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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • Accurate Diagnosis in Computer Networks Using Unicast End-to-End Measurements

    Yan QIAO  Xuesong QIU  Luoming MENG  


    E96-B No:2

    We use end-to-end measurements to address the problem of fault diagnosis in computer networks. Since link-level characteristics cannot be uniquely determined from available end-to-end measurements, most existing diagnosis approaches make statistical assumptions of the network to obtain a unique solution. However, the performance of these approaches is not assured due to the uncertainty of the assumptions. Thus the diagnostic accuracy cannot be guaranteed. In this paper, we propose a different paradigm for fault diagnosis which can find all identifiable links and the minimal identifiable link sequences, and infer their loss rates with the least error. Compared with a former representative diagnosis method through experiments, the experimental results show that our method has smaller diagnosis granularity and much less running time for most network topologies. We also conducted experiments using 105 Planetlab hosts. The results validate the performance of our method as well.

  • General Fault Attacks on Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems

    Yasufumi HASHIMOTO  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E96-A No:1

    The multivariate public key cryptosystem (MPKC), which is based on the problem of solving a set of multivariate systems of quadratic equations over a finite field, is expected to be secure against quantum attacks. Although there are several existing schemes in MPKC that survived known attacks and are much faster than RSA and ECC, there have been few discussions on security against physical attacks, aside from the work of Okeya et al. (2005) on side-channel attacks against Sflash. In this study, we describe general fault attacks on MPKCs including Big Field type (e.g. Matsumoto-Imai, HFE and Sflash) and Stepwise Triangular System (STS) type (e.g. UOV, Rainbow and TTM/TTS). For both types, recovering (parts of) the secret keys S,T with our fault attacks becomes more efficient than doing without them. Especially, on the Big Field type, only single fault is sufficient to recover the secret keys.

  • Round Addition Using Faults for Generalized Feistel Network

    Hideki YOSHIKAWA  Masahiro KAMINAGA  Arimitsu SHIKODA  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:1

    This article presents a differential fault analysis (DFA) technique using round addition for a generalized Feistel network (GFN) including CLEFIA and RC6. Here the term “round addition” means that the round operation executes twice using the same round key. The proposed DFA needs bypassing of an operation to count the number of rounds such as increment or decrement. To verify the feasibility of our proposal, we implement several operations, including increment and decrement, on a microcontroller and experimentally confirm the operation bypassing. The proposed round addition technique works effectively for the generalized Feistel network with a partial whitening operation after the last round. In the case of a 128-bit CLEFIA, we show a procedure to reconstruct the round keys or a secret key using one correct ciphertext and two faulty ciphertexts. Our DFA also works for DES and RC6.

  • Resco: Automatic Collection of Leaked Resources

    Ziying DAI  Xiaoguang MAO  Yan LEI  Xiaomin WAN  Kerong BEN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E96-D No:1

    A garbage collector relieves programmers from manual memory management and improves productivity and program reliability. However, there are many other finite system resources that programmers must manage by themselves, such as sockets and database connections. Growing resource leaks can lead to performance degradation and even program crashes. This paper presents the automatic resource collection approach called Resco (RESource COllector) to tolerate non-memory resource leaks. Resco prevents performance degradation and crashes due to resource leaks by two steps. First, it utilizes monitors to count resource consumption and request resource collections independently of memory usage when resource limits are about to be violated. Second, it responds to a resource collection request by safely releasing leaked resources. We implement Resco based on a Java Virtual Machine for Java programs. The performance evaluation against standard benchmarks shows that Resco has a very low overhead, around 1% or 3%. Experiments on resource leak bugs show that Resco successfully prevents most of these programs from crashing with little increase in execution time.

