal levels for various receiver bandwidths and power delay profiles were measured, show that the depth of fading of the-received signal decreases as normalized RMS delay spread, defined as the product of receiver bandwidth and RMS delay spread, increases. These results are useful in designing wideband microcell systems for urban areas.

  • Microwave Power Absorption in a Cylindrical Model of Man in the Presence of a Flat Reflector

    Shuzo KUWANO  Kinchi KOKUBUN  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E78-B No:11

    This letter describes the power absorption of a cylindrical man model placed near a flat reflector exposed to TE microwave. The numerical results show that the absorption is in some cases an order of magnitude or more greater than that of the man model without a reflector.

  • Efficient Retrieval of Labeled Binary Trees

    Hans ARGENTON  Peter BECKER  


    E78-D No:11

    Generalizations of the classical ngram indexing techique provide a powerful tool for the fast retrieval of tree structures. We investigate the special case of binary trees, which are heavily used, for example, in computer linguistics: Given a database T{t1,...,tn} of labeled binary trees and a query tree q, find efficiently all trees t T that contain q as subtree. For supporting queries of this type, we propose an indexing technique that covers the database trees t T with smaller trees of a fixed calss. Thus, each index record represents a subtree that is contained in at least one database tree. To answer a given query q, the database trees of T that contain all of q's cover trees are preselected as candidates, which in turn are tested rigorously for containment of q. We present results from two test suites: one with databases of 10,000 randomly generated binary trees each and one with the 29,394 most extensive phrase structure trees found in the morphosyntactical analysis of the Old Testament's Hebrew texts Genesis, Exodus,and Leviticus.

  • An Adaptive Coding-Based Selection Scheme for a Communication Aid

    Satoshi KOYAMA  


    E78-A No:11

    This paper discusses a coding-based selection approach to a communication aid for the severely motor disabled. Several approaches including row-column scanning are briefly described, then we propose a new selection scheme based on the theory of adaptive coding. They are compared each other with respect to average switch activations in generating some text samples.

  • Examination of High-Speed, Low-Power-Consumption Thermal Head

    Susumu SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Recording and Memory Technologies

    E78-C No:11

    I have examined factors for implementing a high-speed, low-power-consumption thermal head. In conventional thermal heads, a heat insulation layer is provided between the heating resistor and the radiator. I found it desirable to implement fast operation and low power consumption to lower the thermal conductivity of the heat insulation layer and to thin the heat insulation layer. I also found there is an optimum heat characteristic to the thickness of one heat insulation layer. I assumed polyimide as a material for the heat insulation layer which could materialize the hypothesis, and studied necessary items based on the thermal calculation. I manufactured a trial thermal head on the basis of this result and confirmed that our assumptions were correct. In addition, to confirm that the assumption is also ultimately correct, I fabricated a trial thermal head only consisting of a heating resistor and without a protective coat and a heat insulation layer. I confirmed that the structure with only the heating resistor exhibited excellent heat response and consumed less power necessary for heating.

  • Color Assimilation of Strip Fields Displayed on CRT with a Dark Background

    Takashi NAKAGAWA  Yukitaka GOHARA  


    E78-A No:11

    We investigated perceptual color assimilation of a strip (test field) displayed on a CRT close to a green or red strip (inducing field) with a dark background. The maximal distance to induce assimilation was about 7 for a red inducing field, and 24 for a blue one. The intensity of assimilation was almost inversely proportional to the width of test field.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Double Periodic Array with a Dielectric Substrate



    E78-A No:11

    In this paper, electromagnetic scattering by infinite double two-dimensional periodic array of resistive upper and lower elements is considered. The electric field equations are solved by using the moment method in the spectral domain. Some numerical results are shown and frequency selective properties are discussed.

  • Rule-Based Query Rewriting in the Flora Optimizer

    Daniela FLORESCU  Patrick VALDURIEZ  


    E78-D No:11

    Flora is a functional-style language for object and relational algebra. It has been designed for efficient support of advanced database languages combining rules and objects using compilation and optimization. Flora is a strongly typed language based on an OO data model and incorporating support for collection-oriented computational capabilities. In this paper, we describe the design and architecture of the Flora optimizer which is rule-based, yet doing cost-based optimization. The optimizer uniformly captures logical, semantic and implementation knowledge regarding the execution system and the applications by means of assertions. This framework eases extensibility and enables efficient query rewriting.
