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  • Exponential Lower Bounds on the Size of Variants of OBDD Representing Integer Division

    Takashi HORIYAMA  Shuzo YAJIMA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E81-D No:8

    An Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) is a directed acyclic graph representing a Boolean function. The size of OBDDs largely depends on the variable ordering. In this paper, we show the size of the OBDD representing the i-th bit of the output of n-bit/n-bit integer division is Ω ( 2(n-i)/8 ) for any variable ordering. We also show that -OBDDs, -OBDDs and -OBDDs representing integer division has the same lower bounds on the size. We develop new methods for proving lower bounds on the size of -OBDDs, -OBDDs and -OBDDs.

  • Data Distribution and Alignment Scheme for Conflict-Free Memory Access in Parallel Image Processing System

    Gil-Yoon KIM  Yunju BAEK  Heung-Kyu LEE  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E81-D No:8

    In this paper, we give a solution to the problem of conflict-free access of various slices of data in parallel processor for image processing. Image processing operations require a memory system that permits parallel and conflict-free access of rows, columns, forward diagonals, backward diagonals, and blocks of two-dimensional image array for an arbitrary location. Linear skewing schemes are useful methods for those requirements, but these schemes require complex Euclidean division by prime number. On the contrary, nonlinear skewing schemes such as XOR-schemes have more advantages than the linear ones in address generation, but these schemes allow conflict-free access of some array slices in restricted region. In this paper, we propose a new XOR-scheme which allows conflict-free access of arbitrarily located various slices of data for image processing, with a two-fold the number of memory modules than that of processing elements. Further, we propose an efficient data alignment network which consists of log N + 2-stage multistage interconnection network utilizing Omega network.

  • Heart Rate Simulation with IPFM Model Considering Absolute Refractory Period and Demodulation of Original Generating Function

    Yasuaki NOGUCHI  Takeo HAMADA  Fujihiko MATSUMOTO  Suguru SUGIMOTO  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E81-D No:8

    The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis has become vigorous these days. One reason for this is that the HRV analysis investigates the dynamics of the autonomic nervous system activities which control the HRV. The Integral Pulse Frequency Modulation (IPFM) model is a pulse generating mechanism model in the nervous system, that is one of the models which connects the HRV to the autonomic nervous system activities. The IPFM model is a single frequency component model; however, the real HRV has multiple frequency components. Moreover, there are refractory periods after generating action potentials are initiated. Nevertheless, the IPFM model does not consider refractory periods. In order to make sure of the accuracy and the effectiveness of the integral function (IF) method applied to the real data, we consider the absolute refractory periods and two frequency components. In this investigation, the simulated HRV was made with a single and double frequency component using the IPFM model with and without absolute refractory periods. The original generating function of the IPFM model was demodulated by using the instantaneous heart rate tachogram. The power of the instantaneous pulse rate per minute was analyzed by the direct FFT method, the IF FFT method without the absolute refractory periods, and the IF FFT method with the absolute refractory periods. It was concluded that the IF FFT method can demodulate the original generating function accurately.

  • Resolving Load Data Dependency Using Tunneling-Load Technique

    Toshinori SATO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E81-D No:8

    The new technique for reducing the load latency is presented. This technique, named tunneling-load, utilizes the register specifier buffer in order to reduce the load latency without fetching the data cache speculatively, and thus eliminates the drawback of any load address prediction techniques. As a consequence of the trend toward increasing clock frequency, the internal cache is no longer able to fill the speed gap between the processor and the external memory, and the data cache latency degrades the processor performance. In order to hide this latency, several techniques predicting the load address have been proposed. These techniques carry out the speculative data cache fetching, which causes the explosion of the memory traffic and the pollution of the data cache. The tunneling-load solves these problems. We have evaluated the effects of the tunneling-load, and found that in an in-order-issue superscalar platform the instruction level parallelism is increased by approximately 10%.

  • A Software Tool to Enhance Analytical Performance Evaluation Technology

    Chiung-San LEE  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:8

    Evaluating analytically computer architecture performance is mostly cheap and quick. However, existing analytical performance evaluation techniques usually have a difficult and time-consuming modeling process. Moreover, existing techniques do not support well the capability for finding the bottleneck and its cause of a target system being evaluated. To address the above problems and to enhance analytical performance evaluation technology, in this paper we propose a software tool that accepts system models described in a specification language, generating an executable program that performs the actual performance evaluation. The whole approach is built on a subsystem-oriented performance evaluation tool, which is, in turn, based on a formal subsystem-oriented performance evaluation technique and a subsystem specification language.