  • A New Type of Fault-Based Attack: Fault Behavior Analysis

    Yang LI  Kazuo OHTA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  


    E96-A No:1

    Fault-based attacks are very powerful to recover the secret key for cryptographic implementations. In this work, we consider the faulty output value under a certain fault injection intensity as a new type of leakage called faulty behavior. We examine the data-dependency of the faulty behavior and propose a related side-channel attack called fault behavior analysis (FBA). To verify the validity of the proposed attack, we first show that our attack can work effectively on AES-COMP of SASEBO-R. Then we show how to apply the similar attack on two AES implementations with masking countermeasures, i.e., AES-MAO and AES-TI. Finally we compare the proposed FBA attack with the DFA attack and the FSA attack, trying to complete the research map for the fault-based attack based on setup-time violations.

  • Fault-Injection Analysis to Estimate SEU Failure in Time by Using Frame-Based Partial Reconfiguration

    Yoshihiro ICHINOMIYA  Tsuyoshi KIMURA  Motoki AMAGASAKI  Morihiro KUGA  Masahiro IIDA  Toshinori SUEYOSHI  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E95-A No:12

    SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are vulnerable to a soft-error induced by radiation. Techniques for designing dependable circuits, such as triple modular redundancy (TMR) with scrubbing, have been studied extensively. However, currently available evaluation techniques that can be used to check the dependability of these circuits are inadequate. Further, their results are restrictive because they do not represent the result in terms of general reliability indicator to decide whether the circuit is dependable. In this paper, we propose an evaluation method that provides results in terms of the realistic failure in time (FIT) by using reconfiguration-based fault-injection analysis. Current fault-injection analyses do not consider fault accumulation, and hence, they are not suitable for evaluating the dependability of a circuit such as a TMR circuit. Therefore, we configure an evaluation system that can handle fault-accumulation by using frame-based partial reconfiguration and the bootstrap method. By using the proposed method, we successfully evaluated a TMR circuit and could discuss the result in terms of realistic FIT data. Our method can evaluate the dependability of an actual system, and help with the tuning and selection in dependable system design.

  • Unified Constant Geometry Fault Tolerant DCT/IDCT for Image Codec System on a Display Panel

    Jaehee YOU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E95-A No:12

    System-on-display panel design methodologies are proposed with the purpose of integrating DCT and IDCT on display panels for image codec and peripheral systems so as to reduce the bus data rate, memory size and power consumption. Unified constant geometry algorithms and architectures including recursive additions are proposed for DCT and IDCT butterfly computation, recursive additions and interconnections between stages. These schemes facilitate VLSI implementation and improve fault tolerance, suitable for low-yield SOP processing technologies through duplicate use of a PE as all the butterfly and recursive addition stages are composed and interconnected in a regular fashion. Efficient redundancy replacement methodologies optimizing the computation speed and the amount of hardware in various application areas are also described with testability and reliability issues. Finally, a performance analysis of speed, hardware and interconnection complexity is described with the proposed work's advantages.

  • SAFE: A Scalable Autonomous Fault-Tolerant Ethernet Scheme for Large-Scale Star Networks

    Dong Ho LEE  You-Ze CHO  Hoang-Anh PHAM  Jong Myung RHEE  Yeonseung RYU  


    E95-B No:10

    In this paper, we present a new fault-tolerant, large-scale star network scheme called Scalable Autonomous Fault-tolerant Ethernet (SAFE). The primary goal of a SAFE scheme is to provide network scalability and autonomous fault detection and recovery. SAFE divides a large-scale, mission-critical network, such as the naval combatant network, into several subnets by limiting the number of nodes in each subnet. This network can be easily configured as a star network in order to meet fault recovery time requirements. For SAFE, we developed a novel mechanism for inter-subnet fault detection and recovery; a conventional Ethernet-based heartbeat mechanism is used in each subnet. Theoretical and experimental performance analyses of SAFE in terms of fail-over time were conducted under various network failure scenarios. The results validate our scheme.

