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  • Internet/Intranet Application Development System WebBASE and Its Evaluation

    Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  Ryuji KAWASAKI  Toshihiro MOTODA  Koji TOKUMARU  


    E81-D No:12

    There is increasing demand for corporate information systems that have a simple human interface and are easy to access via WWW browsers. This paper proposes WebBASE, which integrates the WWW and relational databases. Experimental evaluation shows that WebBASE offers superior performance compared to existing products. Field studies of actual WebBASE applications show that it can improve the productivity of software developers for intranet application development.

  • Initial Leveling of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System with an On-Line Robust Input Estimator

    Sou-Chen LEE  Cheng-Yu LIU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:11

    Initial leveling of strapdown inertial navigation system is a prerequisite work for distinguishing between gravity and acceleration effects in the accelerometer sensing's. This study presents an on-line methodology to resolve the initial leveling problem of a vehicle, which is subject to a large, long duration, and abrupt disturbance input with a deterministic nature under noisy circumstances. The developed method herein is the Kalman filter based scheme with a robust input estimator, generalized M estimator, and a testing criterion. The generalized M estimator identifies the unexpected disturbance inputs in real time. In addition, hypothetical testing based on the least-squares estimator is devised to detect the input's onset and presence. A required regression equation between the observed value of the residual sequence with an unknown input and theoretical residual sequence of the Kalman filter with no input is formulated. Input estimation and detection are then provided on the basis of the derived regression equation. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to assess the superior capabilities of the proposed method in term of rapid responses, accuracy, and robustness. The efficient initial leveling can facilitate the entire alignment of the inertial system.

  • Efficient Recovery from Communication Errors in Distributed Shared Memory Systems

    Jenn-Wei LIN  Sy-Yen KUO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:11

    This paper investigates the problem of communication errors in distributed shared memory (DSM) systems. Communication errors can introduce two critical problems: damage and loss. The damage problem makes the transmitted data destroyed and then produces incorrect computational results. The loss problem causes the transmitted data lost during transmission and then not received. However, the loss problem can be easily resolved using acknowledgement. Therefore, we focus on how to efficiently handle the damage problem. In DSM systems, the size of data transferred between nodes is larger than the size actually shared between nodes. That is, when a processing node receives data, not all the data items in this received data will be used. Based on this property, we present a new technique to resolve the data damage problem in DSM systems. This technique allows a processing node to continue computation without being blocked to wait for the correct data when it receives damaged data. Therefore, the latency for handling the data damage can be hidden. However, there is an optimistic assumption made in the proposed technique. If this optimistic assumption is not valid, the latency will not be hidden. To show the advantage and the overhead of the proposed technique, we perform extensive trace-driven simulations. The simulation results show that at least 62% of the latency for handling data damage can be hidden.

  • Blind Bispectral Estimation of the Transfer-Function Parameters of an All-Poles System from Output Measurements

    Antolino GALLEGO  Diego P. RUIZ  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:11

    This paper presents a variant of the "Third-Order Recursion (TOR)" method for bispectral estimation of transfer-function parameters of a non-minimum-phase all-poles system. The modification is based on the segmentation of system-output data into coupled records, instead of independent records. It consists of considering the available data at the left and the right of each record as not null and taking them as the data corresponding to the preceding and succeeding record respectively. The proposed variant can also be interpreted as a "Constrained Third-Order Mean (CTOM)" method with a new segmentation in overlap records. Simulation results show that this new segmentation procedure gives more precise system parameters than the TOR and CTOM methods, to be obtained. Finally, in order to justify the use of bispectral techniques, the influence of added white and colored Gaussian noise on the parameter estimation is also considered.

  • A Vehicular Driving Assistant System Using Spread Spectrum Techniques

    Ari WIDODO  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E81-A No:11

    In the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), it is an essential condition (mixed environment) that vehicles that have communication equipment and vehicles that do not have it simultaneously run in the same road. In this paper, a vehicular driving assistant system that is applicable to the mixed environment is proposed. The proposed system uses spread spectrum techniques and consists of several new systems such as a PN code assignment system, new vehicle position systems, and a vehicle map update system. In the proposed system, the wireless broadcast CDMA is used for inter-vehicle communications. This paper also shows preexaminations of the proposed system by using an autonomous traffic flow simulator including inter-vehicle communications. It is shown that the traffic safety can be improved by using inter-vehicle communications.

