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  • Plasma-Parameter-Extraction for Minimizing Contamination and Damage in RIE Processes

    Takeo YAMASHITA  Satoshi HASAKA  Iwao NATORI  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E75-C No:7

    The two most important parameters in reactive ion etching process, ion bombardment energy and flux, were extracted through a simple RF waveform measurement at the excitation electrode in a conventional cathode-coupled plasma RIE system. By using the extracted plasma parameters, damage and contamination in Si substrates induced by reactive ion etching in a SiCl4 plasma were investigated. A very convenient map representation of ion energy and ion flux was introduced in understanding the etching process occurring in the RIE system.

  • Design of Three-Dimensional Digital Filters for Video Signal Processing via Decomposition of Magnitude Specifications

    Masayuki KAWAMATA  Takehiko KAGOSHIMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Design and Implementation of Multidimensional Digital Filters

    E75-A No:7

    This paper proposes an efficient design method of three-dimensional (3-D) recursive digital filters for video signal processing via decomposition of magnitude specifications. A given magnitude specification of a 3-D digital filter is decomposed into specifications of 1-D digital filters with three different (horizontal, vertical, and temporal) directions. This decomposition can reduce design problems of 3-D digital filters to design problems of 1-D digital filters, which can be designed with ease by conventional methods. Consequently, design of 3-D digital filters can be efficiently performed without complicated tests for stability and large amount of computations. In order to process video signal in real time, the 1-D digital filters with temporal direction must be causal, which is not the case in horizontal and vertical directions. Since the proposed method can approximate negative magnitude specifications obtained by the decomposition with causal 1-D R filters, the 1-D digital filters with temporal direction can be causal. Therefore the 3-D digital filters designed by the proposed method is suitable for real time video signal processing. The designed 3-D digital filters have a parallel separable structure having high parallelism, regularity and modularity, and thus is suitable for high-speed VLSI implementation.

  • Subband Image Coding with Biorthogonal Wavelets

    Cha Keon CHEONG  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  Takahiro SAITO  Mitsutoshi HATORI  

    PAPER-Image Coding and Compression

    E75-A No:7

    In this paper, subband image coding with symmetric biorthogonal wavelet filters is studied. In order to implement the symmetric biorthogonal wavelet basis, we use the Laplacian Pyramid Model (LPM) and the trigonometric polynomial solution method. These symmetric biorthogonal wavelet basis are used to form filters in each subband. Also coefficients of the filter are optimized with respect to the coding efficiency. From this optimization, we show that the values of a in the LPM generating kernel have the best coding efficiency in the range of 0.7 to 0.75. We also present an optimal bit allocation method based on considerations of the reconstruction filter characteristics. The step size of each subband uniform quantizer is determined by using this bit allocation method. The coding efficiency of the symmetric biorthogonal wavelet filter is compared with those of other filters: QMF, SSKF and Orthonormal wavelet filter. Simulation results demonstrate that the symmetric biorthogonal wavelet filter is useful as a basic means for image analysis/synthesis filters and can give better coding efficiency than other filters.

  • Design of Circularly Symmetric Two-Dimensional R Lowpass Digital Filters With Constant Group Delay Using McClellan Transformations

    Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA  Russell M. MERSEREAU  

    PAPER-Design and Implementation of Multidimensional Digital Filters

    E75-A No:7

    We present a successful method for designing 2-D circularly symmetric R lowpass filters with constant group delay. The procedure is based on a transformation of a 1-D prototype R filter with constant group delay, whose magnitude response is the 2-D cross-sectional response. The 2-D filter transfer function has a separable denominator and a numerator which is obtained from the prototype numerator by means of a series of McClellan transformations whose free parameters can be optimized by successive procedure. The method is illustrated by an example.

  • Intelligent Network Service Operation Architecture

    Hiroshi TOKUNAGA  Yukuo KIRIHARA  


    E75-B No:7

    The establishment of an intelligent network service operation architecture is important for facilitating development and integration of service operation systems. To do this, the basic concepts and goals of service operation items must first be clarified. Then, the necessary procedures as well as the required data on the behaviors of customers, operators and operation systems must be described. These various points are discussed based on an operation study methodology.

