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  • Group-Based Random Multiple Access System for Satellite Communication Networks

    Kyung S. KWAK  


    E76-B No:5

    A group-based random access communication system which consists of two groups of many users is considered. The two different groups share a common random multiple access channel. Users from a group are allocated a high transmitting power level and have a high probability of correct reception among overlapping packets. We set a threshold, θ, which is such that the group with the high power level will occupy the channel if less than or equal to θ packets are transmitted from the group with the low power level. We obtain a two-dimensional Markovian model by tracing the number of backlogged users in the two groups. The two-dimensional Markov chain is shown to be not ergodic and thus the system is not stable. A two-dimensional retransmission algorithm is developed to stabilize the system and the retransmission control parameters are chosen so as to maximize the channel throughput. An equilibrium point analysis is performed by studying the drift functions of the system backlog and it is shown that there is a unique global equilibrium point. The channel capacity for the system is found to be in the range from 0.47 up to 0.53, which is a remarkable increase compared to the conventional slotted ALOHA system.

  • Quantum Theory, Computing and Chaotic Solitons

    Paul J. WERBOS  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E76-A No:5

    This paper describes new methematical tools, taken from quantum field theory (QFT), which may make it possible to characterize localized excitations (including solitons, but also including chaotic modes) generated by PDE systems. The significance to computer hardware and neurocomputing is also discussed. This mathematics--IF further developed--may also have the potential to reorganize and simplify our understanding of QFT itself--a topic of very great intellectual and practical importance. The paper concludes by describing three new possibilities for research, which will be very important to achieving these goals.

  • The Efficient GMD Decoders for BCH Codes

    Kiyomichi ARAKI  Masayuki TAKADA  Masakatsu MORII  

    PAPER-Error Correcting Codes

    E76-D No:5

    In this paper, we provide an efficient algorithm for GMD (Generalized Minimum Distance) decoding of BCH codes over q-valued logic, when q is pl (p: prime number, l: positive integer). An algebraic errors-and-erasures decoding procedure is required to execute only one time, whereas in a conventional GMD decoding at mostd/2algebraic decodings are necessary, where d is the design distance of the code. In our algorithm, Welch-Berlekamp's iterative method is efficiently employed to reduce the number of algebraic decoding procedures. We also show a method for hardware implementation of this GMD decoding based on q-valued logic.

  • A Feedback-Loop Type Transmission Power Control for TDMA Satellite Communication Systems

    Hiroshi KAZAMA  Takeo ATSUGI  Shuzo KATO  


    E76-B No:5

    This paper proposes a feedback-loop type transmission power control (TPC) scheme coupled with first and second order prediction methods and analyzes the optimum control period and residual control error. In order to minimize residual control error, the three main factors contributing to residual control error are analyzed. First, to detect accurately up-link rain attenuation, a channel quality detection method is proposed and analyzed experimentally for puseudo-error detection. Second, rain attenuation rates in Ka band are measured and analyzed statistically. Finally, the optimum control period of the proposed TPC scheme is analyzed. The simulation results on the prototype TPC system show a maximum of 4.5 dB residual control error is achievable with an optimum control period of about 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

  • A Proposal on Satellite Hitchhiker Payload for Pan-Pacific Information Network

    Takashi IIDA  Naoto KADOWAKI  Hisashi MORIKAWA  Kimio KONDO  Ryutaro SUZUKI  Yoshiaki NEMOTO  


    E76-B No:5

    A non-profit satellite communication network is desired to be configured by using low cost earth stations in the field of education, research and health in the Pacific region. This paper proposes the following concept as one of the tools to realize such a network: (a) A hitchhiker transponder dedicated to the network, and (b) The volunteer group prepares earth stations. A preliminary system design shows that the S band hitchhiker payload is most appropriate and has the weight of about 3kg. The feasibility of manufacturing earth stations by a volunteer group is examined through the experiment using ETS-V satellite. The parameters of the hitchhiker payload are re-examined on the basis of the experience of the experiment.

  • A Modified Newton Method with Guaranteed Accuracy Based on Rational Arithmetic

    Akira INOUE  Masahide KASHIWAGI  Shin'ichi OISHI  Mitsunori MAKINO  

    PAPER-Numerical Homotopy Method and Self-Validating Numerics

    E76-A No:5

    In this paper, we are concerned with a problem of obtaining an approximate solution of a finite-dimensional nonlinear equation with guaranteed accuracy. Assuming that an approximate solution of a nonlinear equation is already calculated by a certain numerical method, we present computable conditions to validate whether there exists an exact solution in a neighborhood of this approximate solution or not. In order to check such conditions by computers, we present a method using rational arithmetic. In this method, both the effects of the truncation errors and the rounding errors of numerical computation are taken into consideration. Moreover, based on rational arithmetic we propose a new modified Newton interation to obtain an improved approximate solution with desired accuracy.

