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[Keyword] surface(404hit)


  • Hybrid Volume Ray Tracing of Multiple Isosurfaces with Arbitrary Opacity Values

    Tetu HIRAI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:7

    We present a volume rendering algorithm which renders images at approximately two to seven times the speed of a conventional ray caster with almost no visible loss of image quality. This algorithm traverses the volume data in object order and renders the image by performing ray casting for the pixels within the footprint of the voxel (i.e., rectangular prism) being processed. The proposed algorithm supports the rendering of both single and multiple isosurfaces with arbitrary opacity values. While the projection approach to volume rendering is not new, we present an algorithm specifically designed for the perspective projection, evaluate its rendering speed for both single and multiple isosurfaces with arbitrary opacity values, and examine how efficiently it uses cache memory.

  • Note on Domain/Surface Tree Languages of t-PDTT's

    Katsunori YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E79-D No:6

    String grammars (languages) have been extensively studied from the 60's. On the other hand, the transformational grammar, proposed by N. Chomsky, contains the transformation from the set of derivation trees of a context-free language to the surface set. Here the grammar regarded a tree as an input sentence to some transducer. After that from the second half of 60's, the studies of acceptors, transducers, and so on, whose inputs are trees, have been done extensively. Recently pushdown tree automata were introduced, and their fundamental and some other various properties were investigated [12],[13],[22]-[26]. Furthermore a top-down pushdown tree transducer (t-PDTT for short), which is an extension of a top-down pushdown automaton (t-PDTA for short), was introduced and its fundamental properties were investigated [27]. In this paper we focus on t-PDTT, linear t-PDTT, t-FST (top-down finite state transducer), and t-PDTA. The main subjects discussed here are as follows: (1) the class of domain/surface tree languages of t-PDTT properly contains the class of tree languages accepted by t-PDTA, (2) the class of domain/surface tree languages of linear t-PDTT's coincides with the class of tree languages accepted by t-PDTA's, (3) the class of tree languages accepted by t-PDTA's properly contains the class of surface tree languages of t-FST's.

  • Object Surface Representation Using Occlusion Analysis of Spatiotemporal Images*

    Takayuki YASUNO  Satoshi SUZUKI  Yasuhiko YASUDA  


    E79-D No:6

    Three dimensional model based coding methods are proposed as next generation image coding methods. These new representations need 3D reconstruction techniques. This paper presents a method that extracts the surfaces of static objects that occlude other objects from a spatiotemporal image captured with straight-line camera motion. We propose the concept of occlusion types and show that the occlusion types are restricted to only eight patterns. Furthermore, we show occlusion type pairs contain information that confirms the existence of surfaces. Occlusion information gives strong cues for segmentation and representation. The method can estimate not only the 3D positions of edge points but also the surfaces bounded by the edge points. We show that combinations of occlusion types contain information that can confirm surface existence. The method was tested successfully on real images by reconstructing flat and curved surfaces. Videos can be hierarchically structured with the method. The method makes various applications possible, such as object selective image communication and object selective video editing.

  • A Preliminary Study of Non-Uniform Beam Filling Correction for Spaceborne Radar Rainfall Measurement

    Toshiaki KOZU  Toshio IGUCHI  


    E79-B No:6

    A method to correct the path-integrated attenuation derived from spaceborne radar measurement for the non-uniform beam filling (NUBF) effect is studied . A preliminary test using the data obtained from shipborne and ground-based radars is performed. It is found that the relation between the coarse-scale variability (radar-measurable quantity, σL) and the fine-scale variability (a quantity necessary for the NUBF correction, σH) of rain depends somewhat upon the rain cases studied and there still remains some underestimation in the corrected results. Nevertheless, the test result demonstrates the potential of utilizing the "local" statistical properties of rain in order to decrease the bias error in rain rate estimation caused by the NUBF.

  • Generation Mechanism of Showering Noise Waveforms-Effect of Contact Surface Variations and Moving Velocity of Contact

    Shuichi NITTA  Atsuo MUTOH  Kiyotomi MIYAJIMA  


    E79-B No:4

    When circuits which include inductive loads are turned off by contact, showering noise generates across contact gap. Showering noise waveforms seem not to be stable in the case that wire-spring relay contact is used to turn on/off inductive load. It seems that various factors are concerned in the irregularity of showering noise waveforms. This paper clarifies the relation between showering noise waveform and the cathodic contact surface variation with the number of contact operation, and moving velocity of contact.

