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  • A Method for C2 Piecewise Quartic Polynomial Interpolation

    Caiming ZHANG  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:5

    A new global method for constructing a C2 piecewise quartic polynomial curve is presented. The coefficient matrix of equations which must be solved to construct the curve is tridiagonal. The joining points of adjacent curve segments are the given data points. The constructed curve reproduces exactly a polynomial of degree four or less. The results of experiments to test the efficiency of the new method are also shown.

  • Improving the Hopfield Model for TSP Feasible Solutions by Synapse Dynamical Systems

    Yoshikane TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E79-A No:5

    It is well known that the Hopfield Model (HM) for neural networks to solve the TSP suffers from three major drawbacks: (D1) it can converge to non-optimal local minimum solutions; (D2) it can also converge to non-feasible solutions; (D3) results are very sensitive to the careful tuning of its parameters. A number of methods have been proposed to overcome (D1) well. In contrast, work on (D2) and (D3) has not been sufficient; techniques have not been generalized to larger classes of optimization problems with constraint including the TSP. We first construct Extended HMs (E-HMs) that overcome both (D2) and (D3). The extension of the E-HM lies in the addition of a synapse dynamical system cooperated with the corrent HM unit dynamical system. It is this synapse dynamical system that makes the TSP constraint hold at any final states for whatever choices of the HM parameters and an initial state. We then generalize the E-HM further into a network that can solve a larger class of continuous optimization problems with a constraint equation where both of the objective function and the constraint function are non-negative and continuously differentiable.

  • Basic Propositions of the Resonant Security Tag System

    Kiyoshi INUI  Yuichiro KATSU  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Hiroji KUSAKA  


    E79-A No:5

    We reveal fundamental electromagnetic characteristics of a basic proposition of the security tag system, being able to exclude a misjudgment caused by a neighboring reflective object, provided with a correlative detection, and that with a multi-resonant tag.

  • A Simulation Study of TCP Performance over ABR and UBR Services in ATM LANs

    Hongqing LI  Kai-Yeung SIU  Hong-Yi TZENG  Chinatsu IKEDA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  


    E79-B No:5

    Both available bit rate (ABR) service and unspecified bit rate (UBR) service with early packet discard (EPD) schemes have been considered for supporting data applications in ATM networks. Since transmission control protocol (TCP) is perhaps the most widely used transport layer protocol in existing data networks, the performance of TCP over ATM using ABR service and UBR service with EPD schemes is of great interest to ATM equipment vendors and service providers. In this paper, we present a simulation study of this interesting issue in a LAN environment using some benchmark network configurations proposed in the ATM Forum. Our simulation results show the following: (1) With UBR service and EPD schemes, TCP suffers significant performance degradation in terms of fairness and requires relatively large switch buffer even with a small number of active virtual connections over a LAN configuration, and (2) for the same set of network configurations and with ABR service using explicit rate feedback schemes, TCP achieves good performance in terms of fairness and link utilization, and requires relatively small switch buffer.

  • A Comparison between the Computational Power of PARBS and RMBM

    Kensuke MIYASHITA  Yoshihiro TSUJINO  Nobuki TOKURA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:5

    Processor networks connected by buses have attracted considerable attention. Since a reconfigurable array is more powerful than a PRAM and more practical, it becomes the focus of attention. The Processor Array with Reconfigurable Bus System (PARBS) and the Reconfigurable Multiple Bus Machine (RMBM) are both models of parallel computation based on reconfigurable bus and processor array. The PARBS is a processor array that consists of processors arranged to a 2-dimensional grid with a reconfigurable bus system. The RMBM is also made of processors and reconfigurable bus system, but the processors are located in a row and the number of processors and the number of buses are independent of each other. Four versions of RMBM has been proposed and Extended RMBM (E-RMBM) is regarded as the most powerful one among them. In this paper, we describe that a PARBS of size N M can be simulated in constant time by a E-RMBM of 4NM processors, M + 3 buses and 1 read buffer, and that a E-RMBM of P processors, B buses and D read buffers can be also simulated in constant time by a PARBS of size B P. A PARBS or RMBM that solves a computational problem of size n is polynomially bounded iff the product of the number of processors and buses and red and write ports is O (nc), for some constant c. When a PARBS is polynomially bounded, the E-RMBM which simulates it is also polynomially bounded, and vice versa.

