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  • Novel Narrowband Interference Rejection for an Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Wireless Modem Using a SAW Convolver

    Hiroyuki NAKASE  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI  


    E76-B No:8

    An asynchronous spread spectrum (SS) wireless modem has been implemented using an efficient ZnO-SiO2-Si surface acoustic wave (SAW) convolver. The modem is based on a direct-sequence/frequency-shift-keying (DS/FSK) method for the modulation. The demodulation is carried out asynchronously utilizing the coherent correlation characteristics of the SAW convolver. In order to improve the narrowband interference rejection capability, we propose a new technique based on the reference signal control. A notched-reference-signal circuit and a self-convolution canceler are implemented in the SS modem for the reference signal control. It was found that the antijam capability for narrowband interference is at least -24dB of desired-to-undesired power ratio (D/U); the improvement of the antijam capability is 16dB up as compared with our previous SS modem.

  • Time Division Duplex Method of Transmission of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals for Power Control Implementation



    E76-B No:8

    A time division duplex (TDD) direct sequence spread spectrum communication (DS-SS) system is proposed for operation in channels with Rayleigh fading characteristics. It is shown that using the TDD method is advantageous because the devices can be designed more simply, the method is more frequency efficient and as a result the systems will be less costly and less power consuming. It is also shown that an efficient power control method can be implemented for the TDD systems. In contrast to the traditional access techniques such as frequency division multiple access (FDMA) and time division multiple access (TDMA) that are mainly frequency limited, the code division multiple access (CDMA) method which uses the DS-SS technique is interference limited. This means that an efficient power control method can increase the capacity of the DS-SS communications system. Computer simulations are used to evaluate the performance of the TDD power control method. Performance improvement of order of 12 to 17dB at bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 can be obtained for different methods of power control. The advantages of the TDD technique for the future DS-SS systems operating in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band are explained in an appendix to this paper.

  • Asynchronous Multiple Access Performances of Frequency-Time-Hopped Multi-Level Frequency-Time

    Kohji ITOH  Makoto ITAMI  Kozo KOMIYA  Yasuo SOWA  Keiji YAMADA  


    E76-B No:8

    Assuming application to the mobile multiple-access communication, chip-asynchronous mobile-to-base performances of FH/FTH (Frequency-Time-Hopped)-MFTSK (Multi-level Frequency-Time Shift Keying) systems are investigated. Analytical expressions are obtained for the probabilities of false detection and missed detection of signal elements, assuming independent and asynchronous arrival of each of the signal elements with Rayleigh fading and optional AWG noise. Using the result or by simulation and employing dual-k coding, parameter optimization was carried out to obtain the maximum spectrum efficiency. The results of the noisy case analysis and simulation show high noise-robustness of the FTH systems. For a given value of information transmission rate the optimized FTH-MFTSK gives an effectively constant spectrum efficiency for a wide range of the number Kf of frequency chips. As a result, FTH-MFTSK well outperforms FTH-MFSK at any, especially small value of Kf. Relative to the overall optimum FH-MFSK, FTH-MFSK systems show typically around 20% of degradation in spectrum efficiency even with one-eighth of Kf. Compared with FH-MFSK, accordingly, FTH-MFTSK systems allow the designer to reduce, without any degradation in multiple-access performances, the number of frequency chips to the minimum value tolerated by the frequency selective fading characteristics and the time chip duration requirement imposed by the signal-to-noise ratio margin and the transmitter peak power rating.

  • Experiment and Arnold Theory Analysis of Excess Current due to Andreev Reflection

    Shigeru YOSHIMORI  Wataru NAKAHAMA  Mitsuo KAWAMURA  


    E76-C No:8

    Experimental results of an N-S junction and analysis of the results using the Arnold theory were reported. Au and Pb were employed as a normal metal and a superconducting material, respectively. The excess current effect due to the Andreev reflection was observed in the current-voltage characteristics of an N-S junction whose normal resistance was 1.603 Ω. The excess current at 4.62 K was about 0.7 mA when the applied voltage was 2 mV. The barrier height and width were estimated to be 1.0169 eV and 0.7 , respectively, by comparing the experimental results and analysis based on the Arnold theory. In the voltage region less than 2 mV, the theory well agreed with the experiment. Moreover, the applied voltage dependence of the supercurrent and quasiparticle current were separately calculated. It was made clear that the supercurrent was larger than the quasiparticle current in the voltage region less than 2Δ/e, where Δ is the superconducting energy gap and e is the absolute value of an electron's charge. The supercurrent began to gradually saturate when the voltage was higher than Δ/e and became constant at the applied voltage greater than 2Δ/e. In our experiment, the excess current larger than expected from the Arnold theory was observed in the voltage region higher than 2Δ/e.

