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  • Supervisory Rate-Based Flow Control of ATM Networks for ABR Services

    Kwang-Hyun CHO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:6

    A new approach for the flow control of available bit rate service in ATM network is proposed using supervisory control theory upon discrete event models. According to the approach, each rate controller adjusts the input source traffic within a specific zone decided by the supervisor. In this way, the proposed control scheme ensures congestion avoidance and the maximal successful transmission rate of the input source traffic in a fair manner upon a simplistic way of explicit rate setting for resource management cells.

  • Improvement of Carrier to Noise Ratio in Subcarrier Multiple Access Optical Networks Using Temperature Uncontrolled Fabry-Perot Laser Diodes

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  Susumu MORIKURA  Kuniaki UTSUMI  Katsuyuki FUJITO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E81-B No:6

    We demonstrate that the frequency modulated video signals in the subcarrier multiple access optical network can be satisfactorily transmitted using our proposed method, that broadens an optical spectrum by multiplying the subcarrier signals by an additional signal and that reduces optical beat interference, even if the wavelengths of four Fabry-Perot laser diodes are very close each other.

  • Error Performance and ATM Cell Transfer Characteristics in Relocatable Wireless Access Systems

    Akira HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E81-B No:6

    Error performance as well as ATM cell transfer characteristics in a new category of wireless access systems is discussed. Relocatable wireless access with neutral feature between the fixed and mobile systems can convey Mbit/s-order capacity with fairly high quality under line-of-sight propagation. It is an important question for such wireless access systems whether they are able to form a part of wired networks satisfying performance objectives specified in ITU-T Recommendations. This paper analyzes the characteristics of relocatable systems under Gamma-distribution fading environments, and clarifies quantitative relations between Bit Error Rate (BER), Severely Errored Second (SES), Errored Second (ES) and Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) in a calculation model employing QPSK and typical HEC (Header Error Control). Thus it is demonstrated for the first time that in most cases the dominant parameter is the SES objective. Also it will be possible for a relocatable system with appropriate fade margin to meet the ITU-T performance specifications.

  • Bidirectional Rod Antennas Comprising Collinear Antenna and Parasitic Elements

    Keizo CHO  Toshikazu HORI  Hajime TOZAWA  Shinji KIYA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:6

    This paper proposes a novel bidirectional rod antenna (BIRA) comprising a collinear antenna and parasitic wires as a base station antenna for a street microcell. The spacing between the collinear antenna and the parasitic wire, and the length of the parasitic wires, which are the design parameters obtaining a bidirectional pattern, are investigated using the moment method. The results show that wide spacing enlarges the bandwidth obtaining the bidirectional pattern, however it decreases the gain. Furthermore, to enlarge the bandwidth, a BIRA with arc parasitic plates whose radius is the same as that of the radome is also proposed. The configuration can be constructed using the same exterior as the BIRA with parasitic wires. It is also shown that the arc parasitic plates enlarge the bandwidth in proportion to the area projected onto the tangential plane at the center of the arc. Finally, a prototype of the proposed antenna is shown.

  • Reflection Characteristics Measurement from a Truck and a Passenger Car at 60 GHz Frequency Band

    Hiroyuki ISHIZAKA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Hisashi HIGASHI  


    E81-C No:6

    Recently, studies and developments of Collision Warning System (CWS) have attracted widely a particular attention among various wave applications at 60 GHz frequency band. Major performance of the CWS is given by the maximum detection range, the minimum detectable width and accuracy of detection distance. Since the maximum detection range and the minimum detectable width depend on a size of a target, it is important to know Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the target. RCS data should be measured so-called far field condition (greater than a few hundreds meters), while CWS is usually used in the range of 20-100 m. Therefore, a measurement of the reflection characteristics in shorter distance should be necessarily known. In this study, we present reflection characteristics of a medium size truck and a passenger car measured in open field at 60 GHz frequency. It is concludingly described that the reflection characteristics of the passenger car and the medium size truck are 13-18 dBm2 and 15-32 dBm2, respectively, for a case of horizontal polarization.

