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  • The Role of Coherence in Regulating the Time-Asymmetry of a Spectral Predictive Discrimination Model


    LETTER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E78-D No:11

    The coherence in the time movement of the spectral vector sequence is modelled by a vector linear predictor. Such a model of the stop consonant transition is used for discrimination of the places of articulation of/ba/,/dha/,/da/, and/ga/. The effect of cross-channel correlation in giving improved recognition performance and also in reducing the time asymmetry of the predictive recognizer is studied. The high recognition score of vector model and the considerable differnce in the forward reverse score of the scalar model than a vecter model is highlighted in this study on a speech data of a set of four speakers.

  • Architecture and Storage Structure of an Interactive Multimedia Information System

    Ryoji KATAOKA  Tetsuji SATOH  Ushio INOUE  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This paper describes the architecture and storage structure of a new interactive multimedia information system called VideoReality. VideoReality is based on a visual conducting model, which describes the information retrieval process that occurs when people observe visible objects in the real world. VideoReality provides a spatial and temporal spread of a virtual video space from a set of stored video streams. The video space has a three-layered structure similar to that of the ANSI/X3/SPARC three-schema architecture. Users can move their eyes and watch objects freely in the video space, just as if they were viewing the real world. This paper also presents a prototype application system called Electronic Aquarium'

  • An Object-Oriented Approach to Temporal Multimedia Data Modeling

    Yoshifumi MASUNAGA  


    E78-D No:11

    This paper discusses an object-oriented approach to temporal multimedia data modeling in OMEGA; a multimedia database management under development at the University of Library and Information Science. An object-orientated approach is necessary to integrate various types of heterogeneous multimedia data, but it has become clear that current object-oriented data models are not sufficient to represent multimedia data, particularly when they are temporal. For instance, the current object-oriented data models cannot describe objects whose attribute values change time-dependently. Also, they cannot represent temporal relationships among temporal multimedia objects. We characterize temporal objects as instances of a subclass of class TimeInterval with the temporal attributes and the temporal relationships. This temporal multimedia data model is designed upward compatible with the ODMG-93 standard object model. To organize a temporal multimedia database, a five temporal axes model for representing temporal multimedia objects is also introduced. The five temporal axes--an absolute, an internal, a quasi-, a physical, and a presentation time axis--are necessary to describe time-dependent properties of multimedia objects in modeling, implementing and use. A concrete example of this organization method is also illustrated.

  • The Skipping Technique: A Simple and Fast Algorithm to Find the Pitch in CELP Vocoder

    JooHun LEE  MyungJin BAE  Souguil ANN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:11

    A fast pitch search algorithm using the skipping technique is proposed to reduce the computation time in CELP vocoder. Based on the characteristics of the correlation function of speech signal, the proposed algorithm skips over certain ranges in the full pitch search range in a simple way. Though the search range is reduced, high speech quality can be maintained since those lags having high correlation values are not skipped over and are used for search by closed-loop analysis. To improve the efficiency of the proposed method, we develop three variants of the skipping technique. The experimental results show that the proposed and the modified algorithm can reduce the computation time in the pitch search considerably, over 60% reduction compared with the traditional full search method.

  • Data Model and Architecture of Multimedia Database for Engineering Applications

    Hiroshi ARISAWA  Takashi TOMII  Hitoshi YUI  Hidehiko ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This papaer presents a data model and the database system architecture to handle multimedia data, especially video (or image sequence) data. A new scheme AIS diagram" is introduced, by which all informations about entities and relationships among bitmap frames or textual informations are described in a uniform way. We focus on the integration of engineering data. The most important problem to be solved is how to capture the objects" in each frame and to represent them in the data model. For this purpose we propose physical cut" and logical cut" as a unit of information in image sequences and, using those concepts, we developed a prototype system for multimedia data processing on a conventional database system.

  • Improvement of Performance by Method for Predicting Targets in Pointing by Mouse

    Atsuo MURATA  


    E78-A No:11

    Two method to predict targets which a user is about to point with a mouse on the basis of the trajectory of the mouse cursor were proposed. The effects of the interval between targets, the position of targets, the sampling interval and the number of sampling on the pointing time and the prediction accuracy were investigated. In both methods, the distance between targets had little effects on the pointing time. The prediction accuracy was found to be affected by the position of targets. In both prediction methods, the angle between the cursor movement vector and the vector which connects the current cursor position and the center of each target is calculated every st. As for Prediction Method1 that regards the target which correspond to the minimum angle continuously 5 times as the candidate target, the optimal condition of the sampling interval was found to be 0.06 sec or 0.08 sec. Concerning Prediction Method2 that calculates the angle n times and determines the minimum cumulative value as the candidate, the optimal condition of the number of sampling was 8.

