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  • Design of a Compact Sound Localization Device on a Stand-Alone FPGA-Based Platform

    Mauricio KUGLER  Teemu TOSSAVAINEN  Susumu KUROYANAGI  Akira IWATA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E99-D No:11

    Sound localization systems are widely studied and have several potential applications, including hearing aid devices, surveillance and robotics. However, few proposed solutions target portable systems, such as wearable devices, which require a small unnoticeable platform, or unmanned aerial vehicles, in which weight and low power consumption are critical aspects. The main objective of this research is to achieve real-time sound localization capability in a small, self-contained device, without having to rely on large shaped platforms or complex microphone arrays. The proposed device has two surface-mount microphones spaced only 20 mm apart. Such reduced dimensions present challenges for the implementation, as differences in level and spectra become negligible, and only time-difference of arrival (TDoA) can be used as a localization cue. Three main issues have to be addressed in order to accomplish these objectives. To achieve real-time processing, the TDoA is calculated using zero-crossing spikes applied to the hardware-friendly Jeffers model. In order to make up for the reduction in resolution due to the small dimensions, the signal is upsampled several-fold within the system. Finally, a coherence-based spectral masking is used to select only frequency components with relevant TDoA information. The proposed system was implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based platform, due to the large amount of concurrent and independent tasks, which can be efficiently parallelized in reconfigurable hardware devices. Experimental results with white-noise and environmental sounds show high accuracies for both anechoic and reverberant conditions.

  • Adaptive Local Thresholding for Co-Localization Detection in Multi-Channel Fluorescence Microscopic Images

    Eisuke ITO  Yusuke TOMARU  Akira IIZUKA  Hirokazu HIRAI  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    Automatic detection of immunoreactive areas in fluorescence microscopic images is becoming a key technique in the field of biology including neuroscience, although it is still challenging because of several reasons such as low signal-to-noise ratio and contrast variation within an image. In this study, we developed a new algorithm that exhaustively detects co-localized areas in multi-channel fluorescence images, where shapes of target objects may differ among channels. Different adaptive binarization thresholds for different local regions in different channels are introduced and the condition of each segment is assessed to recognize the target objects. The proposed method was applied to detect immunoreactive spots that labeled membrane receptors on dendritic spines of mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells. Our method achieved the best detection performance over five pre-existing methods.

  • On-Line Rigid Object Tracking via Discriminative Feature Classification

    Quan MIAO  Chenbo SHI  Long MENG  Guang CHENG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:11

    This paper proposes an on-line rigid object tracking framework via discriminative object appearance modeling and learning. Strong classifiers are combined with 2D scale-rotation invariant local features to treat tracking as a keypoint matching problem. For on-line boosting, we correspond a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to each weak classifier and propose a GMM-based classifying mechanism. Meanwhile, self-organizing theory is applied to perform automatic clustering for sequential updating. Benefiting from the invariance of the SURF feature and the proposed on-line classifying technique, we can easily find reliable matching pairs and thus perform accurate and stable tracking. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves better performance than previously reported trackers.

  • Personalized Web Page Recommendation Based on Preference Footprint to Browsed Pages

    Kenta SERIZAWA  Sayaka KAMEI  Syuhei HAYASHI  Satoshi FUJITA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E99-D No:11

    In this paper, a new scheme for personalized web page recommendation using multi-user search engine query information is proposed. Our contribution is a scheme that improves the accuracy of personalization for various types of contents (e.g., documents, images and music) without increasing user burden. The proposed scheme combines “preference footprints” for browsed pages with collaborative filtering. We acquire user interest using words that are relevant to queries submitted by users, attach all user interests to a page as a footprint when it is browsed, and evaluate the relevance of web pages in relation to words in footprints. The performance of the scheme is evaluated experimentally. The results indicate that the proposed scheme improves the precision and recall of previous schemes by 1%-24% and 80%-107%, respectively.

  • Fast Coding Unit Size Decision Based on Probabilistic Graphical Model in High Efficiency Video Coding Inter Prediction

    Xiantao JIANG  Tian SONG  Wen SHI  Takafumi KATAYAMA  Takashi SHIMAMOTO  Lisheng WANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:11

    In this work, a high efficiency coding unit (CU) size decision algorithm is proposed for high efficiency video coding (HEVC) inter coding. The CU splitting or non-splitting is modeled as a binary classification problem based on probability graphical model (PGM). This method incorporates two sub-methods: CU size termination decision and CU size skip decision. This method focuses on the trade-off between encoding efficiency and encoding complexity, and it has a good performance. Particularly in the high resolution application, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reduce encoding time by 53.62%-57.54%, while the increased BD-rate are only 1.27%-1.65%, compared to the HEVC software model.

