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[Author] Yuki MORI(85hit)


  • A Study of Striped Inductor for K- and Ka-Band Voltage-Controlled Oscillators Open Access

    Nobuyuki ITOH  Hiroki TSUJI  Yuka ITANO  Takayuki MORISHITA  Kiyotaka KOMOKU  Sadayuki YOSHITOMI  


    E99-C No:6

    A striped inductor and its utilization of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) are studied with the aim of suppressing phase noise degradation in K- and Ka-bands. The proposed striped inductor exhibits reduced series resistance in the high frequency region by increasing the cross-sectional peripheral length, as with the Litz wire, and the VCO of the striped inductor simultaneously exhibits a lower phase noise than that of the conventional inductor. Striped and conventional inductors and VCOs are designed and fabricated, and their use of K- and Ka-bands is measured. Results show that the Q factor and corner frequency of the striped inductor are approximately 1.3 and 1.6 times higher, respectively, than that of the conventional inductor. Moreover, the 1-MHz-offset phase noise of the striped inductor's VCO in the K- and Ka-bands was approximately 3.5 dB lower than that of the conventional inductor. In this study, a 65-nm standard CMOS process was used.

  • Variable Rate Transmission for Higher System Capacity in a Signaling-Only Wireless System

    Khaled MAHMUD  Masugi INOUE  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E88-B No:5

    System capacity of a wireless system can be improved greatly by using variable rate transmission. Assuming a low-rate and wide-coverage signaling-only wireless network, in this paper we evaluate, analytically and numerically, the extent of this improvement for various schemes with variable transmission rates. We considered log-normal shadowing as well as the effect of Rayleigh fading. Simulation results show close proximity with the analytical predictions.

  • A Third Order Harmonic Oscillator Based on Coupled Resonant Tunneling Diode Pair Oscillators

    Koichi MAEZAWA  Takashi OHE  Koji KASAHARA  Masayuki MORI  

    PAPER-THz Electronics

    E93-C No:8

    A third order harmonic oscillator has been proposed based on the resonant tunneling diode pair oscillators. This oscillator has significant advantages, good stability of the oscillation frequency against the load impedance change together with capability to output higher frequencies. Proper circuit operation has been demonstrated using circuit simulations. It has been also shown that the output frequency is stable against the load impedance change.

  • Receiver Performance Evaluation and Fading Duration Analysis for Concurrent Transmission

    Chun-Hao LIAO  Makoto SUZUKI  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:2

    Concurrent transmission (CT) is a revolutionary multi-hop protocol that significantly improves the MAC- and network-layer efficiency by allowing synchronized packet collisions. Although its superiority has been empirically verified, there is still a lack of studies on how the receiver survives such packet collisions, particularly in the presence of the carrier frequency offsets (CFO) between the transmitters. This work rectifies this omission by providing a comprehensive evaluation of the physical-layer receiver performance under CT, and a theoretical analysis on the fading duration of the beating effect resulting from the CFO. The main findings from our evaluations are the following points. (1) Beating significantly affects the receiver performance, and an error correcting mechanism is needed to combat the beating. (2) In IEEE 802.15.4 systems, the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) plays such a role in combatting the beating. (3) However, due to the limited length of DSSS, the receiver still suffers from the beating if the fading duration is too long. (4) On the other hand, the basic M-ary FSK mode of IEEE 802.15.4g is vulnerable to CT due to the lack of error correcting mechanism. In view of the importance of the fading duration, we further theoretically derive the closed form of the average fading duration (AFD) of the beating under CT in terms of the transmitter number and the standard deviation of the CFO. Moreover, we prove that the receiver performance can be improved by having higher CFO deviations between the transmitters due to the shorter AFD. Finally, we estimate the AFD in the real system by actually measuring the CFO of a large number of sensor nodes.