  • Self-Tuning of Fuzzy Reasoning by the Steepest Descent Method and Its Application to a Parallel Parking

    Hitoshi MIYATA  Makoto OHKI  Masaaki OHKITA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:5

    For a fuzzy control of manipulated variable so as to match a required output of a plant, tuning of fuzzy rules are necessary. For its purpose, various methods to tune their rules automatically have been proposed. In these method, some of them necessitate much time for its tuning, and the others are lacking in the generalization capability. In the fuzzy control by the steepest descent method, a use of piecewise linear membership functions (MSFs) has been proposed. In this algorithm, MSFs of the premise for each fuzzy rule are tuned having no relation to the other rules. Besides, only the MSFs corresponding to the given input and output data for the learning can be tuned efficiently. Comparing with the conventional triangular form and the Gaussian distribution of MSFs, an expansion of the expressiveness is indicated. As a result, for constructing the inference rules, the training cycles can be reduced in number and the generalization capability to express the behavior of a plant is expansible. An effectiveness of this algorithm is illustrated with an example of a parallel parking of an autonomous mobile robot.

  • Performance Evaluation and Parameter Tuning of TCP over ABR Service in ATM Networks

    Go HASEGAWA  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  


    E79-B No:5

    Rate-based congestion control is a promising scheme as data transfer service in ATM networks, and has been standardized in the ATM Forum. To migrate the existing upper layer protocols to ATM networks, however, further investigation is necessary. In particular, when ABR service class is applied to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), duality of congestion control schemes in different protocol layers, i.e., conventional window-based congestion control in the Transport layer and ratebased congestion control in the ATM layer, may have a unexpected influence on performance. As an alternative approach for supporting TCP protocol, EPD (Early Packet Discard) has been recently proposed, which adds the function to the UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) service. It does not have a "duality problem" since EPD only discards cells selectively to improve packet-level performance. In this paper, we exhibit performance of TCP protocol over ATM networks by using a simulation technique. We first compare rate-based control of ABR service and EPD applied to UBR service, and show that rate-control achieves better fairness and higher throughput in most circumstances. However, rate-based control requires careful tuning of control parameters to obtain its effectiveness and a duality problem leads to unexpected degradation of TCP-level performance. By the rate-based congestion control, temporal congestion at the switch is quickly relieved by the rate down of the source terminals. However, our simulation explores that if the parameter set of the rate-based congestion control is not appropriately used, the congestion is also recognized at TCP due to packet drops and TCP unnecessarily throttles its window size. To avoid this sort of the problem, we develop the appropriate parameter set suitable to TCP on ABR service, and point out that some modification of TCP may be necessary for further performance improvement.

  • A Half-Chip Offset QPSK Modulation CDMA Scheme Employing Differential Detection for Advanced Wireless LAN Systems

    Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  Masato MIZOGUCHI  Shuji KUBOTA  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E79-B No:5

    This paper proposes a half-chip offset QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) modulation CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) scheme to allow the simple differential detection while realizing a compact spectrum in nonlinear channels for wireless LAN systems. The experimental results show the proposed scheme achieves excellent Pe (probability of error) performances in ACI (adjacent channel interference) and CCI (co-channel interference) environments. Moreover, by employing time diversity and high-coding-gain FEC (Forward Error Correction), the half-chip offset QPSK-CDMA scheme realizes an improvement of 3.0 dB (in terms of Eb/No at a Pe of 105) in Rician fading environments with a Doppler frequency fD of 10 Hz and a delay spread of 40 nsec.

  • Estimation of Aortic Flow and Pressure Volume Loop by Optimal Control Theory

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Yuzo FUKUYAMA  


    E79-A No:5

    We have shown a non-invasive method for estimating transient changes in aortic flow and ventricular volume based on optimal control theory by using successful simulations of reported experimental data. The performance function to evaluate the optimality of the cardiovascular system was proposed based oh physical, fluid mechanical and pathophysiological considerations. It involved the work of the ventricle, the rate of changes in the aortic flow and the ventricular pressure. We determined that the cardiovascular system operates optimally when the performance function has been minimized. The relative magnitudes of the reductions of changes in these terms were expressed by the weighting coefficients. The arterial system was described by the Wind Kessel model using arterial resistance, aortic compliance and aortic valvular resistance. We set boundary conditions and transitional conditions derived from the systolic and diastolic phases of the aortic flow and the arterial pressure. The optimized system equations were converted to 6 linear simultaneous differential equations with 6 boundary conditions. The optimal ventricular pressure and aortic flow rate that minimize the performance function were obtained by solving these differential equations. By alternating the weighting coefficients of the work of ventricle and the rate of change in the ventricular ejection pressure, successful simulations of the ventricular pressures recorded from human subjects and those from isolated canine ventricle were obtained. Once the sets of weighting coefficients had been determined by successful simulations of ventricular pressures, the calculated aortic flow curves and pressure volume loops by the present method coincided with the reported experimental data. The changes in ventricular pressure and aortic flow produced by alternating the weighting coefficients to simulate the reported ventricular pressures and aortic flow curves under the different afterload conditions were consistent with biophysical experimental data. The present method is useful to estimata aortic flow curve and ventricular pressure volume loops non-invasively.