  • Contrast Enhancement of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Images Based on Improved Histogram Equalization

    Chao XU  Dongxiang ZHOU  Keju PENG  Weihong FAN  Yunhui LIU  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    There are often low contrast Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) objects in the MTB images. Based on improved histogram equalization (HE), a framework of contrast enhancement is proposed to increase the contrast of MTB images. Our proposed algorithm was compared with the traditional HE and the weighted thresholded HE. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm has better performance in contrast enhancement, artifacts suppression, and brightness preserving for MTB images.

  • Improving Performance of Heuristic Algorithms by Lebesgue Spectrum Filter Open Access

    Mikio HASEGAWA  


    E99-B No:11

    The previous researches on the chaotic CDMA have theoretically derived the chaotic sequences having the minimum asynchronous cross-correlation. To minimize the asynchronous cross-correlation, autocorrelation of each sequence have to be C(τ)≈C×rτ, r=-2+√3, dumped oscillation with increase of the lag τ. There are several methods to generate such sequences, using a chaotic map, using the Lebesgue spectrum filter (LSF) and so on. In this paper, such lowest cross-correlation found in the chaotic CDMA researches is applied to solution search algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In combinatorial optimization, effectiveness of the chaotic search has already been clarified. First, an importance of chaos and autocorrelation with dumped oscillation for combinatorial optimization is shown. Next, in order to realize ideal solution search, the LSF is applied to the Hopfield-Tank neural network, the 2-opt method and the 2-exchange method. Effectiveness of the LSF is clarified even for the large problems for the traveling salesman problems and the quadratic assignment problems.

  • IIR Filter Design Using Multi-Swarm PSO Based on Particle Reallocation Strategy

    Haruna AIMI  Kenji SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:11

    In this paper, we study a novel method to avoid a local minimum stagnation in the design problem of IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filters using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). Although PSO is appropriate to solve nonlinear optimization problems, it is reported that a local minimum stagnation occurs due to a strong intensification of particles during the search. Then, multi-swarm PSO based on the particle reallocation strategy is proposed to avoid the local minimum stagnation. In this method, a reallocation space is determined by using some global bests. In this paper, the relationship between the number of swarms and the best value of design error is shown and the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown through several design examples.

  • Analysis on Buffer Occupancy of Quantized Congestion Notification in Data Center Networks

    Chang RUAN  Jianxin WANG  Jiawei HUANG  Wanchun JIANG  


    E99-B No:11

    In data center networks, Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN) has been ratified as the standard congestion management mechanism in the link layer. Since QCN nonlinearly switches between the rate increase and decrease stages, it is very difficult to understand QCN in depth and provide theoretical guidelines on setting the buffer size of the QCN switch. This paper gives an explicit formula for the boundary of buffer occupancy of the QCN switch. Specifically, based on the fluid model of QCN, we first derive the uniformly asymptotic stability condition of the QCN system. Then, under the condition that QCN is uniformly asymptotically stable, we analyze the buffer occupancy of the QCN switch theoretically and show that the classic rule-of-thumb for buffer sizing is not suitable for QCN. Finally, simulations validate the accuracy of our theoretical results.

  • Improving Face Image Representation Using Tangent Vectors and the L1 Norm

    Zhicheng LU  Zhizheng LIANG  Lei ZHANG  Jin LIU  Yong ZHOU  


    E99-A No:11

    Inspired from the idea of data representation in manifold learning, we derive a novel model which combines the original training images and their tangent vectors to represent each image in the testing set. Different from the previous methods, the L1 norm is used to control the reconstruction error. Considering the fact that the objective function in the proposed model is non-smooth, we utilize the majorization minimization (MM) method to solve the proposed optimization model. It is interesting to note that at each iteration a quadratic optimization problem is formulated and its analytical solution can be achieved, thereby making the proposed algorithm effective. Extensive experiments on face images demonstrate that our method achieves better performance than some previous methods.

