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  • 16-QAM Sequences with Good Periodic Autocorrelation Function

    Fanxin ZENG  Yue ZENG  Lisheng ZHANG  Xiping HE  Guixin XUAN  Zhenyu ZHANG  Yanni PENG  Linjie QIAN  Li YAN  


    E102-A No:12

    Sequences that attain the smallest possible absolute sidelobes (SPASs) of periodic autocorrelation function (PACF) play fairly important roles in synchronization of communication systems, Large scale integrated circuit testing, and so on. This letter presents an approach to construct 16-QAM sequences of even periods, based on the known quaternary sequences. A relationship between the PACFs of 16-QAM and quaternary sequences is established, by which when quaternary sequences that attain the SPASs of PACF are employed, the proposed 16-QAM sequences have good PACF.

  • Designing a High Performance SRAM-DRAM Hybrid Memory Architecture for Packet Buffers

    Yongwoon SONG  Dongkeon CHOI  Hyukjun LEE  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E102-C No:12

    The performance of a network router/switch has improved significantly over past decades with explosively increasing internet and data center traffic. The performance of a router heavily depends on the memory system, e.g. DRAM based packet buffers, which often limits the scalability of a router. However, a widening gap between memory I/O bus and memory cell array speed and decreasing row buffer locality from increasing channels and banks severely reduce the performance gain from state-of-the-art memory technology such as DDR4 or HBM2 DRAM. Prior works improved memory bandwidth by maintaining SRAM-based per-queue or per-bank input/output buffers in the memory controller to support a DRAM-based packet buffer. The buffers temporarily store packets when bank conflicts occur but are unable to prevent interference-inducing traffic from thrashing DRAM's row buffers. In this study, we directly integrate SRAM into the DRAM-based packet buffer and map those packets degrading row buffer locality of DRAM into SRAM. This maximizes locality and parallelism of DRAM accesses. The proposed scheme can benefit any existing schemes. Experimental results show 22.41% improvement over the best existing scheme for a single channel in terms of the memory bandwidth utilization under harsh congested scenarios.

  • Generating Accurate Candidate Windows by Effective Receptive Field

    Baojun ZHAO  Boya ZHAO  Linbo TANG  Baoxian WANG  


    E102-A No:12

    Towards involving the convolutional neural networks into the object detection field, many computer vision tasks have achieved favorable successes. In order to adapt targets with various scales, deep feature pyramid is widely used, since the traditional object detection methods detect different objects in Gaussian image pyramid. However, due to the mismatching between the anchors and the feature distributions of targets, the accurate detection for targets with various scales is still a challenge. Considering the differences between the theoretical receptive field and effective receptive field, we propose a novel anchor generation method, which takes the effective receptive field as the standard. The proposed method is evaluated on the PASCAL VOC dataset and shows the favorable results.

  • Joint Optimization of Delay Guarantees and Resource Allocation for Service Function Chaining

    Yunjie GU  Yuehang DING  Yuxiang HU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E102-D No:12

    A Service Function Chain (SFC) is an ordered sequence of virtual network functions (VNFs) to provide network service. Most existing SFC orchestration schemes, however, cannot optimize the resources allocation while guaranteeing the service delay constraint. To fulfill this goal, we propose a Layered Graph based SFC Orchestration Scheme (LGOS). LGOS converts both the cost of resource and the related delay into the link weights in the layered graph, which helps abstract the SFC orchestration problem as a shortest path problem. Then a simulated annealing based batch processing algorithm is designed for SFC requests set. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrated that our scheme can reduce the end-to-end delay and the operational expenditure by 21.6% and 13.7% at least, and the acceptance ratio of requests set can be improved by 22.3%, compared with other algorithms.

  • On the Bit Error Probability of OFDM and FBMC-OQAM Systems in Rayleigh and Rician Multipath Fading Channels Open Access

    Liming LI  Yang WANG  Liqin DING  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:12

    Filter bank multicarrier with offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-OQAM) is considered an alternative to conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to meet the various requirements proposed by future communication networks. Among the different perspectives on the merits of FBMC-OQAM and OFDM, a straightforward metric is the bit error probability (BEP). This paper presents a general analytical framework for BEP evaluation that is applicable to FBMC-OQAM and OFDM systems in both Rayleigh and Rician multipath fading channels. Explicit BEP expressions are derived for Gray-coded pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and square quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals with arbitrary constellation sizes. The theoretical analysis results show excellent agreement with the numerical simulation results in different channel scenarios.