  • Classification of Surface Curvature from Shading Images Using Neural Network

    Yuji IWAHORI  Shinji FUKUI  Robert J. WOODHAM  Akira IWATA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:8

    This paper proposes a new approach to recover the sign of local surface curvature of object from three shading images using neural network. The RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network is used to learn the mapping of three image irradiances to the position on a sphere. Then, the learned neural network maps the image irradiances at the neighbor pixels of the test object taken from three illuminating directions of light sources onto the sphere images taken under the same illuminating condition. Using the property that basic six kinds of surface curvature has the different relative locations of the local five points mapped on the sphere, not only the Gaussian curvature but also the kind of curvature is directly recovered locally from the relation of the locations on the mapped points on the sphere without knowing the values of surface gradient for each point. Further, two step neural networks which combines the forward mapping and its inverse mapping one can be used to get the local confidence estimate for the obtained results. The entire approach is non-parametric, empirical in that no explicit assumptions are made about light source directions or surface reflectance. Results are demonstrated by the experiments for real images.

  • Non-rigid Object Recognition Using Multidimensional Index Geometric Hashing

    Kridanto SURENDRO  Yuichiro ANZAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:8

    A novel approach was proposed to recognize the non-rigid 3D objects from their corresponding 2D images by combining the benefits of the principal component analysis and the geometric hashing. For all of the object models to be recognized, we calculated the statistical point features of the training shapes using principal component analysis. The results of the analysis were a vector of eigenvalues and a matrix of eigenvectors. We calculated invariants of the new shapes that undergone a similarity transformation. Then added these invariants and the label of the model to the model database. To recognize objects, we calculated the necessary invariants from an unknown image and used them as the indexing keys to retrieve any possible matches with the model features from the model database. We hypothesized the existence of an instance of the model in the scene if the model's features scored enough hits on the vote count. This approach allowed us to store the rigid and the non-rigid object models in a model database and utilized them to recognize an instance of model from an unknown image.

  • A Method of Automatic Skew Normalization for Input Images

    Yasuo KUROSU  Hidefumi MASUZAKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:8

    It becomes essential in practice to improve a processing rate and to divide an image into small segments adjusting a limited memory, because image filing systems handle large images up to A1 size. This paper proposes a new method of an automatic skew normalization, comprising a high-speed skew detection and a distortion-free dividing rotation. We have evaluated the proposed method from the viewpoints of the processing rate and the accuracy for typed documents. As results, the processing rate is 2. 9 times faster than that of a conventional method. A practical processing rate for A1 size documents can be achieved under the condition that the accuracy of a normalized angle is controlled within 0. 3 degrees. Especially, the rotation with dividing can have no error angle, even when the A1 size documents is divided into 200 segments, whereas the conventional method cause the error angle of 1. 68 degrees.

  • A Fuzzy Policing Mechanism for Multimedia Applications over ATM Networks: A Case Study

    Leonard BAROLLI  Akio KOYAMA  Shoichi YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E81-D No:8

    The Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technique has been accepted as a basis for the future B-ISDN networks. In ATM networks, all information is packetized and transferred in small packets of fixed length, called cells. The packetized information transfer, without flow control between the user and the network and the use of statistical multiplexing, results in a need of a policing mechanism to control the traffic parameters of each virtual connection in order to guarantee the required quality of service (QoS). Policing of the peak cell rate is generally not complex and can be achieved by using a cell spacer or other policing mechanisms (PMs). Monitoring of the mean cell rate is more difficult, but is intended to improve the link utilization when it has to handle bursty traffic sources. Conventional PMs, such as the Leaky Bucket Mechanism (LBM) and Window Mechanisms (WMs), are not well suited to the bursty nature of the sources supported by ATM networks, therefore intelligent PMs are needed. In this paper, we propose a Fuzzy Policing Mechanism (FPM) for multimedia applications over ATM networks. We consider the case of still picture source control. The performance evaluation via simulation shows that the FPM efficiently controls the mean cell rate of the still picture source. The proposed FPM shows a good response behavior against parameter variations and the selectivity characteristics approach very close to the ideal characteristic required for a PM. The FPM has a better characteristic compared with the LBM.