  • Electromagnetic Radiation Noise from Surface Gas Discharges-Mechanisms of Propagation, Coupling and Formation

    Keiichi UCHIMURA  Shuichi NITTA  Jen-Shih CHANG  


    E79-B No:4

    Surface discharge is widely used for industrial ozonizers and toxic gas treatments, and is noise source. In this paper, an experimental investigation from the point of view of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) has been conducted to evaluate the noise characteristics of surface discharge combustion flue gas cleaning systems. Mechanisms of propagation, coupling and formation are proposed based on the experimental observations.

  • Effects of 50 to 200-keV Electrons by BEASTLI Method on Semiconductor Devices

    Fumio MIZUNO  Satoru YAMADA  Tsunao ONO  

    PAPER-Device Issues

    E79-C No:3

    We studied effects of 50-200-keV electrons on semiconductor devices using BEASTLI (backscattered electron assisting LSI inspection) method. When irradiating semiconduc-tor devices with such high-energy electrons, we have to note two phenomena. The first is surface charging and the second is device damage. In our study of surface charging, we found that a net positive charge was formed on the device surface. The positive surface charges do not cause serious influence for observation so that we can inspect wafers without problems. The positive surface charging may be brought about because most incident electrons penetrate the device layer and reach the conducting substrate of the semiconductor device. For the device damage, we studied MOS devices which were sensitive to electron-beam irradiation. By applying a 400- annealing to electron-beam irradiated MOS devices, we could restore the initial characteris-tics of MOS devices. However, in order to recover hot-carrier degradation due to neutral traps, we had to apply a 900- annealing to the electron-beam irradiated MOS devices. Thus, BEASTLI could be successfully used by providing an apporopri-ate annealing to the electron-beam irradiated MOS devices.

  • Sequential Dry Cleaning System for Highly-Controlled Silicon Surfaces

    Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-High-Performance Processing

    E79-C No:3

    High-performance ULSI devices require ultraclean silicon surfaces, the complete removal of native oxides, and atomic level flatness and stabilization of the cleaned surfaces against molecular contaminants. Dry cleaning techniques are an attractive alternative to conventional wet processing for future ULSI production using cluster chambers or multi-process cham-bers. Organic contaminants, including photoresist polymers, are effectively removed by photo-excited ozone cleaning. We have found photo-excited halogen radicals to be useful for removing trace metals and native oxides from silicon surfaces without damaging on silicon and silicon-dioxide surfaces. We success-fully terminated hydrogen on (100) silicon surfaces by annealing in pure hydrogen ambient. A dry cleaning system with these sequential processes will be useful in constructing fully-integrated mass-production lines of high-performance ULSI devices.

  • Significance of Ultra Clean Technology in the Era of ULSIs

    Takahisa NITTA  


    E79-C No:3

    The realization of scientific manufacturing of ULSIs in the 21st century will require the development of a technical infrastructure of "Ultra Clean Technology" and the firm establishment of the three principles of high performance processes. Three principles are 1)Ultra Clean Si Wafer Surface, 2)Ultra Clean Processing Environment, and 3)Perfect Parameter controlled process. This paper describes the methods of resolving the problems inherent in Ultra Clean Technology, taking as examples issues in quarter-micron or more advanced semiconductor process and manufacturing equipment, particularly when faced with the challenges of plasma dry etching. Issues indispensable to the development of tomorrow's highly accurate and reliable plasma dry etching equipment are the development of technologies for the accurate measurement of plasma parameters, ultra clean gas delivery systems, chamber cleaning technology on an in-situ basis, and simulating the plasma chemistry.This paper also discusses the standardization of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, which is considered one of the ways to reduce the steep rise in production line construction costs. The establishment of Ultra Clean Technology also plays a vital role in this regard.