  • 3D Global and Multi-View Local Features Combination Based Qualitative Action Recognition for Volleyball Game Analysis

    Xina CHENG  Yang LIU  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E102-A No:12

    Volleyball video analysis plays important roles in providing data for TV contents and developing strategies. Among all the topics of volleyball analysis, qualitative player action recognition is essential because it potentially provides not only the action that being performed but also the quality, which means how well the action is performed. However, most action recognition researches focus on the discrimination between different actions. The quality of an action, which is helpful for evaluation and training of the player skill, has only received little attention so far. The vital problems in qualitative action recognition include occlusion, small inter-class difference and various kinds of appearance caused by the player change. This paper proposes a 3D global and multi-view local features combination based recognition framework with global team formation feature, ball state feature and abrupt pose features. The above problems are solved by the combination of 3D global features (which hide the unstable and incomplete 2D motion feature caused by occlusion) and the multi-view local features (which get detailed local motion features of body parts in multiple viewpoints). Firstly, the team formation extracts the 3D trajectories from the whole team members rather than a single target player. This proposal focuses more on the entire feature while eliminating the personal effect. Secondly, the ball motion state feature extracts features from the 3D ball trajectory. The ball motion is not affected by the personal appearance, so this proposal ignores the influence of the players appearance and makes it more robust to target player change. At last, the abrupt pose feature consists of two parts: the abrupt hit frame pose (which extracts the contour shape of the player's pose at the hit time) and abrupt pose variation (which extracts the pose variation between the preparation pose and ending pose during the action). These two features make difference of each action quality more distinguishable by focusing on the motion standard and stability between different quality actions. Experiments are conducted on game videos from the Semifinal and Final Game of 2014 Japan Inter High School Games of Men's Volleyball in Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. The experimental results show the accuracy achieves 97.26%, improving 11.33% for action discrimination and 91.76%, and improving 13.72% for action quality evaluation.

  • Ternary Convolutional Codes with Optimum Distance Spectrum

    Shungo MIYAGI  Motohiko ISAKA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:12

    This letter presents ternary convolutional codes and their punctured codes with optimum distance spectrum.

  • An Improvement of Non-Binary Single b-Burst of Insertion/Deletion Correcting Code

    Toyohiko SAEKI  Takayuki NOZAKI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:12

    This paper constructs non-binary codes correcting a single b-burst of insertions or deletions with large cardinalities. This paper also provides insertion and deletion correcting algorithms of the constructed codes and evaluates a lower bound of the cardinalities of the constructed codes. Moreover, we evaluate a non-asymptotic upper bound on the cardinalities of arbitrary codes which correct a single b-burst of insertions or deletions.

  • Methods for Reducing Power and Area of BDD-Based Optical Logic Circuits

    Ryosuke MATSUO  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Akihiko SHINYA  Masaya NOTOMI  


    E102-A No:12

    Optical circuits using nanophotonic devices attract significant interest due to its ultra-high speed operation. As a consequence, the synthesis methods for the optical circuits also attract increasing attention. However, existing methods for synthesizing optical circuits mostly rely on straight-forward mappings from established data structures such as Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). The strategy of simply mapping a BDD to an optical circuit sometimes results in an explosion of size and involves significant power losses in branches and optical devices. To address these issues, this paper proposes a method for reducing the size of BDD-based optical logic circuits exploiting wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The paper also proposes a method for reducing the number of branches in a BDD-based circuit, which reduces the power dissipation in laser sources. Experimental results obtained using a partial product accumulation circuit used in a 4-bit parallel multiplier demonstrates significant advantages of our method over existing approaches in terms of area and power consumption.

  • Authenticated-Encrypted Analog-to-Digital Conversion Based on Non-Linearity and Redundancy Transformation

    Vinod V. GADDE  Makoto IKEDA  


    E102-A No:12

    We have proposed a generic architecture that can integrate the aspects of confidentiality and integrity into the A/D conversion framework. A conceptual account of the development of the proposed architecture is presented. Using the principle of this architecture we have presented a CMOS circuit design to facilitate a fully integrated Authenticated-Encrypted ADC (AE-ADC). We have implemented and demonstrated a partial 8-bit ADC Analog Front End of this proposed circuit in 0.18µm CMOS with an ENOB of 7.64 bits.

  • Packet-Oriented Erasure Correcting Codes by Bit-Level Shift Operation and Exclusive OR

    Yuta HANAKI  Takayuki NOZAKI  

    PAPER-Erasure Correction

    E102-A No:12

    This paper constructs packet-oriented erasure correcting codes and their systematic forms for the distributed storage systems. The proposed codes are encoded by exclusive OR and bit-level shift operation. By the shift operation, the encoded packets are slightly longer than the source packets. This paper evaluates the extra length of the encoded packets, called overhead, and shows that the proposed codes have smaller overheads than the zigzag decodable codes, which are existing codes using bit-level shift operation and exclusive OR.

