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  • Generalized Satellite Beam-Switching Modes

    Yiu Kwok THAM  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:10

    Satellite beam-switching problems are studied where there are m up-link beams, n down-link beams and multiple carriers per beam. By augmenting a traffic matrix with an extra row and column, it is possible to find a sequence of switching modes ((0,1)-matrices with genrally multiple unit entries in each row and column) that realize optimal transmission time. Switching modes generated are shown to be linearly independent. The number of switching modes required for an mn matrix is bounded by (m1)(n1)1. For an augmented (m1)(n1) matrix, the bound is then mn1. The bounds on the number of switching modes and the computational complexity for a number of related satellite transmission scheduling problems are lowered. In simplified form, the results (particularly the linear independence of permutation matrices generated) apply to algorithmic decomposition of doubly stochastic matrices into convex combinations of permutation matrices.

  • Time Dependence of Magnetic Properties in Perpendicular Recording Media

    Naoki HONDA  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E80-C No:9

    Time decay of magnetic properties in perpendicular magnetic recording media was studied. It was suggested that magnetization in media with a low energy ratio, KV/kT, of 50 is thermally stable in the absence of a demagnetizing field while coercivity exhibits a large time dependence. Magnetization in perpendicular recording media exhibited an appreciable time decay even for films with a large energy ratio of 300. The decay is attributed to the small perpendicular squareness due to a large perpendicular demagnetizing field acting in the media. The recording density dependence of the time decay in the output was explained in terms of the change in the demagnetizing field with the density. It is concluded that the use of media with large squareness as well as large energy ratio effectively reduces time decay in the output.

  • A Current-Mode Sampled-Data Chaos Circuit with Nonlinear Mapping Function Learning

    Kei EGUCHI  Takahiro INOUE  Kyoko TSUKANO  


    E80-A No:9

    A new current-mode sampled-data chaos circuit is proposed. The proposed circuit is composed of an operation block, a parameter block, and a delay block. The nonlinear mapping functions of this circuit are generated in the neuro-fuzzy based operation block. And these functions are determined by supervised learning. For the proposed circut, the dynamics of the learning and the state of the chaos are analyzed by computer simulations. The design conditions concerning the bifurcation diagram and the nonlinear mapping function are presented to clarify the chaos generating conditions and the effect of nonidealities of the proposed circuit. The simulation results showed that the nonlinear mapping functions can be realized with the precision of the order of several percent and that different kinds of bifurcation modes can be generated easily.

  • Simplification of Optical Disk Cluster Drive

    Kunimaro TANAKA  Yoshinori NEGISHI  Kyosuke YOSHIMOTO  Yasunori TAKAHASHI  


    E80-C No:9

    Small-scale video on demand system will be necessary in the future. Cluster drives, which use optical disk drives, are a good buffer memory for this purpose because the cost per megabyte is low. An ordinary optical cluster drive has many SCSI buses and up to seven optical drives are connected to each SCSI bus. One drive from each bus is assembled to make a group of a cluster drive. The difference betweeen SCSI bus data transfer rate and sustained disk transfer rate enables the cluster drive to be simplified. Several drives on an SCSI bus make a sub-group. The video data is striped onto those sub-groups. When the total data transfer rate from disks within a sub-group exceeds the bus transfer rate, some drives can not acquire the bus. When drives connected to one SCSI bus are not identical, the block size of the data to be recorded on each drive has to be adjusted so that the maximum effective data transfer rate can be obtained. When the cycle times of a slow and fast drive are set identical, the effective data transfer rate is maximum, where one cycle consists of command time, minimum bus free time, disk read time, and bus transfer time.

  • Waiting-Time Analysis of the Demand-Priority Access Method

    Winston Khoon-Guan SEAH  Yutaka TAKAHASHI  Toshiharu HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E80-A No:9

    In this paper, we derive the mean message waiting times in a local area network that uses the Demand-Priority Access Method. We model the system as a two-priority M/G/1 queue with switchover time between service periods. This switchover time accounts for the polling and port selection performed by the repeater after each message transmission. The service discipline is non-preemptive and the length of the switchover time is dependent upon the priority class of the preceding message served as well as that of the message to be served next. The dependency in the switchover times is motivated by the polling and port selection operation of the protocol and it makes the analysis much more involved. In order to avoid the complexities of an exact analysis, we make some independence assumptions and thus obtain an approximate solution. Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of the stationary probability distribution functions for the waiting time of high- and normal-priority messages are derived, and subsequently, the expressions for the mean message waiting times. Numerical results computed using these expressions are verified using simulations which model the actual protocol. These numerical results which are shown to be accurate can be easily computed with widely available mathematical software.

  • Automatic Adjustment of Delay Time and Feedback Gain in Delayed Feedback Control of Chaos

    Hiroyuki NAKAJIMA  Hideo ITO  Yoshisuke UEDA  


    E80-A No:9

    Methods of automatically adjusting delay time and feedback gain in controlling chaos by delayed feedback control are proposed. These methods are based on a gradient-descent procedure minimizing the squared error between the current state and the delayed state. The method of adjusting delay time and that of adjusting feedback gain are applied to controlling chaos in numerical calculations of Rossler Equation and Duffing equation, respectively. Both methods are confirmed to be successful.