  • Prediction of Chaotic Time Series with Noise

    Tohru IKEGUCHI  Kazuyuki AIHARA  


    E78-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose algorithm of deterministic nonlinear prediction, or a modified version of the method of analogues which was originally proposed by E.N. Lorenz (J. Atom. Sci., 26, 636-646, 1969), and apply it to the artificial time series data produced from nonlinear dynamical systems and further corrupted by superimposed observational noise. The prediction performance of the present method are investigated by calculating correlation coefficients, root mean square errors and signature errors and compared with the prediction algorithm of local linear approximation method. As a result, it is shown that the prediction performance of the proposed method are better than those of the local linear approximation especially in case that the amount of noise is large.

  • Multimedia Notebook: Information Capturing Technologies for Portable Computers

    Ryuichi MATSUKURA  Motomitsu ADACHI  Soichi OKADA  Kyoko KAMIKURA  Yasuhide MATSUMOTO  Tsuneo KATSUYAMA  


    E78-B No:10

    Information capture is a very desirable and important function in portable computers. The "Multimedia Notebook" is a portable tool for capturing information in multimedia format, which includes photos, voice, and handwritten memos. Recent portable units, sometimes called PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) or Communicators, have PIM (Personal Information Manager) software and some communication facility. Their purpose is to enlarge the desktop environment to follow the user outside the office. This is one application of portable equipment, however we felt that hand-held equipment can also be used for more general information capture. In the past, information capture was limited, because people had to carry bulky equipment to the information source. Recent portable computers that have the capability to handle still and motion pictures, voice, and handwritten drawings allow the implementation of more information capture capabilities. Capture of handwritten notes has already been implemented on portable equipment like PDAs. However, this application doesn't make the most of its potential. We feel that the Multimedia Notebook should integrate handwritten memos with pictures and voice. The advantage is that users can capture what they watch and hear easily in a variety of media for later review. The information in each medium complements the others. When arranging the recorded information, it is easy to use each medium efficiently. We have examined the human interface and designed it for user-friendliness and to be comparable to pen and paper. The prototypes also have a capture buffer which can operate continuously to capture voice and pictures that would otherwise be lost because of the user's delay in starting to record.

  • Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Neural Networks

    Klaus-Robert MÜLLER  Jens KOHLMORGEN  Klaus PAWELZIK  


    E78-A No:10

    We present a framework for the unsupervised segmentation of time series. It applies to non-stationary signals originating from different dynamical systems which alternate in time, a phenomenon which appears in many natural systems. In our approach, predictors compete for data points of a given time series. We combine competition and evolutionary inertia to a learning rule. Under this learning rule the system evolves such that the predictors, which finally survive, unambiguously identify the underlying processes. The segmentation achieved by this method is very precise and transients are included, a fact, which makes our approach promising for future applications.

  • A New Scheduling Scheme in Responsive Systems

    Seongbae EUN  Seung Ryoul MAENG  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:10

    The integration of both real-time systems and fault-tolerant systems has been emerged as one of the greatest challenges of this decade. It is called a responsive system, which has the objective to optimeze both timeliness and reliability. The performance measure in responsive systems is responsiveness that tells how probable a system executes correctly on time with faults occurred. While there have been some achievements in communication protocols and specification, we believe that scheduling problems in responsive systems are not understood deeply and sufficiently, yet. In this paper, we discuss the scheduling problem in responsive systems. At first, we investigate the issues in the scheduling and propose the precise definition of the responsiveness. We also suggest a scheduling algorithm called Responsive Earliest Deadline First (REDF) for preemptive aperiodic tasks in a uniprocessor system. We show that REDF is optimal to obtain the maximum responsiveness, and the time complexity is analyzed to be (N 2N). By illustrating a contradictory example, it is shown that REDF can be enhanced if a constraint on tasks is released.

  • Signal Dependent Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Signal Representations Designed Using the Radon Transform

    Branko RISTIC  Boualem BOASHASH  


    E78-A No:9

    Time-frequency representations (TFRs) have been developed as tools for analysis of non-stationary signals. Signal dependent TFRs are known to perform well for a much wider range of signals than any fixed (signal independent) TFR. This paper describes customised and sequential versions of the signal dependent TFR proposed in [1]. The method, which is based on the use of the Radon transform at distance zero in the ambiguity domain, is simple and effective in dealing with both simulated and real data. The use of the described method for time-scale analysis is also presented. In addition, the paper investigates a simple technique for detection of noisy chirp signals using the Radon transfrom in the ambiguity domain.

