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  • Trade-Off between Requirement of Learning and Computational Cost

    Tzung-Pei HONG  Ching-Hung WANG  Shian-Shyong TSENG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E81-D No:6

    Machine learning in real-world situations sometimes starts from an initial collection of training instances; learning then proceeds off and on as new training instances come intermittently. The idea of two-phase learning has then been proposed here for effectively solving the learning problems in which training instances come in this two-stage way. Four two-phase learning algorithms based on the learning method PRISM have also been proposed for inducing rules from training instances. These alternatives form a spectrum, showing achievement of the requirement of PRISM (keeping down the number of irrelevant attributes) heavily dependent on the spent computational cost. The suitable alternative, as a trade-off between computational costs and achievement to the requirements, can then be chosen according to the request of the application domains.

  • Kohonen Learning with a Mechanism, the Law of the Jungle, Capable of Dealing with Nonstationary Probability Distribution Functions

    Taira NAKAJIMA  Hiroyuki TAKIZAWA  Hiroaki KOBAYASHI  Tadao NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E81-D No:6

    We present a mechanism, named the law of the jungle (LOJ), to improve the Kohonen learning. The LOJ is used to be an adaptive vector quantizer for approximating nonstationary probability distribution functions. In the LOJ mechanism, the probability that each node wins in a competition is dynamically estimated during the learning. By using the estimated win probability, "strong" nodes are increased through creating new nodes near the nodes, and "weak" nodes are decreased through deleting themselves. A pair of creation and deletion is treated as an atomic operation. Therefore, the nodes which cannot win the competition are transferred directly from the region where inputs almost never occur to the region where inputs often occur. This direct "jump" of weak nodes provides rapid convergence. Moreover, the LOJ requires neither time-decaying parameters nor a special periodic adaptation. From the above reasons, the LOJ is suitable for quick approximation of nonstationary probability distribution functions. In comparison with some other Kohonen learning networks through experiments, only the LOJ can follow nonstationary probability distributions except for under high-noise environments.

  • A Correlation-Based Motion Correction Method for Functional MRI

    Arturo CALDERON  Shoichi KANAYAMA  Shigehide KUHARA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E81-D No:6

    One serious problem affecting the rest and active state images obtained during a functional MRI (fMRI) study is that of involuntary subject movements inside the magnet while the imaging protocol is being carried out. The small signal intensity rise and small activation areas observed in the fMRI results, such as the statistical maps indicating the significance of the observed signal intensity difference between the rest and active states for each pixel, are greatly affected even by head displacements of less than one pixel. Near perfect alignment in the subpixel level of each image with respect to a reference, then, is necessary if the results are to be considered meaningful, specially in a clinical setting. In this paper we report the brain displacements that take place during a fMRI study with an image alignment method based on a refined crosscorrelation function which obtains fast (non-iterative) and precise values for the inplane rotation and X and Y translation correction factors. The performance of the method was tested with phantom experiments and fMRI studies using normal subjects executing a finger-tapping motor task. In all cases, subpixel translations and rotations were detected. The rest and active phases of the time course plots obtained from pixels in the primary motor area were well differentiated after only one pass of the motion correction program, giving enhanced activation zones. Other related areas such as the supplementary motor area became visible only after correction, and the number of pixels showing false activation was reduced.

  • Relaxation-Based Transient Analysis of Lossy Coupled Transmission Lines Circuits Using Delay Evaluation Technique

    Takayuki WATANABE  Atsushi KAMO  Hideki ASAI  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:6

    This paper describes an efficient method to simulate lossy coupled transmission lines based on the delay evaluation technique. First, we review the previous methods, and refer to several problems concerned with these methods. Next, a novel waveform relaxation-based simulation method is proposed, which uses the delay evaluation technique. This method enables to obtain the accurate transient waveforms using smaller number of moments than the other moment methods use, and is modified for acceleration by the generalized line delay window partitioning (GLDW) technique. Finally, this method is implemented in the waveform relaxation-based circuit simulator DESIRE3T+, and the performance is estimated.

