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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • Flexible Test Scheduling for an Asynchronous On-Chip Interconnect through Special Data Transfer

    Tsuyoshi IWAGAKI  Eiri TAKEDA  Mineo KANEKO  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E94-A No:12

    This paper proposes a test scheduling method for stuck-at faults in a CHAIN interconnect, which is an asynchronous on-chip interconnect architecture, with scan ability. Special data transfer which is permitted only during test, is exploited to realize a more flexible test schedule than that of a conventional approach. Integer linear programming (ILP) models considering such special data transfer are developed according to the types of modules under test in a CHAIN interconnect. The obtained models are processed by using an ILP solver. This framework can not only obtain optimal test schedules but also easily introduce additional constraints such as a test power budget. Experimental results using benchmark circuits show that the proposed method can reduce test application time compared to that achieved by the conventional method.

  • High-Performance Architecture for Concurrent Error Detection for AES Processors

    Takeshi SUGAWARA  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  Akashi SATOH  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:10

    This paper proposes an efficient scheme for concurrent error detection for hardware implementations of the block cipher AES. In the proposed scheme, the circuit component for the round function is divided into two stages, which are used alternately for encryption (or decryption) and error checking in a pipeline. The proposed scheme has a limited overhead with respect to size and speed for the following reasons. Firstly, the need for a double number of clock cycles is eliminated by virtue of the reduced critical path. Secondly, the scheme only requires minimal additional circuitry for error detection since the detection is performed by the remaining encryption (or decryption) components within the pipeline. AES hardware with the proposed scheme was designed and synthesized by using 90-nm CMOS standard cell library with various constraints. As a result, the proposed circuit achieved 1.66 Gbps @ 12.9 Kgates for the compact version and 4.22 Gbps @ 30.7 Kgates for the high-speed version. These performance characteristics are comparable to those of a basic AES circuit without error detection, where the overhead of the proposed scheme is estimated to be 14.5% at maximum. The proposed circuit was fabricated in the form of a chip, and its error detection performance was evaluated through experiments. The chip was tested with respect to fault injection by using clock glitch, and the proposed scheme successfully detected and reacted to all introduced errors.

  • Lightweight Consistent Recovery Algorithm for Sender-Based Message Logging in Distributed Systems

    Jinho AHN  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E94-D No:8

    Sender-based message logging (SBML) with checkpointing has its well-known beneficial feature, lowering highly failure-free overhead of synchronous logging with volatile logging at sender's memory. This feature encourages it to be applied into many distributed systems as a low-cost transparent rollback recovery technique. However, the original SBML recovery algorithm may no longer be progressing in some transient communication error cases. This paper proposes a consistent recovery algorithm to solve this problem by piggybacking small log information for unstable messages received on each acknowledgement message for returning the receive sequence number assigned to a message by its receiver. Our algorithm also enables all messages scheduled to be sent, but delayed because of some preceding unstable messages to be actually transmitted out much earlier than the existing ones.

  • A Scalable and Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Distributed Routing Algorithm for NoCs

    Zewen SHI  Xiaoyang ZENG  Zhiyi YU  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E94-D No:7

    Manufacturing defects in the deep sub-micron VLSI process and aging resulted problems of devices during lifecycle are inevitable, and fault-tolerant routing algorithms are important to provide the required communication for NoCs in spite of failures. The proposed algorithm, referred to as scalable and reconfigurable fault-tolerant distributed routing (RFDR), partitions the system into nine regions using the concept of divide-and-conquer. It is a distributed algorithm, and each router guarantees fault-tolerance within one's own region and the system can be still sustained with multiple fault areas. The proposed RFDR has excellent scalability with hardware cost keeping constant independent of system size. Also it is completely reconfigurable when new nodes fail. Simulations under various synthetic traffic patterns show its better performance compared to Extended-XY routing algorithm. Moreover, there is almost no hardware overhead compared to Logic-Based Distributed Routing (LBDR), but the fault-tolerance capacity is enhanced in the proposed algorithm. Hardware cost is reduced 37% compared to Reconfigurable Distributed Scalable Predictable Interconnect Network (R-DSPIN) which only supports single fault region.

