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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • Enhanced Sender-Based Message Logging for Reducing Forced Checkpointing Overhead in Distributed Systems

    Jinho AHN  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E104-D No:9

    The previous communication-induced checkpointing may considerably induce worthless forced checkpoints because each process receiving messages cannot obtain sufficient information related to non-causal Z-paths. This paper presents an enhanced sender-based message logging protocol applicable to any communication-induced checkpointing to lead to a high decrease of the forced checkpointing overhead of communication-induced checkpointing in an effective way while permitting no useless checkpoint. The protocol allows each process sending a message to know the exact timestamp of the receiver of the message in its logging procedures without any extra message. Simulation verifies their great efficiency of overhead alleviation regardless of communication patterns.

  • Recovering Faulty Non-Volatile Flip Flops for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures

    Takeharu IKEZOE  Takuya KOJIMA  Hideharu AMANO  


    E104-C No:6

    Recent IoT devices require extremely low standby power consumption, while a certain performance is needed during the active time, and Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) have received attention because of their high energy efficiency. For further reduction of the standby energy consumption of CGRAs, the leakage power for their configuration memory must be reduced. Although the power gating is a common technique, the lost data in flip-flops and memory must be retrieved after the wake-up. Recovering everything requires numerous state transitions and considerable overhead both on its execution time and energy. To address the problem, Non-volatile Cool Mega Array (NVCMA), a CGRA providing non-volatile flip-flops (NVFFs) with spin transfer torque type non-volatile memory (NVM) technology has been developed. However, in general, non-volatile memory technologies have problems with reliability. Some NVFFs are stacked-at-0/1, and cannot store the data in a certain possibility. To improve the chip yield, we propose a mapping algorithm to avoid faulty processing elements of the CGRA caused by the erroneous configuration data. Next, we also propose a method to add an error-correcting code (ECC) mechanism to NVFFs for the configuration and constant memory. The proposed method was applied to NVCMA to evaluate the availability rate and reduction of write time. By using both methods, the average availability ratio of 94.2% was achieved, while the average availability ratio of the nine applications was 0.056% when the probability of failure of the FF was 0.01. The energy for storing data becomes about 2.3 times because of the hardware overhead of ECC but the proposed method can save 8.6% of the writing power on average.

  • A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for Via-Switch Crossbar in Non-Volatile FPGA

    Ryutaro DOI  Xu BAI  Toshitsugu SAKAMOTO  Masanori HASHIMOTO  


    E103-A No:12

    FPGA that exploits via-switches, which are a kind of non-volatile resistive RAMs, for crossbar implementation is attracting attention due to its high integration density and energy efficiency. Via-switch crossbar is responsible for the signal routing in the interconnections by changing on/off-states of via-switches. To verify the via-switch crossbar functionality after manufacturing, fault testing that checks whether we can turn on/off via-switches normally is essential. This paper confirms that a general differential pair comparator successfully discriminates on/off-states of via-switches, and clarifies fault modes of a via-switch by transistor-level SPICE simulation that injects stuck-on/off faults to atom switch and varistor, where a via-switch consists of two atom switches and two varistors. We then propose a fault diagnosis methodology for via-switches in the crossbar that diagnoses the fault modes according to the comparator response difference between the normal and faulty via-switches. The proposed method achieves 100% fault detection by checking the comparator responses after turning on/off the via-switch. In case that the number of faulty components in a via-switch is one, the ratio of the fault diagnosis, which exactly identifies the faulty varistor and atom switch inside the faulty via-switch, is 100%, and in case of up to two faults, the fault diagnosis ratio is 79%.

  • Formulation of a Test Pattern Measure That Counts Distinguished Fault-Pairs for Circuit Fault Diagnosis

    Tsutomu INAMOTO  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  


    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we aim to develop technologies for the circuit fault diagnosis and propose a formulation of a measure of a test pattern for the circuit fault diagnosis. Given a faulty circuit, the fault diagnosis is to deduce locations of faults that had occurred in the circuit. The fault diagnosis is executed in software before the failure analysis by which engineers inspect physical defects, and helps to improve the manufacturing process which yielded faulty circuits. The heart of the fault diagnosis is to distinguish between candidate faults by using test patterns, which are applied to the circuit-under-diagnosis (CUD), and thus test patterns that can distinguish as many faults as possible need to be generated. This fact motivates us to consider the test pattern measure based on the number of fault-pairs that become distinguished by a test pattern. To the best of the authors' knowledge, that measure requires the computational time of complexity order O(NF2), where NF denotes the number of candidate faults. Since NF is generally large for real industrial circuits, the computational time of the measure is long even when a high-performance computer is used. The formulation proposed in this paper makes it possible to calculate the measure in the computational complexity of O(NF log NF), and thus that measure is useful for the test pattern selection in the fault diagnosis. In computational experiments, the effectiveness of the formulation is demonstrated as samples of computational times of the measure calculated by the traditional and the proposed formulae and thorough comparisons between several greedy heuristics which are based on the measure.