  • Robustness to Noise of Associative Memory Using Nonmonotonic Analogue Neurons

    Kazushi MIMURA  Masato OKADA  Koji KURATA  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E81-D No:8

    In this paper, dependence of storage capacity of an analogue associative memory model using nonmonotonic neurons on static synaptic noise and static threshold noise is shown. This dependence is analytically calculated by means of the self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis (SCSNA) proposed by Shiino and Fukai. It is known that the storage capacity of an associative memory model can be improved markedly by replacing the usual sigmoid neurons with nonmonotonic ones, and the Hopfield model has theoretically been shown to be fairly robust against introducing the static synaptic noise. In this paper, it is shown that when the monotonicity of neuron is high, the storage capacity decreases rapidly according to an increase of the static synaptic noise. It is also shown that the reduction of the storage capacity is more sensitive to an increase in the static threshold noise than to the increase in the static synaptic noise.

  • CMA Adaptive Array Antennas Using Analysis and Synthesis Filter Banks

    Takashi SEKIGUCHI  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E81-A No:8

    A constant modulus adaptive array algorithm is derived using analysis and synthesis filter banks to permit adaptive digital beamforming for wideband signals. The properties of the CMA adaptive array using the filter banks are investigated. This array would be used to realize adaptive digital beamforming when this is difficult by means of ordinary (that is, non-subband) processing due to the limited speed of signal processor operations. As an actual application, we present a beamspace adaptive array structure that combines the analysis and synthesis filter banks with RF-domain multibeam array antennas, such as those utilizing optical signal processing.

  • A Note on Constrained Least Squares Design of M-D FIR Filter Based on Convex Projection Techniques

    Isao YAMADA  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  


    E81-A No:8

    Recently, a great deal of effort has been devoted to the design problem of "constrained least squares M-D FIR filter" because a significant improvement of the squared error is expected by a slight relaxation of the minimax error condition. Unfortunately, no design method has been reported, which has some theoretical guarantee of the convergence to the optimal solution. In this paper, we propose a class of novel design methods of "constrained least squares M-D FIR filter. " The most remarkable feature is that all of the proposed methods have theoretical guarantees of convergences to the unique optimal solution under any consistent set of prescribed maximal error conditions. The proposed methods are based on "convex projection techniques" that computes the metric projection onto the intersection of multiple closed convex sets in real Hilbert space. Moreover, some of the proposed methods can still be applied even for the problem with any inconsistent set of maximal error conditions. These lead to the unique optimal solution over the set of all filters that attain the least sum of squared distances to all constraint sets.

  • Double-Pass EA Modulator Array Monolithically Integrated with Passive-Waveguide

    Koji YAMADA  Koji NAKAMURA  Hideaki HORIKAWA  


    E81-C No:8

    An electroabsorption (EA) modulator array using a double optical-pass (DP) configuration has been developed to obtain high-speed modulation in parallel. Feeding electrical signals from the highly reflective side of the modulator eliminated component assembly problems with lenses and microwave feeder lines. Passive waveguide integration enabled wafers to be cleaved with very short absorbers. The degradation in frequency response was theoretically calculated to be <0. 2 dB compared to that of EA modulators without a passive waveguide. A common upper doping layer in the absorber and passive waveguide regions was introduced to attain high product throughput due to good epitaxial flatness and processing. The integrated 4-channels multiquantum well DP EA modulator array demonstrated high overall performance for a wavelength range from 1545 to 1558 nm. It features a drive voltage of 2 V for 10 dB attenuation, an insertion loss of 12 dB, and 4 channels17 GHz bandwidths for each channel, with low -20 dB crosstalk between adjacent waveguides.

  • An Estimate of Irregular Sampling in Wavelet Subspace

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:8

    The paper obtains an algorithm to estimate the irregular sampling in wavelet subspaces. Compared to our former work on the problem, the new estimate is relaxed for some wavelet subspaces.

