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  • Design of Approximate Inverse Systems Using All-Pass Networks

    Md. Kamrul HASAN  Satoru SHIMIZU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E79-A No:2

    This letter presents a new design method for approximate inverse systems using all-pass networks. The efficacy of approximate inverse systems for input and parameter estimation of nonminimum phase systems is well recognized. in the previous methods, only time domain design of FIR (finite impulse response) type approximate inverse systems were considered. Here, we demonstrate that IIR (infinite impulse response) type approximate inverse systems outperform the previous methods. A nonlinear optimization technique is adopted for designing the proposed system in the frequency domain. Numerical examples are also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Novel Signal Separation Principle Based on DFT with Extended Frame Fourier Analysis

    Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI  Lili GUO  Naoki SUEHIRO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E79-B No:2

    In general, a time-limited signal such as a single sinusoidal waveform framed by a frame period T can be utilized for conveying a multi-level symbol in data transmission. If such a signal is analyzed by the conventional DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) analysis, the infinite number of frequency components with frequency spacing fD = T1 is needed. This limits the accuracy with which the original frequency of the unframed sinusoidal waverform can be identified. It is especially difficult to identify two similar framed sinusoids whose frequency spacing is narrower than fD. An analytical principle for time-limited signals is therefore proposed by introducing the concept of an Extended Frame into DFT. Waveform analysis more accurate than DFT is achieved by taking into account multiple correlations between extended frames made of an input frame signal and the element frequency components corresponding to the length of each extended frame. In this approach, it is possible to use arbitrary element frequency spacing less than fD. It also allows an element frequency to be selected as a real number times of fD, rather than as an integer times of fD that is used for DFT. With this analyzing mechanism, it is verified that an input frame signal with only the frequency components which coincide with any of the element frequencies can be exactly analyzed. The disturbance caused by the input white noise is examined. As a result, it is found that the superior noise suppression function is achieved by this method over a conventional matched filter. In addition, the error caused by using a finite number of element frequencies and the A/D conversion accuracy required for sampling an input signal are examined, and it is shown that these factors need not impede practical implementation. For this reason, this principle is useful for multi-ary transmission systems, noise tolerant receivers, or systems requiring precise filtering of time limited waveforms.

  • Switched Access Star (SAS) Architecture for Optical Access Networks

    Yasuhiro SUZUKI  Tomonoli MAEKAWA  Kenji OKADA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:2

    We propose a novel architecture (Switched Access Star: SAS) using an optical switch for access networks and prove its operating principle experimentally. In this architecture, the multiple optical network units (ONUs) in subscriber premises are connected to one optical subscriber unit (OSU) in a central office through an optical switch. SAS can increase the number of accommodated ONUs, the transmission line length, and the capacity per ONU. Moreover, this architecture does not need encryption or ID/passwords. SAS can reduce system cost and yield flexible transmission capacities and realize easy management and maintenance of optical transmission lines.

  • A Proposition and Evaluation of DSM Models Suitable for a Wide Area Distributed Environment Realized on High Performance Networks

    Masato OGUCHI  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:2

    Distributed shared memory is an attractive option for realizing functionally distributed computing in a wide area distributed environment, because of its simplicity and flexibility in software programming. However, up till now, distributed shared memory has mainly been studied in a local environment. In a widely distributed environment, latency of communication greatly affects system performance. Moreover, bandwidth of networks available in a wide area is dramatically increasing recently. DSM architecture using high performance networks must be different from the case of low speed networks being used. In this paper, distributed shared memory models in a widely distributed environment are discussed and evaluated. First, existing distributed shared memory models are examined: They are shared virtual memory and replicated shared memory. Next, an improved replicated shared memory model, which uses internal machine memory, is proposed. In this model, we assume the existence of a seamless, multi-cast wide area network infrastructure - for example, an ATM network. A prototype of this model using multi-thread programming have been implemented on multi-CPU SPARCstations and an ATM-LAN. These DSM models are compared with SCRAMNetTM, whose mechanism is based on replicated shared memory. Results from this evaluation show the superiority of the replicated shared memory compared to shared virtual memory when the length of the network is large. While replicated shared memory using external memory is influenced by the ratio of local and global accesses, replicated shared memory using internal machine memory is suitable for a wide variety of cases. The replicated shared memory model is considered to be suitable particularly for applications which impose real time operation in a widely distributed environment, since some latency hiding techniques such as context switching or data prefetching are not effective for real time demands.