  • FF-Control Point Insertion (FF-CPI) to Overcome the Degradation of Fault Detection under Multi-Cycle Test for POST

    Hanan T. Al-AWADHI  Tomoki AONO  Senling WANG  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki IWATA  Yoichi MAEDA  Jun MATSUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:11

    Multi-cycle Test looks promising a way to reduce the test application time of POST (Power-on Self-Test) for achieving a targeted high fault coverage specified by ISO26262 for testing automotive devices. In this paper, we first analyze the mechanism of Stuck-at Fault Detection Degradation problem in multi-cycle test. Based on the result of our analysis we propose a novel solution named FF-Control Point Insertion technique (FF-CPI) to achieve the reduction of scan-in patterns by multi-cycle test. The FF-CPI technique modifies the captured values of scan Flip-Flops (FFs) during capture operation by directly reversing the value of partial FFs or loading random vectors. The FF-CPI technique enhances the number of detectable stuck-at faults under the capture patterns. The experimental results of ISCAS89 and ITC99 benchmarks validated the effectiveness of FF-CPI technique in scan-in pattern reduction for POST.

  • Byzantine-Tolerant Gathering of Mobile Agents in Asynchronous Arbitrary Networks with Authenticated Whiteboards

    Masashi TSUCHIDA  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Michiko INOUE  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:7

    We propose two algorithms for the gathering of k mobile agents in asynchronous Byzantine environments. For both algorithms, we assume that graph topology is arbitrary, each node is equipped with an authenticated whiteboard, agents have unique IDs, and at most f weakly Byzantine agents exist. Here, a weakly Byzantine agent can make arbitrary behavior except falsifying its ID. Under these assumptions, the first algorithm achieves a gathering without termination detection in O(m+fn) moves per agent (m is the number of edges and n is the number of nodes). The second algorithm achieves a gathering with termination detection in O(m+fn) moves per agent by additionally assuming that agents on the same node are synchronized, $f

  • Improving the Accuracy of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Using Multiple Rules

    Rongcun WANG  Shujuan JIANG  Kun ZHANG  Qiao YU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:6

    Software fault localization, as one of the essential activities in program debugging, aids to software developers to identify the locations of faults in a program, thus reducing the cost of program debugging. Spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL), as one of the representative localization techniques, has been intensively studied. The localization technique calculates the probability of each program entity that is faulty by a certain suspiciousness formula. The accuracy of SBFL is not always as satisfactory as expected because it neglects the contextual information of statement executions. Therefore, we proposed 5 rules, i.e., random, the maximum coverage, the minimum coverage, the maximum distance, and the minimum distance, to improve the accuracy of SBFL for further. The 5 rules can effectively use the contextual information of statement executions. Moreover, they can be implemented on the traditional SBFL techniques using suspiciousness formulas with little effort. We empirically evaluated the impacts of the rules on 17 suspiciousness formulas. The results show that all 5 rules can significantly improve the ranking of faulty statements. Particularly, for the faults difficult to locate, the improvement is more remarkable. Generally, the rules can effectively reduce the number of statements examined by an average of more than 19%. Compared with other rules, the minimum coverage rule generates better results. This indicates that the application of the test case having the minimum coverage capability for fault localization is more effective.

  • A Unified Decision Scheme for Classification and Localization of Cable Faults

    So Ryoung PARK  Iickho SONG  Seokho YOON  

    LETTER-Measurement Technology

    E103-A No:6

    A unified decision scheme for the classification and localization of cable faults is proposed based on a two-step procedure. Having basis in the time domain reflectometry (TDR), the proposed scheme is capable of determining not only the locations but also types of faults in a cable without an excessive additional computational burden compared to other TDR-based schemes. Results from simulation and experiments with measured real data demonstrate that the proposed scheme exhibits a higher rate of correct decision than the conventional schemes in localizing and classifying faults over a wide range of the location of faults.

  • Laser-Induced Controllable Instruction Replacement Fault Attack Open Access

    Junichi SAKAMOTO  Daisuke FUJIMOTO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E103-A No:1

    To develop countermeasures against fault attacks, it is important to model an attacker's ability. The instruction skip model is a well-studied practical model for fault attacks on software. Contrastingly, few studies have investigated the instruction replacement model, which is a generalization of the instruction skip model, because replacing an instruction with a desired one is considered difficult. Some previous studies have reported successful instruction replacements; however, those studies concluded that such instruction replacements are not practical attacks because the outcomes of the replacements are uncontrollable. This paper proposes the concept of a controllable instruction replacement technique that uses the laser irradiation of flash memory. The feasibility of the proposed technique is demonstrated experimentally using a smartcard-type ARM SC100 microcontroller. Then, practical cryptosystem attacks that exploit the proposed technique are investigated. The targeted cryptosystems employ the AES with software-based anti-fault countermeasures. We demonstrate that an existing anti-instruction-skip countermeasure can be circumvented by replacing a critical instruction, e.g., a branch instruction to detect fault occurrence.