  • Platform Independent TMN Agents Based on the Farming Methodology

    Soo-Hyun PARK  Sung-Gi MIN  Doo-Kwon BAIK  

    PAPER-Universal Personal Communications

    E81-A No:6

    The TMN that appears to operate the various communication networks generally and efficiently is developed under the different platform environment such as the different hardware and the different operating system. One of the main problems is that all the agents of the TMN system must be duplicated and maintain the software and the data blocks that perform the identical function. Therefore, the standard of the Q3 interface development cannot be defined and the multi-platform cannot be supported in the development of the TMN agent. In order to overcome these problems, the Farming methodology that is based on the Farmer model has been suggested. The main concept of the Farming methodology is that the software and the data components that are duplicated and stored in each distributed object are saved in the Platform Independent Class Repository (PICR) by converting into the format of the independent componentware in the platform, so that the componentwares that are essential for the execution can be loaded and used statically or dynamically from PICR as described in the framework of each distributed object. The distributed TMN agent of the personal communication network is designed and developed by using the Farmer model.

  • Reverse Link Capacity Analysis of a DS-CDMA Cellular System with Mixed Rate Traffic

    HyoungGoo JEON  SooKun KWON  ChangEon KANG  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E81-B No:6

    We propose an approach to obtain the relation between the number of voice call users and the number of data call users in the reverse link of a DS-CDMA cellular system with mixed rate traffic. The analyzed results show that as the number of data call users with high bit rate increases, the number of allowable voice call users decreases rapidly and linearly.

  • Supervisory Rate-Based Flow Control of ATM Networks for ABR Services

    Kwang-Hyun CHO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:6

    A new approach for the flow control of available bit rate service in ATM network is proposed using supervisory control theory upon discrete event models. According to the approach, each rate controller adjusts the input source traffic within a specific zone decided by the supervisor. In this way, the proposed control scheme ensures congestion avoidance and the maximal successful transmission rate of the input source traffic in a fair manner upon a simplistic way of explicit rate setting for resource management cells.

  • Rigorous Design of Iris-Coupled Waveguide Filters by Field-Theory-Based Approach and Genetic Algorithms

    Fengchao XIAO  Hatsuo YABE  

    PAPER-Passive Element

    E81-C No:6

    The increasing activity at millimeter wave frequency band and the growing demand for waveguide components to be applied for integrated circuit purpose have promoted the need for applying the field-theory-based approaches to the design procedure. In this paper, genetic algorithms (GA's) are applied to accurately design the iris-coupled waveguide filters based on network-boundary element method (NBEM). GA's model the natural selection and evolve towards the global optimum, thus avoid being trapped in local minima. Network-boundary element method, which combines boundary element method with network analysis method, derives the network parameters of the guided wave structures with less storage location and central processing unit time. Therefore, NBEM is a feasible and efficient field-theory-based approach for the GA optimization of waveguide filters. With NBEM performing the task of evaluating the performance of the filter designs optimized by the GA, rigorous and optimal designs of the waveguide filters are realized. The obtained analysis and optimization results are compared to a number of reference solutions to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed approach.

  • Virtual Path (VP) Topology Optimization Using a Neural Network Approach in Multistage VP Control

    Gang FENG  Zemin LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:6

    In the future asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks, an efficient virtual path (VP) control strategy must be applied to guarantee the network has high throughput with tolerable node processing load. The multistage VP control may be the best candidate since the tasks in this method are shared by the central node and local nodes, and it allows us to track the traffic changes while maintain a good state of the VP topology by reconfiguring it at regular or need based intervals. In this paper, we focus on the VP topology optimization problem in the multistage VP control. We first present the problem formulation in which the tradeoff between the network throughput and processing costs is considered, and then employ an algorithm based on a route-neuron Hopfield neural network (HNN) model to solve this problem. The numerical results demonstrate the HNN can converge to optimal solutions with high probability and stability while in other cases to near optimal solutions if the values of the system parameters in the route-neuron model are chosen according to some empirical formulas provided in this paper.

  • Improvement of Carrier to Noise Ratio in Subcarrier Multiple Access Optical Networks Using Temperature Uncontrolled Fabry-Perot Laser Diodes

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  Susumu MORIKURA  Kuniaki UTSUMI  Katsuyuki FUJITO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E81-B No:6

    We demonstrate that the frequency modulated video signals in the subcarrier multiple access optical network can be satisfactorily transmitted using our proposed method, that broadens an optical spectrum by multiplying the subcarrier signals by an additional signal and that reduces optical beat interference, even if the wavelengths of four Fabry-Perot laser diodes are very close each other.

