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[Keyword] magnet(669hit)


  • PdYb-Silicide with Low Schottky Barrier Height to n-Si Formed from Pd/Yb/Si(100) Stacked Structures

    Shun-ichiro OHMI  Mengyi CHEN  Weiguang ZUO  Yasushi MASAHIRO  


    E100-C No:5

    In this paper, we have investigated the characteristics of PdYb-silicide layer formed by the silicidation of Pd/Yb/n-Si(100) stacked structures for the first time. Pd (12-20 nm)/Yb (0-8 nm) stacked layers were deposited on n-Si(100) substrates by the RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature. Then, 10 nm-thick HfN encapsulating layer was deposited at room temperature. Next, silicidation was carried out by the RTA at 500°C/1 min in N2 followed by the selective etching. From the J-V characteristics of fabricated Schottky diode, Schottky barrier height (SBH) for electron was reduced from 0.73 eV of Pd2Si to 0.4 eV of PdYb-silicide in case the Pd/Yb thicknesses were 14/6 nm, respectively.

  • Design of Miniaturized and Bandwidth-Enhanced Implantable Antenna on Dielectric/Ferrite Substrate for Wireless Biotelemetry

    Jae-Ho LEE  Dong-Wook SEO  


    E100-B No:2

    A miniaturized and bandwidth-enhanced implantable antenna is designed for wireless biotelemetry in the medical implantable communications service (MICS) frequency band of 402-405MHz. To reduce the antenna size and enhance the available bandwidth with regard to the reflection coefficients, a meandered planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) structure is adopted on a dielectric/ferrite substrate which is an artificial magneto-dielectric material. The potential of the proposed antenna for the intended applications is verified through prototype fabrication and measurement with a 2/3 human muscle phantom. Good agreement is observed between the simulation and measurement in terms of resonant characteristics and gain radiation patterns; the bandwidth is enhanced in comparison with that of the ferrite-removed antenna, and antenna gain of -27.7dB is obtained in the measurement. Allowances are made for probable fabrication inaccuracies and practical operating environments. An analysis of 1-g SAR distribution is conducted to confirm compliance with the specific absorption rate limitation (1.6W/kg) of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

  • Vehicle Classification under Different Feature Sets with a Single Anisotropic Magnetoresistive Sensor

    Chang XU  Yingguan WANG  Yunlong ZHAN  


    E100-A No:2

    This paper focus on the development of a single portable roadside magnetic sensor for vehicle classification. The magnetic sensor is a kind of anisotropic magnetic device that do not require to be embedded in the roadway-the device is placed next to the roadway and measure traffic in the immediately adjacent lane. A novel feature extraction and comparison approach is presented for vehicle classification with a single magnetic sensor, which is based on four different feature sets extracted from the detected magnetic signal. Furthermore, vehicle classification has been achieved with three common classification algorithms, including support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors and back-propagation neural network. Experimental results have demonstrated that the Peak-Peak feature set with back-propagation neural network approach performs much better than other approaches. Besides, the normalization technology has been proved it does work.

  • Multi-Track Joint Decoding Schemes Using Two-Dimensional Run-Length Limited Codes for Bit-Patterned Media Magnetic Recording

    Hidetoshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Signal Processing for Storage

    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes an effective signal processing scheme using a modulation code with two-dimensional (2D) run-length limited (RLL) constraints for bit-patterned media magnetic recording (BPMR). This 2D signal processing scheme is applied to be one of two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) schemes for shingled magnetic recording on bit patterned media (BPM). A TDMR scheme has been pointed out an important key technology for increasing areal density toward 10Tb/in2. From the viewpoint of 2D signal processing for TDMR, multi-track joint decoding scheme is desirable to increase an effective transfer rate because this scheme gets readback signals from several adjacent parallel tracks and detect recorded data written in these tracks simultaneously. Actually, the proposed signal processing scheme for BPMR gets mixed readback signal sequences from the parallel tracks using a single reading head and these readback signal sequences are equalized to a frequency response given by a desired 2D generalized partial response system. In the decoding process, it leads to an increase in the effective transfer rate by using a single maximum likelihood (ML) sequence detector because the recorded data on the parallel tracks are decoded for each time slot. Furthermore, a new joint pattern-dependent noise-predictive (PDNP) sequence detection scheme is investigated for multi-track recording with media noise. This joint PDNP detection is embed in a ML detector and can be useful to eliminate media noise. Using computer simulation, it is shown that the joint PDNP detection scheme is able to compensate media noise in the equalizer output which is correlated and data-dependent.

  • Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Meta-Surface Using Double-Layered Patch-Type FSS

    Ryuji KUSE  Toshikazu HORI  Mitoshi FUJIMOTO  Takuya SEKI  Keisuke SATO  Ichiro OSHIMA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:11

    This paper describes an equivalent circuit analysis of a meta-surface using a double-layered patch-type frequency-selective surface (FSS); the analysis considers the coupling between FSSs. Two types of double-layered structures are examined. One is a stacked structure and the other is an alternated structure. The results calculated using the equivalent circuit are in agreement with the results of the FDTD analysis. In addition, it is clarified that the stacked and alternated structures exhibit the common mode and the differential mode coupling, respectively. Moreover, experiments support analysis results for both stacked and alternated structures.

  • Simple and Tunable MNM by Figure of Eight Resonator and Its Application to Microwave Isolator

    Shota KOMATSU  Toshiro KODERA  


    E99-C No:10

    Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterial (MNM) synthesise artificial magnetic gyrotropy by metal ring resonator with unilateral component insertion. Clear advantage to natural magnetic material is full integrated circuit ingredient compatibility but still suffers from drawbacks of consumption power in active component and footprint of ring resonator. A new MNM structure by a varactor inserted figure of eight resonator is introduced, which enables reduction of active components by half and even smaller footprint to the original simple ring resonator structure in addition to frequency tunability.

  • Restriction on Motion of Break Arcs Magnetically Blown-Out by Surrounding Walls in a 450VDC/10A Resistive Circuit

    Keisuke KATO  Junya SEKIKAWA  


    E99-C No:9

    Silver electrical contacts are separated at constant speed and break arcs are generated between them in a 200V-450VDC and 10A resistive circuit. The motion of the break arcs is restricted by some surrounding alumina plates. Transverse magnetic field of a permanent magnet is applied to the break arcs. Changing the supply voltage and the height of a wall located at the upper side of the break arcs, the arc lengthening time and motion of the break arcs are investigated. As a result, the higher supply voltage causes an increase of the arc lengthening time. The arc lengthening time increases significantly when the break arcs expand into the whole of the surrounding walls.

  • Transmission Characteristics and Shielding Effectiveness of Shielded-Flexible Printed Circuits for Differential-Signaling

    Yoshiki KAYANO  Hiroshi INOUE  


    E99-C No:7

    To provide basic considerations for the realization of method for suppressing the EMI from differential-paired lines on flexible printed circuits (FPC), the characteristics of the SI performance and shielding effectiveness (SE) of shielded-flexible printed circuits for differential-signaling are investigated in this paper experimentally and by a numerical modeling. Firstly, transmission characteristics of TDR measurement and frequency response of |Sdd21| are discussed, from view point of signal integrity. Secondly, as the characteristics of the SE performance for EMI, frequency responses of magnetic field are investigated. Although placement of conductive shield near the paired-lines decreases characteristics impedance, |Sdd21| for the “with Cu 5.5 µm-thickness copper shield” is not deteriorated compared with “without shield” and sufficient SE performance for magnetic field can be established. But, thin-shield deteriorates SI as well as SE performances. The frequency response of |Sdd21| at higher frequencies for the “Ag 0.1 µm” case has the steep loss roll off. A reflection loss resulted from impedance-mismatching is not dominant factor of the losses. The dominant factor may be magnetic field leakage due to very thin-conductive shield.

  • FEM Simulations of Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker EMI Triggered by HF-Band Wireless Power Transfer System

    Naoki TANAKA  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  


    E99-C No:7

    This paper describes a numerical assessment methodology of pacemaker EMI triggered by HF-band wireless power transfer system. By using three dimensional full-wave numerical simulation based on finite element method, interference voltage induced at the connector of the pacemaker inside the phantom that is used for in-vitro EMI assessment is obtained. Simulated example includes different exposure scenarios in order to estimate the maximum interference voltage.

