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  • A Recycling Scheme for Layout Patterns Used in an Old Fabrication Technology


    PAPER-Algorithms for VLSI Design

    E76-A No:6

    When a new fabrication process is set up, especially in layout design for functional cells, of practical importance is how to make the best use of layout resources so far accumulated in old fabrication processes. Usually layout data of each element are expressed mostly in terms of positional coordinate values, and hence it is extremely tedious to modify them at every change of design rules for a new fabrication technology. To cope with this difficulty, the present paper describes an automatic recycling scheme for layout resources accumulated dedicatedly for functional cell generation. The main subject of this scheme is to transform given layout data into a layout description format expressed in layout parameters. Once layout data are parameterized, layout patterns of functional cells can be reconstructed simply by tuning up parameters in accordance with a new set of design rules. A part of implementation results are also shown.

  • Analysis of Excess Intensity Noise due to External Optical Feedback in DFB Semiconductor Lasers on the Basis of Mode Competition Theory

    Michihiko SUHARA  Minoru YAMADA  


    E76-C No:6

    The generation mechanism for excess intensity noise due to optical feedback is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Modal rate equations under the weakly coupled condition with external feedback are derived to include the mode competition phenomena in DFB and Fabry-Perot lasers. We found that the sensitivity of the external feedback strongly depends on design parameters of structure, such as the coupling constant of the corrugation, the facet reflection and the phase relation between the corrugation and the facet. A DFB laser whose oscillating wavelength is well adjusted to Bragg wavelength through insertion of a phase adjustment region becomes less sensitive to external optical feedback than a Fabry-Perot laser, but other types of DFB lasers revealing a stop band are more sensitive than the Fabry-Perot laser.

  • Transient Characteristics of Mobile Communication Traffic in a Band-Shaped Service Area

    Tatsuya KABASAWA  Toshiyuki WATANABE  Masakazu SENGOKU  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Shoji SHINODA  Takeo ABE  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E76-A No:6

    In a cellular system for mobile communications, every service area is divided into a number of cells for utilizing the frequency spectrum efficiently. Service areas for such systems are two dimensional, however, the analysis of the characteristics of the communication traffic for the areas are quite complicated, since the motion of the vehicles in the area can not be predicted precisely. For making the analysis easily, the areas are assumed to be band-shaped like a highway. Furthermore, in the analysis, the traffic offered to a cell is assumed to be stationary. In actual systems, the density of vehicles and the offered communication traffic is not stationary, so that many differences exist between the analysis and the actual systems. This paper presents an analysis method using state equations. The equations represent the transient characteristics of mobile communication traffic when a band-shaped service area is assumed. The transition is made by accidents or congestion, and causes the rapid offered traffic change in a communication system. In the method, numerical analysis is made under the consideration of "handoff" operation. The operation consists of surrendering the channel used in the previous cell and reassigning a new channel when the vehicle crosses the cell boundary. The analytical results are compared with the simulations, and the two results show good agreement. The method presented in this paper can be used for designing the switching system when the offered traffic changes rapidly due to accidents or congestion.

  • Synthesis of Linard's Equations Having More than One Periodic Solution

    Tosiro KOGA  Masaharu SHINAGAWA  Satoshi HASAKO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Neural Nets

    E76-A No:6

    As is well known, Linard's equation +µf (χ)+g(χ)=0 represents a wide class of oscillatory circuits as an extension of van der Pol's equation, and Linard's theorem guarantees the existence of a unique periodic solution which is orbitally stable. However, we sometimes meet such cases in engineering applications that the symmetry of the equation is violated, for instance, by a constant bias force. While, it has been known that asymmetric Linard's equation can have more than one periodic solution. The problem of finding the maximum number of such solutions, known as a special case of Hilbert's sixteenth problem, has recently been solved by T. Koga, one of the present authors. This paper first describes fundamental theorems due to T. Koga, and presents a solution to the synthesis problem of asymmetric Linard's systems, which generates an arbitrarily prescribed number of limit cycles, and which is considered to be important in relation to the stability of Linard's systems. Then, as application of this result, we give a method of determining parameters included in Linard's systems which may produce two limit cycles depending on the parameters. We also give a Linard's system which have three limit cycles. In addition, a new result on the parameter dependency of the number of limit cycles is presented.

