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[Keyword] system(3183hit)


  • IFS Optimization Using Discrete Parameter Pools

    Hiroyuki HONDA  Miki HASEYAMA  Hideo KITAJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:2

    This paper proposes an Iterated Function System (IFS) which can reduce effects of quantization errors of the IFS parameters. The proposed method skips conventional analog-parameter search and directly selects optimum IFS parameters from pools of discrete IFS parameters. In conventional IFS-based image coding the IFS parameters are quantized after their analog optimum values are determined. The image reconstructed from the quantized parameters is degraded with errors that are traced back to quantization errors amplified in the iterated mappings. The effectiveness of this new realistic approach is demonstrated by simulation results over the conventional method.

  • Implementation of Multi-Service ATM Switching System for Providing Integrated Services in Access Network

    Kyeong-soo KIM  Byung-do KO  Jae-geun KIM  Jun-kyun CHOI  

    PAPER-ATM Switch and System Development

    E83-B No:2

    Broadband subscriber loop system and ATM switching system are the key equipment for construction of Broadband networks. In this paper, we describe the architecture of access network and the implementation of ATM switching system with multi-service interface for construction of broadband access network. We also represent the design of MAIN-AN (Multi-service Access Integrated Network--Access Node) system as integrated access network platform which enables to accommodate ATM/SDH-based and ATM/PON-based FTTx (Fiber-To-The-x) access architecture simultaneously. The system has a Cross-point ATM Switch Fabric with 10 Gbits/sec throughput and it has been implemented using 0.5 µm CMOS technology. For performance evaluation of it, we simulate it under burst traffic conditions. In addition, we show the implementation of prototype of ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), MAIN system and its core PBA (Printed circuit Board Assembly) and so on.

  • Economical Unified Platform Using ATM Transport System to Carry both STM and ATM Signals

    Ryoichi IWASE  Koji WATANABE  Yoshihiko UEMATSU  Hiroshi OHTA  Mitsugu HIRAKI  Yukiharu KANAYAMA  Toshinori TSUBOI  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E83-B No:2

    This paper describes the roles and benefits of an ATM transport network composed of ATM transport systems, such as ATM cross-connect systems and/or ATM add-drop multiplexers. The ATM transport network is an economical way of providing the ATM public network and a virtual path service for enterprise users. This paper exemplifies the effectiveness of a VP grooming function in the ATM transport system by comparing it to the network costs with direct fiber connection, an alternative to VP grooming. Main and junction module architecture for the ATM cross-connect system is proposed to realize an economical network that supports small to large traffic. For implementing a large-scale cross-connect switch, a cell congestion control method that employs re-arrangement control and a concentration network is proposed. Implementation of multiple service classes and VP protection switching in the ATM cross-connect system are mentioned. We also describe an SDH signal transmission method based on ATM cells, that offers a cost effective and reliable transport network.

  • A Nonblocking Group Membership Protocol for Large-Scale Distributed Systems

    Mulan ZHU  Kentaro SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E83-D No:2

    This paper presents a robust and nonblocking group membership protocol for large-scale distributed systems. This protocol uses the causal relation between membership-updating messages (i. e. , those specifying the adding and deleting of members) and allows the messages to be executed in a nonblocking manner. It differs from conventional group membership protocols in the following points: (1) neither global locking nor global synchronization is required; (2) membership-updating messages can be issued without being synchronized with each other, and they can be executed immediately after their arrival. The proposed protocol therefore is highly scalable, and is more tolerant to node and network failures and to network partitions than are the conventional protocols. This paper proves that the proposed protocol works properly as long as messages can eventually be received by their destinations. This paper also discusses some design issues, such as multicast communication of the regular messages, fault tolerance and application to reliable communication protocols (e. g. , TCP/IP).

  • An Efficient Interpolation Attack

    Shiho MORIAI  Takeshi SHIMOYAMA  Toshinobu KANEKO  


    E83-A No:1

    We introduce an efficient interpolation attack which gives the tighter upper bound of the complexity and the number of pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts required for the attack. In the previously known interpolation attack there is a problem in that the required complexity for the attack can be overestimated. We solve this problem by first, finding the actual number of coefficients in the polynomial used in the attack by using a computer algebra system, and second, by finding the polynomial with fewer coefficients by choosing the plaintexts. We apply this interpolation attack to the block cipher SNAKE and succeeded in attacking many ciphers in the SNAKE family. When we evaluate the resistance of a block cipher to interpolation attack, it is necessary to apply the interpolation attack described in this paper.