  • Effective Fault Localization Approach Using Feedback

    Yan LEI  Xiaoguang MAO  Ziying DAI  Dengping WEI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E95-D No:9

    At the stage of software debugging, the effective interaction between software debugging engineers and fault localization techniques can greatly improve fault localization performance. However, most fault localization approaches usually ignore this interaction and merely utilize the information from testing. Due to different goals of testing and fault localization, the lack of interaction may lead to the issue of information inadequacy, which can substantially degrade fault localization performance. In addition, human work is costly and error-prone. It is vital to study and simulate the pattern of debugging engineers as they apply their knowledge and experience to this interaction to promote fault localization effectiveness and reduce their workload. Thus this paper proposes an effective fault localization approach to simulate this interaction via feedback. Based on results obtained from fault localization techniques, this approach utilizes test data generation techniques to automatically produce feedback for interacting with these fault localization techniques, and then iterate this process to improve fault localization performance until a specific stopping condition is satisfied. Experiments on two standard benchmarks demonstrate the significant improvement of our approach over a promising fault localization technique, namely the spectrum-based fault localization technique.

  • An Efficient Interpolation Based Erasure-Only Decoder for High-Rate Reed-Solomon Codes

    Qian GUO  Haibin KAN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E95-A No:5

    In this paper, we derive a simple formula to generate a wide-sense systematic generator matrix(we call it quasi-systematic) B for a Reed-Solomon code. This formula can be utilized to construct an efficient interpolation based erasure-only decoder with time complexity O(n2) and space complexity O(n). Specifically, the decoding algorithm requires 3kr + r2 - 2r field additions, kr + r2 + r field negations, 2kr + r2 - r + k field multiplications and kr + r field inversions. Compared to another interpolation based erasure-only decoding algorithm derived by D.J.J. Versfeld et al., our algorithm is much more efficient for high-rate Reed-Solomon codes.

  • Support Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Multicast in Bufferless Network-on-Chip

    Chaochao FENG  Zhonghai LU  Axel JANTSCH  Minxuan ZHANG  Xianju YANG  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E95-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose three Deflection-Routing-based Multicast (DRM) schemes for a bufferless NoC. The DRM scheme without packets replication (DRM_noPR) sends multicast packet through a non-deterministic path. The DRM schemes with adaptive packets replication (DRM_PR_src and DRM_PR_all) replicate multicast packets at the source or intermediate node according to the destination position and the state of output ports to reduce the average multicast latency. We also provide fault-tolerant supporting in these schemes through a reinforcement-learning-based method to reconfigure the routing table to tolerate permanent faulty links in the network. Simulation results illustrate that the DRM_PR_all scheme achieves 41%, 43% and 37% less latency on average than that of the DRM_noPR scheme and 27%, 29% and 25% less latency on average than that of the DRM_PR_src scheme under three synthetic traffic patterns respectively. In addition, all three fault-tolerant DRM schemes achieve acceptable performance degradation at various link fault rates without any packet lost.

  • Reconfiguration-Based Fault Tolerant Control of Dynamical Systems: A Control Reallocation Approach

    Ali MORADI AMANI  Ahmad AFSHAR  Mohammad Bagher MENHAJ  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E95-D No:4

    In this paper, the problem of control reconfiguration in the presence of actuator failure preserving the nominal controller is addressed. In the actuator failure condition, the processing algorithm of the control signal should be adapted in order to re-achieve the desired performance of the control loop. To do so, the so-called reconfiguration block, is inserted into the control loop to reallocate nominal control signals among the remaining healthy actuators. This block can be either a constant mapping or a dynamical system. In both cases, it should be designed so that the states or output of the system are fully recovered. All these situations are completely analysed in this paper using a novel structural approach leading to some theorems which are supported in each section by appropriate simulations.