  • Application of Genetic Programming to System Modeling from Input-Output Data

    Sermsak UATRONGJIT  Nobuo FUJII  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E81-A No:5

    A new approach for generating a system model from its input-output data is presented. The model is approximated as a linear combination of simple basis functions. The number of basis functions is kept as small as possible to prevent over-fitting and to make the model efficiently computable. Based on these conditions, genetic programming is employed for the generation and selection of the appropriate basis. Since the obtained model can be expressed in simple mathematical expressions, it is suitable for using the model as a macro or behavior model in system level simulation. Experimental results are shown.

  • A Method for Design of Embedded Systems for Multimedia Applications

    Katsuhiko SEO  Hisao KOIZUMI  Barry SHACKLEFORD  Masashi MORI  Takashi KUSUHARA  Hirotaka KIMURA  Fumio SUZUKI  


    E81-C No:5

    This paper proposes a top-down co-verification approach in the design of embedded systems composed of both hardware and software, for multimedia applications. In order to realize the optimized embedded system in cost, performance, power consumption and flexibility, hardware/software co-design becomes to be essential. In this top-down co-design flow, a target design is verified at three different levels: (1) algorithmic, (2) implementation, and (3) experimental. We have developed a methodology of top-down co-verification, which consists of the system level simulation at the algorithmic level, two type of co-simulations at the implementation level and the co-emulation at the experimental level. We have realized an environment optimized for verification performance by employing verification models appropriate to each verification stage and an efficient top-down environment by introducing the component logical bus architecture as the interface between hardware and software. Through actual application to a image compression and expansion system, the possibility of efficient co-verification was demonstrated.

  • Polling-Based Real-Time Software for MPEG2 System Protocol LSIs

    Jiro NAGANUMA  Makoto ENDO  


    E81-C No:5

    This paper proposes polling-based real-time software for MPEG2 System protocol LSIs, which is a typical embedded and real-time system on a chip, and demonstrates its performance and usefulness. The polling-based real-time software is designed and optimized by analyzing application specific function requirements and deciding scheduling intervals and the execution cycles of each task. It requires neither hardware for multiple interrupt handling nor software for heavy context switching. The polling-based approach provides sufficient performance without any hardware and software overhead for a real-time application like the MPEG2 System protocol.

  • A Design Method of Odd-Channel Linear-Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks with a Lattice Structure

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:5

    In this letter, a design method of linear-phase paraunitary filter banks is proposed for an odd number of channels. In the proposed method, a non-linear unconstrained optimization process is assumed to be applied to a lattice structure which makes the starting guess of design parameters simple. In order to avoid insignificant local minimum solutions, a recursive initialization procedure is proposed. The significance of our proposed method is verified by some design examples.

  • Computer Simulation of Feedback Induced Noise in Semiconductor Lasers Operating with Self-Sustained Pulsation

    Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Quantum Electronics

    E81-C No:5

    Theoretical calculations of the pulsing operation and the intensity noise under the optical feedback are demonstrated for operation of the self-sustained pulsation lasers. Two alternative models for the optical feedback effect, namely the time delayed injection model and the external cavity model, are applied in a combined manner to analyze the phenomena. The calculation starts by supposing the geometrical structure of the laser and the material parameters, and are ended by evaluating the noise. Characteristics of the feedback induced noise for variations of the operating parameters, such as the injection current, the feedback distance and the feedback ratio, are examined. A comparison to experimental data is also given to ensure accuracy of the calculation.

  • Index Reduction of Overlapping Strongly Sequential Systems

    Takashi NAGAYA  Masahiko SAKAI  Yoshihito TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:5

    Huet and Levy showed that index reduction is a normalizing strategy for every orthogonal strongly sequential term rewriting system. Toyama extended this result to root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems. In this paper, we present a class including all root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems and show that index reduction is normalizing for this class. We also propose a class of left-linear (possibly overlapping) NV-sequential systems having a normalizing strategy.