  • Timing Driven Placement Based on Fuzzy Theory

    Ze Cang GU  Shoichiro YAMADA  Shojiro YONEDA  


    E75-A No:7

    A new timing driven placement method based on the fuzzy theory is proposed. In this method, the longest path delay, the chip area and the wire length can be simultaneously minimized. Introducing the probability measures of fuzzy events, falling down into the optimal solutions can be avoided.

  • An SVQ-HMM Training Method Using Simultaneous Generative Histogram

    Yasuhisa HAYASHI  Satoshi KONDO  Nobuyuki TAKASU  Akio OGIHARA  Shojiro YONEDA  


    E75-A No:7

    This study proposes a new training method for hidden Markov model with separate vector quantization (SVQ-HMM) in speech recognition. The proposed method uses the correlation of two different kinds of features: cepstrum and delta-cepstrum. The correlation is used to decrease the number of reestimation for two features thus the total computation time for training models decreases. The proposed method is applied to Japanese language isolated dgit recognition.

  • On Quality Improvement of Reconstructed Images in Diffraction Tomography

    Haruyuki HARADA  Mitsuru TANAKA  Takashi TAKENAKA  


    E75-A No:7

    This letter discusses the quality improvement of reconstructed images in diffraction tomography. An efficient iterative procedure based on the modified Newton-Kantorovich method and the Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm is presented. The simulated results demonstrate the property of high-quality reconstruction even for cases where the first-order Born approximation fails.

  • The Segregation and Removal of Metallic Impurities at the Interface of Silicon Wafer Surface and Liquid Chemicals

    Takashi IMAOKA  Takehiko KEZUKA  Jun TAKANO  Isamu SUGIYAMA  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E75-C No:7

    It is crucial to make Si wafer surfaces ultraclean in order to realize such advanced processes as the low-temperature process and the high-selectivity in the ULSI production. The ultra clean wafer surface must be perfectly free from particles, organic materials, metallic impurities, native oxide, surface microroughness, and adsorbed molecule impurities. Since the metallic contamination on the wafer surface, which is one of the major contaminants to be overcome in order to come up with the ultra clean wafer surface, has the fatal effect on the device characteristics, the metallic impurities in the wafer surface must be suppressed at least below 1010 atoms/cm2. Meanwhile the current dry processes such as reactive ion etching or ion implantation, suffer the metallic contamination of 10121013 atoms/cm2. The wet process becomes increasingly important to remove the metallic impurities introduced in the dry process. Employing a new evaluation method, the metallic impurity segregations at the inrerface between the Si and liquid employed in the wet cleaning process of the Si surface such as ultrapure water and various clemicals were studied. This article clearly indicate that it is important to suppress the metallic impurities, such as Cu, which can exchange electrons with Si to be segregated, at least below the 10 ppt level in ultrapure water and liquid chemical such as HF, H2O2, which are employed in the final step of the wet cleaning. When the ultrapure water rinsing is performed in the ambience containing oxygen, the native oxide grows accompanying an inclusion of metals featuring lower electron negativity than Si. It is revealed that, in order to provent the metallic impurity precipitation, it is require not only to remove metallic impurities from ultrapure water but also to keep the cleaning ambience without oxygen, such as the nitrogen ambience, so as to suppress the native oxide formation.

  • Relationships between PAC-Learning Algorithms and Weak Occam Algorithms

    Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  


    E75-D No:4

    In the approximate learning model introduced by Valiant, it has been shown by Blumer et al. that an Occam algorithm is immediately a PAC-learning algorithm. An Occam algorithm is a polynomial time algorithm that produces, for any sequence of examples, a simple hypothesis consistent with the examples. So an Occam algorithm is thought of as a procedure that compresses information in the examples. Weakening the compressing ability of Occam algorithms, a notion of weak Occam algorithms is introduced and the relationship between weak Occam algorithms and PAC-learning algorithms is investigated. It is shown that although a weak Occam algorithm is immediately a (probably) consistent PAC-learning algorithm, the converse does not hold. On the other hand, we show how to construct a weak Occam algorithm from a PAC-learning algorithm under some natural conditions. This result implies the equivalence between the existence of a weak Occam algorithm and that of a PAC-learning algorithm. Since the weak Occam algorithms constructed from PAC-learning algorithms are deterministic, our result improves a result of Board and Pitt's that the existence of a PAC-learning algorithm is equivalent to that of a randomized Occam algorithm.