  • Simulational Approach to Realize a Triplexer Based on Bandpass Filters Using Wideband Resonators

    Kosei TANII  Koji WADA  


    E99-C No:7

    A triplexer is presented by using bandpass filters (BPFs) which consist of two-stage of wideband resonator and additional open-circuited stubs. The resonator is firstly proposed by using a coupled-line and an inductive element loaded transmission line. This resonator produces the wide passband by a dual-mode resonance, high attenuation level at stopbands, and the steepness at the edge of the passband due to the attenuation poles. In order to understand the behavior of the resonator, the conditions for resonances and attenuation poles are especially solved and their current densities are analyzed by an electromagnetic simulation. Secondly, three types of wideband BPFs are constituted and finally a wideband triplexer is composed by using these BPFs. The basic characteristics of the proposed BPFs and the matching methodology enable to realize the triplexer whose desired passbands are around 3.1-5.1 GHz, 5.85-7.85 GHz, and 8.6-10.6 GHz with high isolation performance at the other passbands. The proposed triplexer is predominance in the flexible bandwidth or wide operating frequency range. All the BPFs and the triplexer are implemented on a planar printed circuit board assuming the use of the microstrip line structure.

  • Characteristics of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Tortuous Channel

    Xiaojia WANG  Yazhou CHEN  Haojiang WAN  Lipeng WANG  Qingxi YANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E99-B No:7

    The analytic expressions of lightning electromagnetic fields generated by tortuous channel with an inclined lower section are obtained by decomposing the current infinitesimal and solving Maxwell's equations. By using the transmission line model and pulse function to express the channel-base current, the influence of length and tilt angle of the oblique part on lightning electromagnetic fields as well as the distribution laws of electromagnetic fields for different azimuth angles are analyzed. The results show that the electromagnetic fields in near area are mainly determined by the lower section of the tortuous discharge channel, and the peak values of electromagnetic fields in different field regions will increase with the increasing of the length of the lower section when L1 is shorter than the distance that return-stroke speed multiplied by peak time. Whereas the length of the lower section is longer than the distance that return-stroke speed multiplied by peak time, the waveforms of electromagnetic fields will overlap each other and won't be influenced by oblique part length of the discharge channel before the return-stroke current arrives at the inflection point. Moreover, the peak values of electromagnetic fields will decrease with the increase of tilt angle (the azimuth angle φ = 2π/3) and azimuth angle, and the impact of channel geometry on the electromagnetic field strengthens with the distance.

  • Transmission Properties of Electromagnetic Wave in Pre-Cantor Bar: Scaling and Double-Exponetiality

    Ryota SATO  Keimei KAINO  Jun SONODA  


    E99-C No:7

    Pre-Cantor bar, the one-dimensional fractal media, consists of two kinds of materials. Using the transmission-line theory we will explain the double-exponential behavior of the minimum of the transmittance as a function of the stage number n, and obtain formulae of two kinds of scaling behaviors of the transmittance. From numerical calculations for n=1 to 5 we will find that the maximum of field amplitudes of resonance which increases double-exponentially with n is well estimated by the theoretical upper bound. We will show that after sorting field amplitudes for resonance frequencies of the 5th stage their distribution is a staircase function of the index.

  • Improved Liquid-Phase Detection of Biological Targets Based on Magnetic Markers and High-Critical-Temperature Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Open Access

    Masakazu URA  Kohei NOGUCHI  Yuta UEOKA  Kota NAKAMURA  Teruyoshi SASAYAMA  Takashi YOSHIDA  Keiji ENPUKU  


    E99-C No:6

    In this paper, we propose improved methods of liquid-phase detection of biological targets utilizing magnetic markers and a high-critical-temperature superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). For liquid-phase detection, the bound and unbound (free) markers are magnetically distinguished by using Brownian relaxation of free markers. Although a signal from the free markers is zero in an ideal case, it exists in a real sample on account of the aggregation and precipitation of free markers. This signal is called a blank signal, and it degrades the sensitivity of target detection. To solve this problem, we propose improved detection methods. First, we introduce a reaction field, Bre, during the binding reaction between the markers and targets. We additionally introduce a dispersion process after magnetization of the bound markers. Using these methods, we can obtain a strong signal from the bound markers without increasing the aggregation of the free markers. Next, we introduce a field-reversal method in the measurement procedure to differentiate the signal from the markers in suspension from that of the precipitated markers. Using this procedure, we can eliminate the signal from the precipitated markers. Then, we detect biotin molecules by using these methods. In an experiment, the biotins were immobilized on the surfaces of large polymer beads with diameters of 3.3 µm. They were detected with streptavidin-conjugated magnetic markers. The minimum detectable molecular number concentration was 1.8×10-19 mol/ml, which indicates the high sensitivity of the proposed method.