  • Large Scale Embedded DRAM Technology

    Akira YAMAZAKI  Tadato YAMAGATA  Yutaka ARITA  Makoto TANIGUCHI  Michihiro YAMADA  


    E81-C No:5

    The features for the integration of 1Tr/1C DRAM and logic for graphic and multimedia applications are surveyed. The key circuit/process technology for large scale embedded DRAM cores is described. The methods to improve transistor performance and gate density are shown. Noise immunity design and easy customization techniques are also introduced.

  • Efficient Linearizable Implementation of Shared FIFO Queues and General Objects on a Distributed System

    Michiko INOUE  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Nobuki TOKURA  


    E81-A No:5

    We consider linearizable implementations of shared FIFO queues and general deterministic objects on a distributed message-passing system which provides a real-time timer. The efficiency of an implementation is measured by the worst-case response time res_time(op) for each operation op of the implemented objects. We show the following results under the assumption that all message delays are in the range [d-u,d] for some constants d and u (0 u d). We first present an implementation of deterministic objects with res_time(opa)=u for any ack-type operation opa and res_time(opv)=2d for any val-type operation opv, where an ack-type operation is an operation which always returns a unique response and a val-type operation is an operation which is not ack-type. We also consider an implementation of FIFO queues, which have two kinds of operations, enq(v) and deq. We show that, for any implementation of FIFO queues, (1) res_time(enq(v)) u(n-1)/n holds for some v where n is the number of processes, and (2) res_time(deq) d+u/2 holds in the case of u (2/3)d.

  • Fault-Tolerant Hypercubes with Small Degree

    Toshinori YAMADA  Shuichi UENO  


    E81-A No:5

    For a given N-vertex graph H, a graph G obtained from H by adding t vertices and some edges is called a t-FT (t-fault-tolerant) graph for H if even after deleting any t vertices from G, the remaining graph contains H as a subgraph. For the n-dimensional cube Q(n) with N vertices, a t-FT graph with an optimal number O(tN+t2) of added edges and maximum degree of O(N+t), and a t-FT graph with O(tNlog N) added edges and maximum degree of O(tlog N) have been known. In this paper, we introduce some t-FT graphs for Q(n) with an optimal number O(tN+t2) of added edges and small maximum degree. In particular, we show a t-FT graph for Q(n) with 2ctN+ct2((logN)/C)C added edges and maximum degree of O(N/(logC/2N))+4ct.

  • Design of Filter Using Covariance Information in Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems with Nonlinear Observation Mechanism

    Seiichi NAKAMORI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:5

    This paper proposes a new design method of a nonlinear filtering algorithm in continuous-time stochastic systems. The observed value consists of nonlinearly modulated signal and additive white Gaussian observation noise. The filtering algorithm is designed based on the same idea as the extended Kalman filter is obtained from the recursive least-squares Kalman filter in linear continuous-time stochastic systems. The proposed filter necessitates the information of the autocovariance function of the signal, the variance of the observation noise, the nonlinear observation function and its differentiated one with respect to the signal. The proposed filter is compared in estimation accuracy with the MAP filter both theoretically and numerically.

  • Synchronization of Electric Fireflies by Using Square Wave Generators

    Takuji KOUSAKA  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  Tetsushi UETA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:4

    In this article, we propose a square wave generator whose switching threshold values are switched by external inputs. This circuit is designed to simulate the synchronized luminescence of coupled fireflies. We investigate the behavior of the solutions in two coupled oscillators. The dynamics are demonstrated by a linear autonomous equation piecewisely, therefore, a one-dimensional return map is derived. We also prove the existence of stable in-phase synchronization in the coupled oscillator by using the return map, and we show the existence of regions of periodic solutions within a parameter space. Some theoretical results are confirmed by laboratory measurements.