  • Discovery of Laws

    Hiroshi MOTODA  Takashi WASHIO  


    E83-D No:1

    Methods to discover laws are reviewed from among both statistical approach and artificial intelligence approach with more emphasis placed on the latter. Dimensions discussed are variable dependency checking, passive or active data gathering, single or multiple laws discovery, static (equilibrium) or dynamic (transient) behavior, quantitative (numeric) or qualitative or structural law discovery, and use of domain-general knowledge. Some of the representative discovery systems are also briefly discussed in conjunction with the methods used in the above dimensions.

  • Support System for Hepatectomy Allowing Interactive Segmentation Directly on Three-Dimensional Images

    Shuichi TAKAHASHI  Yasuki UNEMURA  Tetsuya KUROSAKI  Akihiko UCHIYAMA  Naoki SUZUKI  

    LETTER-Medical Engineering

    E83-D No:1

    A support system for hepatectomy that allows segmentation of the liver interactively and directly on 3D images was developed. Intuitive 3D images of the liver and its vessels and tumors were drawn with an improved volume-rendering method. Regions supplied with blood by each branch were interactively identified. 3D segments were defined directly on the images using a mouse and excisions were estimated from these interactive inputs.

  • Capacity Evaluation of a Forward Link DS-CDMA Cellular System with Fast TPC Based on SIR

    Dugin LYU  Hirohito SUDA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E83-B No:1

    The outage probability of a forward link DS-CDMA cellular system with fast transmit power control (TPC) based on signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is investigated. The expression for SIR at the output of RAKE receiver is developed, and the outage probability is evaluated by using Monte Carlo simulation. We consider two kinds of channel models: random delay resolvable path model and tapped delay line model which are suitable models for a few distinct paths channel and highly frequency-selective-channel model, respectively. The outage probability of a system with fast TPC based on SIR is compared to that without fast TPC. The use of orthogonal spreading codes is compared to that of the random spreading codes in terms of outage probability. The effects of the maximum and minimum transmit powers and the dispersive loss of signal power on the outage probability are also investigated.

  • Design and Characteristics of Aerial Optical Drop Cable with Electric Power Wires

    Yasuji MURAKAMI  Kimio ANDOU  Kouji SHINO  Toshiaki KATAGIRI  Satomi HATANO  

    PAPER-Communication Cable and Wave Guides

    E83-B No:1

    This paper reports the design and characteristics of an aerial optical drop cable incorporating electric power wires, which was developed for a new π-system. The new system is called the power supply HUB π-system, in which commercial AC electric power is received at a central location of several optical network units (ONUs), and is distributed to each ONU by the aerial optical/electric drop cable. We describe the requirements for the cable, which guarantee a 20-year lifetime. We designed the cross-sectional structure of the cable, based on system requirements and operation requirements, and determined the strength wire type and diameter, based on the optical fiber failure prediction theory and a cable strain requirement. We confirmed that the cables, manufactured as a trial, have stable characteristics, which satisfy the above requirements. The optical/electric drop cables will be introduced in autumn 1999.

  • Design and Implementation of a High-Speed File Server Based on PC-UNIX

    Tetsuo TSUJIOKA  Kazuaki OBANA  Tetsuya ONODA  


    E82-C No:12

    Recent attractive high-speed networks require network file servers with high-speed read performance to deliver huge multimedia files, like voice or movie files. This paper proposes new design and implementation techniques that yield high-speed file servers based on UNIX. The techniques are request reduction, in which contiguous blocks on UNIX file system (UFS) are gathered for reducing the number of command requests from the file system to the device driver, and a direct access method for cutting through the buffer cache mechanism. A file server prototype based on a general-purpose personal computer (PC) is constructed and its performance is evaluated. The preliminary results show that the prototype achieves high-speed file read performance in excess of 100 Mbytes/s even on an OpenBSD PC-UNIX system with 3 RAID controllers and 9 hard drives in RAID level 0 configuration.