  • Neural Network Approach to Characterization of Cirrhotic Parenchymal Echo Patterns

    Shin-ya YOSHINO  Akira KOBAYASHI  Takashi YAHAGI  Hiroyuki FUKUDA  Masaaki EBARA  Masao OHTO  

    PAPER-Biomedical Signal Processing

    E76-A No:8

    We have calssified parenchymal echo patterns of cirrhotic liver into four types, according to the size of hypoechoic nodular lesions. Neural network technique has been applied to the characterization of hepatic parenchymal diseases in ultrasonic B-scan texture. We employed a multi-layer feedforward neural network utilizing the back-propagation algorithm. We carried out four kinds of pre-processings for liver parenchymal pattern in the images. We describe the examination of each performance by these pre-processing techniques. We show four results using (1) only magnitudes of FFT pre-processing, (2) both magnitudes and phase angles, (3) data normalized by the maximum value in the dataset, and (4) data normalized by variance of the dataset. Among the 4 pre-processing data treatments studied, the process combining FFT phase angles and magnitudes of FFT is found to be the most efficient.

  • Application of Beam Propagation Method to Discontinuities of Weakly Guiding Structures

    Masashi HOTTA  Masahiro GESHIRO  Shinnosuke SAWA  


    E76-C No:8

    The beam propagation method (BPM) is a powerful and manageable method for the analysis of wave propagation along weakly guiding optical waveguides. However, the effects of reflected waves are not considered in the original BPM. In this paper, we propose two simple modifications of the BPM to make it relevant in characterizing waveguide discontinuities at which a significant amount of reflection is expected to be observed. Validity of the present modifications is confirmed by the numerical results for the slab waveguide discontinuities and the butt-joints between different slab waveguides which either support the dominant mode or higher order modes.

  • A Design Method of an Adaptive Multichannel IIR Lattice Predictor for k-Step Ahead Prediction

    Katsumi YAMASHITA  M. H. KAHAI  Takayuki NAKACHI  Hayao MIYAGI  

    LETTER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E76-A No:8

    An adaptive multichannel IIR lattice predictor for k-step ahead prediction is constructed and the effectiveness of the proposed predictor is evaluated using digital simulations.

  • Adaptive RAKE Receiver for Mobile Communications

    Yukitoshi SANADA  Akihiro KAJIWARA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper, we propose an adaptive RAKE receiver, which does not need to send the sounding signals and can track the fluctuations caused by fading. The channel estimation can be done by using a least squares method of the first and second equations suppressing additive noise and tracking the channel fluctuations. It is confirmed by computer simulations that the result has good agreement with theory and the performance is almost same as that of the conventional RAKE with the sounding signals.

  • Performance of a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Multiple Access System Utilizing Unequal Carrier Frequencies

    Elvino S. SOUSA  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper we determine the performance of a direct sequence spread spectrum multiple access system where the users utilize different carrier frequencies. This scheme is applicable to a system, such as an indoor wireless communication system utilizing very high frequencies, where the available bandwidth is so large that it is not feasible to spread the signal over the whole band. The multi-user interference is modeled as a compound Gaussian random variable and expressions are found for the variance of the interference as a function of relative phase and frequency parameters. In addition to different carrier frequencies the analysis also accounts for offsets in the chip clock frequencies, general chip pulse shaping function, and different received signal powers. We give results for the error probability in a multiple access system utilizing BPSK, QPSK, and OQPSK modulation.

  • Structure and Resistivity of BaBiOy, Ba1-xLaxBiO3, and BaBi1-xLaxO3

    Isao SHIME  Shiro KAMBE  Shigetoshi OHSHIMA  Katsuro OKUYAMA  


    E76-C No:8

    Structure and resistivity of BaBiOy were compared with those of Ba1-xLaxBiO3. Decrease in an average Bi valence from 3.91 to 3.03 for BaBiOy leads to an increase in the lattice parameter c from 4.37 to 4.53 , in the unit cell volume from 81 3 to 87 3, and in the resistivity from 10 Ωcm to 2105 Ωcm. It was found that the increase in the unit cell volume and the resistivity was due to change in the average Bi valence. The resistivity of BaBi1-xLaxO3 was compared with that of BaBiOy and Ba1-xLaxBiO3. We also found that pseudocubic Ba1-xLaxBiO3 remains semiconducting as well as pseudotetragonal BaBiOy. The high resistivity in the Ba1-xLaxBiO3 and the BaBi1-xLaxO3 will be useful to the application for the SIS junction.