  • A New Auto-Regressive Equation for Generating a Binary Markov Chain

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    This paper proposes a second order auto-regressive equation with discrete-valued random coefficients. The auto-regressive equation transforms an independent stochastic sequence into a binary sequence, which is a special case of a stationary Markov chain. The power spectrum, correlation function and the transition probability are explicitly obtained in terms of the random coefficients. Some computer results are illustrated in figures.

  • Boltzmann Machine Processor Using Single-Bit Operation

    Mamoru SASAKI  Shuichi KANEDA  Fumio UENO  Takahiro INOUE  Yoshiki KITAMURA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Neural Nets

    E76-A No:6

    This paper describes a single-bit parallel processor specified to Boltzmann Machine. The processor has SIMD (Shingle Instruction Multiple Data stream) type parallel architecture and every processing element (PE) has a single-bit ALU and a local memory storing connected weights between neurons. Features of the processor are large scale parallel processing a number of the simple single-bit PEs and effective expansion realized by multiple chips connected simple bus lines. Moreover, it is enhanced that the processing speed can be independent of the number of the neurons. We designed the PE using 1.2 µm CMOS process standard cells and confirmed the high performance using CAD simulations.

  • Robust Performance Using Cascaded Artificial Neural Network Architecture

    Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    It has been reported that generalization performance of multilayer feedformard networks strongly depends on the attainment of saturated hidden outputs in response to the training set. Usually standard Backpropagation (BP) network mostly uses intermediate values of hidden units as the internal representation of the training patterns. In this letter, we propose construction of a 3-layer cascaded network in which two 2-layer networks are first trained independently by delta rule and then cascaded. After cascading, the intermediate layer can be viewed as hidden layer which is trained to attain preassigned saturated outputs in response to the training set. This network is particularly easier to construct for linearly separable training set, and can also be constructed for nonlinearly separable tasks by using higher order inputs at the input layer or by assigning proper codes at the intermediate layer which can be obtained from a trained Fahlman and Lebiere's network. Simulation results show that, at least, when the training set is linearly separable, use of the proposed cascaded network significantly enhances the generalization performance compared to BP network, and also maintains high generalization ability for nonlinearly separable training set. Performance of cascaded network depending on the preassigned codes at the intermediate layer is discussed and a suggestion about the preassigned coding is presented.

  • Numerical Analysis of Optical Bistability in a Variety of Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Resonators

    Kazuhiko OGUSU  


    E76-C No:6

    This paper presents a simple numerical method for calculating the stationary transmission and reflection characteristics of a variety of nonlinear Fably-Perot resonators. In nonlinear media, Maxwell's equations are directly solved by using a numerical integration of complex variables. The input-output characteristics of the Kerr-like nonlinear film without reflection mirrors and with multilayer mirrors have been calculated to demonstrate the usefulness and versatility of the proposed method and to find out resonator configurations exhibiting optical bistability at low incident-power levels. The effects of saturation in the nonlinear permittivity on the input-output characteristics have also been investigated. It has been found that a single nonlinear film with oblique incidence exhibits optical bistability without using reflection mirrors even if the refractive index of the film is low. This offers a simple method for measuring third-order nonlinearities of optical materials.

  • A 3-7 GHz Wide-Band Monolithic Image-Rejection Mixer on a Single-Chip

    Akira MINAKAWA  Tsuneo TOKUMITSU  


    E76-C No:6

    This paper discusses the development of a monolithic image-rejection mixer with very wide-band (about 60% of the center frequency) image rejection characteristics for 16-QAM digital microwave radio communication receivers. The mixer can be commonly used in 4-, 5-, and 6-GHz bands, which reduces the cost. The mixer consists of a wide-band 90splitter, in-phase divider and drain LO injection mixers. They are designed on a single 2.81.8 mm2 GaAs chip based on a uniplanar MMIC lumped-constant element technique. The mixer achieved an image rejection ratio of greater than 25 dB and a conversion loss of less than 2 dB at a wide LO frequency range from 3.5 to 6.5 GHz, without consuming any DC power.