  • Code Assignment and the Multicode Sense Scheme in an Inter-Vehicle CDMA Communication Network

    Tomotaka NAGAOSA  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E81-A No:11

    This paper describes code assignment and the multicode sense scheme for an inter-vehicle CDMA communication network. When considering an inter-vehicle broadcasting CDMA communication network, spreading code assignment and notification problems arise. In such a CDMA network, the use of common codes is a solution. Then an objective function of common code assignment in an IVCN is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem. In addition, a multicode sense (MCS)/CDMA system is proposed as a simple code assignment scheme. Computer simulations show that the MCS/CDMA system can autonomously perform spatial rearrangement of the common codes using only local information that each vehicle can obtain by sensing the code channels.

  • Performance Comparison of M-Ary/SSMA Systems and DS/SSMA Systems in the Presence of Frequency Selective Fading and Partial-Band Interference

    Tsuyoshi ARAI  Hiromasa HABUCHI  


    E81-A No:11

    M-ary/SS systems are compared with DS/SS systems applied the multicarrier systems and the RAKE receiver in the presence of AWGN, frequency selective Rayleigh fading and partial-band interference. In particular, the BER performance and SSMA capability are evaluated. Consequently, the M-ary/SSMA system using the multicarrier techniques is subject to the M-ary/SSMA system with the RAKE receiver in the presence of partial-band interference. The BER performance of the M-ary/SSMA system is better than that of the DS/SSMA system when the number of users is smaller than 20. And the spectral efficiency of the multicarrier M-ary/SSMA system is best in the four systems when JSR=20 [dB] and BER=10-3.

  • A Theoretical Analysis of the Synchronous SS-CSC/CDMA System

    Kouji OHUCHI  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Toshio TAKEBAYASHI  


    E81-A No:11

    In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) performance of the Spread Spectrum communication with Constrained Spreading Code system is studied under the synchronous CDMA system. Particularly, BER considering the tracking error is derived by theoretical analysis. The synchronizing spreading sequence is employed to track the signals in the receiver. As the result, the BER performance is degraded by increasing the number of users. However, the BER performance can be improved by canceling the co-channel interference and by suppressing the cross-correlation value between the information spreading sequence and the synchronizing spreading sequence.

  • Integrated QoS Management: Cooperation of Processor Capacity Reserves and Traffic Management

    Yoshito TOBE  Hideyuki TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Media Management

    E81-B No:11

    When multiple flows including continuous media streams are simultaneously sent from a computer, allocation and management of both processor capacity and network bandwidth need to be considered. We propose a framework of Quality of Service (QoS) management inside a sending host that controls execution of sending threads in consideration of utilization of processor capacity and network bandwidth. To distinguish from flows which require only best-effort service, we call a flow which requires a specific rate of service "reserved flow. " To guarantee QoS of such reserved flow both in processor- and network-intensive cases in a sending host, processor capacity reserve is allocated such that the rate of each reserved flow is attained and non-conforming data are policed before they are transmitted. Processor Capacity Manager and the network device driver exchange information in a cooperative manner to support the rate adaptive allocation of processor capacity reserve. In this paper, we describe design and implementation of our framework on RT-Mach. The results of performance evaluations demonstrate that our scheme performs well for full-duplex Ethernet.

  • New Quasi-Synchronous Sequences for CDMA Slotted ALOHA Systems

    Masato SAITO  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  


    E81-A No:11

    One of unique features of CDMA slotted ALOHA (CDMA S-ALOHA) is that user must synchronize his transmission to given slot. Thus orthogonal sequence as spreading sequence would achieve ideal throughput if each of packets accomplish perfect synchronization. In the presence of any ambiguity in synchronizations, however, quasi-synchronous (QS) sequences suit well with CDMA S-ALOHA system. In this paper, we introduce new QS-sequences obtained from the orthogonal Gold sequences and discuss their performance when applying to CDMA S-ALOHA systems. As a result, withstanding to access timing error, good performance is ensured with this sequence under the environment of AWGN, MAI (multiple access interference) and frequency non-selective fading, that is, micro or pico cellular systems and indoor wireless LANs.