  • Pre-RAKE Diversity Combination for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Mobile Communications Systems



    E76-B No:8

    A new method of multipath diversity combination is proposed for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-SS) mobile communications. In this method, the transmitted signal from the base staion is the sum of a number of the same spread signal, each one delayed and scaled according to the delay and the strength of the multipaths of the transmission channel. As a result the received signal at the mobile unit will already be a Rake combination of the multipath signals. This new method is called Pre-Rake diversity combination because the Rake diversity combination process is performed before transmission By this method the size and complexity of the mobile unit can be minimized, and the unit is made as simple as a non-combining single path receiver. A theoretical examination of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Bit Error Rate (BER) results for the traditional Rake and the Pre-Rake combiners as well as computer simulations show that the performance of the Pre-Rake combiner is equivalent to that of the Rake combiner.

  • Crystallization of Amorphous YBCO and BSCCO Thin Films by Zone-Melt Technique

    Katsuro OKUYAMA  Shigetoshi OHSHIMA  Hiroaki UENISHI  Shiro KAMBE  


    E76-C No:8

    Amorphous films of YBCO and BSCCO (2212) sputtered on MgO substrate were crystallized using zonemelt technique. For YBCO films, thin Ag intermediate layer was found to be effective in enhancing crystal growth and preferred orientation. Zone-melted BSCCO films included both (2201) phase and Cu(Sr, Ca)O2 in a form of dendritic crystallites. Tc's obtained for YBCO and BSCCO films were 70 and 75 K, respectively.

  • Approximate Odd Periodic Correlation Distributions of Binary Sequences

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Kyoki IMAMURA  


    E76-B No:8

    An approximate equation of the odd periodic correlation distribution for the family of binary sequences is derived from the exact even periodic correlation distribution. The distribution means the probabilities of correlation values which appear among all the phase-shifted sequences in the family. It is shown that the approximate distribution is almost the same as the computational result of some family such as the Gold sequences with low even periodic correlation magnitudes, or the Kasami sequences, the bent sequences with optimal even periodic correlation properties in the sense of the Welch's lower bound. It is also shown that the odd periodic correlation distribution of the family with optimal periodic correlation properties is not the Gaussian distribution, but that of the family of the Gold sequences with short period seems to be similar to the Gaussian distribution.

  • On a Recent 4-Phase Sequence Design for CDMA

    A. Roger HAMMONS, Jr.  P. Vijay KUMAR  


    E76-B No:8

    Recently, a family of 4-phase sequences (alphabet {1,j,-1,-j}) was discovered having the same size 2r+1 and period 2r-1 as the family of binary (i.e., {+1, -1}) Gold sequences, but whose maximum nontrivial correlation is smaller by a factor of 2. In addition, the worst-case correlation magnitude remains the same for r odd or even, unlike in the case of Gold sequences. The family is asymptotically optimal with respect to the Welch lower bound on Cmax for complex-valued sequences and the sequences within the family are easily generated using shift registers. This paper aims to provide a more accessible description of these sequences.

  • Design of Josephson Ternary Delta-Gate (δ-Gate)

    Ali Massoud HAIDAR  Fu-Qiang LI  Mititada MORISUE  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:8

    A new circuit design of Josephson ternary δ-gate composed of Josephson junction devices is presented. Mathematical theory for synthesizing, analyzing, and realizing any given function in ternary system using Josephson ternary δ-gate is introduced. The Josephson ternary δ-gate is realized using SQUID technique. Circuit simulation results using J-SPICE demonstrated the feasibility and the reliability operations of Josephson ternary δ-gate with very high performances for both speed and power consumption (max. propagation delay time44 ps and max. power consumption2.6µW). The Josephson ternary δ-gate forms a complete set (completeness) with the ternary constants (1, 0, 1). The number of SQUIDs that are needed to perform the operation of δ-gate is 6. Different design with less than 6 SQUIDs is not possible because it can not perform the operation of δ-gate. The advantages of Josephson ternary δ-gate compared with different Josephson logic circuits are as follows: The δ-gate has the property that a simple realization to any given ternary logic function as the building blocks can be achieved. The δ-gate has simple construction with small number of SQUIDs. The δ-gate can realize a large number of ternary functions with small number of input/output pins. The performances of δ-gate is very high, very low power consumption and ultra high speed switching operation.

  • An Architecture for High Speed Array Multiplier

    Farhad Fuad ISLAM  Keikichi TAMARU  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E76-A No:8

    High speed multiplication of two n-bit numbers plays an important role in many digital signal processing applications. Traditional array and Wallace multipliers are the most widely used multipliers implemented in VLSI. The area and time (=latency) of these two multipliers depend on operand bit-size, n. For a particular bit-size, they occupy fixed positions in some graph which has area and time along the x and y-axes respectively. However, many applications require a multiplier which has an 'intermediate' area-time characteristics with the above two traditional multipliers occupying two extreme ends of above mentioned area-time curve. In this paper, we propose such an intermediate multiplier which trades off area for time. It has higher speed (i.e., less latendy) but more area than a traditional array multiplier. Whereas when compared with a traditional Wallace multiplier, it has lower speed and area. The attractive point of our multiplier is that, it resembles an array multiplier in terms of regularity in placement and inter-connection of unit computation cells. And its interesting feature is that, in contrast to a traditional array multiplier, it computes by introducing multiple computation wave fronts among its computation cells. In this paper, we investigate on the area-time complexity of our proposed multiplier and discuss on its characteristics while comparing with some contemporary multiplers in terms of latency, area and wiring complexity.