  • Shape Reconstruction of Hybrid Reflectance Object Using Indirect Diffuse Illumination

    Tae Eun KIM  Jong Soo CHOI  


    E78-D No:12

    A new approach is presented for recovering the 3-D shape from shading image. Photometric Stereo Method (PSM) is generally based on the direct illumination. PSM in this paper is modified with the indirect diffuse illumination method (IDIM), and then applied to hybrid reflectance model which consists of two components; the Lambertian reflectance and the specular reflectance. Under the hybrid reflectance model and the indirect diffuse illumination circumstances, the 3-D shape of objects can be recovered from the surface normal vector extracted from the surface roughness, the surface reflectance ratio, and the intensity value of a pixel. This method is rapid because of using the reference table, simplifies the restriction condition about the reflectance function in prior studies without any loss in performance, and can be applied to various types of surfaces by defining general reflectance function.

  • PO Diffraction Coefficients for the Surface of Strips on a Grounded Dielectric Slab

    Shuguang CHEN  Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  


    E78-C No:10

    In practical applications of the artificial boundary surfaces, such as corrugation and strips on a grounded dielectric slab, the surfaces have finite sizes. The diffraction fields from anisotropic surface of this kind can not be calculated using conventional diffraction coefficients. In this paper, uniform diffraction coefficients for the strips on a grounded dielectric slab are given in the sense of physical optics, as functions of incident angle, polarization and structural parameters of the surface. Firstly, the incident plane wave is decomposed into the two special polarization directions. Then uniform diffraction coefficients originally derived for isotropic surfaces with arbitrary impedance can be applied for each polarization component. Finally, expressions for the diffraction coefficients from the anisotropic surface are given as the sum of those for two polarization components. The validity of the diffraction coefficients is verified theoretically and experimentally.

  • Surface Potential Method in the Wave Scattering from Localized Inhomogeneities of a Planar Dielectric Waveguide

    Alexander G. YAROVOY  


    E78-C No:10

    In the paper a problem of wave scattering from a local penetrable inhomogeneity inside a planar dielectric waveguide is studied. The surface potentials method is applied for the problem and the set of systems of BIE is obtained and analyzed from the view-point of their numerical solution. The effective numerical algorithm based on the Nyström method is proposed. The equations for a scattering diagram and mode conversion coefficients are derived.

  • Diffraction Characteristics of a Finite Metal-Strip Grating Integrated with a Planar Dielectric Waveguide

    Victor I. KALINICHEV  


    E78-C No:10

    The radiation and scattering characteristics of a metal-strip grating of finite extent printed on the surface of a dielectric waveguide are analyzed within a two-dimensional model. The diffraction properties are obtained from a solution to the problem of surface mode scattering by a finite number of metal strips, taking into account their mutual couplings. The analysis is based on the electromotive force technique which does not require a grating to be periodic. Obtained results concern the antenna applications of radiating gratings excited by the dominant TE or TM surface mode of the wavegude. The proposed approach can be applied not only to the design of radiators but also filters based on periodic strip gratings.

  • GaInAsP/InP Square Buried-Heterostructure Surface-Emitting Lasers Regrown by MOCVD

    Seiji UCHIYAMA  Susumu KASHIWA  


    E78-C No:9

    Mesa structures have been investigated to optimize a buried-heterostructure (BH) for a GaInAsP/InP surface-emitting (SE) laser regrown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and it has been found that a square mesa top pattern of which the sides are at an angle of 45 to the 011 orientation is suitable. A 1.3-µm GaInAsP/InP square buried heterostructure (SBH) SE laser with this mesa structure has been demonstrated and low-threshold CW oscillation (threshold current Ith=0.45 mA) at 77 K and low-threshold room-temperature pulsed oscillation (Ith=12 mA) have been obtained.

  • Influence of Films' Thickness and Air Gaps in Surface Impedance Measurements of High Temperature Super-conductors Using the Dielectric Resonator Technique

    Janina CEREMUGA  Jerzy KRUPKA  Richard GEYER  Józef MODELSKI  


    E78-C No:8

    The dielectric resonator technique is commonly used for microwave surface resistance measurements of High Temperature superconducting (HTS) films. Thickness of super-conductors and its impact on measurement results has not been taken into consideration so far. A theoretical mode-matched solution analysis of a TE011 10 GHz sapphire resonator was performed. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the thickness of the films under test can significantly affect the resonant frequencies (fres) and quality factor Q of the resonant system, particularly when the thickness is less than three times the penetration depth (λ) of the films at the operating temperature. In such cases the microwave properties of the substrate affect fres and Q. For HTS films' thickness relatively small as compared to λ, measured quality factors and resonant frequency may also be affected by substrate thickness and the conductivity of the backing plates of the system. The presence of air gaps between the sapphire and the HTS films does not significantly influence surface resistance measurements. However they can markedly affect the surface reactance from which the penetration depth is calculated.