  • Small-World-Network Model Based Routing Method for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Nobuyoshi KOMURO  Sho MOTEGI  Kosuke SANADA  Jing MA  Zhetao LI  Tingrui PEI  Young-June CHOI  Hiroo SEKIYA  


    E99-B No:11

    This paper proposes a Watts and Strogatz-model based routing method for wireless sensor network along with link-exchange operation. The proposed routing achieves low data-collection delay because of hub-node existence. By applying the link exchanges, node with low remaining battery level can escape from a hub node. Therefore, the proposed routing method achieves the fair battery-power consumptions among sensor nodes. It is possible for the proposed method to prolong the network lifetime with keeping the small-world properties. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Design and Analysis of Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with Channel Grouping in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

    Nobuyoshi KOMURO  Ryo MANZOKU  Kosuke SANADA  Jing MA  Zhetao LI  Tingrui PEI  Young-June CHOI  Hiroo SEKIYA  


    E99-B No:11

    This paper presents a Multi-channel MAC protocol with channel grouping for multi-channel ad-hoc networks. The proposed protocol has both concepts of the multiple rendezvous and the single control channel protocols, which were proposed as a MAC protocol for multi-channel ad-hoc network without centralized stations. In the proposed protocol, all the channels are divided into some groups and each group has a control channel. Network nodes circulate among the groups and channel negotiations are carried out on a control channel of the group. By applying the channel grouping, it is possible to enhance network throughput without reducing the channel-usage probability. Because there is an optimum group number for obtaining the highest throughput, this paper gives analytical expressions of maximum network throughput for the proposed protocol as a function of system parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed protocol is shown from simulation results. In addition, the validity of the analytical expressions is confirmed from quantitative agreements between analytical predictions and simulation results.

  • Hybrid TOA/RSSI-Based Wireless Capsule Endoscope Localization with Relative Permittivity Estimation

    Takahiro ITO  Daisuke ANZAI  Jianqing WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:11

    When using a wireless capsule endoscope (WCE), it is important to know WCE location. In this paper, we focus on a time of arrival (TOA)-based localization technique, as it has better location estimation performance than other radio frequency-based techniques. However, the propagation speed of signals transmitted from inside of a human body varies depending on which biological tissues they pass through. For this reason, almost all of conventional TOA-based methods have to obtain the relative permittivity of the passed biological tissues or the propagation speed beforehand through another measurement system, i.e., magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computational tomography (CT). To avoid such troublesome pre-measurement, we propose a hybrid TOA/received signal strength indicator (RSSI)-based method, which can simultaneously estimate the WCE location and the averaged relative permittivity of the human body. First, we derive the principle of RSSI-based relative permittivity estimation from an finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation. Second, we combine the TOA-based localization and the proposed RSSI-based relative permittivity estimation, and add them to the particle filter tracking technique. Finally, we perform computer simulations to evaluate the estimation accuracy of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method can accomplish good localization performance, 1.3mm, without pre-measurement of the human body structure information.

  • Fuzzy Commitment Scheme-Based Secure Identification for JPEG Images with Various Compression Ratios

    Kenta IIDA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E99-A No:11

    A secure identification scheme for JPEG images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to robustly identify JPEG images which are generated from the same original image under various compression levels in security. A property of the positive and negative signs of DCT coefficients is employed to achieve a robust scheme. The proposed scheme is robust against a difference in compression levels, and does not produce false negative matches in any compression level. Conventional schemes that have this property are not secure. To construct a secure identification system, we combine a new error correction technique with 1-bit parity with a fuzzy commitment scheme, which is a well-known biometric cryptosystem. In addition, a way for speeding up the identification is also proposed. The experimental results show the proposed scheme is effective for not only still images, but also video sequences in terms of the querying such as false positive, false negative and true positive matches, while keeping a high level of the security.

  • An Effective Allocation of Non-Zero Digits for CSD Coefficient FIR Filters Using 0-1PSO

    Takuya IMAIZUMI  Kenji SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:10

    In this paper, a novel method for an effective allocation of non-zero digits in design of CSD (Canonic Signed-Digit) coefficient FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters is proposed. The design problem can be formulated as a mixed integer programming problem, which is well-known as a NP-hard problem. Recently, a heuristic approach using the PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) for solving the problem has been proposed, in which the maximum number of non-zero digits was limited in each coefficient. On the other hand, the maximum number of non-zero digits is limited in total in the proposed method and 0-1PSO is applied. It enables an effective allocation of non-zero digits, and provides a good design. Several examples are shown to present the efficiency of the proposed method.