  • Achievable Rate Regions for Source Coding with Delayed Partial Side Information Open Access

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Shannon Theory

    E102-A No:12

    In this paper, we consider a source coding with side information partially used at the decoder through a codeword. We assume that there exists a relative delay (or gap) of the correlation between the source sequence and side information. We also assume that the delay is unknown but the maximum of possible delays is known to two encoders and the decoder, where we allow the maximum of delays to change by the block length. In this source coding, we give an inner bound and an outer bound on the achievable rate region, where the achievable rate region is the set of rate pairs of encoders such that the decoding error probability vanishes as the block length tends to infinity. Furthermore, we clarify that the inner bound coincides with the outer bound when the maximum of delays for the block length converges to a constant.

  • Transferring Adaptive Bit Rate Streaming Quality Models from H.264/HD to H.265/4K-UHD Open Access

    Pierre LEBRETON  Kazuhisa YAMAGISHI  


    E102-B No:12

    In this paper the quality of adaptive bit rate video streaming is investigated and two state-of-the-art models, i.e., the NTT audiovisual quality-estimation and ITU-T P.1203 models, are considered. This paper shows how these models can be applied to new conditions, e.g., 4K ultra high definition (4K-UHD) videos encoded using H.265, considering that they were originally designed and trained for HD videos encoded with H.264. Six subjective evaluations involving up to 192 participants and a large variety of test conditions, e.g., durations from 10sec to 3min, coding-quality variation, and stalling events, were conducted on both TV and mobile devices. Using the subjective data, this paper addresses how models and coefficients can be transferred to new conditions. A comparison between state-of-the-art models is conducted, showing the performance of transferred and retrained models. It is found that other video-quality estimation models, such as VMAF, can be used as input of the NTT and ITU-T P.1203 long-term pooling modules, allowing these other video-quality-estimation models to support the specificities of adaptive bit-rate-streaming scenarios. Finally, all retrained coefficients are detailed in this paper allowing future work to directly reuse the results of this study.

  • Matrix Completion ESPRIT for DOA Estimation Using Nonuniform Linear Array Open Access

    Hongbing LI  Qunfei ZHANG  Weike FENG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:12

    A novel matrix completion ESPRIT (MC-ESPRIT) algorithm is proposed to estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) with nonuniform linear arrays (NLA). By exploiting the matrix completion theory and the characters of Hankel matrix, the received data matrix of an NLA is tranformed into a two-fold Hankel matrix, which is a treatable for matrix completion. Then the decision variable can be reconstructed by the inexact augmented Lagrange multiplier method. This approach yields a completed data matrix, which is the same as the data matrix of uniform linear array (ULA). Thus the ESPRIT-type algorithm can be used to estimate the DOA. The MC-ESPRIT could resolve more signals than the MUSIC-type algorithms with NLA. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm does not need to divide the field of view of the array compared to the existing virtual interpolated array ESPRIT (VIA-ESPRIT). Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of MC-ESPRIT.

  • Distributed Transmission for Secure Wireless Links Based on a Secret-Sharing Method

    Masaaki YAMANAKA  ShenCong WEI  Jingbo ZOU  Shuichi OHNO  Shinichi MIYAMOTO  Seiichi SAMPEI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:12

    This paper proposes a secure distributed transmission method that establishes multiple transmission routes in space to a destination. In the method, the transmitted information is divided into pieces of information by a secret-sharing method, and the generated pieces are separately transmitted to the destination through different transmission routes using individually-controlled antenna directivities. As the secret-sharing method can divide the transmitted information into pieces in such a manner that nothing about the original information is revealed unless all the divided pieces are obtained, the secrecy of the transmitted information is greatly improved from an information-theoretic basis. However, one problem is that it does not perform well in the vicinity around the receiver. This is due to the characteristics of distributed transmission that all distributed pieces of information must eventually gather at the destination; an eavesdropper can obtain the necessary pieces to reconstruct the original information. Then, this paper expands the distributed transmission method into a two-way communication scheme. By adopting the distributed transmission in both communication directions, a secure link can be provided as a feedback channel to enhance the secrecy of the transmitted information. The generation of the shared pieces of information is given with signal forms, and the secrecy of the proposed method is evaluated based on the signal transmission error rates as determined by computer simulation.

  • Characteristics and Applicability of Frequency Sharing Criteria in the Broadcasting Satellite Link Open Access

    Kazuyoshi SHOGEN  Thong PHAM VIET  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E102-B No:12

    Two frequency sharing criteria for BSS (Broadcasting-Satellite Service) are enacted in Sect.1 of Annex 1 to Appendix 30 to Radio Regulations. These two criteria are pfd (power flux-density) and EPM (Equivalent Protection Margin) values. In this paper, the two criteria are compared and studied from the view point of applicability to the sharing cases between BSS and BSS. In particular, it is shown that in some cases, the EPM criterion contributes to alleviate the problem of “sensitive satellite network”, i.e., one that has relatively low transmission power and is very weak against interference and blocks the new satellite to enter. Disclaimer The views and positions expressed by the authors are strictly personal and do not constitute, nor can be interpreted as, the position of the International Telecommunication Union on the topics addressed in this paper.