  • Critical Slice-Based Fault Localization for Any Type of Error

    Takao SHIMOMURA  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E76-D No:6

    Existing algorithmic debugging methods which can locate faults under the guidance of a system have a number of shortcomings. For example, some cannot be applied to imperative languages with side effects; some can locate a faulty function but cannot locate a faulty statement; and some cannot detect faults related to missing statements. This paper presents an algorithmic critical slice-based fault-locating method for imperative languages. Program faults are first classified into two categories: wrong-value faults and missing-assignment faults. The critical slice with respect to a variable-value error is a set of statements such that (1) a wrong-value fault contained in any instruction in the critical slice may have caused that variable-value error, and (2) a wrong-value fault contained in any instruction outside the critical slice could never have caused that variable-value error. The paper also classifies errors found during program testing into three categories: wrong-output errors, missing-output errors, and infinite-loop errors with no output. It finally shows that it is possible to algorithmically locate any fault, including missing statements, for each type of error.

  • On Malign Input Distributions for Algorithms

    Kojiro KABAYASHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:6

    By a measure we mean a function µ from {0, 1}* (the set of all binary sequences) to real numbers such that µ(x)0 and µ({0, 1}*). A malign measure is a measure such that if an input x in {0, 1}n (the set of all binary sequences of length n) is selected with the probability µ(x)/µ ({0, 1}n) then the worst-case computation time tWOA (n) and the average-case computation time tav,µA(n) of an algorithm A for inputs of length n are functions of n of the same order for any algorithm A. Li and Vitányi found that measures that are known as a priori measures are malign. We prove that a priori" -ness and malignness are different in one strong sense.

  • Some Hierarchy Results on Multihead Automata over a One-Letter Alphabet

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:6

    The hierarchies of multihead finite automata over a one-letter alphabet are investigated. Let SeH(k) [NSeH(k) ] denote the class of languages over a one-letter alphabet accepted by deterministic [nondeterministic] sensing two-way k-head finite automata. Let H (k)s[NH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. Let SeH(k)s[NSeH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way sensing deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. This paper shows that SeH(k) SeH(k1) and NSeH(k) NSeH(k1) hold for all k3. It is also shown that H(k)s[NH(k)s] H(k1)s[NH (k1)s] and SeH (k)s[NSeH(k)s] SeH(k1)s[NSeH(k1)s] hold for all k1.

  • Nondeterminism, Bi-immunity and Almost-Everywhere Complexity

    John G. GESKE  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:6

    The main result of this paper is an almost-everywhere hierarchy theorem for nondeterministic space that is as tight as the well-known infinitely-often hierarchy theorems for deterministic and nondeterministic space. In addition, we show that the complexity-theoretic notion of almost-everywhere complex functions is identical to the recursion-theoretic notion of bi-immune sets in the nondeterministic space domain. Finally, we investigate bi-immunity in nondeterministic and alternating time complexity classes and derive a similar hierarchy result for alternating time.

  • Time Domain Synthesis of Recursive Digital Filters for Finite Interval Response

    Thanapong JATURAVANICH  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    A least squares approximation method of recursive digital filters for finite interval response with zero value outside the interval is presented. According to the characteristic of the method, the modified Gauss Method is utilized in iteratively determining design parameters. Convergence, together with the stability of the resulting filter, are guaranteed.

  • Super High Definition Image Communications--A Platform for Media Integration--

    Sadayasu ONO  Naohisa OHTA  


    E76-B No:6

    This paper presents a new Hypermedia communication platform supported by the new digital image medium of super high definition (SHD) images. This new image communication platform will encourage the integration of all existing media to realize rich and realistic visual communication over B-ISDN. SHD images have a resolution of more than 20482048 pixels and the frame rate is more than 60 frames/sec. To achieve an real-time compression of SHD moving images, parallel signal processing systems with peak performance of 0.5 Tera Flops will be necessary. The specification requirements, signal processing and communication technologies needed to achieve SHD image communication are discussed. The relationship of hypermedia to SHD images is also examined.