  • Economical and Fault-Tolerant Load Balancing in Distributed Stream Processing Systems

    Fuyuan XIAO  Teruaki KITASUKA  Masayoshi ARITSUGI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E95-D No:4

    We present an economical and fault-tolerant load balancing strategy (EFTLBS) based on an operator replication mechanism and a load shedding method, that fully utilizes the network resources to realize continuous and highly-available data stream processing without dynamic operator migration over wide area networks. In this paper, we first design an economical operator distribution (EOD) plan based on a bin-packing model under the constraints of each stream bandwidth as well as each server's CPU capacity. Next, we devise super-operator (SO) that load balances multi-degree operator replicas. Moreover, for improving the fault-tolerance of the system, we color the SOs based on a coloring bin-packing (CBP) model that assigns peer operator replicas to different servers. To minimize the effects of input rate bursts upon the system, we take advantage of a load shedding method while keeping the QoS guarantees made by the system based on the SO scheme and the CBP model. Finally, we substantiate the utility of our work through experiments on ns-3.

  • Generation of Diagnostic Tests for Transition Faults Using a Stuck-At ATPG Tool

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Satoshi OHNO  Hironori YAMAOKA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Yoshihiro SHIMIZU  Takashi AIKYO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E95-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose a test generation method for diagnosing transition faults. The proposed method assumes launch on capture test, and it generates test vectors for given fault pairs using a stuck-at ATPG tool so that they can be distinguished. If a given fault pair is indistinguishable, it is identified, and thus the proposed method achieves a complete diagnostic test generation. The conditions for distinguishing a fault pair are carefully considered, and they are transformed into the conditions of the detection of a stuck-at fault, and some additional logic gates are inserted in a CUT during the test generation process. Experimental results show that the proposed method can generate test vectors for distinguishing the fault pairs that are not distinguished by commercial tools, and also identify indistinguishable fault pairs.

  • WBC-ALC: A Weak Blocking Coordinated Application-Level Checkpointing for MPI Programs

    Xinhai XU  Xuejun YANG  Yufei LIN  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E95-D No:3

    As supercomputers increase in size, the mean time between failures (MTBF) of a system becomes shorter, and the reliability problem of supercomputers becomes more and more serious. MPI is currently the de facto standard used to build high-performance applications, and researches on the fault tolerance methods of MPI are always hot topics. However, due to the characteristics of MPI programs, most current checkpointing methods for MPI programs need to modify the MPI library (even operating system), or implement a complicated protocol by logging lots of messages. In this paper, we carry forward the idea of Application-Level Checkpointing (ALC). Based on the general fact that programmers are familiar with the communication characteristics of applications, we have developed BC-ALC, a new portable blocking coordinated ALC for MPI programs. BC-ALC neither modifies the MPI library (even operating system) nor logs any message. It implements coordination only by the Barrier operations instead of any complicated protocol. Furthermore, in order to reduce the cost of fault-tolerance, we reduce the synchronization range of the barrier, and design WBC-ALC, a weak blocking coordinated ALC utilizing group synchronization instead of global synchronization based on the communication relationship between processes. We also propose a fault-tolerance framework developed on top of WBC-ALC and discuss an implementation of it. Experimental results on NPB3.3-MPI benchmarks validate BC-ALC and WBC-ALC, and show that compared with BC-ALC, the average coordination time and the average backup time of a single checkpoint in WBC-ALC are reduced by 44.5% and 5.7% respectively.

  • Toward Effective Countermeasures against an Improved Fault Sensitivity Analysis

    Yang LI  Kazuo OHTA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  


    E95-A No:1

    This paper proposes the countermeasures against an improved fault sensitivity analysis. Our countermeasure is proposed based on the WDDL technique due to its built-in resistance against both the power-based attack and differential fault analysis. At CHES 2010, Li et al. proposed the FSA attack on WDDL-AES. The vulnerability of WDDL-AES in their attack mainly comes from the implementation deficiency rather than the WDDL technique itself. This paper first proposes an improved fault sensitive analysis that can threat a well-implemented WDDL-AES based on the input-data dependency for the critical path delay of WDDL S-box. Then we discuss the possibility of efficient countermeasures by modifying the WDDL circuit with a limited overhead. The countermeasures are discussed based on either modifying the dual-rail to single-rail converter or the introduction of the enable signal.