  • 3-D Motion Analysis of a Planar Surface by Renormalization

    Kenichi KANATANI  Sachio TAKEDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E78-D No:8

    This paper presents a theoretically best algorithm within the framework of our image noise model for reconstructing 3-D from two views when all the feature points are on a planar surface. Pointing out that statistical bias is introduced if the least-squares scheme is used in the presence of image noise, we propose a scheme called renormalization, which automatically removes statistical bias. We also present an optimal correction scheme for canceling the effect of image noise in individual feature points. Finally, we show numerical simulation and confirm the effectiveness of our method.

  • A Generalized Surface Echo Radar Equation for Down-Looking Pencil Beam Radar

    Toshiaki KOZU  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E78-B No:8

    A generalized surface scattering radar equation for a near-nadir-looking pencil beam radar, which covers both beam-limited and pulse-limited regions, is derived. This equation is a generalization of the commonly used nadir-pointing beam-limited radar equation taking both antenna beam and pulse wave form weighting functions into account, and is convenient for the calculation of radar received power and scattering cross-section of the surface.

  • Phenomenological Description of Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Surface Resistance of High-Tc Superconductors by Improved Three-Fluid Model

    Tadashi IMAI  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Microwave devices

    E78-C No:5

    A calculation method by the improved three-fluid model is shown to describe phenomenologically temperature and frequency dependence of surface resistance Rs for high-Tc superconductors. It is verified that this model is useful to describe temperature dependence of Rs for such high-Tc superconducting films as Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO), Eu-Ba-Cu-O, and Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O films. For the frequency dependence of Rs of a YBCO bulk, furthermore, the measured results which have not depended on f2 in the frequency range 10-25 GHz, can be described successfully by this model. Finally, a figure of merit is proposed to evaluate material quality for high-Tc superconductors from the values of electron densities and momentum relaxation time determined by the present model.

  • Reduction of Surface Clutter by a Polarimetric FM-CW Radar in Underground Target Detection

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Masakazu SENGOKU  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility

    E78-B No:4

    This paper presents an experimental result of polarimetric detection of objects buried in a sandy ground by a synthetic aperture FM-CW radar. Emphasis is placed on the reduction of surface clutter by the polarimetric radar, which takes account of full polarimetric scattering characteristics. First, the principle of full polarimetric imaging methodology is outlined based on the characteristic polarization states for a specific target together with a polarimetric enhancement factor which discriminates desired and undesired target echo. Then, the polarimetric filtering technique which minimizes a surface reflection is applied to detect a thin metallic plate embedded in a sandy ground, demonstrating the potential capability of reducing surface clutter which leads to an improvement of underground radar performance, and validating the usefulness of FM-CW radar polarimetry.

  • Boron Penetration and Hot-Carrier Effects in Surface-Channel PMOSFETs with p+ Poly-Si Gates

    Tohru MOGAMI  Lars E. G. JOHANSSON  Isami SAKAI  Masao FUKUMA  


    E78-C No:3

    Surface-channel PMOSFETs are suitable for use in the quarter micron CMOS devices. For surface-channel PMOSFETs with p+ poly-Si gates, boron penetration and hot-carrier effects were investigated. When the annealing temperature is higher and the gate oxide is thinner, a larger threshold voltage shift was observed for p+ poly-Si PMOSFETs, because of boron penetration. Furthermore, PMOSFETs with BF2-implanted gates cause larger boron penetration than those with Boron-implanted gates. Howerer, the PMOSFET lifetime, determined by hot-carrier reliability, does not depend on the degree of boron penetration. Instead, it depends on doping species, that is, BF2 and Boron. PMOSFETs with BF2-implanted gates have about 100 times longer lifetime than those with Boron-implanted gates. The main reason for the longer lifetime of BF2-doped PMOSFETs is the incorporation of fluorine in the gate oxide of the PMOSFET with the BF2-implanted gate, resulting in the smaller electron trapping in the gate oxide. The maximun allowed supply voltage,based on the hot-carrier reliability, is higher than4V for sub-half micron PMOSFETs with BF2- or Boron-implanted poly Si gates.