  • Reliable Multicast Control Scheme for Achieving TCP-Friendly in Heterogeneous Environment

    Yuki MORITANI  Yukio ATSUMI  

    PAPER-Traffic Control in CDNs

    E86-B No:6

    Reliable multicast is an interesting application of distributing data to lots of clients at the same time. In heterogeneous environment, it is necessary to adjust the transmitting rate corresponding to the bandwidth of receivers. Placed at a network bottleneck point, an active server can buffer the multicast packets and control the transmitting rate to the downstream multicast receivers independently so as to absorb bandwidth differences. If wireless and wired receivers coexist, the best position for the active server is at the edge of the wired and wireless links because the bandwidth of wireless receivers are lower than that of wired receivers. However, it is not enough that an active server only controls the transmitting rate in such environment because wireless receivers tend to lose packet by the wireless transmission error. This paper proposes a scheme in which the active server independently controls a reliable multicast scheme that is robust against packet loss due to wireless transmission error. Simulation results show that rate-based reliable multicast congestion control is more appropriate than window-based control for wireless links. We also show that FEC applied only to the wireless link improves the throughput of wireless multicast receivers. Finally, we show that combining rate-based reliable multicast congestion control scheme with FEC only for the wireless link makes reliable multicast more practical and friendly with TCP even if packets are lost due to transmission errors.

  • Transient Characteristics on Super-Steep Subthreshold Slope “PN-Body Tied SOI-FET” — Simulation and Pulse Measurement — Open Access

    Takayuki MORI  Jiro IDA  Hiroki ENDO  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:10

    In this study, the transient characteristics on the super-steep subthreshold slope (SS) of a PN-body tied (PNBT) silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistor (SOI-FET) were investigated using technology computer-aided design and pulse measurements. Carrier charging effects were observed on the super-steep SS PNBT SOI-FET. It was found that the turn-on delay time decreased to nearly zero when the gate overdrive-voltage was set to 0.1-0.15 V. Additionally, optimizing the gate width improved the turn-on delay. This has positive implications for the low speed problems of this device. However, long-term leakage current flows on turn-off. The carrier lifetime affects the leakage current, and the device parameters must be optimized to realize both a high on/off ratio and high-speed operation.

  • Possibility of High Order Harmonic Oscillators Based on Active Transmission Lines Loaded with Resonant Tunneling Diode Pairs

    Jie PAN  Kazuki HAYANO  Masayuki MORI  Koichi MAEZAWA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Emerging Devices

    E95-C No:8

    The oscillators based on an active transmission line periodically loaded with RTD pairs are studied using circuit simulation with special attention to the behavior of harmonics. Generation of strong high order harmonic (9th) was observed. This is caused by the frequency locking in the high frequency passband. The harmonic oscillators based on this phenomenon are promising for high performance THz sources.

  • 4-kbit/s Multi-Dispersed-Pulse-Based CELP (MDP-CELP) Speech Coder

    Hiroyuki EHARA  Koji YOSHIDA  Kazutoshi YASUNAGA  Toshiyuki MORII  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E85-D No:2

    This paper presents a high quality 4-kbit/s speech coding algorithm based on a CELP algorithm. The coder operates on speech frames of 20 ms. The algorithm has following four main features: multiple sub-codebooks, backward adaptive mode switching, dispersed-pulse structure, and noise post-processing. The multiple sub-codebooks consist of a pulse-codebook and a random-codebook so that they can handle both signals, noise-like (e.g. unvoiced, stationary noise) and pulse-like (e.g. voiced). The backward adaptive mode switching is performed using decoded parameters; therefore, no additional mode bit is transmitted. The random-codebook size is switched with the backward adaptively selected mode. The subjective quality of unvoiced speech or noise-like signal can be improved by this switching operation because the random-codebook size is greatly increased in such signal mode. The dispersed-pulse structure provides better performance of sparse pulse excitation using dispersed pulses instead of simple unit pulses. The noise post-processing employs a stationary background noise generator for producing stationary noise signal. It significantly improves subjective quality of decoded signal under various background noise conditions. Subjective listening tests are conducted in accordance with ACR and DCR tests. The ACR test results indicate that the fundamental performance of the MDP-CELP is equivalent to that of 32-kbit/s adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM). The DCR test results show that the performance of the MDP-CELP is equivalent to or better than that of 8-kbit/s conjugate-structure algebraic code excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) under several background noise conditions.