  • Sparse Time-Varying Complex AR (TV-CAR) Speech Analysis Based on Adaptive LASSO

    Keiichi FUNAKI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-A No:12

    Linear Prediction (LP) analysis is commonly used in speech processing. LP is based on Auto-Regressive (AR) model and it estimates the AR model parameter from signals with l2-norm optimization. Recently, sparse estimation is paid attention since it can extract significant features from big data. The sparse estimation is realized by l1 or l0-norm optimization or regularization. Sparse LP analysis methods based on l1-norm optimization have been proposed. Since excitation of speech is not white Gaussian, a sparse LP estimation can estimate more accurate parameter than the conventional l2-norm based LP. These are time-invariant and real-valued analysis. We have been studied Time-Varying Complex AR (TV-CAR) analysis for an analytic signal and have evaluated the performance on speech processing. The TV-CAR methods are l2-norm methods. In this paper, we propose the sparse TV-CAR analysis based on adaptive LASSO (Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) that is l1-norm regularization and evaluate the performance on F0 estimation of speech using IRAPT (Instantaneous RAPT). The experimental results show that the sparse TV-CAR methods perform better for a high level of additive Pink noise.

  • A Topology Control Strategy with Efficient Path for Predictable Delay-Tolerant Networks

    Dawei YAN  Cong LIU  Peng YOU  Shaowei YONG  Dongfang GUAN  Yu XING  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:12

    In wireless networks, efficient topology improves the performance of network protocols. The previous research mainly focuses on how to construct a cost-efficient network structure from a static and connected topology. Due to lack of continuous connectivity in the underlying topology, most traditional topology control methods are not applicable to the delay or disruption tolerant networks (DTNs). In this paper, we consider the topology control problem in a predictable DTN where the dynamic topology is known a priori or can be predicted over time. First, this dynamic topology is modeled by a directed space-time graph that includes spatial and temporal information. Second, the topology control problem of the predictable DTN is formulated as building a sparse structure. For any pair devices, there is an efficient path connecting them to improve the efficiency of the generated structure. Then, a topology control strategy is proposed for this optimization problem by using a kth shortest paths algorithm. Finally, simulations are conducted on random networks and a real-world DTN tracing date. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the efficiency of the generated structure and reduce the total cost.

  • Frequency Divider Using One-Dimensional Tunnel-Diode Oscillator Lattice Systems

    Koichi NARAHARA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E102-C No:12

    A one-dimensional lattice of tunnel-diode oscillators is investigated for potential high-speed frequency divider. In the evolution of the investigated lattice, the high-frequency oscillation dominates over the low-frequency oscillation. When a base oscillator is connected at the end, and generates oscillatory signals with a frequency higher than that of the synchronous lattice oscillation, the oscillator output begins to move in the lattice. This one-way property guarantees that the oscillation dynamics of the lattice have only slight influence on the oscillator motion. Moreover, counter-moving pulses in the lattice exhibit pair annihilation through head-on collisions. These lattice properties enable an efficient frequency division method. Herein, the operating principles of the frequency divider are described, along with a numerical validation.

  • On-Chip Cache Architecture Exploiting Hybrid Memory Structures for Near-Threshold Computing

    Hongjie XU  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E102-A No:12

    This paper focuses on power-area trade-off axis to memory systems. Compared with the power-performance-area trade-off application on the traditional high performance cache, this paper focuses on the edge processing environment which is becoming more and more important in the Internet of Things (IoT) era. A new power-oriented trade-off is proposed for on-chip cache architecture. As a case study, this paper exploits a good energy efficiency of Standard-Cell Memory (SCM) operating in a near-threshold voltage region and a good area efficiency of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). A hybrid 2-level on-chip cache structure is first introduced as a replacement of 6T-SRAM cache as L0 cache to save the energy consumption. This paper proposes a method for finding the best capacity combination for SCM and SRAM, which minimizes the energy consumption of the hybrid cache under a specific cache area constraint. The simulation result using a 65-nm process technology shows that up to 80% energy consumption is reduced without increasing the die area by replacing the conventional SRAM instruction cache with the hybrid 2-level cache. The result shows that energy consumption can be reduced if the area constraint for the proposed hybrid cache system is less than the area which is equivalent to a 8kB SRAM. If the target operating frequency is less than 100MHz, energy reduction can be achieved, which implies that the proposed cache system is suitable for low-power systems where a moderate processing speed is required.