  • Antenna Gain Measurements in the Presence of Unwanted Multipath Signals Using a Superresolution Technique

    Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Yasutaka OGAWA  Kiyohiko ITOH  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E76-B No:6

    A superresolution technique is considered for use in antenna gain measurements. A modification of the MUSIC algorithm is employed to resolve incident signals separately in the time domain. The modification involves preprocessing the received data using a spatial scheme prior to applying the MUSIC algorithm. Interference rejection in the antenna measurements using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) based techniques have been realized by a recently developed vector network analyzer, and its availability has been reported in the literature. However, response resolution in the time domain of these conventional techniques is limited by the antenna bandwidth. The MUSIC algorithm has the advantage of being able to eliminate unwanted responses when performing antenna measurements in situations where the antenna band-width is too narrow to support FFT based techniques. In this paper, experimental results of antenna gain measurements in a multipath environment show the accuracy and resolving power of this technique.

  • CNV Based Intermedia Synchronization Mechanism under High Speed Communication Environment

    Chan-Hyun YOUN  Yoshiaki NEMOTO  Shoichi NOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E76-B No:6

    In this paper, we discuss to the intermedia synchronization problems for high speed multimedia communication. Especially, we described how software synchronization can be operated, and estimated the skew bound in CNV when considering the network delay. And we applied CNV to the intermedia synchronization and a hybrid model (HSM) is proposed. Furthermore, we used the statistical approach to evaluate the performance of the synchronization mechanisms. The results of performance evaluation show that HSM has good performance in the probability of estimation error.

  • Unified Scheduling of High Performance Parallel VLSI Processors for Robotics

    Bumchul KIM  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Parallel Processor Scheduling

    E76-A No:6

    The performance of processing elements can be improved by the progress of VLSI circuit technology, while the communication overhead can not be negligible in parallel processing system. This paper presents a unified scheduling that allocates tasks having different task processing times in multiple processing elements. The objective function is formulated to measure communication time between processing elements. By employing constraint conditions, the scheduling efficiently generates an optimal solution using an integer programming so that minimum communication time can be achieved. We also propose a VLSI processor for robotics whose latency is very small. In the VLSI processor, the data transfer between two processing elements can be done very quickly, so that the communication cycle time is greatly reduced.

  • Future Broadcasting Technologies: Perspectives and Trends

    Osamu YAMADA  Ichiro YUYAMA  


    E76-B No:6

    This paper briefly considers future broadcasting technologies, including digital television as a system for the near future and three-dimensional television as a part of a system to be developed rather later. However, due to limitations of space, this paper discusses only video technologies in detail. First, the status of bit reduction technologies for digital television is described and then satellite digital broadcasting and terrestrial digital broadcasting are also discussed. The authors stress the necessity of the further development of digital video compression technologies. Later, we discuss three-dimensional television, we describe requirements for the service and the present status of the technologies. And last, the paper considers the future prospects for a three-dimensional television service.

  • Characterization of Microstrip Lines Near Edge of Dielectric Substrate with Rectangular Boundary Division Method

    Keren LI  Kazuhiko ATSUKI  Hitoshi YAJIMA  Eikichi YAMASHITA  


    E76-C No:6

    In this paper, the characteristics of microstrip lines near the edge of dielectric substrate are analyzed by improving the rectangular boundary division method. The numerical results indicate the changes of the characteristics of a microstrip line when the strip conductor is closely located to the edge. When the distance the dielectric substrate edge to the strip conductor is less than the thickness of dielectric substrate, the effects of the edge on the line characteristics are no longer negligible. The numerical results in this paper show high computation accuracy without increasing computation time. Our improvement is effective for the analysis of the microstrip lines both for the narrow strip conductor and the strip conductor close to the edge. The relative errors between the numerical results and the measured values are less than 1.2%.