  • Survey of Linear Block Estimation Algorithms for the Detection of Spread Spectrum Signals Transmitted over Frequency Selective Channels

    Paul W. BAIER  Tobias FELHAUER  Anja KLEIN  Aarne MÄMMELÄ  


    E76-B No:8

    The well known optimum approach to detect spread spectrum signals transmitted in bursts over frequency selective radio channels is matched filtering, which performs despreading, and subsequent Viterbi equalization (VE) to cope with intersymbol interference (ISI). With respect to complexity, VE is feasible only if data modulation schemes with a few symbol levels as e.g. 2PSK are used and if the delay spread of the channel is not too large. The paper gives a survey of suboptimum data detectors based on linear block estimation. Such data detectors are less expensive than VE especially in the case of multilevel data modulation schemes as 4PSK or 16QAM. Special emphasis is laid on data detectors based on Gauss-Markoff estimation because these detectors combine the advantages of unbiasedness and minimum variance of the estimate. In computer simulations, the Gauss-Markoff estimation algorithm is applied to spread spectrum burst transmission over radio channels specified by COST 207. It is shown that the SNR degradation which is a measure of the suboptimality of the detector does not exceed a few dB, and that even moderate spectrum spreading considerably reduces the detrimental effect of channel frequency selectivity.

  • Fabrication and Characterization of Bi-epitaxial Grain Boundary Junctions in YBa2Cu3O7δ

    Kazuya KINOSHITA  Syuuji ARISAKA  Takeshi KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:8

    We have fabricated bi-epitaxial grain boundary junctions in YBa2Cu3O7δ (YBCO) thin films by using SrTiO3 (STO) seed layers on MgO(100) substrate. YBCO film growing over the STO seed layer has a different in-plane orientation from YBCO film without the seed layer, so artificial grain boundaries were created at the edge of the seed layer. The fabricated junctions have high Tc (up to 80 K), and constant-voltage current steps are observed in response to 12.1 GHz microwave radiation. Moreover, some of the junctions show characteristic current-voltage curves comprising not only an usual Josephson-like characteristic but also a low critical current due to the flux creep. This suggests that the two characteristic parts are likely to be connected in series at the junction region.

  • The Comparison between the Linear Optimal Restoration Filter and MEM Restoration Filter

    Kiyomichi ARAKI  Toshihiko HASHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Digital Image Processing

    E76-A No:8

    In this paper, we attempt the comparison of the image/signal restoration between Projection Filter, which is regarded as one of the linear optimal filters, and the non-linear filter based on MEM. From the simulation, we show the advantage of MEM restoration filter in restoring noisy degraded images.

  • Spread Spectrum Pulse Position Modulation--A Simple Approach for Shannon's Limit--

    Isao OKAZAKI  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper, we propose a spread spectrum pulse position modulation (SS-PPM) system, and describe its basic performances. In direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) systems, pseudo-noise (PN) matched filters are often used as information demodulation devices. In the PN matched filter demodulation systems, for simple structure and low cost of each receiver, it is desired that each demodulator uses only one PN matched filter, and that signals transmitted from each transmitter are binary. In such systems, on-off keying (SS-OOK), binary-phase-shift keying (SS-BPSK) and differential phase-shift keying (SS-DPSK) have been conventionally used. As one of such systems, we propose the SS-PPM system; the SS-PPM system is divided into the following two systems: 1) the SS-PPM system without sequence inversion keying (SIK) of the spreading code (Without SIK for short); 2) the SS-PPM system with SIK of the spreading code (With SIK for short). As a result, we show that under the same bandwidth and the same code length, the data transmission rate of the SS-PPM system is superior to that of the other conventional SS systems, and that under the same band-width, the same code length and the same data transmission rate, the SS-PPM system is superior to the other conventional SS systems on the following points: 1) Single channel bit error rate (BER) (BER characteristics of the SS-PPM system improve with increasing the number of chip slots of the SS-PPM system, and as the number of chip slots increases, it approaches Shannon's limit); 2) Asynchronous CDMA BER; 3) Frequency utilization efficiency. In addition, we also show that With SIK is superior to Without SIK on these points.