  • A Simplifying Method of Fault Attacks on Pairing Computations

    JeaHoon PARK  GyoYong SOHN  SangJae MOON  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:6

    This paper presents a simplifying method of the two previous fault attacks to pairing and the Miller algorithms based on a practical fault assumption. Our experimental result shows that the assumption is feasible and easy to implement.

  • A New Multiple-Round Dimension-Order Routing for Networks-on-Chip

    Binzhang FU  Yinhe HAN  Huawei LI  Xiaowei LI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E94-D No:4

    The Network-on-Chip (NoC) is limited by the reliability constraint, which impels us to exploit the fault-tolerant routing. Generally, there are two main design objectives: tolerating more faults and achieving high network performance. To this end, we propose a new multiple-round dimension-order routing (NMR-DOR). Unlike existing solutions, besides the intermediate nodes inter virtual channels (VCs), some turn-legally intermediate nodes inside each VC are also utilized. Hence, more faults are tolerated by those new introduced intermediate nodes without adding extra VCs. Furthermore, unlike the previous solutions where some VCs are prioritized, the NMR-DOR provides a more flexible manner to evenly distribute packets among different VCs. With extensive simulations, we prove that the NMR-DOR maximally saves more than 90% unreachable node pairs blocked by faults in previous solutions, and significantly reduces the packet latency compared with existing solutions.

  • Fault Analysis of the NTRUEncrypt Cryptosystem

    Abdel Alim KAMAL  Amr YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:4

    In this paper, we present a fault analysis of the original NTRU public key cryptosystem. The fault model in which we analyze the cipher is the one in which the attacker is assumed to be able to fault a small number of coefficients of the polynomial input to (or output from) the second step of the decryption process but cannot control the exact location of injected faults. For this specific original instantiation of the NTRU encryption system with parameters (N,p,q), our attack succeeds with probability≈ and when the number of faulted coefficients is upper bounded by t, it requires O((pN)t) polynomial inversions in Z/p Z[x]/(xN-1).

  • A Fault Analytic Method against HB+

    José CARRIJO  Rafael TONICELLI  Anderson C.A. NASCIMENTO  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:2

    The search for lightweight authentication protocols suitable for low-cost RFID tags constitutes an active and challenging research area. In this context, a family of protocols based on the LPN problem has been proposed: the so-called HB-family. Despite the rich literature regarding the cryptanalysis of these protocols, there are no published results about the impact of fault analysis over them. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by presenting fault analytic methods against a prominent member of the HB-family: HB+ protocol. We demonstrate that the fault analysis model can lead to a flexible and effective attack against HB-like protocols, posing a serious threat over them.

  • Reducing the Inaccuracy Caused by Inappropriate Time Window in Probabilistic Fault Localization

    Jianxin LIAO  Cheng ZHANG  Tonghong LI  Xiaomin ZHU  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E94-B No:1

    To reduce the inaccuracy caused by inappropriate time window, we propose two probabilistic fault localization schemes based on the idea of "extending time window." The global window extension algorithm (GWE) uses a window extension strategy for all candidate faults, while the on-demand window extension algorithm (OWE) uses the extended window only for a small set of faults when necessary. Both algorithms can increase the metric values of actual faults and thus improve the accuracy of fault localization. Simulation results show that both schemes perform better than existing algorithms. Furthermore, OWE performs better than GWE at the cost of a bit more computing time.

  • A Domain Partition Model Approach to the Online Fault Recovery of FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Systems

    Lihong SHANG  Mi ZHOU  Yu HU  Erfu YANG  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:1

    Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used in reliability-critical systems due to their reconfiguration ability. However, with the shrinking device feature size and increasing die area, nowadays FPGAs can be deeply affected by the errors induced by electromigration and radiation. To improve the reliability of FPGA-based reconfigurable systems, a permanent fault recovery approach using a domain partition model is proposed in this paper. In the proposed approach, the fault-tolerant FPGA recovery from faults is realized by reloading a proper configuration from a pool of multiple alternative configurations with overlaps. The overlaps are presented as a set of vectors in the domain partition model. To enhance the reliability, a technical procedure is also presented in which the set of vectors are heuristically filtered so that the corresponding small overlaps can be merged into big ones. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach through applying it to several benchmark circuits. Compared with previous approaches, the proposed approach increased MTTF by up to 18.87%.