  • A 10-b 300-MHz Interpolated-Parallel A/D Converter

    Hiroshi KIMURA  Akira MATSUZAWA  Takashi NAKAMURA  Shigeki SAWADA  


    E76-C No:5

    This paper describes a monolithic 10-b A/D converter that realized a maximum conversion frequency of 300 MHz. Through the development of the interpolated-parallel scheme, the severe requirement for the transistor Vbe matching can be alleviated drastically, which improves differential nonlinearity (DNL) significantly to within 0.4 LSB. Furthermore, an extremely small input capacitance of 8 pF can be attained, which translates into better dynamic performance such as SNR of 56 dB and THD of 59 dB for an input frequency of 10 MHz. Additionally, the folded differential logic circuit has been developed to reduce the number of elements, power dissipation, and die area drastically. Consequently, the A/D converter has been implemented as a 9.0 4.2-mm2 chip integrating 36K elements, which consumes 4.0 W using a 1.0-µm-rule, 25-GHz ft, double-polysilicon self-aligned bipolar technology.

  • A Suitable Combination of Modulation and FEC Schemes for Satellite Digital Video Communication Networks

    Shuji KUBOTA  Masahiro MORIKURA  Kiyoshi ENOMOTO  Shuzo KATO  


    E76-B No:5

    This paper proposes a suitable combination of the digital modulation schemes and the coding-rate of forward error correction (FEC) schemes for satellite digital video communication networks. The comparative study is carried out by computer simulation considering non-linearly amplified, narrow bandwidth satellite channels with adjacent channel interference signals. The proposed system employs an offset QPSK modulation scheme supported by the coding-rate of 7/8 convolutional encoding and Viterbi decoding to realize high-quality and compact spectrum characteristics in non-linear channels. By employing a 32Mbps DPCM video codec, the developed prototype system achieves a post demodulated S/N ratio of higher than 52dB. Moreover, it achieves high protection ratio against co-channel interference than conventional analog FM systems. The optimized digital video transmission system makes it possible to transmit high-quality NTSC video signals over non-linearly amplified narrow bandwidth satellite channels, for example 27MHz or 36MHz bandwidth transponders, with high-security digital encryption.

  • Unsupervised Learning of 3D objects Conserving Global Topological Order

    Jinhui CHAO  Kenji MINOWA  Shigeo TSUJII  

    PAPER-Neural Nets--Theory and Applications--

    E76-A No:5

    The self-organization rule of planar neural networks has been proposed for learning of 2D distributions. However, it cannot be applied to 3D objects. In this paper, we propose a new model for global representation of the 3D objects. Based on this model, global topology reserving self-organization is achieved using parallel local competitive learning rule such as Kohonen's maps. The proposed model is able to represent the objects distributively and easily accommodate local features.

  • Global Unfolding of Chua's Circuit

    Leon O. CHUA  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E76-A No:5

    By adding a linear resistor in series with the inductor in Chua's circuit, we obtain a circuit whose state equation is topologically conjugate (i.e., equivalent) to a 21-parameter family C of continuous odd-symmetric piecewise-linear equations in R3. In particular, except for a subset of measure zero, every system or vector field belonging to the family C, can be mapped via an explicit non-singular linear transformation into this circuit, which is uniquely determined by 7 parameters. Since no circuit with less than 7 parameters has this property, this augmented circuit is called an unfolding of Chua's circuit--it is analogous to that of "unfolding a vector field" in a small neighborhood of a singular point. Our unfolding, however, is global since it applies to the entire state space R3. The significance of the unfolded Chua's Circuit is that the qualitative dynamics of every autonomous 3rd-order chaotic circuit, system, and differential equation, containing one odd-symmetric 3-segment piecewise-linear function can be mapped into this circuit, thereby making their separate analysis unnecessary. This immense power of unification reduces the investigation of the many heretofore unrelated publications on chaotic circuits and systems to the analysis of only one canonical circuit. This unified approach is illustrated by many examples selected from a zoo of more than 30 strange attractors extracted from the literature. In addition, a gallery of 18 strange attractors in full color is included to demonstrate the immensely rich and complex dynamics of this simplest among all chaotic circuits.