  • Constructing Identity-Based Key Distribution Systems over Elliptic Curves

    Hisao SAKAZAKI  Eiji OKAMOTO  Masahiro MAMBO  


    E81-A No:10

    A key distribution system is a system in which users securely generate a common key. One kind of identity-based key distribution system was proposed by E. Okamoto. Its security depends on the difficulty of factoring a composite number of two large primes like RSA public-key cryptosystem. Another kind of identity-based key distribution system was proposed by K. Nyberg, R. A. Rueppel. Its security depends on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem. On the other hand, Koblitz and Miller described how a group of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field can be used to construct a public key cryptosystem. In 1997, we proposed an ID-based key distribution system over an elliptic curve, as well as those over the ring Z/nZ. Its security depends on the difficulty of factoring a composite number of two large primes. We showed that this system over an elliptic curve is more suitable for the implementation than those over the ring Z/nZ. In this paper, we apply the Nyberg-Rueppel ID-based key distribution system to an elliptic curve. It provides relatively small block size and high security. This public key distribution system can be efficiently implemented. However the Nyberg-Rueppel's scheme requires relatively large data transmission. As a solution to this problem, we improve the scheme. This improved scheme is very efficient since data transferred for the common key generation is reduced to half of those in the Nyberg-Rueppel's scheme.

  • Small Planar Packaging System Combined with Card-On-Board Packaging for High-Speed, High-Density Switching Systems

    Tohru KISHIMOTO  Keiichi YASUNA  Hiroki OKA  Katsumi KAIZU  Sinichi SASAKI  Yasuo KANEKO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E81-B No:10

    An innovative small planar packaging(SPP)system is described that can be combined with card-on-board(COB)packaging in high-speed asynchronous transfer mode switching systems with throughput of over 40-Gb/s. The SPP system provides high I/O pin count density and high packaging density, combining the advantages of both planar packaging used in computer systems and COB packaging used in telecommunication systems. Using a newly developed quasi-coaxial zero-insertion-force connector, point-to-point 311 Mb/s of 8-bit parallel signal transmission is achieved in an arbitrary location on the SPP systems shelf. Also about 5400 I/O connections in the region of the planar packaging system are made, thus the SPP system effectively eliminates the I/O pin count limitation. Furthermore, the heat flux management capability of the SPP system is five times higher than of conventional COB packaging because of its air flow control structure. An SPP system can easily enlarge the switch throughput and it will be useful for future high-speed, high-throughput ATM switching systems.

  • Cooling Characteristics of Small Planar Packaging System Combined with Card-On-Board Packaging for High-Speed Telecommunication Systems

    Tohru KISHIMOTO  Yasuo KANEKO  


    E81-C No:10

    The small planar packaging (SPP) system described here can be combined with card-on-board (COB) packaging in high-speed asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching systems with throughput of over 40-Gb/s. The SPP system provides high I/O pin count density, high packaging density and high cooling capability. Prototype SPP system with air flow control structure for switching MCMs is constructed. Each MCM contained a 35 array of low thermal resistance butt-lead pin-grid-array on a glass ceramic substrate measuring 100170 mm with a plate fin heat-sink. This allows a power dissipation of more than 125 W per MCM, and 300 W per printed circuit board (PCB). Obtained board level heat flux density of the SPP system is 0. 37 W/cm2, which is six times that of conventional COB packaging. The SPP system combined with the COB packaging provides a small system foot-print and compact hardware for high-speed, large capacity ATM switching systems. This high-performance air cooling technology will be especially useful for future broadband ISDN high-speed switching systems.

  • On the Security of the Improved Knapsack Cryptosystem

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Hatsukazu TANAKA  

    LETTER-Coded Modulation/Security

    E81-A No:10

    We discuss the security of the improved knapsack cryptosystem that Kobayashi and Kimura have proposed. Two attacking methods for their cryptosystem are proposed; one is the method for obtaining secret keys from public keys by using the continued fraction, and the other is for decrypting the ciphertext without knowing secret keys. We show that their cryptosystem is not secure against these attacks.

  • Error Rate Performance of Trellis Coded PR4ML System for Digital Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure

    Hidetoshi SAITO  Masaichi TAKAI  Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  Hisashi OSAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks/Signal Processing/Information Storage

    E81-A No:10

    In general, the performance of partial response maximum-likelihood (PRML) system is degraded by nonlinear distortion and high frequency noise in high-density digital magnetic recording. Conventional PRML system for single-track recording improves the performance when high order PRML systems and high rate codes are adopted. But, in general it is difficult to realize LSI circuits for high order PRML system and high rate code. In this paper, a trellis coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (TC-PR4ML) system for high density two-track digital magnetic recording is proposed. Our two-track recording method can increase the coding rate over 1, which contributes to a decrease in both degradation effects from partial erasure, one of nonlinear distortions, and high frequency noise in high density recording. The error rate performance of the proposed system is obtained by computer simulation taking account of the partial erasure and it is compared with that of a conventional NRZ coded class four partial response maximum-likelihood (NRZ-PR4ML) system. The results show that the proposed system is hardly affected by partial erasure and keeps good performance in high density recording.