  • A Dynamic Phasor-Based Method for Measuring the Apparent Impedance of a Single-Line-to-Ground Fault

    Chi-Shan YU  

    LETTER-Measurement Technology

    E94-A No:1

    This letter proposes a dynamic phasor-based apparent impedance measuring method for a single-line-to-ground fault. Using the proposed method, the effects of the decaying DC components on the apparent impedance of a single-line-to-ground fault can be completely removed. Compared with previous works, the proposed method uses less computation to measure an accurate apparent impedance.

  • A UML Approximation of Three Chidamber-Kemerer Metrics and Their Ability to Predict Faulty Code across Software Projects

    Ana Erika CAMARGO CRUZ  Koichiro OCHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E93-D No:11

    Design-complexity metrics, while measured from the code, have shown to be good predictors of fault-prone object-oriented programs. Some of the most often used metrics are the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics (CK). This paper discusses how to make early predictions of fault-prone object-oriented classes, using a UML approximation of three CK metrics. First, we present a simple approach to approximate Weighted Methods per Class (WMC), Response For Class (RFC) and Coupling Between Objects (CBO) CK metrics using UML collaboration diagrams. Then, we study the application of two data normalization techniques. Such study has a twofold purpose: to decrease the error approximation in measuring the mentioned CK metrics from UML diagrams, and to obtain a more similar data distribution of these metrics among software projects so that better prediction results are obtained when using the same prediction model across different software projects. Finally, we construct three prediction models with the source code of a package of an open source software project (Mylyn from Eclipse), and we test them with several other packages and three different small size software projects, using their UML and code metrics for comparison. The results of our empirical study lead us to conclude that the proposed UML RFC and UML CBO metrics can predict fault-proneness of code almost with the same accuracy as their respective code metrics do. The elimination of outliers and the normalization procedure used were of great utility, not only for enabling our UML metrics to predict fault-proneness of code using a code-based prediction model but also for improving the prediction results of our models across different software packages and projects.

  • A Practical Threshold Test Generation for Error Tolerant Application

    Hideyuki ICHIHARA  Kenta SUTOH  Yuki YOSHIKAWA  Tomoo INOUE  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:10

    Threshold testing, which is an LSI testing method based on the acceptability of faults, is effective in yield enhancement of LSIs and selective hardening for LSI systems. In this paper, we propose test generation models for threshold test generation. Using the proposed models, we can efficiently identify acceptable faults and generate test patterns for unacceptable faults with a general test generation algorithm, i.e., without a test generation algorithm specialized for threshold testing. Experimental results show that our approach is, in practice, effective.

  • Application of Similarity in Fault Diagnosis of Power Electronics Circuits


    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E93-A No:6

    A method of fault diagnosis was proposed for power electronics circuits based on S transforms similarity. At first, the standard module time-frequency matrixes of S transforms for all fault signals were constructed, then the similarity of fault signals' module time-frequency matrixes to standard module time-frequency matrixes were calculated, and according to the principle of maximum similarity, the faults were diagnosed. The simulation result of fault diagnosis of a thyristor in a three-phase full-bridge controlled rectifier shows that the method can accurately diagnose faults and locate the fault element for power electronics circuits, and it has excellent performance for noise robustness and calculation complexity, thus it also has good practical engineering value in the solution to the fault problems for power electronics circuits.

  • A Low Power Test Pattern Generator for BIST

    Shaochong LEI  Feng LIANG  Zeye LIU  Xiaoying WANG  Zhen WANG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E93-C No:5

    To tackle the increasing testing power during built-in self-test (BIST) operations, this paper proposes a new test pattern generator (TPG). With the proposed reconfigurable LFSR, the reconfigurable Johnson counter, the decompressor and the XOR gate network, the introduced TPG can produce the single input change (SIC) sequences with few repeated vectors. The proposed SIC sequences minimize switching activities of the circuit under test (CUT). Simulation results on ISCAS benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively save test power, and does not impose high impact on test length and hardware for the scan based design.