  • Single Minimum Method for Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Its Application to the TSP Problem

    Dan XU  Itsuo KUMAZAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Nets--Theory and Applications--

    E76-A No:5

    The problem of local minima is inevitable when solving combinatorial optimization problems by conventional methods such as the Hopfield network, relying on the minimization of an objective function E(X). Such a problem arises from the search mechanism in which only the local information about the objective function E(X) is used. In this paper we propose a new approach called the Single Minimum Method (SMM) which uses the global information in searching for the solutions to combinatorial optimization problems. In this approach, we add a function -TS(X) to the original objective function E(X) to construct the function F(X)=E(X)-TS(X) which has only one minimum, one which can be easily found by any general gradiet method including the Hopfield network. Based on an analogy between thermodynamic systems and neural networks, it is shown that the global information about the original objective function E(X) is included in the single minimum of the function F(X) and can be used for finding the global minimum of the objective function E(X). In order to show how to apply the Single Minimum Method to a combinatorial optimization problem we give an algorithm for the TSP problem based on our method. The simulation results show that the algorithm can almost always find the shortest or near shortest paths. Finally, a modified SMM, which has some great advantages for hardware implementation, is also given.

  • A Link Study of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Communications System Using Optical Intersatellite Links

    Mitsuo NOHARA  Yoshinori ARIMOTO  Wataru CHUJO  Masayuki FUJISE  


    E76-B No:5

    Link conditions of a low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite communications system were evaluated, to provide the information necessary for designing a broadband LEO-SAT communications system. The study was made both for optical intersatellite and user/satellite links. For the optical intersatellite link (ISL), we examined several ISL configurations in a circular polar orbit, and found that when the satellites are in the same orbital plane, the link parameters are quite stable, that is, the link between adjacent satellites can be regarded as fixed and, therefore, suitable for broadband transmission via an optical link. However, the link conditions between adjacent orbits change very quickly and over a wide range. To overcome this and extend the network path between satellites in adjacent orbital planes, we proposed intermittent use of the link between satellites in co-rotating adjacent orbital planes at the low latitude region, i.e., only during the period of stable conditions. The optical intersatellite link budget also sets link parameters that are realistic, given present optoelectronic technologies. From quantitative evaluations of the user/satellite link, we believe that both the satellite altitude and minimum elevation angle are critical, both in defining the quality of the service of the LEO-SAT system and in their impact on the other transmission parameters. The link loss, the visible period and the required number of satellites vs. satellite altitude and elevation angle are also indicated. These are important considerations for future system design.

  • A Differential-Geometrical Theory of Sensory System --Relations between the Psychophysical, the DL and the JND Functions

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Mathematical Theory

    E76-A No:5

    This paper discusses psychophysical aspects of human sensory system through a differential-geometrical formulation. The discussions reveal relationships among three fundamental functions--the psychophysical, the DL and the JND functions, which characterize sensory system.

  • High-Speed SOI Bipolar Transistors Using Bonding and Thinning Techniques

    Manabu KOJIMA  Atsushi FUKURODA  Tetsu FUKANO  Naoshi HIGAKI  Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  Toshihiro SUGII  Yoshihiro ARIMOTO  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    We propose a high-speed SOI bipolar transistor fabricated using bonding and thinning techniques. It is important to replace SOI area except for devices with thick SiO2 to reduce parasitic capacitance. A thin SOI film with a thin buried layer helps meet this requirement. We formed a 1-µm-thick SOI film with a 0.7-µm-thick buried layer by ion implantation before wafer bonding pulse-field-assisted bonding and selective polishing. Devices were completely isolated by thick SiO2 using a thin SOI film and the LOCOS process. We fabricated epitaxial base transistors (EBTs) on bonded SOI. Our transistors had a cutoff frequency of 32 GHz.

  • On the Specification for VLSI Systolic Arrays

    Fuyau LIN  


    E76-A No:4

    Formal verification has become an increasing prominent technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware designs. We present a framework to specifying and verifying the design of systolic architectures. Our approach allows users to represent systolic arrays in Z specification language and to justify the design semi-automatically using the verifier. Z is a notation based on typed set theory and enriched by a schema calculus. We describe how a systolic array for matrix-vector multiplication can be specified and justified with respect to its algorithm.