  • Mobility Management Schemes and Their Characteristics for Advanced Personal Communication Services in Distributed Environments

    Hideaki YOSHINO  Hisao YAMAMOTO  Hideaki MATSUE  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:6

    A mobility management scheme that reduces signaling traffic load and connection setup time is a pivotal issue in designing future personal communication service (PCS) networks to satisfy Quality of Services requirements and use network resources efficiently. Particularly, required is scalable mobility management, to meet the explosive growth in number of users for the current second-generation wireless communication systems, and to materialize PCS concepts such as terminal, personal, and service mobility. Many mobility management schemes have been proposed for the reduction of signaling traffic. However, these schemes have not been sufficiently compared using a unified performance measure that is free of assumptions as to mobility model or database architecture. In this paper, we categorize the various mobility management schemes for advanced PCSs in distributed environments into four types and clarify the appropriate domain for each type. To do this, we settled on the number of signals at connection setup and location registration as a unified performance measure, since this value closely relates to connection setup time and network efficiency. We found two kinds of schemes with replicating and caching functions of user information that are extremely effective for reducing signaling load and hence connection setup time. These schemes are appropriate when the probability that a user is in his/her home area is relatively small or the connection setup rate is relatively high compared to the location registration rate. These are the most likely situations in the advanced PCS for global environments.

  • Error Performance and ATM Cell Transfer Characteristics in Relocatable Wireless Access Systems

    Akira HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E81-B No:6

    Error performance as well as ATM cell transfer characteristics in a new category of wireless access systems is discussed. Relocatable wireless access with neutral feature between the fixed and mobile systems can convey Mbit/s-order capacity with fairly high quality under line-of-sight propagation. It is an important question for such wireless access systems whether they are able to form a part of wired networks satisfying performance objectives specified in ITU-T Recommendations. This paper analyzes the characteristics of relocatable systems under Gamma-distribution fading environments, and clarifies quantitative relations between Bit Error Rate (BER), Severely Errored Second (SES), Errored Second (ES) and Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) in a calculation model employing QPSK and typical HEC (Header Error Control). Thus it is demonstrated for the first time that in most cases the dominant parameter is the SES objective. Also it will be possible for a relocatable system with appropriate fade margin to meet the ITU-T performance specifications.

  • Bidirectional Rod Antennas Comprising Collinear Antenna and Parasitic Elements

    Keizo CHO  Toshikazu HORI  Hajime TOZAWA  Shinji KIYA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:6

    This paper proposes a novel bidirectional rod antenna (BIRA) comprising a collinear antenna and parasitic wires as a base station antenna for a street microcell. The spacing between the collinear antenna and the parasitic wire, and the length of the parasitic wires, which are the design parameters obtaining a bidirectional pattern, are investigated using the moment method. The results show that wide spacing enlarges the bandwidth obtaining the bidirectional pattern, however it decreases the gain. Furthermore, to enlarge the bandwidth, a BIRA with arc parasitic plates whose radius is the same as that of the radome is also proposed. The configuration can be constructed using the same exterior as the BIRA with parasitic wires. It is also shown that the arc parasitic plates enlarge the bandwidth in proportion to the area projected onto the tangential plane at the center of the arc. Finally, a prototype of the proposed antenna is shown.

  • Reflection Characteristics Measurement from a Truck and a Passenger Car at 60 GHz Frequency Band

    Hiroyuki ISHIZAKA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Hisashi HIGASHI  


    E81-C No:6

    Recently, studies and developments of Collision Warning System (CWS) have attracted widely a particular attention among various wave applications at 60 GHz frequency band. Major performance of the CWS is given by the maximum detection range, the minimum detectable width and accuracy of detection distance. Since the maximum detection range and the minimum detectable width depend on a size of a target, it is important to know Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the target. RCS data should be measured so-called far field condition (greater than a few hundreds meters), while CWS is usually used in the range of 20-100 m. Therefore, a measurement of the reflection characteristics in shorter distance should be necessarily known. In this study, we present reflection characteristics of a medium size truck and a passenger car measured in open field at 60 GHz frequency. It is concludingly described that the reflection characteristics of the passenger car and the medium size truck are 13-18 dBm2 and 15-32 dBm2, respectively, for a case of horizontal polarization.