  • A Formal Approach to Detecting Security Flaws in Object-Oriented Databases

    Toshiyuki MORITA  Yasunori ISHIHARA  Hiroyuki SEKI  Minoru ITO  

    PAPER-Theoretical Aspects

    E82-D No:1

    Detecting security flaws is important in order to keep the database secure. A security flaw in object-oriented databases means that a user can infer the result of an unpermitted method only from permitted methods. Although a database management system enforces access control by an authorization, security flaws can occur under the authorization. The main aim of this paper is to show an efficient decision algorithm for detecting a security flaw under a given authorization. This problem is solvable in polynomial time in practical cases by reducing it to the congruence closure problem. This paper also mentions the problem of finding a maximal subset of a given authorization under which no security flaw exists.

  • Analysis of Self-Heating in SOI High Voltage MOS Transistor

    Hitoshi YAMAGUCHI  Hiroaki HIMI  Shigeyuki AKITA  Toshiyuki MORISHITA  


    E80-C No:3

    This paper describes an analytic method, experimental results and simulation results for self-heating in a SOI (Silicon On Insulator) high voltage MOS transistor. The new analytic method enabled the temperature-rise caused by self-heating to be measured precisely. The temperature-rise in an operating transistor was evaluated by measuring the change of the source current against the source current without the self-heating. In advance, the relation between the temperature-rise and the current change had been prepared by measuring the current decrease when the hot-chuck temperature had been changed in iso-thermal condition. By using this method, the dependence of the temperature-rise or the current decrease on the operating condition or the thermal resistance were clarified. Furthermore, these measurement results and the thermal resistance which is calculated by a FEM analysis enabled a fully coupled electrothermal device simulation to be analyzed more precisely. The dependence of the current decrease on the buried oxide thickness were also calculated.

  • Study on Dissemination Patterns in Location-Aware Gossiping Networks

    Nobuharu KAMI  Teruyuki BABA  Takashi YOSHIKAWA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  


    E95-B No:5

    We study the properties of information dissemination over location-aware gossiping networks leveraging location-based real-time communication applications. Gossiping is a promising method for quickly disseminating messages in a large-scale system, but in its application to information dissemination for location-aware applications, it is important to consider the network topology and patterns of spatial dissemination over the network in order to achieve effective delivery of messages to potentially interested users. To this end, we propose a continuous-space network model extended from Kleinberg's small-world model applicable to actual location-based applications. Analytical and simulation-based study shows that the proposed network achieves high dissemination efficiency resulting from geographically neutral dissemination patterns as well as selective dissemination to proximate users. We have designed a highly scalable location management method capable of promptly updating the network topology in response to node movement and have implemented a distributed simulator to perform dynamic target pursuit experiments as one example of applications that are the most sensitive to message forwarding delay. The experimental results show that the proposed network surpasses other types of networks in pursuit efficiency and achieves the desirable dissemination patterns.

  • Disparity Mapping Technique and Fast Rendering Technique for Image Morphing

    Toshiyuki MORITSU  Makoto KATO  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E83-D No:2

    We have developed a new disparity mapping technique for image morphing which prevents synthesized images from blurring and a fast rendering technique which realizes interactive morphing animation. In the image morphing rendering process, all pixels are moved according to their disparity maps and then distorted images are mixed with each other. Calculation costs of this process tend to be high because pixel per pixel moving and mixing are included. And if the accuracy of the disparity maps is low, synthesized images become blurred. This paper describes new two techniques for overcoming these problems. One is a disparity mapping technique by which the edges in each input image are accurately mapped to each other. This technique reduces blurring in synthesized images. The other is a data transformation technique by which the morphing rendering process is replaced with texture mapping, orthographic camera, α-brending and z-buffering. This transformation enables the morphing rendering process to be accelerated by 3D accelerators, thus enabling interactive morphing animations to be achieved on ordinary PCs.