  • PtHf Silicide Formation Utilizing PtHf-Alloy Target for Low Contact Resistivity

    Shun-ichiro OHMI  Mengyi CHEN  Xiaopeng WU  Yasushi MASAHIRO  


    E99-C No:5

    We have investigated PtHf silicide formation utilizing a developed PtHf-alloy target to realize low contact resistivity for the first time. A 20 nm-thick PtHf-alloy thin film was deposited on the n-Si(100) by RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature. Then, silicidation was carried out by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) system at 450-600°C/5 min in N2/4.9%H2 ambient. The PtHf-alloy silcide, PtHfSi, layers were successfully formed, and the Schottky barrier height (SBH) for electron of 0.45 eV was obtained by 450°C silicidation. Furthermore, low contact resistivity was achieved for fabricated PtHSi such as 8.4x10-8 Ωcm2 evaluated by cross-bridge Kelvin resistor (CBKR) method.

  • A Design of Vehicular GPS and LTE Antenna Considering Vehicular Body Effects

    Patchaikani SINDHUJA  Yoshihiko KUWAHARA  Kiyotaka KUMAKI  Yoshiyuki HIRAMATSU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:4

    In this paper, a vehicular antenna design scheme that considers vehicular body effects is proposed. A wire antenna for the global positioning system (GPS) and long-term evolution (LTE) systems is implemented on a plastic plate and then mounted on a windshield of the vehicle. Common outputs are used to allow feed sharing. It is necessary to increase the GPS right-hand circularly polarization (RHCP) gain near the zenith and to reduce the axis ratio (AR). For LTE, we need to increase the horizontal polarization (HP) gain. In addition, for LTE, multiband characteristics are required. In order to achieve the specified performance, the antenna shape is optimized via a Pareto genetic algorithm (PGA). When an antenna is mounted on the body, antenna performance changes significantly. To evaluate the performance of an antenna with complex shape mounted on a windshield, a commercial electromagnetic simulator (Ansoft HFSS) is used. To apply electromagnetic results output by HFSS to the PGA algorithm operating in the MATLAB environment, a MATLAB-to-HFSS linking program via Visual BASIC (VB) script was used. It is difficult to carry out the electromagnetic analysis on the entire body because of the limitations of the calculating load and memory size. To overcome these limitations, we consider only that part of the vehicle's body that influences antenna performance. We show that a series of optimization steps can minimize the degradation caused by the vehicle`s body. The simulation results clearly show that it is well optimized at 1.575GHz for GPS, and 0.74 ∼ 0.79GHz and 2.11 ∼ 2.16GHz for LTE, respectively.

  • A Novel Resonator Design for Q Factor Improvement Using Tightly-Coupled Parallel Coils in Coupled Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer

    Cheng YANG  Koichi TSUNEKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:3

    This study proposes a novel resonator design that uses tightly coupled parallel coils to improve the quality factor (Q factor) in coupled magnetic resonance wireless power transfer. Depending on the characteristics of the tightly coupled parallel-connected coils, the proposed resonator can offer significantly reduced resistance with very little self-inductance loss. A double-layer spiral coil structure is used for resonator design and evaluating its characteristics. Measured results show that a resonator consisting of two identical, tightly coupled parallel double-layer spiral coils can match the Q factor of a conventional double-layer spiral coil with the same number of turns, even though its equivalent resistance is approximately 75% less. Moreover, the system power transfer performance of the resonator was measured under the impedance matching condition. To further reduce the resistance, we propose another resonator comprising of three parallel and tightly coupled double-layer spiral coils, and measure its equivalent resistance characteristics for different wire gap sizes.