  • Reverse Link Capacity of a Wireless Multimedia CDMA System with Transmission Power Control and CCI Canceller

    Nasser HAMAD  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  


    E82-A No:12

    In this paper, system capacity of the reverse link of a wireless multimedia CDMA system with transmission power control is analysed for receivers with and without CCI cancellers. For N classes of users, system capacity is represented by a point in an N-dimensional space. It is shown that system capacity is improved considerably with CCI cancellers, that system capacity region is non-convex in general, and that its boundary is well approximated with a unique hyper plane when CCI cancellers are fully employed.

  • Uplink and Downlink Communications Qualities in CDMA Cellular Systems Considering Effects of Traffic Distribution

    Kohji TAKEO  Shinichi SATO  Akira OGAWA  


    E82-A No:12

    This paper describes the effects of traffic distributions on uplink and downlink communications qualities in CDMA cellular systems. Many researches have been done from the viewpoint of the system capacity under ideal conditions in both uplink and downlink. However, there are few studies regarding traffic distributions that concurrently affect the uplink and downlink quality. The characteristics in both links are different even in a spatially uniform traffic distribution because the system structures are not symmetric between both links. When non-uniform radio environments are assumed, both link qualities become very different from each other. It is therefore important to design systems in consideration of link-specific characteristics in whole service area. This paper clarifies the difference in both link characteristics in CDMA systems regarding traffic distributions.

  • A New Polling-Based Dynamic Slot Assignment Scheme for Broadband Wireless Access Systems

    Fusao NUNO  Yoichi MATSUMOTO  


    E82-B No:12

    This paper proposes a new polling-based dynamic slot assignment (DSA) scheme. With the rapid progress of wireless access systems, wireless data communication will become more and more attractive. In wireless data communication, an efficient DSA scheme is required to enhance system throughput, since the capacity of radio links is often smaller than that of wired links. A polling-based DSA scheme is typically used in centralized slot assignment control systems. It, however, is difficult to assign the slots to the targeted mobile terminals in a fair-share manner if only a polling-based scheme is used, especially in unbalanced-traffic circumstances, as revealed later. To solve this problem, we propose the exponential decreasing and proportional increasing rate control as is employed in available bit rate (ABR) service in ATM so that fair slot assignment is achieved even in heavily-unbalanced-traffic circumstances. Moreover, so that an AP operating with a large number of MTs can avoid long transmission delays, a polling-based resource request scheme with random access is featured in a new algorithm. Simulations verify that the proposed scheme offers fair slot assignment for each user while maintaining high throughput and short delay performance.

  • Stability Analysis for Global Performance of Flow Control in High-Speed Networks Based on Statistical Physics

    Masaki AIDA  Kenji HORIKAWA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:12

    This paper focuses on flow control in high-speed and large-scale networks. Each node in the network handles its local traffic flow only on the basis of the information it knows. It is preferable, however, that the decision making of each node leads to high performance of the whole network. To this end, the relationship between local decision making and global performance of flow control is the essential object. We propose phenomenological models of flow control of high-speed and large-scale networks, and investigate the stability of these models.

  • Software Traffic Management Architecture for Multimedia Flows over a Real-Time Microkernel

    Yoshito TOBE  Yosuke TAMURA  Hideyuki TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E82-B No:12

    Traffic management schemes such as Connection Admission Control (CAC), policing, and traffic shaping are important to provide multimedia communications with better Quality of Service (QoS). In the conventional model, admission control and policing are done at intermediate nodes, and traffic shaping is done at the edge of a network. However, QoS of communications should be defined between tasks or threads rather than between hosts. Therefore traffic management inside a host is as important as that in networks. We propose software-based traffic management architecture over a real-time microkernel. The architecture focuses on the interface between a network driver and user threads calling the driver. We categorized services of communication threads into three classes: Real-Time at Guaranteed Rate (RT-GR), Real-Time at Available Rate (RT-AR), and Best-Effort (BE). Our architecture is designed for an environment containing a mixture of these services. In the architecture, a sender periodic thread of RT-GR or RT-AR is executed such that the sending rate matches a user-specified rate. The network driver monitors the per-flow rate of injected data and discards the data if the injected rate exceeds the user-specified rate. To avoid the continuous discarding of data, the sending thread can adjust its sending rate by periodically looking at logged data concerning the rate. RT-AR service can achieve more than the specified rate when bandwidth is available. The scheme of software traffic management is effective in attaining higher throughput not only for full-duplex Ethernet but also for ATM because the difference of rate between hardware and software is reduced. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of the software-based traffic management architecture on Real-Time Mach. The results of performance evaluations demonstrate that our traffic management scheme performs well for full-duplex Ethernet.