  • A Computer Supported System of Meetings Using a Model of Inter-Personal Communication

    Tomofumi UETAKE  Morio NAGATA  


    E78-D No:9

    Information systems to support cooperative work among people should be first designed to help humam communication. However, there are few systems based on the analysis of human communication. Standing on this situation, we propose a meeting support system for the participants' understandings by indicating the suitable information about the topic of the scene". Our system provides only useful information by monitoring each statement without complex methods. To show something useful multi-media information for members, we propose the following structure of the meeting on the basis of the analysis of communication. Each statement is classified into two levels, either; a statement about the progress" of the meeting (context-level utterances) or, a statement about objects" (content-level utterances). Further, content-level utterances are classified into two types, position utterances and argument utterances. Using this classification of statements, the proceeding of the meeting is represented as the tree model which is called a context-tree". If the structure of meetings is fixed, it is possible to select only useful information from all shared information for members by analyzing each content-level utterance. The system introduced in this paper shows appropriate multi-media information about the topic of the scene" by using the above model. We have implemented a prototype system based on the above ideas. Moreover, we have mode some experiments to show the effectiveness of this system. Those results show that our method is effective to improve the productivity" of meetings.

  • Connection-Based Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexed Network with Time Slot Rearrangement

    Tazuko TOMIOKA  Shigeru OHSHIMA  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E78-B No:9

    We have proposed a connection-based optical wavelength division multiplexing network architecture. For the networks such as inter-office LANs, the guarantee of the bandwidths of connection-oriented calls is necessary. Notable features of the network are that multicast can be executed without copying the same data, and that time slots are rearrangeable to increase the throughput. The topology is passive star and a network controller (NWC) is connected to manage the time slot assignment. Each station's transmitting wavelength is fixed and is different from that of other stations. Each receiver changes the receiving wavelength slot by slot. Stations reserve time slots with permission of the NWC. Once a time slot is reserved the station can use the slot in every frame until the reservation is cancelled. This feature guarantees the bandwidths of connection-oriented calls. Upon receiving a time slot request, the NWC searches for a not-in-use slot common to the source station's transmitter (Tx) and the destination station's receiver (Rx). If there is no common empty slot and both the Tx and the Rx have empty slots, the NWC rearranges the already allocated time slots to create a new common empty slot. Simulations were performed to estimate the blocking rates for various cases of call bandwidth including multi-bitrate (the case in which various bandwidth calls are generated in a network) and multicast call, the calculation load of the NWC when it assigns a time slot including rearrangement, and the success rate of rearrangement. It was found that the blocking rate with the rearrangement is greatly reduced (1/10) compared with the case without rearrangement of the same throughput when the number of slots in a frame is more than 120, the number of stations in the network is 60 and the blocking rate without the rearrangement is less than 10-2. Over 100 Gbps throughput can be achieved when the number of slots in a frame is 120-240, the number of stations is 60, the bitrate of a transmitter is 2.5Gbps and the blocking rate is about 10-2. The rearrangement is especially effective in the case of multi-bitrate in which the blocking rate can be reduced to 1/100 that of the case without rearrangement at some point. It is also shown that a slot assignment including rearrangement can be executed sufficiently quickly (5s). These results indicate that practical realization of this access control architecture is possible.

  • Identification of a Class of Time-Varying Nonlinear System Based on the Wiener Model with Application to Automotive Engineering

    Jonathon C. RALSTON  Abdelhak M. ZOUBIR  Boualem BOASHASH  


    E78-A No:9

    We consider the identification of a class of systems which are both time-varying and nonlinear. Time-varying nonlinear systems are often encountered in practice, but tend to be avoided due to the difficulties that arise in modelling and estimation. We study a particular time-varying polynomial model, which is a member of the class of time-varying Wiener models. The model can characterise both time-variation and nonlinearity in a straightforward manner, without requiring an excessively large number of coefficients. We formulate a procedure to find least-squares estimates of the model coefficients. An advantage of the approach is that systems with rapidly changing dynamics can be characterised. In addition, we do not require that the input is stationary or Gaussian. The approach is validated with an application to an automobile modelling problem, where a time-varying nonlinear model is seen to more accurately characterise the system than a time-invariant nonlinear one.

  • Quasi-Synchronous Time Division Duplex CDMA



    E78-A No:9

    A quasi-synchronous (QS) code division multiple access (CDMA) system is proposed for mobile communications. In the proposed method, which uses the time division duplex (TDD) mode of transmission, a mobile receiver can measure propagation delay changes. It then accordingly adjusts its transmission time so its signal can arrive at base station synchronously with other mobile units. A simple control unit is used at the mobile unit in order to reduce any error due to the propagation delay changes. The system operates as follows. At the start of a call, a mobile unit is quasi-synchronised through feedback control from the base station. The mobile unit then maintains synchronous status without any further base station feedback. The degree of the quasi-synchronous accuracy is determined by a clock in mobile units. This paper shows performance results based on using a clock rate of ten times faster than the spreading rate. Orthogonal codes are used for spreading the signals. The results demonstrate that the reverse link CDMA multiuser interference is to a great degree removed.