  • Wide-Band Subharmonically Injection-Locked Oscillators Using Three-Dimensional MMIC Technology

    Kenji KAMOGAWA  Ichihiko TOYODA  Tsuneo TOKUMITSU  Kenjiro NISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Functional Modules and the Design Technology

    E81-C No:6

    Subharmonically Injection-locked oscillators (ILO's) with very wide injection-locking ability are presented. Two types of ILO MMIC's with this ability are proposed. The oscillation frequency tuning function of the ILO MMIC is very useful for expansion of the injection locking range at higher subharmonics. One consists of a shunt varactor diode inserted into the oscillation loop, and the other incorporates a vector-combining configuration with in-phase divider and 90 degree hybrid. Using three-dimensional MMIC's technology which can offer miniature and high-density passive circuits, the vector-combining type ILO is formed in a very compact area of 1. 7 mm2. Fabricated 20 GHz-band ILO achieves a wide tuning ranges of 870 MHz, resulting in a very wide locking range for higher subharmonics. The wide frequency tuning ability also reduces phase noise, shortens a locking time and compensates the center frequency deviation against temperature, as well as increasing locking range. The measured results show that the ILO configuration is extremely suitable for realizing simple, fully monolithic and low phase noise millimeter-wave frequency synthesizers.

  • A Noise Reduction Method for ECG Signals Using the Dyadic Wavelet Transform

    Hisashi INOUE  Akio MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a new denoising algorithm based on the dyadic wavelet transform (DWT) for ECG signals corrupted with different types of synthesized noise. Using the property that DWT is overcomplete, we define some convex sets in the set of wavelet coefficients and give an iterative method of the projection on the convex sets. The results show that the noises are not only removed from ECG signals, but also the ECG signals are reconstructed, which is used in detecting QRS complex. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by some experiments in comparison with the conventional methods.

  • A New Two-Dimensional Parallel Block Adaptive Filter with Reduced Computational Complexity

    Shigenori KINJO  Masafumi OSHIRO  Hiroshi OCHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    Two-dimensional (2-D) adaptive digital filters (ADFs) for 2-D signal processing have become a fascinating area of the adaptive signal processing. However, conventional 2-D FIR ADF's require a lot of computations. For example, the TDLMS requires 2N2 multiplications per pixel. We propose a new 2-D adaptive filter using the FFTs. The proposed adaptive filter carries out the fast convolution using overlap-save method, and has parallel structure. Thus, we can reduce the computational complexity to O(log2N) per pixel.

  • Finding All Solutions of Transistor Circuits Using Linear Programming

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Hitomi KAWATA  Ai TOKUE  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:6

    An efficient algorithm is proposed for finding all solutions of bipolar transistor circuits. This algorithm is based on a simple test that checks the nonexistence of a solution using linear programming. In this test, right-angled triangles are used for surrounding exponential functions of the Ebers-Moll model, by which the number of inequality constraints decreases and the test becomes efficient and powerful.

  • Single Low 2. 4-V Supply Operation GaAs Power MESFET Amplifier with Low-Distortion Gain-Variable Attenuator for 1. 9-GHz PHS Applications

    Masami NAGAOKA  Hirotsugu WAKIMOTO  Toshiki SESHITA  Katsue K. KAWAKYU  Yoshiaki KITAURA  Atsushi KAMEYAMA  Naotaka UCHITOMI  


    E81-C No:6

    A GaAs power MESFET amplifier with a low-distortion, 10-dB gain-variable attenuator has been developed for 1. 9-GHz Japanese personal handy phone system (PHS). Independently of its gain, a very low 600-kHz adjacent channel leakage power (ACP) with sufficient output power was attained. In single low 2. 4-V supply operation, an output power of 21. 1 dBm, a low dissipated current of 157 mA and a high power-added efficiency (PAE) of 37. 2% were obtained with an ACP of -55 dBc.

  • Analysis and Synthesis of a Class of Microwave Filters from 2-Variable Point of View

    Hideaki FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:6

    The following, which is related to the design of the microwave filters, is mainly presented: (1) certain useful approximation which can be obtained by double-resistive- terminated 2-ports consisting of a cascade of two 1-variable 2-ports in different variables, and (2) an approach for filter design from 2-variable viewpoint. Approximations presented provide useful magnitude responses in 2-D domain. Hence it is discussed that how the provided 2-D responses can be used for the design of the microwave filters. Furthermore, properties of the 2-variable transfer functions resulting in such circuits are given.