  • Polynomially Sparse Variations and Reducibility among Prediction Problems

    Naoki ABE  Osamu WATANABE  


    E75-D No:4

    We investigate the relationship between two different notions of reducibility among prediction (learning) problems within the distribution-free learning model of Valiant (PAC learning model). The notions of reducibility we consider are the analogues for prediction problems of the many-one reducibility and of the Turing reducibility. The former is the notion of prediction preserving reducibility developed by Pitt and Warmuth, and its generalization. Concerning these two notions of reducibility, we show that there exist a pair of prediction problems A and B, whose membership problems are polynomial time solvable, such that A is reducible to B with respect to the Turing reducibility, but not with respect to the prediction preserving reducibility. We show this result by making use of the notion of a class of polynomially sparse variants of a concept representation class. We first show that any class A of polynomially sparse variants of another class B is reducible to B with respect to the Turing reducibility'. We then prove the existence of a prediction problem R and a class R of polynomially sparse variants of R, such that R does not reduce to R with respect to the prediction preserving reducibility.

  • Runlength-Limited Codes which Turn Peak-Shift Errors into Unidirectional Byte Errors

    Yuichi SAITOH  Hideki IMAI  


    E75-A No:7

    In this letter, we consider a magnetic or optical recording system employing a concatenated code that consists of a runlength-limited (d, k) block code as an inner code and a byte-error-correcting code as an outer code. (d, k) means that any two consecutive ones in the code bit stream are separated by at least d zeros and by at most k zeros. The minimum separation d and the maximum separation k are imposed in order to reduce intersymbol interference and extract clock control from the received bit stream, respectively. This letter recommends to use as the outer code a unidirectional-byte-error-correcting code instead of an ordinary byte-error-correcting code. If we devise the mapping of the code symbols of the outer code onto the codewords of the inner code, we may improve the error performance. Examples of the mappings are described.

  • On the Role of Equivalence Queries in Learning via Queries

    Seiichi TANI  


    E75-D No:4

    We consider the role of equivalence queries in learning unknown concepts using membership and equivalence queries. Equivalence queries have the following two roles: (R1) indicating whether a learning algorithm has succeeded to learn the unknown concept and (R2) providing counterexamples. In this paper, we consider the learning using membership and equivalence queries but using only the (R2) part of equivalence queries. In order to gain an insight into the learning membership and equivalence queries but using only the (R2) part of equivalence queries, we define equivalence-detecting problem". Let C be a representation class which is polynomial time learnable using membership and equivalence queries. We show that if the equivalence-detecting problem for C is polynomial time solvable then C is polynomial time learnable using membership and equivalence queries without using (R1). Moreover, we show that under certain conditions, the two notions, polynomial time solvability of equivalence-detecting problem" and polynomial time learnability using membership and equivalence queries without using (R1)", are equivalent. For concrete examples, we prove that dfas are polynomial time learnable using membership and equivalence queries without using (R1) in the learning situation where the algorithm is informed the number of states of the minimum states dfa accepting the target set in advance. On the other hand, we show that the equivalence-detecting problem for dfas are not solvable in the learning situation where the algorithm can use no additional information. This result together with our main result shows that, in this learning situation, the (R1) part of equivalence queries are necessary to learn dfas using membership and equivalence queries.

  • Chemical Structures of Native Oxides Formed during Wet Chemical Treatments of Silicon Surfaces

    Hiroki OGAWA  Takeo HATTORI  


    E75-C No:7

    Chemical structures of native oxides formed during wet chemical treatments of silicon surfaces were investigated using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transformed Infrared. Attenuated Total Reflection (FT-IR-ATR). It was found that the amounts of Si-H bonds in native oxide and at native oxide/ silicon interface are negligibly small in the case of native oxides formed in H2SO4-H2O2 solution. Based on this discovery, it was found that native oxides can be characterized by the amount of Si-H bonds in the native oxide and the combination of various wet chemical treatments with the treatment in NH4OH-H2O2-H2O solution results in the drastic decrease in the amount of Si-H bonds in the native oxides.