  • Node-Disjoint Paths Problems in Directed Bijective Connection Graphs

    Keiichi KANEKO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    In this paper, we extend the notion of bijective connection graphs to introduce directed bijective connection graphs. We propose algorithms that solve the node-to-set node-disjoint paths problem and the node-to-node node-disjoint paths problem in a directed bijective connection graph. The time complexities of the algorithms are both O(n4), and the maximum path lengths are both 2n-1.

  • A Log-Based Testing Approach for Detecting Faults Caused by Incorrect Assumptions About the Environment

    Sooyong JEONG  Ajay Kumar JHA  Youngsul SHIN  Woo Jin LEE  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:1

    Embedded software developers assume the behavior of the environment when specifications are not available. However, developers may assume the behavior incorrectly, which may result in critical faults in the system. Therefore, it is important to detect the faults caused by incorrect assumptions. In this letter, we propose a log-based testing approach to detect the faults. First, we create a UML behavioral model to represent the assumed behavior of the environment, which is then transformed into a state model. Next, we extract the actual behavior of the environment from a log, which is then incorporated in the state model, resulting in a state model that represents both assumed and actual behaviors. Existing testing techniques based on the state model can be used to generate test cases from our state model to detect faults.

  • Passage of Faulty Nodes: A Novel Approach for Fault-Tolerant Routing on NoCs

    Yota KUROKAWA  Masaru FUKUSHI  


    E102-A No:12

    This paper addresses the problem of developing an efficient fault-tolerant routing method for 2D mesh Network-on-Chips (NoCs) to realize dependable and high performance many core systems. Existing fault-tolerant routing methods have two critical problems of high communication latency and low node utilization. Unlike almost all existing methods where packets always detour faulty nodes, we propose a novel and unique approach that packets can pass through faulty nodes. For this approach, we enhance the common NoC architecture by adding switches and links around each node and propose a fault-tolerant routing method with no virtual channels based on the well-known simple XY routing method. Simulation results show that the proposed method reduces average communication latency by about 97.1% compared with the existing method, without sacrificing fault-free nodes.

  • Compressed Sensing-Based Multi-Abnormality Self-Detecting and Faults Location Method for UAV Swarms

    Fei XIONG  Hai WANG  Aijing LI  Dongping YU  Guodong WU  


    E102-B No:10

    The security of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms is threatened by the deployment of anti-UAV systems under complicated environments such as battlefield. Specifically, the faults caused by anti-UAV systems exhibit sparse and compressible characteristics. In this paper, in order to improve the survivability of UAV swarms under complicated environments, we propose a novel multi-abnormality self-detecting and faults location method, which is based on compressed sensing (CS) and takes account of the communication characteristics of UAV swarms. The method can locate the faults when UAV swarms are suffering physical damages or signal attacks. Simulations confirm that the proposed method performs well in terms of abnormalities detecting and faults location when the faults quantity is less than 17% of the quantity of UAVs.

  • A Hybrid Feature Selection Method for Software Fault Prediction

    Yiheng JIAN  Xiao YU  Zhou XU  Ziyi MA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:10

    Fault prediction aims to identify whether a software module is defect-prone or not according to metrics that are mined from software projects. These metric values, also known as features, may involve irrelevance and redundancy, which hurt the performance of fault prediction models. In order to filter out irrelevant and redundant features, a Hybrid Feature Selection (abbreviated as HFS) method for software fault prediction is proposed. The proposed HFS method consists of two major stages. First, HFS groups features with hierarchical agglomerative clustering; second, HFS selects the most valuable features from each cluster to remove irrelevant and redundant ones based on two wrapper based strategies. The empirical evaluation was conducted on 11 widely-studied NASA projects, using three different classifiers with four performance metrics (precision, recall, F-measure, and AUC). Comparison with six filter-based feature selection methods demonstrates that HFS achieves higher average F-measure and AUC values. Compared with two classic wrapper feature selection methods, HFS can obtain a competitive prediction performance in terms of average AUC while significantly reducing the computation cost of the wrapper process.

  • TFIDF-FL: Localizing Faults Using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and Deep Learning

    Zhuo ZHANG  Yan LEI  Jianjun XU  Xiaoguang MAO  Xi CHANG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:9

    Existing fault localization based on neural networks utilize the information of whether a statement is executed or not executed to identify suspicious statements potentially responsible for a failure. However, the information just shows the binary execution states of a statement, and cannot show how important a statement is in executions. Consequently, it may degrade fault localization effectiveness. To address this issue, this paper proposes TFIDF-FL by using term frequency-inverse document frequency to identify a high or low degree of the influence of a statement in an execution. Our empirical results on 8 real-world programs show that TFIDF-FL significantly improves fault localization effectiveness.

  • Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Framework to Support Fault Understanding Open Access

    Yong WANG  Zhiqiu HUANG  Yong LI  RongCun WANG  Qiao YU  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:4

    A spectrum-based fault localization technique (SBFL), which identifies fault location(s) in a buggy program by comparing the execution statistics of the program spectra of passed executions and failed executions, is a popular automatic debugging technique. However, the usefulness of SBFL is mainly affected by the following two factors: accuracy and fault understanding in reality. To solve this issue, we propose a SBFL framework to support fault understanding. In the framework, we firstly localize a suspicious fault module to start debugging and then generate a weighted fault propagation graph (WFPG) for the hypothesis fault module, which weights the suspiciousness for the nodes to further perform block-level fault localization. In order to evaluate the proposed framework, we conduct a controlled experiment to compare two different module-level SBFL approaches and validate the effectiveness of WFPG. According to our preliminary experiments, the results are promising.

  • Incorporation of Faulty Prior Knowledge in Multi-Target Device-Free Localization

    Dongping YU  Yan GUO  Ning LI  Qiao SU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E102-A No:3

    As an emerging and promising technique, device-free localization (DFL) has drawn considerable attention in recent years. By exploiting the inherent spatial sparsity of target localization, the compressive sensing (CS) theory has been applied in DFL to reduce the number of measurements. In practical scenarios, a prior knowledge about target locations is usually available, which can be obtained by coarse localization or tracking techniques. Among existing CS-based DFL approaches, however, few works consider the utilization of prior knowledge. To make use of the prior knowledge that is partly or erroneous, this paper proposes a novel faulty prior knowledge aided multi-target device-free localization (FPK-DFL) method. It first incorporates the faulty prior knowledge into a three-layer hierarchical prior model. Then, it estimates location vector and learns model parameters under a variational Bayesian inference (VBI) framework. Simulation results show that the proposed method can improve the localization accuracy by taking advantage of the faulty prior knowledge.

  • Probabilistic Analysis of Differential Fault Attack on MIBS

    Yang GAO  Yong-juan WANG  Qing-jun YUAN  Tao WANG  Xiang-bin WANG  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:2

    We propose a new method of differential fault attack, which is based on the nibble-group differential diffusion property of the lightweight block cipher MIBS. On the basis of the statistical regularity of differential distribution of the S-box, we establish a statistical model and then analyze the relationship between the number of faults injections, the probability of attack success, and key recovering bits. Theoretically, time complexity of recovering the main key reduces to 22 when injecting 3 groups of faults (12 nibbles in total) in 30,31 and 32 rounds, which is the optimal condition. Furthermore, we calculate the expectation of the number of fault injection groups needed to recover 62 bits in main key, which is 3.87. Finally, experimental data verifies the correctness of the theoretical model.

  • Introduction to Electromagnetic Information Security Open Access

    Yu-ichi HAYASHI  Naofumi HOMMA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:1

    With the rising importance of information security, the necessity of implementing better security measures in the physical layer as well as the upper layers is becoming increasing apparent. Given the development of more accurate and less expensive measurement devices, high-performance computers, and larger storage devices, the threat of advanced attacks at the physical level has expanded from the military and governmental spheres to commercial products. In this paper, we review the issue of information security degradation through electromagnetic (EM)-based compromising of security measures in the physical layer (i.e., EM information security). Owing to the invisibility of EM radiation, such attacks can be serious threats. We first introduce the mechanism of information leakage through EM radiation and interference and then present possible countermeasures. Finally, we explain the latest research and standardization trends related to EM information security.

  • Avoiding Performance Impacts by Re-Replication Workload Shifting in HDFS Based Cloud Storage

    Thanda SHWE  Masayoshi ARITSUGI  

    PAPER-Cloud Computing

    E101-D No:12

    Data replication in cloud storage systems brings a lot of benefits, such as fault tolerance, data availability, data locality and load balancing both from reliability and performance perspectives. However, each time a datanode fails, data blocks stored on the failed datanode must be restored to maintain replication level. This may be a large burden for the system in which resources are highly utilized with users' application workloads. Although there have been many proposals for replication, the approach of re-replication has not been properly addressed yet. In this paper, we present a deferred re-replication algorithm to dynamically shift the re-replication workload based on current resource utilization status of the system. As workload pattern varies depending on the time of the day, simulation results from synthetic workload demonstrate a large opportunity for minimizing impacts on users' application workloads with the simple algorithm that adjusts re-replication based on current resource utilization. Our approach can reduce performance impacts on users' application workloads while ensuring the same reliability level as default HDFS can provide.