  • A Gray Zone Between Two Classes --Case of Smooth Curvature Change--

    Shunji MORI  Yu NAKAJIMA  Hirobumi NISHIDA  

    PAPER-Shape Models

    E79-D No:5

    There are many instances in which character shape of a class changes smoothly to that of another class. Although there are many ways of the change, the most delicate change is curvature feature. The paper treat this problem systematically in both theoretically and experimentally. Specifically some confusing pairs were constructed which are well known in the field of OCR, such as 2 Z and 4 9. A series of samples generated using each model which change subtly were provided to conduct a psychological experiment. The results exhibit a monotone change of recognition rates from nearly 100% to 0% as the shape changes continuously. To imitate the humans' performance, feature of curvature was extracted based on continuous function representation based on Bezier's spline curve. Specifically two methods were tried from theoretical and engineering points of view and very successful results were obtained.

  • Developments in Mobile/Portable Telephones and Key Devices for Miniaturization

    Shuuji URABE  Toshio NOJIMA  


    E79-C No:5

    Fundamental microwave key devices used in achieving compact mobile/portable telephones (raidio units) are discussed. The historical development flow of the systems and radio units are introduced, with respect to the 800-/900-MHz and 1.5-GHz Japanese cellular radio systems. The design concept of the developed radio units is briefly described. Tehnical requirements for RF circuits are reviewed and the developed key devices are practically applied to the circuits. Key factors in the requirements are also shown. Finally. future trends fro the key devices are surveyed from the stand point of achieving a smaller and more light weight pocket radio unit.

  • A Multi Phase-States MMIC Phase Shifter

    Kazuhiko NAKAHARA  Shin CHAKI  Naoto ANDOH  Hiroshi MATSUOKA  Noriyuki TANINO  Yasuo MITSUI  Mutsuyuki OTSUBO  

    PAPER-Active Devices

    E79-C No:5

    A refection type and loaded-line type phase shifter switching multi phase-states has been described. This novel phase shifter circuit is constructed by adding switching FETs to a conventional 2-phase-state phase shifter. A conventional 3 bit phase shifter can be replaced by this type of phase shifter. The total chip size is reduced to 2/3. This paper reports on the design, fabrication, and performance of the novel reflection-type and loaded-line-type phase shifter MMICs.

  • A Beam Tilt Dipole Array Antenna for Indoor Mobile Applications

    Koichi OGAWA  Tomoki UWANO  

    PAPER-Passive Devices

    E79-C No:5

    A new beam tilt dipole array antenna in a simple structuer has been developed for indoor base stations in the 1.9 GHz band. The antenna comprises a radiator and skewed off-center parasitic elements placed around the radiator. With this stucture, the main beam of the array antenna can be tilted for mobile terminals reception by the effect of mutual coupling. Studies on tilt characteristics for antenna dimensions and tilt mechanism by precise current measurements have clarified the operating principle. The antennas with a fan beam and an omnidirectional pattern have been designed. The measured tilt angle was varied in the range of 0 to 26 with little alteration of the horizontal radiation patterns.

  • Estimation of Thermal Diffusivity of Transparent Adhesive by Photoacoustic Microscope with Saw Wave Modulation Light

    Yoshiaki TOKUNAGA  Akiyuki MINAMIDE  


    E79-A No:5

    We proposed a new thchnique using saw wave modulation light to measure the thermal diffusivity of a transparent adhesive by photoacoustic microscope. In this technique, the time required for the measurement of it can be reduced by one-fifth compared with that of a conventional method.

  • Information Geometry of Mean Field Theory

    Toshiyuki TANAKA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E79-A No:5

    The mean field theory has been recognized as offering an efficient computational framework in solving discrete optimization problems by neural networks. This paper gives a formulation based on the information geometry to the mean field theory, and makes clear from the information-theoretic point of view the meaning of the mean field theory as a method of approximating a given probability distribution. The geometrical interpretation of the phase transition observed in the mean field annealing is shown on the basis of this formulation. The discussion of the standard mean field theory is extended to introduce a more general computational framework, which we call the generalized mean field theory.