  • Safe and Distributed Rate Admission with Over-Targeted SIR for Multimedia Mobile CDMA Systems

    Dongwoo KIM  


    E82-B No:12

    In future multimedia mobile communication systems, heterogeneous users will require very different and time-varying transmission rates. Thus, they should be supported with a novel approach that can accommodate the fluctuating data rates in wireless channels. In this paper, a simple method that is used to admit the rates successfully is proposed. The method is also distributed in a sense that it can be implemented at each mobile without any interaction with other mobiles. The method consists of power control with a higher SIR (signal to interference ratio) target and periodic adjustment of the data rate. We prove a good rate admission property of the proposed method and verify its performance with numerical investigation.

  • A Novel Error Control Algorithm for Reducing Transmission Delay in Real-Time Mobile Video Communication

    Naoto MATOBA  Yasushi KONDO  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  Toshiaki TANAKA  


    E82-B No:12

    This paper proposes a short delay, error-resilient video transmission scheme for mobile radio channels. Compressed video data are sensitive to channel error. Video coding schemes such as H. 263 use variable length coding so channel error can cause synchronization failure in the decoder and fatally degrade the reconstructed video sequence by triggering intra- and inter-frame error propagation. ARQ prevents all forms of error propagation but significantly increases the transmission delay of the video frame. We propose a new error control scheme to reduces the delay incurred by ARQ; the receiving buffer can transmits the video frame data to the video decoder even if not all ARQ frames containing the video frame are received. The encoder transmits additional information, the Macro Block (MB) size, in the video frame header. Upon receiving this information, the receiving buffer can determine MB length which allows MB de-synchronization to be prevented. For example, if an ARQ frame is lost, the decoder determines the position of the missing MB and replace this MB with the equivalent block in the previous video frame; this prevents intra-frame error propagation. When all ARQ frames are received and decoded correctly, the video frame in the reference video memory is replaced with the correctly decoded one. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can minimize the delay and the reduction in frame rate caused by retransmission control without intra- and inter-error propagation.

  • Utilizing Repair Cases of Home Electrical Appliances

    Satoshi HORI  Hiromitsu SUGIMATSU  Soshi FURUKAWA  Hirokazu TAKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E82-D No:12

    We have developed a diagnostic Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system, Doctor, which infers possible defects in a home electrical appliance and lists up necessary service parts. The CBR is suitable to build a diagnostic system for the field service because the CBR imitates how experienced service technicians infer and is able to learn defect trends and novel repair cases from a service report database. In order to apply a CBR system to this real-world problem, Our system has the following new features: (1) Its CBR mechanism utilizes not only repair cases, but also diagnostic rules that are elicited from human experts so that accurate diagnosis can be achieved. (2) Its casebase maintenance mechanism updates the casebase and adapts it to the changing real world.

  • A STC Design Based on D-L Networks for Discrete Unstructured Systems

    Yoon Sang KIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E82-A No:12

    This paper proposes a design method of STC for discrete unstructured systems based on D-L networks. The proposed scheme determines the control input composed of arbitrary system matrices of constructed D-L networks, and thus it makes it possible to design the STC for unstructured systems whose priori knowledges are not available. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides satisfactory performances both in MPS and NMPS for the STC design of unstructured systems.

  • Design of Optimal Array Processors for Two-Step Division-Free Gaussian Elimination

    Shietung PENG  Stanislav G. SEDUKHIN  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E82-D No:12

    The design of array processors for solving linear systems using two-step division-free Gaussian elimination method is considered. The two-step method can be used to improve the systems based on the one-step method in terms of numerical stability as well as the requirements for high-precision. In spite of the rather complicated computations needed at each iteration of the two-step method, we develop an innovative parallel algorithm whose data dependency graph meets the requirements for regularity and locality. Then we derive two-dimensional array processors by adopting a systematic approach to investigate the set of all admissible solutions and obtain the optimal array processors under linear time-space scheduling. The array processors is optimal in terms of the number of processing elements used.