  • A Transmission Power Control Technique on a TDD-CDMA/TDMA System for Wireless Multimedia Networks

    Yukitoshi SANADA  Kazuhiko SEKI  Qiang WANG  Shuzo KATO  Masao NAKAGAWA  Vijay K. BHARGAVA  


    E78-B No:8

    A transmission power control technique on a TDD-CDMA/TDMA system for wireless multimedia networks is proposed. The assumed network connects mobile terminals to a node of an ATM based high speed LAN through a radio central unit. Only human interface facilities are implemented into the terminal so that users access integrated services through the node of the network. The uplink (from a mobile terminal to a radio central unit) employs a CDMA scheme to transmit human interface signals (2.4kbit/s) and the downlink employs a TDMA scheme to transmit display interface signals (24 Mbit/s). Both the CDMA and the TDMA signals occupy the same frequency band. To mitigate bit error rate degradation due to the fading, the radio central unit estimates the impulse response of the channel from the received CDMA signals and controls the transmission power of the TDMA signals to compensate the fading attenuation. The bit error rate performance of the downlink with the proposed transmission power control is theoretically analyzed under several fading conditions. Numerical results using the Nakagami-m fading model and recent propagation measurements show that the proposed power control technique compensates the fading attenuation and improves the bit error rate performances. The bit error rate of the downlink is reduced from 10-2 to 10-5 at the symbol SNR of 20dB by employing the proposed transmission power control, which is less sensitive to the severity of the fading. Furthermore, the proposed transmission power control is implemented without increasing the terminal complexity because all the processing on the power control of the downlink is carried out only in the radio central unit.

  • Fundamental Time Domain Solutions for Plane TEM-Waves in Lossy Media and Applications

    Michael SCHINKE  Karl REISS  


    E78-C No:8

    Closed-form solutions of the characteristic initial value problem for electric and magnetic fields propagating as nonsinusoidal plane TEM-waves in lossy unbounded media are calculated with Riemann's method and discussed in detail. As an application, the reflection and transmission of waves on a planar boundary is examined, when one semi-infinite medium is lossy.

  • A Variable Step Size (VSS-CC) NLMS Algorithm

    Fausto CASCO  Hector PEREZ  Mariko NAKANO  Mauricio LOPEZ  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:8

    A new variable step size Least Mean Square (LMS) FIR adaptive filter algorithm (VSS-CC) is proposed. In the VSS-CC algorithm the step size adjustment (α) is controlled by using the correlation between the output error (e(n)) and the adaptive filter output ((n)). At small times, e(n) and (n) are correlated which will cause a large α providing faster tracking. When the algorithm converges, the correlation will result in a small size α to yield smaller misadjustments. Computer simulations show that the proposed VSS-CC algori thm achieves a better Echo Return Loss Enhancemen (ERLE) than a conventional NLMS Algorithm. The VSS-CC algorithm was also compared with another variable step algorithm, achieving the VSS-CC a better ERLE when the additive noise is incremented.

  • Bottleneck Identification Methodology for Performance-Oriented Design of Shared-Bus Multiprocessors

    Chiung-San LEE  Tai-Ming PARNG  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:8

    A bottleneck identification methodology is proposed for the performance-oriented design of shared-bus multiprocessors, which are composed of several major subsystems (e.g. off-chip cache, bus, memory, I/O). A subsystem with the longest access time per instruction is the one that limits processor performance and creates a bottleneck to the system. The methodology also facilitates further refined analysis on the access time of the bottleneck subsystem to help identify the causes of the bottleneck. Example performance model of a particular shared-bus multiprocessor architecture with separate address bus and data bus is developed to illustrate the key idea of the bottleneck identification methodology. Accessing conflicts in subsystems and DMA transfers are also considered in the model.

  • Alternating Finite Automata with Counters and Stack-Counters Operating in Realtime

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:8

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of one-way alternatiog finite automata with counters and stack-counters (lafacs's) which operate in realtime. (The difference between counter" and stack-counter" is that the latter can be entered without the contents being changed, but the former cannot.) For each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), let 1AFACS(k, l, real) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating finite automata with k counters and l stack-counters, and let 1UFACS(k, l, real) (1NFACS(k, l, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating finite automata with k counters and l stack-counters which have only universal (existential) states. We first investigate a relationship among the accepting powers of realtime lafacs's with only universal states, with only existential states, and with full alternation, and show, for example, that for each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), 1UFACS(k, l, real) 1NFACS(k, l, real) 1AFACS(k, l, real). We then investigate hierarchical properties based on the number of counters and stack-counters, and show, foe example, that for each k0 and l0 ((k, l)(0, 0)), and each X{U, N}, 1XFACS(k1, l, real)1AFACS(k, l, real)φ. We finally investigate a relationship between counters and stack-counters, and show, for example, that for each k0, l0 and m1, and each X{U, N}, 1XFACS(k, lm, real)1AFACS(k2m1, l, real)φ.