  • A Bound on Uniquely Decodable Code Pair for Two-User Binary Adder Channel

    Jian-Jun SHI  Yoichiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E79-A No:5

    A uniquely decodable code pair (C, S) is considered for the two-user binary adder channel. When the first code C is linear, a lower bound of |S| is formulated and a uniquely decodable code pair (C, S) is presented. When a rate R1 of C is less than 1/3, a rate R2of S is greater than the best rate known previously.

  • A GaAs MuMIC Power Amplifier with a Harmonic Rejection Filter for Digital European Cordless Telecommunication System

    Satoshi MAKIOKA  Noriyuki YOSHIKAWA  Kunihiko KANAZAWA  

    PAPER-Active Devices

    E79-C No:5

    A GaAs multilayer microwave integrated circuit(MuMIC) power amplifier with a harmonic rejection filter has been developed for 1.9-GHz digital European cordless telecommunication system. Adoption of the MuMIC structure has auccessfully ended up with Q-factor of 462 harmonic rejection filter. As a result, power-added efficiency of 62.2% and P1dB of 27 dBm have been obtained at drain supply voltage of 3.6V.

  • A Recognition Method of Facility Drawings and Street Maps Utilizing the Facility Management Database

    Chikahito NAKAJIMA  Toshihiro YAZAWA  

    PAPER-Document Recognition and Analysis

    E79-D No:5

    This paper proposes a new approach for inputting handwritten Distribution Facility Drawings (DFD) and their maps into a computer automatically by using the Facility Management Database (FMD). Our recognition method makes use of external information for drawing/map recognition. It identifies each electric-pole symbol and support cable symbol on drawings simply by consulting the FMD. Other symbols such as transformers and electric wires can be placed on drawings automatically. In this positioning of graphic symbols, we present an automatic adjustment method of a symbol's position on the latest digital maps. When a contradiction is unsolved due to an inconsistency between the content of the DFD and the FMD, the system requests a manual feedback from the operator. Furthermore, it uses the distribution network of the DFD to recognize the street lines on the maps which aren't computerized. This can drastically reduce the cost for computerizing drawings and maps.

  • A Linear Array Antenna Using Bifilar Helical Elements for Mobile Satellite Communications

    Masataka OHTSUKA  Yoshihiko KONISHI  Makoto MATSUNAGA  Takashi KATAGI  

    PAPER-Passive Devices

    E79-C No:5

    In this paper, authors propose a linear array antenna using two bifilar helical antenna elements placed along the helix axis to reduce beam direction movement according to frequency change. The beam direction movement of this proposed array antenna is smaller than that of a conventional bifilar helical antenna. Also, the gain of this proposed array antenna is higher than that of the conventional helical antenna for a cross point angle of radiation patterns at the different transmit and receive(Tx and Rx) frequencies. The conventional helical antenna is suitable for vehicle antennas in mobile satellite communication systems such as the MSAT system because it owns circularly polarized omni-directional radiation pattern and its thin pole form. However, this antenna has a disadvantage that the beam direction in an elevation plane moves according to frequency change. In the proposed array antenna, the beam direction movement is about 9 smaller than that of the conventional bifilar helical antenna on condition that antenna total length is 4.83 λ0, antenna diameter is 0.12 λ0, and frequency change is from 0.957f0 to 1.043f0(f0 is center frequency and λ0 is free space wavelength at f0). Also, the Tx and Rx gains of this proposed array antenna at the cross point angle between Tx and Rx beams are about 2 dB higher than that of the conventional bifilar helical antenna on the same condition.

  • On the Complexity of Finding Cycles in Periodic Functions Using the Quantum Turing Machine

    Takashi MIHARA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E79-D No:5

    There are some results indicating that a quantum computer seems to be more powerful than ordinary computers. In fact, P.W. Shor showed that a quantum computer can find discrete logarithms and factor integers in polynomial time with bounded error probability. No polynomial time algorithms to find them using ordinary computers are known. In this paper, we show that the cycles in some kinds of periodic functions, e.g., functions proposed as pseudo-random generators, can be found in polynomial time with bounded error probability on a quantum Turing machine. In general, it is known that ordinary computers take exponential time to find the cycles in periodic functions.