  • Specification and Validation of a Dynamically Reconfigurable System

    Kaoru TAKAHASHI  Toshihiko ANDO  Toshihisa KANO  Goichi ITABASHI  Yasushi KATO  


    E81-A No:4

    In a distributed concurrent system such as a computer communication network, the system components communicate with each other via communication links in order to accomplish a desired distributed application. If the links are dynamically established among the components, the system configuration as well as its behavior becomes complex. In this paper, we give formal specification of such a dynamically reconfigurable system in which the components are modeled by communicating finite state machines executed concurrently with the communication links which are dynamically established and disconnected. We also present an algorithm to validate the safety and link-related properties in the specified behavior. Finally, we design and implement a simulator and a validator that enables execution and validation of the given specification, respectively.

  • A Cooperation Method via Metaphor of Explanation

    Tetsuya YOSHIDA  Koichi HORI  Shinichi NAKASUKA  


    E81-A No:4

    This paper proposes a new method to improve cooperation in concurrent systems within the framework of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). Since subsystems work concurrently, achieving appropriate cooperation among them is important to improve the effectiveness of the overall system. When subsystems are modeled as agents, it is easy to explicitly deal with the interactions among them since they can be modeled naturally as communication among agents with intended information. Contrary to previous approaches which provided the syntax of communication protocols without semantics, we focus on the semantics of cooperation in MAS and aim at allowing agents to exploit the communicated information for cooperation. This is attempted by utilizing more coarse-grained communication based on the different perspective for the balance between formality and richness of communication contents so that each piece of communication contents can convey more meaningful information in application domains. In our approach agents cooperate each other by giving feedbacks based on the metaphor of explanation which is widely used in human interactions, in contrast to previous approaches which use direct orders given by the leader based on the pre-defined cooperation strategies. Agents show the difference between the proposal and counter-proposals for it, which are constructed with respect to the former and given as the feedbacks in the easily understandable terms for the receiver. From the comparison of proposals agents retrieve the information on which parts are agreed and disagreed by the relevant agents, and reflect the analysis in their following behavior. Furthermore, communication contents are annotated by agents to indicate the degree of importance in decision making for them, which contributes to making explanations or feedbacks more understandable. Our cooperation method was examined through experiments on the design of micro satellites and the result showed that it was effective to some extent to facilitate cooperation among agents.

  • A New Verification Method Using Virtual System States for Responsive Communication Protocols and Its Application to a Broadcasting Protocol

    Shin'ichi NAGANO  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E81-A No:4

    Verification of responsive communication protocols is to determine whether they can recover to a normal state within a predetermined time, even when they enter an abnormal state due to any fault. In this paper, we propose a new verification method for responsive communication protocols using virtual system states, each of which represents several system states. Next, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new method, we develop a verification tool based on the proposed method. Then we apply the tool to a broadcasting protocol and measure several metrics on the tool. The experimental results show that (1) the number of system states, (2) the amount of memory used by the tool, and (3) the execution time of the tool, can be drastically reduced.

  • Properties of Ferroelectric Memory with Ir System Materials as Electrodes

    Naoki IZUMI  Yoshikazu FUJIMORI  Takashi NAKAMURA  Akira KAMISAWA  


    E81-C No:4

    Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT) thin films were prepared on various electrodes. When Ir system materials were used as electrodes, fatigue properties of PZT thin films were improved. Moreover, in the case of the PZT thin film on an Ir/IrO2 electrode, not only fatigue but imprint properties were clearly improved. We could find these improvements were caused by good barrier effect of IrO2 from secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis. By applying these Ir system electrodes, we fabricated stacked capacitors on polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) plugs. In spite of high temperature thermal processing, we found poly-Si plugs were ohmically connected with the bottom electrodes of the capacitors from hysteresis measurements and I-V characteristics, and could greatly expect them for practical use.