  • Frequency-Domain Differential Coding Schemes under Frequency-Selective Fading Environment in Adaptive Baseband Radio


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:2

    In our previous paper, we presented a concept of “Baseband Radio” as an ideal of future wireless communication scheme. Furthermore, for enhancing the adaptability of baseband radio, the adaptive baseband radio was discussed as the ultimate communication system; it integrates the functions of cognitive radio and software-defined radio. In this paper, two transmission schemes that take advantage of adaptive baseband radio are introduced and the results of a performance evaluation are presented. The first one is a scheme based on DSFBC for realizing higher reliability; it allows the flexible use of frequency bands over a wide range of white space. The second one is a low-power-density communication scheme with spectrum-spreading by means of frequency-domain differential coding so that the secondary system does not seriously interfere with primary-user systems that have been assigned the same frequency band.

  • A 286 MHz 64-b Floating Point Multiplier with Enhanced CG Operation

    Hiroshi MAKINO  Hiroaki SUZUKI  Hiroyuki MORINAKA  Yasunobu NAKASE  Koichiro MASHIKO  Tadashi SUMI  


    E79-C No:7

    This paper presents a high speed 64-b floating point (FP) multiplier that has a useful function for computer graphics(CG). The critical path delay is minimized by using high speed logic gates and limiting the stage number of series transmission gates (TG's). The high speed redundant binary architecture is applied to the multiplication of significands. This FP multiplier has a special function of "CG multiplication" that directly multiplies a pixel data by an FP data. This multiplier was fabricated by 0.5 µm CMOS technology with triple-level metal of interconnection. The active area size is 4.25.1mm2.The operating cycle time is 3.5 ns at the supply voltage of 3.3 V, which corresponds to the frequency of 286 MHz, Implementation of CG multiplication increases the transistor count only 4%. Also, CG multiplication has no effect on the delay in the critical path.

  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Comparative Reading of Helical CT Images for the Detection of Lung Cancer

    Hitoshi SATOH  Yuji UKAI  Noboru NIKI  Kenji EGUCHI  Kiyoshi MORI  Hironobu OHMATSU  Ryutarou KAKINUMA  Masahiro KANEKO  Noriyuki MORIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:1

    In this paper, we present a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to automatically detect lung cancer candidates at an early stage using a present and a past helical CT screening. We have developed a slice matching algorithm that can automatically match the slice images of a past CT scan to those of a present CT scan in order to detect changes in the lung fields over time. The slice matching algorithm consists of two main process: the process of extraction of the lungs, heart, and descending aorta and the process of matching slices of the present and past CT images using the information of the lungs, heart, and descending aorta. To evaluate the performance of this algorithm, we applied it to 50 subjects (total of 150 scans) screened between 1993 and 1998. From these scans, we selected 100 pairs for evaluation (each pair consisted of scans for the same subject). The algorithm correctly matched 88 out of the 100 pairs. The slice images for the present and past CT scans are displayed in parallel on the CRT monitor. Feature measurements of the suspicious regions are shown on the relevant images to facilitate identification of changes in size, shape, and intensity. The experimental results indicate that the CAD system can be effectively used in clinical practice to increase the speed and accuracy of routine diagnosis.

  • The Higher-Order Moment Function of Superposed Markov Jumping Processes with Its Application to the Analysis of Membrane Current Fluctuations

    Kazuo YANA  Hiroyuki MINO  Nobuyuki MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E75-A No:12

    This paper describes the higher-order moment analysis of superposed Markov jumping processes. A superposed Markov jumping process is defined as a linear superposition of a finite number of piecewise constant real valued stochastic process whose value changes are associated with state transitions in an underlying descrete state continuous time Markov process. Some phenomena are modeled well by the process such as membrane current fluctuations observed at bio-membranes or load fluctuations in electrical power systems. Theoretical formula of the moment function of any order k is derived and the parameter estimation problem utilizing higher-order moment functions is discussed. A new method of estimating the kinetic parameters of membrane current fluctuations is proposed as a possible application.