  • Projective Image Representation and Its Application to Image Compression

    Kyeong-Hoon JUNG  Choong Woong LEE  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:2

    This paper introduces a new image representation method that is named the projective image representation (PIR). We consider an image as a collage of symmetric segments each of which can be well represented by its projection data of a single orientation. A quadtree-based method is adopted to decompose an image into variable sized segments according to the complexity within it. Also, we deal with the application of the PIR to the image compression and propose an efficient algorithm, the quadtree-structured projection vector quantization (QTPVQ) which combines the PIR with the VQ. As the VQ is carried out on the projection data instead of the pixel intensities of the segment, the QTPVQ successfully overcomes the drawbacks of the conventional VQ algorithms such as the blocking artifact and the difficulty in manipulating the large dimension. Above all, the QTPVQ improves the subjective quality greatly, especially at low bit rate, which makes it applicable to low bit rate image coding.

  • Jitter Analysis of an ATM Multiplexer and of a DQDB Network

    Hitoshi NAGANO  Shuji TASAKA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:2

    In this paper, we formulate and solve a discrete-time queueing problem that has two potential applications: ATM multiplexers and DQDB networks. We first consider the modeling of an ATM multiplexer. The object of the analysis is a periodic traffic stream (CBR traffic), which is one of the inputs to the multiplexer. As in previous works of the subject, we consider a memoryless background traffic input. Here, in addition to this background traffic, we take into account the influence of a high-priority traffic, which is time-correlated and requires expedited service. We analyze the influence of these two types of traffic on the statistics of the interdeparture time (jitter process) and the delay of the periodic traffic stream. We obtain their distributions in a form of z-transforms, and from these we derive closed form expressions for the average delay and the variance of the interdeparture time. Our results show that the delay and jitter are very sensitive to the burstiness of the high priority traffic arrival process. We next apply our analytical modeling to a DQDB network when some of its stations are driven by CBR sources. We can obtain interesting results concerning the influence of the physical location of a DQDB station on the jitter.

  • Self-Routing in 2-D Shuffle Networks

    Josef GIGLMAYR  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E79-B No:2

    Throughout the paper, the proper operating of the self-routing principle in 2-D shuffle multistage interconnection networks (MINs) is analysed. (The notation 1-D MIN and 2-D MIN is applied for a MIN which interconnects 1-D and 2-D data, respectively.) Two different methods for self-routing in 2-D shuffle MINs are presented: (1) The application of self-routing in 1-D MINs by a switch-pattern preserving transformation of 1-D shuffle stages into 2-D shuffle stages (and vice versa) and (2) the general concept of self-routing in 2-D shuffle MINs based on self-routing with regard to each coordinate which is the original contribution of the paper. Several examples are provided which make the various problems transparent.

  • An Optical Fiber Dropping Method for Residential Premises Employing Optical Drop Wire Stranded Cable

    Kazuo HOGARI  Yoshiki NAKATSUJI  Takenori MORIMITSU  

    LETTER-Communication Cable and Wave Guides

    E79-B No:2

    This letter describes an efficient and economical method for dropping optical fiber to residential premises in which several fiber ribbons in a distribution cable are assigned to one dropping point. The optical fiber cables for dropping, which contain mono-coated fibers, are then aerially installed between several poles from this point during initial construction. One or two fibers in a cable are then branched and dropped to a subscriber when the demand arises. When an optical drop wire stranded cable is used as the optical fiber cable for dropping, the above method can be employed without the need for a fiber joint in the dropping portion. The tube stranding pitch of this cable is investigated theoretically and experimentally, and the cable is manufactured based on the results. The transmission characteristics of the cable are confirmed to be stable.

  • Implementing OSI Protocol Stack in a Multiprocessor Environment

    Sunwan CHOI  Kilnam CHON  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E79-B No:1

    Parallel processing is a well-known approach to enhance the performance of communication subsystems. The several forms of parallelism embedded in communication protocols have been applied to the OSI protocol stack. However, the OSI protocol stack involves sequential processing due to the layered architecture. Thus, all the layers have been prevented from performing immediate processing as soon as the data arrives. To solve the problem, we apply a Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD) parallel scheme to OSI processing for the network layer through the presentation layer. In the MISD scheme, different processors can be allocated to different layers and concurrently run the code for each layer. In contrast, the conventional approach adopts for a pipeline scheme that all the layers can be assigned to different pipeline stages and will be performed in a time interval and their dependence. The implementations have been performed to compare the pipeline scheme with the MISD scheme on the Parsytec Super Cluster consisting of 64 Transputers. The measures show that the MISD scheme has performance improvement as high as about 84% in comparison with the pipeline one.