  • Absolute Exponential Stability of Neural Networks with Asymmetric Connection Matrices

    Xue-Bin LIANG  Toru YAMAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E80-A No:8

    In this letter, the absolute exponential stability result of neural networks with asymmetric connection matrices is obtained, which generalizes the existing one about absolute stability of neural networks, by a new proof approach. It is demonstrated that the network time constant is inversely proportional to the global exponential convergence rate of the network trajectories to the unique equilibrium. A numerical simulation example is also given to illustrate the obtained analysis results.

  • Comparison of Cell Transfer Quality Control for Multimedia Traffic in ATM Networks

    Chikara OHTA  Katsunori SATO  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:8

    This paper compares three cell transfer quality control schemes, namely HPS, DAS and ORS, which integrate a preventive congestion control and a reactive congestion control in ATM switch. Simulation results showed that ORS achieves the largest network utilization, and HPS provides enough large throughput compared with DAS only when many VBR connections are multiplexed.

  • Separation of Phase Noise from Amplitude Noise in Oscillator Simulation

    Makiko OKUMURA  Hiroshi TANIMOTO  

    LETTER-Modeling and Simulation

    E80-A No:8

    This paper describes a method to distinguish phase noise and amplitude noise from total oscillator noise in circuit simulation, and derives general relationships between periodic time-varying transfer functions for oscillators and phase and amplitude noises.

  • A Low Voltage High Speed Self-Timed CMOS Logic for the Multi-Gigabit Synchronous DRAM Application

    Hoi-Jun YOO  

    LETTER-Integrated Electronics

    E80-C No:8

    A low voltage dual VT self-timed CMOS logic in which the subthreshold leakage current path is blocked by a large high-VT MOS is proposed. An active signal at each node of the self-timed circuit resets its own voltage to its standby state after 4 inverter delays. This pulsed nature speeds up the signal propagation and enables the synchronous DRAM to adopt a fast pipelining scheme.

  • Mobile Computing Using Personal Handy-Phone System (PHS)

    Toshiaki TANAKA  Hideo MATSUKI  


    E80-B No:8

    Given the tremendous growth in the cellular phone system and the Personal Hadny-phone System (PHS), it is to be expected that demands for mobile computing using those wireless infrastructures, that is mobile computer access, will dramatically increase. This paper describes high-quality and high-speed data transmission technology for PHS mobile computing and current PHS data transmission standardization activities. Furthermore, wireless agent communication and a service example are presented together with the concept of background communication for the coming wireless multimedia services.

  • Microstructural Characterization and Photoluminescence of SrGa2S4:Ce3+ Thin Films Grown by Deposition from Binary Vapors

    Oleg DJAZOVSKI  Tomohisa MIKAMI  Koutoku OHMI  Shosaku TANAKA  Hiroshi KOBAYASHI  


    E80-C No:8

    Detailed investigations of the microstructural properties of SrGa2S4:Ce3+ thin films grown by deposition from binary vapors (DBV) were carried out by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray diffraction measurements (EDX), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling. The results indicate uniform distribution of the constituent elements in the nearly stoichiometric structure of the thin films. Photoluminescence (PL) data including absorption and luminescence spectra in the temperature range of 10 to 300 K and decay characteristics show that an increase in Ce concentration from 0.2 to 3 mol% is accompanied with a marked increase in both the intensity of activator absorption and decay time, while the emission and excitation bands remain fixed in position. A mechanism involving the concentration-dependent interactions between different centers in the lattice is proposed, which may explain the experimentally observed behavior.

  • Dynamic Time-Slot Assignment Schemes for TDMA-Based Wireless ATM

    Makoto UMEUCHI  Atsushi OHTA  Masahiro UMEHIRA  


    E80-B No:8

    It is indispensable to establish a multi-access protocol and resource management technique that can assure transmission quality and efficiently utilize the radio frequency spectrum for ATM-based wireless access systems. This paper proposes dynamic time-slot assignment schemes for the forward link from a user to a central station (CS): (1) the centralized assignment and release scheme (CAR), and (2) the centralized-assignment and autonomous-release scheme (CAAR). In the proposed schemes, a central station dynamically assigns time-slots based on traffic information obtained by monitoring the input traffic in each radio module (RM). In addition, forward protection is used to prevent false-release of assigned time-slots. Performance evaluations have been carried out by analysis as well as computer simulations. They show that the proposed schemes achieve good performance in delay, link stability, and utilization efficiency of radio resources with an optimized number of forward protection steps.

  • Design of Two-Dimensional Periodically Time-Variant Digital Filters

    Toshiyuki YOSHIDA  Shin'ichi NISHIZONO  Yoshinori SAKAI  


    E80-A No:8

    This paper discusses a design method for two-dimensional (2-D) periodically time-variant digital filters (PTVDFs) whose filter coefficients vary periodically. First, 2-D periodicities for a variation of filter cefficients are considered, from which two and four-phase variations of coefficients are shown to be suitable for practical applications. Then, the input-output relation (transfer function) for 2-D separable-denominator (SD) PTV DFs is derived, which results in a linear combination of the baseband input signal and its modulated versions. Finally, in order ro approximate given filter specifications, the structure for 2-D SD PTV DFs is given and a design method is proposed. It is shown that, compared with the 2-D SD time-invariant DFs, approximation error can be reduced with the proposed SD PTV DFs.