  • Scattered Reflections on Scattering Parameters — Demystifying Complex-Referenced S Parameters — Open Access

    Shuhei AMAKAWA  


    E99-C No:10

    The most commonly used scattering parameters (S parameters) are normalized to a real reference resistance, typically 50Ω. In some cases, the use of S parameters normalized to some complex reference impedance is essential or convenient. But there are different definitions of complex-referenced S parameters that are incompatible with each other and serve different purposes. To make matters worse, different simulators implement different ones and which ones are implemented is rarely properly documented. What are possible scenarios in which using the right one matters? This tutorial-style paper is meant as an informal and not overly technical exposition of some such confusing aspects of S parameters, for those who have a basic familiarity with the ordinary, real-referenced S parameters.

  • Iterative Image Dehazing Using the Dark Channel Prior

    Sung-Ho LEE  Seung-Won JUNG  Sung-Jea KO  


    E99-A No:10

    The dark channel prior (DCP)-based image dehazing method has been widely used for enhancing visibility of outdoor images. However, since the DCP-based method assumes that the minimum values within local patches of natural outdoor haze-free images are zero, underestimation of the transmission is inevitable when the assumption does not hold. In this letter, a novel iterative image dehazing algorithm is proposed to compensate for the underestimated transmission. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the dehazing performance by increasing the transmission estimation accuracy.

  • Spectral Features Based on Local Normalized Center Moments for Speech Emotion Recognition

    Huawei TAO  Ruiyu LIANG  Xinran ZHANG  Li ZHAO  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-A No:10

    To discuss whether rotational invariance is the main role in spectrogram features, new spectral features based on local normalized center moments, denoted by LNCMSF, are proposed. The proposed LNCMSF firstly adopts 2nd order normalized center moments to describe local energy distribution of the logarithmic energy spectrum, then normalized center moment spectrograms NC1 and NC2 are gained. Secondly, DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is used to eliminate the correlation of NC1 and NC2, then high order cepstral coefficients TNC1 and TNC2 are obtained. Finally, LNCMSF is generated by combining NC1, NC2, TNC1 and TNC2. The rotational invariance test experiment shows that the rotational invariance is not a necessary property in partial spectrogram features. The recognition experiment shows that the maximum UA (Unweighted Average of Class-Wise Recall Rate) of LNCMSF are improved by at least 10.7% and 1.2% respectively, compared to that of MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient) and HuWSF (Weighted Spectral Features Based on Local Hu Moments).

  • A Wideband Asymmetric Digital Predistortion Architecture for 60 GHz Short Range Wireless Transmitters

    Kenji MIYANAGA  Masashi KOBAYASHI  Noriaki SAITO  Naganori SHIRAKATA  Koji TAKINAMI  


    E99-C No:10

    This paper presents a wideband digital predistortion (DPD) architecture suitable for wideband wireless systems, such as IEEE 802.11ad/WiGig, where low oversampling ratio of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a bottleneck for available linearization bandwidth. In order to overcome the bandwidth limitation in the conventional DPD, the proposed DPD introduces a complex coefficient filter in the DPD signal processing, which enables it to achieve asymmetric linearization. This approach effectively suppresses one side of adjacent channel leakages with twice the bandwidth as compared to the conventional DPD. The concept is verified through system simulation and measurements. Using a scaled model of a 2 GHz RF carrier frequency, the measurement shows a 4.2 dB advantage over the conventional DPD in terms of adjacent channel leakage.

  • K-Band Fully Reconfigurable Pseudo-Elliptic Waveguide Resonator Filter with Tunable Positive and Negative Couplings

    Seunggoo NAM  Boyoung LEE  Beyoungyoun KOH  Changsoo KWAK  Juseop LEE  


    E99-B No:10

    This paper presents a K-band fully reconfigurable waveguide resonator filter with a new negative coupling structure. A pair of transmission zeros as well as the center frequency and bandwidth of the presented filter can be adjusted. The filter adopts the concept of a frequency-tunable coupling resonator in designing the coupling structure, which allows for controlling the coupling coefficient. All coupling values in the filter structure can be tuned by adjusting the resonant frequency of each frequency-tunable coupling resonator. This work also presents a design method in detail for the coupling resonator with a negative coupling coefficient. In addition, the approach for separating the resonant peak produced by the coupling resonator with a negative coupling value from the passband for the purpose of improving the stopband performance is described. For verifying the presented filter structure, a fourth-order waveguide filter has been fabricated and measured. The fabricated filter has the center frequency tuning range from 18.34GHz to 18.75GHz, the bandwidth tuning ratio of 1.94 : 1.