  • A Linear Phase Two-Channel Filter Bank Allowing Perfect Reconstruction

    Hitoshi KIYA  Mitsuo YAE  Masahiro IWAHASHI  

    PAPER-Linear and Nonlinear Digital Filters

    E76-A No:4

    We propose a design method for a two-channel perfect reconstruction FIR filter banks employing linear-phase filters. This type of filter bank is especially important in splitting image signals into frequency bands for subband image cording. Because in such an application, it is necessary to use the combination of linear-phase filters and symmetric image signal, namely linear phase signal to avoid the increase in image size caused by filtering. In this paper, first we summarize the design conditions for two-channel filter banks. Next, we show that the design problem is reduced to a very simple linear equation, by using a half-band filter as a lowpass filter. Also the proposed method is available to lead filters with fewer complexity, which enable us to use simple arithmetic operations. For subband coding, the property is important because it reduces hardware complexity.

  • Diagnosis of Computer Systems by Stochastic Petri Nets Part (Theory)

    Gerald S. SHEDLER  Satoshi MORIGUCHI  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper focuses on methodology underlying the application to fault tolerant computer systems with "no down communication" capability of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times. Based on a formal specification of the stochastic Petri net, we provide criteria for the marking process to be a regenerative process in continuous time with finite cycle-length moments. These results lead to strongly consistent point estimates and asymptotic confidence intervals for limiting system availability indices. We also show how the building blocks of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times facilitate the modeling of non-deterministic transition firing and illustrate the use of "interrupter input places" for graphical representation of transition interruptions.

  • Characterizing Film Quality and Electromigration Resistance of Giant-Grain Copper Interconnects

    Takahisa NITTA  Tadahiro OHMI  Tsukasa HOSHI  Toshiyuki TAKEWAKI  Tadashi SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The performance of copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process has been investigated. The copper films formed on SiO2 by this technology under a sufficient amount of ion energy deposition exhibit perfect orientation conversion from Cu (111) to Cu (100) upon post-metallization thermal annealing. We have discovered such crystal orientation conversion is always accompanied by a giant-grain growth as large as 100 µm. The copper film resistivity decreases due to the decrease in the grain boundary scattering, when the giant-grain growth occurs in the film. The resistivity of giant-grain copper film at a room temperature is 1.76 µΩcm which is almost equal to the bulk resistivity of copper. Furthermore, a new-accelerated electromigration life-test method has been developed to evaluate copper interconnects having large electromigration resistance within a very short period of test time. The essence of the new method is the acceleration by a large-current-stress of more than 107 A/cm2 and to utilize the self heating of test interconnect for giving temperature stress. In order to avoid uncontrollable thermal runaway and resultant interconnect melting, we adopted a very efficient cooling system that immediately removes Joule heat and keeps the interconnect temperature constant. As a result, copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process exhibit three orders of magnitude longer lifetime at 300 K than Al alloy interconnects.

  • A Comparative Study of High-Field Endurance for NH3-Nitrided and N2O-Oxynitrided Ultrathin SiO2 Films

    Hisashi FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Two kinds of nitrided ultrathin (510 nm) SiO2 films were formed on the silicon (100) face using rapid thermal NH3-nitridation (RTN) and rapid thermal N2O-oxynitridation (RTON) technologies. The MOS capacitors with RTN SiO2 film showed that by Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) electron injection, both electron trap density and low-field leakage increase by the NH3-nitridation. In addition, the charge-to-breakdown (QBD) value decreases owing to NH3-nitridation. By contrast, RTON SiO2 films exhibited extremely low electron trap density, almost no increase of the leakage current, and large QBD value above 200C/cm2. The oxide film composition was evaluated by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). The chemical bonding states were also examined by Fourier transform-infrared reflection attenuated total reflectance (FT-IR ATR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. These results indicate that although a large number of nitrogen (N) atoms are incorporated by the RTN and RTON, only the RTN process generates the hydrogen-related species such as NH and SiH bounds in the film, whereas the RTON film indicates only SiN bonds in bulk SiO2. From the dielectric and physical properties of the oxide films, it is considered that the oxide wearout by high-field stress is the result of the electron trapping process, in which anomalous leakage due to trap-assisted tunneling near the injected interface rapidly increases, leading to irreversible oxide failure.

  • Effect of Noise-Only-Paths on the Performance Improvement of Post-Demodulation Selection Diversity in DS/SS Mobile Radio

    Akihiro HIGASHI  Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Mohsen KAVEHRAD  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E76-B No:4

    The path diversity improvement inherent in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) signalling under multi-path propagation environments is investigated for mobile/personal radio communications systems that employ DPSK modulation. The bit error rate (BER) performance of post-demodulation selection diversity reception is theoretically analyzed in the presence of noise-only-paths in the time window for diversity combining. Results of laboratory experiments conducted to evaluate the BER performance are also presented. It is shown that the experimental results agree well with the theoretical BER.