  • Left-Handed Waveguide Using Cutoff TM-Mode

    Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA  Yuki MIZUTANI  Isao OHTA  Kensuke OKUBO  Hironori TAKIMOTO  


    E99-C No:1

    It has been reported that a left-handed waveguide can be constituted using cutoff TE10 mode of rectangular waveguide. Because the cutoff TE10 mode shows effectively negative permittivity, the left-handed mode propagates by adding series capacitance in the form of short- or open-stubs. This paper suggests a constitution method of left-handed waveguides using cutoff TM mode. In this case, the cutoff TM mode shows effectively negative permeability. Therefore, a left-handed waveguide can be constituted by adding parallel inductance. In this paper, two types of the left-handed waveguides are designed using circular TM01 mode and rectangular TM11 mode, and the dispersion characteristics are numerically investigated. The validity of the constituting principle is confirmed by an experiment.

  • Electromagnetic Scattering by a Cylindrical Material Piercing through the Narrow Walls of a Rectangular Waveguide: Analytical Solution and Application to Material Characterization

    Alfred KIK  Atsuhiro NISHIKATA  


    E99-C No:1

    We propose a new swept-frequency measurement method for the electromagnetic characterization of materials. The material is a multilayer cylinder that pierces a rectangular waveguide through two holes in the narrow waveguide walls. The complex permittivity and permeability of the material are calculated from measured S-parameters as an inverse problem. To this aim, the paper develops a complete electromagnetic formulation of the problem, where the effects of material insertion holes are taken into consideration. The formulation is validated through the measurement of ferrite and water samples in the S-band.

  • Magnetic Field Measurement for Human Exposure Assessment near Wireless Power Transfer Systems in Kilohertz and Megahertz Bands

    Satoshi ISHIHARA  Teruo ONISHI  Akimasa HIRATA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E98-B No:12

    A method for measuring the magnetic field strength for human exposure assessment closer than 20cm to wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for information household appliances is investigated based on numerical simulations and measurements at 100kHz and 6.78MHz. Four types of magnetic sources are considered: a simple 1-turn coil and three types of coils simulating actual WPT systems. A magnetic sensor whose cross sectional area is 100cm2 as prescribed in International Electrotechnical Commission 62233 is used. Simulation results show that the magnetic field strength detected by the magnetic sensor is affected by its placement angle. The maximum coefficient of variation (CV) is 27.2% when the magnetic source and the sensor are in contact. The reason for this deviation is attributable to the localization of the magnetic field distribution around the magnetic source. The coupling effect between the magnetic source and the sensor is negligible. Therefore, the sensor placement angle is an essential factor in magnetic field measurements. The CV due to the sensor placement angle is reduced from 21% to 4% if the area of the sensor coil is reduced from 100 to 0.75cm2 at 6.78MHz. However, the sensitivity of the sensor coil is decreased by 42.5dB. If measurement uncertainty that considers the deviation in the magnetic field strength due to the sensor placement angle is large, the measured magnetic field strength should be corrected by the uncertainty. If the magnetic field distribution around the magnetic source is known, conservative exposure assessments can be achieved by placing the magnetic sensor in locations at which the spatial averaged magnetic field strengths perpendicular to the magnetic sensor coils become maximum.

  • Implementation of an Enhanced Target Localization and Identification Algorithm on a Magnetic WSN



    E98-B No:10

    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are ubiquitous in a wide range of applications requiring the monitoring of physical and environmental variables, such as target localization and identification. One of these applications is the sensing of ferromagnetic objects. In typical applications, the area to be monitored is typically large compared to the sensing radius of each magnetic sensor. On the other hand, the RF communication radii of WSN nodes are invariably larger than the sensing radii. This makes it economical and efficient to design and implement a sparse network in terms of sensor coverage, in which each point in the monitored area is likely to be covered by at most one sensor. This work aims at investigating the sensing potential and limitations (e.g. in terms of localization accuracy on the order of centimeters) of the Honeywell HMC 1002 2-axis magnetometer used in the context of a sparse magnetic WSN. The effect of environmental variations, such as temperature and power supply fluctuations, magnetic noise, and sensor sensitivity, on the target localization and identification performance of a magnetic WSN is examined based on experimental tests. Signal processing strategies that could enable an alternative to the typical “target present/absent” mode of using magnetic sensors, such as providing successive localization information in time, are discussed.