  • A Fault-Tolerant Architecture with Error Correcting Code for the Instruction-Level Temporal Redundancy

    Chao YAN  Hongjun DAI  Tianzhou CHEN  


    E95-D No:1

    Soft error has become an increasingly significant concern in modern micro-processor design, it is reported that the instruction-level temporal redundancy in out-of-order cores suffers an performance degradation up to 45%. In this work, we propose a fault tolerant architecture with fast error correcting codes (such as the two-dimensional code) based on double execution. Experimental results show that our scheme can gain back IPC loss between 9.1% and 10.2%, with an average around 9.2% compared with the conventional double execution architecture.

  • A Configurable On-Chip Glitchy-Clock Generator for Fault Injection Experiments

    Sho ENDO  Takeshi SUGAWARA  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  Akashi SATOH  


    E95-A No:1

    This paper presents a glitchy-clock generator integrated in FPGA for evaluating fault injection attacks and their countermeasures on cryptographic modules. The proposed generator exploits clock management capabilities, which are common in modern FPGAs, to generate clock signal with temporal voltage spike. The shape and timing of the glitchy-clock cycle are configurable at run time. The proposed generator can be embedded in a single FPGA without any external instrument (e.g., a pulse generator and a variable power supply). Such integration enables reliable and reproducible fault injection experiments. In this paper, we examine the characteristics of the proposed generator through experiments on Side-channel Attack Standard Evaluation Board (SASEBO). The result shows that the timing of the glitches can be controlled at the step of about 0.17 ns. We also demonstrate its application to the safe-error attack against an RSA processor.

  • Differential Fault Analysis on Stream Cipher MUGI

    Junko TAKAHASHI  Toshinori FUKUNAGA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  


    E95-A No:1

    This paper proposes a differential fault analysis on the stream cipher MUGI, which uses two kinds of update functions of an intermediate state. MUGI was proposed by Hitachi, Ltd. in 2002 and is specified as ISO/IEC 18033-4 for keystream generation. Differential fault analysis (DFA) is a type of fault analysis, which is considered to be a serious threat against secure devices such as smart cards. DFA on MUGI was first proposed at ICISC 2010 [25]; however, the attack condition for the successful attack such as the position into which the fault is injected was restricted. In this paper, we extend the attack methods which are more practical, based on a one-byte and a multi-byte fault models using the relationship between two kinds of update functions that are mutually dependent. In the proposed attack, the attacker can know the position affected by the fault injection even if he has no control of the timing of the fault injection. As a result, a 128-bit secret key can be recovered using 13 pairs of correct and faulty outputs on average.

  • Maximal Interconnect Resilient Methodology for Fault Tolerance, Yield, and Reliability Improvement in Network on Chip

    Katherine Shu-Min LI  Chih-Yun PAI  Liang-Bi CHEN  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E94-A No:12

    This paper presents an interconnect resilient (IR) methodology with maximal interconnect fault tolerance, yield, and reliability for both single and multiple interconnect faults under stuck-at and open fault models. By exploiting multiple routes inherent in an interconnect structure, this method can tolerate faulty connections by efficiently finding alternative paths. The proposed approach is compatible with previous interconnect detection and diagnosis methods under oscillation ring schemes, and together they can be applied to implement a robust interconnect structure that may still provide correct communication even under multiple link faults in Network-on-Chips (NoCs). With such knowledge, designers can significantly improve interconnect reliability by augmenting vulnerable interconnect structures in NoCs. As a result, the experimental results show that alternative paths in NoCs can be found for almost all paths. Hence, the proposed method provides a good way to achieve fault tolerance and reliability/yield improvement.