  • A Method for Measuring of RTN by Boosting Word-Line Voltage in 6-Tr-SRAMs

    Goichi ONO  Yuki MORI  Michiaki NAKAYAMA  Yusuke KANNO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E97-C No:3

    In order to analyze an impact of threshold voltage (Vth) fluctuation induced by random telegraph noise (RTN) on LSI circuit design, we measured a 40-nm 6-Tr-SRAM TEG which enables to evaluate individual bit-line current. RTN phenomenon was successfully measured and we also identified that the transfer MOSFET in an SRAM bit-cell was the most sensitive MOSFET. The proposed word line boosting technique, which applies slightly extra stress to the transfer MOSFET, improves about 30% of detecting probability of fail-bit cells caused by RTN.

  • Exploiting Semantics in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

    Kiyohide NAKAUCHI  Yuichi ISHIKAWA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Service

    E87-B No:7

    Decentralized and unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks such as Gnutella are attractive for large-scale information retrieval and search systems because of their scalability, fault-tolerance, and self-organizing nature. Because of this decentralized architecture, however, traditional P2P keyword search systems are difficult to globally share useful semantic knowledge among nodes. As a result, traditional P2P keyword search systems cannot support semantic search (support only naive text-match search). In this paper, we describe a design of the semantic P2P keyword search system. We exploit the semantics of correlation among keywords rather than synonym. The key mechanism is query expansion, where a received query is expanded based on keyword relationships. Keyword relationships are improved through search and retrieval processes and each relationship is shared among nodes holding similar data items. This semantic P2P search system has two main advantages. First, expanding search results through query expansion increases the possibility of locating desired data items which would not be found by traditional P2P search systems due to the keywords' textual mismatch. Second, keyword relationships originally introduced for query expansion, can be used for result ranking. Our main challenges are 1) managing keyword relationships in a fully decentralized manner and 2) maintaining the quality of search results, while suppressing result implosion. We also describe the prototype implementation and evaluation of the semantic P2P search system.

  • Characterization of Hysteresis in SOI-Based Super-Steep Subthreshold Slope FETs

    Takayuki MORI  Jiro IDA  Shota INOUE  Takahiro YOSHIDA  


    E101-C No:5

    We report the characterization of hysteresis in SOI-based super-steep subthreshold slope FETs, which are conventional floating body and body-tied, and newly proposed PN-body-tied structures. We found that the hysteresis widths of the PN-body-tied structures are smaller than that of the conventional floating body and body-tied structures; this means that they are feasible for switching devices. Detailed characterizations of the hysteresis widths of each device are also reported in the study, such as dependency on the gate length and the impurity concentration.

  • Improving Spectral Efficiency of Non-Orthogonal Space Time Block Coded-Continuous Phase Modulation

    Kazuyuki MORIOKA  Satoshi YAMAZAKI  David ASANO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:9

    We consider space time block coded-continuous phase modulation (STBC-CPM), which has the advantages of both STBC and CPM at the same time. A weak point of STBC-CPM is that the normalized spectral efficiency (NSE) is limited by the orthogonality of the STBC and CPM parameters. The purpose of this study is to improve the NSE of STBC-CPM. The NSE depends on the transmission rate (TR), the bit error rate (BER) and the occupied bandwidth (OBW). First, to improve the TR, we adapt quasi orthogonal-STBC (QO-STBC) for four transmit antennas and quasi-group orthogonal Toeplitz code (Q-GOTC) for eight transmit antennas, at the expense of the orthogonality. Second, to evaluate the BER, we derive a BER approximation of STBC-CPM with non-orthogonal STBC (NO-STBC). The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the NSE can be improved by using QO-STBC and Q-GOTC. Third, the OBW depends on CPM parameters, therefore, the tradeoff between the NSE and the CPM parameters is considered. A computer simulation provides a candidate set of CPM parameters which have better NSE. Finally, the adaptation of non-orthogonal STBC to STBC-CPM can be viewed as a generalization of the study by Silvester et al., because orthogonal STBC can be thought of as a special case of non-orthogonal STBC. Also, the adaptation of Q-GOTC to CPM can be viewed as a generalization of our previous letter, because linear modulation scheme can be thought of as a special case of non-linear modulation.