  • Optimization of Time-Memory Trade-Off Cryptanalysis and Its Application to DES, FEAL-32, and Skipjuck

    Koji KUSUDA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E79-A No:1

    In 1980, Hellman presented "time-memory trade-off cryptanalysis" for block ciphers, which requires precomputation equivalent to time complexity of exhaustive search, but can drastically reduce both time complexity on intercepted ciphertexts of exhaustive search and space complexity of table lookup. This paper extends his cryptanalysis and optimizes a relation among the breaking cost, time, and success probability. The power of the optimized cryptanalytic method can be demonstrated by the estimates as of January 1995 in the following. For breaking DES in one hour with success probability of 50% or more, the estimated cost of a simple and a highly parallel machine is respectively about 0.26[million dollars] and 0.06[million dollars]. Also it takes about six and two years respectively until each machine costs for breaking FEAL-32 on the same condition decreases to 1[million dollars]. Moreover, it takes about 22.5 and 19[years] respectively until each costs for breaking Skipjack similarly decreases to 1[million dollars], but time complexity of precomputation is huge in case of the former. The cost-time product for this precomputation will decrease to 20[million dollarsyears] in about 30[years].

  • A Local Cover Technique for the Minimization of Multiple-Valued Input Binary-Valued Output Functions

    Giuseppe CARUSO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E79-A No:1

    The present paper is concerned with an algorithm for the minimization of multiple-valued input, binary-valued output functions. The algorithm is an extension to muitiple-valued logic of an algorithm for the minimization of ordinary single-output Boolean functions. It is based on a local covering approach. Basically, it uses a "divide and conquer" technique, consisting of two steps called expansion and selection. The present algorithm preserves two important features of the original one. First, a lower bound on the number of prime implicants in the minimum cover of the given function is furnished as a by-product of the minimization. Second, all the essential primes of the function are identified and selected during the expansion process. That usually improves efficiency when handling functions with many essential primes. Results of a comparison of the proposed algorithm with the program ESPRESSO-IIC developed at Berkeley are presented.

  • A Flexible Verifier of Temporal Properties for LOTOS

    Kaoru TAKAHASHI  Yoshiaki TOKITA  Takehisa TANAKA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E79-D No:1

    This paper discusses a software verification support environment Vega which is based on a model-theoretic methodology that enables verification support for the temporal properties of protocol specifications described in the formal description technique LOTOS. In the methodology of Vega, a protocol specification is defined through the LOTOS process reflecting its practical system structure. The temporal properties to be verified are given as the requirement which the protocol needs to satisfy from the viewpoint of events and are formulated by using the branching time temporal logic defined in this paper. Verification is done by determining whether or not the given temporal properties are satisfied by the model, which corresponds to the transition system derived from the LOTOS specification of the protocol. Vega is provided with an effective interface function, as well as the function of simple model checking based on the above methodology, to give some degree of flexibility for the expression of temporal properties to be verified. Specifically, it allows the user to define useful expressions by combining builtin temporal logic formulas and enter them in Vega for use at any time. With the provision of these functions, Vega is expected to serve as a very powerful and flexible verification support tool.

  • An Application of Simulated Annealing to the Design of Block Coded Modulation

    Minoru OKADA  Shinsuke HARA  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E79-B No:1

    This paper proposes a new block coded quadrature amplitude modulation (BC-QAM) scheme, which is designed by an optimization technique based on simulated annealing. Simulated annealing is an effective nonlinear optimization technique and can be applied to both the discrete and the continuous optimization problems. In this paper, the simulated annealing technique is used to design the optimum BC-QAM signal, which minimizes the upper bound on the bit error rate (BER) in a Rayleigh fading channel. The computer simulation shows that the proposed BC-QAM can improve the BER performance. This paper also proposes a simplified design method to reduce the number of variables to be optimized. The proposed simplified method optimizes the in-phase and quadrature components of the BC-QAM signal separately. The computer simulation also shows that the BC-QAM designed by the simplified method gives little degradation on the BER performance, although the simplified method can significantly reduce the number of optimization variables.

  • A Single-Layer Power Divider for a Slotted Waveguide Array Using π-Junctions with an Inductive Wall

    Tsukasa TAKAHASHI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:1

    The authors propose a waveguide π-junction with an inductive wall. Galerkin's method of moments is applied to analyze it and small reflection and desired power division ratio is realized. Good agreement between the calculated result and the measured one verifies the design of a unit π-junction. The characteristics of aπ-junction with a wall are almost the same as those of a conventional π-junction with a post. Important advantage of the new π-junction with a wall is that it can be manufactured in the die-cast process of the waveguide while a post in the conventional one must be attached in an additional process. A 16-way power divider consisting of 8 π-junctions is designed at 11.85 GHz and the characteristics are predicted.

  • Bayesian Performance Estimation Driven by Performance Monitoring and Its Application

    Hiroshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:1

    A performance estimation method has been developed that combines conventional performance evaluation with Bayesian regression analysis. The conventional method is used to estimate performance a priori; this a priori estimate is then updated through Bayesian regression analysis using monitored performance. This method compensates for modeling errors in the conventional technique without recreating complex performance models; it does not require additional traffic measurement or system behavior models. Numerical examples and applications of traffic management in ATM PVC networks have demonstrated its effectiveness.