  • Mining Co-location Relationships among Bug Reports to Localize Fault-Prone Modules

    Ing-Xiang CHEN  Chien-Hung LI  Cheng-Zen YANG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    Automated bug localization is an important issue in software engineering. In the last few decades, various proactive and reactive localization approaches have been proposed to predict the fault-prone software modules. However, most proactive or reactive approaches need source code information or software complexity metrics to perform localization. In this paper, we propose a reactive approach which considers only bug report information and historical revision logs. In our approach, the co-location relationships among bug reports are explored to improve the prediction accuracy of a state-of-the-art learning method. Studies on three open source projects reveal that the proposed scheme can consistently improve the prediction accuracy in all three software projects by nearly 11.6% on average.

  • Agent Based Fault Tolerance for the Mobile Environment

    Taesoon PARK  

    LETTER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E93-A No:4

    This paper presents a fault-tolerance scheme based on mobile agents for the reliable mobile computing systems. Mobility of the agent is suitable to trace the mobile hosts and the intelligence of the agent makes it efficient to support the fault tolerance services. This paper presents two approaches to implement the mobile agent based fault tolerant service and their performances are evaluated and compared with other fault-tolerant schemes.

  • A Fault Signature Characterization Based Analog Circuit Testing Scheme and the Extension of IEEE 1149.4 Standard

    Wimol SAN-UM  Masayoshi TACHIBANA  


    E93-D No:1

    An analog circuit testing scheme is presented. The testing technique is a sinusoidal fault signature characterization, involving the measurement of DC offset, amplitude, frequency and phase shift, and the realization of two crossing level voltages. The testing system is an extension of the IEEE 1149.4 standard through the modification of an analog boundary module, affording functionalities for both on-chip testing capability, and accessibility to internal components for off-chip testing. A demonstrating circuit-under-test, a 4th-order Gm-C low-pass filter, and the proposed analog testing scheme are implemented in a physical level using 0.18-µm CMOS technology, and simulated using Hspice. Both catastrophic and parametric faults are potentially detectable at the minimum parameter variation of 0.5%. The fault coverage associated with CMOS transconductance operational amplifiers and capacitors are at 94.16% and 100%, respectively. This work offers the enhancement of standardizing test approach, which reduces the complexity of testing circuit and provides non-intrusive analog circuit testing.

  • A Fault Dependent Test Generation Method for State-Observable FSMs to Increase Defect Coverage under the Test Length Constraint

    Ryoichi INOUE  Toshinori HOSOKAWA  Hideo FUJIWARA  


    E93-D No:1

    Since scan testing is not based on the function of the circuit, but rather the structure, it is considered to be both a form of over testing and under testing. Moreover, it is important to test VLSIs using the given function. Since the functional specifications are described explicitly in the FSMs, high test quality is expected by performing logical fault testing and timing fault testing. This paper proposes a fault-dependent test generation method to detect specified fault models completely and to increase defect coverage as much as possible under the test length constraint. We present experimental results for MCNC'91 benchmark circuits to evaluate bridging fault coverage, transition fault coverage, and statistical delay quality level and to show the effectiveness of the proposed test generation method compared with a stuck-at fault-dependent test generation method.

  • Differential Fault Analysis on CLEFIA with 128, 192, and 256-Bit Keys

    Junko TAKAHASHI  Toshinori FUKUNAGA  


    E93-A No:1

    This paper describes a differential fault analysis (DFA) attack against CLEFIA. The proposed attack can be applied to CLEFIA with all supported keys: 128, 192, and 256-bit keys. DFA is a type of side-channel attack. This attack enables the recovery of secret keys by injecting faults into a secure device during its computation of the cryptographic algorithm and comparing the correct ciphertext with the faulty one. CLEFIA is a 128-bit blockcipher with 128, 192, and 256-bit keys developed by the Sony Corporation in 2007. CLEFIA employs a generalized Feistel structure with four data lines. We developed a new attack method that uses this characteristic structure of the CLEFIA algorithm. On the basis of the proposed attack, only 2 pairs of correct and faulty ciphertexts are needed to retrieve the 128-bit key, and 10.78 pairs on average are needed to retrieve the 192 and 256-bit keys. The proposed attack is more efficient than any previously reported. In order to verify the proposed attack and estimate the calculation time to recover the secret key, we conducted an attack simulation using a PC. The simulation results show that we can obtain each secret key within three minutes on average. This result shows that we can obtain the entire key within a feasible computational time.