  • High-Temperature Superconducting Microstrip Line Filter for Mobile Telecommunication

    Yoshiki UENO  Kenshi SAITO  Nobuyoshi SAKAKIBARA  Mitsunari OKAZAKI  Masayuki AOKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Analog Applications

    E81-C No:10

    Large-area high-temperature superconducting films and damage-free processing techniques have been developed to fabricate low insertion loss and sharp skirt filters for mobile telecommunication. An off-axis-type dc sputtering method was employed to deposit Y-Ba-Cu-O films on both sides of the substrate. The surface resistance of the films was about 0. 35 mΩ(at 70 K and 10 GHz). An 11-pole bandpass receiving filter for the IS-95 telecommunication system was designed and fabricated using 60 mm 50 mm YBCO films on a 0. 5-mm-thick MgO substrate. The passband insertion loss at 70 K was about 0. 1 dB with 0. 1 dB ripple. The third-order intercept point of the filter was 49. 5 dBm. We have assembled the filter and a low-noise amplifier in a dewar with a cryocooler. Ultralow-noise performance (noise figure: 0. 5 dB at 70 K) was presented by the cryogenic filter subsystem.

  • A Single DSP System for High Quality Enhancement of Diver's Speech

    Daoud BERKANI  Hisham HASSANEIN  Jean-Pierre ADOUL  

    PAPER-Neural Networks/Signal Processing/Information Storage

    E81-A No:10

    The development of saturation diving in civil and defense applications has enabled man to work in the sea at great depths and for long periods of time. This advance has resulted, in part, as a consequence of the substitution of helium for nitrogen in breathing gas mixtures. However, utilization of HeO2 breathing mixture at high ambient pressures has caused problems in speech communication; in turn, helium speech enhancement systems have been developed to improve diver communication. These speech unscramblers attempt to process variously the grossly unintelligible speech resulting from the effect of breathing mixtures and ambient pressure, and to reconstruct such signals in order to provide adequate voice communication. It is known that the glottal excitation is quasi-periodic and the vocal tract filter is quasi-stationary. Hence, it is possible to use an auto regressive modelisation to restore speech intelligibility in hyperbaric conditions. Corrections are made on the vocal tract transfer function, either in the frequency domain, or directly on the autocorrelation function. A spectral subtraction or noise reduction may be added to improve speech quality. A new VAD enhanced helium speech unscrambler is proposed for use in adverse conditions or in speech recognition. This system, implementable on single chip DSP of current technology, is capable to work in real time.

  • Conference Key Supervision in a Level-Based Hierarchy

    Ching-Te WANG  Chin-Chen CHANG  Chu-Hsing LIN  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E81-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose a new conference key distribution scheme and the supervision of a conference when users are in a level-based hierarchy. In a conference key distribution system, one message is transmitted to the participants from a chairman, a legitimate member can decrypt it and reveal the common session key. The proposed scheme can be implemented without using any tamper-proof hardware. For users in a level-based hierarchy, by applying the key distribution scheme, the higher priority users can derive the conference key and supervise the lower level users' communications. Further, the users in the same level who are not members of the conference or in lower levels can not expose the conference key. To break the common session key, a malicious user has to suffer from the difficulty of factorization and discrete logarithm problems.

  • Error Correcting Capability of Constant Amplitude Coding for Orthogonal Multi-Code CDMA Systems

    Tadahiro WADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E81-A No:10

    In this paper, we discuss the error correcting capability of the constant amplitude coding. In orthogonal multi-code CDMA systems, the transmitted signal has large amplitude fluctuation and the amplitude fluctuation causes large nonlinear distortion. In order to avoid the amplitude fluctuation, we have proposed "constant amplitude coding" in our previous study. The constant amplitude coding can achieve constant amplitude transmission by utilizing the redundancy of the coding, i. e. , the coding can have an error correcting effect. In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of the error correcting capability of the constant amplitude coding and show that the constant amplitude coding is very effective against nonlinear distortion under the consideration of the error correcting capability.

  • A Universal Single-Authority Election System

    Chin-Laung LEI  Chun-I FAN  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E81-A No:10

    Privacy, voter uncoercibility, collision freedom, verifiability, and tally correctness are essential properties of modern electronic election systems. None of the single-authority election systems proposed in the literatures achieves all the above five properties. In this paper we propose a universal single-authority election system that satisfies the five properties. In particular, the privacy of each voter is protected against the authority and other voters, and no voter can coerce any other voter into changing the value of his vote in our proposed system. We also show that it is impossible for a collision-free single-authority election system to possess the voter uncoercibility and authority uncoercibility at the same time.