  • A Parallel Multicast Fast Packet Switch with Ring Network and Its Performance

    Jinchun KIM  Byungho KIM  Hyunsoo YOON  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:1

    A goal of a broadband ISDN network is to provide integrated transport for a wide range of applications such as teleconferencing, entertainment video, and file distribution. These require multipoint communications in addition to conventional point-to-point connections. The essential component to provide multipoint communications is a multicast packet switch. In this paper, we propose and analyze a new parallel multicast packet switch which easily approaches a maximum throughput of 100% as the number of fanout and multicast rate are increased. The proposed switch consists of a simple ring network and a point-to-point switch network in parallel. The ring network provides both replication and routing of multicast packets. The point-to-point switch network is responsible for delivering only unicast packets. The ring network provided in this switch overcomes the problems of clock synchronization and unfairness of access in the slotted ring by synchronizing the ring to the time slot used in the point-to-point switch and providing small amount of speed-up. Moreover, the significant drawbacks of the basic cascaded multicast fabric design are removed in this parallel switch which can separate the unicast and multicast packets before entering the switch fabric. The performance analysis shows that this switch with the small size of input/output buffers achieves good performance in delay and throughput, and the packet loss probability less than 10-9.

  • Open Loop Reverse Modulation Carrier Recovery Scheme for Rician and Rayleigh Fading Environments

    Tetsu SAKATA  Shuji KUBOTA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E79-B No:1

    To realize better bit error rate performance in fast fading environments, this paper proposes the open loop reverse modulation carrier recovery scheme which employs a new open loop carrier extractor and regenerator instead of using a feed back loop. The proposed scheme realizes stable regenerated carrier signals to achieve low bit error rate not only under additive white Gaussian noise environments but also under fast fading environments. Computer simulations clarify that the proposed scheme always achieves better bit error rates than conventional differential detection or coherent detection with feed back loops under the various fading environments examined.

  • SAR Distributions in a Human Model Exposed to Electromagnetic Near Field by a Short Electric Dipole

    So-ichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E79-B No:1

    The SAR distributions over a homogeneous human model exposed to a near field of a short electric dipole in the resonant frequency region were calculated with the spatial resolution of 1cm3 which approximated 1g tissue by using the FDTD method with the expansion technique. The dependences of the SAR distribution on the distance between the model and the source and on frequency were investigated. It was shown that the large local SAR appeared in the parts of the body nearest to the source when the source was located at 20cm from the body, whereas the local SAR were largest in the narrow sections such as the neck and legs when the source was farther than 80cm from the model. It was also shown that, for the near-field exposure in the resonant frequency region, the profile of the layer averaged SAR distribution along the main axis of the body of the human model depended little on frequency, and that the SAR distribution in the section perpendicular to the main axis of the human body depended on frequency. The maximum local SAR per gram tissue over the whole body model was also determined, showing that the ratios of the maximum local SAR to the whole-body averaged SAR for the near-field exposure were at most several times as large as the corresponding ratio for the far-field exposure, when the small source located farther than 20cm from the surface of the human model.

  • A Bayesian Regularization Approach to Ill-Posed Problems with Application to the Direction Finding of VLF/ELF Radio Waves

    Mehrez HIRARI  Masashi HAYAKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:1

    In this communication we propose to solve the problem of reconstruction from limited data using a statistical regularization method based on a Bayesian information criterion. The minimization of the Bayesian information criterion, which is used here as an objective index to measure the goodness of an estimate, gives the optimum value of the smoothing parameter. By doing so, we could reduce the inversion problem to a simple minimization of a one-variable nonlinear function. The application of such a technique overcomes the nonuniqueness of the solution of the ill-posed problem and all shortcomings of many iterative methods. In the light of simulation and application to real data, we propose a slight modification to the Bayesian information criterion to reconstruct the wave energy distribution at the ionospheric base from the observation of radio wave electromagnetic field on the ground. The achieved results in both the inversion problem and the wave direction finding are very promising and may support other works so far suggested the use of Bayesian methods in the inversion of ill-posed problems to benefit from the valuable information brought by the a priori knowledge.

  • Optically Assisted Microwave Active Integrated Antennas

    Siou Teck CHEW  Dennis T.K.TONG  Ming C. WU  Tatsuo ITOH  

    INVITED PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    This paper reviews some of the recent effort in the area of microwave-optical interaction as applied to enhance the utility of the active integrated antennas and arrays. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, the optical bias is used as a hidden port to control the characteristics of the active integrated antennas. Two examples will be presented. In the second part, an optical carrier is used for remoting of active integrated antenna for beam control.