  • The Surface-Shape Operator and Multiscale Approach for Image Classification

    Phongsuphap SUKANYA  Ryo TAKAMATSU  Makoto SATO  


    E81-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new approach for describing image patterns. We integrate the concepts of multiscale image analysis, aura matrix (Gibbs random fields and cooccurrences related statistical model of texture analysis) to define image features, and to obtain the features having robustness with illumination variations and shading effects, we analyse images based on the Topographic Structure described by the Surface-Shape Operator, which describe gray-level image patterns in terms of 3D shapes instead of intensity values. Then, we illustrate usefulness of the proposed features with texture classifications. Results show that the proposed features extracted from multiscale images work much better than those from a single scale image, and confirm that the proposed features have robustness with illumination and shading variations. By comparisons with the MRSAR (Multiresolution Simultaneous Autoregressive) features using Mahalanobis distance and Euclidean distance, the proposed multiscale features give better performances for classifying the entire Brodatz textures: 112 categories, 2016 samples having various brightness in each category.

  • Optimization of Fiber Bragg Grating for Dense WDM Transmission System

    Akira INOUE  Toru IWASHIMA  Tadashi ENOMOTO  Shinji ISHIKAWA  Hiroo KANAMORI  


    E81-C No:8

    A fiber Bragg grating, which has periodical perturbation of the refractive index in the fiber core, acts as a wavelength selective reflection filter and steep optical spectrum can be realized by forming more than ten thousand of gratings along the fiber core. Owing to capability of making steep optical spectrum, fiber Bragg gratings has been expected to be introduced practical use as multiplexing or demultiplexing filters in dense WDM transmission systems. On the other hand, radiation mode loss, reflection side mode and temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength, should be improved to put the fiber Bragg grating to practical use in dense WDM transmission systems. In this paper, an optimum design and performance of the fiber Bragg grating for dense WDM systems are described. The photosensitive cladding fiber realized less than 0. 2 dB insertion loss at transmitted signal channels and less than 0. 1 dB splicing loss with standard single-mode fibers. An adequate apodization technique in the refractive index distribution suppressed reflection side modes. A temperature compensating package, which gives longitudinal strain with negative temperature dependence to a fiber Bragg grating, minimized temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength less than 0. 001 nm/. Thermal decay of Bragg grating was also investigated and adequate annealing condition was estimated to obtain sufficient stability for practical use in dense WDM transmission.

  • Directions-of-Arrival Estimation of Cyclostationary Coherent Signals in Array Processing

    Jingmin XIN  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Yoshihiro HASE  Akira SANO  


    E81-A No:8

    In a variety of communication systems, the multipath propagation due to various reflections is often encountered. In this paper, the directions-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of the cyclostationary coherent signals is investigated. A new approach is proposed for estimating the DOA of the coherent signals impinging on a uniform linear array (ULA) by utilizing the spatial smoothing (SS) technique. In order to improve the robustness of the DOA estimation by exploiting the cyclic statistical information sufficiently and handling the coherence effectively, we give a cyclic algorithm with multiple lag parameters and the optimal subarray size. The performance of the presented method is verified and compared with the conventional methods through numerical examples.

  • Millimeter-Wave Multipath Propagation Delay Characteristics in the Outdoor Mobile Radio Environments

    Kazunori KIMURA  Jun HORIKOSHI  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:8

    Millimeter-wave propagation characteristics are measured in the outdoor environments. Especially, specific features in the urban area and the open meadowland are compared.

  • Microwave Attenuation Reduction Techniques for Wide-Band Ti:LiNbO3 Optical Modulators

    Rangaraj MADABHUSHI  


    E81-C No:8

    The microwave attenuation, which is the key factor for realizing very large bandwidths Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulators is fully studied and the causes and reduction techniques are discussed in detail. Practical realization of wide-band optical modulators with low microwave attenuation and low driving voltage is also discussed.

  • Broadband Active Noise Control Using a Neural Network

    Casper K. CHEN  Tzi-Dar CHIUEH  Jyh-Horng CHEN  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E81-D No:8

    This paper presents a neural network-based control system for Adaptive Noise Control (ANC). The control system derives a secondary signal to destructively interfere with the original noise to cut down the noise power. This paper begins with an introduction to feedback ANC systems and then describes our adaptive algorithm in detail. Three types of noise signals, recorded in destroyer, F16 airplane and MR imaging room respectively, were then applied to our noise control system which was implemented by software. We obtained an average noise power attenuation of about 20 dB. It was shown that our system performed as well as traditional DSP controllers for narrow-band noise and achieved better results for nonlinear broadband noise problems. In this paper we also present a hardware implementation method for the proposed algorithm. This hardware architecture allows fast and efficient field training in new environments and makes real-time real-life applications possible.