  • Containment Problems for Pattern Languages

    Yasuhito MUKOUCHI  


    E75-D No:4

    A pattern is a finite string of constant symbols and variable symbols. The language of a pattern is the set of all strings obtained by substituting any nonnull constant string for each variable symbol in the pattern. The class of pattern languages was introduced by Angluin in 1979 as a concrete class which is inferable from positive data. In this paper, we consider the decision problem whether for given two patterns there is a containment relation between their languages, which was posed by Angluin and its decidability remains open. We give some sufficient conditions to make this problem decidable. We also introduce the notions of generalizations and minimal generalizations common to a set of patterns. We characterize the above open problem using the minimal generalization.

  • Reaction of H-Terminated Si(100) Surfaces with Oxidizer in the Heating and Cooling Process

    Norikuni YABUMOTO  Yukio KOMINE  


    E75-C No:7

    Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) is applied to analyze the oxidation reactions of hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces in both the heating and cooling processes after hydrogen desorption. The oxidation reaction of oxygen and water with a silicon surface after hydrogen desorption shows hysteresis in the heating and cooling processes. In the cooling process, oxidation finishes when the silicon surface is adequately oxidized to about a 10 thickness. Oxidation continues to occur at lower temperatures when the total volume of oxygen and water is too small to saturate the bare silicon surface. The reaction of water with silicon releases hydrogen at more than 500. Hydrogen does not adsorb on the silicon oxide surface. A trace amount of oxygen, less than 110-6 Torr, roughens the surface.

  • Polynomial Time Inference of Unions of Two Tree Pattern Languages

    Hiroki ARIMURA  Takeshi SHINOHARA  Setsuko OTSUKI  


    E75-D No:4

    In this paper, we consider the polynomial time inferability from positive data for unions of two tree pattern languages. A tree pattern is a structured pattern known as a term in logic programming, and a tree pattern language is the set of all ground instances of a tree pattern. We present a polynomial time algorithm to find a minimal union of two tree pattern languages containing given examples. Our algorithm can be considered as a natural extension of Plotkin's least generalization algorithm, which finds a minimal single tree pattern language. By using this algorithm, we can realize a consistent and conservative polynomial time inference machine that identifies unions of two tree pattern languages from positive data in the limit.

  • Generalized Interpolatory Approximation of Multi-Dimensional Signals Having the Minimum Measure of Error

    Takuro KIDA  Hiroshi MOCHIZUKI  

    PAPER-Multidimensional Signals, Systems and Filters

    E75-A No:7

    Extended form of interpolatory approximation is presented for tne n-dimensional (n-D) signals whose generalized spectrums have weighted norms smaller than a given positive number. The presented approximation has the minimum measure of approximation error among all the linear and the nonlinear approximations using the same generalized sample values.

  • Initial Stage of SiO2/Si Interface Formation on Si(111) Surface

    Hiroshi NOHIRA  Yoshinari TAMURA  Hiroki OGAWA  Takeo HATTORI  


    E75-C No:7

    The initial stages of SiO2/Si interface formation on a Si(111) surface were investigated at 300 in dry oxygen with a pressure of 133 Pa. It was found that the SiO2/Si interfacial transition layer is formed in three steps characterized by three different oxidation rates.

  • Reduced-Size Double Crosstie Slow-Wave Transmission Lines for MMICs

    Hideki KAMITSUNA  Hiroyo OGAWA  


    E75-C No:6

    This paper proposes three configurations of slow-wave transmission lines for MMICs, i.e., double crosstie slow-wave transmission line (DCT-SLW), meander-like DCT-SLW and lumped DCT-SLW. The DCT-SLW is based on periodic structures and triplate structures. The meander-like DCT-SLW realizes a drastic size reduction in the DCT-SLW using a meander configuration of inductive and capacitive transmission lines. The multilayer spiral inductors are introduced to obtain high impedance characteristics of the meander section. The lumped DCT-SLW achieves a large slow-wave factor of 30. These proposed structures are analytically and experimentally investigated, and excellent performance is obtained. It is also shown that the proposed DCT-SLWs are superior to thin film microstrip (TFMS) lines with the same insertion phase, as regards size.