  • Bit Error Rate Evaluation of Delay Time Control Scheme for Reverse Channel on Orthogonal Coding Multi-Carrier CDMA

    Souichi WATANABE  Takuro SATO  Masakazu SENGOKU  Takeo ABE  


    E80-A No:7

    This paper describes a delay control scheme for synchronous detection of an orthogonal coding multi-carrier CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) system. The delay control scheme estimates transmission timing of data from each mobile station. At a base station, delay time is obtained by detecting phase shift value of the preamble signal from each mobile station. The estimated transmission timing information is sent from base station to each mobile station and the mobile station then adjusts its transmission timing. Simulation results clarified that Bit Error Rate (BER) is 2.510-3 at 19dB of Eb/No under conditions of 29.4 msec initial delay time, 32kbit/sec data rate, 16 subchannels and 100Hz of fading frequency.

  • A Current-Mode Analog Chaos Circuit Realizing a Henon Map

    Kei EGUCHI  Takahiro INOUE  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E80-C No:7

    A current-mode analog chaos circuit realizing a Henon map is proposed. The synthesis of the proposed analog chaos circuit is based on switched-current (SI) BiCMOS techniques. For the proposed circuit, simulations are performed concerning the return map and the bifurcation diagram. In these simulations, the existence of chaos is confirmed using the Liapunov exponent. The proposed circuit is built with commercially-available IC's. The return maps and bifurcation diagram are measured in experiments. The proposed circuit is integrable by a standard BiCMOS technology.

  • A New Bit Timing Recovery Scheme for High Bit Rate Wireless Access

    Toshiaki TAKAO  Yoshifumi SUZUKI  Tadashi SHIRATO  


    E80-A No:7

    We propose a new bit timing recovery (BTR) scheme, what we call Step Sampled BTR (SSBTR), that can lower the sampling clock frequency and shorten the clock phase convergence time, for burst signals in high bit rate wireless access systems. The SSBTR scheme has the following characteristics. A sine wave resulting from the BTR code passing through a Nyquist Transmission System is always used, the sampling clock has a lower frequency than the system clock, and the clock phase of Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal input can be estimated from as few as 3 sampled data. The SSBTR scheme corrects the clock phase only once in a burst signal. Therefore, in some wireless access systems, some kind of operation must be performed after the SSBTR, in order to deal with long burst signals, instability of the system clock, and so on. In other wireless access systems that do not have these problems, clock phase can be fixed by the SSBTR scheme alone. The preformance of the SSBTR scheme with respect to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) was examined by computer simulation. In addition, when SSBTR is implemented in hardware, there are imperfections in the circuitry that lead to phase estimation error and thus deterioration, so we studied the effects of several such imperfections by computer simulation. The results of these simulations clarify the performance of the SSBTR scheme.

  • Integrated Wireless System Using Reserved Idle Signal Multiple Access with Collishion Resolution

    Fujio WATANABE  Gang WU  Hideichi SASAOKA  


    E80-A No:7

    This paper proposes the use, in integrated wireless systems, of the Reserved Idle Signal Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (R-ISMA/CR) protocol for applications in future multimedia mobile communications. It is applied to the integrated voice and data wireless system. Moreover, the consideration is made of the integrated voice and the low-bit video wireless system in R-ISMA/CR. To integrate video we employed not only a packed discard for video packets when the video packet delay is more than a threshold value, but also the connection packet (CP) technique for improving the channel utilization. Finally the integration of voice, data, and low-bit-video wireless system in R-ISMA/CR is considered. The performance are evaluated mainly by simulations.

  • A Prediction Method of Non-Stationary Time Series Data by Using a Modular Structured Neural Network

    Eiji WATANABE  Noboru NAKASAKO  Yasuo MITANI  


    E80-A No:6

    This paper proposes a prediction method for non-stationary time series data with time varying parameters. A modular structured type neural network is newly introduced for the purpose of grasping the changing property of time varying parameters. This modular structured neural network is constructed by the hierarchical combination of each neural network (NNT: Neural Network for Prediction of Time Series Data) and a neural network (NNW: Neural Network for Prediction of Weights). Next, we propose a reasonable method for determination of the length of the local stationary section by using the additive learning ability of neural networks. Finally, the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are confirmed through simulation and actual experiments.

  • Service Usage Information Management for Multimedia Services

    Masaharu MORIHIRO  Takahiko MORI  


    E80-B No:6

    Given the recent advances in telecommunication services, new service operations are needed that support not only existing network services, but also information and communication providing services, such as multimedia services. It is particularly important that service usage information should be gathered, processed, analyzed and presented properly for smooth service provisioning and business support. This paper defines a reference model for service usage information and an implementation model for establishing the functions needed to gather and process this information. The results of an service operation system as implemented in NTT multimedia service trials, currently underway in the city of Urayasu, are also described.
